HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-18, Page 7\ unday School. Lesson By MAI.R M.MORGAN ‘01.1.119040s PlaCt 11 In:the Horne.' :Manly Dishes:.. PAW Men, cIaun .to •he ' Around 'eooha.'„ haire „speeial JlteY feel they have ' -inaatered,2 thereagiliF. • flera aro two typ1ea1 .toge recipes, • Lipp' su- gar to the „ment.ef..fowi.: add. quick- , 000kY.'4nd,O,c.Poilt4ate4...-31TO :WrgOr-•pt. '4-.1ther••••ingrodte,nts.,•„- Rail, through, the Meat grinder. • ethingh.littelt"• sliced botled ha*. to • 'Make, One pup: of . It • when. • Minced., • Add one-half•.teaineen. mixed • nuts. • tard, a. few drops .toliaseti. sauce, •ono ''.----leaspoonfingarr. salt and....!pePrier-•••td• • • taste, and enough Chill' Sande , to 'maketta. smooth, paste. Spread on thi/4.flce of battered, bread: • , , • •Chicken :San .1.01a• - • • • ,unt.'n• frying•Sie elitaken. in -gnat-, tori., and fry inolive: oil:with: brie- : half: etil, chOpPeil oniou ;.:•and. • ' TaNir white potatoei et In diee,':•Uook 'the „ehlaket...14. '3:11.51 •one.helf teaspben, Sugar, •'.tinti-half • teaspoonehciPped. parelei one ,tableappon.:'.choPpik gr$on. pep," per and', One-quarter CLIIJ het ',Water: ..8eaeonWith salt•:and pepper' tO, taste' ind cOPit very gently ..until • , • and .. pots toes • are thOronthlY. done, • m • • „, A "Spring" Cake these•spring days our -dieti Should tie:increasingly light yet should con lain ,suffiCtent roughage For those o inslet On Cake' the folloWirig, re- cipe offers sWeetneSs;, and yet 11 not -bop i ich. for-tetichy:'-'ooynpiexron : • 13ran Ginger Cake.: .• Quo -quarter •, up shortening, 1-2 bran; , 1 1-2 piipe .1. 'teaspoon Soda, 1 ' tea. ..BpOon. ginger,: 2,•, teainCons ''"Oinnainon, r72 ctip our Milk:- 1:2 Min malassei;, teaspoon salt. • • '..Crefun sherlepliii and. .sugar ' to- gether, -.Add th.P"egg; ,beat,Weli;,Add •'T.:the bran. Mhc and...SOC the 'dry In- gredjen'ts and addthem- to the . first alternately: with ....the • sour nfl nti moasses.,';/iour roag .•. • :, .ed pins and: .bake? mOderate. . over (276,,,dogrees to 40 f;tifinufes.'' A seducing.. Dish. • • Por' those , v. wee. trai1ing': diets ire confined to reindying oVer-plinani O curves, - the 'Suggestion:: is ' made that e ' Orange .jpicreplaCe Cream 'as ad- conipahiment for% berries and ether' •:fruits, •suah, as Peaches,. Table lereani:. . holi.32.,caldriea per tablespoon, It Is ' '."D'ola44 . out, while: Orange •• juiee "has; "desSort-lat,.-Or- • ange juice. :Aria', fruit is Much to. be. preferred 011 Want days to .a heavy Paitry.,• One very delicious coinbination is to cover stiawhOgiies with. oiatigo, • , '4.1,Ficer add a -hit: ,Of.. powdered " siigar •••.• and-, serve •very .eol,d In sinall -:por•'• tions this Makes a .delightftil":,aPP[6.• eoliree; lit .iarger..pertione•it;Is dart. •- • Mushrooms Add: interest, •••*," • an, ideal c!!.ski .pignant:: and. • laSty;:..apimaling.. to .a:::•.jaded..•Palate;, unis•hroorae.iate, ideal and they; are •this • year.. that 'we:tan', Use, ,:•tlieni, there Often' to add::.interest to r ' ' • Better. .Wahhed.Unless ' • ,. . • .. 