HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-27, Page 6• Akron Vm's ImPressrve Funeral •:• 4,1 ' ro- CANADA. , Benefit of Laughter- There- is, apparently a standing al- tit:native. between annoyance and amusement over life's Irani*sect& ents and he. who lives best is he who laytilts best for relief from the teartr and tension of his pen trials. It Is s child's privilege to laugh:because-he Is tickled but the adult mustlearn 0„Isaigh , in the fate Of inisfeitene, •.„ handicap and even painer hehecoinea the unheppy slave. of hiA oviti circum- stances. Such laughter„ it Seeing,. bas 'k dennite;theraPpatic Value.. It. has long Igen said that, one may laugh and 100'Orlat, but KIS More important ,to the modern man that be learn to laugh his way out of, nervous prostra- tion. Miss Mary F. Ferguson, ' visor of Bridal service at John Hopkins UniverSity; adveCatea laughter as an antidote for all sorb of neuroses and Oven for social disorders.—Prederitton Gleaner. , s! • -Show' -Confidence. Three men who, escaped with their lierofront, the Akron, are now looking for nOsitioris ekthersMa' con, a: diiigible new .reedy for its teats. They hkie pipre,Confidence in such craft than the averageIndbidnal, and it may be be - 'Cause they knots.- Wore *fiat them. Beacon -Herald:. • " Safety in the Air. „ The enquiry Into the Akron disaster reelties memories Of that which. Was, made 'inthe case of .the: Oity pool; the Imperial Airways liner; Which' crashed a abort time 'ago, though •of ' Ours° there IS nocomparison, between • stbe tw�. The :point :raised 'b, thet, of • comparative Safety Of travelivin the ••• air, either in airplanes' or in dirigibles. 15r: Etheeer has, steered WS: ZeOPe- • jin'tirensinatia-rot-iniles •acrossl beth Over • Europe without a:single accident to itny• passenger. The Imperial Airways , . • „ was, established 13 1924,, and 4since then there. have been.innly.six' accid- • ents to • their 'liners in which injury ...to I:passengers • was , involved, • and though during' that-perjod they , have •ownover ten million mileand have • Carrie:41 a quarter of a Pal:teen- •„gers. •••- , Flying on the, regular air routes in • Europe, :in fact, ia _regarded, kg -aisur- jes"an 'seen .greater safety than travel by 'road. This is preyed by the 'fact that• the insurancecompanies ask' • higher nrentiiiiina for, the letter .thini' • they.do.:fortite former. •It is ,sucli disaster as that whiCh happened to the City of Liverpool which proves the ,general rule. The case of. the Akron e6/1103„witaiin a different category,' but the '•public • often. fails to differentiate • •: iand la apt to,.1Unip'all aerfal disasters 'ingetlier,—Meittreal Daily Star.' It and. -Wein_ t refer to as the Pre-Camhrian stifeld. This underlying ktratnrn of, vier is the oldest forma- tion which ,geologists know; dating back to the dim past when our earth's critst Arat began to golidify.—London Advertiser. 1• • , , . Lucky. Eicesle, Exeter. Ontario has accumulated a stirpitie, .reduced itsdebt and cutita tax rate ten Milb.." A lucky place 13 Exeter, But other towns are Vexed4 her; 'Her ,iteat „ they cannot emu -late, . ,Reduce the ,debt and 'eta the rate, As folks have done in Exeter...- • • —Strathroy - Y'lfga!thr :Editor. , -There was a banquet in Orangeville • , ; one night,and many of the citizens were telling of the opportunities the Win offered.. and how well they had thine there. The editor of one of the earliest papers got up to give his, tes- timony, "When I came here," he ,said, of wasnot worthone cent, and now; I is* worth $75,0001' Seeing' the in- meduleuiti bolas on the faces of, some •or • his fellow-.Citizeni, he contiiiied: :"A.