HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-11, Page 6,..!•••••z;
• Canada, The Empire and
. Weil Beheived,
Whe Oa011s!.. Pt 1031,,, ahoWed that,
' there were 19;376,780 People.' In Can,
aria. Ot these_ 8,069,258, Wei° nativei
*O. the,: POPlialeri. England petit:x.11*Oct
'723't864t. Scotland 279t.76.?; Ireland 107..
OIL an4 Wales 22,340;, • The fiPirift14.,
•ing 1,12,2,608, .,PluS, tiertCat. sea,
:were fOreigne0... 14at year'. there
ere 4,164 etitVictit, incarcerated. in
;our t1i004."t8.1$ 'w°“P' 44tiv"
.canada .309.English or Welsh' 113,
Seets", 4.9" ,and , the :remainder
• foreign. ‘11.1dh -incinded 201: Citizens-
, :of the. United States;.: Tha. Irishseem
..ttr lOYO• atiput, the ,clegneat'recerd
••„ preportion. 'to population,.. bnt, tOba
altegether:',theoPle this -amine.
tiy. appear ,to, bo.a, .prettY We11:1444TO,
,lot.-:-=-SttatiordEteacon-Heritid; •
has been pointed out, that this
is .the,..AtAit: time since the: United
States get:lured ite.indenendence. that
Minister vita.. ever.
'•a guest. in,.tho-White:House .itself.nn
,t1le;:past, as ;on .the visit OtMr. Man-.
Donald. to Aresident,116,0vor,Ahe.Visit;
ing.r Primb ..Iginiater, has, stayed at the,
.Rritist.'EmbasaY.4 , it, is .probably
,,'• Ccirre.q74.9. 1)0.iht. the.
first, time in history that. a ;Canadian
:Prime ;Minister' was a h�use go9s.t:in
he WM*: of the president. HistorY.
is being. axed* 'OVA surety In, 1933
and precedent' ..established.—St. Cath-
arines -Standard, '
• . . ,
Hurts: Their Own, Business...,
Surveys a, the parkitg „rproblera.
reveal, the.: fad thatAnany
meit"drive.7theit' own ..eara to, . their
blade of business park In spaces
which. Other*Dies would be.Occlipled by,
visitors,, and thus tend to increase the.
injuriquato. trade- :on BatUrdays,. and.
lifther:btay:'..days pf the • Weejc,, but in.
apitant'variOus warnhig, the ,pr4.
tiee'seenis 't continue. • Chatliani
• •
Standing,Timber. •
Believe it Of nof-"-a tree ,that WaS,
ve0t1 completely"threugli it iho.•
• Tina, aftet:beirtg...ncitched,„ was ,so well
balanced that 'would not fall BO•'
• *he .woOdStrianailarintit'siieet FOrd
r*Ich-and an ,Kialatant Irent .St: mary's
• Would C'ailso. it • to .iopple, • but ,'Whenl
..2.they,,,tettitned ...neat" morning the; tree
,Was. Still atan:dirig.,:„.4..trowbitt was
•.:fleessy tt overbalance' it; ,and
• dangerone, 'teak wait acCOmplished.
rniship;• rentenaber,..it'weS en(
Off..,=t•reidwidii :Record.. • -
: Heine •Town „News.. • .
•• The iniportanee othotne,tow.nnews
_Intho grnall tOWn nailer ,has been, .em-
iihasiZettly & Iarge gathering •of.edi-
tors of the 'smallk.Anierican news-
Papere, in New s'irerk.•' Local • needs and
• little' paiSonal items; Was :.ehown,
• :iicissessed Ahe-itrengest . -iar.
thejr. treadets.',4. ;The in a
,:113ma1ljOirn •Is undoubtedly ;More ,,in-,.
teretited in What Is. going
• ately ar�undhlm tbanlie lalnplaus,
the .dereitilinient .of wheat --
growing' in Sib.eria; • .
