HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-25, Page 6"414 , 4 4:••• ei INSTALMENT ONE. Major''.P-titynahr'-dteW-Orr his -gnn boots, buttoned his oyercoat pellet ,...reunst ',his neck,. tock from' a ..shelf Oc4r.X.11.e7door a Marlene. lantern, and eriutiOualy opened :the' Iterit,, ',dOot • his little bungalow :nod:. 'Peered out. The SCP/10 'that' nl‘this... eyes WAS Of the g..Pglish onntriaitle; as .',depieted, on •Xings 'eards earl in 'old, '4•019.ued, tuelOdraina. gYer.Wheisi: was deep drifts: 'Mere. . • powdering • an _inch, . or two • thick. .Snow. hadfellen all over 'tngland. !ot; . the last tour slaYs„, and : up here. on • the `Itirige :of Dartmoor it had 'attain, • Oda, depth of; several feet.' All,nVet ,gogierid lioaaelioldets...Were 'groaning Over Uinst. pips, and tdIntVe :a pliim. her ';:friend Or' evfais 'a ,plumber's hel; very: the mosteeveted of all•.diar- tin&tioii:t ` ' • • , lJp here,...•14ri the tiny village of /Ind,. at all: timed: remote r fte*.‘ the world, and alitthst eSialidetelY:Cut off, the rigors of. Winter* Wertra: very real . . Maier • Burnaby. , however,e *we 4 a • liaidy soul. He Snorted."-twitO,..gruitted once, and. marched resOltitely Out into -the snow'. • . destination' ),Yad.--no.f.;- tar' aWaY., A.,,fe* paces *alOng;'.6 'Winding 'lane; 'then in at A 'gate, and uP, a drive . . 'partially 'Swept 'eleat„.Of snow *to, a• house of .setAi) considerable ,'Size • built ot granite. ...• • . The door was •• 'opened.; by 'neatly. clad .parlormaid. -•The..inajor was di,. - Tested:of his; overcoat, :hie:, overshoes and agCtl' •:: 'A:7116er was filing even and he pass- ed throogh It •Intor nrpoin whieh con- veyed all ..the- illusion.' of .a, transfor,.. , • nation: .scene: ,.• .•• •• e • ,•••„Although it Was, only, , half., .' past three • the "cuitainse`..had",heee.,,drawn, the electric' lights were and &huge blazed.;theerfullii, ot the 'hearth. Two wen:ten. in•:,;afteriedOn•-frocke 'rotte' to greet the stanch * old. Warrior.„ ."Splendld.of..You -turn out, Mayor Beinaliy;", the elder of • the, tire,Not at all, Mrs. ,ViIlett, not at RISTIR Captain Trevelyan,•as•Thas hoe11 said, rent the tenant was wipan'g, to pay. An °fret of twelve guineas a Week clinched natters. Palotani Trevelyin Went ,into EithemPton, rented:a Small . • house on the outakir s at two guineas IL Week, and handledOvet SittifPfid Honie to Mrs. .Wipett,'. half the rent to be paid in advance. • • . "A .fool and her money:_are soon parted," he grow1ed.' • But 'Burnaby was thinking this , af- ternoon as he scanned Mrs. Willett covert:1Y, that: she did not look a fool. She was a tell 'Ionian Witha rather silly inanterhut her,:hitYafognorrny was shrewd father than foolish: She was inclined to overdress, had a dis- tiriet colonial accent; and seemed P447.- fe-c-fly con en_ e nsac, on. -Shr'clearly . very well oit and that -as . Burnaby 'reflected *ore I than once;--really:-Inade-the_whole.affair: More odd. . 