HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-04, Page 414)
PrubYterian. 4
The'*rular meeting of the Young
Peep Guild was, held .on Monday
evening„, the kisslonary Cqnt, hair -
ng: ch&rgeof the..Program.
Pig- the opening hymn, Marion, John-,
stnn read We Scripture lesson 'end'
the Lord's prayer was repeatedin
unison. A sazaphone solo:Was then
...$1Yri.hy lir. Andy. Orr, .accompanied
by: kles*atieline MeMnr_rfln. !,rw,o
ntisabera, were, given -by the -Orchestra
The:tOpie for thP evening, "Miasion,
,4,irt Work in Poland," was taken ,13.Y
Mzss Rena IVIacDonald..,F011OWing the
singingof the next hymn, a: reading
was' given by EVelyni;TaylOr.: .Rev.
'C.H MacDonald closed the meeting
*ith prayer. The meeting Moit week
/will. he in, charge or the DeVotional
•The local nine will be .withunt :the
service' this season Of Bob Thompson,
stellar third7, baseman -of last year,.
it" iS extected. Manager,',Gergn of the
Intermediate , .0. B. A. A.
teain lias been after Rob and'he' it
likely to be.wearing Belleville-gni-
foirn•this Season:
Nitieh „as, funs and .players::will re-
gret his absence from the 'T 1 line-
up, .everyone be, delighte
is chance. t� plaY-• ().13,A, -A.
and Will, • hope ,that' he makes good
"with a 'vengeance.' '
Bob .•kvad idat,'Strikirig his :Stride,
1 ;with . the ,Belleville,"- Juniorhockey
. ,
--team last,. season,: when a • b . AO
nose put laim cnit of the garnel r the
winter. ' •-
Presbyterian. MissionJL4..
•'-',,The--'regular,. Meeting' 4-: the Vic-
tor* Mission Band Band. :was ',lipid r...en
Monday, May lst. The meeting Open-
ed by singing Hyinn 744. h�
tue-lesson was read by Muriel
• .•
Patterson.- The, minutes of the last'
mee,tinewere. read, folkwed by the
Roll Call.' The Offering : then was
taken,and. the ,Band. divided. -.-fOr
'•StinlY Itosiella -Mullin teaching the
younger children and, Mrs. :Huston
• the ,older Pries: Hyymn 73 was sting• '
and. „the meeting coSed• with prayer
.by Mau* Fisher,'
• -
Prellyterian Y 'W.• A.
• • • • . ,
The ;regular monthly meeting' of
theYW-A.. `was beld at the ritazise
•Piz'Tlinrsday' evening,' 27th..
:After Singing the opening hymn 556,
the scripture -lesson' was read respon-
sively from- the •.'chap. Of
Joinis-,-Gospel;-±-aftert which.; Miss
titeS' yi-ereread.: and apprayed-. and
•,,roll called,' It ,:was otaved bY, .Mrs.
"-Maeberiti1d;706-ceiitr hrTivriS?*:7
.Kendrick. that Ms i; May. DaviaOn be
• Sent is delegate ta .the Presbyterial.
at 'Brussels'• On: Tuesday, May 9th.
'carried Mjss Henderson continued
the Bible.study : fruit' :15th Chap,' Of
St . John's ' Gospel.' • After •, Singing
• hymn. 55:4,•Mrs..MacDonald.azid -Miss
gaire ,.VerY
porta from Vie.ProVincial. Presbyter-
ial 'held' in .-,Stratford an TueSday,
...April .25th A duet :from. Miss Annie
'gc.Kay"*rict,140.,'Phillip, Stewart was
much'7; eiijOYed. The topic. " "pandit
Menace Of:Manchuria", Was read by
MiarsEvelyiellicLeed. After the eloa-
hYain -888, Itties M. 12/al-Aeon off-
ered prayer.-4ee'y.
Mr.., Charles Sherwood returned to
Detroit on Saturday.
, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon, Jean
and West'Wawanosli, spent
Sunday at Mr. T. A. Cameron's.
• Mr. Isaac Nixon- and Mr. Ralph
. Nixon vigited recently, with Mr.
Victor Whitley's' at Crewe. -
• Mr. °and Mrs. /Andrew Gaunt of
West Wawanosh -visited -with the
, •
latter's mother, ,.Mrs. Sherwood, on
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Bowles: •and
'daughter of Lobdon, called On friends
in the coznmunity on Sundayy.
