HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-27, Page 4••• -••••• rTt-r--"T",";"4"..**1 b Clothing Co. vi:iNqpAm, omr.Agio, ° Clothinik, Furnishings Shoes and• Fobtwear • " Frida .APRO.;.28*., Conic- With ;the Crowds To.. This •Wonderful ks. MERCif;ANDISING SAI, CASHPRIZES iven Away.' DEPARTING, PRIEST: • 'HCINOREb BY. CONG-RlgOAT.ION The es -teem in- which "Rev Father , 7 13. Gaffney ,of St. ,Brigid's Church; • -the =members --of the congregation.- Was evidenced on Sunday evening Iift011 'vespers • When the congregation gathered'. to honor p'irior' to 'Ins , departure for St Augustine. Father Gaffney 'has been inLoganfor quite a length:,of time - and hisdeparture is greatly regret- • .. • ,ted:rbi,a11"- who -knew inin_andi-lOred Sp.ort'.;Glymer- At thiatime onlhehall of the, Mit- - chell and St. Brigid's congregations, Daniel tineiac" presented the depart.. • ing priest with a imrse .of gold Father Gaffney.made a .suitable reply • thanking the congregations, for their. kindness 'to him cluiiirg-• his stay in their midst. • PARAMOUNT Mr. 'John' Martin returned, te „ • Stratford Normal- School; after Spend, - Mg' the :Easter holidays( at his 'home • here.. Mr. and Mrs: Jas. ,MaeDonald spent . the week -end with. friendg;in Detroit. Mr: D.' 'G. igireKenzin,Was viiitot with. Paramount -friends, one..day last -The'"ZalFeside League, annual meet7; in was.beld last, night in the Vin - dome tel, Teepwa-ter, With Roy Lightfoot and Reg. Smith attending as etlelegates.frem the 'opal club. We go to-. press tdo. early to rppOrt the outcome..' • . , * 4.. • *, *f • At a baseball, meeting in Winginun •on Thursday, that town decided, :to 'ented ateam in the. Lakeside. loop. •The elUto carried over •,a casb hitertoe •from, last. year: • , Tha., it- looks, like minther *suc:cess- . ftil' Season...for this -, League,' (Four teams,- -kineardine; and Wingbani are assOrrect Of enter- ing and who knows but:What '1"ges.,' -water-may 'emister--a---team-ita-well. Weak with the -willow' lastyear, the 1641 squad are out to boost their. • batting:average thia. seasod and Andy Thompson .and :Art McCartney Picked out six choice hats; while in Toronto, •last week. „ * •,Right . at the., niiiment it looks., as if Teeswater will have' to der. SoMe scouting to muster as :strong a Bruce imague.3eam as iST-telLhire-ctif-they are to give Lefty?. GoldsMith's temp much a run ;for 'the ailveiware. From what 'we can gather on. good authority, Zuelcnow and Wingharn 'playets who Were beingcountedmi Will be lacking On- the:Teeier's roster The 'EnialeY; Advocate has'::thia •to say Of the Bruce .I.,eague:"Right now, the hest that • cant be. said ' of; .the., Bruce League is that it' provides ,a' comfortable haven,. for • unemployed, and work -shy' ball,-playera -from all ver Ontario-"• • The . April, 'fleeting ;of the _Para- mount V'. tti, asheld in: the Paramount Hall; There Were twenty-. , ladies „present. The meeting op-. •,ened Ihy: singing ,the' ode, followed by the Lord's prayer in uniiee; The minutes of the last -Meeting • :Iva* read and adeMted. A letter; of appre- ciation.-wis..tead: from Miss ' Lizzie It iists decided to ,Send for books eenimunity Singing; and also 16 rent the, Paramount :hall :fin*, the May :Meeting. The •pregrarn con, sisted of a ,selection.; by Mrs, Crump:, vocal Solohy Mrs. J. Harn.7 a paper. by MiS.• MacCharles; a reading ,Ethel ..Martin; , . " paper,. on Easter by Mrs. Macintosh: Community singing was then enjived :and 'a Sole by' Mrs: Dexter;' a ,paper by,. Mrs. .J. T. 'Webster; a* 'Solo by MiSs Myrtle Webster and.* reading . by Miss. Beth ,Altort. A; vote ofthanks tendered .Miss :Ethel '*artiot for the ,*inie of the hall A contest dUcted.by' Miss Bett Alton was ,Oipeb enjoyed. LiinCh was serVed* and the , Meeting eriAed by siaging, the Nation;' al Anthem. • , •• • • Mrs. W: Borden, 'Edna, ,Shirleydiri •Ilaymond of Stratford, ;spent Jiist: • .week :at': W. R. Makin's: •, •"• , ' • Miss Myrtle Webster; AtellerleY Was"hoine for the Easter Y'ae,:atiPit,,' , and. Mrs. 