'inusliroonis. ire 'rery:sandY. •ind, dirty,: • they ' ,be' •• .ed. rhe- are delicate' •and . ..tetdeatroy their flavor ss Well!: its .xualce:'-.thein negh.,:§,epar- .ate-the,--cape-t.fronr-the,,-stetr&.:•:-Serape. the sterna an'd ;the. caps .0' :.the is •tough. „The • stenis--ate 'Often: ttiugh.er 'than, :tiro, caps and . •reaUlte' longer,: „cooking; , •.' • . If iiatiehrocirn4,: in•uet..lie'•Waslted„. di It very, gently, taking care that the . gills, . net hecome "•; Water ,Seakod. Dry them On a' .sOft. cloth •and turn cap, 'gills,. dOWnWard to dry. •,-,The peelings .that be. CoVei•e.rt wi( 11 • cold Watoir,"brotight to the beilillg, • point. and; simmered ..over a . low fire , 'for' fifteen .ininUtes,..•,Strain'..through• • cheesecloth • and Ilse ,the encic•.;for .::fia*Oring-aatipa.-and-Salltes; • •Voti will be aniesed .at the change a. Pe* tableinooninis of this • stock 'Make. in , ':ilavor of a • dreani .spihaplf". Cr' 9iyttit • Tasty in Spaghetti, few inilshreania. 'added to a 4101 Of .niaearatil.'er• .fspaOttetti Make: regular "party" ,CcitactPtiOpp. Ybu may aeryg,'a ,Wel1en5yed:.dlsh of spaglietti in U0ate saike with innshroems •at. •Ybor 'teitt bridge -CIO' •)tinelieOn• an he aPattr‘eil: that. it will •Th,O,,ftaY,Or of MaOhrOoma, f01;11- PhasiZed it thei:, 4r.o,„§i•Ot041111 : fi 11t •tle butter before:adding to any sure .to use .".411,,,tho.,• butter, and. mushroinn iiquor in the ,Oar, *gime tluls is ritlrj and „ifla.Vortioino,..;.... •••, •MushroomsEggs. 7: •• ••,040-balr-Pound ina:diroorns, 4: eggs, 1. tablespoon httitte,r; tahlespopp thinced ' 1)al;f31/q,,, fow Or0Pa Q111Q1 ,j µtee, 2... tablespoons I. dour, IiaIt tea,. spoon] salt,,,14::tedanoon. white pep,. Dor, 2: cups rich Milk or thin cream, tteaspoons . gratedhard: ehees.e. • Melt butter ia saucepan, Add peel. ea and slieed...rinthhtemna, Sprinkle, .:44-4111114:07 a;roW:11.re'fOr five "Minutes., 'Sift • over :flour 'and...01r • .until • PertecO, 'otoadea. •creftin,' stlr- ring.: constantly. ; onion juice and pd'itsley and hritig to.; the. h:oiling. , point,: stirring 'constantly.. .Pour : into .4. shally''w „halting,. dish. Break, eggs into sa.10; g,I401.ng 6orn Sprinkle -each ea. With 1:teaspoon, .gra.ted.Oheese-,and. dot with butter." Bikeit, a • moderate,: oven 'for" 01g14: ..11,11.1111tqS,'Until the whites. are Seri's, trent •baking dish. ' Stewed Mushrooms • ' ..Wash.'''onehalf• pound, innehroo.ms: Iteiriove. stems, "scrape .and Cut Iri pieces', *eel., cepa .. and: •breakIn - pieces. Melt , three tahlespoona-but..' ter, ,acl,,d4niu,shrOonis.,. cook two zniui- ntes. ". Sprinkle' With' Salt', and Pepper; dredge .with. flOtir"-.and add one-half eup itot water, Cook ' 'slowly • liVe. Minutes: , . • ••.,. " ' • SteWed, nitialfrooms • it' cream are made by 'adding... thr'ee:fourths,' cup. . . create instead. of .uSing •-water. Serve. on toast. : Broiled Mushrooms, RemoVe stems and. place.- Caps in buttered :broiler and breil. fi,Ve. itteS having Cap side ,down first. half •of brOiling.„ ••Serve on buttered toast.: Tut sniall, Pee° of batter in • each cap, 'sprinkle with Salt .and Pepper: Care must be.. ;taken " removing froni,brbilor to keep inushrOoins ca:p "side Up to -prevent •loss of:juices.' • • • . • . • , Ram and Mushrooms.,-,-, , One. and • one-half eups ••Medinin thick white sauce, 1:-.2 Cups „diced cooked .. ham,. :1 1,4•. cups: cooked 1:mushrooms, • seasoning: ' Make' White:ganef), fifst, • then -add other 'ingredients to •It : in. Order. 