Just yvhen, the horsehide ,heavers
were prepared ta 'start tossing the
ball around in the local park, down-
pours -of rain turned)" it . into a sea
of mud and water; Which will keep
them off the,field this week.
...A. meeting of the Lakeside League
-tepresentatives' irk, Tees -
water, Wednesday last, with renre-
Sentativei present , fro4 nye
'towns entered in :the group the Past
The • Officers,'.were •elected as
lows; 'honorary president, lyfe-
I.Say. president,- Dr.: HeWion; ' vice-
presid.ent, Janes ThertOn;, secretary:
treasurer,' Dr. • *Arens. l.Two- execu-
tive . member - will, be appointed::
after entries . are. in.. Theschedule
will.'be drawn up on May 18th, .
The ' nieeting ;went ' on record, per-
mitting Bruce •League playera, •en--
eirgiiirizr-L5ketide-Leagup games., B
• * -
1.TrilesS -.objection
is raised br •thE-
0. B. A,A. which- is- oot, likely, it', is cl
expected,- Gordon Iawin and • Andy
Thompson will be playing Lake-
, c,
side League hall' with Lucknow arid, ,e
in, the ',Bruce kapTeeawater.' t
:-* • '
(COlitinnetrfrOin- Page I)
tomop, the oozing perspiratkri,
stayed the inevitable for a, day, and
then, the., whole' coinpan
changed ..Suddenly, like ghosts, into
white. 0116 fun white day and' we
were 'gliding into Honolulu; White
EmpresS, ;.White•Clothes, folks
inte 'blazing. min and naked-
ness:. and-cosmopolitancolors, 'Pana-'
/ian pale faces waited with interest
for a real experience of the..itimed
Hawaiian 'welcantei
1111hers: were the
first to greet us. Like -tauntry
ren rushing .to • meet their visiting
.1t,Y OOusina,. tho aqua:lo:. youths
swam and played 'along side from
I •
tfie. Ver V harbour' gates AO the dna.
Of Course there were a- few eqina to
diVe :for, for sweets; or flowers' Qr
readBut ''Canaditintoins ,are scarce
these -days, so InOSt of 1:6Ar welcomers
mine 'just far the, fun Of it. It was
hard "foeus to understand' how with
the'fallipg of the -surplus Silver the
i,iuMbers of youthful swimmers keep-
'tp. ••:‘'Part of the Hawaiian welcome,"
explained one: who knows, the
toma. 'Lookine,' back on it now that ,bacly to, which ,the ,erowd...gaVe p,ovicps
lxpla.nation n11:1t":1S6 ansvve approval.-- what's the
'Hawaii had always been' 'aaaocia- broke. in another with thick tongue,
,"it'll' never. ,be settled anYwaY. never,
-Tut* iti4,7144i
Tium, . ,
Published •every Thursday, morning
• • at -Lticknow, ',Ontario: •
1;Irs. A. 'D." MacKenzie -Proprietor'
daropbell ThOrnPabn--Publisher
' „THURSDAY, MAY. 4thi 1933 •
t'aok.a, group, of us' "around town,"
At„ti,street interSection two motor -
ars" bumped, just as we passed.One
nadaslightly dinged front,' fender,
• lie other g frightened, driver. Both
;drivers drew off;:to the sides; business
and getting!:out proceeded to the
: :entre of the intersectimi• to prove
, the other 'that Careless+ 'ones
ik crowd gathered. ' Soldiers in a
lezen, kinds of •uniforin,. • wamen,,.-
grocer in.his% white apron, Military
nolice;'. and it drunken sailor. But not
single "bobbie'Was..anyWhere .to
seea ,
'"Make them do it all- over ;again..
gipte, just y let as allhaVe a irry
it• juclgin';". called A wag to tke
• tailor '-'vvho staggered around waving
ckgar arid .,officiotisly
ta • act as' interinediUry. " ;
member One time back in ole
•:Zentucky; I got into.a Shinto., tang-
" Yarned the grocer' to ine like' an
cl-tt friendas be stood beside Me on
t4 garb:
• "Call ,the Parlice," yelled some-.
