HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-04, Page 6eavy Frerghter -Again in Service
nada, The Empire aridThe World at Large
GANAPP,::••-•-•-•••-•-• ,
'Crumbs In .the. Bed,"
••Tlie neWe. printed:Re, 'tt-iiortr• Of
i9ltfa.,;•44.; 4 Man ta,•,Chicako Wife& his
wife becanse, she .would. insipt on eat-.
• ,ing.. cookies in bod. Itseryed, her right
and 1 atn..glati therehaS,• arisen a Man.
, with .nr ranch Coarage.There ie.lieth=
lag Worge-,in the whole realm et, de'
ineetio tragediothan• .cake nrwori. in
'the bed. ' •
They gbt, everywhere and there is
no ithoWn force that will grind them
.'20 antra that :they' do not tickle;
woi70 on a jury .tryIng a person for
niuttlet."V,W,Ould acquit; him If he had
. been -led,' to that .drastic eogree, by
••.1'Middlo Age.1 .
Middlo age is
that period__ When.. a,
,rattri clips items about greatmen who
did tlisit'best ••-rrprk after
, .• .
Fewer Servicetf, .
In 'proportion; I to population, there
_.,.'Were.feWer divbrees in Canada during and
WoHd Peace.
thc l*St'46cad,e.:1,1401:. the ' ten If the:Vatted States 'continues to
. ,1;.'eare :Prior to 1931. Inton years the 'co•-oPeritte With, the ether. nations of
,-,11000-1,-,•brAiidrees In Prineo ,E4Ward. tiler-W(1'41d- as she- hag' .done; -tho:
,ISland,decrea,Sed from .47::tO•28, ..froM Padt-year-Land still niore it, Seine Plan
427to 308 in lsrova.•Beetie,..from„.2,604 can bo devised for -ininiOdiete.,consul-
to 2,986. in ',Ontarie, and fro:4111;361. to tation in ille::e*eat,or.,,a. breach of the
760 in •;the..Provinee• of Quebec. 'There .Peaie-.4an. aggressor will .kneW' in .ad; -1,
" was an 'Increase:of .22 in the.. atm,* viinee , pit Which side .the- passive or'
•••. Period. in NeW.It.runewiCk,141 in Man- even 'PerhaPs. the active influence: of
ItOliti;`91, in Saeketehe*an, 312 inAI- the United, States will be, tbrpiil,
berta, • and 642' in British Columbia. ter'lhe'.exPerlence :of the 05eat, War;
There is.some..filatlisfactlen for. us :in, no, couptryis,,loc'eiy. to underrate this.
the :knowledge ' that, *mat in other —Sir,•walinr.LaYton in The.:
Ountriei;`PartiOnlarlY in the United. Chronicle.'
• States, Me .bond* of matriniony '• are • •
becoming more :fragile year after „yeat,, Welt 'Politik,' •
in t4e. centiali:rproitincei ,Of Canada;
and'iditetally710-lhCistaritifliek:" they
are •becoming .merelndisioluPle• with
tho qtattsing of time -La Petrie *Out-
-reel.; •
. ,
• '
not, • realised ythat. was: happening Aut,
til General Hartzog laada:.hia
ulaTrespbn$e to General Sinuta's. Moir.
ing appeal. ,.Now each roam pee for
hirnself hOWieW.real bones pf conten-
tion were left.L,CaPe Argus,.
New geaiand Exports,.
The effects ,Of the 'dePreasiOn tiPen
:New .Zealand - have beento annie.
tent-modlfled..by the sacces*t. et-
fott'S. to counterbalance -price:Ts
by. IncreaShig, .production.,. ' While
Other eounirlea,Anvebeen. afflicted, by
rapid contraction, Of their export trade,
In volume as, well as, in Vallie New
Zealand:, .11.7. steadily : WCteh.Sed; the
,velable""of her 'eXPorts:' In 1.928. ex-
port* were.'12, per. 'cent. 'greater-, than
In . 1526;. the official:estimates, for 1931
show an increase of 20 per cent. in
.five.,ye.`ars,. and, the volume niust have
.DOOO: .again auhataatiiiiy .greater in
1932, for,: in Spite of .i much' tower
range of prices,i-the total value,' Was
larger ,than lii 1,561-4Anklend Weekly
'News: ' ;•• • 1 '
• •
• hy-qt is "Slit!,'
Why Is tho- locomotive
'A toad foreman ot locomotives ' em-
ployed , on it Canadian' fisiiiiefillieliwies
lie .has theanswer..He "says: ..iThere
,are.many'reasens. For in.etitnee,',..they
wear jackets With YOkeir; pins; 'shields
and stays. Thef 'have. , aprons and
lapkwtooitNot-Onlr de--.thiehave.:shoes;,
they 'Sport punike And even hose. while
:Largest, .freighLer ander the American flag, again': placed In Ser.,
:vide:, After being" tied:rip-16r ;several •Imonths, the ;I:ieivis. Lucbaettaeh;
14;000 , tons steamed froin':Seattle. with a full cargO orlifiliher., for the,„„
east.. , • . ; • " • ,
fe and Unsafe 'Plaeqi
'During Thunder 'Storni*
NoW that the haginning of the
, lightning Season is neer, the 'question.