„Plantlitrrity has estimated that each chifd le worth at least $5,000. t have 15 children."—Fergus News Record. • •Power, of the Press, "We' are a generation Which , Hies on newspapers just as eaterpillars.feed • on green leaves:"-7-W1nSton. Churchill. ••••••••-••• Sensitive . 'The fact of thernatter .1s, the 'means of .•`• throughout the world' .have : become so rapid. and int- -proved that What happens—and this may' seem' .paradoxical—in China . . . . . , . , , Morro* • is actually reported .YOur '! evening '.paper, today, , - • : There i8. no doubt that, things 'et; a Very siitiilar • linport, happened a cen- tury . '. 04a e. half agO. Had they.ibeen known. everywhere at the 'pine,' no • doubt. the, 60,0 Would :haire'been the • Same en.peoPle'S.nerveS .and'irnagina.7. tion: Today We '41) living mighty gerasitiVe'World,and, it may be :the. • world's saliation•in , the lolls tint: • Likewise: in . things 'eOribmie.'•iS the ',World s last three •• there has been nei sedh thing. as: lo• = .•ealized deltressi6n.-.-St. Catharines OtandatiL be'entr777'. and'Eti. tter lainiers"in thst Balkans, We rend; tre feeding:bread to. their,. castre. The ,teWs.,,Otteurse, tarnish their own,hat. ier:I3cirder,Cities Star, •• - • ./Ndvertising', It:. • . , Total 's'aleir by, R. 11. Mack. 4.,,Coin, • pan y 'grip 'year entottrited 'to $80,0110S. 90: .0y.,reaeliirig. this atitount. O 14e w Yorli .store juStined .its .ektifil to being. the world's.: largest . store; 'Marshall • Ifeld , coripank,,a,.(.',11feago, w•hien • • flied data. the . title; drOPP9d to • e„,,,f0.04,a,00 bat Ya••e', • order Pp. the sale:- total: . $80,609,000 MacY's Peeddelever and ; •, extensrVe. advertising, 'And 90 per. cent: of, 'the NfacY •adVertising, was • . do,ne.:Jrt the, newsnapers, 'this Median). the :,wofld's. largeat 'stern tOtirid. • the best Cif .'ati,reet • ..• cps WM erk-SSL " • A. i,:otelusielett is fralti.4to 'inve.nte,;1 art instrurrient that is'.a, torn- ina tion snct. s,agofsitone, .wb !eh , IS oils sten in the .direetion. Of: eon= verting.tbe saicephariti into musical , 'Mail k Empire, • THE EMPIRE. • SnryiYed the Crisis • The lilnitrial States have ;come to the climax et their malady,. whilethey. are stillstrong enough ittf cope with: it. They will build, Up ,frain, the base, stronger, mere stable industry' and commerce than .the fantastic structure Which' his toppled from the -height Of the skyscrapers to the duStssifsniden Daily Express. • • European Quarrels. : There Is no 'doubt. that .the predont:, eitt=4feeiing-in-tite- minds of fraiilionk In thiseittuttry today is that at all posts 13rite.in etnatrefuse' to be drag- ged intd.tho.qnarrelif of Europe:, :BY the Isecarne Treaty we kraptedged to taiga Sides. against 'thik aggressor, if trouble breaks out between France and Germany. But if thls Were to happen now, the man'. in the Street ivhci does' not pretend- to understand :the-nicetles Of diplomacy, Would 'findit,very hard .say , Who was most to.:_bleme; .and there would be a strong 'demand that we,',should Stand .aside.—Sir. ' Walter .Layton in the London News -Chronicle ' (Lib.): • ": ' ' , • , r o r froiir vitt •shoskOls apparent, trent Ali .itritinatikt for-Mt:foe this central, pettleri Of Can.:, da, A larfce; Pert .of, ()rite -tie and ilia geologleal .fecridation ii t'te Laurentian...Oats; 'Selent- • • . s Veit' the grave, pf the -nriknown soldier at Arlingteitcemetery, an army gun carriage ..bear's Of 'Lleiitl-e6m. 