HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-11, Page 2'nor•
• .
By IIAZ EL 400 .11.0“ZfEr.
. •••`,
It seeriaed like houra'that:MarY, and
Sates. watched„ and it hegan to appear
'that The Fly was winning—at. ani
rate, if he had survived thus far, it
wa.s likely he could hold out until the
heavy seas subiided: and set his coulae
•again. Then they lost him: "Well,
Le' s' gone," said ‘Bates, • : •
-Mary pointed suddenly ;arid Cried,
aloOkawhat's that?"' •• ' •
It merely a titcliiig,White ,sPeck
to her eye,. but Rate,sexclaimed: 4435"
George, he Made it! lie'atying up At
tit ' ld * '!" ' " • —
lowerthe lifel?Oi,tt7aati take her to
the fort, hnt:: her laggard .looks so
Alaimed hint that he ,bolted without
making, any reply.,
„ , , .
Suddenly Mar Y .heard: her give n
glad cry and saw her train herglassee
on ,the prison: The girl did likewise
and saw a ,figke crawling along.?,the
top' of the ,wall; waving - something
white. Word, .apaead that, The • Fly
had been eighted'ank-eVerYone, rushed't, that side of the deck.- Th man had
risea to his feet and Was stumbling
lalang, waving Lis anns • frantically.
To whont wassignalling? •
. . • .At almost the same moment the
To PaPtain Hendricks theY took the
news. He was iratening to the dots cipli;*i.jetet4:*-eiig stoke .° osatiltsfil:•iTtlaivwriotaech'1,;Iiinei"
:and, dashes of the repaired radio3set.•
tag on the eastern horizon'. It =lit
' "It's 'all ,right," ' the cantain, told
to somewhat closer t`o De Lora
thena • "He'll stay there till ta
ready to go affaa•afm, Nothing there -than to there. It =rat. be the tug he
but'the skeleton walls of thepvita alaaaltinga unaware that it was
abandoned long ago.rison,
saeeding to the aidd of the Gypsy. The
: • t
Mara madeher Way do to lame of smoke. grew rapidlydeekzid - " •
; ,th
aoPPet: at Bruce's door lona :It. was like being the, a' adience at
• • .
anaagbate See Old .I. J. Jupiter 'seated a; two -ring -• The excited ones
,by his son's bunk, holding his 'hand On -Ward-. tIto aaricht. turned t4i-r;.
is if`, he had been aachild, 'Brace's glasses 'first on De Lama,: then on the
eyes ; Were 'chased; .,heslping *Wei ' eetug. Suddenly a' cry"' went up -front
, .
•peacefully. several throat a At once—"He's:gone!'
She „turned back to her awn .roofti; He's fallen!in •
colda weary and feeling more than a , Captain Hendricks" advanced the
little forlorn.' Her door was Open and idea that, hopeless Of attracting the
In it stood a strange figure— a ghostly, tug's attention, De, Lama had delib-
, wild-eyed agure in white pajama,s.: erately jUniped.
aataryla Dirk eafea•at Sight -Of: hei "He,knew Wliat was ahead. of 'him
r r. r ove
. They "sit op. the edgeof Maree bed, . 'Werell5hea,
Only One atood Sileat;:tearlessa,a, wish that ti w eatly
atild eached 6rhe "Ma ta in 1 in the Wast. of thirst—hers -atrang-
• 4 ,
'Listen . You'e forgwen
lot of stupidness because arau love Me.
-Delft' You think Eddie dik_ the
name for you?" •
•„ Cre cantinued.