'Serve :in 'fancy cut Croustades, • garn.. %lied 'with, Chtifiped parsley; ClOutstadea are; ..initde•-lit. cutting „Silveri Of 66010 2','Inclies..thiCki removing ,Soft .:Centre, and ',:toasting 'On 'all sides. • • .. with .Baeurkraut, , (itiai•ter pound ,nitislirbeins,. • ,celd •watero1. pefind sieurkratt,.. 1 table - :spoon, flour,' I tablespotin shortening, 1-2 chp, thick schir. cream., , ' Stow tnushrooing: , in 2 salted :water. 'Drain canned saeur- kraut and pour over it the'liquer In 'hich rintshroOMS:. Ilave 1)e#:n cook • thet add inkslir,Pome,- niineed'•and Simper.. ' .till thick, a,botit 1 hour. Drawn flour; add shartenirig: Add, thli and ioue. oream..to :saeurkratit and2sfininer 10 ',Minutes` befere ser int. ' • • ' - . Cream of Mushroom ,Soup, • May 21. Less* \fill -Jesus Answ,ers. • 1-118'--Adv.ersdrleaz="Mark-'12.r,-2840.‘, Golden Text; Never 'Mari, • Suakelike , this!' man. -John 7: 46.T. • 1. Facing the Main. lasue,„"Mark.12:. 10-44, •• 11. ..Removing, Mark 12: 3047: ""- • 111, .04)Qainfl Insincerity, Mark 12:: • 54-40; • -„Introdection,--The cleansing of the Ten1Ple*as another Milepost. along the costly Wsy.' Frhzii nuv on events Crowd upon each other, ."They „have afregted hint!" TheSe4aet*days. be= long, to. the selillinest .mernories.ef.the .humari powers of the Mari Of•Na'zdCeiff.'00.1..t,9• 'oftIowq '"ftaised• ':•110:.7.',:tO his -fit height, he faces his, 'opponents and •-a-slIrfruatratas their plots and their insinuations.With amazing vigor. and power, When his enemies attack him, he' instantly transformhimself into the aggressor, and whoritisall over, ,he is left inaker of, the sit-Mitten:I' I. Facing the. Main. Issue, 'Mark 12: 13-34.• After expelling the irofiteers4esus spent the rest of theday speaking to the croWds that Weregatheredtaroun4, hirn , enemies left him uninolest- -08;"-ba-alttlie-Jinte 'Viet -Vero in an- xious consultation. The following Morning when he returned to thecity, they Were ready for him. • . • ' - First they challenged his authoritii• go; conntered, with a , questiom. which , placed ' them in 'a dilemma. Rather than 'akiver it, they left him alpne, Mark ' 27733: Then, taking :the Offensive,'•Jestis turned in .demancia- .-tion, on Ahem. -' His parable 'of the ,wicked hnshandmen (Mark 121. 142) With its referen'ce, to :the well-known Song.Of the Vineyard it Isaiah, chap- ter 5, :Would be taken as edirect eon- deMnation, of thernielves.. Indignant, but ;lielpieta: in the: .niider-110 Jereas'..: adniiring crowds, his. questioners • left him,' v..12.. • • . ' For the -next attempt to trap Rim, the fliarisees'i and 'their Militical en- emies,. the Herodians;.-jOitietr:forces. What about this tribute Money, Vs. 13-15:Pe It Was ..a ,clever question. • "Yes," or, •"raP.,3,Vonid 'get Jesus into trouble; -"Bring me a, .penny" It was a; Roman penny: Theyy,ere ac- cepting : the benefits of .E.onian :gov- .ernhient. Therefore let them use their .own conimonaeseift beth With re- gard to What. Was Caaar's and .what 'waS,Gbdte, vs. 16, 11. The: Sadducees now -cairie forward With an absurd Stoilnabout:A wane:4 who had had seven husbands. Whose Wife . would .she