'She was not the kind ,of Woman one would credit With a pas- sion4for -soliftde• • ' As a , neighbor She had preyed` al- most', embarrassingly friendly. • tatione.t6 ,Sit,taford Hoase were ram - ed Captain' Tre'Velyiiii` was constantly Urged to "Treat ehouSir as etheugk t- rented it,. • Trevelyan;-bovvever, was not ibn4 of women. Report Went that he had been jilted in, his youth: He persistently refused all invitations. ., • -• - Two 'months thad : passed since the installation of the Willetts and. the first2wOnder'at their atrial had, .pass- ed away. , Burnaby, naturally a silent man, continued to study his hostess; oblivi- ous..te, any need for small talk. Liked to make herself out .a feel, hIlt::,wai,n)t. really. So he etinimed, up -the situa- tion. Hie,. glante shifted :to Violet Pretty -girl scraggy,Of course — they all were nowadays. ,What Tres the good 'of a Voilaun if she didn't look like a woman?: Papers said ciirves were corning, back. About time, too, , •4,; ' • , . , He roused hiinself.to the necessity this—or perhaps because of it he was &Man Who was inordinately fond of money, • At • the end of October A house -agent in Exhampton wrote* to blot .asking if he would consider let- ting Sittafotd Nouse. A tenhnt had •Ixt:a4o-haleiries concerning' it, wishing XePt. it for the *winter. • Captain Trevelyan'S',:first intpulSe wa4 to refuse, his second to, deniand further information. The tenant in question 'proved to be a Mrs. Willett; a'widow, with one daughter. • She had_ -recently * arrived from South • Africa and Wanted'a hoitse. oia..Dartnuier :for the iwinter. • ' • , • "Damn if all the wonieri Must be mad," said Captain, TreYelyan. Burnaby, don't you think so?" Barnaby did think So, and: said so as foirgibly as his „friend , had done. - "Anyway, yen' don't want tit, let,",, he Said. "Let the, fool woolen go somewhere else if she,wante to freeze. Coining from South Africa', tool". But. at this Point Captain :Treve- Iyariso money coniplex asserted itself. Not *once in a hundred tiniest would you get a chance Of letting your :house •-iii • MidWinter, • He demanded., what , • . all - Very rood of you to, ask me." He shook.hands with them both. "Mt,:--garfield7id-Coining;0-went-one. Willett; "and : Dak0, and 'Mr.:, roft said he would ConieLlint One . . haidly....expeet,hlin at 'hia„.a.ge,in '"'•iiiich•-weathet:--,Iteally;-'-ield- too' drea,c1= ful. One feels one must do aonie-, thing.-1-i=keep•otieeelf-clieeffii1;:'146141; flit therOPenn.the * The .Major 'rose $411,11tly to . per- form this task."AlIow me, :• , • ' ' MIAs Violet.." He Pet iog . expertly in the :right -place and returned,conce.,niore • to the 'iirmehait his hostess had la.' • , • ;dicated. • , Trying not to appeal* • as though he Were doing cast sur- reptitious glances 'Stand , the. roOUL. • 'Amazing.: how a couple of•, *Omen .C,Ctuld alter the whole. character .a' withent, doing anything •;,•v•ery outstanding that you could' put your finger on ' 'Sittaferd Hduse had been:. built ten: Tears ager:Eh', Captain Joseph Treve- lyen, RN., On the '4:iced:Sion of his ie.-, tirement frOm the :hairy; , He was man of substance, and he 'Aiwa 1144 a 'great hariketing, to live .On Dart- moor. He had. placed his ',Choice: 'on .the tiny 'hamlet of Sittaford.,, "It was .riet in. a 'valley' likelnoat, Of the vil- Jages and farms, but perched right , on the shoulder of the Moor, under,the shadow ,of .Sittafeed Beacen.. had purchased a 'littge.. tract - of ground, had ;built a corefortablebouse with • • a t own-Oleetric:•.light plant , and an electric pinett to save labor'. in 'pump- ing Water.,, Thee; •as a speculation, he had , built Six -srnall, btingeleWs.; ' .