of safe and Unsafe "places during
thanderstorms is in Order;
The..follovving'hints, on the subject
wero• supplied by 'Dr. liunlPhreYs,'of
-the--IIS. -Weather- Borea ujr-for- the -in-
formation Of Boy Scouts, but they are
jest as valuable to Other people.
charlee 'Fitsbugh Talnian!S ,Science
'Service. feature, Why the. Weather?
(Washington) quotes the fellowing.:,
"thunder -storm it is clan7.
gerliti to be close.besidea wirefence.
In this position one maybe killed or;
at least; -hurtif the fence is struck
anywhere along its entirn-eenpAi. •
"It is 'alSo- dangerous to take Shelter
ddring a thunder -Storm ancler a. tall
'tree, or, indeed,a tree of any- kind
it, is out -in the open, and all ,the :more
.6‘ If it. is at or near tile. top' of a
, , ,
s: advisable to keep i.way from.
the top of. a hill during a thunder -
stem, . ern if • some distance .froM
trees. ,
Scuts on:a hike •should 'happen
tehe' inside .5. cave during a thunder-
- storm they would.* absolutely safe
from the lightning. Another perfect-
ly, safe place to be is inside a frame
"structure of steel, or an all -metal
building of any kind. One is -tolerably
safe also at or pear the bottom of' a
. • it, Is 11.11Poseible to :elieroe Jaliatt;at RaCe•IfOs.:04.1.1).o(iliMakprs,
Protest ,High,.Fee:to.',Ltitter,•
possessions of the ether Powers 111 the . • ; : • . „
Far East are at her metCY:: She can :., When liOoknialtera; ;at • dog •,race
occupy • Shanghai ,and capture "Hong tracks linear, London Went en_strike-
cently ',things :Were all mixed. • The 'race
to redress the paianan:of.POWer in rat promoters- bad increased their charg•
"Eaater,n waters.'"L1940:', Washington es to the .11i.cokieki,°0; ..14•.010,4r4 track
treaties make it. almost impossible -tO the strikers paidtheir admission and
flght aCiiise..the. ocean,. boubtleSe';',if • watched :the: .reCingo...binzie•,:ot 'them
the! great 'POWere. Wete"te:•devete .• all • Made bets on the 'totk but they :Oita,
their energies to the 'leek and Organ- ed a deaf ear to all clients who, wish -
lie their naval Odd' aerial • powei, with ed to do'.7birsin'ess:
the aide Object of ;oVerodining Japan- The result ; was , that the facefol.
es#7resliStante;tiffAinte,thiatpouldithe- -lowetii4tried-to,arake-hetS-nntthe-totle,:, ,sary t transport„..all'Aninera'and,,min,;,
done. But Is it :inipossible• to centenri i,ead ' the taaehlite was „ unable. tci...etiPe, opOien into/tire ;Min -eat
Plate Brittilit'and the ;United States. With the sudden., rush.,... *any' would- 'fore the aritingthtealPuP.:;0,:, . • :
devoting all their • energies such a• be backere"Werenuable to 'Make, bets; During the :winter -months': the
air -
course ;With the . world' in' the and at Hines. a maasid. crowd surroim, planes are, equipped wth -Anil to alight
on:the...ice of .-Great . bear Litie• and
froni now • Until..;the,. Middle ' :Aide
when the . leaves,. the smaller baye.,
allowingthe planes .equipped with,D0/1.
td011S, to alight on the Open Water, the!
ice tratile is suspended.' . It is expected:
that • *500 Men , will •be • ,working the•
*2*Ich•Tadiura.,.and.s.ilver' veins before,
the season is 'irerY .;fer” advanced,
Tree 114f -POiVe4.
they . Oak ..tralita,:hebirid • them. : They
also attract 'attention With",i)offsiand
'Muter* and. OtinietiMes, they foam and
refuse to ' Work.' .At such times they
need to be switched.• They, needgutI-
and they require a man to, feed
the* they all smoke, but most char-
acteristic of all Is that they are muCh
steadier, When they are hooked,ap."--
' Fredericton Gleaner.
ivot Afraid of Pirates.
