HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-25, Page 7••••'` ,.......,_,...,%. it ;Ott, :tite,•44110„rovtme.i., lit.94.ttg: ' .. '.eheets., towel's: 444.. 141.11e,, 0904,, :444 . • . 04;e4. 414e3.4.. tinder the . 33.443334" :01.44. , 3Y13110 troaing•th0.4.34.411,ert4333g.,0, -T1334,' 34 4,...gte4tylleTP, 444 :434 •14.;*er .431.19.1e4. i'v.3.11..lie):34fot .,44 4r.4,04t1i. as, jr.:the,Y ,1144. '„,,hear3 irote4...:4.0p4r4te1y.,• • . , . :.. i. • .. • ...43.1333e141" 4111ci wool S, 314.44.6,0;, 414.0414/ pot .0(0414 •!..14teet. -Witli: -e.X "TreMP•:71i-e704:;: nee-P.41r :tet44 soapy'' *Ate.; 4441.4.144.0w4;73# .0,.' '.- ,' ... • ' -13.,414Y.4.tef ,14 .144 tor:. Nir4a13..i.ag -;.....-.4:-.4, .o•ptIle1?At..it".-'114.3.7d,.•*4ter.' .h.44, tgo•-ile: : , '.eSed• ..e. little botax will ace'''Trili1t . ... . . . , • The • ,clotlies.' hoiler . ,43iiat )).O, ther-' . .. . .eughly-pleans.ed-and dried before : It op g !p.I.,111 ..11pOperg, '1'N. .t.4.149aPP.igil.' •it ' .0.1W4,}744y" a little 43:4;osiaia; , or . , lt,,X..teaapoon,- :0*e1; ...Y.,4: .outs 'c:o.'44,, lemon ,jaiee, to...remove Pie .;3444: from ,_ __.. - , , .., • • ..rioi.s.h IN.,811ilit i.n8,.ts, • - , ..' , .i,tiiliooi...*otpz1:1,,y4,Ue.,.tiieeld. water'., -4,14..:,437!.. P-Otolitoe, .41,g1;;S. a'ad....:datea, and -let 4114 Iii...•:. via.o4nir.ter'...049., hoitt$13tiji; ,:, • " . :... ,..g-t041.0,no,iyia.ri.poacto .,. • i nhaib :4124 .,' 64 i.4. ")444-1.04 '0404. .. WM-et' tei.'wbieu ..PPthtees have been (I: .;..til.tIxat:14iNtOrp;'*.ith. n11 ;,t.b.e ' re ''co.ofce4'.1.§,.,e;reeneat or taaiO,v3i4 le4 4301,4i...14gre4lePt4 'e4e0P.tthe nittee-.01f*.geffee •.'etetil4 frMIC-line4. .., 4. :r''',•'.'. 6.IS: 61eW1y-,... etrtiag,-jor.: INP!,liohre.:.• • gnick boiling is ,Aesential,fer-..;e4k: 'la., POP' fl'll'•:64.9k. 04. ';T410.11..t414i*..‘ 0444411, 1110.4341440,.. -.or , 344"( 14410.4g. Tait .iato::atetilieed ),eilY "gle:§4es' t 0 '0'''''ever allow the fruit to.simnier.'IOOP ... • „ - • . . . ., hen Pip Whole thing Is • celd,, This: PPe ete4Ming.- and , the O,econd one ..ctetyrt.4.4..r.olftil31.,elti011:713..11:::5,a4.k"....:'..t..m.,,,.0.,.,.0..ato it •oh 4 quidic boil all thelime. - This' ' .Patallitte-4,6Pe :ea. leoPh 4thes jelly is. potted. ,' '' • - 1- "' '' . • , .., •enaureo.-ti.,,gtiociToet-Wheiir..-th, p-preeette _ .. , . ., aXeS a Merepesitii're seal., '... • ' .' ALAD DAYS. . ' ! • •-r..-.-:tre-00•;• • :A • • • " • !koEtif.114 ,FP13,SPFIN • r4emopfi. are 1400 for t9nt4. tUe. eYetent. and ":01Pn4•IelY .tit 0Y .4re, Plea, •'tit:0 444 .el41?, et tide, Seeeen 'of- pie lOre: 4re. thtee ititeye,athig, , • ". • • :•Lemon weld:nape. • • *tit' the.:orated rind and tho:iitliahn7. ed ittlee.-Of• len:1944 44,•!seauee-- ,pa,n, With. a. deseettspoott-: ;.ap:Oat• Mid • k. Witter...13thig: to the '1).011; . tabieigioontute ..,.crenni• with ''cOld•' milk and, pour the . , :lethou W.ater pa, to t Stir ••. coOlt gentlY • f er40 .mtniitea• .:4,ogyo t,9 get/a little ceel, then stlt .14' •:. beaten...Vika of g ' Cook ;for 4 .few...,,ntinuteS,' then, turn :latb ''.4• dish, previotialy rineed. out 'With obl.dater• •4. Beat the Whitea, Of' the :ekes to 4 • atiff .fretit: with 2:1,0,blespbotle Atker,o, a few dtelia.1114, heap 'thoe.,:mix- titre: on•top.. of the pudding. intdi bake oven till delicately :brown, ,It • e,aii he 'eaten hot. or cold: . , • . Penton Castles Weiiii,.2.