• each in its quarter acre ef. -gretrini, - ,along the lane. • ;•... The. , , e,,.e one at 144 44; very. gates; had •been allotted to his, • old friend' and eronYTTO thi-,13urnaby -7-the Others had by degrees been 'sold, • ti• there being still' a *few people who —44-01O right out of the world, The ;village ',itself consisted of :three, picturesque • but dilapidated:dottagei, A forge, • d 'a,combined. post office and •sWeet 'shop. The nearest town Was ,Exhainpten, di* , miles away, a steady descent. which `necessitated the sign, "Motetiets en- gage your l'oWest gear," so -familiar - on the Dartthoor roads. , . 1.,idt: %t ee9 i - \less IleaY kAeaclac s•iork ' `,:s dePles A 0--, .. .•their ' 100,s . , 00 \ ‘31 SV5teT" " .... , lave En... r coo, tooY10(1. ri 4S, tir"Ps‘n-c sixt1 O • ISSUE:No.. 2 of conversation: • *• " "..Vtre Were fiafraid:•at first- that, you wouldn't be hhia to corke,"said. Mrs. Willett,. "YOU said so, you remember. , We wdre se, pleased,. when you • said that. after all .you ykaild:" . • • • "Friday," said .• Major . Burnaby; iatitb an air of • 1 Mrs. Willett;. looked; Pitz0edt • "Friday?" • 1' "Evelry Friday got to TreVelYans. Tuesday he conies:to me. :Both of us" doneit for years!' • • "Oh.l'i see. .-.0f` course,. living So '.;earHL-7••"' "Kind of . . "Bid ;do 'yOu ,‘ still keep ‘• mean 'nem, that he ,is Hying' in. Eit•-:- ;. --7.-"BitYtty--byeake-A-habit-;/-said-4*jjit- 'lintneby.:.. "We'd: h.ntb us niisa those evenings." . ' ' "You ,g� in .for competitions; 'don't you?" asked.' Violet.' ' .O,Aerdatics d CrosaWetda endall these thin:gee!, ' • *Burnaby nodded, „ ' .•• • ."I crossWOHS.• TreVelyan doeS,, acrosties. ;We each stiek,;to.'•our own line of oountry.. 1 Won. threejooks, ,Iast• month • in a .cresSWetd .cOnipeti-; tion," 110 volontepted.. • , •• . • r011Tie.611k.."- Hotie;r:iee;,Were*-ther intereAtirt *bol?' • . • ,• "Den'tknovr. , read Ahern.. coked prettY hoPeless." ,• , • "ICC the :winning then) :that, Mat. tete:, isn't it:?".. Said Mrs, ., vaguely.• •- • sle You :get to Exhi'lltiiitOn?" asked Violet: "Yr.4...haven7t got a " , • d ••' • • • • ' Not l`eallY•1 Six.' • c!c:;40.1)... ,ekeroge, What's' tWeive Miles? Ke.epS V, man liI, • ('reat thing, fit;" • .'"Pabey! v Bat" both you and aotai n 'itravelyu n e lithstdf;65.,:wertita:,y0,4•PI , i(11;3iiti to go to SWiteorland to- 'eth1r. 'Winter ,stiortit Hi wintero, J;irtbing 1:1 'Wori4erful •mati , . art t at thing to,wndtiy.4.", "\otli wen. •t1O- ALmy Raelltrots r,npf onkihip,A46;,,filitiyi.' iiott Slak.0,4 ... • ' .„ • • , , . , .Stylists theeting in Pasadena rated' the abilive,illeseinble as. Is-inereasing---porn4r-1147-7-3kou • attired, and this.eeents , to, solve the question. • • The. Majoi blushed' 4 girl;: Peat-• Is:Novick "Who told 'you that?" he manwled. • : "Captain TreVelyan." 47 -,-"Joe. should -hold his t4ingue," said 'Burnaby. 