"Teddy". Roseveit' faced the; indni,
trial:Pirates Of his day: as •tearlessly
as '•the present Roosevelt seem's' to be
eing c :,the.finan !al pirates
of his, ay..
.itedde' Roosevelt Will; be. known to
, , •
-the •generations as the IiIati**Iit) broke
.•the idOlit he Was the One American
..'statesnsatt. ...against ..the
bullylng:of the ; big ,. -business of hIs
day;'.".Prititklin D. Roosevelt ." has al,'
. ready-ski:own lifindelf Willing to stand
-..41p..against the bullying of the•big hind-
Aiesif :of his•daY:=,Calgary!Albertan:; .
. ,
Hard to
fifties'. has tremendous power IH Get-
tnany; and yet he is:Pictizred as wear -
Ing onethope -little:77nousiaChee.' It
.A0ert not look Mach larger than
tooth ' brash. •
It is, hard to reconcile,such a mous-
tache with a mighty man. We have
! been accustomed in the past, to see-
ing: mighty Men wearing hift:., nibue-
taehes. :Ilindenburg;for instance, is a
' . big- man.: with a mighty moustache. • It
help's' to 'Make` him., look, Mightier. .
Perhaps- we have under -estimated
" the :Small moustache.. Hitler, hs one'
, just like a straight up and down black
•rnai-k under his noae. ' We may 'come
,to; see In ii",a token of power:In time,
but it, is not. going 0 he, eaey.-Strat-
' •-fOrd Beacon -Herald: •
Italians Training
Like Athletes
*. For US. Flight
'Chiiiese Wall"•$u,tfpirn!'.10 -
f,-va-6:irlynit'S:tois, fell: 01: (18 hlt °10113:vtleat•OliCiri:'
training) here. for Cenerat Italc Rey
"Seanienes to: Chicago late. May. pws group „, flights with twenty,font.'
and. 'Routine is Severe
,grilteno; Italy. -7-4 inhlwaY ,h0
tween that of a Moak and that of
, afAapyridovselp:P
,grint their activities are carefUllY su
13albo'la 'signal Contact,"' eyery•one-, •
aQ7Ltnicanc.h,lne"-.7i/1..hein the'
The „flyers are 'Prptected herb by
what One Italian writer Celled a `!Phi
nee'Vvall," It le-extreraelx dit1161.11t',t4
Penetrate' the wall Or see theni. :The), •
are kent away froni every Pre-occUpa
tion.Officera say that if any aviatOe
exPertericei any mental distraction be. •
fore he_gins he will ,he lefl
t ..
The pilots, of the Atlantle: squad
.ion ire hil, at ',least !oilicially, bathe
One of them, it se .ha.Ppened re
centiy. Mid a Wife who presentedteri
self at the airport and asked to speal
- deep :narrow raYine:0;',canyeno. Prop- with Win: Receiving 'a refuSal; shs "
orlY.Anahalled igh tu g .rods 'Taal6 a telephoned, the-,chier of ..,E.itorti. of -
house j'fairiir, safe during 'electrical Ate iylinistry in Rome: The chief ,01. _
storms and, as t. rule, one 1.3 safer: in staff rePlied:' tAll the Pilots., of 'the
tahahnalliClorne7is4ni:ikeif '11; toha'sbert'PO:ditosotsato1l, Ath.ntic squadron are , • prtileiellneteldrsherseThae' •-•
is 'best `411d0r1 to " keep fr91111, to Air Minister 43albo, hiniself with all
iNovei713;: fireplaces, 411:d documents Proving the legitimacy of
Men Transported to.