•eggs and meashre.the sante iitAtTof flotWitifter kl•Stigar:!BUt •'•,.' the .butter :into 4 "liaTiliand' 'beat it ▪ 'with a Wooden speohnntitlt.-le 'quite: add:the sugar.,and like' Whipped 'Cream.. •• Beat the es tili frothy,' then add. them ,graduallY to. the ' butter, • etc:. • '. • • • • Mix teaspoen lialcingliewder and. • the' grated rind •of a, lenien/With the• • and:Stir' lath the, 'egg' miXter,e, • Add „the, strained :juice •of. the ;lemon and 2.teh1esPoona and.mlOvell.: .••• B.utt,ti; Some „Mpuldacor, small cups:. and .'• half the,Mixture. Cover with tii, of water—do net ..let .•• the water conte ..Morethah ,half -way• Turn out and pear ',roped a jam s epee, Mixtnre :elk) very geed. lt put:into .a pie dish :and, baked er- 400r.. . seeded 4Ied. eliPPP,e4 rgeinet PPO.X14, 401104,444. c49RPed.... 4,4te4.,. 4 P4P4 Vine' gar 404 gP:r. tab1.4- ;.sil e4 :Pe Ad o ,71 'PO of st .W to Ia .o tO 13 .8 . • Sefdent has such attentien been Paid health experts . to the wohdeithl tid qualities .of vegetables. No house-. tfe-calk,„ gather: togetbantifilcientlY ge, list of nfresh salads. • Aftet.' hanges. of,,•vegetables• go a long waY• wards . making, happy: „Meets., .aild ealthy eaters. • Here,a,re' a few einiple, alads Which Wili be apprechtted:., ' , beeked Vegetable Salad ' Cooked turnip "carrot'. beetroot po- tatoes, , haricot beans, raw- celery, -creasektOmatoesi-bard-bolled egg-ICe.t. • ingtedighte into heat shapes and'at- range.. in:layers in salad bowl, Decer- ate., salad : „with cholopect• wltite and Tsteyed, Yolk ot egg: ' Russian . • Cooked potatoes; catiret;:turnip; bet-' rept,green pea a (canned or frolt);', te. inatties. Slice ingredients, and arrange krOups.. in„ealad: lsowl. :Add_ green Pea . • • • %. Wash 3' lemons, .peel'ille :,fte , _ qhfnlYas possible and put into a --Ing, „•:" with sugar. ' 'Petit .over -liOi1ingathr.:19and,; leave to standfor an boat. :Take, Out the. peel 'Alia,. stir. ".1.o :2" eggs, .Welll'beateti;a:liare pi, • gelatine.' (previously, dlesOlved tablespoons Itot; water): and the stiain- ,edjuice;of„theleitiOnS, •Stand the jug ,•,.14' a Pah of boiling water and eeok, gently tql, the :Mixture 'thleketia, '.Put into a mould and turif•out 'Wheil et ,USE RHUBARBFOR JAM •• •••ANOCONSERVE ..T.;c0ii.b*r .16 the. Wateharterd.for most --hous.eWive5 these days and every trick• Airbiat makes it posSible ,to. "put jam Onbreadandthitter, is 'eagerly 4iticlied: . • . , • . itlett 'thinieenakets: • • • ;Use rhti4tb-46..iiierease :the quan- tity:Of jams and CanseOes )*ring the ehality. • Stratigeraa.lt may `keein,.thie cenntion garden Plant with chameterisite tartness ha 'the • 'culiarproperty9f increashig the .1)01k ot. junta and ephservesInade.cigdeilci atisly..114Voted 'fthite Witt -rent • 'IY e1afliug thefineet.',. • • ,Strawb,erry and: Rintbarb, Jam . •:One pound rittibatb,',3 Paunai.straW: • • --'-'..iiel-ries.;-.2,-Peeeda granulated sugar • • • Wash 'and:skin rhubarb:: Was and - , , • . • . • . . •_hull berried., .put rhubarb throttgh.the tood,--ehoppet, catching • the *ice .that • dtip,s froth the 'crank. case. : COMbiee ..