'lie' talks too much. What's the Weather like now?" ; • •...Basriectkig embarraUsnieLat-Vill let followed Irian .the WindoW.. They drew the curtain aside 'andklooked aint: over the 'desolate scene. "lore snow comirig "' said Burnaby. "A pretty heavy fall too I should "Oh! how thrilling," said Violet. do think Ciao* is Soroanantic.:' I've never seen it before" "It isn'troMantic When _the pipes freeze, You: foolish 'aid her another. , , "Have you. lived all your life in South Africa; Miss Willett?" asked Maki" Burnaby. • Seine, Of . the girl's animation drop- ped,' away from her. She seemed al- niost constrained in het; manner as she answered. ' "Yes --this is the first • tinie • I've ever been away. It's all morft thrilling."., • ' "Thrilling,tPcbe shut. away like this in a reMotermOoreland village? ninny idea. Hecouldn't get the bang of these people: • „ ,The door opened and the ;par or - maid announced: "Mr., Byeroft and Mr. Garfi ld " " •. (To Be .Continued,), ,. Found in Congo . , . truesield• The .Independent Belge adyi, that • important new rainetal. de- posits been found : in the,belglan, 'COng-e;:• including; tin, , 'caaperite• and gold, Owine."tethe crisis; ,etaplaY es . - 4r:the..021aing ,OOlupnnies.. and ''fith:ets •heic4taatned to Piespecting,ivith4oit aatisfadterY. results. • , Tin deposits have been fbAnfi,in-the 'region Of the tualaba Rivet', and it'i ``•eatiniatedAlrateTthirty-toiorti-*10- end tone of allnvial ti Can he ex-, pleited ,, at. prices ‘intich lower: that, those In BOiLVilt 'Nigeriai-ndthe-Ma- ly 'peninSule: The'. ,presence * of these alluvial deposits,„ say gti'd,loOsts, show :that there` are :rich eposits' on the coticSeiOt the river, he territory recerribling the ,ketaraga. in geelogacal . . ' Casserite, a 'senti,i)YeciOn$4 has .beeritonna in the proportion of 't'ive to rotir:kilogi•aitis' per Cable meter Of water in the streams in the neigh:. hothooa of Lokande.; • , Prospcctbrs also have tOund gold in 'NOrthe'en. Katanga, , Where it is esti, 'mated that from .1,50eld' 4,000' kilo- grams banhe extracted annually* frith( • ' • . . . Like* President's Wife Nc'w, 'Y.60c.---Mr..* Franklin' ti.: „ Roosevelt, in New Y-qtgi after a weqk?,4 motor ttip About the State, told this' orilskirtS .severel, days ago, driving her: bide roadster, she strippCd_. to buy sntrie gitsoline,# ; - . The Ati mid :nit,. sethe pU;ri' base jwas tainpleted;'.gked', at her for a; ramitesit, • -L.c1,4171:44Lo:no4a7g4,447,:."Yoli.. that you look Ithit.like :Mrs, Franklin ItooseveltV • .' • • "911, lets of Ones," Mi itopsOveit ' oo . . .• ..Bahrein Islands, Protectorate For Spring W�rk.. - 150,000 naked ° men: diving in ;Sheik- infeeted waters for Pearl's :feria' the nucleus . of: an :industry'. 'Upon;' 'winch .depends 'the' existenee of ..about 2;opoe.' . . . '000 PeoPle., . • - ;•, '- ;The. scene of this- picturesque and thrilling Spectacle is, the Bahrein pearl -bi.Aka Of; the; Bahrein.:Islands,. which ,form, an archipelago in the'. Persian Gulf:twenty MileS oft.08,1 'Hasa ..(?21 the Arabian &rest: . In 'the',,preparn 'thin for 'the Spring ,season ..pf peari .fishing in these islands; are a. .protectorate ' of Great Britain; '..e4rY. ;barber .0,, the ; Arabian coast :shows big high -pooped ;dhows', the craft Of the -pearl-fishing 'fleet; ',drawn up for calking and ;riveting: , • • Seilei oats. end' repaired; and the smell:. Of . fish -oil, used for, ,seasoning is described by .a Bahrein cbriespOinient of ..'the ,London Mail" as "all-pervading." He felts us.further: "Nearly 500,000 ionareengaged yearly in the pearl -fishery. The iveli- liced•:'of .1 ehoot• 2;000,000: people .de. pendS Already indirectly upon the: prices oeotoa.!