HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-25, Page 2Z
leArlada, The Empire imci.The WoricIat LargO.
Neighborliness Revived, •
The „Season of depression; While
briotIng its hardships and diftieul•
ties, has at least one thingto cont
mend it, drawing people' closer
together In a.,Spirit` of liejlifulnees
and sympathy and 'is ttssistio; te re;,
tore Ptu • old • atmosphere of -Com-
• manity,lniereat,, which in the ,data
Of greatent prosperity seems to- be
104 in the *it i.Usti for power and
'ailluenee-whieh crushesall before it,
-Chathain News •
Educational Econernies.
jn 351: Statea ot. Ithe . the
teaching: staffs •have , been reduced
,to the point Where , Clatsca are too-
large to be taught properly. „Econe!
files are _efftential these dayt;" but
those thus cited are radical , the
.,' Point -Of ansoundness., The debts
created' by We generaticai will have
to. be Carried by - the liP)rs and girls
of today when they 'attain -YeArs Of
resilonsibiltty, It, would be Wrong'
•deprite them, of the training es-
thec'tasks. thIle • imposed
upon theiti.,'-Toronto, Mail and 'Em -
Histoty.;J:Repeata.5- •
'Following •the Napoleonic Wars
• there :Canie a' period of • great Oleo-
- Ciatic progress , aria, then an era ot
reaction. Apparently history is: re-
peating' itself, with •,half Europe Ant.
..-der dictatorship: - London Free
were adjusted the $.411te
"O.K." sticker secured,
Lights Were- found at fault,' mere
Often than ,any.Pt4gr. feature of I,11Pi
ears --in 747 cases out of the 030, •
Inspections. .Brakes accounted. for
690 rejections. There were discover-
ed ',else goa roottriw4eel, alignments:,
. . • -• "
79. steering -wheels Which required
adjastrne4t,•• 1.09 windshield , wipers
dernanding '"attention,-. eighteqn, reOr-
'Yiew- mOtoy& ;pot ten tofos, wotoo
, did 1,101 operate properly. or at. ,all.
The'"eigniiicant! thing is that ih the
Nast Majority ' eiisea ' these Me-
ehanical faults could be remedied
by• a•'siniple and inexpensive Adjatt.
went, • ` '
The literal is that . an ;automobile
representing a • aubstatitial: Invest-
-Merit 4eiaifiiiitisi ;-, and :is, 'worthy Of,.
thecheap decagonal checking which
• , „ , . „
usually' sufficient to assure - its
• safety ae.,A unit la traffia.-77.0ttawa.
.Journal. • •
The Dtrentnlons and Ottawa '.
The- Association • of isritith,-„Charn-
hert, of Commerce met' for its 73rd
annual ' meeting at the Hotel. Vittoria,
London, 'A,' message was...sent ,to the
King, •whieli stated: ,!`The delegates
rejoice that :following the, imperial
Conference held at pttawa, there are
Signs of, improvement :in Empire
trade and they are hopeful that as
resUlt. of .tne ,nent trade' agreements
..whieh. are ,ahdut. to be entered ',tato
with foreign countries • oat • • trade
with the world will.; revive and your
Majesty's subjects:: :Will be ,restored
to employment :to the etizinuon ad-
vantage 7.ofGreat .Britain and of all
Grdetie' For the Unemployed. '
It is 'reported . that the••••citY•ii4 It •
,yeadY, pladed„,, two. thousand lott, .at.
, ,tie dispesali iii7-finfilfre:i--iii.16-1iiV*74---iliTerTLO'nn.dttriTi'''iraliell:'cil• ' t•I'`It•t:.'...117ith- ':11' el.!'
: 'asked ter 'them.'s: Asa. start this i '
;a great' inecesti, 'and ' there: .is 1 .geed •' ' •"="--'
Slum Clearance
. greuti,d,for. belief •• „that the , number • . '.,• -
,T9,t; jpoglotd_ind• Wale;_th pMits.:,
--3-1, illher-d, elibled,',...if'TA."!:',net-Ttr,,.ehl0;4n.