'Harold ,hlattiellSrii- who craihed,With the, airahip.'. the British. Military Aircraft . For ' the Fir ,Fialt N!as Ot the feesi and most effi- cient shipboard military aircraft in thk world •:W,111- be ineludetli in the ' • s.. • The .Polluted Air. The latest report, :published today, hy the Department of Scientific. and .Iiidustrial, 'Research ett 'the investiga- tion atmosphetie-pollfitien hardly justifies. any 'optimistic inference that the evil is . abating. One . should net perhaps, be, ,depressed by the report, littt one may be astonished that atter vetitury ot industrial civilization One of. ,its, worst evils shows such little , yibatemoit. . Since 'Men &Mit live .in 'centres. Of dense' poPulation,S it is essential that theystliciald happy in doing so; yet. it seents:InipoSsible they should be content .when not only houses and aireets,lint the air itself Is hardly' ,fit to. live Guardian • • ' Woman Light Keeper Dies • Pe,impol,' Mme. Per - rine Durand, believed to be the world's only "Professor of Light - \house -Keeping," died recently; in the complement of the British aircraft Patin Lighthouse on the Ile de Br(- carrierEagle, when She, steams out hat, several miles front the Breton of 'Pithead towards tite end of next coast: She . was theefirst-Frenchwo- month on her way to. the. Ohms stA-, tion, • tkere- she will relieve H.M.S. Ilernteis thetearrier which ...hie been on duty in Chinese WataLfor many Months, and. IS . now to COMEk hone tor a kiwg , • Th"*.- Eagle- is.' the -largest Britieh. aircraft earlier, displacing' , 22,690. tetra; and with. aceonimodation for up to. 40. air.plitnes. Her Complement , „ . during her 'Stay with the Chine .squadron will be 21 airplanes,. Cora- priging ,15 which will heflown on, '1)Oar.d from Gosport, . before she leaves Gib .country, and six to be. taken over ' from the. Hermes:. the ,remaining flight .in the Hermes is to be transferredto the Fifth ;Cringer 'Squadron,. --.The-airplanes will launched from Catapults 'inOnnted on the 'decks of .the WarstaP„,... • '' 'Abulletin., of,. the .'Secnity of Brit - lilt :Aircraft Constructors states that navigation '.of a -naval airplane. in vetting i,lOng .flight.i from a .meying. base, is tie. most •difileglt aerial. Coutielanding, , beside' witiCh Along. ciceatt flight on a,.Single coin - ..,Paaa:.iffeqring. Apart from the • intricate..-prOpfeina met in plotting - a„ pre-determinea course Conktant. • reference .,:to th'e Mietements of . :carrier • or 'Other Conveying; warship, the , haze • Which net •infredgentlY.... riges, quite Suddenly over ` the . sea . introduces the' factor et bad 'visihility. That fleet air arm; -machine is seldom, -If infer,. lost snilicient • . evidence. , of 'tire' skill Of the navigators; the,tiuSt. wOrthineis of their engines; and the accuracy of the elaborate • nav g 7 thinai instruments • s which' every tritialt • navel', ,plittie Terenta •Mail and likintire.: „ • , • Expert:of' -• It ;:iis of paramount importande,... if anY„form of arms .regulation .ever 0'60 established. hk. title or k Subire, quent Dlimitnement. Conference, that every .Geyernmett. shall. he ableabao-,, abso- lutely and iir,leiniVocally to „Maintain 'supervision...and. control of the export 0! arnis by thelr national ' • THE UNITED ,,STATES.:: . , Wealth Sttimpir„. • . ' Many hundreds'of old. tree .,ittimpi, ,which.,haye..Athed., desolate in. the for, esti.nertheaSt-of ,Melbourne•Since the millers' felling gangs ,passed 'through with their. sa'ws' and Meet; .yeara ago, . . ,are :now' proving to liave. a very. high value. . Tise..itutnps,,,nre' of itio.u.rititin ash, ..a .ghielt, increaSing, in deritaild ag:i•rtiOittute..titaei in Aus- tralia and overseas. biicoVery _that the.. rnotintain ' kith Stuitips Ale for furniture Converted whet *ari 'formerly, regarded: ag 'fdrest waste into a valuable abet, lik4faVerable. eirenity. .3tatiCeS •Motintain a* trees grow •to. ,360 feet iiHteight, their growth .41 girth that pr.gOiii4.