be , in the resurrec- tion? • But geSt1 turned the ,tables On them. From their own scriptures (Deut, 25: 5-10) he proved to then that 'marriage, on its physical side was design.ed to, continue:the race. In. the'resurrection,- with death abolished,, marriage ,'Whs. utrieceisar„!. Again' from their own scriptures (Eitod, 3.: 6) lie pointed..., out that generations after. their death, God, Was,. tho God of the:patriarchs. Therefore they, and all thoselwhe are in vital conr • taet with • God, are untouched by phy- , A seribe, impressed by je.sus' ability and 'knowledge, carie -to him with the question, "Which is the first (that is, the:. most .important) conimand- nient?" 'According • to the scribes there were three hundred and sixty- five prohibitions and " two hundred and forty-eight COmmandinenti :it the 'five books Of the Law: JeausThrushed aside all . questions about the rela- tive- importance • of these regulations; And faced the main issue.' .•liet a man have , the 'right attitude he Old,' to - Wand: hia ,God and , his fellows (vs. 29-31).; :then hi S conduit will: take care of itself. If / love.my children, I need not worry about the penalties imposed s .for .non-support of: one's faintly. . : ' Greek has tWo words for "love"; English 'On.l.Y.' one. Hence •the diffi- eulty--in understanding hoW one ean "love" God as one loves, say, one's "Love" in the New Testament With, hea-rt-,-- soul, mind and strength, is simply to, put him first in every,. To "love" My neighbor is to, treat him at I 'would be treated my' My neighbor_ is any: one who code .me. It is-pOssihle to have W- ard any one the attitude Which will &spend 'instantly and gladly to his eed. "The 'noblest leve Can forget O One,: for it is built on the needs f men,not on his qualities."... .' • . :•Rem.OVing Misunderstandings, Mark, 12: 3647: ,I.jestm noW:liecame *sore aggressive. ,First, he attacked the meChaniCal way which the inter- 'eted -Scrip are. "How say " the ribes?". That is, "What' do • the ribes Mean. when they say that • hriet is the Son of David?', ; v. 25• hey had been taking. Psalm. 11Q. to can that the Messiah would • :of oithingJPjffern In Tunk reatmen )35' liE4EN-WILLIAMS• Ilju-strated DrO88makinii Ee4son Fur, te(2 Ri,crli Patten , Mode. has all in'anner of whims con- . . , --e-erahtltimpeUfka'S."-thIS • season. And here's a, niodel'.yOu'll• 16'4. fer .its:41stinctlk.individuaL , • ; a the. spectitOr :sPorte type, _ •-• - - . r.,:t it is drossy caopkii for afternoons. , • It has treniendonSOhie. carried Out I. ;sett crinklY, crepe. -Silk carrot-, . . „ red; The :deep 'arnaioled 'sleeves, are citron...3mile* crePQ• Two 'tones of dark • hyacinth -bine •-c.epe would be:lovely-too.. It's As. siMple. is A, ):1; . to fa, shion it.. '. ,• • StyleNo. 