ted ili zny mind with' Music. Interest-
iitg' that the firat. note of welcome:to
1..eae:h our ear* .$001e.tirne befOre our
ship tied tied' up ---at'- the ',Pier; was the
Soprano voice - of an...Hawaiian . singer.
to the aecompatirnent :of .an Qrele-
tra"A1oh4" was
her ',sang. Not• -a the amount needed. Hut. on 'went the
-,seii, .7 f,:stieetm"
eorner . argument ?for fit%
H„now.„,:isFits, 7 at Oscar Hyatt of three-quarters ,of-aii kotir.''The
Aloha means • farewell : to --thee, • • 'nc?.•.'biiiftti"hoeef(!1;te?ia:tie.rai.lit, el:1!lseirpi,:Cigh11:-Ilauk.gcery;
Aloha means!.goodliie; • Honelulu.' • • •
• . .
it means -Until we meet again •.Racial Intermingling Not a Failure
Beneath 4141
Aloha mearia .goedaMorning; •
And 'always tobetrue,, .
nt,the best; thing! that Aloha: Means'
s; I.love you::
We Were greeted to -the Pacific-Para-
ise'where theIceY iword
Nor was the:: Hawaiian ; greeting
bnflned aj�ne to the .tile0S1tTes of
and • ear. l; Coining. • closer,
he fragrance . from. handrpd
Of frOWeis the
high,. deck •, countless 'woven
garlamis "leis'. carried by7the,
• -
Croryd, beiow. Tglipre ..seetm.ad;
enough leis' to honor ,at 'reast:many
hundred mere' guest's than were
NEVER, NEVER, So what'S.the good
of.gettin!„....the •Once?", •
"Total damage ,to..„.,tWo COTS,' one
dollar and tvienty-five 'cents," " an-
-mounded. another in latiti ,:voice ,of
finality . Who put the figure' at twice
Thus it is apparent that -LticknoW
will trotout much the same line-ur
as last season with the exception of
•Bob Thompson at -third, and with
irospects of 'five teams. • and maybe
•more ,.in the group, another success-
ful season' is, anticipated.
. . •
Mrs:Jas Wraith 'and , babe have
, ,
returned after spending a 'few days
in Toronto. -
Miss Lex Bell ).tas returned to
Mrs. M. +Gamble viisted with Mrs.
Hayes recently.
. ,
Mr. and Mrs; Jno. Ross and Bill
attended the reception, at.; Oteenock
last Wednesday evening.
• .Mrs. Stubbard of Brussels spent
a few:days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hawkshaw-. ••
, Lexy. and Laura, Bell ° attended a
quilting ,,bee at Blanche 'Haldenby's.
Miss Ethel McPherson Visited with
her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Thompson.
Save your. .buijdings°
NOW.. Ze. e ide
• Acorn Barn
Prevent ,spon-
taneous combus-
tion. Base, 20
in,; Drum, 16
ht.; lfeight, 4.
ftt 5 in. -only
• Preston
• Ga vanized Turks
Special Spring•Sale.' Write
for prices.
. Spark .
'house chim-
ney, Pre.
vents roof
Slocum'a Pire Suffocator
F� putting out fires when
they are beginning.
, Door .Hardware
We can save you
money on You
barn' -door hard=
•-tvare. Write. •for.
prices. ,
./' —"i/111111111
• a argil DP OP 10
Preston Steel •Clit'd Barns
:Built with rugged steel
• trtisseti or plank ArtiStws. •
' 'leafed and sided with fire,
prom, such Write for
"Boot Abu t Barns".
• Lead is used on
'the head of these
nails to seal the
nail -hole. Now
only 15c lb. •
of dollars: Worth Of farm bnild-
ings are being eaten up each year by nat,
and decay caused:by leaky roofs, and by
fires: Salle your buildings N W before ,•
they gee beyond saving. i' Re-reiof With
Rib -Rall is permanent: 31t:'rUnnot, wirp,
• /shrink, 'peel, crack, curl or bulge., It is
fireprOoft---sParles_eaupst ignite it. When
Properly. grchineled at the faur ...Corners
iteeordink to the Ontario Lightning Rod
4..ti.it.oves.C!*tiplete' lightning pretei • •
, • '
“Councit StantgiVel'' Rib -Roll is no*ie
inititiliele*esiPikS;ItiliStry?Onality •
is sstill niamtained at jt a h hest p�hit
Write forfree sample and
• useful roornit booklet:
Metaf-Duiblini `Mareilatg..
