HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-27, Page 8?AO mom (ma` DATES. LBS'. FAIrCY.;RIL ,2 '8AND '3 LlliSkAM x.,. ,,, 2 .LBS SELDRD SHEDLESS'' or YAL, R4. N$ ", : , , .' :23• r 5 .STRING BROQM and 11ioP STIC i� •.., , , , ; , ,,, , , , ; R ; . , . .y, BIG b SCOURING +pq *PI+.G GE�Y Li"> SINGED CANNED >�INEAPP;,LB .,,,R� .....,. .10e .; LBS Ak.McCORMICI ,.SOD 2 yi LB. ,FANCY � $O 'PEANuT'B[1TTER .. ,.. , 35c EXTRA LARGE' GRAPEFRUIT, 4 „ FOR ORANGES,, _PER DOZ. ... s , . . , , .. ; , , , . ,T . '• • MANGEL 14 TURNIP .SEED; ` B$UCES''` 8z: REN TIES' . ALL !IRIS 'YEAR'S; SEED ,, •4 `FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES ALWAYS. ON .$, AND., Via. LLCKNO1V TINE Qrer resident; o Dies, In :; Alberta *it t .Alberta, Piget Passes, . Suddenly' At. The • Age Of 83. UCKNOW in s Store News WINGHAMS win Dollar Days pay. you to drive miles tis see our wonderful stock of Spring Merchandise on Sale at SPecial Prices for these two. Big 'Days. s WOMEN'S SPRING .COATS dr " .DRESSEg; MILLINERY': KNITTED SUITS; BLOUSES., FOUNDA'PION GARMENTS -SUMMER' UNDERWEAR "-It FINE HABERDASHERY :TowitshiP. of Itinless in the' County ,,,of Brute,. 'toenail, 'deceased. ' • NOTICE is! hereby gliren "hat all -persons having " any 'claims • ot • de - the thirteenth day of Pebrnaiy A. D, 3933 at the ' ,Townahipi 4:, kinloss. in • to the pOdersigned, 'Executer; under. the ;Will' fif the said " Jahn Alexander ' and full particulate in writing' of pieir _cliiiini and statements of their, •:, secutities; if any, held by them 'duly And, take notice - that after the Seventeenth' • day, . Of .May', AkD 1933 ',the said e?feeutor will Proceed.. to ,1 ' distribute the. assets of „the '.,Said thereto, havinfic regard, ' onIY. to the eXecutor,'will not .:he . liable , for the 't any 'PertiOn'qe:WhOse'.claii'n' he , shall, not . then have received , notice, ' ''• ' ' Thili notice is given „pursuant to 2 :,„ the ;statute in that behalf.. •.• ..Dated :at Luclgiety, Ontatio„, this' MR.' VVlLLIA1VI• 'LEONARD Directorl of Ripley. Choral' SocietY choral societieS. in the , surrounding The follrlwing is ° taken in from the' Langdon, "Alberta pub tion and refers to a former res Mr. James Mctntosb, who wit remembered by the,. older fol .ucknow • and .the vicinity east., Albert Mcil•Quillin of Whitechurch, Mrs Ne' McCallum, Langside; nieces, and' Mr. , \Jaines Merin concession 2,. Kinloss, .a., nephew the deceased man. • '.' ,One• of the, first, , men to ground in Cavalier 'county. durin earliest days of its settlement' `ate `his home in • Langdon; . Tue morning;; April:.4th, 1933; wli.en J i4Ic1 itosh';rpas"sed away unexpeet The- pi'oneer', liad 'been in good he .until- the very day of, his death arose at his regular hour Tue and attended'•to.'his household du though .commenting; that he was feeling well. At about . `9.30 o'cloc 'went to the door of his• home int ing to call a doctor and, he was f dead on 'the threshold, by his when she Went . to see ;why he :l`etained. ' • James McIntosh, son Of James and Sarah McIntosh,' was born Septekn 18,: 1849; at Inverness-shire, /near, fainous Clyde river ,in Scotland. W he was 17 years old the.. family, me to Lucknow, Ont., where he wor in. a, general store for a short_ t before coming to. the 'United. Sta He; worked_ 'with a. contractor's Michigan' for a•.few.years '.before turnip to•.On£ario to marry Catli ine.. McRae, .at, St , Helens,' Woven.' : 1872. ' He ','returneid r' to' Kiehl part lica, idem I he Mrsz On'' are tosh. • Of break g the 'died sway aures edly. alth • He sday: ties, not k he end=. gond wife: was ber the hen Vedl