3298 is designe for sizes 14, 16, 18;•20. years, 26: and 38 inches: Mist: '; , . • :Size 16 require, 21/2 yarde of 39. ineh dark: with 11/4 Yards of 35 -inch 'light inate,rial. •• OW TO -,ORDER• PATTERN'S. Write your mane and address plain- ly, giVing•.n.uniter'' and ,size of ' inch patterns:as you want. Enclose 15c in stamps:or coin (Coin Preferred; wrap it carefullY for- each ,number, .and. ad4ress.Your order to Wil Pattern Strvice, .73:WestAdelaide St., Toronto. the House of David, a political, na- tional leader., But David hirnseat'said Jesus,, spoke Of Messiah as "Lord." Therefore, even if Messiah be of Da- -yids line, he must be a gre deal more. The -Mister thus 'boldly, and publicly removed the misunderstand- `iiWregarding himself :that wrong method of Scriptural interpretation had produced. Then as now; mater- ialistic, literalist explanations. of Bi- ble texts .,conceal dr distort its real '. :Half 'a.'pound :inushreorns, 4 eupS..-se white 'stock,' plice. : cup n butter, 1-4 min non -Cneftrettitr.' . , dait ,and . .,/Ohoe MtfahrOotnP,', add.' te n Stook coOk:20 Minutes'. 21 and rub. through 'Sieve._ Reheat, bind 'With flour Cooked togeth- er, then add. drearit mut salt end per to :taste, .. • '• . 4 . Aut.epouonileal. ',way ,of It inuslirOoti-,,Sottp"iS 1-Ile-•stalksp nwater for .20.mingteS, Or' se. Strain liquid and add to 4:4,tieh White sance, 'Se Oaf , ha's been . Seasoned with atilt •"G and'peppeit., • ,T '" ° MUTT AND. 4,EF.F.-7,, By BUD 'FISHR • . .111. Exposing Instil/peaty; Mark 121. - : • ' The Mester . then exposed" the. in- sincerity • and self-iimportance: of ••the .religibus leaders: • They used their educatione and Special opportunities, net for more effective service to their fellows; but in order Secure:Prez- tige and positian, '.for themselves. Dressed like millienaires,-they always insiatod on having a seat, On the plat - foe*. Some, of them , vtlere ine n• „sentimen erisily-inoved women to • hand over their,property to their!, v: 40: ,• Their long ,prayers eovered"many a greedy, and 'covetous nature. It had Wen: a day of singular,tri- ,uraph. Jests had suceeesfully .re.7 pulsed revert attack „oti his inemiesi. He had'. denounced :hypocrisy. the crowds who; had cheered saw their dreania an earthly Iringdati fading. An Englishman was travelling in 11 trarnear'in New York: .Opposite him sat,: a weitian nursing the Ugliest baby he had ever seem The. baby was' So -tier thatIlle-EilkIlehiliaff ,take his ,eyes ,Off' it. In desPeration the mother ; leaned over., and said:, "Rubber" (aterni,meaning Aare.) Thank. heaven," the Eng oh- - inam I thought it as real" • JeFF's ooboitt 6e4d.Rutitil'oo Ar4b,CIIr.rIPIG -. Otit PAPatt bOL.t.s. Eusit4dss (AioRRi*.t 4.,;104 lit:s PRAIA% ' somt, " '60NNA,. c4d412 titrioi • t/P: ift:ropsr. C.Jest•ibt•AlCi PROley,tyNIA._ vt-c44-4,40.4;..tc 54.-ilit$,Z,NrAPAR tt4Y cii*RivrmAs tyttro01):Ir .The ,A#1144..' Meet.14g • Of the Cana caooll of 00,Boy 49.441.Ar.j.,figolot1,04 as held #0404 on 4P41:,241.A,..lat4;and, th4 f011Owh.4.; hoshlefii. was transacted .1414, reports Were received. ••• • His Excellency , the Governer-Gen eral, .1110 Rt. ?PR,.jhe N4.11 of Tlaq,".borough, presided, as• 'Ghle.f.7.07m4: for . Upon nomination Of the Chief ScOut Mr. E W Beattt of the' Canadian Pa- cIfic RailWay, was reelected`rresitlent. , ;It,wits", announced thatAhe Mkg1P93'.") IkaFiner •ganadlan. MInik the eitiladian,geotittlk„seehttl'Oa* the ter to Washington, j. would- reprefferit annuaj :raeetirig; of, 0.9.1497 'OPQata.'0. America at Kansas City, itt.411.40......4. arcif40,0t:43S.7a1 gathering. • Tho $eoutgenets for 1932. showed 23.140: Waif Palia, 31.59.3 Scouts, 1,836' .Rovers, • 107 • Lone See*, 321. Sea Scouts, .:4,61 adultJetglera7,7total,-:$20, .04, a gain of.4%.'oter 1931.. There, wa,*an ificreaSe.. in the :nurn,. ber or French-cog:m*14ms Scout trobils In ,Quebec, ,under the patronage of Staistantiar:gain in Myer 'Semite , and Sea .SPout,swas noted,..als,P In the Lone Selritt Branch, for :boys. on farms Or'iniall groups In mini:ail vlilages. 