Flying Gains in Britain
Although. the membership to Brit-
ish:tiYing-eluba-fetl-affaiii-194; pre-
sumably due to, the econo,mie depres-
sion and increased, taxation, they, did
More flyiag per member and used
more ,plabawned Planes :than in the
previous year, according to the a airt-
tion correspondent of,The Daily Tele-
graph ofLondon. , -
The figures relate' to jalitteen gov-
ernmentassisted 'clubs and seven
elubs: grouped untlar the eostrol of
the National, Flying Services. Therc
are, however) . others, such Ag” the
Household Brigade; the Rqyal Naval,
andtwo Pr three, new local clubs. attgst
of the elphea according to the corres"-'
poldenta are ira a sound position, but
they..have been compelled 6 overhaul
anethals and to:. echnoraizea Compar-
able Agntes for the past two years
, are
' • ' -1982 - 1931
Membeashiii (28 clubs). 6320 6711
''Flying" members 3;210 • 3,930
Hears in the air 28,686
FtightS :63i860 71,474'
Clulaowned aircraft.... 1,00 78
rThe London Flying Club's airplaffea
e_ath flew about 480 hours during the
year, and the •HamPahire Clab 403
hours. - These -figures tivereeeedcd
hy the Herta' and Essex -and the East i
ern 'counties clubs, with more than
600 houas machine thus flying
it least 50;000, Miles during the .year.
The fact that most; of the flying is
ncl entails much wear and
tear aata, a a-reat number of landings,
is evidence:, the durable qualities ef,
the Britjsh light.eirplane,•expeits say.
' •
, rye been, sada a fool' I heard shots er to this 'Part, of the country," the - •
and I thought you. were killed!" ' captairtasarmised. , -
whatever. Louise.
iire:•'s,.413°ut•e4e"11. other, -griming .fOOF fellngt:i9 suggestion
khly but happily at each Other: , • siowiY, she Put up' her. hands • before
'Sappy?" Dii-k imked :gently. .her face, and steed' with „bent head.
' 'Terribly• happar----4-Mary, her hand fast' in Dirit'a'as he
how a long tinie!" it was at beside her in a deck chair,. looked
their' old-Jakeibutinstead Ofalaugha
, lig they were suddenly ,: More serious
ihatiatheY ;•liatl* ever been with lettel
ether. Quickly,. 'breathlessly, t they
'kissed • and clang, • as. if they would
'team', lei go. . • , . •
'40h, why wert you so ,ciatel?",•11,10,ta
• 'isked when she ecadd manage to stiettit..
"Itwas .awfala.lathaught 1 eOuldn't
-Bye,: And beta it, for ,*--you.to think
those things' of inea--"! ;
Dirk pat his head CI'Vrf her ,ntoutia
, "Don't!"he begged. . was just a
, • ,
jealeas fool!' I never :,dreaniedathat'
you.; 'eouad, be right about that ether
let:table; 'thing 't You' ',Were, right.
theu h! I want you to Itaow jaa
11;7V:ea be-ii-a*'...ataaaa-iiirear.• getting
- the invalid .'deaniataits again. When
this had been:accomplished, -aftth one
, .'Dirk's. *Sarni About:',1114y!s • shoul-
der and the other about ,Bates, they
'Litt ,found thenmelyes leatlato",itatta
• "I've 'get •to be the aapri,',herel and
look 'after you two brats," Batas.; de,
aided." "Marta aet'alongeta Your aOOM„
or I'll use the aldatip,per!" •:'' '
"Bat .I:Coalda't sleep!" ."
..aLlethere and count sheep :flea,
You dont Want to he asleep ;.tenterrow
aiheraWe bairaabaek The.F1Y, do' year
"You're ,
"At ','sun,up,",, d•' "
nriay.,sileot, your
, "We'll: take the; chance.' That's it
herribte hole he's takerareftige in." •
"Where,' ,did he _get th,eLguitt•-•and-,
the 'cliloniforni:?" • .
' • "The gun awas his :own, 1 got. it
: -back fram,the'Alibassadotas house
tective and' have been keeping it in my
oom. But yesterdaY''I Persuaded'Mr.
Jupiter he ought to keep. one
on his table; hut ienne
tine' yesterday' it ..disappear ed. ',Either
.DaLoina r;tact keY.and walk--
And galled it,or hesnagged it
' through the :open; porthole.: .
"Anyway, Bruce haa'got,a.i.38Lising:
• ,iirrlina, . and the gun, in "quqtion,wis
.,7!---0.'7,,38; Pa" it's reasonable ta.'sapPOSeiVs
.1t1s. own gun, De Loma stole."- ' •
"BO the chloroform?" '
`1The, chletoferin &Attie Out of the
4:apt:ain't medieine chest in Bruce's
. When the laveradiad filially parted
• Bates took May,te,her. room.