•.rlittharb; juiee and:sughty Add berries !end let .stand • uptilittgar, Is ;Stir frequentlyte.preven s Cleihgand• to crush the fruit. Copli..unilla spoon- oti ..a.'eeld:plete;thickene like, glasses and 'covet Wifii potato Balnd .".. Cold' potittee5,,-, chopped onioii, .,tea- sPoonful; ChoPPed liersleY... Cut pota- toe4 jilt° cubes...one: inch thick; . add chopped.cinon and parsley and eget •with' dressing. ' . •',SumnerSaIad.. root,, tomatoes, spring ,oitiohs, radish,' :es': Line saledboWl•With'lettitee: Pre pare all: salad and 'mit ii•spettoui:jAr; lenge,' In gienps. A little, grated': car-. rot on top 1i.imOyemezit. Pala • •• • ' Quaint Model BY HELEN WILIAAMS-, Illustrated Dres87n4ing Lesson Fur- nished'With, Evevx Pattern- --e ,Hard-holled e.ggs, lettnce, watercress, spring., onions;.:., A 'feW.: Scirdinee,: skin- ner 4.0 benect..z...Actlye 'eggs ahd. coat' With dreashig: Ariange greens round 'salad bowl, with sardr.ei • skill- ri•ed and .boned; Place. eggs':ofl to • • II:fere:is th-T-fecipe 'of-a--goed Mayon- naise Sluice to serve with the Salads: ' 1. yolk of .egg,. glit Salad elk, tea-. •Spoonful trinetord; i•tablespbor 'cream, 24, teaspoonful of caster Shgat,-1,table-.; spOonfel -: 'tarragon. vinegar,'•• ,table4 sPoOrifaCvinegar, salt.,-und. pepper.. Iix the dry, ingredients -'Mid .y1k ot .egg. WriteteIa...gradtiallY . the ,salad oil and vlae.gar,' g the .last;.'7-yery gradealiy,-•; ' Watee Betties,' ; • • , Frequently •hot-water bottles -whibli are pit away for the:sumnter -plonths. are ..discoVered, whenthey; are. taken, o'it of ,,store,•'again;,' to be..hard.-Or to have perlshed This :is :ofteit..ttn.e•11.9 •the fact that they Were,,net stored With rtibbet,:hot... water:., hottles.::' are put ',away.. they Should ,be ';'treated with.. Weak :Soda Water: Pill the bottle with .•the 491117 , thin. and.shake 'it.. Weil:" Then ,eMpty. ,and 4ip. the...whole bottle.' into ,the soda ‘water.FLnaIlY dry ,it thoroughly be , fore,arrapping and stering- or -the -sum - Met. After ..this .treatment. the :hot, witer:„ bottles ,may be left.for.:, .....r inonthe.,Without: fear of :perishing or hardening, 'r• , „ ...StreWbeerY..arici Rinkberb',C.ontereoe ,1 w 0 euPs finely' clibPliedri'linbarb; - „ . • 'cups shredded ineipple 4 tut* •liall- ,•5k1 ,straMbeetries,.:0 Cup's,. sugar, ,.,1/2 OnO, blenched, and: ehtedded. almbirds,: ' 06:01i;,.pfkieapplii in its :;•oWn• juice :Ter • • ten rribitite5.. Add ,atreWberilee•Ctitit entail• plecei afid Pretiared,ritttharle ;Bring to the, boiling' Point .ahd.,:iift lit, ' PteVent'atiele! eotik, ten culuntes.;lottgef,:-.