HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-18, Page 4*sea .trqtrt, • "-,--„,7'!".**-*7---**9 • t' , Tim u 10f arr. 34 •71 • VI:1MS , AY, - AY 1,80, 193* SPRING and • SUMMER UNI31t.WE•e':, s,. ' p.reeter ,Stocks nt SpecialPrices Perint14*P. :31.9rin° $11:1RTS PRAWERS. ..,...79c., CO. MBINATIONS:. • • •,... • Pennian'a. No. 7X• f;:iNtBINA- -noNs.• Sizea. SHIRTS '4*•' DRAWERS, "Ea. 89c Penrna'sDalbriOali :..SIIIRTS 4 DRAWERS, altd. SimP.sanfs.^ Each •• • • ..;.• ••,49.F COIVIBINATIONS for ,.t9C Spring' Needle. COMBil+TA'rIONS, (WItite • • • • • •08.i. Shirt ti Drawers,, Ea: SiiverpLEECI COMBINATIONS (Spr*ng Weight) 8c to $1.26 MEN'S' DRESS' HATS. 'Biltmore tat,efit, styles, real fur feltii.,..SPecial FELT 'HATS; new. styles !.$1.59 , Illiltmore :Better HATS , At : _42.95 $3.49 • WORK DRI".T. OVERALLS and SMOCKS. AB • . Ieadng Mikes, Walkers, Caltartts, Headlight, *incites:ter,' Snag -proof Litaithenee and .Pickets„:at. special 14.4. • MEN'S SHOE SECTION Oxford Special, $1.89; $2.29;. $2.39; 469, $08; • $3.29; $3.97 AO. $4•95 WORK SHOES, Greb's 4 iVaien. tjne's, . $2:65; $3,39; $3;'95: 'ter , $4.95., SOLID • LEA'flIER Work ' Boots, $1:89; $2,39 MEN'S\ii'.YOUNG MEN'S SUITS See ''Outange, ..$10.95: $12.95: $14:9,5:1 810.65 to 818.95. MADE -TO --MEASURE $16.95:,7—$1&95:. • $27:75,, to • 35.09. liUbClOthiflgCo. wiNGHANL. co17. BRUCE PRESBYTERIAL MEETING ' „ The seventh annual meeting of ,the. Bruce .Presbyterial fhWMTS. of the United Church was held in Port , Elgin .United 'Church on Tuesday, „May, 9th. The attendance 'approxima, ted 300, and the Piesideq Hrs. H. E. Walker. of • Port Elgin, presided throughout the day: Th mo ning de- yotional period was taken- by Mri. J. R. 'Van Dpseti, Tara." The Minute's. of the .last • tneetirig were react. . The 'Morning session was devoted to. the • review of the year's- work, 'which of course' is. the real' P'arliose ; of the 'meeting, and: Very interesting reports Were :given by all the Secre- taries, showing that faithful: work had been done; netonly by the See- retarias; but also by the Whole' W.M. S. organization. • • A solo by Mrs. Ackert,. AllenfOrd was much '••• enjoyed, • and the reports . were Continued. • • Th61, vice president, Mrs: Waldron of Beryie and Mrs: Little4 T . water, Mrs. Brand Of. ear**11‘and Mrs. McKillop Of *fatten, give .a. Short resume Of the work•aono•in the Sport .chatter 'Lueltnow. Continuation school sett, ball. teatn, oPPOSect jie 'Teeawater• hoys, on their home .cliammid on, Tues- day ma • Wen. innings. Lneknow 'wen even_a more decisive vietor he Wednesday night •preVious; When Teeswater, Played here Lneknow line. nit:, J. Fisher, 3. Fqr- an, C. iFinlayson,,II. Greer, D:..Clarke, B. lieFitt- N. Todd, B.' Thoinpion kB. 'McKenzie, '• Dates :for ,;the Grey 'lad -HrOce• bowling: elnbe • set ,' the annual ,rinks tournament for. August 24th ,itn,d 'the , Scotch'', Deublee!. tournament ''for` june „.