. He cnn-
Iided that the adio had, testier:dad, to
Captain liandtiek's „attentions,' SO
that he had got through 6 key Wrst,
' A tug with's ,doctor •aboard
'as speeding to their aid: and should,
arrive Wore Oen: ' • .,
al' haven't seerI.,ouise about, SJe
couldn't have been very anxious- shot
Bruce or • she Weald have stayed, With
woUldn't, she?' '
"She's roandihguvvi- by the port'
• rail; ataring .-ata the prion," Bates
said. "She' Started 'crying) Wanting to
Arnow if was. dead, and 1 told her
• 'lie, 104 recover. I thought she Meant
Bruce: She said it, Was bd Loirtt.sh
Meant. Well, you could :kridelt rne oVer
with...a-leather!" .
"He's her husbanglaa,gary told
"She' hates, Mtn, hat --she loves' hi rn,
There ',Was little ?Cl :ker. anyone'
brt board the 'Gypsy !the ' rest Of ,the
sight. Dew!: fetind them all 'dressed
and reatning.,the de -k, watching anxia
for. the WiStf of. saleke ori the'
1,0i.ikol iNte lierto the rtiriv:i
itosti1t3torlliktlitalthilt told lita'
-*haat, the old prIeon•.. and ita lorry
'State; Miry; found it lin poefA not • to
'SKetitete about The Ply and what had
heat:el:led to 'lama ;
Imam had tried to bribe, A' Millar'
• -
away from the -sight • Of • the.other
woman's ' grief. la came to her new
how' she -Would feel if it had been
.-•. Half an hour 'later 'tits ing, had
'come as' clpselas possibleto the, strand-
ed 'yacht and stopped the reef
. , •
in thefree thrtatmla . A • small,. beat
was 'lowered: and a doctor 'sent °yea.
,Btuee,' Bates and a • straagarMed
sailor -lad Were.diapatchedan the tug's
•dory :6 bring back The Fly, altve, or
Theyrowed the '•half Mile to Fert
jefferson'and sot* :returned:4'1th the
Of the'boat. slirafrkat*.aaafaain'
the -sight, and, the ;.,Spand, of pp.t.p,§
cheerful 'iadee sickened her, as. he •
blIuwed up to his employer,grint and
white-faced, 'leaning over the Tail:,
• a -Here' she, is; alai" He Lehi, up
the auha ,Iteeklacearglearnin-gitkeadraPs .
of heart's hIpoll'iatlie eatly•mornina
;stun • Mr: Jupiter nodded,' but there
was no' triuteph or • even pleasure. in
his face. -
. .
"Lame he live" he 'asked, in alow
• • „
voice, as De Lama Was 'carried Up the
.dock and laid, on the bed in his repin:
'Bates nodded. P‘rrazy in the heed,",
he said Saftly:, "Keeps talking about,
ti.a' .sun getting in his eyes. What
:does he mean..by that?1,he sun' wasn't
up till" just a eget:"
' The -doetor. einie 04. Bruce'.,
, , .
cabin and. 'greeted the assernblage
,with the false .chaerfulness, of these
.who are • not""Aireetly., concerned in a
tragedy:. 'nrOur son will live," he
told Mr. Jupiter, "but he ,,must .be
,gotten to a hospital harnediat,ely. This
'heal . . . soinethlag :might hapPen,
.to the vvound. ,
,Mr, inpiter;16-61tecl likeaa marl re-
prieved from death. '
! ..fliero,s another :jah
:dar ',Yea," and led the surprised "doctor
to De' 'lagmti,'s Staten:Oa Thi. time
the niedieal map did not •even. pretend
to .them. ••• •
"Theatn'an's all broken to pieces in-
side," he said. "He'sagot a ballet-
Woand besides. . What., happened to
hire' If he hasany people:here, call
.them, . He's' likely to 'go any minut.e.',"
BUtit Was not Louise who, was Call -
ad firpt.' Bath, enlisting ' a white,
liP.Ped• Mary with pad and , Pencil in
hand , to 'take down, the dying ,Man's
NVOZ l.s, was glaep ;a little flail Alone
with hint first. "glialf an hada later,.
they,,eame out. Mary' .wes; white and,
"Ile did it she :4,obbed., "Ile killed
,thent both!" • ' ' •
, ,
'He made ••Eddie telephone ate and
say' he was coming over, theft lire 'Sat
on, 'Eddie's 'Oat and came in'hirtariCe.
