HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-18, Page 1r • ' • , • e• • • • ' • ILUCKNOW ONT., THURSDAY MAY I 8th; 1855. • , , • • • • ; • • SINGLE -COPIES- 6- CENTS:: •-•-p • ' • '• , DlENTIST • , • Dr. R. L.Treleaven LUCKNOW Hours: 9-7-12 A.M.• „1.30-5 P. M. PHONE 63 4. .g.te*grt •Gtahani . , • . . • • • •• • • BARRISTER ,,., •SOLICITOR, Ofthe Jete, R J• ; , . . : • Stewart, .• next 'Orr- to , •1 Royal Bank 1 L''Phone 135 ' ••• KINCARDINE • -- ••:Qand_ • • ZefJ, up • Lneknow, 'Phone 146-w. J •, ' FOUN suin of money it , Lucknew: Ai'3151y at Sentinel, Office. '• • FOR. RENT--,-9/7Acre Farni, Lot • 29, Con. 6, KinItoss..Good• grasS ' •. Apply to •Joseph Hadgihs • 1; Holyrood. FOR SALE --1928 ChevrOlet coach paint, tires •and , upholstering all: good; and in, good mechanical con- dition. Apply Cecil J. Phillipson, ' , .R., 3, Lucknow. . • _ „Seed Buckwheat • for sale. Price , , "... 59c.: per' bushel: Apply 'to, , , 6, Litcknow. • „!•Phorie--0-i2ir-42;'•'--:Wiegbazii., • . •I, "-AUCTION. SALE -7:44 first''class '1,Ousehokl furniture, 'including.' 'bed- :: rOoM suites, ' disheS, pumps, etc ete. ; at the Walker Store' building • or, • Saturday; May ,20thi_ at 2 30 •M -Gaynor,- Aug. —R. JMoore - volt, r,t,EicT.,Loaad.,1007.a.eie 'greSs farm for rent,: by month' or by sea- son: -.Plenty; Of Water.' Boundary, 3% . • 'Mileswest of Lacknew.1 APP1Y to, Albert' Towle, 1,ucknow; " 'WOOD FOR , SALE • • We have a good grade et 111i:iced wood now ready for sale, 16'? E.t,n4 • .12". We will . have 'a.• good ,,stock :On hand throughout' the year..., Spegint ' :prides. to those who :Will • call ',for, • : ;their wood. ' • ,; The lAicknOw Table Co.,. Lithited. , ,•[ • • •.(9-3-tf./ • TENDERS WANTED ; By Township of Kinloss Sealed tenders will be • received, by , the undersigned upto3 P.M.,. Men- day- the .29th •day of May, 1933,•• for the Crushing of 3000 yards of, Gravel (approx.) and also '.trucking " the same. - • , Crushing 'to be done at; two diff -1 erent pits. • • • ' Tenders to state price' 'Per yard • for crushing, and price per yard per mile haul for trucking. • The low•est or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. , • ." J.. R: LANE, Clerk, ' ' R.. R. 2; Holyreod ' (18-5—e„) _ • °ming' vents:' . . . . Insertien, ' 50c.. , subsiluen,t 'Insertiaas; 25F. DANCE •' •• Tony Feir's-• 8 -piece erchestrilthe ai ,NVi ll fprnish for a. Idan.e_e„ : .To'W'a' Hall, FridaY• May -Luta 4.1cier . 11, auspices • Of Jewel;:-Rebekah,,,ledge., 'General admission' 25e. Liulch'eauntei:: Prorni4elit, Lifelong.. cORRESPONDENTS AND' NOTE"Campbell Sentenced ADVERTISERS . ' 5 ilresKtent . PassesTo -Three Months Next week," May 24th; a public • R.PK. ,CiMer01,1Widely SA.C.iwa Citien • wofe4n.I.;usedka:owlshg:!tee, 18,4ed.s ,434 On, Wednesday, night' death, came to. liadericlf, Donald Canierop, in his eey,exit"YralXth yea at rhiS hemp' .here.: end .c1ina,ed a Ioig hfe of infieence. fincl PniPaSe,in .the *Pranlai thin, of alt•that was Worthwhile in ehureh, 'fraternal, politicaland pa - tie r ciferes.iwir exemplary.; citizen and ,death: tenches ,as weW ashis, family Circle and his community', :-for Mr. CantetOn, , • was ,well and hitt:trebly, known • throughout Westernend • • . Nerthern . 'Ontario. ; l" .• ' ,• ,• • Folio:wing a'oprieate' service at hip }rule Ofl 7(I'Fida',- ' sarYlee was .held in the,: 'United' Church, With Rey., ,S,' Tuelier,;• conducting ,the. service, ,asaisted1113y Rev. C. H. Mac - •Donald, arid. hi 11,ev..'..