„ Gitelpft‘ 'Street, „
" Preston*. .
dii0 ,
Itelantreat„ turonkl
ab,out thebig. affair la,t
year" , aSked::g 'ditizn
".Wheiri Tont social life ;Wei portrayed
:a In a rather, deplorable • mess."' , •
• z'‘%,irtirelv-inis-repteserited,"..he '
swered;, ;unhesitatingly.:
kais people .:Wha :fear that - we • are
on :the . wrong trackiii eneopraging.
free social intermingling •for all ra'C'e'
grabbed at -that partjealar-.case and
tried .to, o.feneralize, about: the 'failure.
Of ,our-wh610.-social,experiment„-.13nt.
it linit • failed,•'':'Opr! racial- -krona
.e't along beautifully together. There
- discrimination that'I know of
pn•-„purely: racial 'grounds. The affair
of last Year,,,though• deplorable,
orovide onnOrtunitY for clearing
• few' nrObleros in civic adjoin's-
' tration. For example,- . Certain. „case
fbola:vde our d Sftre jaenindesr,h;pThhila -04d ..c,,..,41,sui5.0:„‘I'
were Mit 'right. But these Ow
of, indiViduals"....bolding dual citizen -
of malting Power nedltInO.ez. as tolc.611s'
by tho'Haivalians for Centuries. They minor matters. On the larger • cars-
eV•rirelcii.o„n:e.:tg.hiz:irat,s;„eacnicdi.,..wvi.:,,,i...,,,,,„.„„eia.,,..bdys, have, nothing,' to • fear' • sine,
carna•• Oni. social _Problem:is :nrogresSingN
well: 'LttSt •.t.;Par's feAts for • llonolul
Made froinL:fresli-cat flaWers7-PIOM--,
Hans; poinciana, bougainvillea, were..nrifoinided."‘:. .- • • •
• •
• • ds b
'xicier,...reses and many other VarietiPs 1"Na.heyeott of ;Japanese ,goo
Were we.' ' white-faced' 'Canadians e:CCdeAllilebii5;ossdihj:i '1:lr'aee.1.11:::' i.Pjts.-ahaliaaasntlia' enthusiastically
rnnYedisaeeuT' ri.stid!aWaPi:
. .
:front the frozent.snow,y; 'N'arth, tobe
--1 ': , Worthy
etari-cling,dan't affect us,°.he' explaine
eoned soWere we toIt-ein)(LYs.
of sag:li an Eiffusion,,':of• .frie* nationalities Coliiiflg out of schoc
ndshil., ?
We wondered. • •
, Corning down the...gang-plan
•• chatting and joking together:
•k. :
, "All, flags/in Honolulu were at halt
; . • ;
nntiatl that (JAY-. Our driver told us
the 'City was in list:mining becauag'.of
the death Of the first Btiddist' bishop
9f HaWaii, • "All religions get ..aler,..;;
N • yet 'speileld by-. the .liard-.Oniied together here 00," .he, acica.L.
Ways, of the traffic' :in olidayers„ As Teople. are hapPy and. contented.
TheychaVe no 'special troubles aincnt,
buoyant as the, bikhrinners; 'as set races ' :s°•• "what t10164he
religion -
as the song; ,as ..frosh:atiefrtt._ ists to fight . toyer? Nothing:. here-
grithee.. Of foios;, ,a8 hin.nah file fore they da '.no *ond.:to°.fight. Th.6
jnat ' get ' along • together. ' Of 'Pourse.
you see' American missionaries have,
been here a Jong time sothei is -a
fine ba.ckgrefind for ,?,;(,:4d understand:
ing„ That nialtes a, ereat ;diffetencV1
he thoughtfijihi :rernarked, - :
. "Interesting place, Hanolultf.to be
in,",..said a young Anierican besiness
Man, ,who has haa ,sPent the past feW
years' on the Islands:' '`A.,ellap„Can.
go for; a ...walk with a ..CilineSe Jap-
anese, Kordan. ar:. Hawaiian ',girl. and
no.O.neeveit thinks:anything about it.
Why -Shona, they ?Th.girl' iS good
'looking and edacated. She Speaks the
,English Of ,ciatured peaple and' dres-
ses as any American girl.