• Three games are, pIated for:. the bapeball:tournanient in 'Teeeivathr On a'24th Teesivater' and' Southamp- ton will 'clash in the first game' when. Boulai: Will be On the, mound for the ,T,epsers, ,• opposed, by Geldemith for , „Senthamptan. Cheeley concluded. 'e strong contender, for Bruce• League this'will meet . Walker. tenin the sebOncl. Thefinal gaMe, will seean all-star -Bruce Lea -7. gue,teard stack diti:-..against-the Guelph Maple Leafs.. Goa McNeil; .fOrmerlf of Kincardine, 'Sharesthe duties with. Lefty Judd on the Guelph team. A 'baseball tournarnent, the :same day, May :24th,le being held in Ripley With Kincardine", Ripley ad LitcknoW billed 'to provide . the entertainment: Two games, • one at 1.30 -,..the other -at 3.30, Willbe played and.,0,0. draw will decide what :two tams Will engage in the first ffitture., • This week has brought dry'weather. and with the diaitiond in, good Shape activity has been noted in .the local park. , ' ' — * * Vacancies at first, arid third Will have te be filled, since Thompson and IfeCartney are not likely to bei on the this season: Aura ',baseball , goes . protniSe.• of being pop lar•sthiejseasen: Last Week 1 movement as reported to organize rural' Ieague including Kingsbridge .CutFie?s Corner, Lochalsh and' Pipe River. • ,Whiteaurch: tengeide - will liaVe ball' teams Ther is no • , • :Activity: is no, ed, Kinloss .:and reaepn; :we think, why St.' Helena<,atid Zion -COUld ::not assemble teatne, and Make A fiVe-team group. asFp_11 as 'the, group farther •West::: ;Li • '• ; • itr Play-offs, could': then , be entered into at. the Conclusion of :the. season and frequent exhibition garnee7might he :staged::behireen te,ams tbe:tytio :groups: dnring th-e/annuner; , The prorn tion of baseball' in this Mariner would do' 'Much • to ,''cleVelop, those adept . at the game, and Mater- iahwould. 'deubt • uneettlied that would! help .t0 boiSter •the lake- side: entrYil;• • different' 'districts and • told of the homey, helpful sectional meetings Mrs. Taylor of India; that had been held, all addressed by missionary. returned ' u • •IVIr, tarry, Ryan yiaited with: h mother, Mrs, Jacob Ryan. 4- AccOniPanied by RO:Jarnes•Wilson Of Terento,,Mr. James Wilson return, ,ed 'lit)* Tile4aks , Sillib, following,: an operation, for appendicitis in ich toppitidl, is in a critical condition and is not making as 'rapid recovery as her many friends would Wiek A, Girls' Coaching case nnder the ait'ection of Mss • Flora, Durnin be held 'on. Friday, "2ncl, With classes from '9 to 12 and 1.36. ,to 4.00.rthose, attending will becoachea in "'Nntrition" eking, family • Menu and school lunch lrne, also'in "Cloth- ing" :pertaining' to hemmed patch: - 'work and , pirade :for. eerni.fortnal :occasion. The Count* Competition iL It`I'Tnehe231Prd..' •lak."Valley'F'ardn":-Will.. be presented .in'aid of the cernetery1fund in the Parish tall on Friday evening. The Junior , Institute held, a :very pleasant function ,on Tuesday • even- ing, with-aliss Fiera •Din-nin -as:host- ess , when the losing side