-,,A.MAiige., front, the, $toinidtfrom•eight te twenty , feet s,.-,the....tritnk Is irregularly shared:Tana heavily bilittessed. Net ,r,r1g.r. go:, azt exeininatien Of"Some •of. the old startles fielOSen Itiat'whon properly eut,the erain, of the was iinust:iallY trepifiti fel .4-t.in stian ScienCe NI int tor, • • • 1/a/••• On Pests. , • Many' ts United •States ciiv b.; Plag- ued by the holge. and dirt.of „starlings In Winfer, of Sparrows the ,Year•sound. the ,relier, or -pestered ishabitAnts. ericasionally corne haWkir, liartford, last 'Winter" Lived haseks"efffer- tained arid gratified, townsPetiple by thelr. daily railS On the nitY"s Sviarin n -An tr. he named 'keeper of,nsltalt bowie, serving, in this_capacitY for ,fifty-one years:. She Was 9 yeark, old cit the time of her death, and reni•k" ed in active servilcaalinost tq the end. Lielitlionse keeping haa been ' the principal trade fir di:Cedes of thP. Perrine and Durand fami1ies When her husband died, Mme. Durand •as- sumed his duties. as kepeer, ,of the ••• • . . 'triages 'Lighthouip; , and se expert did she- become, so 'conversart with 'all•the aSpeCiS of this perilous trade, that she was named '"Piefeibor of Lighthouse Keeping" by the French 'Merchant ',Marine Ministry. Every, Year four orvfiVe• ,apprentices were assignd to her lighthouse. :In, this faihion, -Shetrained,:shalf;•-a--hundrifel- . lighthouse „keepers,. tiva of them her Teesi -as-haters,' Miife7Vierre in tharge.of.the Portle:Chairie (Pleu- Man) lighthouse and Mlle: Aline,,frus Du- rand, Who sheeeedk her. mother ••at the -Peon lighthouse. • ,Resear' ch, Findings May Eliminate "Heating" Of.Grain •• biscotieries. which 'promise to elenninate. "heating" of grain in, Storage and transit Were ';ra- porte4 by Dr. .Lainiour, of the • University �f Saskatchewan, to the Associate Committee on Grain; Re- search meting her.. , /*Jr. .Larinour• • has diseovered that . cesteth , orgaiiisms .on 'the,, 'wheat, appear to C011t0.)1.1te: a large' Proportion of the. Whesit's respiratory activity, In,nertnal time., the lo$s' on a car- load of -.grain :.that . has heated ap- proaches $1„wo. ,*cttipg. Cast. new be .prevented..,. What ..ia ., not. yet. known_ and What, Dr...Lannon& new wants to investigate, is the effect., of the pro- pased, method of prevention On the allty Of the grain. Soviet COnvertmg .Coal Into Csai Mine Veins Ir1oscow.—An experiment in Con- verting coal directly into ,gas the veins in the Mine has beeni,started :by the Soviets in the. Mtite'0W 'The. coal thus used i3 iri,layers too tLin to be: mined profitably. , Electric heaters prepare'the coal .11 -t•sese- thin veins and, With the aid. of cornitres.sed air' arid vapor water, gas is ,produceti. piped. to to Surface to be used industrial purpdges. The, Method of :,converting 'deal di:. rectly into ,gas Wes pleintilgeted in 10.4 by Sir Ramsay,' but _in Soviet seientrsts believe they ,are the first to try.; out the 'i:iessibilities On a large 'corninerciargeale, • '„. , buce. Always ',Right, Says Militia Creed , . 