Why... not? Of CoUrse it couldn't'. be
done'. with: the sarne fteedom • few
years • age: And certainly 'Cottldri't
he done now Openly on' the mainland.",
thore much interinarriage among
the races?" I. asked, "It 'is natcom-
mon."' he•teplied.`"Friendlinesa ffoea-,
ritt.lead to interfnarriage necessarily.
When -there is f,ree, Social :intercourse
people naturallyinarry these of
their aWn. race.", . .
4Iinin6ralitYr'• "We' hhyP4a verY,'
fine haste' .for unmarried Mothers in
Honolulu," . Said a travelling 'Sava-
tiPn lAi'nfr., officer, "but I .-didn't .get
m 0118 nbte,
thek,, wotildra zitics, of. its site in 4'ngland • or Arn-
L.,, ..ethrit:a..1:,npre:sieir: that conditions are
"so very • diffetent ftont that .of . ether.
•?..". "Not tousual1y.
prevalent,". eonimented an
_tance,..Abo know 11awaii, '+1Je v'
,nfinosiiher#''of the phiee is:Conducive
rather to. .conintori ,spnae. and :Se,*
health., Work for everYblargely
in 'the,. Out- Of cloth': a
With ablindant opporttinitieti for :good.
BORN4Iri Goderich General- Hos-
pital, On APrill?th, to Mr.
ToYnbee Lainh,•a, son. "(pee -Annie.
•tlfennedy, .4 daughter of Mr. And
;Mra. John Kennedy -of this cOinnuii-
;Mr; Henry .11athers received 'the,
.s4F1 news Oat+ hisbro-'
vQ6Pi7gesulViddaeintileyt• 8,!NY' hitahsise4 *way "
trouble in Vancouver. 'ffe extead
our sympathy to the befeaved rela.:
tt ihvi es s' r.w
Mr. Phatlis .,Mathers.' is tractor,'
.ploughirig for Mr. 'D'Avid Kennedy
,Were ,aorry, to report, IVIrS. 'Thos.
Inglis is on the sick lit.: We hone
for a 'speedy '.recoyery.
•1Virs,.Jas„ Brigham .and t:wo
.ten,, and :her: breither; kr,. '•GeOrge
Wightman , SOD. 'Ivan, of
visited. recently their parents;
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
4s�z. and 'Mrs. liarrY TiehbOrn
'MieS oliye Tichborne .of Godetich;t
visited 'On Sunday with ..Mr: and Mrs.
David :Kennedy. .;
Mr. Wm, -Fisher ,visited this week -
Lwoittho.. his. son; Mr. George Fisher of
• Mr. and'Mrs. Arthur 13raniliall,.
(nee; Miss Dorothy Downton) of
Hamilton, Were the gtiests • last. week
'of Miss' Ada Helm, on their • bridal
trip by mcitor.. •
Mr. 'and' Mrs. • Richard 'Gardner,
Mrs.: W. IL, Reed and-Misel Ada Viteb_
sterivisited'witir:Mr. and-IVIrs..Albert
Camnbell of Westfield'. on Sunday.:,
' Melvin Reed, of Toi`•onto,,eall
ed on 'his' Mother; Mts. W. ifj: Reed,
:on Saturday evening:: "• ,
• Mr.- and • Mts. •Joe IreeMan and
. •
Mr. 'Fred Horton of Leehurn spent
Thursday !evening 'with Mt.': and Ira.
Will_Gardner.• : •• • , ". , •
Mrs..H. ° Reed (4 Lucknow,
spent last week with :Mrs. Chas.
Ritchie, Who is not enjoying the beat
of bealth. of ..late. '. •
• .
Mr . Ernest Gardner, we are -pleas=
id: say, is able ,to be: about again,'
• after being confined to thp, house for
'3everal,weeke: •• .
We:. were. turions,-- therefore, ;to .R11.,
cadre,' .inta,"tinemplayment .,conditiOns.