-- turn ,;littcr lized • with pareflin. •' • • '•, -I • p,e-• klitibarb Relish- •1".: • • • , , ••. , • • pee ude: th abaft, Leund .1-11:ntd • „ • • • — . Te,renioVe d:resaing front ne*i,viiite. articles Soak them overnight. in, 4 bath Of 'cold Water to 'Whleh a luthdfill ;et table nalt• has been added,' . Linen dries .ticeife, juickly, than cot - to p and slid:flit/het bestardirett •:Starched cloiliee.datened With warm ,water.•may be ironedtho,pame.day... watet. Ayhtc.,11 rice bas 'been.boilod ‘.kesr,Larteemeellentestarch4tot,cottens„, nu5Iine and hice . ttl o 6 -,4-11p 2,statelt when ,,m.liciii.g„i11pee vent.- the Iron frpniStieklug.' ': • -the titek of itan keg neat- , .. 254' • •1' A versatile 'little,. model • is teday's SunclAy Scho61 - Lesson , l..—MAY 2. g'4:6$, ,A00'111S, Nark, ,•14P1, '34; ,". • Yo re m, ft:length Ye". AO t.hiriE14 ‘,41t;10'iL P9M nWt! Y04.;-,./ohn IOC:14.• . • THE PLAN' OF TH44E040141, . SUBJECT:, Being. a Frend of esue. Warns His, Friends,. 13: II-,Jes.114.4710,tted:;A'gajneti,, Maik '14 , ••• • • e 111 Jesus 'AnnPinted bY ,1 Jesus Wars :'Fiencleo • lieric, , • • 13:, totiVen from the teMPle IV his; •fees, never te: enter ,it. again, . Out Loyd deyoted himself . during these thet few drve.to bie-Ifttle, band leving friends. Qur: lesson - ahews hint faith:ft:11Y Viaviindithem of ',the trials that were to 'ome *upon ,thern, solemnly, pointing thith to the end of all things; and gratefully receiving thejr trihntee of affection- I the background .we :see the,, dark mensee, of his foes,,Plottitig his 'death: ' he-vieW-ofIline;-f-dture-;Which--OltiliV 171Pid Banquet ...';11..e.centlY a i(ery'ihtereeting, ,geriet-• in to,01;„ -plaCSO4t-:Vnio"hViileo:49Atrr 'SOPA' etlecesSfal :.b4M1het and •!at, .,ents*,!.glit..14/ 44.1104 by the 1st TJtQn- vnIkTl'oqp:: .• • '*„ . — . Pilp.,rgreep :wi.4..orgtie#gd the.:fe- lt.oe'the 4etiiritte4 of 4 f.r.Pne Po.44,3- Pnitol, u 'tliat tOirn, vi.htch. &vied its existence -to; the ihterest in'Seeuting "ot .'••pattol Leader ,;Tobn Young. and „Tropp Leadet.',.•DeabiStoe.. • •'A featitre-.4 the' gathering Waii:,the' 'fact thate:yeri cOut ,enct'Ciib r pre popt bad bk914g)it. a. Ias one Pleieber. ef. et 'before his' disciple's those, plea- ing hours With them dealt ' With; their they Would, 'be tempted: bY;f4.1se teachers t .Stisity from the ,trite...edi*--se; they , Wo;.41a. be isrought.to .tria*befOre:liarskt ":judges:, they Would, have .Oppottunity.:to tify of him? beforethe great .ot° the WOrld;',' qhey 'erenldhe . delivered 'up: to' de.ath ti10.5e. 'ne4r,esf .e4.id[clearedt. hiareinony,;-'0,114, ih 'Tony . cases 'both. 4C Parenth' we,re Preeent. • ' • Durih:g the .eyehingthe Troop Chap, lain was f orb:Lally. invested as a Scout lahd' Preeented With a. Scant Pin,' after. which - he ,dedicated, .the new Troop Flags, • * AssistantPi-ovincial Commissioner _ . Irwin, was the gdest speaker, and, he cetigtatulated the TrooP on their -Very 'fine. 'aPpeara.n,ce and wok • and as 'soon as you icen,•if y.ott intend to bi„ Complimented them:on the splendid in- present:. There some.work te; terest which their 'adult friends In db but 'there will also be 'IOUot ful‘ effinverill--h-e-irc-erhargc- era ofwaste •Itiml•riley Pht4i4 4, kOft1).1 , 0g theee Paulig. treeeIree. Of Oharg,e; Ori sloanly.' "finiAltilg... to 04 Verestil 'W parttment. , '-: ,. • • , .. . . . 