'Radium Fields by :Plane
'40.ftionten, Alta.7=A1f !available 'stir:
craft in thiP'part:of the Doininion is in
operation transporting prospectors and
mining parties' to the. GreafRear•Like,
her marriage. '
Wet and. Dry:Years . • •,The-aviAt9sil'p eat at a training table 4
II/ similar to that of a college football
' - tne vv est
' team. Their -regime IS prevalently V*:
sti.dy the`-ineteomlogical rec- getarlan. • •• ,
°ids, for 48 'years, at 11•Iedicine Hat,
'rue program of the long-distanet
which is the central point of the short
flying school here Is complex: Ths
grass plains, or 4•04:141ed ;dry area, Pilots, in addition to theoretical
In -
indicates that the. chiegit. year On ilk- ,.struCtien: ..mathernatice,;•, phYaiCii,""
Ord Was 1886, and:'1927,:Lthe Wettest:. aeriidynarnics• anCmechanicsi have to
Dry years occurred, Prevt°11e.' to '19°0' 'Make' themielveS Mestere; through de -
and. hive, ••liaPPfned. PeriadiaillY • aver •veloPmenis of • ' such kta • taking
ISY. the Dorninion'Range-.N*Perimentia. "TiCiiartelis 'con tiling" of. sea%ntl.iiii",7..
"sinee:',1 Information• 9,1#.41110 bit. and' landing with iteitiy leads .a114
radiant fields in. the Northwest StaPio'n . .ManYberrial Alberta,
torie* many hundreds �f miles beyond where AvestiglAions. have been:planned
the railWay, in; preparation • for , to. study the, effect. Of ,climatic changes
yeers„work. 'Fifteen ltiklea• airplanes fiM11•Year to year, shOWs ,the absolute
equipped for; landing.' on 'the :lee And necessity ;of ;making 'prevision' for dry
snow hi+e-left Edinbutod:recentlylnd Year's'. by,• controlled grazing and the
this eztraordintiry''aetivity is 'neces- development 9f • a permanent Water
beeP. Secret.'
• Greta 'Garbo is On her way back to
the States enlist great secrecy. Nobody
will. be 'permitted to learn of her ar-
rival except the newspaper camera,
men,. reporters andmillions of ordin-
ary 1011c,-.44alifax, Herald.
tion in which it Is today? Obvionsly,
it the inoment,4apan is in a Peoltlea
to carry :through her negrani
out molestation :front outside. -Prof.
C. K. Webster in Th9•CenteinporarY
Review . (London).
Telephone geeorde,' ,
fliusiness hien may.,.be able to,
' ask 'their .'seCretailee:extl'aet last
Week's telephone ,c6riVer'datioil 'frOM
the tles last' al readily as they now
ask' for a COnY'ef a "letter ,or nienior:
Lifting to:his Oar a; toloohooe,
.1 de:Vice , Which fe• only slfghtly larger
• than the stand:m;(14,1,0'01th phone," the'
•!speaker 'will' preeeed In the ustial Mat-
•‘,„0„gt,:, Pat,,sthrOttgli an. eXtra,, cord
- Ingto an el ectrit, recording a,pparatiik
, transcribed itpeu:;a phonbgraPh rec
d 111 1 Co ,1‘ •
.4— ( »tort ri na
. .
Bonne Entente4ti• S. Afeica'.,,
• Those ' in cIs touch wlth
' the oldharriera were crumbling, The
delegation , to ;OttaWa illustrated in
fashion '19W, the partieS had
learned to :Work Htogether in Mutts+
when tlectisien requited, But the eiiiina
.4,7t.; figa Wholo, not ithnitititallyp:' had
• •
. .
-A New York banker 'tame' into.:
Coart, in a; stretcher,: It MO .be nis•
Cessary' to *Priv 'upi..:aomething:i'in a,
twin bed type, With. 'One. for .the
. ,
' Both.
p,osaihly.tha 4-araiOn Prosperitylias
remained '4M-104:around the •corner
Is because we, also, .have peen- . :PreviousmeetingahaVe been held in
14 a Waiting game.—Christian Set., • derdik Wales On Dublin, frelitniti: and
enee Moxiltor. On the isle of Man, and these „three
provinces '• of the "Celtic' 'fatherland"
110W ,Could ' He Forget? , 'send delegates t9Brest, also Seot
P,erPOOS.;resened frinn: drowning Or land and .Brittany. '
other threatening sudden death; 'Sane! . The alm 'Of t)le Meeting is to • or -
times have ;reported Oat forgotten ganize' a: "Celtic International," the
events Of • their' Past lite had recurred • purpose being to-tevive Celtic culture,•
to them 111 *Pit succession. Some to resurrect Celtic ceremonies, legends
say ,.they reviewed their whole history „and ,folklore. ,The 'pelt* Of America,
from boyhood on In the few .seCOndli :whether they -trace :their,' ancestry
that "'preceded inieollielmiSness; through Brittany Or .parts of the BritL,
eta ,meteli experienced' flashbaCke.to iek Empire, will be invited ,to attend,
incidents long hurled in: the: stiliCon- The 'OffiCial language will be Breton,
'died the •ineCinee.i• Lend protests :Were
. . .
made and 'many spectators .angrily
maflded ' the return Ot :their entrance
•nreneY.,•: They were • given'tickeis to
,admit 'them to a future., meeting, but
even this did" not ‘setisfy,,them,
whim ,rating • 'ended. :,they..c. joined the,
bookniakere..tn. a noisy „protest .lineet-
ing. 1 •
-Celts • to Meet: in Brest,.
