HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-11, Page 3By MAIR M. MORGAN
Woman'. Place le !nth. Home"
Bulky foods, thatwill gly,p. the'diges-
fivp tract its much :needed exercise
are ,estential. Nearly- allfruits and
yegetables, are Mineral rieh, foods and
hava• a decided tonic -like effect.
, ^
Fleirfor BAlatia. • •
A. IlsIi salad doe( • not necessarily
reea'zi Canned liSh..• Canned -fish -.does
nralte delielonsOuladi, and some should
•alWays• be kept Teady.' for thus ute, but
. •
A.,"celleitt•°analadt, "m•ay be'made .from
Or .Ateanieft, fish; 'etid,,
Iron any, iett-over"dish„,„ •
: Ihere 'are two ways" of: .trialting .
.11sh, ts to 'Place ,A „portion:
Oa a plate ; and flank it With
•Sliced ,CtecitutherS ete, and
; , „ -
then, put , -a, Stiodliful'of . salad .dressing,
oit the side; ; This is krhapS. the beInt=
• lar- way,.',dosigned to .Sekve. ap,
•.'•peal"—and it .ac.complishes this, • very
-•;,thing. •; It ;teats" delletous,
the.Probf Of the Salad,, like the,
•:EiailCink;,•it. always inr'-the eating, And
, the dish-. j.utt .desertl)ed, willbe ditap,.
s pointing. ' Lach item on the. plate.is
linteaton'ed; ifinecent;7.,, even, :of 'salt;
•'Iqiich reduces the ,Whole;.platefni to
gat ;insipidity; and, the .01101 ..aize ef
the oiate.;ft`ialtes impossible .kfty:satis•
•--„factOrr,,•teixtitgt-of they. dresSilak-4rid
41a4 materials. ...149):1,
•.sprinkle little :saltaround', getting too,.
' here and net ,eiratigh.there, put
•'..a.foritfut of the salad in .the dressitig,.
aiid:eat .it !witheutszestinedittating's On•
the- waste ot fine. . Materials' : When
•..tudressed".,otilk for' eye'. appeal,. • ' ,
;• This dish...was Once••;Served. tO..
preaehman at Et hotel: When the sal-
' lid 6ame,.Meousieitr, an epieure,,loOlted
• at,. ft.. It was not liecessary--for-Iiiin.
.to, taste..He, knew, - '
He naled the. waiter .and'...the head.
•,....waiter and the salad wanreineVeti.. In:
ininifte, Or so. It was brought' haat. It
dhi net look v11. Salad never
•',When Mixed., But it had -taSte. and',
' 41A.YOr... • .;• •
The Mixing bawl:had been, rubbed
ent..cleve, of garlic,7thelettnee-•
'• •Oredted, the toniatees and ettehmbere
and the fith• flaked. .It was then
.^ • v. . .
, .441teil oa10 mixed With a•nit,iyo.tinaistc• ,
dressing.',(iPade..1,v, Oil) until • each• .,
leafcrportion§ was., , marinated.; In
dressing: And lento!i juke to taste. .It
• .sal-
atI to a triumPli of ..delicioustiese.. and
.,-filuntitirrellah. . 7-
"1ye appeal" : 011.011d 'always.,1 Play
..;,,ieemiti;.Partf.;',•:taste.,...tirSt...• •
• , , • • " • -
:'• 'Your Diet- ••''
vet laps ,f.hero, s, no time o year
.when tho 'aPpetite Is so jaded aiad
.In need .of healtiifity stinlulaIlts ta.
-* . • natural hanger as in the spring time.
•The , foods ,.*tileh Wekd• perfectly
jeitimate ,for:.us.to: eat when 'We 'need,;.