•• the court O'' of the ensuing „fortnight' 7t.e'-,-H
• • , ----,- - -.. _ .• ' paign. to 'winee' ' fi
' ,huets. : tlliaellneei.sheeelode.a. camv";
if ,the gardeners are given alt , the • fal. years. • in , Scotland the "Department
' eilitie,s they need. Many :of .' then' '
ef ;Health , is at present Working. on
have no garden.,: IMPlernents .with
a ,,three-year ,prog'reint • Which' is oper.:
'Whie144O work, nor the :Seeds .•ta,•so*:-
' . • The 'directOr ' of the :•.eaniiiaign: Will 'a-'1.1t4isli,.#::;,;uwt;tthr'ii,gprreaedttat,Ee.seu,vvgel.lefat::..eecIS.ce.thincl,
'.:„.a.lieci.c;d3vciii..ehmt: cteyembeepteo ,t•hatlhe,tihri:.,tesletilt,:nineeen,; Ion .i.sifitti eteti . c
ork ,and if.- the
• T.:14'
;Iles Dempsey ft
Canadian 'Conttot ..._RA.4ii,,ci. (c..1.1'ilia' e.tr,11._
Of Whet r 1831.11,1 Regulaipps
Will .1-j4v,e'•Virflial., Ciarinlid . Advertising Liii-Aitetri,,,:i, 5.Pe,;',
.�f Market, .Says Sievp.ps, k .,.Cent. -1-7 CI:la.,IiilaTi‘ .1?,.F9,
-ii1, CorBlesia,iteld.fe.:432'% • - iratt-leivOrPie.' .
Carnwalf.,...4te,openingstet wprd. mar- :. ' ' . fOetice ..
kets to Canadian '-wilent title Yer,tr•WP•s. . . •
1?redieted by lit)P.H• IL Stevens,.1V111118- 13r°oattdtlelaYs4t1.---ng7Coherne'lC1371,0°111:•4•l1111,17vollItit°v
.ter of Traile'and Commerce; 111 an 4cl-
Trade at tbeir Annual banquet; .„ ,:l it:eseune.da' fjpie:nvu,:adti:ny's.01,e,tio.c'agt:7e,:i. T4di: '
°,1. i hreadeaSting IA Canada, Which have
drest before the Cornwall 'Beard
•Mr. Stevens gave his• listeners a
comPrehenslve re'ilQW, . 9t: the weridt, Not all ,• „the ,r'egPlAtiQns are ert...e.
-wheat situati6m and Showed that Can- i ''' intoelat-glY'r but °I°s° which •fic.
ade, vim command tile ,export field nil not sgoqineff.ec,t at etn.e.,e. will :id,. s_.ci.
1933. The Initiister declared
the 'United States, ene-third ef tile
top liat been destreted`ot abandoned , for"E*13iatitIs 1116"e been PIP '
tliai' ,..- 1 init. • .. • ,. •,, • ' - '.4.6.v, r.
i„ as the facilities of the•cOminissior,i per
and -the renalung two-thirds will-boI 'e time between the Canaular
Press " and Bach," Commission *aware,
;supply of radio Thews bulletm, service
-ivith the. Catincliiin, -Frea's."nuthorit$
hallmark of ,speed and accuracy': This : ;.
Will replace .the pretent • hroadcasting• "
of, news, much of Which- is frankly,
'Stolen from ', Canadian: PreSS:•inenibet:,', --
papers,, while other news picked 4 '.
on the street IhY broadeasting'staiiObi
proved misleading to the doinmistios
and to the public. , - • , .. .
• News broadcasting is dealt with f in'
section two of ,,Part five a the regu•
.lations pertaining to pregratns at ,
ShOrt 'cyan.. For this ion -it isTdoebt-,
fin. it, the, 'United State's, would enter
the:expett field this auttlinn. '
. The ,Argeptine,•.'which• has had an
abnormal Carry-over in,'..the patt • few
years.lutd a.fair crenTduring-the-,past
Winter, bat Only: one:third . was :goOd.
Wheat, The. carryoiter in the Argen-
tlne. Will be .nernial but . the quality
illfCriOT., 7- '• •.