It ISWitit, blest inimediately
"cerns. Oa that, Is of, the greatest, per -'
:Intel -est it; us. That dOes :riot
',Mean that a ,Inan .in a 'small. town
has ne interest in."; wor1d,4fra1rs..;In
many.instaneti,indeed,' It will ; be.
t bun d, that tho .edifors,. Of smalP(Oivii
rieWspaptts are ,'.:ekceptiona1Iy2. well-
.intOrtied UPon worldiftairs: •13ut
,. they .wisely judge 'that 'their. • reader's'
will: find more .delectible material for
•dObafe lii thederelopMente'and hap;
'theittiwn in Which; they
. than, .In ,...-What. In
. Tibet.: or TlinhubtOO: • ,
, ..There* thiS, notAing Of narrew-
nothing:OP ,Prejiidlce,nothing: of.
eniall; Vision... 'Ills just • :plain. horse'
.s. en ();.--.--.MtititrealDally Stat.?
• Now.,.fiat:— a Holcl-,Up.
Pollee' ' chief . sari . , arreat
wonien, Who, apPear. hi ,trotiaers.. :Ter
breeehes •of the laWl•--Regiaa
„ • "
„ Higher,. Flog .Prices.
Alitted at, the -higher 'Prices .behigpaid,
fife hogs' and a still further increase:
the_ scarcityi-:
farther ; who Continued 'lir,"
ho uine wili nowreaP!tlie,benew
. of: good • fiiiigraeift(11,entOe
• Transcript. ,-
Not To.i.il'alle:Prope•rtY,,
•• Cr rannotbe too strongly' emphasis',
ed ilmt trees grO,Wing tile:country
aro not publie.p.ropetty;*but b.elo'Pr4
tIi wn.ers'' .,tbe land ,tipon whlth
avey ate ,growing, Two Guelph' Mon
, di8cOVOlod,11 their. sotroW
wilco theY' Were convieied, ir pellee
court of lia.ving cut .0i* dainaged no
• fewor ..than. trees belOnging, to` a
;farmer and, .Were S'Onteneed.
• to .: servo .fifteen,dayiL,in, :jail, The
. owner, of- the: trees. (Mt ,not Want to
:Boo the. Men imprisoned, .hut tlie
..Ceettlt. Atitelliey salil.„ Eliot , there' Was
Of the eariteNlescriptiou every
- yoal, and an 'example, Should 1.4; tirade
tleCordei,:„. ' • '
• Fait to, Fair Sex:
• 1.114r,sidolit. It(i‘osevelt: Is' evidently a
b‘f?liever in women in Ptiblio F4.61:
Loy log iw bis ' apPointnient of Mita
e` World at 'Large ,
Frances Perkitin its secretary ,ofilahor,
he. has named. Ruth ...Rryan CWen,
daughter Pt the fitPat comrnoner, as
mitister.to Denmark., — I.;ptdon. Free
. ,
:No Women :Transients: .
.EVerYoPe..1FIJOWSwhat. .a. ti'aUsient
Saiiilltsa'e.:arS.'wertlty.'.of help. . and:. syii.
liathY; othersare net. Both kinds are
-telfeleen everywhere.' They ate on
eiciq road and, ,lilghway; •eyerY.hpds,e-
holder..has catered rtii,atiti fed 'them,
every, tow': hall in .ever Y town 'and
Village • haa sheltered • them almost
every night diming the past winter':
But they are all, melt,
'there, 119 wol1ee•'0Ut.ef Work, 'unable
to. leclite 'etiployiteut of' any. .itind,
iici-twOnien hard 'PP?'" '"' ••
Undoubtedlytliero are. Thousands
. , .
!mon thousands of them. How de they'
live or. exist or ho do .they, clothe,
themselves in these times, of denies:,
'Pi it ';i.ride, or are they iriOre, will-
ing to work ,at .4ay Itilia;;,,ot work?
Are they .rapre adaptable than,
more -easily -satis e d ?: Are -tliej -More
grateful -for sthii. "'mercies. ‘i-Tave.
they. molt :bane 'and _liess_w_ishbone
than Men;,. ineresandrey tyliat'
•WilettOer tire-no:women
transients, not In the 'countryturen
Expositor. •
‘• Britain ailf the'. poid , Standard.