in the Library membership contest, caption. - 'ed by IVILSO.:-MirY11.11_1111.4)-Lontertained Helen Anderson's • Winning side, A inarshinall troast 'was held around a bonfire with 'story telling a eing song and a journal included. Returning indoorS:a 'series of genie: followed' and linieb was. sgrved. EaC1i ineilatir of the Inititute: was entitletlqo iuvite a' boy -friend and, some sixty, young people 7 ;'---A-jOint Meeting- of the -tiut,§ 'he 'held ht the Pariah, lyley 20th". , Mrs., Howiird Durnin and children orKiteliener' were recent guests With --H-oward--thirnin---4.*he'-has----been- • 111 at. the' horne of his:mother, Mrs. Wifliam,Durnin, 'Crewe. MiS., Nellie ./Stewart spent -,Win'ter--..-as-a--est,---With----her sisters has returned to her home • lialVey MoJe ha, returned frern Goderich hospital,: where''he under- went an operation for r,ernoVal Of Q.E. Augustine Who has al).en't :Some ,months at the home of .•hi danghtee,-...,,Mre..",--!-W,Tv---ivIniie, -St; Lambert,. Quebec, ' :returned on: Sat- arday 'Dungannon, ',where ;, he is guest :Of his sister, Pentland •••, The friends -of 'Mrev, will be sorry tolearn4that she s.in ierY poor health;Af present• • Mr. and Mrs.) Sohn: •Chipliolm' are, haying 'eXteneive 'improvements made to theirdWelling,hbnie on •their farm ono mile east of Dungannon.," Tile Misses' Helen Anderson, Flora 'Durnin and Margaret Durnin; return- ed . on Friday from • Ciiie_liihe',..where they, had been in attendaneeat the Girls' ConfRrenee:• ' The •pnniennen Snider Iristittitve held its .regulm\meating at the hoine Of • Iffs-Natiey Klett Thursday Mise Lauretta McClure, occupied the chair.: Roll call Was, 'answered, b the. pay.-, Ment- of' membership ;:fees for :the ensuing . Year. The ,. following dele- gates were aPpOinted, to attend the District...,.Annuilt at • '147,11101am • •on 'June 6' The Misses Cora Pinniien" Doris Smyth Margaret 'Ryan and Bernice, Beach.. community . singing Was 'enjoyed:by all. miss. Emily Mc- Cluto the Bank •of Cominerce, ga.$ a 'very inetrndive• address; en- the Object. of "BankiPg.'" ' , • Aeons Ventilator. Prevent soon? taneotts tombuss tion. Base,:20 in.; Drum, 16 ' . . Height,' 4 ft. 5 in,—only, Prestos% • Ga van red 'ranks • • Special Spring Sale. Write' for prices . • Slocum'. Spark ',Arrester For, your house .chim. ney. Pre- vents roof ' Sloeuneit Fire Sul/either For putting out fire S when they are beginning, PRESTON` Barn Door: Hardware, We can Save you money on our 'barn- 'door: hard - „ware. Write for , pekes, ,Pilsistoss jr:44; ed„ Nails theLead • is' umid 'on head of tbese nails to seal the,'; mail -hole, Now; 'Only 15c db..! tr-de— ASEIFIALt.). Mothers' Day serViceria ,observed in. the Preslyyterian cThch on Suri dey. k Mothers": Oieirlead the eing7: ..ing.4flitabield Were baptized. • ' Mr; . Attlink • :Sitripson..has. returned, After: ennipleting • q. year • at: College' in. Toronto; •'' Mrs . IC MaeGs1frary, Mrs Sieri- pson;•Mrs, JOhn'Maellae, yiSS' :Miry lilaeLe0d. and M.O. .N.