.• 'act 'energy, for.. 'resiSting Cold' :Should
• hP Pat.; aside .ithit-'fruip,-. vegetables;
eh ':e, • eggi, and• "Osh':uted in abund-
•• Tart feeds Such is graterrOt- and
•rhtiparbareespecially desirable since
they ..bay0'.'a tendency towhip. the ap,
•..patite 'into action,. 43tcli1e.ti;:,usually
tonsidered.indigestiblennd taboo, are
tuattd .valuable for 'thelf,piqttan.ey.',ithd,
;• 'Appetite provokiiig quallues.•
• .4entOn.;eaficei, tartar '6aireeti, and
herseradtah saiiaeS Whet the appetite
• end 'add food value to,..the' meal, •
Foods.rlcliIn Iron , willdo flinch
to overcome'spring fever," : and
•shoiild be ligett treetyr:
4-1• ...Watch 'Iran S'uPplY.":
A. .attid . of many dietaries' ',.glifis
thein to be 'lacking in, iron,: carefully
.ieleeted though-- they' 'May be. Toe
)ittle Iron lil blond . „ , •
and tiSSueS. causes
• thein to misbehaVe„, ..'."The oxternal
..indieations of ..thiS
,haviotn" ere • apparent in.-peor.'eolor;..
iistlessneSs;and lack vigor—'spring
SpiiiacI ha:§,....ihe.7..14heet iron , con-
tent ot atirti-f--the .'vegetables and
,Of ..'conrSe ..is rielif in •Vittinnris, ..:hut
there'''are other ,sPring. vegetables that
Are „Splendid.. sources , of: mineral .• Salts
• :' •.• ,
Dandeliongreens; beet greens,°inint
...end:asparagus are ifl season and offer'.
..yariety:,.., • '. • „ • : • :• • ,
Badiehea, ,Spring e'arrets
Are ,valtiable •itiNirifoods, ,atidshould
be .nsed.,fregitently. , • •
. Endive-80ring Favorite. -
liindive with '.1t7, 'slightly bitter .taste
,1. l't!lighefl at A'hUSAI1110 of year and
' ileW.!.cabbag.e' •11.:10iOn; dres.86e,
.4tworertek-,to: the. i'..18ii,..ereatn,i1rOss-.,
i. Of the Winter :rtiontlia; • •
, ..and vegotahle.s' Inn:sr be re-,
iled ;upon' to turnish tlie-; necessary',
Irbil' grarnS ',and,keep.. the 'body
. ,
• 14...0.:tor.rtigSratjailUi
d:cttl?iaon.'fai'.w..1;"lell' aie"
•inade of fin-shonld not be, overlooked
dtiripk. Snring-ple,ading, 1t.3 :Suet). ar-•
• tieleS ltartrar: dust, Which is not pro-
perlyrenieVed by briishing. Tako the;
out;of„doors ora fairly windy
IlaY' and beat them,theroughiZ Thou
rub thein.'eli over :with het •brae, nerke;:
trating to •,the skin, Clean one
iiiall portiorr, at. -a time,...leaving, the
bra!l.. rat the ' A:time; • then heat
tigain and, leavp..out inthe wind'. for
Several hourt Afterr'•thiS treatment
. . • . •
the,,,fur rugs. or :cushions will be ,clean.
and."- freph. • ' " ,
• It it a good idea, always to • keep"
• a -howl of, 'phopPed Par•sler .0P.. th.-
tahle' When: Yea are: pre.i)ariag
nspring Meal. Alniott every,thingi you
serve.. can , be 'garnished ...with the,
'bright „green leaVesand the Y go far.
toward toning -uplanguid
• •
• .
It Is in-exCeBent,' idea :to Oover.. the
sides r•and bottonf. of :the baby's play
pen -;with, oil ctotti: 011 cloth • os-
-Washed: with -1,3qap:and'iivatek-,oad;
in g4.;colors'present's A :vifry..chee,r-,
fift:-appeCiance.•,. • • •
. • . .,• •
• .•
,• PLAID8...00Fl STYLE.