••'It has 'been a,aid that We shall not
return.. to the geld standard until we
are convinced that other nations are
teady 'to werk the' systetir sci- that it
alien fertilize the world and not he
broken down ,again by semi -corners:
Until the World .ECenoitie Confe,rende.
has come and goite,, it is net potsible
to. 41151ge :of possibilities of the
requisite .conditions being
14ondett Financial Times.. "
Fightingthe Mosquito. • •
, The 'other, day, at Edenvale; :near:
Maritsbiirg., .Members Of
• the anti -malaria stag 'of the itt.Tatiti7
burg ' Munieipai Health Departniefif,
•wito...liad." been 'sent • ont'.tei apray.•Oli
en, a :stream,. Were attacked by mitfre
Men end, , Women, atinedwitb '.sticke
and bieyele. Clutina, - env, ate'. grettntl,
that. they:10re "poisoning the Water:!'
--No-tiOnbtthisTine1itent ..seetas. • start-
. to white A'people,' : intong ..Whoni•
there Is a. tendeneY to blame the an,
thotitlea7,for.'.nitt,...keePing, Malaria t•
der:better Centrei.': It Is net Oren an
exceptional i.f.ceiirteliee, but ••it...1a: ,
timely reminder that, in.,lighting .mal -
aide •, in 'ilie.:native • areas, same
oldfenernies. of- .prOgress.- that domin-
ated: the P. , India and the
•, . • . ,
denterapotatlea-ef. Copernicus atd,
GaliIeostllL,have to overcome.
Johannesburg Sunday Times. '
..The •• pOnneEntenteilt India
century age, the EnrePian,..•,Who.
had an .:Bidiati :friends.".Wtis iooked on,
as not quite normal, a :limn ,tO'bearite
of, 'and. aii.' indianr.',-;thO had a Euro-
pean • friend May have, bedi;aiinilarly
:looked •aaltatee at. But tkere Thvo
atfoit..6; tifrepealionndI•ndiens in the
,PtoteSaiiinii,:::..b.usinesa. and :•the Serv
ices the eifrapetence :Or Indiana In ad-
jaating thentielyes. to the culture and
:WayS fef.:Earene,,,the: amazing discov-
ery.. (ii inese have' been.* tremendous
shook' to :the, )intopeani.. on whore' It
first.' .dawned) 'that /the Indian ,.inte17,.
leet • is capable Of great .aehleyethent
intim:1Y sphereS,.'eVeltrin. those looked
:upon': as •:eapevaili, European;' hirtie
'Mbdilied. the „social .1Ite" of .India • by
:dowa'iii"e. Oldgeptiorialishi7to
a:Marked; exteitCalCutta • Sialee,
, . • •.
Pareign, Trade,
'There Was once a biitellet in a small
tetVit Who was infuriated 'by the ether,
butchers 'Witia .took away his custom,
i,pliard'erto rilin,tlieni; he dOnverted
,the Whole town to Vegetatians' alid
.-wdeatirprised to filid that as .a teault.
lie 4asruined, too:The 'folly of this'
. .
sbeits'.incredible, Yet it is no .greater.
,tlitari that of all the' Powers.' All
'have observed that fereign,..trade
and all.. have
..efeket.eil'.'tarlffS,- to..." il. es ttoy. . foreign:
.tratiS,Al have jien aatonished to
that they .„..,were «s mach injii.ted
aa : their: com,pbtitors; ..Not one has
,•1;enrieiiiliered ;Viet:trade is Ociprecal
and. that. a' fotelgii: nation 'sells
to one's, ovitt .:nationalso, bllys frerei
It either- direetly Or'iodirectly.—iler; •
. • . ,Nagtzine,"
the E5cpansion of Jaan.1 ,
' (Javan has. Made prOpOsals toNr.Ipl-
land, for an exteesive. Migration.
lint,c11 'New Giiinetti) .As .TTolland:has
clone .so.ljttle to oc'enti'y this. area,. pre::
hably: becauso of the diticalty-of cep.,
lug With it witti:Artbes ..and the
, staelea ;1)1'6K:rite& by its. -1111Ysical 'tea-
.totoi- 'there MON, ,be a readitiees to
grant Japan a concession, • :if o tiie
future will be.traught wth. iilgethnr
Canadians Receive TrOphy."