'go TI Pestle which haa con-.pleted its tenth Year of exist- ence, accepts as it feet that Premier rgnito 1Viussolini can do' n:(3 wrong. Point eight in the Militiaman's deca- logue "Musiotini is alViitiksi tight." The teeth comnianclinent is' that the duce's life 'trust .held tear 'above all things, • , ; 'The•=t1\sealogue 'begins with a warn- ., ing that must: neit -be•• 4'1'4 Totico, • bLlc,sseeret4..sitrik:get -etwk-iteisstifitsf,Jsisas - grrir711717(711, , ),Iaggeffie ' • 4priltileftl anieridnierie to , the Illinois State les•provides that rea ' Since the .war Pearly 5(0(4 sof. -1.0r trucks operating On iMproved high: sons in th,,, „United wore ways at SPN41"grentor than tin 1111109 than halt or .fiteril -befit liaVe• art 116•or -1111.01•1”• been gra rttied 41'1101i - • niabit, lire% w talian Briaf aplape , Agello Flies Over take Gard* ,. ' • at Speed of .426;5, Miles sitpo'isbepritaient°,;., Its4170,;sTer4feel°Pelietdtio‘Palal:111; an Hour pointed 001631Y red, hrehe, the world' ..Aeaplono kilned record on April 10 wit.) Frarreesee Agello At the 'centrals. fog -five-lips Over Lake,Garda• Agello mad( an average of 426.5 „thilee . an hour, , The previous re'ord, set hk Lie* , tenapt George It Stainforth, of Eno' land„hi 1031, was 408:8. ; , , .. •Agello 'reached asnaximurn 'skeet! Of - -„432.83 in his fourtelap, end Wfs „mini mum ,Was 421.66 In the third,lap.... officers' said ,a new engine wou 'installed in an attenapt to reae i . body ePeed• of 700 kilometrea, or 437.5-MiIes . Agello was a `member of the Italier S.chneitier Cup team; n 1929. -His Oa. cessfui attempt Cilnaaxed, a series el -. m _ E 1 A .Ecli egorts at the high speed” airiKixt . • ritam nters •. here in which severtil,craft were loit Last year I..ieut. Nori made an lino; ectriage Mal 422 miles an hour and a fen - . Now Third Greatest Electric, ' ity Producing Country in .. 'World trit.atu . has infw, he: Orrin the third greatest electricity pro- 'clitging country in the .world—at & snot ift4.135,000,000,.. . ;: • , Despite wiriduStrial, depression, the output of electric power inciptieed last Year by more than 7 per cont.,. com- pared 'with 1931. There was scareelyany drop in de - band in the :severely depressed.area, and in the midlands . and south'con- sumption, ineieased • cOnsiderabiy,-.' , .These 'facts' Are ,revealed In, the an - Mei revert, of the, Central Electricity Board for 1932. The' board has now coMplets4,2,000. mules of 132,900 volt transmission •finenand 1:000 mules aecOriderylines Worked- at 66,000 volt. thad;tanegotiate with 21.000 owners and .occupiers et lend to secure. way- leavesfor the:ereetiOtt of transiniegion •iinees• Only a entail peteentage et the work ,ou the. national Vgrtd",. remain/1 to be clone: • ' ;. London has the, fir.it .'gas-fiiledjalgh teIbiesti underground cable in ,conittier.;, ciatnse in the world. It rani between Hackney'and Walthamstow. The cable •drawn into 8teel tubes surrounded by eempreseed. nitrogen ,gek...• • • • ':' • ,110?revM•:-thafi!'1.50,000 tenii:of the French nctsy. -ForbidOii To Children Under 13 Years ParisStage Appearances by chil- dren • Under: le years : Of age, except in specially authorized case:Bt....hive been forbidden in an order issued by the French Ministry Of National Ed- , , .