Brest.—This former base, :Of, the
will become a 114161 Genova
next San:inter, when the Celtic League
of-NatiOns. assembles in Breit for its
organization' • meeting. *WO • takes
place ,next July. 1' ". • ' ,
• • ,
seieho mind. •
' . ' which, it is stated, can be understood
. 'this ..PhenoMenseryed 4ike
'toltel 'a geed 'tarn.' 'mike jumped.,•in-.
to the. Ohio River ,at
the intention of coOminitting
Milte;-: like ' Many otherN,..hefore,
began to reniemberqiehe, Wen( dOWn,,
,On, of the ;things' that' Caine to his
-mind was the facttliat he pilt 403 Into
n bank, 11ye. years. ago. The'reCoilee,
tion tflter,ed. his reSolina to die.. ! He
struggled; to the surface and .swern.to
shore -as, fast, as he' was
again Worth living. • -
This story witi net-:,seenr as •strange
to banker S 6*. toi,othet •,people. • Bank.
'era:10'1'0W, that hundreds of ,people
posit Snits and:forget about them,.
.Eiry.tline:ilie.affairs of ti* pante are
'wound, up scores !ipe .p!.opio reeeive
intaity',firom tieboantS they didiq.knOw
they had.--,,,Letroit Free Preee.
Chilean Railroads 'Profit •
• By Heavy Tourist Traffic
Santiago, Chile.—Railroad officials
estimate that Chile's lines ,netted
$180,000 rnorth -More this stl,mther
than „last, :due to the extra4rainary
heavy' tourist traffic, .• •
' Nearly 20,000 tearists visited 'thilet
epending•-$6.,000,000 and, in addition,
there was considerable travel' by Oil-
Ttain's -to the southern lake S clis-
&let were jammed every .,day of the
sea•Kon, end hotels were; 'so si,vemped
that sometimes four, to Sbt' Ite:6Ple zn
On the Valparaiso -Santiago lidey,
the ; number of rtrains ' was climb:led;
and, still extra car had to- he added,
'Thousands of Argentines came n by
triiin atid automobile and the shore
tows did a biglAtinetto.
• On 'Gild Standard
New YO•k.—ITniteil' States.'suspen-
sion .of, the 'gold'. standard leaves but
three riiajOr World poWers' and dour
of :qess4 ini.;.vrtin.ce as gauged by
foreign °trade, 'rernaining on n
test,riceil' gold basis."•' '
:.Canada 'Prohibits export of 'gold
except by Goverinnmital license..
' Prance, Germany and Ital.,. Are the
larger countries which have Stayed on
.gold standard, although Gentian"
for al _Vinetook action similar' to Can-
ada in restricting gold' experts: Along:-
sIde the three major powers the geld
lbs..sis stand Belgium' Poland, Switzer-
11..,nd and the Netherlands,
Th9•Cuban governinent is electrify,
Ing the 'dome .of the Capital at Hav-
ana te keep off buzzards—The Path-
-by iersons who'aie'acqUited Gaelic, •
't 4
SiIPPIY- • ' • '
Seed Buyers' Protection.
Farmers who buy seed-froin their.
,riborlweig4htzte thto be shown the greineeade Itt
tifiehle issued on the seed by the- it-
spector .of the Dominion Sed Branch"
If the certificate is 'marked ;"Rejected"
the Sale is 'illegal and the,: use of the
'Seed full of dangerous
'..The' Seed's Act .of Canada : was enacted
to check the menace of dirty Seed and
it 'amities .to everybody without
eeption _Who.. sells seed.•
night flying, ,navigatien- on the radii .
. , •
beam and blind flying.
New Zealand Trade.'