• •". P1814 ll1c dresses are eitiartei•thati'
printed ones this siring.. .• 'Many 'ef
•them have jacketsof solid
and -it le very • chicto hair° a jacket
• • • •
• • •
'TOO •Meats...will.'be Made. tendet
:by adding 'A!teaepOon .of lemon julce
to water 4n,whlch they are bolled,;
• • •
* Fe!i'!Aire,'NOwH.Fishions.
•L..4ondon;, Ejig.--.Miss" Mary..,:i.'.lieeley •
.and .2 Mrs.. .Whittingitall7..(Eileen,
nett) the lawn tennis Oak
soh with sensational, dress fAaltionts: .•
Mary Heeley Id the Way. . She -a.P.;.
outfit designed for • shoulder freedom,
(int& :resigned :for shoulder
held .up
ed • their necks to ".See. :Photographers",
snapped 'Mary And ,•bisi•g shoulders•A
hundred... . .. „
„ :When ;Caine the,'..poPular Eileen'.tk0
the:Vaddington-teurnainent at .Maida,
.Vale, and ihewe'd. Mary hqw:•.• the
. thtog really should be. done, „..;•
Slie apPeared. With, her back 'eon-
:SiderablY hared, • and 'nobodycan. say
but that he was greatly tub:tilted.
It. -is:-thought highly 'probable. that
the HeeleY.Whtttingstall: : • lead- will
'gather adherents. ,••••
Mede. that
:This inarch:.in :Clothes emancipation
hegaine pronounced, . two : Years. ago;
When; after'. the hare -logged brigade
had almost won the clay,..8eharita,•:.Al;.
'Tares appeared At Wil....4.'hiedelf.in,-wide-
ly .ciit,. Uni•HTatitaloOns,. a .ktnti,of
tided shirt tliat siiddetily wnt all
trouSery. ;down to 'the ankles.; •
The,fashien didnot catch on". • •
'Next .year Miss Traril.31in.,,CPPeared
et:•Ohiswielt in shoit and a "sweater.:
hut -aborts ,did! not ."becoine popular..
Men aro,thiriiig,:to- shorts,' %Brame
EIillyaicl tas *ern 'theta for.' years
With 11 11110)1 Can; to Matoh. 4'13111111Y",
•Austin tap taken; ,to : them, recently.
„ one r.proirinient .plaYer. has stareci.
.oft the road . to ',hare•bacits for inert;
He has gone in a one-arine•Shirt-..
shOrt above :the
,,as:.uSitai,,. right oft at
the :.neolc and shoulder..
Ninied*.Aftet Canadians
, . ft •,. .
iniieP0i48n6 K4'. ---Son of Mr. and.
IVirs; goy :Dregoo,; born'itf.tbe Neode-
sha . tangos' hOSPital ititiv41
thero. • of caradiaus injured ir. 'Pip.
,tiereplaild crash, which •restiltetl: itt• the'
death Of five' p'-er'fons-7-w,4 .riiimedjje,?1:
sritoe,.Dehgoo, In honor Of
A. C. Sainson,.:Fresident. of the Toil.-
cl-s! basketball te0ii,. • and • Bruce,
Dodds, PlaYer,•,•.• . • •
. . ,
40' • t se:6 FOR
s•'cct DoNtt `YOu
ANO.TilitsJG tkitt
777) BALL NC.WS,r \ •
Mary '14, . Leeson V11,! --Jesus.. Asserts
' HI.;Kingshipmark 11; .1.10, 15,18.
Golden ,: Text—Behold, thy 'King,
cometh !,onto 'thee: he, Is Just, alle!"
having 'ealvatIon.--Zeobarlah
" ..AN.A.Lytg, •
ipN00' 01-- ITACE., '
!IL', T4E, pitgApiiiit. AND 'rim Fit00.T..ppip,
INT1104Paul'C'I'r1N:4-I5:1108;* th • :§.frent-
Algid Of •,hit enemies Jesus Was new
about ta enter. JIolding nothing back,
:he had •submi:tO,4,...himSelf °ft)
!lis F'ath-
e's will, ...,That siibrniSsieri brought
-,bim te the:gates Of Jerusalent--.-:Jern-
salem :that hal s1an the:prenhets.,
He; hintself, eueeted no other fate', .•
1. rtib ,raiNcE Mark 11:1-11.