„0..,MecKenzie .atterided7the .Presbyt,erial an 13rilesels, While' Bev: .. J.. K. •..MacGilliVary,•.•Mi .1. MacRae 'and MrSthian •Carneron' •attended .' the PreabYterY •,; in • Brsissele Itif3t :Week: • It Fite- With the 'deepest 'regret that . the Peppin of,Ashfield learned sit th: death 'of Mrs;..:GeOrge' Detiglas of 'LLicknow. She was well And 'Elven-Ably :known it Ashfield, being the thiugh., ter of . the' late' Mr„ and Mr./Robert the late Bete.; and. Mrs: A. drant. ',he Mary' lIardie 1111aSiOn. Hand' was Veld 44-0 1'ltb,, With the 'no w eleetcsd president,14.1.Se•;•;,Catheririe MaLIKen'zie in, the qhalr tare leOtik Wail'. taken by 'MISS 'Cith...;: crine 'MacDonald; The : program , . on- Cwin 71;1:1‘.11/farjprie.,,BiSteett,, read;ng •hy-Mlaaes "lier.tfho. Ivioerionekl, Mee, "ioh, ,Meoboneld :Lind Sadie • .Farrisli: The,ehapter in the Study Book ."tyLift, taken Mee Mary Mac1(eri'l,i6. The tneetifit'''WAS :closed, by, the ,izileh leti704160itt‘. •• " 4: Millions Of, dollars worth Of farm'build: sings are being eaten up each year by 'rot ,• and decay Catitted.hy leaky reeds, and by • fires. Save your buildings NO V.1, before they get...heyerid saving. * Re -roof with tiRih-Roll is pernianent. ' It cannot Warp, .;•sbdnk, Peel; crack, ., curl, or''bulge. it is fireproof-t-spaila cannot ignite it: Whitt . Properly grounded at the „four ,Cornerti• , aCcordingto the, Ontario Lightning RodAct, it - .• -06,entnpleto lightning tprotec,i . ,tion., ,"Coundil Standard 11114641 is si,00 -.71hrardiel&WWWWWWit -0y1,(204,fr • .is stilttnainionied. Athighest 'point., ite; ; ' *rite, ler free, eannple and: . „ , useful, roofing booklet. ake,„411410.4041i$ , "4" G, COUNCILSTAW0A110 Priem& Staid Clad Barns Built with rugged steel trusses or, plank. t 1155CS. Roofed and sided wig' fire. , proof %Vette for r "Rook About ,Baena”. , astern , Gu'elpis Street ?citronOnt. mit KiciiisiesdtO at' :1",Siotitis% ' 444 TUB 4:TC410.*VISENTINIPL Published every tittiaday morning at 'Itlieicilait; Qatari°. Ms. A. D.--..aelCenzle Preprietor Can-lOhell Tliompson-:-PUlalisher. THURSDAY; Stb, '1933 GS .The Whitechitreh-Wntoen's Institute h14their'May:Peeting in. the Hall •, , on .Friday- aftern901.' 'The Tell COI] ‘adecided.A',ft:answerelo•bLvPell.aYnply'rd eLf,e;e1.s,j;i;t1i,t y thte ;P-re,ent' 1)14Y: "the' Pe,t1 Across , on Stine 2nd. The glY9n. t.tr. ••'etary:' total,..reCeIp,te, '$9436; expenaes Ye4rs-rP",." 74 380-69.; rbatanpO,'onhand, $19.7q. flow - or fruit were Ts0e0tit1N.Itr°s.M3Saamc st; gave a, reading "AnnualoAklautiug•!! Miss Grace ..Richarclgon gaye,,- a solo, lifts, Frank Henry. ga'sie, readings Of Nina • Moore lannesons and. Miss Merle Gaunt ',gave ;an 'instrumental, Mrs.Victor,Ernerson . gave the topic, To: ,& inVeltiate those traits. in a ,pers,ori Which are' esae•Oel' : Y'" suceessful'hOntemaking." The election 3,f Adlicera followed—Hon. W.; Leggett -Mrs. V. Ernerepn; Mre;L Grein;. 1st vice, • .Mrs.7lteht•;:: Ross; 2nd -Viee,IVIrs. T..