.A.:report' . thelifittnee;:trade.: and ;
. industries of Nei'iti:ptelendtlurliigl.933,,
tor which wo are indebted - to Mr. .L
W. ',CORMS,' 40V, Zealand :,trasi,6- and
-.tourist cernirrieSioner:iii:Canadaii-ShOwn.
favorable,. ,
;trade, •Economic reatlonships Within":
the, country are still to :SoMen ektent.
;unbalanced end., the;" readjustments
that have, taken ,Place have not been
isifilleient..in all cascs. But, says ' the '•
report, "the 'energies Of., the.:Peelderot.:
peaty have not.,been destroyed by New,. Zealand' and .their Intoductife ;c:
•••'depression,;:and their„ wants have not:-
tireduCtion; in
;•se'Veritt•direCtleits has silo*: a“steedy
depreasiOn:" i,• that. is the kind of
we like to. hear!: The • distant '
increase throughout the: poled .of the
South -
era Dominlon is sound at heart, Ond, -
:we. expect. it ••to tide. on the top ot.
the wave When ,.thei briSirreati•• 'Of, :the
world revives.—Toronto Mail and 'BM!
• • • • , • „
pire. , ••
to -Spend • 54 Million
Modernizing Her Defense
• , .
Rio De Janeiro.—Ani *trim' n odertr- :
izetion program: for Brazil, gased
npon e schedule for the*.
:army' ata,-* tweiv-year 'Plan for, ,the,.,
• tiairy,; has: been started the '.pro;:;
visional 'gni:rennin*. The;:,tzno',ia to.- • ,
Spend i$21;0000000: and the 'nap
600,06k. . ,
The naves '.progran, RA:tinder way ;
when .Admiral " it.rotogeneS Guirnerses,
Miniater''.0f,..Marine,•Signed 9.contract.,•:
With a • British : ',firm for ..constinetion
or a. school ship and broke ground foz
a new Tain•is4,...hullairiii. All,. folk
twenty-four. SMall..'Vessels.',. with a .tots.1:,,,'
•tPtinage..Of 3,000 are -to be built.
13razil, once the orld'S fourth nava/
• . , • . „•
ent eet averago*twenty. years age a...-
, .
The principal,cost of the-ernly
• t,iillerY and in inOtorr•
High Slieed. Planes. Tested'
° For Berlin -London Run
Lan -Hansa, • Cernit
:air : tranaport operator, have' placelf,
iii'o'retiminarytoat KerVitti a smelt
'Veinkel„ igli.,;;Peed', • eonimecial Plana
with tts (OP speed Of 226 miles. an hOUrJ,
:CruiSing. at an itotlfrAthei
plane Weald Make lJetlin-LoriderrSche- .
. dales of 3 h9urg possitav. It Car- ,
rieS.'tWO„:pileita 'find passeilgers. .
.C.! a rry g fiihzht, thv ,plarie• is 'to 'he'
'tePted CIII .86nthAtiMOpean. air lines.' •
' •
Press -Button Toy
, . ,
'are obeYed by (1. mw britisir toy elee-,
trI duraPing track .OnlY!.„ilVe inchea
for another load.. •': •• ••
410444 411/40,:lgie.44.1;
alftftisforrner , attach'
to the truck by a 20 -foot, c;trit, • •
BIeering;,aeceleratiOn,:reVerSitig and
;illtitit-,ofterate :aecerding to the spee
4, Willa, the Plitt:m/1' is preebeiL ,
, '21s DOOrs,.from Russia
London, Ready-made " doors
were imported fronr`„ Russia', froin
,• •
August, 1984 • to January, 1933,, at
prices 'averaging apprcusimately from
2.4s to 3.53 each, stated Mr. Runciman
in.IParliaraent recently. ,
• He added that he 'as not in a posi-
. • „ '
tion to make any statement as to the
possibility of obtaining towers to. pre-
vent competition of &his kind similar
tothe.powers conferred as a result of
the Ottawa' agreement.
Scots Firm Aids _Needy
Dundee, Spot.—With a :View to re-
LeVing the poor of this city ',a coal
merchant offered to, Supply 80 fam-1/4
Kies •vvitli,23Y4 iwts. Of coal free during
an ramo.anally • severe spell of oOkl
weather. The Dundee Public Assist-
ance Clonniutteefurnished the 'names
of 80 -families to whoin the donation'
would'be beneficial. •
President's Plan May Employ 250000 Men
'if lirosidOt itookevelt`s reforetation' scheme works' out,. wil), price More lie �ti a"Weekli,,
; :there Aire 1,806 recruits at Fart 'Slocum, eating regularly:.