'ft* Y,eaillie: en.oip le to 1104 ,if.r_or. 'SattirdaY; 3/44Y 24:104 . te--Wearad.0o,',' May 440, „inclusive, •Ar.renger4ePtie : ,Were, made at short netIce, :se• thereir , Wae• not ''. time td ihfOrm :th4 .1Tiene . SPePtS- PrIOr . to .this, , ;.' :Iii“.pasyear? ,. ,quite.,4 nunibei ek 4 t.. 11,onies.b..,a‘ve 4.ttended this ceinp,',441 . If ihete are, any whe, would, like, toratr - tend, thia: year; they, yy,in be 'weloonts ., and ahotild, pply et one ‘ t 'tom•( flo. SCout Headquarters,:. when. -full atticil '4 lers-will.be sent; - ' - ' ' I There' 15 not' charge. ine-eonnettion with this . catap, ., mid Scouts, 410.P1• ,-tioxit9:..nd4roin Alig:us: .. , . :belie :to; provide their own Iranspor .C,btamisSioher., john. Fainith et wil‘.• ' .. ...be at the Camp. and Will be h40,PY tai , . leek. after:any behtes, who at400;: bu ' '• don.'t.7, forget to let HeadquetterelchO . 4 tion. ' • of Scenter Art PachiPli, Sceut`Commissioner john,Pur- The ScOut Matto in Other Languages rabiger was also .Preseht, and told the Scouts of. other 14nde ,say `-file'Pre, • gathering that was .proud of ,the pared” 'thus:: "Plegatitel .” btry; who- had Organized 111101. fine Anstria_ and gerinithy, "Seibere1re • troOP 4: small handful' of Lone ,Beigiuni, "Teujours ptee; Scouts. • ' listo"; Denmark and/ NorwaYi A ' A • - ,A Ferestry, Camp:: seteetrl:Finlan4 and' FOr-soliie.year5 pa4t.the:FOtestry rance,.p t..pre „,.. o . .144(4, .r.?Weekt".;• „Iceland,' "Vertu Yid •outu";•,Lutvik pNoi :`Czuwai1;•....POrtugal;':.1;Sehapre,::allette.o:•l•• , •Canadian Scout :Kabul • • Kabul Afghanietah,'haa:beehredd , . • ,to the Wide evetSeaa, „Mailing:111st the Canadian Soutiiig Monthly, '711. ,Scout Leadet." The' .request Cain frOnt.,:Moheinthad yekub.;, a(ther,„Kibu .'MiniStry'l':ofiEcluotitiOti,-;.:• • • -• 4)3 t13' therll.; and, -the Y endured faith7 DePar:trilOt of thc! Ontario Prtwincial fully -to the end they would receyve tb.) reward of eternal salvation. • • He set no date for-all.these events. •He declared that -,no:Inati knew -their • tittle, hot:The angels', nor even him- self? , but •only. his. Fathet, •s'olernplir asserted the truth of: his prophecy.. IleaVere and ,:earth 'should pass awar'7, burhis weird:SW-, .Government has organized a camp .for Soy' Scouts weer the ,weekend,nearest to' the -24t11. of May,. at Angue, which 14 One of•the centres of the, be- pa.rtment's activities, , • . Isn't • chafiiiit47 so youth- fi11y: smart' and easy :to: wear: .• , : can be d:with a tied'. cellar or •a boyish flat. shaped Cellar: as in the Millie re :vie*. • The pattern also preeCides fer a easing with. elastic inserted at...the waistline or with, ar. 'flat hip •yoke..•.