• . wafters,: . . . • , Tip to the present time child acters. , even in evening performances have not. been u.rteoninion On the ..French 'stage., The nee, reghlation.eucts that any child appearing in theatrical en- tertainrnent shall, p•roduce •proof that he is 'receiiiIng regular schooling and forbids his appearances except at At . the National Opera, however, .1:,•was• said that the young girl deli- CA'S who are :seen from time to time •in the ballets Weald* not. be affected, since the opera is school of dancing and the penile are licensed AO- give occasional exhibitions. •, ,L.!ird.b.erghs. Reside in wak. London. ---;The Dail Herald last Week -printed a iePori:front Cardiff, Wales, paying prepazratio.:.. were under .vray, fin- COL end Mrs. Charles A:' Lindburgh to renide. near Cathedral City, Llandaff. -.•:. ,'•• _ The dispatch pointed out that Mrs. Wigan, sister of Mrs. -LW, Lind - burgh, resides there with her husband. It was understood that. MS. Morgan Suso:hested.tra'Itesha, t , and that Colonel LW: fe the.-feirriie,r Anne Morrow, 'more to Weigh favors the ides...; World's : Fastest Human 4 , , W„tiereigt Offider. Vranclace Agello, pit April 10 fleW 423 ,11,1t, Id better Eritalit's 're terd 36. itiloinetires; per' betir, • x• , lines Britisivateel, 12,000 One . of 500,000 tons ot cement, and 200,000 insnlateri.bave been used. ' • • •• "The, production of all this' niaterral consumed 30.0,000 tons of British Coal, and :about 120,000:. men have been em- ployed on the Work.. • "The fact that the 'grid' itself :Is operating."witht:ehriost. CoMplete relia- bility . Over ,the 2,000 'Mites already in commission," states the board, "shows that as technleal achievement the .na- tional power scheme is one of the out- standing:etforti of Great Britain in' this '.century." - . "' • • weeks later he was killed, " The "Ked Bnliet" has Orin engines • in,. tandem developing:a ,Maximnm or 2,800 hOrse'power.- Tie two propellers, ., turne in OPPOSito. directions on s• sleeved shaft in front The Machine ° was intended for the . hist Schneider Cup race, but was not 'completed .time. Agents -whit Is 21, *lb .born fir`' teal. • I; • . Shaw Confesses He •* Is Really Victoriaii While en Dente to New. York - George Bernard Shavi'Made a franit confession that he .believed he wet' living beyond his ,own era. , "I really 'aril a Victorian," said tit' gray -bearded playwright: "I an( writing a new play, but the younger writers are ...coming .to. the ,fore." Shaw,: in a chatty ,mood, .diactissig at length fthe Victorians Of his . owl 'Motor: Car'Exports .0.0 Nearly. a Quarter Statistics released by the Automor, hileivisiOn, United States Department of Corninerce' indicatethatthe COM.; bined experts of passenger cars and, trucks :during .. February exceeded those during the corresponding month Of ,Init year by 23 per. cent. Belgii;mt was again the leading foreign export market . for .paisenger. cars. It is noted, however, that ,certitin percen- tage of Motor velticien exported to Bel- gium.andre-eiported.: The 'Union of South Africa, Japan, Argentine and. Australia followed in the sequence inz. '4.itat#4. tri...solpme of Abel -lean -made motor cars iniported, whieh. had been in fifteenth place in Jena, erg, advanced •to sixth place. Japan retained,. its . loading position as. in export • niarket for coniniereial ,velth cies, followed by flrazil,Belgiuna, Bri- tish India and Spain, 'all' of Which, with the exception of 'British India, increased its demands over January requirements, Brasil adVanced;from fifth to second place. - • ' New Drug Cure for ; Carbon-Monoicide • London:—Victims..Of .icarbon-Incinox ide' gas poigotiing. ate turned deep blue and then dark, red by a, nevitreat:- Milt just discoVered: , .t. flevv, over , messt ,.:EVerest . It li.114.1nates the •aft0-effeeta MOnnt Ranelianjanga. . From tins' th.e Himalayan peals baize been the seat of the gods. ," relatiOnshio_betweeninen an( wonien; hai'• Changed:fremendottaliti, he said, reininiscently: "That is,, somo i4APects'::• "The, modern wonian's, clothes an . .1...ngunge are, soinetimes ihocking, but they are rnore decent." • , • Shaw; ,with'i!,burst of 'modesty, pht himself about .twentieth ardor*. 