Eddie Was .1o:eked:in; with' the 'other,
'reap 'guarding him; hut am got: away.
That was when he ' callea . you, and he
hia somewhere. 'They looked for hail
la the caia,'hut didn't see' him, Until
just, dk,l,e..was crossing the street to,
meet inc.."- ,
patted her shoitidet reasstaa
ariala. When. he was quieter, 'Mary'
lifted her headand asked bahhfully :
aD o- ,yoti think Iddk knows that
knoW lie didn't ,do I hope' zol
I've never been really sure 'Until lick NV !"
ile burled her bead agebt fla
molt:eat, and this tithe it Was the ary;
b:uidsoh of:shafae, tijait ,shook :her;
a I'M, a liar; "anita
the weed, Was proving, Eddie's inno-
eeriee,,to-.-it iiiAh',11-irself. All the tirne
"I Was ,blaming' yptii r Was as lVd, as
you Warei:: '
pikk held iller handit
That I. could see the good in you; .
And youthe 'good in; rim;• • .
That all Of as- Wauld-agie
TO foolish; thoaghtlesia
And praeticc ebarity.
I wish th''Ytiii-4i2d l'eotild learn,
The other' r0hkaa'ciiiietintes to turn '
And goad for. eatt 'give ,
Fat' this we know, and know 'fell Well,
That wrong can never wrong repel;
1.'Tis preragat!ael • '
wlh that tnea Pf•eaera hue••
you, . , „ ,
That all could, brothers le:;;;_,
For scorn of but the :least of ,these, • .
The:1gh sundered by, tae'aounding'sea,
still' shames °dr pedigree. ' •
.For,of, one flesh we all are formed,
Ey 'the samespark of life' are watine a;
We.4Pief aild-1e1ij1azid4k;
And so :I wish my wish ,miaht aroae:
A. Presage' that ,we all Shall love '
Each otliek by and "
• • •
-,•-•a•Paal a'reaton.
I have a Vateh' to keep
And if •I 'fail
It' let Work or aieet.,,.
Or are prevail, • •
And not pause to pray ,to Goa, at
When it the 'closeof day. and
.• • .
Net, pnty body •then, , but :seal' istlred
,Becatise my day haa. nt been Gad.:
' • ttispired.
firm hdaertised for a girl clerk,
and the next kerning hundreds of ap-
plicants arrived. So nuramaitis were.
they that the chief toldthe.offiCe boy
to admit no more. ShOrtly after this
an 'aggressive :warann arrived, , and,
pushing her way' paStthe
edto see the chief. By this time the
'office bey had, grown .deaf to all.pte-
testatians , andhad butocia•-answer.,
"Not today, Tnadarn," . he said; "But.
pa his wife," ,said the Woman'. "Not
'today, madam," was the inexorable
, • •
reply. ,
Father, atraiting . a happy fatally
eveat, had fortified his courage at the
decanter. • At. length the nurse ap-.
peared With Wt.:ea-4'6 her, atMs. The
happy father blinked and drew him-.
self up proudly. "What &t bee:Alf:11
baby!", he exclaimed.
its of History'
To Be Preserved'
H M. Qffiop. of Works. ,Care,
• Famous Spots for
. Posterity - • °
1-4.6,11dOIT,---.-The new', list:. 0Z. 'ancient.
Tnentnnents sciledulec" for...preservation
by 11. M Ole§ of Work contains a re;
•earaa Of taildiaas,•,:ana .otiler
,placeS of :histert.OT interest .filroughoot,
the British Isks.,
. CUriouslrenough onl$7 three athese
are in t;OndonHtile Chapter ir-
Pyx, 'Chillier in Westnorisfer Apex
clei$ters,„„and the, Tower. Of I:Ancient-,
all of 'rrhicli are.croWo property., '
,t1f:'COrtimasieners .of work- ,algo
have. ,eilarge of Ahe
,(Whitelialta the, Horse : .G.ttards,.
sinton ;Palace, 401010ex Re$T4.1.11.(417
tal, .; and the floyal Nafal,, College.