Who weilld•We ask? • ,,,••
•to the uneniployed..and get his: teae
.Let -ns pick one e..,p0'nk -belongs
lien. "We didn'thave to go fat tofind
our man. "HaW are tintea "in 'Hone -
lulu ? . we asked . this • man of ,onr
chciicP, We looked in 'a reatiturant
windo'w, tagethet.„."Ilav,e yOu• felt the
xepeti•e6S4srioonr:Iolvvee'rchhoeures,auut ?,:
3, ' m
-un„ "ties aren't There
e :ant then; I Supp,es,e. things pugio..'he
'iiiey're,:uact,oVer. on thentaxn-
- hazu„ Bat yon see, Vire', didn'c tiaKe
d ..hteh .inctittrial,expansion. as .on the
p oaaitanii; the,retore we :don't, ieel
• ;ne depressian so • rinick. We dont
1 Aeco .to 'for' things to eat
• eat ever
fiere, and the cliinate is mild :enongli
to do, with feW.. :clothes'," expiainki
• These words reminded u$ of .sev7
erni we., had heard comniendingtiie
splendid -co-operation all , -groups in
thp,city had given t� • the leaders' ot-
iptief organizations., We • had now
heard the story; froznbetli sides. ,11
Was: the ataxy • at a;'Well7organlzed,
L'oLopetative 'community; deepiLe the
'lea that it contains representatives
of nearly all those, peopies Who",forin
rile much talked pi; "Problem' of • the.
• .Ali
,.bany, Honolalu night. aboard
:41ier .steamer :brought us to the, day
denaiture.-' What .a morning •-it
was!, TeMperature;'sixty-five., Bright
sunshine... Occasional- falling inists
of aunshine." • Throngs • Of
people: 'nearly.. clothed in garlands -0i
fresh cut flawerS,, saying farewell
aild being farewelled. MUsic and song
filled thp. air. 'Happiness was every-
where. They spirit Of • apt farewell
seethed " to differ ••iittle 'from : our
greeting. Same word for both;
"Aloha:" We left this 'hub of the
Pacific: for the Japan-ehiria •section
of the rini with hearts ',Warmed by
new hone in '• thefuture' of'. Pacific
peonies': .The, ,old rnotto„
"tfa 'Man, Ice. ea- o ka aina i ka pone,"
which . • translated' is ., Said to ' mean,
"The, he. of .the land is preserV'ed .in
tight;e6usnesS,"' became significantly
meaningful ", through .What' •NVe ilad
were actually into it. One Couldn't
stay aboard. The very atmosphere d
the welcome .was itriguing., : Not a
bit, of; the bald orrnality about it.
Very little of tourist commercialisti.
"hello" of halmv folks. So did,
lulu welcome, , • .
• It all. seeMed so dreani-like; lso
other worldly. One Wondered...whether
thi.re could '• be stich things AS
• orcssiOns in such an atmosphere.
And '-what of Class distinctions • 'or
race prejudice: And 'What'•abotit. the
young folks? Do they show any
improVernent on -the pat generation?
And are :there polieeinen? If so what
do they -do for a living?;
ObserVationa "Around 'TOWn7
We .went, an Englfshinan and 1,
for a" walk; "A few blocks. awali • we
inet a pOlicemait; hail -fellow;
met` chap he was: "The teuriSt
eau?: Shure," said, he, adjusting his
.horn -rimmed spectaclea as he spoke,,
• "just yau..gc. 'long there two blocks,.
:then Jig, to. the left an' you're right
it.', '1 . '
• "Prettr. Well'. pqnipped, 1..'d say;
commented my friend. 'after bbSerV-
ing the policeman's belt,, and , big
pistol in its helder; his - baton ,,and
• handcuffs; and jack-knife; ..and :big
keV chain; ,his note hook with pencil
and :his hook Of' rules and rezula-
tiorts.' In addition to. all, One pocket,
half -ay to }OS .knee bulged. with a
great flashlight. "A hit of a joke, it
seems to Me;" went,o iny• Cotnrian-
ion:'f poliemen wer ieally needed
time for carrying...suck a digniav,&
all that. •In -an' emergency •he'd..gc,
confused," lie reasoned, ' ••••
• -Farther. up ,the street...Mt in'et-a,
still bigger, and. brighter, .pcliceman.
On his arm, he displayed a big;black
"M P" on white band; reminiSeerit,
Ot war thne, only sayingit londer
than , ever. Poor little Ovit behhie
resreation4., this together . with
d is4P-Oacrg‘°43-01,44 0'
oration ' seherne6nel-tilt_ . -If bobble; ft-"j'
in , rbssion• wut Bad
Chu rg 6, 11
wanat LaSt, but not least, ,the de.preSSIOn.