. , - •
Mr. Cleverley • (left) recciVes,' from Col Drew We relay . trophy
•won in ClevelaudOasttanninter by -a Canadian team comprising. Clever-
cy,";)•.„,. Mullen, :lien 'Smith and Sydneyeshitt... it was.'the first time
: „ , .
. . . _ . .
:-the.110-pby. Nvas on by-''6„"•Nforeigu"' teani„ ; .•• ; • ,.,...,
Shin I'mOg.t..ne. Returns
' With,RiCord Seal Catch
St,' Johns, 'Nfld.—Records "of, long
Standing, Were broken by the sealers
this seaSon,, and twp ,pf• the greatest
cargees ever brought VI St. John's
- have .juate. been. unloaded.
.E.Owring Brother:al aretpurietthat
their steamship, Imogene hdis,
charged .63;636 reels Valued at $60,-,
722; The weight Was 1;?48, .tons,."thir-
teen. hundredweight. The. Imogen'a
crr.,ipd, rnOre than ,.,*Toineni. each .of
tv.htint will, :receive' 493:44 or the' Win,
, The Ungava, outfitted ,by grool
4. Co., and marine- 'agencies, clis-
•charged 49;9-69:seals. 'While this:1MM,
hex' was leWer than the Inlogete's,
Abe .trefebt, of the Ungava' s cargo was
greater by-Mpre than six. tons. , • Thq
men's sbarelms, pot, been announced. ,
' The previona reeerd. Was eStahlisliea
in, 1919; When the "Plprizol hrenglit in
46,066, ,exactly„ the Same . number as
'discharged, by the ;Ungava -this, year..,
'Both the Impgete ,and :the ilitgliva ex-
errer, l',0h4e4tweightn,os.,
,2 of, the Florize's
S,..Advprtisers Forbidden,
. se of Prince's Picture
caii,hat company, froin adyertiiing,its
.i)ir:itet..1?OfY.,raPieof-,,A7.eaa -rpiiric,:stn4re,t.roafv; 4- t4ihtd.
' The attempt; to. capithlize on the
pc'puia rity; at? the Prince .in,the :United
_States caine to light „When an adver....,,,
tising agency, sued the 'hat &impair/
for funds, expended 'in 'mailing out
pictures. The defendant ltefused id
,... . , , ,
:>pay, on the ground the coiriplainant
had miSrepreserithd its right •t� :,use
the picture in thia. manner. •-•-
• The •Picture' had . been procured;
from' it news pl-,otograph agency. Mid'
Orpst, its back as Written, Not to
be used for ' advertising ptirpOSes."1
,‘ .`The Cort PPinted out it was a itilS7
deinennor to use the ..photograph of
a Jiving person for 'advertising• Par..;
,poses .'without written., 'Consent' and
held foe the:defendant. , .
British Woollens
of the Canadian' Wool:,
,len, an Knit Goods Menufactureta"
4abeciation says::
.urs ' jiist . to hand show tlint in the
first, three ,Months '.of A.933 attada
• was' the hest custkuner- a Great 'Brit,'
ain for•••••••ewoollen and 'woistbd: cloth;
The, shipments ftent Britain
wete,. for eotin-tri4 purchasing a'
ton square ye s -co... mote. ,
• ' ;First Thieellenths•1933 ,
British Africa ,
Argentine. : ; .2,251;400
Denmark 1,s48,09`,
Irish ,Free State. 1,213,500
New'Zealand • ••. e . .4; .1432,400
▪ • .
jk.. pan . • t • • • • • • • • i • • 14111100°
Empire Countries • .puechitSed as 'Fol-
. .