„C: N. MeicinZie of' Ripley. Words- of conSolation were • • . , spoken' to the bereaved., family .and the tribute to the deceased was: brief •:but full of meaning, record peak :-for itself," ‘• and !truly g•r Cantei.On's record bespeaks a ',Use- ful• -life .well lived...Interment was in Greenhill: cemetery, ' the '•pallbeeters. being.' litleisrs.: Jahn ,JoYnt,:•tir,• New- ton,.W.J.Little,;Wfll.. ,MW?*, • Hugh • D. 'Taylor. Mr Cameron was born ' je... a lel icabin .on the honiestead neat ,LiicknoW where his 'bretheri.Kenneth, now liyes. He was a sell, of, 'Alexander Camerae and Grace -Anderson. "'Hie' early Our . . , . , • -catioe ,was• received:: at• St. Helens, later ; froite•:' the Owen Sound Aeadenti-: and 1:•014.,' Toronto Nornial'•SehaaL 'Par' eighe 'years. .1i.- tadglit ,in -,Ashfield and Hiiron TOWnshipi4aed:••••tiftetatthree-years,tr, business• at 'Belfast, he••• entered into a retail ,,dry goods., partnership wt 'the late J G Murdoch in 1888,., : Upori', withdrawing from the • dry goods , business m.1927; • he: hecaine, •asseelatail-74ith• .the RettMchaflts :Asseciation el:Which lie was, a Past He was obliged; de, to .failing • health; to telinquish' deties•••iii‘, 'Field- Secretary with thiF asseciation " last Deceirtber, • andilfte -,s'oine three weeks prier ti his -deatl • was 'esiefined to • his room • : •'.•Mi Canieron was appointed by ' Iliehard Cartwright as ,first 'Agent ;in Ontario ;for ''!Dominion -Government ant'lutties and: in _this. As 'in his other undertakings he was. snecessfel. ' The .helpful '-infitienee Of the , de-. , • . • Ceased, vyas felt in Various Organize:. Hans' . in which 'he was: 'leader., A pilst President of South • Bruce Lib- eral Asoc:aton, h was proposed . at" A candidate seieral..times, He was pasi High Chief Ranger of the. I;01... •prolnitient among:. adVOcates.';Of. tem peratice,. a • SChool. Trustee , 1660:by periedand ,'a member. the: Li] cl:n w public • Library. Board.... Clerk of tire Session ; of the Presbyterian Chureit LuCknote,•••• an elder ar.e, Clerk 4 :„ Sessien. Jar twenty-,fivo., years, Poi forty yolersbe 1761.e p.-; Sun- dey.:schoel. tetteher..Atthe coesuin- • ...,(COntlnued • On ;Page .'"4) ••'• • • ... , il‘ratie" Death Of• Former Kinloss Man Former Resident Of.Holyrciod. ,Featul . , .,•• With Threat ,Slashed At His Herne ; in SASIcatChewait; • , ,,. With .his,•throat ;gashed, 'thbody Of ,D fi ipt,Skathi, Liberal :iitember,of 1,1:1a..m§e,S1,:a.Tchewati ILegistature, was 1fedlid'siuMped :civet the steps of •an . • outhouse oh his fetni : hear "Septre, Sask;, late.: on Wednesday last. :A razor was Clutched •Inhis right. han.d. Mr.'Stre.th,,,who had just eelebrated his fiftieth birthday ,,wa's bore at lidlyreod, ' where his futhet 'worked ,,Ackert's sawmill, the 'family re: siding. lust east ',of the eig•hth, concession. The 'cleeeased went 14-dst ., to". Tann when. a yoting III An, where he laterheld "promineet posi- tn ' in „Wheat Pool, and other•ar-' g.aniZtions: . „ When fed; a htirried vats sent ;mit 'e'er,: a physician", but Strath. "was dead tibli*e. Medical, aid ,arriVed Ile' had ' Coniplained of •.`feeling; ' ill .earlier, in the. day: 'Sometime later, Mrs. Strath had' oCeasion to 'seekhis -:'"-slct5iie7L:"'4114:'difcovott;7'as itlea i'74e‘.;1-'‘et*'enirnel-4 deeided no, ineitieSt was' lideessary. • M. Strath was first ',elected to the Saskatchewan • Legislatute in. Ho it atirktived by ORANGE SOCIAL & ANCE T'here' *will, be an Orannogwe iSreci;1 .• eh& Dance. held in Luck0ane hall on T,hiitsday•evening,.:May 25th. Music by' Talent Cane and , have a good' tithe. 