• - • '••• . ' • • : Plain and printed silks*,:of • va Oohs , , types are; lovely for thiS•model•::, 'White crinkly crepe made the,: 03'4- .1114 *oder., •' • . Plaidedtaffeta Is a cute idea. Style No 2540 i5:'deSigtied for :sizes 14,16,12, 18, 26 ,yeato, 36, 38., ,arid 41! Size. requireeI':14 ards. 35 -inch• With yora 35 inch contiasting, 1•101kr-tici '0*D l't:,PATII,EBNS.. Write.your tame ..ancil addresi 'giving ,itember, and Size of SCA 'patterns. as you. Want. Enclose 1.5c in statnps orcoin (coin Prefetted,;Writp .. it -carefully) for .eacki: number; and address °pint Ord-ief. to .Wilson. Pattern:. • Sereic'e,: 73 West Adelaide SL Totorith. 'and. Pray." ' .33. . Aheedless jife cannot be a."ChtiStian. -,ghtistian is ' full Of ,it is a sclemn joy;-. felt .116,sees •clearly the • ye:St; 'eternal ,issees at !.stalre;in. this Iife:: He Would. as Soon.' dance•care ' Thisamp is held With the objectiie of interesting Seolt5 in•teforestration; ..work 'in . this .proyinee, atcl t?•eticour, age,theito:be-iiitotettetwaAreee-,ai54. .to , boast tree : 'prairting ,,.waste ground4The boys help to plant'a mem- ber of trees,. whilst at the:camp, in What is knewn as, tlie "Bey -Scout For, esti", which has no* rni y thciusende . of young trees/ growing sturdily, some of which are attaining appreciable lesslY Do-the:1)04k of 4-:.:PreMpteeLas_ rgo, flauntingly' . a1Ong-ih-e'7..rfothway7of- varr1o.4.' earthly :ektatence. ;Thaughttn3.- • nes beeomes 4a • Christian, for -he knows., that ,his liZe liete '.determines 'his' life throlighout. the, mil:Hess years., Watch and: :pray, ,aaO re not to in ;nce ..,to 'be :planted by farmera or 'tern:it either .out.Watehing Or praying, others Who Wish tci nee; them. " 'but' to •keep theni,•Up; as Paul:says, ' .It ie not generally kiiiroih' that own - • • • , ••• • • . Montreal to Celebrate lbOth Biithdir as. City ...m6rirtat-Tife method 44, C'elebrat• . lug Moutreal'er, .bitthday as a, City will be modeet: 0,n, Athe • q.. the 'date on ,Whieh Mcintreal Started, its career' ,as • a": city' ,jti '1333, ,Mayor Unveil ,a, •modest. becnized•plaque :at the. city, hall.' ,special ',meeting of the city • council 'will be held te cetnmemprate the event and rehtetee, the,: 'proceeding5,. into ' the minutes,: • A band.' cepeett:'.. wilt 'be ivefl th, the :evening,/ t. Tliejlaque will eoutain, the names` af • jaequeS• yiger and 'Peter ,•MeGill, first niakOrs of the eitY;. With an an- , , , , • propriate motto. cesses Of the 'mirk, ,frorn the .coilection of 'the seeds; thieugh their .infaticY the nursery, until •• they ' are ' planted ,•olit, Or self to all Parts of ilia pro - BUD ii§1-1Eli "stitt:ok,st:42, otis.d:Ruatice. mittsict.wi-CAN FRotok 6t1NG' kikiNtrtett' ItZickt tr..1 Pooi. tbv.AseciAe.14t t • With . wellAnStilated' . taPk, 30 'pounds 'OE, ice is ,generally allewed..for ,each •eight•gallon'Acan of intik' te be :Cooled. Ail'huinsulafed quire aPptaxithately twice •eeInt,leb: ' ' •the,Ptildenee reeetVe and •:de eattiM,.....dletateStatten ere' „i some „,eir-' cuzustiuices, ii others iltuilen,o6" of highoe. odor May justfit'us, lit apealk tug. eut theegitte;L-• *rice, "in • . . . • alrl,perseverance" ('Eph„ '18). • II. Jesus' ;Plotted Against; Mark 14; We are at the close • el Tuesday of Pasgion. Week. ' The events a Wed- nesday 'are' not