.Ct.nada, ' 2,417,6001
.British A.ftica.,• ..:,. 2,284,309
Irish Free :State '1,273,00
New Zealand. 1,132,406
British India
▪ . ' 292!0,
Station is Rename
: .Port ,Arthtir.7--Fitr in: the mining
hinterland,. the little Canadian Nation-
al. Railways station t ,itong-Lac.Mine
rent tow;on. Will be known as .Gerald-,
ton, Out.; named after2 S. J. Vitzgerald;
.vice-president.., of the Long ;Lac Com-
pany, and ifs:president, Joseph Erring-
ton. The -station is about four miles
ttora tho mine. „.;
. .
British and U.. S. Navies, •• -.
. Invention
I•TeNY• York.—Last• Week .reptesetta-
•tiVes ..of the' "United States navy, the
Britfsh navy, • the. bureau ; of
houses; and othei ',shipping ;interests,
watched: the first 'OAS .of
eaPable,.of .,Tienettatla:S• fog ;et Aratiko
screens,. :aCCOtding iti laventer,
, . . „ .
Comreaudet-.PaUl 1L MacNft.".
, • The experiteents Were conducted
Beritiida. • The; doViee ...Uses the: Prin,
elPie 'of iaiiiaLred:rilya, etilitted accord,,
Ing to Maceil s theprt.,.-PY:,ev.erk ob
. " • • •1;
The itiven"-a.,IS Capable; pi
uP, to a ratting. of ;15 to. 29 miles,: and
Can locate • exadtlY.the'positien of an
object; itetlier..it.le hidden bysmoke
'night without lights. " •
B dishAVIedical-Journal
Reports : 20,090. Deaths
• Mer4eal'Jour-.
nal 'estimates' thedeaths directly :at-
tribtrted to iniluenaa'io the winter Out-
break lasc' some .20,000,,, but deelares
• the, epidemic was definitely, kss' iev-
e-e than that-Pf. 1928.29 ' • •
, Against 10,624 deaths'..in 118'.great
,towns thia Whi*, th,ere 'were 13,884
deaths in -191 great towns in 1938-29:2
The, 'Populatiom at risk _this ' year
Were 4.5 per :cent: greater, Vcat deaths
nearly 25 per ,cent. fesiver. In' .Lon-
don,..the compariso&ii. 2,033 .,•death
this past winter and 2,899 in 1,828,29.
Buoy to Mark .Aliron Crash
new Possibilitlea itivolVing lite hriet-
eets of.,attjat:ent' laild's and
nil : Weekly News.
..UNITEO s'T Oft •
'J'hec is tioro ,
than in spending t, says.'a
Man;• Alltight; yea .malie It and
Us speed. 4(40'4;
A gikiiit
Oirig!ble Aln
's(„i,S hops,' wet 64 over the ••glith,"-hr:the:41glit'.3111.6..•q4k)
./;iglit,'N.,I.,:.:1•20liark-Iliii-epet where the' ten:mina
ea, 'Were:Iodate&
• ,
. Two Canadianis Win
ineluded hi a 114 Of...42, 'Awards for
research in tho speial seiences an
•‘rounced..14the .Social Science Re-
search 'Council. :Candidates' were ch
sen'from 138 it.PPlicani*.;4 total of
419.;299ivi11 be distributed among the
42 winterit.
' •
The Canadian were'i Cites*
_Nett .of.,MeMaster-triiversityitilarn-
ilton., Ont, cbose PriZe. Meneywill. he
,used to aid ln_.the;:ccitnpletion` of a
• biograpby. of .ord. Br�ughani' ,and
,A fl. M. LeWere.; Of . Wesley'
'Winnipeg, • Whese. Award is for use in
the completion of "kstudY of the
iiadieri lumber trade ,in the19th: een-
POE Authority PretiCri es
....SulPlint Spiing_Favei
These days, Which 'fall in the old-
iiihioned:4`sulphot-ind molaiSea'r pet.