'Ladies' will please : • , bring lunch. SilVer Cellection. EVery- ' bpdy 'made Wekome.L-Social Cont:' • OFPICiAL VISIT ,TO -NIGHT Right Worshipful.; Brother 'J, F. Vendrick,,, D.D.G.M. of North Huron district,-, will 'phi, . his :6ffibiat ' Vigif,-to" 'Qld Light „Lodge,:: A.F. & A. M., on Thiirsday, May 18 (to -night) At 8.00, A fullattendance is regue4'ted 't and visiting-. brethren are derdialiy 1, • ”IgArtir+.1-4VittNG444011113iTED-...- All , pprties playing ball on any streets in , the Village are notified that, this' practise is strietly prehib- , lted ati,d,Itinst 'be iliSeatitintied. •• Ot'der of HE COI7NOIL. • larly the Sentinel is printed -Wed-. AmberleY;..-1(.°41t7' an „Sentenced needaynight ensl deliv,ered: to • the Yesterday—Still ,No Trace Of Girl • Peat Office early ThlurS51aY •Ter , :Involved In, Cote. , ling Nett- week, hOwevet, we plan' • • on completing the issue on Tuesday :Russel gamPhell, age 2.6, ef Am - night and in Order to do80 we barley, 444 yesterday, in 'Walkerton, request' :•that all cortestiondeuts, sentenced to three months In :jail' and costs `.1.4 .$25. In defeult Of payment; hC Will serve an extra•rbionth. Still lie trace haB heeii'fauttil, Of the, girl Wit-Vcairif5elritiar*ed-Witli-in- ducing from .her•inmite and for .which olense he was sentenced. Evidence given in Kincardine on ' Titesdayialgt.- was • reread to -the. ac•- cusedl who claimed it to, be true eNcept Jis it related to ,the statement tat he had left the girl at the home °this punt and he heft registered at send in their' new budgets on Monday and that advertisers have their copy in this office not later ---thatiLMonday_afternoon. _Keep this _ change in mind and send in Your neWS items and advertisements -ONE, DAY EARLIER.. • nit hotel On reaching Taronto., This he retracted yesterday:•as:'untrue,, when question by Magistrate Walker, Who ,sVarned-that' charge of perjury might be laid: When he. appeared before ,1/lasgis- trate Walker in Kincardine on Tues- day lest, Campbell :Was remanded to the eonnty:""jair at :Walkerton. „ -for sentence on Wednesday of this week. Campbell was charged with induc- ing patricia. Robertson, 1.-"7, a, Ward. Of , the Children's' Aid.Soeie4;,' to • leave the care:•and Custody of, her, Oster Parents, -,Mr. and kis. George: Raines, Greenock tevynshili. Campbell• :eeeemptinied •:the 'girl' :•te Toronto last uguit,7,i-vbere She • • •RobERicK DONAti) cAmEgoN .disappeared, no tiace of her had whose death last' Weell'Jen,la''Ijea, respected ,resident of -,Lucknew:,, whOSe. life Was devotedta many lines "...of ;social service. • , - IS LAii 10704 • ftifteral.,af 'Mrs. 0....,1-1..DOuglas Whose " death-1•,OCeurred the Sunday • , •, • ,-,erefens; was held on Thursday 14, .einetery ..Her pastor,. Rev. C. C. •H. :kpcDeriald,:eonducted. the 'Services; ;peaking, wet*. iComfert: •tp, the. fateily, and ,-.paying a fitting •tribute• o one.. whose 'chief; --interetit.. Were -,entred in• the • home and .church.' and Mrs -MCWhin, .;ney, represented ' the. •:Council of the W114.8.:,,of the Presbyter - an Church ;A ;wealth . Of Mere]; :ttibetes' bespakesteent :and . . , iYinpathy. : The ...ne'llbeitrir5 were .Measte."' p..'MCKerizie;.:Stuart Rob- :ertson, 'Wm- MeKeri5le• •Di • •,Gedde W.G., Gray of Winghltin. Many. friends\ "fiern,, Owen Seilud,'.."God.erich • Wingharn1,.and. Toronto, :attended. 