*,Parie.,,and New York inerclianti e :Pearls: • ".' "Each ah6 ca es frOm. 24 to 35 di -vers. Theygo .oyer. the side nnked, WithabaSket stung round ti necks., The inoleSt thetai. : • ' • aMli when, 'their breath is. exhaLated:theY arepulled *.tip With* their haSkets•fellef the pearl oysters, , by . the ropeinen, :scone "AO, ninirbet.".; ; • "Unforteriale.ly, aCeerding thiCltri4i: Moat :Of, the men, enci) rnbeted by eld debts to the dliow,ownets; Make little or nething .C*4 of their .-tvorite But it a iterative. trade, wing and!for the ebelk4 it is said to lac nti 111)pol-twat' setiree of'ineerine, Erich ,eikdom.S'ends fts wrote, of ships, , and' each, 11064 Undo; •an:"adiniraW.in the biggest dhow. seta -sairafter.A."ceteniellY-nv-toste, reed then.t • • "The Gulf -pearl: inarkete ate. -in, ,conspicuous. ",The Merchants, „ . look anything but wealthy, carry ;their pearls in little :knotted 'pieces. of Whicicthey,,predn'ce. from the; ilolunl in - :'et "their :Awaiting gittpients., ."Alltransiiction§ take PICA in little co d::••s ops ot ,in sedlu ed towns ` n the' thick -WO -led Arab' „ These. ttanSttetiottU't..rtin IntO• thOtiSAM.I of poundS."' . • freprecalen the Fort He was toning the Negri% r.riniSter 010; he had "got religion:2' ..".,`1)p,t's'.11tio, °fish, but is •Y`ou• Seto yoti is going to lay a'sidesinl"..,:„ • "*Iteigtit, ah'.dane it afteudi;.4 "An' is you"gwih6 support de chttrell.' irral' help de WiloWt: Ol1bettagl" 4Elleady'vight now." Oli d'elitsVP • • ; .:614rait, A Mintite; 'Pan'Aent Yott Aid't talking .retiiOn • n•„,.0'7401:1re (;lk 'hizznestal".• 4 ; rich freim a.r en h G d s's eW Flashes Fronk Gerpiany , , Berlin—An how eConelriiC difficulties can .etimulete' in- genuity was reeently futnished, in Stuttgart ' by. the: Institute -for .,'.• Aeou- stic and .Calotic, Nesearclr, branch of the Stuttgart Polyteelitlic.. 'Ver. a. long „time, the institute had felt- the peed. for a building' of ic'down but the necessary funds were onfoi:tiniatelY net fertlicorning,?.. The specialists of the institute, liewever,,finallY hit e.on: nhappy •Selution to, the: difficulty by designing, An. edifice. constrOote'd tirelY cit aarraples, ptesentest•gratis by tlie building industry. The, new In- stituto building,„. the fruits.: of this bright .idea; has. 'completed and consists•of 105 vatioug kinds Of motel. construction 'rilitierialsr•-tikenty fi.ye . different guts of ceilings, thirty varieties of floors ; and ' six distinct sPecimens Of'rp011g•-•-•Thus,-the---Pely,1 teelinie was not ,only Save' a, Considerable'. stip:Lin building inatet= fide, hilt incidentally, a first .rate *affinity Tas..1*en_areatetl_fprneilinci- king: the sinifples• under Conditions; eapeCiallY.Tavarahle to analysis by 'ex- perts. In feet; the Manufacturers, of the' materials used could hardly sug- gest. a /fairer' test ' for their produdts. SMOKE SIGNAL DETECTS:FIRES., . Fires • an large' priblie:, liege department ,stores, and , en, ships -haYecaused`ASuel)--4aniage4_.that'LL.re4. ieireh, into met -hods Wheieby'fite..can be inrinediately detected has lank been carried on. • A i.eW invention which, it is cbilined,, will go. fat, toWatd,solVing this: .problem been perfected;by Dr.B. Lenge of the.. Kaiser-Willielni. Institute for ,Fibrine, OhenristrY. in. Acting dit.thd:'•old.adage, "No' 'Are •*!th914..'s.nif)119/,!' aearclies-Concentrated--.