bet §hottlY Otter :the marriage and.. • • ecia ie,s' -oats its an resses WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH A RELIABLE WELL, E.NOWN TORONTO READY- TO- AR -g1.3rANUFAC URER FOR A DISPLAY ON ednesday, ' THIS EIRM HAS NEY.ER BEEN .REPREgENTED MERE BEFORE' ahd the 'display will be in , help you in„ your selection.,. This showing" will present tiY,Tar theltOst. ouisiinding valge ,that hair 1,:lever. been 'offered which Ti.:fi'liqk _have to eboOse from, are niade in,the newest style &; materials. Size au ,sh.44qa,, styles and Materials iritk •guai-afiti4d. -surrs -•OR SWAGGER COATS. Wednesday, May 3 Genera 'Read TemPleton's all :for those in- ' Bargains In Men's work Clothing; THE 'MARKET STORE.' ced mere than rthei, share 0t 110rda Review -Reporter- and Einfey 'Express that section and the. couple re- turned to Ontario. in 1881. 'The fol.= loNving year ',they Come te• North Daketa..,, To ,,be ,,sure sOinethingmto, help ,carrY0.2theni-Jhrough-tlie: aiming of :land -which' theY, were able to' duiing'.tlie panic of 1813,, ancl to k hifibanC work in mines, ',pending ino.s 'of Clays hundreds'' of feet •below gron eyel. Things did not improve .`repi eel); 'beine; after. visiting. in Teeswater.' add° nd dly In the Matter of the' Estate:Of Annie• now in the ;COunty of Bruce, Wide*, !..TOTICE, herebY ,:given that all' persOns :having any claims or Mends 'against the late,Arinie Grahain. who. died on sor,abeut. the, ,thirtieth. of Brace, , ate ..ie"qUired Ur. send by post prepaid. , -to deliver • to.. the undersigned, executors under the ,, he sal Annie Graham; their ticulats in writing oLitheit. and ,statements ,Of:'their aecounter the -nature of :the' seduritiO,' ani, And': taire. netice 'that' 'after the the said. ExeCutorS aseets', of •the .said de - Ceased: 'among .the perions entitled, claims' of which they shall then 'have hid 'notice, and that the said IiiecuL tOts Will, not be .liablefot Said nO.Oets any pert theidOf PerSen Of -.Whose., claim they Shall not hen :••bave received' notice: the Statnte: in that behalf.: Dated. at Luck**, Gntario; t is Herbert_Graliam.,, 23 BrOtokdale Ave belenged .t6. Charles. Chisholm; now arrived le: What is- now IlarveY town- ship. in ' 1882 and ki.:MCIntesh broke 30 .actes •,tif. ground 0a.t. f411.: 'He' toek ,uP. 'a 'Claim: liefOre ,the! land Was sarveYed. Their: residence for . years on ',that farm was. hreken -fornier'lioine in Ontario ene 'Winter. .the fall of -1302' Mr. 3lc,Ihtorili was °accepted An the -federal ;cantons Service and the conple waived te :St. 'J•icflin Where/ tie' served eight 3rears 'as Antler lei*. 10 'years ,before .*.riW 1921. ,The; then , aging eouple ',spent pne Winter On the . home ,firrit.with. :son • and: in .1922 rneved to Langdni, Last winter . they purchased ',their'. own the' occasion of thOir sixtieth Wedding' anniVeriari. At ...that line Mr.. --Mc reinarked that. he, :had neYe for 32.. years.. and Of the Lodge. a Perfection' abnest ad long. He alwais tOdk -an yaCtive Part,: in the 'life o Was one of the first asSesshis Harirei and Manilla tOwnShips and clerk at the . time, he; quit farming. in 1.902. -He lifelong. menthe'. of the Presbyterian church, 'andi • was long diligeht in' its,' activities;..serv-! for many' years as A truitee. ' Eight children were born td the courile,;*Sevet of whorl' shrVive With their mother. Two "aisters alsa vive. They are, Mrs. Mary Clow 0 Cariev,ale;. •„Sask; and Mrs. Amite McIntyre of BrtisSels, Ont.' •tWo brot .visitor at 'the •,heme Of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'ern ,pats at attraetive'pricei at ••the LucknoW Flour Mills, •"" Miller spent last, week in'Detroit, the guest.at the hone of Yon .Sre .1nyited• to the special ditplay of Coatsi Suits, and Dresses ;Mrs; E. d. lelcher of Goderich, spent the .week -end, at •the home of E G.':Jolinston of Virgin Minri.