ipd, 'call for ei(tra ',attention 'to dep.,
liiin4'orthern, PattiCtilarlY,, .flie
heavy coated varieties, feel the weight
of -heavy Winter fur and it ii:espetially
"desirable at this 'title that thOught'bii
given to their 'coritfott..A. bit' of -pul-
phur is en eXcellent. thing AO prevent
overheating of ',the' .diag's It
Should net be lithe wholly ineffeetive
totra..Of a hard ItimP of su1phu in
the .drinking; water; but Shouldhe
given in ,potvdered form, rnixd into
n pasW ..§UniksclOgslind: a inixitire of
powdered sullibar With evaporated
milk eiPectsilly palatable and Will take
it as a ,dselicaey,-It is alSO wise in the
spring; as in: the; iiiiimerc to avoid
too hpatt:y Menli. And, as'itlways, the
dog,shodld have plenty `of clean, fresh
Movie film 18 Made
Eng.-.4ing ..qeorgn ..a0(
Otieen:Maty, s�rnethlftg ot;Climitia• fans
theinseltica..enw,....iihne,...itt` the making
tot theiltat tiniOlait week. and„seeni-
ed to .en,iOyfit ,,theroughlY,',;, • ) •
.;.ThO,King..hatt given permlssl�nfor
thirtanitng :Of the: colottel cerenthitiei
at changing the guard the..lawn of
NV:indent. Castle. •.•
. Tina Cailletameti sot up mealt. ,
•Are,i° e)4)16"4
05e0e, IglisabC'th and. Margaret ,ROse,'"" • :'"7-." ' • ' '
• clad other moiriberti tho
44ititign)011.--..Y:11,3ti‘e:itPlepircry. Ctrirlil.tt..1i114.01160
Argentine. hi exinititionally low,. liedoi•-• .71,110i
ding to tolisnitteli itotti,tlie Argentine• .
neivirtieeat Of Tgabor. • reg.:AP* •
that Pt. Populatrot,
'000 .only 333,397 ato fillif; or .loki Mint;
three pet' Cont. •
•At'ge0thie'S OiCti()Ftt.4'.,4t6
Meat ' anti :dal nporliietS, Wheitt,. Cern,
'11 filleed;i .gtiebrachO dr:s4... and ,
ls prlitelpal euSaittlet is (Treat
• 46, ,••••
Son :11/10st. ccompanled.
Mother en Driving
• OTS'Or. ROI ry .110g:tin, .:8nfid*
."etti-rhot-het, drive tee0i, ear fin
'a keit' bnioss medley litepiliPartiet
him.' This sti pula Lion s'
bi a Magistrate who cotivicted ktogio
hibitOr at,..the Chicago ...ValtHof roclilesti driVin '
, the . 1)eptittitelit'Pf,
"''re t "
itit&ttAttir 7 • 7 ▪ , • _
pteviSieti.! been Itatiel.filt the ' thief; about rad-cobu
DominiOn te;takticipate in the titer:4-1,46re And-'OPle a4nil '
sition, and, thatnancial reasehit' tiv,:11),; ‘oliedgit te sit In the sinilien'ad langh,
'Operate to . keep' tattatin, titv.40, '
aploters Leave. •
Englapd. Sclio
lit014yan: Peaks
.F14n • to..,'..M4p ,Remote Area:
4,604dot. Little-iCnoiNtrt
Glacial Region
. TArerpree4 ,Eng, ex,plorgr!
have left Liverpool on a si*TriPlithe',
e*peditiort.".to „ hitherte,,nns,urveyeil '
.).eki0T1 a the. .•
Th a scene of .their Oploration Will
• be the Garigotri rglacirr ther•Prov-
hiee of about get()
n*s, northeast :a Belhi, The
• object is to, climb as niany et the
peal.(S. in, the neighborhood as.possible,
the highest heingi'23;400 feet, and to
tarry Out surveying .werk:. They; '
hope to eXPlere. the. tittte-Iteewn
gotri ,glacier system.
'Toward the end of., jute, when that '
monsoon -restricts clothing the party
Will divider the map -makers reiniain-,,,
,ing in the same neighborlinedy while '
the otherS' hi:we to • wander across. a:
gigh, pa.s8 into ,the valley:of the -Bas.,
pa, in search 6,f ,a district, possessing .
cultUre Tibetan in character, where
they may be. able 'to' study Buddhist,
art and11101c.. '• '
All members 'of the party are ex-
perienced -mountaineers, and: members..
ef the Wayfarers' Clutcof Which Mr.'