'the- '11VERTON ODDFELLOW ' • ELECTED D. D. GI. M. Mr. D. C. Taylor Had Served As DistrictDeputy Grand Master For :Past Two Terms been foundat 'the, tittle of his trial :teat M -Week. Thegirl, had been in charge "I` . Haines since she was nine years',old, and leaf spring had gone to Work in Courtney's Store .at Am- brley,, where. she, , met: Ca,m.Pbell, titter,r-i4-'pinii-Ce7teail4eeetYatt4t..:the Baines home was explained by Pat-' ricia..ai an offer sto Work for it Mrs. McKenzie near Kincardine which -Miss •.,R4313ertson• :necepted,•,. but 'later *fries by 'Mrs. Haines felled to :10eita'aviohlaitil'sof name -as Mrs McKenzle • CarePhill- 'admitte, aceanaPanrOg the girl to ,Tormitot:. where he stated he liad'takia her to the liome af his aunt,Mrs. Begg where he left her for the night; he himself registering at the Fraser Hotel.- The. next' inorL: ertivingat the keine of, his ;Mint;'" be was informed that Patricia had lisapPeared leaving no trace and stated that he had not Seen' or heard 'ef• her since. . JAMES BRYAN T TRIBUTE. AR.:ou:st_s cmn lEtio.!tings This past week we received a let- ter fretii •Caswell of Tor: - onto, • asking . who :pVnned the tribitte. to the late James Byran, his emPloy- er 6079-81. Mrs; M. jeisie' Bryan of VaneOuver was the' writer, an Mr.. Caswell stated "whoever wrote that • '7 • article has a tiehlt•':endowed pen:" Old Mentories.--Wete•Arinised on read- ing.it afid, 'Made Mr.' Caswell of Mr: D. C. Taylor, ,retiring Lucknow? Ivinch he never forgets. Depii.ty, Grand Master of Bruce Bis- • • , ttici 1 0..0. F.."„and Fsst, Grandii, • }tarry: Nikon and Charles; ,Cooke of "m()140/1,S9 Lueen,;;A,A0ego, attended.'•tlie district' At morning service annual Meeting,. in GlamisFriddY , • . • • evening,. Carey Mantfiatheil 'a • thi- " etton Was elected ,11,11.GIL an office Mothers' Day oefirice, Held In *hick MI Taylor has: held, for two '1' • United, .011fIrdi • tertns .Itzihn BA of Ripley: was re- -• , ' elected district secretatyte gates Mothers Day was fittingly Omer, • 'front the ,seven lodges in the district •ed in the. United Church on Sunda' were addressed by gr. TaYlor. .The morningi• with, a large , congregetiee next lidiStriet meeting .' will ,be 111 preent An abundance of beautiful, BetVie. • • •- 's;;ing'fie:Wars 'n,..artied‘fhi•pulpil - A „ front. A• mothers' Choir': of some twenty trafees..occUpied the choir loft, and. rendered an 'appropriate„ anthem.. ltev. 8: T;TUckethased a splendid serinon on the home its Influence and the. dutr�f parents. Upon: scho,o1- teachers •and the church it 'toe often • • . TAX, PAYMENT • , • PLAN BRINGS $650.00 ; Advance Tax- % Payment Period. Con.- -tinues Till June 14th • ••• • Six hundred and fifty dollars of 1933: Village taxes ' have been Pal.t1 during the past two weeks. This iS in rettpenSe to the Offer made by the V1lagc.Council, :Whereby six • ••per. dent: interest per entitles is allowed until December 14th �n all :taxes:of the current year, paid -betweeTCIViay ,tstand. June 14th; -up to ..',75(/0 Of the total amount of taxes- paid: in ' The .lifeeedOre is simplte..e Lattipt Year's tett hill is ,taken to hBac _ 444f,e4itailerlande;!_&,,i,*004,94.40..,7 three' .'Inetteta othel'EtitieliA,7Ortlifif. bill cait be Paid,, 'and a receipt re ceiVed4lie intereSt acCiting on tliis iiw will, naturally' be deducted frain the 'hitlante'. oWing' when' ; 1933: taxes beeolife'duo Ix December. ••• 4 - • ' .. ' . .. , C. r ' • . '' . At.......,,,,...., .. . .. ....,, . , : .6 ' • , . • , ' - '. ... .....,.......440 • . -•• • , .1, • •••••.