&Moore; see'Y... tree*, Ni.OS G.:, Richardson; branch director,' W. R. Farrier, Mrs. R. J. , Itess;, Mae .Wightman, Beecroft, Mrs.' V. Ernerion,,Mra. :Lott press. reporters; ,Mrs. Beecroft, mrs-. :y. Emerson; pianists, Misses Up! IlViklitmait,- Merle :-Gaunt ;'' eriet-.'direeter' Mrs V Emerson,; Suditers ••Mrs • -G Gillespie ' Mrs. Mac Ross. • ---Mrs7-k-Ernerson-a:Mt-JameSo WaWanOth Spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. V. •Ennerson. • Preptiratory'serVices'are-being:hele this Friday" !" a.fterno-on„!;ii-t7Langeide Presbyterian chureh.:, . 'The Langstde resbyteriart 'W M. S ., held their: ' May meeting At the - home • of Mrs: ,,Walter Richardson.. • ' Mr. and 'Mrs : t. Tiffin, spent Sun- day, with Mt., and Mrs Russel Ritchie, Mrs . Barbour came 'lo • her home d°1-799.ttl, ere on btotillay, after visiting:. her '-').1,11‘liri'y or.'fd M CurliP r; s,serr; s iiPie • Sunday with. 4-1,it,uihter a_t Whitechurcll Mre. A. Rilitopl and, 'little Miss Mk.--'4Vendal ' Taylpr; Florence MacPherson have been visit. ing,,fort the.;past tw:o Weeks with Mr. ,And Mrs: -"Harry:. Lee.' Miss Annie' Martin, is assisting at the hoine-- of , Mrs. E: Barheur.. Mss: Dorothy Webster tOf. London and Miss •Dorme .of Carlow, spent last, week -end • At 'their home ;here. bliss Bertha . 'martin visited last Sunday:at her: hone here.' • . ' Mr. 'Harold, Garditier. of Gs4derich, spent last Sunday at Mr. S: Taylor's: Prominent Restdeflt " (Continued - from rage: 1) iiiikeion of thil-OnTiti-Toronto, in 1925, he was One Of tbe, c on:unissiorwrs $en fp:my thi,.,p'jvq of Ontario:: Mr. Cameron's, work ,during the war. w00' ,,•1A niember of,:the: ruee, Preparedneli-Leagne, he was of the leaders in recruiting the Bruce, County " Infantry Battalion, and,'WLie -active in, Other Waya.Tbi out CI -Untie:, within the last 'six years Mr . Cameron ,frehuently spoke 'before reetarY* and Kiwania Chihe. In: Ide, home town, 'his aerVieps Were ire.- quentlse • in: demand , and on many csc:-; -asiens ;be )addressed. Y'Oung People's groups, • , : • Mr. Cameron' ;Wits ' first ,married.,.in • 1982' to Miis.,,Mary..Mtu:doeh of , Aah- field TOwnship,. Who 'died ten ,yiara filter:" SurViVing this' union 'are; three tiat*Iiters, 'Mrs. C.` E. ..atn_eson,. Cal- gary; Mrs.' J.. Macklin; ifi1liken, Ont.; Miss Ethel Cameron, Toronto, and (Grace) - Mis..charles McCallum died, • in 1915..• 1894 Mr, Caineron married•Migs Annie Dryden of ;Galt„, survives, with two sons, Ewart D. Cameronof the Canada. Spool end . . . . Efolibpt:, Company, Walkerton and 'Dr: AlvinA. Carheron, Ottawa. .. Alekan- der end • William ACameron. Of Wiehilleg; lennoth---Qaltoron fin the - homestead near '.Lucknow Cameron • of • London Fere .brothels;: aO4 Alex ,McKenzie'' of Cainp-. b�Ilville, Ont., a sister: Two brothers, latiieS" Of: illelfort, ,and. .of Winnipeg ..PredeceaSed, These attending the serViee:.;from. a •distance inclOded: M, and ::Mrs:' Camel -On; London; Mr. and Milliken; Mrs.'J G: bliti'dOch, and Wilfred; 'Toronto: Mrs. TorontO;' Mr, A q. Frairie .and Mr. Graham, . Toronto, „ 'i•epresetitint -the Refail7-MeiCh*E6-', Association; Mr,,:and Mre.!Jehn:TaY, tor, Mr and:Aft's: Win, 'Milroy ".and MrS.