Aftor the.long,ascont frojn Jericho,
(11(Itirk .46),, Jetus and those wile
Went with him arriyed..at•tho MOunt'
a olives; withir, threb.,mileS"ef Jerh,
talent..., 'Standing. ori- its rocky proni--,
oifteryt WentyLfito fiundred r feet aboVe
•sea -level; the hely City • was, about
Afteen mile•o.' from „Ipticho. Across
the' Valley..;'of. RedrOa it Iny,'' now
thronged, with pilgrirns arriVingfor
the :PasSover. .1 0-115 now completed
his ,Pteparations, for a. r seleinn' and
conspici.ouS entry' to the: 'city.' Vrein
Bet.l.any, Where he ledged!fer themext
fe*--,clayst lib sent- to'.--thei'...1.1efkilboritir
..probahlY Bethpage -,:t -which
Was not • more 'thai. a,,Mile from ithe
the colt, Mark 11.:
nay assume that he had arranged the
.iftett.er With.,tha owner beforehand.,
He WaS'ableto „tell the 'disciples 'where":
they Wotild the. cOlt,. arid to give -
them tho necessary Password, v•:. 3.
straightway he- Will ••send him
hither" is it to:guise that .the Master
will :return the animal promptly, , As
• soon --as he his,. finished with
• •• The 'picture '1,ice-eSC.--often give' of
Jesus a'w,a Man going up to his death
•deserted ...by.. all but . a • 'few 'faithful
friends, his ',popularity ',..:completely
gone, is not 'correct. The Mager en -
teed Jerusalem ; onr-aHtremencleus'
wave of enthusiasm, On his, Way from
Galilee he had Moved..leistirely;' halt-
ing here, and there.' to ljteach.,..:, 'teach
-And-h-e41. Hirfoltowerslyardwitles's
thrown out hints be'lnight prove
to be a...greater man' than. any . one
suspected, ' greater even than John the
Baptist or. Elijah; .:He*.ii:thlis:s0t'!'
founded .byan atmosphere of 'excite-
ment ,*•*itieh '*grew, more tense every
The Galileanpilgrims, knowing
that he was On his 'Nfosi..,;. would' Wait,
for him on the..M_Onnt..kfAliYes.:There,
they ,fortned a, procession:;,_Theit,,eut
hranChekfratif the Wayside trees and
Adgether,With„their garments,,. Carpet-
edthe road as he rode along on the
ass which .tha iniknoWii: friend :in "the
neighboring Village had provided. As
they Went along, they sang a triumph-
, -...:.,
. ',Why , did ..lat,tts, •wbo had. :,alWaya.
avoided' Parade hodself-advertiSof.
nielit, 'enter. •JeruSalent as the 'chief.
figure intt,•s"houting procession? •,:One
reason was that he Jule& that his .ene,
inies,Were waiting fer,hitn, in the city.
The danger to be mest.'clreaded Was 'e•
secret attenipt in his life. If he..e#7.
terettJerusalem a an
,would ' be easY. to 'assassinate'
him. . If .he •Mtist die, he 'Whuld, did
openly, ' in the sightof the world. Also,
by 'surrounding hirnself with publicity,
he would be Able to aVert 'theend until
ho had time to Make his Mission plain
to the naitltitiide.; .I...,ater events shil*-•
clearly that what • protected.:hinv for,
the f0W.,daya. he had th:,live-,was
,the.-contintions preeefice of his
supporters. Sejt?•,.11Iark 'IT': :18;
12.: 12; 1,1: 1,2. . • • . •
•Another .: reasaa was that 7Jesus ,,had
rPsolYed to..#stert his.keeslaniCelaim.