Marco is President, ot of' t.N• !
Clitnriers Club:, • ivir...0; F. icirkus; the to,
YOUligescef the "Party; is one" of the'
leading' !rock -climbers Europe. Re
willbe"in.charge. pf the nfarilmaking
and ,PhOtography of 'the expedition.
Mr. 'F; Hicks is a tchoolmaster
arid •an artist. He proposes.te eierai
else his artistic gifts, in the Rima-.'
laYaa. lias4"clirnbed. and tided in :-
the 'Alps and is in. .charge the; ILld.4.
ing side of the expedition;
Mr. C.`Nicholseif, whose iather.
bui1 Sir Theams Lipton's Shanirocke
and other' famous yachhs; besides be-
ing .a nieuntaNegr, plays the-liarPito
chord gr..:Charles'Werten
is a...distinguished': rotk 'Climber and
'Alpinist; ahit •nteinher a the 'AI.:
pine club.: . "I•
-S00;00071i6aS 1VA.
Bureau tea:
St. Louis:7-1:merlca's transient polut•
iation. Is lit a ',tepid: tato, a:.
theSt. hitreatt'Of iiomeleSs,Men,
:ink • about tie conatrY..0f,'theeemore,...
than 290,000 ..hra.IMys,' „Under tw'enti•'''.
'ears Of age,21te,belleyes.: Trains empo'. •
Mg into St. tainie daily. bring .hetweoli
2,000.'aini1;290...litlinTvited guests, ' Ott
survey made in 'et -operation Vilth rati
'read' efficittis:•shQW6.11.:;.,Minit'ot:theee:'•
niciVe' on. :In a 'day.' or. two,
Motor Car Parts. Free
• From ,United 2Kingdoin
Ottawa.7-Parts. of meter......eare.and
.nietnitYcles adinitted.•te .Cart:. •
ada troi:. of tient, the.,
Itingdebi under ,an amendinent inert— •
ed. in 'the :customs tariff,' „last
By the trade: ngreenient inade: At
'the,. ImPeriak 1 teener* GoPfetenci ,
1' tee iMporfatiOn *Of motet...ears. and.
•%c4or.ey0161. was ptOVided
Mention. was, Made. et, Son/ '12
E. Ist,-,0:11„liodesi:•Mintsite,i Of. 'Finance;
proposedTthe: ahleOujenf When. the.' .
'House. Of' Oceninons lkaa.
the. budget i!..esOltitiOnti: tom:Mita*,
waya, and tnenns'.-
With' little ds ion the ,•
riLdied. through :.a niimber. Of
taiff itette Making. minorl•Changes, in. 2 •
the rates. of. duty On various inotc.qt
and parts.: . '
4'13 '
an mg ,an ermer,
, .
'Saundera.,Get. Giants'
„.. . „ . .
havo been awarded their tauaL hnnui,
• tie‚ 'fot .:actvicea..rend,ered 011 e
•House • COMmons considered:
mates of the Department:Of -the
:trior V. 'GA -lathing.; diScOveret:
of in'iblhi. for .(tialietes treatitent,
..cei'vea $7',500 '
dets,, noted,- for his reserirch7-WOrk in
pteductiOn of Wheat, $5',Nit), end- 0.4t;•
•, ily. 'frequently peered put of „wilidovia
at' the . '
New: Bialet._
. Rules .Ariiiiiiiinced
on 'the 'Canal.
tlian Bieley teati",•in. fatu're. 4111.. be
' confined' 'Aiti'••tict.tittl., terVing. tbeinhers
-of thelnilitlir-forotia; both pprzniinent
leatneil• last
Week: !Tile ...pevision for Ci,tiinnih'e0.
,'.0,f ,.array mho 'have luidr,at least
nine years' fiCiiiiCO' ex-inernhcls Of
t Can ad n' 16itiieditionark* Force and
'.Force bait
been aboiishett; • ..
NOV- ,
.Exhibit At ;Cliitaio'.Fsit!
'..'.,#.i.ottatva.40anada wilt not be. •lin ex