- Stanley,: Knarip;;;,..Galt; welras giends frOm*-Wilkerten, Water.' FORDYCE Mr.' Bert Harkness of' Toronto -a& re: Foeter Marshall spent the:week end with their parents, Mr., and MI'S, deerge' Harkness:, The Langside Baseball Club . arc Making 4 new baseball diamond %oib the 2nd farm east:, of Langsicle, own- ed by Mr. Thos. tosS, Of TOronto. James Morrison Jr. apent the week -end -with Mr. and Mrs. Victoi Emerson. • •'.Zion: Church • • Anniversary services Will-i•held on Sunday,. May 2.18t, at', 2.38-A.M.-and 7.30 P.M. Rev. Herbert of . • teltnesville be .the :special speaker for thig: oceasion; •Mr. and Mrs; Lorne. COlernan ...of, yarna, .:Mrs. Frances ..: Coleman ; • of' Hnsall incrbirSi J,no: 'McNaughton of BriiCefield, 'called on Mr... and, Mrs.! wili:parchiei• on Sunday.' •° • • Mr. • and ...Mrs. ,Herb Ellber and Bernice of .C,x'editen visited Mr -'and Mrs Fred 'Anderson on Mrs. Ellber remained ' for.„,k le* days W Itli her Mother, , Mrs Giryin Who has ot. been OicOne: goad •health..of.. late. •: ;•• Mr. ,ati: -mrs. W. T.,Gardner . and Beryl; 'idlient Shnday, with, Mr; ;and Mrs. Joseph, Freeman, Leebcitii. . Miss Eninia McDonagh„ Spent' .SA0- day -di '$o ft hallh6llietetti harhac Ze orga.ni zed t9r. thti jorning season. At meeting Iteld,ed Tuesday evening, the:felicity- nfficere-were 'Appointed: 'Pres; C. E. MeI)Onagb; • Sec'.-Treas,; Robt. Ritehie;•• Manager,; ,Will • Gardner.; Coach, 'Fred Andersen; Grolinde corn:, Pete',Cook,,and Harold, Gardner; Withi ell last yea -ea players available;. the ,beys hei able., to field a Strimig team. - , . vintiwituRcH . „Mr,' and `M.•••1!,:ereiViiioi'm and tioti dugWter, of, Westfiold spent 8j1tidtt•Y Mrs. Metrien;": • • ::: , Misii lean .d.',oulter [n at (Wok W:60liLr °Vacation :w and ,.114rS; Coulter: , Miss Idtt .McQueid.. Anent the . ivetck-• end; in i• 3Teline..‘•";:in'etrairi ent :th 'el ::),0.1.,p• • t per will be 'held lid:'Ghtilnier's131-vs'-• biterian huaeh on.;Slind'ay 'atit A: 4,44_6 . , , .•' w e °v. C, hT'1110bOrfalii „of , LtieknOW • Will preach , • ' r Mr. .(1410111.1.0.',•konhedy and, M David to,pnedy peift• ToPsdity with kr. :an& Ara., lerne-rdirdiiti, Of St., ST: 'HELENS Miss Mildred MeQuillin,' was home. froiri-,' Stratford for the week -end: • We welcome home' Mr. And :Mrs, • Tas1. LaVie who . have SPent, the .:ptiSt Year '1» SiisseX, .Ivire:,•.McIntyre ' of _Dungannon -ir. nidlOni an • extended 'visitif With , • Mr: and': Mre. George "McRoberts. Mies • 'Billet Robertson of :Lneliniiw 'spent. a' •lOWT:dAYs 'With Mrs. S. B. .RUNither.".rf01.11 Eligland of • Itapid : • 'day were recent visitors with their aughter 1VIrs Swan.• Alex Ritittad :visiting datighter; Mrs: Harry • Lee .,TorOnto. ere splendid, attendance' . . -qt. the ryouny . People* Meeting' on Sunday. night :The scripture lesson was reaci,by Weatherlicee and miss Greta Webb road the com- ments. A dnet .by Murray and • Vert.