-iipon-predriCirig an apparatus which Would.ineinediate- ly 'register all •riiiilenie.a. of. smoke at: the same ,time; bring . the fire Operation.*; Bigocean liners; like the Europe :and .•Btemen have long been fittedwithsmolie sig- nais .which, optical' signs indicated: to the central "fire Station on the ship „the PUthieek . occurred, :And Made ,:counter-ineasiires iterriediatkly possible.,..But.such aPperatud/peeded eOnStant supervision . ama.:-w:as often Superseded by other methods, such as iilann Laiige'a new meth- od, .• it is . reported, a Combined the use • • . • . • „ , :of.: optical signals with alenris, mins sounding . on the 'fitet 'outbreak of smedie,:_; His apparatus, •so finely ad- justed .that it registers • 'even the lighting of ,n,match, Ire' ...se *great' an .irnproyeinOt on the older meehenisras ethat •it is .to. be installed•enthe Oarbia an4, the Cordillera, the, .11e3Yeet Hain - burg -American . • ...• '• .STAR AGO` •:YBA13.A.'GQ: • • interesting finds relating to :Jeka.in .,Itepler,„the;:fainons seventeenth.'een- Inty astronomer, Were recently ;dis- played it a Meeting of the Bavarian Academy of the Sciences. These did.' coveties-' evitle---thefritelVee : into. two parts, the One 'consisting Of l'ittetS and doeurnents, the other of Keplet'S- inetPretation of the ' events of his day from the studY. Of, the ,skie*s. The letters and documents were found . among ,thebreliiYedeVDuke,,Ftederick- 4;Worttemberg in the Stuttgart Mu- scuin by Profeaser Walter.2,yentlyek.2 They Coniidt of ,correspondence be- tween 'Kepler and the Duke concerrir: . the new ' :Plantation) Which 'the. lattereintended-tilelinve'inede.'Ite-Wris- . .•, • .tb. aerve as the principal AttractiOn.ili ,the,Duke's art Chamber,. at the Same time propagate the' COpernician theOry the univerSe'•and Illustta,te'Kepler's OWnlypotheCis Tegerding • the, 4) len ets. 4 antiquarian in Sti.ttgart supplied. the ether discoVery through the help of •.•Professor Max' Caper: It iS A q,catisc211J(klpler's, in tven. Von - 111(5 upon, some theories th'e, influence of the stars on the loWer world and "'Pri theMeaning of coin..., es, on Pact, 'arid future .ecliPSes and' other:unusual things ” Thli forms an ... • • , • addition to die, Kepler Kognostica- Con :„ and :calendars alread,y Th'e • asttorierner' ASS' then., at :the height of faine, for his great'Har- monied Mundi" had only,,retanay UP, 'peered; in 1(10.. In :this troatidd he seeks to prenWznce on °the ;Weather ilt • the natural as ''all as in ,the political world for the coining Year." ThiS WaS. an impo4fint time in European his; ,tory—the 'beginning 'of .the, Thirtear Yeats Wail -And Kepler ,seeka• Co, , t vise, All and sundry, ' from potentates .• to cotinnon people, as to What •should be clone. The :treatise ls ' particularly valuable as a cultural •piefire Of Eutj. . oge in the seventeenth century.' COLONIES CALL TO' GERMA1'.1.S. :. German -,interest-. in Colonial, queS-, tions', which did 'not abate when the ' codntry lost its colonies ,after,thelast;: war, has greatly increased of late ,. . , with What is felt here as the growing possibility that some Of these ..terriJ • tories may be returned to "Gerniany in the form of mandates, In such 'cirri ,Coinstances,, the tecent • 'eXhibition 'The .Call of the Premiyal Forest' .