'Herb spent' „ . the week -end in Owen Sound. 1•••"4,. ttit Commends Author Of ‘‘Cur PioneOrs" Western Reader Cominents On Rec n .41'rticle In The Sentinel, compiled By Mrs. Clarke Vancouyer; B. c,r Aka 19, 1933•• Editor Lucknow ntineL Dea,r4 Sir: 'a. recent, number "of . your .vorY. interesting . paper ;1 read an article • gitsring 'a good deal: of •infOrm, ation regarding the 'early ,dayS when the roads were, heing,;•suryeyed and the toWnshipti.,.fOrneed., It is' an. artiele*fickt:'which 1' would 1ike, .e.oniPlitnent" the .anthOr and the, 'Sem:. -tinel,, In the, Years; when *.'1'''.1ived'in itet.'4.iiever heard •raholy that, • history . 'recounted 'either:In: sehOol or PO .:of ite • altILP:gli ::of; --CaurSe'1.1o.fted' heard peonle; talk', Of former slays,: remember the piinei• t pal ofthe school, *Mt, D. D. 714:: giVing lecture to the . ".:17',oung Pe,Opies' Society On tlie' early days of, his life; when ;he and his. bets log houseS.1 do. riet reline/Aber, .howeVere...*Whether .it was' "leqr.the village or not. : • ' SterY,-.„ in the article : referred, . the . change from a ,"poliee llage" to an incorporated village is -,lakiculat4Onter-estieg..__After• I laft: Lacknow- in 1.$95T read in , torical. work, of that •long : drawn out disputeas • to Whether ythe new Village sh:onld . he. a„Odrf of, Ettnee• orHuran,: _ • 'settled at_. last .•hY Court at 9s ger,ide Hall . in favor ofthe.former._ .very ,Oacl that- 'the' result wrt, as it was, .for there is. a •geod. desk; of 'satisfaction, got out, of being ableto, claim, - oneself '-de, a- :Brace_ old, • •;•;” •PsPecially; , One is in Western Canada. • There -is ino7titsett on Bruce 'CountY ; AsSeciation,"in. the „west,Jite,• one here being finite etr..e4g, and active -Gatherings :are. held' .ra, ^concert S followed .,-hY.t thee dances, .1"n4 then in the 'seranner there is a •Pienicr largely attended.::. The ftrst time I „attended one :of the Bruce sne,etings here-i_-fe1t quite . at. herne'-for. On, the • wall' Were ,„signs !it vatimis.--pointa,.."Lic, "Welk; erten," Kin'eardine, Pala- 4ey " ,l'`Siauthsimpton'' 'and .'sso. On. 'It • rerninclett rnd, Of at' school, learning: to • draw'. the: Map:. 9f :the ,couiity,'whiah map „here "..a.• 'Slight ;re* :seinldenee4, to a :-irijt; that 'there are:,..aeoies',."of PeOple."-..on the .ptairies or in 13. C;, wha•cotild dtaw "a MOP' , of 13ritee. from' ITictnoiy and fill in,manyof., the .toWnsiliPs,'"•find, towns. Out..lierawelieve no: entnitiei ,...ekeept .forland registry, and ' other legal purposes, and bence io county councils. •ot• • cOunty, • toWns, e pro - vice is is divided nto Mining distritta; federal electoral districts, 'Provincial . districts; • and in ' variotts Ither wys, but :not into . adminis- ratre •Counties, The .houndaries. Of the 'districts and their tiatnes• on one ,rnaP Would'. net agree --with *those on nOtlier1400-f: Map'. ." • V.ancOuver'elhiStory 'does net go as ,as far hack as that 'nftncknow,....lint .10: have One *titer Who.has:Writt thi,egenda 4 : thb Andfans Who ..were ;here prior to theconiing.Of the; pale;•: 'facia::: I., refer to the Indian liOOtess;': Pauline. Johnson, •Who.liVed..tiere for .5orne. time '.and who died here 1 do ni,kno* whether' her book "Legends . At: least:, the Lakeside League can score -a ',point in this respect.; The teams in: this loop consists entirely of local players from either the town' dr,the-:Cornmunity and more than that a good' deal' a. youthful material is -being . wliont r would' not have a chance to don ...a suit ,and' otherWlse.;"' • CHURCH NO - ES • , Presbyterian Guild • The -regular. meeting.' of the YoungPeopleS. blind .7as held en :Monday The 'programr: Com.: had "iharge,„ and the president, Mr Wm Henderson ' ocenpied :the . chair. 