Australia .has opened:•,tip . new ,nitir-
hets, for , her. :Wheat. in the Orient,. he
said, And in the past two: years At least
two-thirds • of her expprt'•atirnIns„had
betir:told In the. Eat. •,
Mr, Stevens felt it litaa: doubtful it
Bustle would •enter ;the world wheat
market this year. • • ••_,-•..• "-
"J;••'"Sairiming ;tin, the. eltruttleit' in the
exporting cOnntries, we lpd that con,..
ditiOns • are•PractleallY - baCk to nor,:
mal," ItIr;.:Stevens declared. "The
. di 'al it aOrnf(it., :bee t have market1itlisl Ini4a1 .yeCePa?.11r::
.There 13 certainly litightening„ on
,the,h6r05,04or :this' country." •
The speaker dePlOred the fact that
so Many :Canadian basineasmen :still
felt that .thiy.'sheuld .db_ their ;impOrt-
• '77
Max. Sehmeling iS,,glying.•Ainerine4 most popular Dr,otnoter,. New .York. • Ile pointed out that, by
-7that-fioth-could-te,st4he-Aliciuo,izedt:_eitele":t: '
,De'innsey, a. lift at Itis quarters at Lake s'*ailna,11,11::"'''''N,J,..,.$•:.•
dealingt st tte. or, r6:a, g. C4,11,p4lilei37.4111;:nottise4s4,4t;hic;IY..:
. • • • Virptctly;-7-a-7.-ttetiittnelor-titteir--.76wii,
grim large quantities, 4 vegetables,
frulta and Ilowera. throughout Its.
long cold winters: --Colliers
, • • , .
1 • , •
Explaining 'Prosperity's Return
Every day that passes it becomes
• • • .--••••-- - of the resent A ' • • • •-: ' -
ore'.avideht:that.:,gne .of. the .great,
,Montteal.• ' • . •debates •-of histdry lies ahead of us.
It be the question of • What, is
neyt:,be.. necessary, Wh•en" the three-
. ,
year program ,,pomes -.np. for review.
In 'the, autumn, r,to copy the. methoilii,
of the neW Englith
OW:: Herald...
' • -
chieflY, reiponsihte for bringing back
, 'omen Workers Increasing. .
Some 'striking fads ::are • revealed
• .- In the .report recently issued by. Mist.
,Mttry Andesehi,. director of ther.WO-
.mett'a pureau og, the Department of
.1,a,hor :et-81raiShington; regarding wo-
nie and their work - outside, the
home. • The ;total number Of wonien.
workers . in • the United • States to -day
. . ,
41,ShOw,",an:lnerease. Of "'teretitY;AlIF .11et l-end-of-last•rmonth_.the.,tennage under, the :national body.,
:'.(3,ce,ss. of . eleven has iaggedbehindBritis
t,. ,•,k. but at the . from
There IS inflation,
. . , ' .
• c'ent. in • ten' year,C:. Misa. Anderson ' censtruction abroad._ had shrunk to 'rhere 15' niortgage relief for- farrn
aptitpt at • which.Itwas snailier
. .
than it beenfor nearly,' a qUarter, T•11°.`e .b.t1 c6P1P e`te
, , . , . .
,of a century, and dining - !air:quarters riqpe-Pd• • • " ' do lts •••';'!••'-',..
more , Work !•wriss,^Starteit British '1.m?.riiy1Y•I',.,lieetlt.P.r/7720reiZ .." as it cnn. *'de„
yards :than in .these of all the irest of
' N,v0.1141".. 'taken' tokether... • hi' 'tie! -shalt have no '.trouble .explaining its
, .
'There Will be thuite who insist that
the turning, point, was .beer. It
13,11ckd un ,industr3r and gave the
signal 'for a hr.eak with the „Past. ..
,,,,There -Will- be those ,who think the,
short wheat crop turned ,the trick,
, Then there 'is the:batik. holiday
and 'th:e exciSion. of 0.;-: natty tamer.
British :Shipbuilding '
The; conditions ,of .Britisn shipyards
now 'contrast favorably, ,.with. those
,of the other 'shipbuilding' countries.