'There was a Marked inereise of Scoittliig nnits1u .eliadren'a hospitals and sanitariiiiiis, with trona ,now operating In Q'nehec;:l Ontario,' Mani; .toba;.',Sa,skateliewati, Alberta and ' 4, total Of .3,786, .proficioneY badges: were .awarded:•,ScOuts, for. Passing testi priblicservice in :pis*, a.14, water 'resene and'the. carrying out f-lied1W-andsafetytineaSures... • , ' Aolioiatinenta .during the. year :Oludect His1Hon. Dr. H. A. Bitiee,'Lt.•;' Gov. of :Ontario, Ter:be, Provincial Pat -1 ren;•Lor.d.colVilie-071:ce*.goreaniSiitinee. of •Lone Scoiits of .•British Dr. W. W. White .to be Provincial Pro- slcient .fuiCf.'10,:;:Alan'Gr:..McOVity. to he respeetiVely. , . of: Isiew ''Brunawiolt )3nrnett,' et...the CharlOttetoWa Guardian, to be Provincial iieSiderft:Of 'Prince Edward • • , partiPipated' Widely in ' • • ' The annual Chr1.tnia.s tot .slion,ehailA operated in 160 town and eities.acroSs. 7 th DOnlinitin and Provided. gifil'ror: Qlter.,,7§,900. ohildroOfloPloalOg 5,000 In' the 1,)ralrie: provinces largeiy by PAL,' • : • . • " ' • Paring, 1.9.14!ovor 134.9.90b014: a1,0714:- ' 44' 011. O4),A04,70. which 384 were T.,4.4.ts. • ..core4.11.4„ „;hein$ .operated to a 4OtrAlti' standard 'et health and,. safety zeta., • lutione., • - Not a arli?i,1P. Pg,iAPOlcleilt Tw4.*' rat dorded: tr.?...4't.'thle.'2•°02:.nettreta7citli44p1.7,,,*1).4y,8 P:rrioeiVie,12,4:1784, cOmni.iiiioner CoL J',".,14 Wood* of .11,81.te,ra,e4IPT 004:on the 'South SaaltatelleWatt:i.fer.:*45 given on 144$ lease ••t,0' thk:PQP4t'tr461)4 of ' the Saakat9P11,:clia,Olei ProViiied, Ordertin,COOncii, • ' The Poinii4021. Medal B9aril': cited 14 Scouts for .rescues from drowning at " serious 'personal 1,1, for rescues', at les* risk,. 15: fur. water rescues And cit4gr'. Opp; without :great petroonfo. wif.bplioye, that .anyone reeding the Will realize how excellent --WiSrklandrhoVr far therc- sults ef. the 'Bey ,poolt ' Serious taimloa people: oVer- :,th( • • World are :supporting this: .inOvemeal, more to -day .than "at. any :other.P4A.- ' because . it. Is • Work. of, 011ie. kind amen' internatlonal youth that Is nfte,‘e‘t1,066.4most.. Thero never ha.q boon , preisien" Scouting. and clotibt ' there.ever ,..; . ; • •• . . --t,:ota of .F1004,.: There is plenty of•room in the ranita Of the .Day Scants for keen,:red-blocid-, ad hays, wile are nilions tPol3tain.:tlis , 1#0St out Of life, and. to increase th0.".'': -.chances pi suceese•In-Witure ; '' There IA many Lone ScoutS in this , :province, , More, .in fact, inOntario 'than any o! the other previa -Coe? and :•thii.braticli of "Scenting, is. ized :egpecially tO Proiride'a prOgrhnt ••• tor',.. boys • . who: lite ' places where ,• there IS .no. Scent, Treep 1:r them t link un With, • ' • 'It you Come under, heading, fuuI if 'yen are not already a ',"Lanie." why •not out .tnores• abont., as?' llow,-4 the time to: start ,YOur' Semi& Program, out p Obligation, from The Boy. Scouts .41'.esociatiOn°," Lone 'Scent • Departnierit, 430 '13ay,Street:.Toronto On May 'pay . Of ten‘l !ov.ed;. upen tho first Of May, To, follow 'a known pap heyand, the. Where by the palehhie.read.lies of the SPring had. Put on her flOWer-kirtled Under the leafage of new-deekt. The .aturdk, satlfrage bloseemett.' 