Greenwich,' : •
huiillii*4- which are ,the
property'• Of the croWn, are excluded.
-freni tile.: An cient ,Monuments Act and
,da,a6taappearitt thescheduled
se taatatbe' 4161118ton:o1 :the: Tower of
.1Antion, aral the •A•abey chapter-hease
and: chapel in the -latest 11.1. Is of Seine
'siaataileange. •' . • ' • • , .
, • . As Ratient Street .
Ci -own . awiterstilp aoett not :paces -
Partly give. protection ,to any building,'
as has been shown,in the case 'oi;Re-
gent-street and, More recently, 'Carlton
House -terrace.
aarteita tIteseaCkawn" ptoperties are.
brought' trader the „care "Of. the Cana
railisien'ej"-s bt Works .they are lust', As
lfitble, as' any Ptlyatelatewnedpraperty'
toidestattetion, by process Of "coma -iota,
etal, development." ; "
:T1i oininissioners. of, Crown Lands'
:merelyact as ,estate 'agents ehargetl:.
, With the 'duty of getting the, best ,p,aa;
aible ream:316:61a of the inanagenleat
of the 'pregierta • whereas the Clematis--
:sioners ;of' Works are ,:coacernetl'wita
the preservation or .monuments or naa
tioartt inntottanee; to ti,vheins'oever they
,mayhelonga • ' •
• 51 Buildings
• . ,
Fifty-one old bath:hags
beys, palacesasailteara,le,. etc.,, starred
as having coMe. into: the. Warks :COM;
iniSsioneast. chargeas'2.Cioviii,`prOPerty,
. „ •
-7-are' new .incladed' in' the scheduled
'Hat and haaeaapparentla been taken
over fret!), the:Crewa lauids2ContraiS:
:strinera:fer permanent 'ProteatimPa--
'416Pg.: thee. are three': caPttesiri
Keat:ttlteal,' Dayea:. 4:4 and.
the: Knights' Templar Clitrea:
In ''atiaille,sex :there is., the: old. .Brew
,Hciuse,• Btishea Park; audin Essex the
•Gate,waya- Tilbury, • Fart; :. St. acatras,
Abbey Gate, Colchester, ancl Harald's:.
Bridge,.. 'WalthamAbbe,. '•
'OlaiGiti.:.,,,kaatapiato. Car* in France,t
For. the first time at the history
. •
*of Trench railways, a. tra.ln,left Faris
at 8.'pana; Apra si, having, aniong its
,coaWiaileeping Cars (avagens-lits")
for •„thirtFeleatf•aasPeagett,' ' The train
aa0,, bound .:,tor.,tit,e;Itlitera..,•bn the
'Faris, LyoTIs & 111,etlitearaiman
1.or days befant its departure, Whicli.
fnaaguaated the regniar serviee;, post -
es had tol,j. about it at ,the ;Faris eta,.
don; . the. •(aro de Lien. ,Orte tis-
sue read: , "Youwill arrive fresh
:tiitlrt alert • aad in aties.essiaa of .• all:
your faculties, to "deaf Withyour busi-
ness., You will aaaye gained Sea day
and saved a:nightain't hotel." Th'e
• -, . • • • •
additional charge for alerth between
Faris and Marseilles is .75 frates,-.about-
.711le ordinary thard-class' fare for
'the Journey ts a little over '$5. •
- Two
• • . .
'friernis'i' one an . ardent. golfer,
the other' an equally intent, anti -
golfer, were in •conversation. '"BY ;the
way;',! ,said the playaa'atwhat'silepa
pet* to that Target' of yours? ....The
.ene that used taasWear so attractive-
ly?" "Oh aa: sorry to
say." :sorrY iteo' 'What did he
die ita?"," ,."Jealousy, 1 think!' "Jeal-
-oniS4,7-How-eMilttlie-ilie :of jealon sy ?"