DepressiOn foreign shipbuilding
explains .thit. as due mainly to the
transplanting . '''Ilidustrieti, from the:
home to the factory,„the 'cats
.and standards • of ....living; the neces-
sity that. has arisen' for ! „Women”. to
,aiigment the fahillY inconae, and the
development fiefiieeo.
ter • • :.`• "
This wholesale,: invasion of ,ljelds
of activity formerly *held ,sacrosanct
to.. Mere^ man. presents. a :Picture; of
'feminine evointIOn that : would.
tainly -. have been deemed .• teelible
twenty 'Years, ago., The. VerY;obvienit'
'fact that in most 'fields.: of linnian la-
' her wOnian can hold .her Own *easily
wlth man. has •been demonstrated be..
• yond any possibility, of challenge tit,-
daY.-4-lytontret112, Daily:, Star,
• Hanging
' A.' Gravenhurstharnestilialier,•noW ,,•atanding the. Shrinkage: of 'Weir 'pro.
:In ...hit „ninetieth.' Year, .made the :,first .".fits une•ertainties'. of ',their
Tatraits "So ,:fainilleir• try "We•tenger-t.4 The nitres, seem! to know
'Torcitito. Street ears,' it 'is; good news. 'more. about, the of tile ferny .
that 'the.,...eild:.'.„gentleinan era". than the'4"..farifileta themselves,
on so well...-TO,roifito.•Giehe. it. is yefresithig .hear the
, • terin•.being :Made the subject. or etirtp.
• Radio' S tLIMitatiens. .in .retnete;tUral.-cominodities; Where
numbers' or pastoralitts are still pay -
Aur way. --Auckland
' •
Dollar And Potind, : •
Hitherto'. theitnniobile, dollai• arid
the .;fluctiiaitt, :.neund. have been„ab.ili
par yoke: Now Ilast both ,have
abandoned i.serd..:(11
in unison If tieir respective Coverri-
agreo to It, 'ariti,`Oiter a ,
.able 'experl rtititt tat, • period, '• fei settle. I
! down a gold bags ,At a, eorn fort::
ably `low •leyel; .lf• the ' ileyalnetti.on.
.tjt the dollar. thew,* anything inter,
'It IneanS the abandon. .
rniatt., ef„-any, Attempt to .foree, Great
linited States •of America the stagria, arrlYal•-71`tew York Times-
tien was almost 'cent I t '
p e e; not .a I • • •, • t•
single to o . nowor was put in Great Britain Bans
hand, and a small engineless vessel'
waa the sole launch.-LondOn Times.
' ."F rming in New Zealand
is CB ecen y • pr,esen e o
e+,,+ t -f
.An American Magazine
LoridOn.-The issue of an Anv,
Prigan magazine was withdrawn from
Sale in Britain.,PridaYbecaase it "con-
-.T4aer:liaenixiennittegighiop.uplcly 1,8i:61101/.6, tit,inifi tains an arsticle adversely affecting
abebt•' the -dedine Of `the `Sheep in- •toir1g,tthl:;:h,T;i:*!tenairSe:'illsmcti'yt.h11e'a.rt'7ie4166:-.7..s.1•;!!6dt;
The plain fact of the. Mat..
ter' is ' that , the ' Sheep faintei.,,, • 7The istue eeritains article !
'19'61:4307eF.'sectlelti: Of the, Produeert bind Castle by 'Hilda •Grener,
are oing on with their job notwith!
',. Mr.., J. A. rf'rentl.ilay; •waterworks
,.•.* engineer had ' a Warning_ broadcast
• • trdni 0.•:lecal Station At:8 p.m., warn;
ing . householders that .:! the Water
• . would be, oitt .0if.• iti- an , hour's :tribe,
anq that they ,should,. lei in an onor:
• getter prevision linniediatelY;... ....En.
gully made" at rtinCIOITe:tiiB. 41101111.11g.
-;;0111. ,r. a .ttoten.:_,..differenLitoti^ieholds1
, diS,C1O4ett,#tejact. that the 'first :notice,.
. ' eight, Of'. betii'., had received *ita the
•• tildden'cailure of 'the water :tunnly ,in
, 'their ..,houieS.. .., One .farnily., has ty(tr ra-
dio.: aetank the others. either ydid not
• haste their sets tooted ..oh.,at, eight
' o'cl tick or did. , net h a 0 ite IL' tP .be•.tifil`;
• ed lit oO tlie`lecal i .stottoo . at that,
i...,...... ,.,.• .