2Fol- loWing'the::o,P:ening. hymn, .• Catherine 'Mactionald..reed the Scripture lesson and the Lprd's preYer. as .repeated in unisim.;.4.reading was: then .given by Mts. :..11aryey... 'Treleaven.; 'Matical numbers the evening Were solos by :MrS:,--Philip StewaIrd and .411en Steivatd, an inatininental.,bY :Blannche .thectiougalk 'entOOS., ed.' of Messrs. ', Douglas 'Crapier6o MacD,Onai'd;;' Jack: 'Me:Call...and :Jack Henderson - and; a ridmber :,by: the or- chestrae The toPie fot. the .evening,' "'Sindies :in •StewaidShip—Savingh�t .Hearding" •Wais; prepared by :Miss 'Kite MacDonald and read ,bY: ribbel Douglas. While; the; collection .was being taken up another vioTix nOnther: 'was giyen...The elosedhy :iepepting the ,:y.4i.pah henediction ' '; • * tinhed. Church , , .. • , .•.• • . , The ;meeting Monday eireiiing• 0.as iiicherge Of the Literary Cerninittee., The ,preSident; Alex' Smith, ecetiniedi -the ;chair-06ring the ;;Openizig mcet•-.. .:thie, Miss ',Beth Alton • presided After the 'opening , • h and prayer': •the ..ScriPture.,les= son ‘:.7p.S given hy•:; different rnembeVr atid .wUs. the form' of; questions and "din4Wer%; • Bob ' MacKenzie. ;rendered a violin selo With Jessie: ,MackenZit at the piann, The toPie:'"SabbatlEDOY Observanee" was taken by' MO) ;Toril'er' her a'Sual callable I -Popper dnga Were -given by f.tt'a d • MaroPret .11401iotti, 1'14 ing' .e1;*4 with. the. duriging of •aehynin .and the :rePeatipZ":. Of the Mah Y•• ROUND TRIP ISARGAIN FARES 0 .74 titrda:y, 6th." ,ORoNo . • PrforrIn.,f . Ton Idien :years- and , frannEr7 under • Half tare,/ Monday, TORY tiekets good. in teaches •only; • •• ' l'ag,gage chekd , • , NOTE1- TEAMS OPERATE tog STANDARD TIME •• 'Obtain, infOrtiiation Piitchasetickets from , • LucknOW Depot Ticket Agent. ' CANADIAN NATIONAL • 4 LiTcHNow SENTINEL4 Published every Thursslay, Morning. at LliolcnoWe Ontario Mr. A. P. Mackenzie ;;-- Proprietor Oampbell Thompson—Publisher 111lillISPAY,• APRIL27the 'IIOLYROOD What's' the grand rush,- house afire? No, but there is'' plaY, and dance at Holyrood: this Friday evening; April 28th. The admission is only 25c,, so ,we ;,all have to go 'and every. bOdy welcome.; ',. ". , Almer 'Aeltere and Jack, also Charles Congram, motored to 'grantiordr,on Saturday to spend the Weelt end: with 'Nfie". Gwendolyn Ackert. Aekert. ' "•• The "Holyrolid Institnte .Will held their May, the'.._41.1.i meeting at the home of ,Mrs. Howard Haldenby. Directors; -Mrs.. Jeseph and Mrs.' Thos. Hodgins. , Topics,, Value •,;. of :Music in.. school, • Miss, • Winnifred Ackert; llome decorating, --Mrs. ", Jos, • Hodgins. EleetiOn • of officers. Roll; call,, par your fee and . join again.. Pie& Haldenhy, Mrs, Thee, Hodgins;: Miss- Hakel -Percy.' Mr. -and Mrs. , Robert MacDonald:: -1V1r3 and Mrs; Albert ThonapsPn, Mr, arid-Mra;;Howard.THaris;_lspent_Tues-. day evening at Mr, ;John Lane's, at. ''.1Cinleugh. Mr. and Mrs.: Lane --were entettaining the choir::• •' A riiimber from here attended the Play and darici'in Imam)* under the _and alt re- port a splendid entettainment•. „ • Mrs. • John Jamieson 9f Paramount spent' a -.few ,days this week ;with her. daughter,-4Wri: Howard Harri 'Seeding caietations are .v in.'. fall. 'swing' around the burg..tlus week... , *-Itaehel ; and Utile; -MrS: • Wm. Eadie, Doris , and Lorne" silent : pinoir With Mr; " and Mts. John , •IVerltorou011. .1Mra.•• PetetbOrough retUrned • : from K. ineardine •.Hospital on Sunday with „het ...infant gen. -Congiatulations Mr' and. •Wilmer„spent 'Friday at Mr Richard • „ • •'; Mts. Duncan Campbell a Black Horse ?spent _suilAdy'.wit .1!"11rs- ?1.41,11!' Bakers., y • 4VIr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald lnerit Sunday ...With the iatter's par-. ts; 1V1r., arid :of; nderwood.- ,Hattig- arid: Mrs. 1�w - 4r4 Harris .