recorded, the day: be- ing probably spent. by Christ tirement with his -;,friends in Bethany., The -paesover was the greatest of all he JeWith fea45 'the one Which coin- inemarated the ' eibape of the Hebrew. • • ' • . : ' • • , ,AteYOU,' a. Scout?, , : Tb,e,Boy Scoets Aisoeietion 'Oven( world: • Do you belong td =:There is Plenty .of room in, 'th • movernent for any bOY betw,een 1 -and. 18 years of age, .and if •Yoti.ilv on a farm or in anyplace Wliere•tlier Lone 45.--no-Scont4roCip;•-,iibijnot,lieeetni- Lon'Scout?. •-, °:• . • Ftill particulars* of this branch 'Seeliting sent to, you o 4equest. :Address year letter to "Tit Boy Scout;Association, •Lone Sec' Dept., 330 Bay Streetr, Toronto ,2." Bethany, where:they ,..w.ere, gladly. re-. CeiVed by; the beloved ...aid Martha; with their. brother Laz- arus, Whem •Jesus recently raiied • from, the • .dead. This , house Christ's headquarters during , Pass, . „ dyer 'week,' and, there .he Was &dinar-, StiVelY 'sefe:'fteril enemies. in the liti4e Simon the leper."He, had been leper,: •Itis': thought ,ration freni::gypt,••• When tie death Christ,:had head hint: Same' think angel Passed :over the houses ef tl:k that, be was :Ightthit's.. husband, be Jews, : Protected by ' the . bleed, Of .; th tliat serviCable.'voman• is. men, . slain jainbSiitiakked',ote doorpost; atul ticoned (John 12: as hating charge and • fell -npen,.•and : killed. all of the household' ariartgeinentstif the •the .fitStborti .Of the-Egptiana. The .feast.- • .0ther5 think that he .ws festival Vegan at evening en the husband:, ."'ignroe • believe ., hini ,teenth day of the., nionth Abib. •, or to have been .n, brother of the two the .first ,nrenthof the Jewish sisters and 144,zertia. There 'ewe ,a, Year, Corresponding:. to Our . March- woman; ' John 'Jells t.'s that 'it 'Was 70i-the3r,s.aidi..go`t anring. the least; le'st-haply • there shai be a tuninit the Pe!ivle: • JereSalem was eroWded• 'tithing! the feast, ,and the Crowd •oeet,..' flowed into., the surkohriding country: 8cn1etinieS , 266,666 Inib (Geiltie) were ..tequired. 'xor ::§iankhter .temple,. One; lanib. 'foto:ea-eh 'hoirSeliold. • or. family:, • The..:Ethmani, ,tOok. calre ' that 'there Should' be an ':uhustielly hoavy gliatcLin Jeresalein dating the feigt) tiete Were se, comiteh among the .e*eitable people, Midin, 74itig, .against tbeir-coniVierpl leing,alwaY-s- • sp.,:',i,eaiistAenbiet.ed:by Mary, Mark 14: 3e-9:, •• • , Simon's "Feast. -In order • tO reveal the'inotive.whieh Jed to:betray Jes(ia to the, :-Sciiihedfin, and' relate the immediath ....e'eeitsiortwhich spur- • recl the :.tiaitOr :to'. action-, Math -goes thp ottier:fliGospels) t the •Satutday, _evening of -Pass'oil, Week,',` and of ,40inothing that ,Ifilipened when. otkr Lvd and his4,iicieles; ;Were freattly •donie irein •Perean.. They' W,prit. to /40. We Must :reinernbrthat the • actre attempt of the Jew'ish rulers to cornpa,Ss the •death of :Jesus •started with;heiafsingg Of Lazarus. (John'it 63);: s,o that it would.,,,be ..datigerons aty of' the pethanY-fandlY (to • he' liarned, in this, connection; and John alone,'Weiting'..aftet hefa1lof jeru, • eelem and ptobable after .the 'deaths of .Lazarus and his sieters,, ,could name there in his OeSpel and, give .an account'. of. the restirrectien Miracle, Having. an' alabaster -cruse.' 