'• ' ' ' ' ... '; • -",i
:Br,itaiti back On te the Ad: .gold:partty
'' pf tite four ' lain ill'es,Wito ' , got the ftom .; Whicii, t!; • desetotilt,,do!.
• . .1-93j .„.....
..• rarlio warning, eae. '. d6 ad' di- ;VI apilto•--,48 4,-17iViA`Tr.djap,
reetty but by tete' Mit some,
• one. else who 'had; 'w ilei a vseconfl.
• family happenedto pielt , up the 'last .. •-Weatner 'changes
-t -- . ' - ''ii-er' ' ' '-. ' ') c .'t r ,' I t ' •; if
.ew Wbrds • of the anhounceinen,,,• . . in, ilia tyi (war r, 1,.„ ojry ,, or , 1
- .01 , '
: t;1 d.( ti tallY..A
.-"' , " , . , ' , ' 4', .' I '' • ,ine:rdea'' ,baS enjoyed ihe .:rougest
We ren0P-t•Abat, • *bile Ilat'Intl". 4)1 ;Warin wilefl ,Since 177,. The' Wtnter
described ,as: "formerly Royalto
, .,tireSzer
Canadian Universities.
bttawitt.,-Enrolltnent of students in, 1401111a1 Business
..RePOrt :Attendance. cord*: ,
Canadian universities .reached .the
highest .6gure on ,record at the 'elide/
the year 1932, the tteminion Bureau
-of StatiWesl-repotw,4s4n-exviana,-;
Fonntlition for:, the advancement -of
teaching as saying 'persons:,.above
high. Scheel 'age are. •just -the group
which :unernpleymont throws backintri
schoola in the largestnumber." • •
The universities had 43,1,42 students
at the 'end of the year,: in Julie, 1932.
This coippared. with 49;569 in .1931
Was' an eifeeptionar incrbase„.and the
1931:figure eom•peired :with the 1930
Seen By. Bennett
' .
Britain 1;i$e.
° .Premier ,*°
7' Ottawa. -Canadian cilattims . of&
cials, certain' that 'commodity prices
would rise in Great Britain When the
gold; standard was 4batidonedtheire in
19A: guessed' ,wrong for prices con-
tinued to fall', itival admitted OntMay,
10 in the House'of Corthruins by Pre -
enrollment Of 31.68 is still More •re;'
markable.: ...in ;30 years frem '1901.
when _enrollment, was only 9,620 the
inerease 320 per Centi. ..• .
Some of .the feet/Ors prodtieing this
large increase are that the population
of .nniversitY, age has grown by about
86 per: cent.;', and„ the proportion of
women, to .men In regular university.
courses has greatly :increased. Mad..lt
remairial theta* as 30 years ago,' -the
inerease. of :820 per 'cent.. Would not
have been More. than about 250 per
, •
cent. •••
rilIows •
information of-. kind published in
, ,
any newspaper or.obtained, collectedt
'collat,e'd, or co-ordinated by:atty.:newel
,paper, association • of newapapas oi
any news ,agency or service, except
tlis'hIe°h11:9nweiwilsg:bnile'tins1as are released
regularli. from „the various bureaul • .•
Canadian Press,fer.the express•ase;'.'•
Of broadcasting station in Canada.' :
Local news under arrangements ti
he Made by each station indtiVidually
with its local newspaper or newspa.••
-pererforTsuch-tiews-as eellect„
ts_liuTePhu,geollilitat'lorn.ttegeinliPeloyT,oeers.,a,e,ger ntlicire4on:ge411;,.%,,
Tufty be employed ther:taid, etallen,
misleading news shall he. prohibited :
front, further. broadcasting unless •ex-
tenuating Circumstances can he lir' n.
The, broadcasting ;editorial •opin• •
ions .Pf. a controversial „nature la, Pre.,
• „
The regulations in 'respect: pro•
•grants.,prohrbtt. anr,y 'reference, to pricel.
i-. Bonnett, speaking to a bill rati-
fying the arbitrary .valuation of 'Cur-
rencies ler 'duty purposes. !which has,
been in practice.: seine time, Stated
that the custom's experts. expected. a,
10 per cent. ritein British:commoditY
'prices :When ,Britain went . off
Accordingly the ' duty value blo the
pound has ' been Set at 10 Per cent.'