Jerusalem', At ' the. 4.?ag5ovet was the
place' and the, time., Ifelladttio.
son to , hope for anYthing.but death.
:Thereforehe must 'take precantionto
ensure thathe Weithi die not only pub-
licly; but in his trite .cliaractet•..aS Mei.°
siab,! not ,of war; but of ',peace. .
Therefore, riot on a hoes, the Syht-•
bol of Military; poWeri; but on • at as,,,
t he symbol of po4ce•and Seivice,.,WOUld
he proclaim the riatiire,%Of his Mild.,
ship. Did the 'prophecy of :Zech. 9: 9'
crane t his mind?, Only theife*:Whorii,
he had taken inki: his Confidence *rail&
understand •the 'fileaniii•g'•., of the 'act.;
The others, as we gather 'frank their"
PoPg's (vs; 9, 10) eflought of hipi oniy
.,as the heraldof the kingdonv:Soffie-
tinie they; too; ,,would understand that
love, serviee,. 'Can ;ganglier.
the world Of Material liower. •
tHp PRIA010ti AND THE ,PRoFITrias;
1111terklI: ,
Next morning Jesus did that which,
sealed his 'doom. He 'drove out of the
Temple the ill-gotten gain by wItich. it
flouiished., It Was a 'Sweeping de-
nunciation ,the 'religion of his time.
Rehgion' had ,
Every worshipper Was expected to
offer ••a sacilfiee. For this purPose.
droves Of animals, cages of birds, were
always „oil.' hand; • These victims • bad.'
to be purchakd svith nioneY specinllY
WS, r. W•c-Alp
regicc-. TRACt
1 1
umper St4
.Practical and Smart
By ligLEN ,vintLiAmS
Ilioatrate4 Dresenzakinil Leestrw Fun;
nfshe.d:Wiilt EVOIF Pattern ,
That bow v. 'And • thbit c,..te little
Puff 'sleeves!.
• And hesides,. it has. a' ?smart cape,
has this attractive juniper dress. see
tlia miniature ' view l• • .• •,
A navyandwhite crepe silk print,
efr lovely for Spring,madathe juniper
And Cape. '
Tho' .separate • guimpe. was Plain
white ,.crepe. It can Also he made
w:th long sleeves. ;
It's so entirely • simple - to fashion
Grey crepe sillc 'with 'a yelloW and
,apery 111
Drapery, as such, is. alwaYs,Ignoblet
becomes asubjebtof interest only
by the. colors 1Cbears, and the lin!,
pressions It receives from some for-
elgn OV :Wee., pohle drap-
erleiN, '94her, in Palilti.Pg; or OpuiPture
our olgrtllour'rr‘ceoxnruY'siderT7triliogn:).4.hatpresent
rnteas5sit,it:Y; 04area aenfrthWingggr;rte func-
tions; they are the exponents or roo-,
tion and or grayftatibh,..,They,are the,
meat valaahle, Means: !,.,;or: expressing
Pli:sUtrea,7, P7411thlY14.aer :lect74,ttl.511.44'0.47'.41?.141:
PIParko, or thEttooting' the • eye ,•the
-force of gravity whiell,resist such
'The Greeks.- ue:ed, draperk la
,sculpture for the most part. as an :ugly
necessitY., but availed theraselves of it.
gladly in, all represeatatiMk Of action;
exaggeMthig., the '.arrangements 'of it
.and•folloWT,gestiiro.:in: the person;
Tho Christiah'ScalptureS, Cartng little
fer,the. body, of•disliking it, Aptl..4e,
pending exclusively on the . ediraten.-
ance, receqed drapery at first ibentea
ledlY as 'az. Mit. seed :Per.,•crved
capacity •of ;expreSsipAta it which 'the
Greek bad. not .seenOr had desPtsed.. •
The Principal element. Of ,this
pression was • the, .eutire, reatoval of
Agitation, fromwhat was .140 •prp-.941111,*
, Q111,1,Y? of being agitated, ..lt
. grop4, their . forma. pliintb.";
- d w n. -43reeping-,the-greund----tre evil*
op.d.,,ocooeatifig, th,e , feet; . while the
Greek: draPerY ,was often blown awaY
from the thigh. The thick and.• coarse
staffs of the monkish dresSeS, .so
eollitelyoppOsedto.itte thin and: gauzy
web, of. analent, Material, . suggested,
.sratpliefty,of divisien.as Well as weight •
:of Mit.' There Was to cruithing.pr•subT.