'tit( World: • "4- " • .Newi -Zealand May Barf Imports Froot Russis weiunotot, .1•103* ,British GOvernMent ppa• an ••embargt on Russian IMPorta the New Zealand „ • „ Gclyernment "will doubtless take' aunt, lar action." • ' • • 1 Thia.announcement',,was made. by • • Prime ; Minister G. Ws Forbes whe asked What the 'GOverninent propoeed to.'.da in connection with the .threat ened cessation ;of trade • between , •United. Kingdent and the Soviet, at' ing. out of the arrests. in WeseoW of six British' electrical . engineers .03 „ 'charges of .espionage, sabotage and bribery: '.' •• • • The .Prime Minister •declared-, th( Government ' was 'witching the posti tion most closely and was prepared to. folks*. Great 'Britain's::learl‘,'Hf expressed the 'opinion it Would., n be necessary to pais new legialati as the Governinent was already %er& Powered to restrict imports. :i.ondon', Bank' AddS More Giris to .Stall London.—More ,yonng•gitis • are ite• -ing engaged by Lloyds Bank: • They are .not Placed on the perms., nent 'Staff, no:. de they get boring et - • • pension. • „, • . tiss-ser An official said, to a torreSpondent. • . yesterday "More and more of ; our Ibrancheri b areeCorning ec inized. Apart fro • . . • tire -feet that. ii•r. s are better typiste -We also find that they are''qnicker li handlifigthe now calculating anti . , ledger posting Machines. , • ' "Men will ,be carefully trained and Selected' as heitil$ of •departments." Indians Worship Planes Which Soared • Over Everesi .-Dinajptlr, InJa.—Hiilinen of thi. Himalayas, who 'believed that th •mountain 'gods would punish:„,.tngliS1 aviators for invading their donjain . tow are kneeling and worshipping he fore •the;•.tiftlitalieg ,Whieh the 'Bri fered by those who have been:reviVd from this form of poisoning by erti,. fival respiratien, which his tvien the forme of treatment hitherto. Conscirmsnesi- is speedily restored and the patient fallS inte a :gentle sleet') which Mite ibobt twenty four Fours . 6 • ‘• , ° The tiat•ient then feels ,little the worse fel- the egperience. • Educator:. \Von Spelling Bee, With Minister minister, IVIawyer and two • cd,n- ea.fOr's engaed n a selling • bee in • • itclroliTertrown • Chile. Aids Idle 'Taxi DriVeri• Santiage,•Chile.,--Eighty• bus driveri and 4onductors,..untibie W Mike,a ilv, ing because of high gasoffneptiCes an low'fares, will, depart soon wfth theft fantilles. to:Settle On goyetriment-own ed farms at • Ill Culenar In LOngui Dena•rtment. A farm'at San Fernandt lIaO been net aside ny the: 'Onyeritineni for tine/1104:Oct Acrid driVers of Sand ago and ether r Forest Fire Loss LTA t T ee.—Tkr en wor e ed , 2 on 'six vesrss sash, tti.a esirssur siod fires in the Province, qt. gtiebee .1 and tho lawyer eight. an estimated. 1,621,153 acres 'The v,',..otda they were asked to sPell ing destroyed at fi loss -of, $3;077,800i were sutlers -64s, • sarsQ.,, pissiseker, aceor•ding to inkerinfition given ht. till . Minato, 'lltinefYbattallOn# tratiquility., Legislative Assembly by 114 Ministet naerliegious;rosnlidis ada.para in, 4 s, Ok I a,n4 and remits ' '