• 1'• \ • „. placed the reapenSil3i1ity •'1,:tf child guidance Which is rightly and preper- ly that of the 'Parents. ' , • Atinen session was held en' $iin7 daY, afternoon, - with an • interePting ,ptogitint, iinpreisive with baptis- mal , service, when the,,,Sen- of Mr., and Mrs. Sidney .1/aide h,ha the "cianglitit of, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins ,were baptized. • 'the ,grandparents" �f each child Were presented, With a bouquet of rotes. • . ." • The program included the 'reading ...thamoSsaistiseitt Thunir,on; solos hy:1A`u tesiiteaderson, Margaret Rae Ad WillSrd ThotitliSort, recitation by Mildred Ritchie, chor- uses by the Printery class.: and Mrs, Ostrander's an address bY Mr, Alex einithl ' Bred. The Bread •of Health -„ ,of 11ealth ,:OUR MOTTO- IS quia4Tv AND SERVICE . • • SATURDAY 1;0,,EcIA!,;,S • DUNDEE CAKES, * .:•'-'• CHELSEA BUNS*,,,. SCONES., • '• ' • ; 4-.7" jELL'Ir ROLLS :NUT And EIVIHT* BREAD •••• 'COOKIES ur DeliCittivia'; BROW 14, BREAD"'is 100. per • . • eeitt: WHOLE WHE AT " , • • - • • • Phone 36 • • . •L'ucknow . '1•111•1111:01•1•4M6. LudENoW . - SISTER'DIES ,AT 'VARNA Aiwa 'Emily Keyes,. Sister' Of Mrs. • S.,' C. Rathwell, Dies Suddenly. Suddenly stricken,. Tuesday evening .of lest week, Mips Emily Keyes lisiss• .ed awayalmost Mite. Keyes was a Sister of: 'Mrs: 5. C. RathWell and a frequent visitor 'the' Rathwell borne here: • , ' Miss K ei was a daughter of the late Mt, rid Mrs.- Thomas •Keyes,anc was born :and brought up in Stanley. township and had resided.' in ,Yerns • for about' thirty . years,' She is sur- vived by fent Sisters and fonr.hrotii7 ers,: • Mts. Rathwell; LacktiOvt;.- .SBaarrrtr,.ands.).1•Misvisaei• A.Mnrn7e„:tet', tater N11.1; 'Niagara Falls; and •Fred, Of •Califor- nit and 9liver',Of Detroit. ' ••• , and. Mrs, Rathwell and ,Gerl aid were present .at.,the funeral hek from her late residence with BeV.• t A Poulter 'Varna. United Church, cendlicting the ,service . • , • , • • - - Anniversary S,erviices- Week-Eild Specials IVORY '& GREEN ENAMELWARE •• AT BARGAIN PRICES ,.,, 'PIE PLATES PiJDDiNG DISHES 19&22c SAUCE PANS,' 19c,. 23e & 29,F ...WASH BASINS ' , .22c 'DISH - PANS , • KETTLES ... 37e WATER PAILS ...... 65c Don't Miss' This, Opportunity4. urdie &1S�n . . %Telt Aite"iided: • •-'.• • • • • 'Rev. 'Eakin .Deli'veti. inspirational '41essages .TO-Iirge Congregations • —11ariiitOn .tbiartettel .Avy,': Con- • Anniversary .services ;held. in, the PresbYterian1Chnich On. Sunday • Were •largely,. attended- with flernions; delivered both morning and evening, by. Rev:, ;Thonies . D.D., of AC40x College.. A mix-. ed miartette, composed of Mr. and Mrs. , Ernie Aitchison, 'Mts. Shannon' and Mr., 'Robert Wallace, waS heard at both' 'services! as weB as epecial choir' antheMs: At the -Motniini see-, vice, a., solo , was rendered ; by Malcolm Watson • • ' •the evening • services Were with .drawn in the • Wilted Church. and South KinlOsS Church and •the.re- .' „ , spective pastors, 'Rev. ,S: T. •Tucker 4rid Rev 3 I;,•• Burgess,. assisted: Rei., MacDonald and Rev Eakin in don- dueting, the anniversary : service. Rev . Eakin Chose as his text Eph- eSians '2:8;" ,"Feily__grace are ye saved through 'faith: 'and that not of yourselves: it is the gift 'of qod .:This lie said was :the ,essence :of the Gospel in nineteeii7.woids., His sett •mcire..e; forceful one was based On; three greetfundamentals: of the Christian' religion 'grace, salvation ind faith; stressing- upon salvation, a' Weird •abused. . he said,W1ich" does. not imply rescued: Mae is lost When hell is in. him; hereeehea heaven • . 