"Welt, one day be 'escaped from his
;cage; "ad.. .e found ,hlin later, 14 the
big bunker on the gall cearse. a. a.
dead." ' •
, 'Weinart tat aaentification parade to
discoyer ha&riatcheilsi at'rn" .afraid
shall not be much good at 'this.:
;never. eeem'::',,able-, to alek the whirler,
F.', any competition.". ,
0d. iE0joyment tO:tvieIs
"Fresb from the Gdrdens"
ell -Rounded
.1.,The a' Welt-
-aduatlea.tnie lia$ been deft e,d
butthe general reader: need.
not heti:ft:am-lea with many definition's.
Briefly;:en!storir, should: an:organiatn;.,
To use, the WQTO'S .'applied.,te•the epie
Addison, , whose .artistic feeliag 111
'this; 14nct was of, the satitleita "no-
thing 'Should go before it, ,he inteaa
mixed With it,or follow after it that
not related ,to it." Tested by Filch
eonsidevatierrs. as these there are Ob-
Kriany .• v.91tmes' of fiction ret
atiarkablea and, eaen, great,. in '..their.,
charaeteralraWing, their feeling; their
philosophy,' whieh,„ ate .quite •:sedond-
rate in their, stet:tett:rat' "quality. 'as
.narratives... 'Instant:es, will...ocCar in
every one's mind.; :bat instead at
apon these, it. is Mere inter-
esting to ramie soiie. whieli most hear -
la fulfill. the ,eonditi:s.... Their.• few-
ness and -bears out the
opinion eXpres,460'earlier.10;thia'essay.,
that the Art of novel-Writiag'.is• as 'Yet
in its tentative 'stage ,only.
them ""Toni.. Jones" is aisually, pointed
out as a near.approac to perfeetion
in this :as in some ether . character:,
';; though, 'speaking' far mySetfa /
do' not pereelye,:tta great ,superiprita,
in' artistic,form' over Seale Other 'nova,
els, Of, lOwer. repair:that.: 'The '",Bride
.tif Laraine:at Neje an alalastpeafeet,
specimen :at 'form, ,Which :is the anpre
aentarkahle: in, that '; Scott, s' -aa rule,'
:depeatle more upon episodeadialogno,
aind -deSeriatieri•foa.'eabitiaa interest,
than ,'Ilpon.„the•well.:knit interdepend -
ere' of. parts., .• °
••',.Hercin Jies Eiehardson's,..realif Ofli
claim'. taabaaalacea on, Sleael,' with
Fielding:. ,the artist a_Otat. ho
e'eryvhere dispys 111 h: structural
pr1-ts of J1i work anul in the,,torter,..•:.
action of the p,orgeartgesanetably those
of aClatiasaHarlewear. lieweaer.ecild;
'even artificial, We may, ,at tinieS,, deem
'the,heroine and, her earapardonS'iri the:
pages of that exeellerit,
Maine reats, thalatatelie,s ..of tin te atita 111
:their.. ineyethents .ticross• the scene be-
Sa:rtathase; inthe figures .raiimated by
Fielding, We -feel; .aev.eithelessafthat
we are under the .aaidanee Of:. it:hand
Whjeli ha, ceasiiimaitte Skill ii-C,eaalta.
lag. a graCeful, well-balanced :'set of
. „ • .„
conjectures forming .artogetner 'one 'et
those ,:circumstantial - Wholes; Which"
When ..apprOaehed..,by events' in real
life, „catmeatbe,:Observer to pause •atal,
ieflect,:arid say: "What a .striking his -
feral', We should 1.901 gnerously
upon his ,deficlancy in .the , rat:met:Oa
'touches' of 'nature, for it isathe • defi-
ciency ,.of an author whose artistic
sense .Of form vas ;,developed at the
expense ' of his accuracy .Of '.313Servat
tion as, regards ,sabstatme. No person
alto haa. a chic perception Of. the :ion-
cstraictive lititaahaWa 'in i.Greek tragie.
'drainacan the Construct:lac
art of :itichar4senaa,Froin"Life, and
Art;" by :Thenta:allarda; •('NetrY,OrIt':
• .