dividiUg. then. taus the draper.
gradually Caine ,th.ropreeent-the spirit
. rep* 'as:..it.:befere "battier inOticiii;
repcise saintly. and
Thas. , treated', draiery. ';'111 indeed
noblet, but it is an :ex.pooent.of Other
As that (4`.0air4ii-
V011:.1t has opeOtat imajesty, belnOtt-
'earth ifor;fallihg,watet -passive:
;itint.,--te,0,,....trotir,k--ti'lloe10..";.•, :SOT
again, in salla ,it is :beautiful because
it receives, fie. forma .of 'Send curved
.s.nr ce, and expresses the force of an-
other .itiviSible eleiteat.ohn-
,i/4 "The .Seven Lamps Of Architecture.'
, . . . Sur.ishine y
-gre;,;checked-7-Prepe silic-guirap-Tris-anz •
other adora le.,scheme. • ,
tyle. No is. designed tor si.es.
12,. 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, $s. finzt 49
inches !mit. •• '
Siz'16 requires 2%, yards of .35-,
:12 -..ch material for .dress; 1% yards' 35,-
i.ach material for, Short -sleeved blouse;
,Yar(I.',82=ineti. Material for cape..
Write your name and ,address
ly,, giving number .-and. Size of such
patterns as you want. •Enelbie..15e in
stamps or coin. (Coin preferred; Wrap
it ,carefully)- for - each iniinber,' and
address your order to 'Wilson ,Pattern
Service, •78:Weat Adelaide St., Toronto.',
• ' .
Coined 'fOr. the Temple: ' ,the- Money, -
:changers *ere' charging oppressive
rates :of spxChange, The religious an-
-tlioritie --,s4iiiiked-at the way in which
;the inoney.:was .ntade forthe sake of
the revenue,: Jesus- saw that his first.
act Of anthority;nftasthe that of driv-
ing• • •,
the . profiteers out of the chnrch.
His flaming anger-overWhelnied thein.
They fled front the place. The heedleas
pedestrians, using the Cuter 'icOurt-,
US, a' short-cut 'from one, side of the
city to 1110 -other, ,he ordered to keep
therstreet, v. 1f.,
Challenged by the enraged author-
JeSui.denoiraced the institution
that "ineglected to take notice of • in-
justice an ,an cut usmess ,prac-,
tices. • ''•The word •.`"thieves" .(v, • 1/).
suggests a-rnere sericrasreharge. The:
Teinple:had •lanintentiorially beConie'a
Place of refuge for any •Jew who had
injured a Gentile. Gentiles,•darednot
enter the Sacred 'precincts on pain of
death.' These, traders Were 'there, at
least some of thein,,becalissit was the
only spot where they- could escape the
vengeance of those. Whoa.' they had
wronged; ‘,`.0tit With theni!" said Je-
sas: In driving out the profiteers who,
to. make 'religion: proSperous,
iii darine•to "assert his own antliority,
JeStiS Sealed his fate. ' •
, . .
Und6.weight Beead •
. • , .