'then lieayen reaches bin. Jesus came to ytave us from sin, not pun- ment,,•whi h is only a result of sin. We have ,a purpose lire, and must net;depend on "a laid minute repentance. -lis closing words '-Were addregied. especially :US.' the Many young people present' "Behold now is the accepted time; now is the day of kea1vation,4 • ' .PRESENTATIONS MADE • , • • • That their kindnesi and thoughtfUll !less as .oigetizcttio4s..may be ,Publii÷ 137 known,. we feel , we should make brief mention, of .ttve • presentations which have. taken Place during::: the pest week. The cknOw 'Fire Com- pany :presented M.aid Igrie_1. • Thompson tesiittitell•' Walnut chesterfield table. On Thursday evening at a surprise gathering the Young Men's Class of the United 'Church, made the: presen- tation Of aTy electrie iron,' and to Mrs. j'efinstOn relding anid Alen: Andrew', Making:the itesenti-, lion: Card playing *at enjoyed -and luitelf Served by Mrs. E. H. Thomp- SOUI at whOte ,home .,the gathering was11.0dc .. , , : • , ;vs,. ..., 1 , . ,• ,• ,,• .„ . . . . 1 ' ', I , , ; . . ., 1 , ,. ., WIN • SPEAKING CONTEST Grandson Of, Local Resident; Wind '• Impromptu , Speaking Contest • 1 .• : .' • I • Osier. Lockhart,', grandson ' of Mrs: E...Lockhartofl town who repreSented . , the Young People's society •of Trinity • , United 'chirrele •litimilton,c`recently,- won therm.p romp tuspeaking- • Cen- tenary church Hamilten. 'Lock- ' contest • semi-finals held in Cen- •• • hart again •proved., himself. tp 'be: a speaker of great ability and much promise. He will represent. Trinity - in the finals, whiclvwill be held some • time this month. -• -PA • Club.• Presents -Play Well 'Attended In View of Downpour . , Of Rai That Evening , • 'A large ,audience considering the., • downpotir of rain On Friday evening, ,,..reeted. the • Dramatie Club ofSt: Peter's A.Y:.P.A., When'they presented an amusing three -act comedy '"The Road Hack?! 'Rev.,J H, Geoghegan : ,• briefly outlined the stety, prior. . t�: . . commencing and the Presbyterian. ; • Orchestra entertained the audieece •• ." • • witha number of, Selections which s' • weie well received , , : -', The mit Was as follows: ,'. Ma Fowler .T.ielefven 7* Fowler .,....:..:Rev. J. H. . Geoghegan _.•,, Jenny Douglas : Miily Fowler • Derotty Cooke Mrs 13IindersEthel, Martin . • , • Arthet:MeLeod —I,kndtew ';Tho.napSen • GeOrge. Fowler' ' • Goldie Martin Blake Chester Harold Gaunt; • Mr:, Harrison Uncle /tett Mcquillin : • • , Mrs.- 'Chester HaSsall The: •SterY scentres ..•aeemid. the FeWlee';faMily. ,Neither a irk Ma. show any einhition and the ,support -cot the -family• falia-chiefly--43oti7flie daughters,. Jenny, and George, . • " the., san,geta•• into bad, eampini• an4, , steals' $5,00 from the , Bank for which • ' • Jenny his sitter, ,takes the biame to, keep him Out of jail Arthur McLeod ' is much in love ,With Jenny .and fin- ' . a1lys able to 'Clear liat'af the, -rob-: • '‘ • ; • , bery • charge by forcing her, brother to admit the truth-,, Blake Chester is • ii rove with Milly Fowler, but 131ake's' ; haughtymmothe'r1 eonsideri' her son , mncli_toci good' for,. until she learns that. Milly's :Linde Ben Fow- ler: from' Atitomi,.. who posed as ' a , /Fowler millio.ntire and that, Milly will inherit much of his wealth.- Mrs. Blinders IP the .Vilhige goSsip,• whO 'creates a ,peck. of trouble :in the FoWler home with, her wagging ton. ...AfierAWM;.;:predicamentit_G.eer ••••,0 , " tniFOWler iteetdailliarh ":' and 'Ma haVebeen letteli. IO'blathe for the backsliding ,rut .41fik lievo - been !:iii and A' teritill , of M1100011 , . seen sett the. whOla' IAMIlY:IM: The Road •Bae,10 ' , ......, • . ,• - .... . , • 'el , • .1 ,, ',' . . a , . , • • ' • ,