14 whlte— Ethereal"vnlete„ like h'ptll'ii19 Whit, Ceyered.. a -bank With. amethystine •il ht " • Star. :One Night 'Plays • Maid'i. Part 'the...•Nexi • ••- "'crew. York.',-,The,sigli: of relief itittk:., Weston breathed was very shOrt-li*ed, . The New .YOrk'society -girl. is the. " derstritly •Claire In a 'curie* : ill .. and missed a.Peforniance :for the.. Droadway prothietion. Misa Claire Wag • •freln eeeldent-blit slie•Ininped .in'. " 10 the.stellar role and few •,.tlie Audi: 6:4.,;ehel4tner*rtytehtle. at the to. 'ears that Mrsa. Claire , back: . where:the, sigh of' relief . she :was • inforraea Helen :Stanger,. 4 maid,lh.the play,. was ill; SO l‘fisalVe* ipia, 'despite. Painful burns, denbiel again.. ' , ....:..!'Star.Orie night; • maid the next., yos heyer•. knew, 'What ' the niptiow . Wit brine 'She .1saich,"': • . 11. • Upon the greeneWard: firte a talry. ring :on threadlike stems rese-firlged tine- . moues- • Those. •iiigli,born ladies, delicately , . . clad-- . pent. like May :Queens to the spring.- sdented breeze.. , • n . , • -Clara L. Baiter,16 the christian • Science Monitor, • „. • Woman. is Injured' • • 'Unusual Acciden • •titu*ual ac- cident oticurred here When Mrs. Gee. S. inner, •GreendeId., hurried' froin,a otyzone lie#Ind,,an I AUtOtriohile to discover , that if Wai'''t,e Wing another; She suffered a fractured hip when shetripped Ontlie tow -bar .cennecting. the two -vehicles and..fell beneath the wheels, of the rear 'machine.' Another ,woman with her inenaged':, to jenip. the towbar and 'escape. , . An elegantly dressed Man stood on the' pavement:outside hi,i`ethb. After' gin/icing up and diArn the streetdor a tail, he beck&g.ed to .4 boy wheeling ,a,-•-•dll.aPIclated.-barfew.;-"I nir lad," he said, "just run to the top ; of the Street'and fetch *e a tad" "No fear," said he boy: "I know your sort. Wherhaok'57tyrrtrecl youll pip off with rny barter:" • ' 12. 7. v t oti` ts or tzt otto:to:Do: :c:- 1;1; 42066:e0, :To trol 4.11; ReAtts..,G010.6 To too de,veti Ittitki4W!, • t..13-1.kts YeATe.- ondon Pianist ives. • Recta at Sevents • teadan.:.:Enk-'--.M0r,17 notedspitnist at 'the age of 10:Tears, • giving recitals iikoLOridon With a.'tlaCkii finite • afitr oommahd ,tholl dirgehdirMsts- might...envy.. • It le years since ,Rosentlial.first,played b public,: and at 14 Wie..0ourtniatio to the Kirig•of •Bunienia.:He is tria la :1"M:halting Mipil who Iiimeelf otleltimin One. Of IdsZt's she* .1;tipilth as lo a $0 as 7:1311. 'JO'. resides :in *Iona& . rs-7777-e:17:56,477: . !ttpp,e rt Muskrat Season Po Qiit:.'..-,TrePPera Mitch's . . l3ay and ".tkO 4 -!** P 6114' 110.LC. et?*8 t 111 •,rat seastm of recenI y'ars It Willi titivated lees: then 2,000 Skins were cured in Pie • North 'teat tieCtl With the closeor the• have been taken' • •-•:' ho'g' Loney' Now? CyttoG StiotJqb OVT APG1 tOs'a.si -wor. ••r• ".. •:,, 14, ••.• ••• • ,