„ visiting, With her Sister Mia.' G. H. Douglas. and MiSs Carric reaidence Mr.. Janes' 'Drunk has purchased turiteci In his •.P:ontiae' ()range; &dial tonight (Thursday),- Mr4. :Treleaven of RipleY spent the• week -end it the' hanie of her son . MRS. ROBERT DAV,IDSON of Dunganr:on, 'hag) heen 'elected Division of the Ontario :Enicatioeal Association, This, is', the' first :time in' the histary":":01,;Ahe 'Associatien. that has-been ,held by a .ladY. Tke 'rancher beckoned tO his: fere- than. "Jake, I -wish you'd ride into town and get the 'correct' time." ' k . "But I. ain't got.' no watch.!' d watch. A watch," the rancher roared; "Whet de yeu 'Want with h • Thempsen a/W.:Mrs. ".Charles Cook, attended the filDistrict. Rebecca Con- ,vention in Port Elgin' on Tuesday. t Mr. Georg,e, ToPP and the. Misses Rnby McIntyre- and Ennta Donagh of, London, spent' '.'Sunday• with the latter'e parents, .Mr. and f. f te -Kitchener, to ,resinne her duties aa condition still remains oniali the have purchased the' house; and lot frog( Mrs.- Thomas Treleaven; . which perty, on HaveloCk St:, south,, and which was forinerly pecuPied. by for Saturda THE 'BARGAINS WE OFFER ARE REAL MONEY SAYERS STRAP SLIPPERS -.(• Ladies' "Strap Slippers, Purnlis and* Ties; Calf and Kid and OUTING SHOES Misses' and BoYs' Camp Shoes & Outing Sines. All sizes. tat' P484,10.1in HOSE WITH •E ' HEEL -HUGGER SHOES. MEN'S *Oilk SHOES - -Oar Prices' on. Men's Work Sneer; are the. Very loweat. Men'S • ' MENNENITE Leather' 'with or ;without toe cap, '& .$2.75 WE .A'llE"` VERY; PARTICITI.AR ,.TO PIT' OUR 'CUSTOMERS: ." 1011111.0011.1101.1001.11.111115111/111.11.11111111.11.11.11111. 0,0 • ninent farmers, in' Harvey in l'oriner years. . shin , Wee Beverley RoSe Mead. Was an and sprainingher end 'ljiTtri, D.' C. Mead visited • palter WIth inti. , ' -Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon aild ion, Keith, of Detroit, _visited ler a few days with friends in Licthiow and Kinlerigh; On their return .they were accompanied by Misi Maimie Nixon, Who will Spend the week An BRUSSELS SCENE OP , pRESBY.TERIAL CONVENTION Tho• 132th! annual 'meeting of in Canada,. will be held , al ara ex'nerted too. seend (10,2060:aersy, MRS:, E. AyIndisf, igill;.!Itifitiii)0 "BONAll.".fierrnanerit Wave :$3.95 with ship/Moe & fidget' .!Shampooine. and 13,onat!' dryers' ' 11,',"kelali-?.d.A°Onilt.ige-elire';''a*tine-4.,. cl,k' -;ilaug0:47111c'41'ir"44°P1-.7 :' Ni'Appointrnont Call 133. ire Insuranc DWELLING: AN0,-;CONTENTO7 ".• year Policy ai the rate of '26fc,per $1,00:'per year. 'NO PERSONAL, , PirequsuranefiAgent,;...1..iicknow Ont. new draperies, Chintz • and. Curtains. New low. prices. - THE MARKET, • J. 7.1 FV::N.ERAL DIRFcT.9'. LUCKNOW ou will find that:- 01.ji SERVICE' is perfornied with -sympathetic sincerity 'and IJR SENSE or pury. *ill lbe. fully sitistied;.- and; 'inuCh Oljll PRICES gave always; been .in, accordance with present- oer choice ef 'black or grey casket covered. With fine quality ''remoiral 'apt" 'care,. of , remains, . superYiSiOn 'of funeral arrangements and directingt Use of'funeral Parlors, attea- tin' to 'cemetery', details,"`tne , hearse, ;and car for use 'of faiiiily. and clergyman. 11 • • Your choice of 'solid oak 'casket, attd Oar 'dignified .11seryiee,...atiaL attention -to the smallest LIMOUSINE AMBULANCE SNIVICE DAY 'OR molt 1.4