.tinder par, or, 84:40.,.; ,
Commodity ;prices , did not: rise,
however. 'Instead they had "enntinued.
. "
,to; fall to that the Whole _basis of the.
arbitrary valuation of the noun was
in daregtiting. Except where --special
permission is given, the amount -Of ail•
verpsing,matter limited -to five poi
cent.The commission reieryes .
right to prohibit the broadcasting.bi
.• • ,
any mattar "antil the contintuy. pt
iecrd or transcription ,or .both har
..been.. submitted to the coin -mission.: for
;exit -Ablation and .have been 4pproved
shown to be wrong Mr.Bennett'-. ' 'd
Shoplifters' Rell4eZiOUS ' ;Within the 'past' few.., weicS, :L,'-'
• ' in Montreal Cathedral _inoditY Prides. itad deftnitely risen; the
Montreal. -Detectives, • who . finally
Was- aril' lItiseicralition. tThhal:int°0rint Triblunscii:,
got ott the trail of three, Women, shop- ness Tierces were . again it Weik and
lifters, discovered they made: a Prac-
ti.rit.normal Wiles Were on the way.
tice of sorting ,out the "lent," in. „the
quietness of Christ Church 'Catheilial. ' 11°n• Edmund B. RY4irlan; Minister
As the goods taken were trivial,' they it%faNt the Galo'vReervnemneunet' Theafdu.'aecdtdt° isitteag.te,
ally in petting • valuation • on the
pound'bbt adinitted that the bill was
Maryof Eniland.", , Were let go with a. .warning..
, eh.v.loits • itsefulne.s, Awe, ratite „also
hetivery, tbarply.'dolined:. litititatient
AS a :Means of,communli•ationi
' t•hronIclo•q‘elegratiti;'
•erY interest ng i,gures„, Sire
op.thts wookr, ma. 'SA f (AY tv A t14."
Out of .1,180 • ears. siibmItted for
by Ottawa .driVert in thrre daya
396. ot• tesS than 220 per ceet.,, were
• elassett as • "perfecty on first iminec,
tion ; Potir hundred of, tho4e; i'.6j t;
'ea, 'bad tittitig� iilight, that 'they
et 19:14-32 WO the warmest, -fa 'More
than 160 Yokra In• :that part of the
,ponn t!ry ,.4aSt 60 'the, Ito 0.1iy.',Vio oh Wilk,
The: wiritet, lhat ' ended Was net.utto
se • warm. ' That, May, IntliCate•;that!
Wft1)rtr, Or , juek rePrOttefit
•a temporary lapse thatwIll net eitoi.
tho ;warm wows' 1ejeg,ttrii6'cottr80',...,:-
NeW Ynrk „ •
, • :-"'•-••'t."..
•• ' Defeating Winter, • .
•''tfaltig Wilee front' .its timuseridt Of.
hot 'tprIlitir, •nOW. atilt lc!' •
• ,`
' . • '
t TAtaryland• ow!. nt, Worthington, vaAtoy,Mrs, s
hgttf•V,h throws. rirthir, .• • 'fieSPIte• the fail they ?Mirth.
3 ttnittlx.4ife'lt lovokt. Itfe4. neck, at the seine' fence' earlier in 'the rade;
bY them.,":
• •
BreadeaSting of abusive or defann
htorY itatements..Withiekard
viduals .,or inttittitione, •:or „of state-,
n.ents contrary • to the . purpose.: ol
existing legilation, it forbidden.: ; •
It is ' also provided that. programa
, .
•shall be filed wee'hli, with -the cemniis•
slop. tinder -the jurisdiction of tlia
,,conpritssioni :sustaining „Programs' or.
iginating out -side Canada :Inuat Vila`
way ..to programs Originating, 'in. Gan; •
ada. ' They must' upon request of, '
the CtainnissiOn,.,give riglit•-of-way til
SUch.,-pregratni As are, in the Opinion •
of the 'Commistion, of national interest
. The 'regulations; set: forth that no
Station broadcast advertising
spot announceinents between 7.30 and •
11 at night. No such 'announcements ,
may exceed 100 words in length no .
total more than three minutes in any
:Lour. • Electrical.: transcriptions !et
records designed.for broadeast aciVer,
tising must not be lir,oa,deast' Moo
I than. or.ce from any station. *COO.