• Niagara Paps; Dat.--.-Toir, "100.1.7..es,
were found to :be 20 ounces Short In
weight When i ft speted by lietoottie'
George linglieS,
antIH the San • Bay tread
w 'as iftied and
cos*: The reninintler of the, viten-.
load of broad, 661 leaves,-,,, was, confis-
cated; And. Sont,Att., the.
robin • • ;
MA0y-rtINGS :OF ‘'NORLI:v4i'Di
t NT PeG At. LW) E "
Dia •
-A sunshine nursery sabot ih*Itich
each Oil& has, an overall to match
the Color scheme of its,,Claearbera`• has
been 'opened ;by Miss 1,8hbel. MacDon-
ald, Vaughyer of F.'reinisr McidDencild;:
Saltaire,- Shipley,
The School' which is ,claimed te be
the, hest -equipped in Engiand, cost
spo.ioop, . and. has. accommodation for
120 infants: bet:we-en the ages of two
and fi'yei •:. .•
: Each of the 'three clasSrcienis‘L•has
jIs own color Scherm: The
ngs are ',green, yellow .and ,blue re-,
spectiyely; matching the • paintwork.'
The rognis'are heated by a panel
in the ceiling.: The Avalis
Two • bathrooMi. are ...walled with,
glass , one Of , them ebeingequip-
ped, with a special '.shower bath. from
the water falls•inA. gentle rain,
like spray' at a controlled tempera-
ture. •
Each child ha's, his .own teothbrush;
haithrnsh, and comb. .
Here is the daily "round. Of
; • . .
the san-
a.M.L-Putting on ::ovezkirs, hair
'tidying, ..handlier,chief drill, and
giene ' '
,I.0h15---EutYthinicS, Color rork, na-
ure talks, stories arid free play;
• Nodir..-LItat dinner, With food.
tifically' adjusted. with balanced, vita-
p.01.-.-tesseas in hygiieric
12.45-2.80,.-4est, ° . • •
3.10-=s,Pree play..
3.80--,Preparatioit for home..
, .,:„Infants 'living. genie distance:ire/it
the. scheol are taken hot*, by omni-
busunder :the snDervisiOn ct".' teachers.
em.: special consideration .itt allotting
Places .at the school. to. children Who. I
,are likely 'other Wise to 'be ilndernottf-
. kheci. • "
ercise Effeetv
n HumaaEeings
• k
Evolution; of Mechanizecl' So-
Brings About.
Changes Physio
•, Functions e
The ':OltelUtien of a Irkechaf474d.
•PietY,, 05.ont, which so Much is heard
at .the present •bright
aheqt. cha.ages in the,,PbyPielegle..44.4e,, ,
thins, Of. VIA today.as woll
,titt s eConami,c,
...043.'!kr: ;7.*11.-#41. "af. ''t4.0,,,,-Ainerleaa. •
Medical Association. ' •;!-,
..?Hard physical wOrk, once the':Icit,
of -the 'majority .4..peoPie,..is gradu-
ally being' relegated' tate the category
.of..the lesS :usual experiences of
ilfe;"+•,:corit,inties, thaswriter. "Aa a con,
merry 'resulting So. largely 4roni
arY ;tontine of livthg are now :being • •
deve1epe4' through yotueterY exercise
and athletics, .•4 haVheen 'Stated that
athletics" --consist .;Phypicat exercise
. phis 'ntore. Or less, Of. emotional exer-
. else, while work is:likely to involve
losA10; the. 4mQtions
."A .taortioaio.or muscular'..effort-1-6!,
Work,;-.4has. always -been. regarded,as
.Wifolesonie to, the 'healthy.. ergehism:
.,Thiere :is a Widespread belief that Ce.r.,,.-
.tain physiologic,„a' ;•
••PhysiCal .exerbises ..and. training,' HoW
real Are. ,theY, and what 1s their.00,
ture? Aii elaborate , cliactittalea
'these qucstions bus recently been pre -
'seated ljy A..H. • • Steinhans of .the.'•
.Xming 'Men's:. Christian Association
College of Chicago.