% Taylor was, Muck. enjOYed, The topic on "The . Christian - in the. Corn ritunify!'' 'WO taken by Mr. Stan- ley Todd,. ovhn. else led a' ti ng'di s s . •-'11/ettire” DAY was observed` the tJnitd Church, When WiIkbjoxjho alibjee.t, "Thc: Value.. of 'Menne ;:itt . 'the Life of ay, Natiop,!' Ile ;paid , to the Mathews ,lEt ,has•ritig the greatest in- fluence in the home, •• . (1:111 Theatre WINGtiA M. • §41TROAT: • -.-14ay piligrARb G R6pNs6N •.`PEpg. DANIFILS ' • • , 1 • In, Dra .f.sgvor:',Mining. • Days " , • SINGLE REEL:- MVSICAL !.• 4141) EQ,CNEWS , • -04941PAY zugpDAr; wEriNEs. ma, 22-23,124 SPECIAL JANET GAYNOR:. and CHARLES FARRFr.,14' 111 "Tess of the StormCountry" . • . COMEDY --;."SAFE IN JAIL" and HICKEY'MOIJSE CARTOON ADMISSION: Adults 35c: Children .20e. rm.". Efina 'Tetti-6.k $hoes:' .• . , , or WOM4:1,1 Approximately • 200 Women who:live. in or withiii•fa few Miles of the ToWn. of, Winghatn, wear ',ENNA JETTICK• SHOES We mention this forthe rea- son that ,some . of our ,eustom. eys' *oar no . other' kind O • shoes than this most popular ., make and there be. Li• reason. • pOkhalo ' the most general - ,-reastari is that of.'thoir *ender- ful FITTING PROPENSITIES' for in all our shoe selhng ex.; • • ifonerienee We have ',never. been • So' impressed with the fittin ' quaiities of any shoe so mucb, as Enna :Jettick. • ' THEN•THERE IS A WIDTH 'FGR EVERY -FOOT AND IT IS POSSIBLE 'YOUR FOOT'MAY BE EXTREMELY, NARROW,.SAY' AA.A__LOIL _ EVEN ..NARROWER. • We Can Procure "Your „Ex ct .Size 'SU: Days Time. . , , $6.5Oand $7.50" • ' PER PAIR ' Willis Shoe Store 'PHONE ' 129 , VVINGIIAM t The Leading Shoe Store 444 . LI#NOW a04-,-WINGHAIVPIIi • , ,, • .. .• 001411)0144V, :901is,,., • . piaktio*,...)nt; iits--7th-o• largest. and •most.. COmplet4 einek, In the 'Most beautiful .designi to ehOoSe 'from. , MARBLE, 'SCOTCH, SWEDISH 'AND' 6ANADIAX GRANITES. E 'make a 4: Specialty ' of Family monuments and invite your 'Inspection, , hiseriptions Neatly. Carefully andr • Pro.n Atli Done. Se e us- before placing your order:, • 4 Douglas.Brett. - R.) A. Spottost ' Phone 74 ' Phone 256 • 1,ucknow Winthaps, governtiticat Approved Barred Rock Chicksatd Etgi for HatchirigTrOM .Blood -Tested Stock , 1.-finve-been...shreeding,':•for'fif teen years - (�r ze, arge eggit,,heavy , , , onduoton• And. Alt set ' are extras 'and specaaI • "HARI(' CHICK :PR:ICES MAY•i • ienin, eaeh itetint44at'od t�c jninched "ohittot•free, ik;lith -every hundred , , Ordered: Ten per cenC depositt,;;hoOk'our orcicr t00% hve. deliveri .gilartinteed, STARTED ' CHICKS,' • 'PULLETS .4.14,•ti. , • • . c.ocicErtti4,E4,11,44.4 • I!, le Jr() litivirpiio.m, 1!ss(lrea:•$4.'ilft th•ree hinitired• or over. . itt three 'c'enta'aii"egg,' Order. chicks. OW: 'get delivery When , you ):•want • thein. inVited: " 'Write, or qlliOne, ,IttNNEDY FARA& , UhiOtielitiirch::, • — Onthrio r41