Greenberg.) - • •
'The:"aolteert Payty was third rate,
era', viSitaie. Were reluctant. sta.' paironT
the,!. .41(.4--Lexeept .mati
who had net missed a. Slagle perform-
ance.. ' continual. presence had
been the only gratifying speck pn the
.horizon, but 'even his., suaileit
not .keep the 'Shaai :going. •••Oti the last
night; the manager steaped before .the
curtain."Ladies and,Gentlembri,"; he.
antionnee0 "before taking, 410;r.k of
You/ We.,,W,ish to thank!our friead,.hero
it. the front at)* for hiS esteoned.
patronage ---he has aet•misse,d.a s.
'd ta
smmered. his , aeknOwledginents..
performance !",.. . The. Inatt rose'
"It's awfalla iIeccnt of he said;
medeatly; "hut, :as. a fatter" of feet;
thia•la:..the only place 'Where inaataffe
has never thought of laola rig •for:
British Indusries Fill' Charge Entrance Fee
. A .rro , „ ,111101••••••11•
For the, first time itt the bisterY „of, ilia show, f °reign httyers arebong charged • an actinlssion at the
liondon OJyknpiil. where the Ilritihlt Indns,irles rittr is in progressP1 eaohaliga thea reC61170 on� Ot
these, battgett,
an's Dependence
On Formaldehyde
• ' re•
Plays IrinpOrtOtilt Part cin':Plant:
Life, Says 'S'cieritiat
Washingtona--,Man'a exi'stente
learth.ntay dependleast inparton •
,tantialatthyae, Whteh, was pictured be-
fore the,,Alnerican. Academy of .acietice
as *eyingan tniapatant part in • foi--
of food from the soil by Omits,'
Atiother,speaker told of evidence 5
resemblance' between 'Man an apes,
tetradin the Itarmagatatlipab,oalea of '
children• t*:9; tlta11::D
edovyabout o:74,ay
Alabama, Polytechnic Institute,'.- He
said fortaldehyde had.. been, ,detected
:*tthiti 'the cells ef algae, Whic4.:.•afea:
Primitive, forms orspleets:rirsis-ie be. '
neve& to, indicate' formationfpf 'formal-
dehyde is One atep-tia'ahe littleuttaor, •
stood progress by Which 'plants ,martii•
factare •caraehadiattes' or •food -,prod-
ucts out Of mirierals' In. the
Evidence' of reset:it/AM:ea Ofa'itiori .
and apes was deseribed by Dr. dharles
G. Davenport, of the; Carnegie •
ren, ho explained,' Peas, through the .
same: atages of aleyelepreeaf.,' as dg
apes, • but go onbeyond.:...the..point
at whiClta development, at the aaet"
-Stott '
• • ' • •
a The -don Waslecturing upon tha
distribution of :World Pepalatiaa.. HE
•n:ntiotted that- only in: the lyest 111
dies were MaleS`fparid:te be ieacea,
of fenutlea "A hat:My. State a: af-
airs," he
seal .not
thatatate-whiellaexisted, inathia,:-cona
nunity �f'outs before lady under.,graduates • •
":At thi
point several
affecting to be offended, rase to.leaaa
the 'Class.:, ,'40n•..motitent;•plettSeat' Saia.
theatecturera '.: "There :is rio ocettakir''
to go yet. The next bat for the Vest '
'indjes, doesn't leave fat a *eek."
w" 1
. 1,ctaprice•aa ‘a
Itopyte 3 '1'51P3- 7
415\1 l°111c_. ti. .
. 1 64 Ilee' 7 9 :
0101 1.°t°5;
When ..yoa can't' .sieep,„, it's ,because
your nerves .yOn't let you. Don't:
time "counting sheep," Don't,,
rose hall your needed rest in reading,
Tale two tablets of-ASpiriitattrinit a
glass of water:a:turd go to 5reeP;
' This simple remedy is that's
needed to insure a night's rest, It's
:Alt. yeti need to relieve ,o, headache'
,during the day ---or ta dispose of a
ether paifis. Get these ASpirintablete -
and you Will get imineditite 'relief..
'.(Aspirin • dissolves k,inunediatelyr,7
gets to weak without delayg:This de-
Strahle speed' is net dangerous; it •
tloCS Uta,deptess the heart. .111st,he ,
Sure you get Aspirin tablets, !!
trails -into* Re
1§8pg,. .N... 1 8-33
. ‘'•