•ne. ,v,pintS' out, increases in musv...-
...; • . ' '
'cle , size, ,strengt1t, and 'enciiiranCe are
probahly..arneng the -test ,recogni,ztd.'
chronic ,effects f inigeniar 'exertion":`
.eie.:,eaphOt• Proc64 far in
eration of tha.gOntracti1atissaes'wity....„,
ont..being.rought face" to faCe "With'
the pre:Warns :•of,.. their. = biood 8.11014y:';
for through .this the:removal of waste ."
and' the repienislimeht et" energy .alone
can be insured.. Thee 1nter4elationahlit '
betWeph:the skeletal muscles and ths.
7eirculafory-anoratie seems to, •
been' ..rebogniZed:',,by'tfie::cliScovery".Of
tli CircillatiOn:Of' the blood. In 1621
Harvey wrote: •
,•."• '.',4the. More _rituseul and -•iiowerfcd
men ire, the Oilier their.60Slii;-the
stronger, ihieker, denier and more fib- ,
*Ms' their 'hearta, the thicker, closer.
and stronger are the. avileteo 4,od
teries !"„! • . , • •
s• Haldane- once remarked :•that. 'the,
circulation and respiration may be
lociked. on at the aeryants, 0! the nlus.
.dlea.,7= Today...there are addeit'faetors
that caIl for..:,recOgnition: Chexiiicat
Changes In the blood, adjustments oi
the : tespiraterY hutietions ' involve;
Merits. of the endoerine• Organs,
new co-ordinations,ihthe nervous sYel,
tem. It...has:been Stated that tht
greatest :and More lasting, changes in •.::
diked by training in tuan. end anititalti
- - . .
plaee in tlie nervous system.
• J'if the,thosig, that: oterciseinereaSea;
the capacity Of :the organisin. to pur
1:form Work is:acCaPted,,if,becOMeS:le.:
tereating to considerttre Interlocking: ,.
divisionefresionaibilities,' for.
general outcome. The :physiologist
oLindtiednbgAtr4,„ 1,rrid d:ngdhui 11 pime and In e. al esi
of perfection oi movement, and he
tributes thein",in general teilitiriges hi
the 'muSoular
system, lespir-circu1a-
tory isystein Said nervous SynteM,..r.eet
peatiVely,•. •',, • .
•"‘Accerdiug to 8telithatie, literease-iii-
,Ptrength 13 00 doubt primarily •astoct.„.
.ated with the 'hypertrophy' of 'muscle .;
in 'whielf largely thesareoklasni'paill:'
cinates..too •littie is' known of
in 'which Chemical energy is tran0O.F0.1
:into inecliattiCal energy' in the muss.
:Cle%to „speculate. on„"ho w
changes lobserved
to thellinOrease Of:strength. Eildprattee:': •
11.1e.'-itirp of..tho organiiiii!s' abO i y td
catabolic'. withApproPriate aa
kbolie probeese.i.: Priaiarily thISItiewas • .
• a .Stitheietitfeapply or oxygen; and,`:sea71:
Belgrade. ---A. valual)le fiiid. of bur
"tretiatire' has he'cif by ;c
t officers'
searching . for ,srungo1ed-'7tobacco b
ieved to have:beet:1, buried in the'fr
tier village Of Noc••„ina, they dog u
.yhen opened, it 1,
feoUti, lo contain 4,;00.0,K0'• dinars
silve.t• crowns, The 't.re
Ostai:eise(;fnitiritiset B.1—Tiyke,a ii le.e,:o.iiii,..,.4tItiroledtc.id:iiaoiii4ria”
crq: StiliSegtientl:V • k .
£zhes 171'Rolland areltaptized be
fore being 'sent out t� gram; in the
belief' that the 'Sprinkling is eh anti-
dOte: righThst ,tothrhx.. •
• .
N'OU ,IGNORANC.rii e'ogGt GNI .
te,(Vef.11.k0,)Gi 04:
1/4(601 totkIty c•JAnt.kt.to
1AT .
*iti's!the,:Use?" Sao* Mutt
kuikk it44
• • ;4 -; • :5,
... iithe
. •
, .