'Of :ein.t- thent••of pure ' costly' And 4,1,bralce., the -eruse, • The flask had .a long, ',narrow 'teeI easily:broken, j,ked poured it over hs 'head; Such an- • attention to ah tonere& gge S t *druidnot be unc?ini:On; but Mary. 'wen, 'farther; ..atioinV;ng Todt 'tso,' and :wiping, there with, 'heir...lottg treSses:: ' • 1. • '. And they ' inn rn' tilted ',4gainprt ' het.: . • • "We Inust • remeinber. they Were peer' and that " to Teciirnii'de7;m, CU" imptilSiee, niornent, tie n� visible oh- ,leCti a Whole 'Wages ,of aWOrk4. Thg 'nun,' plight 'well Aliont Out Of their 'reckoning fen' a .inornitt. 1,3nt A we' must take care. also not th shail ti.'i.eir.. Tog -take:. • To. weigte,.•in..-the.„pr Re t. .$eriae,'Ot the term pOuld- be mot . . , , .. olVesed" than: Jesus."—Rev. jam PenneY.o.P.P. .. ' ' ....7":''':' - But-Jestia' Said, X./et ;her alone;. whj trouble ye, her?: •,,She . hath •WT,Ought geed • worli orr'ine, . '`.`Mary Was .piir Chasing 'a •joy.:fer ilie7-lonelY ' Jesu end at eternal .scitisfaction .for It self, . that Were WOrth,.-•all the: apik naid. in, Palestine?'. -L -Rev... Frederi,c tynelii.;13,13,.., .. - : .. . . .,.. • , For 3iehave' the poor always wi . . :you.. :. Solite,. have : understood ' this •thean., that .. poverty.,.is',.anecessa condition of some nien'..arid that an ticpectatien of the aliolition.,!Of 'poi( 61.4, is foolish; :but such a. heartl - .. ., . . . interpretation of „Christ's •Sayinge- .„ .. , . 'itself foolish, as well .aa.heartlesa. He was 8,inipii stating a: fae.f..' redardi . Palestine, ---and alt lands at that timer. ' they swarmed , With wretches' in ,ticit most abject poverty; ,as;Be4tern'lan db today.,. But ine, ye llovenet;alwaye A, pathetic, saying, eCheing ,the p Phecies . Of, :his :ewiftlY 4PrO4Chin •death 'Whiehehriat had been, Mel:id during the preceding 'weeiq•••i ; • And • YerilY : I• Say: utito'•:yett:..*.:Tb' , einnhatic, introdttekien •SheWS!Chtlistfi( 'earneSteese in this 'defense .df MaryJ: hdl Whetesbe.ver ,the*, gospel • ::shitli.:,, 'preached thiglibut •the ,whoWorl. "Chriit,:•Said little, *ix:int the eburc he Was let:luting,. thit that-little:She that it ,ara's to be . a ' universal attire He preached' Mil y‘to the' Jews' in •Pa1 ;estine`, 'but. the !Whole:World, was ht uliiniate innita,'.and all. men ' Wei :to be'AtaWa fp ' Calvary. ,That a ,whieb., this; bath.. done .Slinll be sppki ci' 'for a ' Inernotial •.*Of f: her: ,sbul., • A. beantifti1. deed., likef.Mdr.,1,7 is alWay'S-` neeeptable. -t,p' 'Gott,: ii al ,k;f.W8 -recognized by hiiii."-14v.,trect. r .i.elc r. Sliannen, D.D.' 77 - rttide.i2i0,4dtro iAoto`S' ,•:0)%t OTTLt- Like ItirItek`Pr•. .0 • • LiXC.•,-, A ep tOLT ' Tde 44t54 'Lot Of Peciple FOIThat Way: These,Pakt:: , . • -XA 10.$ .44* • 'Iv. ' • , .44.!:,!..„'74-..:;?.• • •ii1,6 IA' • eiZZ Po ti•