• '- appealed to both' thih desire and ,to the art lover.,... ForrUnderrithis -titlq German; artists who had lived. in..the•. Oerrinui African colonies ik pre-wd. ;days.. organized an eiliikiti-on of thei works. In landscape: native life and . 'animal kingdom they found, abundanf, Wealth of .material for their canv,asei The-GeringindeairelOr the restoratioii their: lost colonies .was 'voiced 011 this occaSion. by .:Pr. Sch4e6, ferule 'Governor of German , East , 'Africa who express4 the hope that Celina youth would. again, lie able to satisf - its longing for adventure. • Measuring the Shrinkage sanecite,ahowe „that. a• Solisigicatien, I,. 'entaiialen to aeoritraction or tho,.,eatt4li' radio .arimentlag ter; V.06 millimeter. Herie'. in 1.,000 the diameter of ,.the • %nth"; . will be:reduced , cal)! Meterslesa than .fiY-0•• inched .; Th. surface:Of theeatth measures 510.;000,000 ' eiehuilureitigitiincipte4:0Iatr:tf:11;tagutshthe i reductionof-its cubic volurne by 30,00Q enbicTkifidiasters in 1-,000 years.. .,...There.::11.pe.reason to suppose tha there is “ohariy.;iini denahre4,tio. between the Solid and,the fluld poi „thins 'of.' the ,earth ..• tem :Petit:ore of Solidifi.catleii the samti,f6 all constituents of: the oarth. Janecle therefore imagines a tranSitiort ion •Whiek has the 'consistency of ;po,rridg He'...tliinktt,, it: fair' to itairimie that ti 0113t ' is : not thicfp)ning --At Op. sena. rata .everywhere. Hence there Mos be stresses and strains which give tefvoica;nie •etup,tion'and.:to inouiitail belictingpreceliaea: .; • NIUt;„CIS • Used :to Think In .Addition. io?.!Brai • : WaShlegton.—New•- ':evidence tna PeOnle11iink" with their lituSeleC a as their.brains, and !'lthat there fore,COMplete relaxation helps reliey such things; ea: fear; .Weatry• and ,eniP tional,:. straight; WaS. ptesented,'to,th Au*ijoiin Edunund.,.Jabobton''.:',Of the :t.lniveiSit of ',.,Chicago .,Pxperimen theeshOWed when .people' think:.abcni peqPrijii-fg ail" act smile partie larf,,part..of 'the body; the: museleS' '1 that; utable..electrie •eurrent. On a delica ' • 'Fifty -Fifty .• That 1ettr.'1,-gave *ion this.„Mdin ittstiiirkOu postit?'a--,:eliedlhe wife 'etlear,': said, her hrighend; „ _Contse And.L1,01' 'you it was itriuOitatit:taat it should' , . -"And just like mant"t,' ' • "Blit .ontin't..`.1int' Inc. . d,ear, 'welt et Op. jetter,. 'forgot to; eildresS , • ' • • . •, Out ortite'8:044, taxiedlis-licehPed43 tha I.ontlPia. Metropolitan P1olice, 211) are tirre than twenty .years.,old; . • 1i 0) 1111 768.'„tradeonions .101, . . „ which in the. ttansport 1 • . The tOtal%ntittihe5,Ar:ti'ad..1; antentSLS 3.70,113; • ';'; ; : • r • • •• t . " • Ith:ect,,. N...y.ltesignation of Mer7' • tin' J 1111,1111, Of ,Chic11'go, now:resididg itt Orillia, Ont t' a tt U',t&i oir Cornel, ,:eniversity, 'hes &e'en,. accapted by th board. , 3 Writeforouropinionson Market p.st,ER. 4r, ,EStabl (Shed 186 0,tu44i0*404suFt' sick B1c1g, 11 Jordittp,St.t Toronto.' -oln 34 •