'cal reproiluctiOns nitist„lie announced
'as such jug, before the; are broadcaSt.
tion's light beyond question. $91;nfii
'quarrtera. were "rutriblings7 4 doubt
as to the legality of the Governiiient'S
-course;he-said.;•,'ThereJtati even been
„hints that the'vtirreherilduties.might
be challenged in the coital:4: The,,,pres-
erit' bill; he Said, was Teereactive and
ratified past Government rittions;,thtts
excliiding legal actions.
• •
British Post Office
Prepares For New Busineis,
riirrfcrOICL:-V.h.c •Piqigh -Pbst btfice is
iieparing ft5i-!tiadargiityal.,
According to a statenient ttruideat
cliatgoW by.Sir Kingtley. Wood, Post-
master -General, the. Post,: Officus
i-eady. has, A margin of Spare plant in
hand atifficient to provide 'for 700,000
,eidditiontii. telephones. It. itspending
tamp;opoannually" upon supplies, , Of
Which net More than ',?A• .per emitis,
from non -British soot6g, Its stotea,
,Inclinie a' strange .niikellany of att-
1,c,le,s;. including 21,10,00,0' pairs, Of trots.'
' Sera and poot,onalof string. .
Dominion Reviews
' Argentine Trade Relations.
• •
Ottawa. •,-...The.." trade "-agree Ment
reached bototii, the United Kingdott!. .
and Argentinadirects attentitt to, tile
.:sltiititieti, ,between Canada, and tlYa .
.gOutit'!Atneriean republic. '4rgnntin8 ,
enjeys, the Meat -favored -nation treat
, taiti:titi.tt f.voroitnit..A.,Cartiteaed.tei.teleniefactit,letibie4:e•10440;.,.. '
.,:extendiitg ,Moat..fairored...nation trtiat-'
;Molt to, settle. 23 ether:nations-, by -tits
',..Ocintinion. • • ... ,
•-'-',.'-ilegotiattotia-'•of, a..'-pr.elituiriary„ n a tii ra., .
are Acting on"itetWeeit :the 6+,6 coo II' :
. ,.._
tries With the hope Of even ittniroVin8
the trade relations: . Canada • .buy.'
heavily of hides, chiefly ,the iteayt ttlui .
used for stile leather and •beltIng..,.Ar,,
.gidteeatryetil,,-1:1f,ar bniii'llYisliensa.rtlt,i1.1e.iti'll,thilfa•rdn,e1Ci.tilagri".1:l)11,1
*'c:rillta.°it'-'i. :et..itit,-e°nPt,an°':;;iittlIV:i1;ri'ditVetl-Ititi'?,-1.1t 11 '
.R, Okf,ILE.0.1.4fe'.1.1L,ety.,rT,&411;;:tri4t;,. :rilg,t10.1:4:e.oi::s.:::":1:11:61,'i..71t-.4
. -,Fails for Fitit!Tin$ ,
the depreciation of that nitniey,
nit4e6ntettre.:nideee000nsitle..rtible., . other, inail.ti!,
" J.J.1.1e, . ones:thin Of .4chatige rat • hail
: net been. broulit. iti.,' The currency
'Argentina Is intien: iitt4•..t..lopi.dOttt„!4 .,
•Ilian:Otiaita'fs and tho• ,GeVer1111.11ii,,
.' • Vie' aged intilli•tnlillotialre ittgiont, ,.
at the Virtt taptiet:" Church for
vires, . and 'Walked:Jr:01'MS' !eat, to 1111
el.:1,1)111:c. Ito: iinideotiewt ,,rttii6iiiitill!eztt. toltittel6deiTttoentolieltil::lertl„..
, , , ,
Ontive Canadiafla
, 1E.y r„;e9r5edl!IU.S.ja
Washington -Only 196 native Worn
'eatiadianS1,rectived ininligratiott visai
for admision 1,0: the 11
month a Year befdre.
The state, departinemt,making pith:
lie the Odes; 'credited it, to the cause
common to each sitriiinr report recent-
ly', enfOrcernettt of the "likely; to
• come a public therge7 .eliinte o ;the
• inintigtatitor Act.