"Isad' as he ie'efiled''te; ..ktave they felt the ,depreaaian, ut
comtiarisoi :this; wo king -de -6 o1ae1-.oducri-1;ao2Ilt1os, makes
r ical arid spiritual health."
„ttpi, other intfat control, the Parifi.
Basin, .."Play, tidi" ng,'we thoutoilt. tt, fr, around town W6
1 We'hadn't Seen a :•13teadi
§uoh, atmos•pherd as 1Line 1011.0i11.11i? n oU a .
this sort a thaweemed
9B, r w‘nk
absurd hadn't beet tititccllor a little some
M/vening *Pothe-
thing toward. getting a cup 0 coffee
,, s
S 6,011. , . ••
. •
LYceum t
AY. 47-5.46
"Movie 'Crazy
, . .
,Kaitrs Farm Boy LOOS In
' ' ,IIO1bWOOd
Adults 15c. ••' Children..20c•
'MAY 8,-9181
he. No8t.
„An Exciting Adventlire Story
' Also
Mr. •And.Mis.. Thomas Hall and
danghter of -Kincardine, were recent:
guests: of their ' brothers, Messrs.
Godfrey and •Wm. John 7•,' • •
lVfrs, Norman Treleaven und-claugh-
ter,--krs:-WesleY YOunkers ag Tor-
onto and :Mra..• Bert Treleaven and
'GWendelyzi, of' .Crevve,.• yisited. at 'the
litnte of IVIr. and Mrs. :S. J..-1Cilpat::
rick. on Thursday.
T314{9 • 9:!endInga few
--Weeki-tWitkber • daii ghteriviVITs:-Atheit
Alton, Belfast i
Sunday Schoolwill be held in:,
131ake Church next Sabbath after-
noon at 4 P.M. instead pf the regu-
lar hour. '
" The heavy rains Sunday and kon-
day nights, caused many washr
throughout ''Asliheld. The roads had
been iii fine condition:. Seeding op-
erations will be stopped for wseme
time -also. * •
Mrs. Jim , Mizner of Stratford,
visited her cousin, Mrs. Herb Cur-
ran, Monday. °
BORN -On April 29th, to Mr. and
Alis. Nelson Raynard, a daughter.
• Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dahmer and
family, Kincardine, visited recently
;with Mr. and Mrs. MacGill.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards' and Mr.
and Mr. ,gtanley; ,RiPley, were 11
visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Richards -
Mr. James. and 1Vlies. Maggie, Pick-
ering visited at Mt. Jas. •Murray's; •
one day last week. g. °
. Mr: and Mrs. Dislier, Wriartan,
are visiting with their daughter,
Mrs: Earl Swan, this week.
tilohurnental Works
• Lucknow, Ont.',
Has the largest and 'most complete
stock in the most beautiful •tlesignri
to, choose freni. in- „ . ++.
, ,
' W E make a SPeeialty of ',
y' •
p•:amiirmaioup utiyineDnotnse.and invite '
our Inspection. ,
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefelly and!
. pro
. .
See -Us before ' placing your order:,
Douglas Bros. R. 'Spottoni
1 hOne•74 Phtine 256 ,
ImeknOw , Wingisa*
Government ApPr.fived' tiried Rock \ Baby
Chicks and Eggs for Hitching,From .
' .,,,B,Lood-TStiiii, Stock, '
1.-,firivc _been breeding far fifteen yezits far Slie, large 'egks, !wavy
production and •vigor. Alk eggs set are ,extras and specials.
Luny Oticii.,..PRFCE,g7
MAY, 9 cents each ' • :HINE; 8 cerits'. each.
riVe Unrelated tat punched 'ehleks 'free, wtth every hundred •
ordered. Teti 'Per Cent deposle Ookg your"! Order;
delivery ,gnartinteed. STARTED CHICKS,LPIILLETS I D
EGAyok HATCHING.. Hundred, $4190.!,,Three•-hulidred over *
at three Cents: an egg:, Order -chicks now and AO delivery When
You vvint • them. Inepection invited: Write ,iii",•-"Plinnie.
viiiit4tolitlich • 4:;•iittioo