•.spint 'Saturday at 11r Harris' at dlaAs; • : 4th COM.,..141N,I4OSS Ilfti Pave Carruthers - reeve, Mts. • 1. Carruthers; k, athieen and Lillian' 4Pent. few days hat- Wee,If with fiienda jst-DraYtone • , !..Mr. J.. Little returned to ,Toronto after a brief visit et his 'home. Miss Marion McDonald of Ripley, spent the Easter,. holidays with 'Mrs:. of 'VancOU'Ver": has a Sale in. 9ritarie or no6, but .it is very popular here both :With residents, and ;With' tetit Used to Meet her.;When :She 'ealled'in MY store ,in connection ;11* '!-'1",,; saleofher WOrka: • • 8evera1;7-Canatliai authors , 'haVe ..;:ovrie from the, east•tO•liye here. Mar7., larie Pickthall niovedto 'Victoria, Wheti'Sba hired 'until. :het death' - a foil/ years G. D. Roberts • lived here for. * seine ime. It Was when I •viras in I.;upicnoW I first ran acreliS., • his stories in the Yo'uth's Ccimpanion Which 1, clipped out ...and ..-WhiCh..:11 still have ' among. my 'papers., ,Since L .theti- I have ". read, More than a Sere of .hiS , hooks and have enjoyed there ail. His cousin Bliss Carman, .great-:„ est of panAoin:,Iretei,.*hOliaA'als0 Crossed the Great ;Divide,used to • �nic hrregularlY lie referred to VancoUVer '..SedOnd hoMe. (hrlos Mair selections IrOM whose used to tOdk in. the LUeltnOW choal; inoVe:d.',West to PrinceAlbert,Where'•'' he lived Monk, Years', Then he '',,MOVed tO Vc- foria'Whre. he" dicd feW Yeats' ago. Mr:a/I/Sabel Eecalsteine Mackay who wrote" Moat ;Of hCi h,00ks,•, here, :dnd, ,died.)ielote the last one WdS "off the ;pferea; carj fiom WoOdstock. 'Nellie McClung let : year. Meyed. ;from: the Prairiea to Vietorla,, ard...' MeEveY f eanic from. the .044 9-1.1.w.ty "Vaticoaver- Previtice,' .00th. lifethilay; ,onlY ' days aftPr' that,' SPealiirig Of So many aUtilierft Who haypissed on. reinifida, inio'Obat ttolty- • Vandyke," apthor ee 000t Of 4D -bora ift. the Itely. Lahti," • risber. an's t.t thd tieVeral otherd6itll.booliCni the etit:Ol deorS: has W. "Mckenzie. 'Miss Tena Mcicinnon,:of Niaga:ra, visited,\' With,•frienda „on .! the fourth. The many friends arMiss..Myrtle McOuillin, are pleased to hear that, she is making favorable ;:progress . , . NOttif HIJRON mtivis.ER. • TO SEEK NOMINATION • C A Robertson,' :MLA.; for ';Nettli rInren, whose tiding Was :: Merged With pati. of South Bruce, under under: •te- etate0 he trotil4 ,contest against all comers: the, fieXt Liberal convention ' to name a candidate' for :the new 'riding of Huron -Bruce. Al- though toberteon, Hires' bitt,:.a ew miles from- Ooderieh; where is bes • knewn, that town will: no lOnger. 'be in ;his :riding, it . having been aced in, South Huron, but,lii)- amuch ai-Goderieli his "always give,n, substantial Conservative 'majority; the 'Present.'inembei has little cause • • • - . • .. .• for regtet. The present .member 8;ap9putellareRdr,ilueri9cierwilrei'CdhiS.t'r,idbijantgje. iSdiss Mr McKay: , . , just recently joined the, great -.,major- ItY. 1 never read: his wonderful ; os tut thinking.ei‘vf, rt the ntdvoatr:taarnrioah:lev.si,pi the Nine: Mile River. that Meet • at tucknoW and Wishing ',.: he or someone " elae. !'with. the pen „of a ready „writer" had' immortalized' -it in literature.' Where -one' ,branch Creases Wheeler St I used to tO Wade in it.." At another place 'farther up streain we hOSre used to switn, s,bnietiMeS stay- ing in .tlie Water 'and the AM' till the /skip was :hurried': off: our ,:baeks...,Oii the Other branch 10 in„.".sptetner"Vve used, to.. do our boating and: in Winter our Skating And then ,after the. two United the • creek- wandered, off thin fields ifi4 we had to cress' it to get to the 4)AtCheS Where We get the haat berries,' . Then there was the AM" Of Catching •'f,rngs.,..,aral boss in .tb.e .pond,; The .haSee..-Were h6nY; lida".lio. not think . any, one eVer . relished any - other foodbetter than I. diathoSe frog's legs „04:thosp 'bOoy has. 1. would. like to pay iiiy ropect:s •„;ei• , tovva,r4 ,ree-ovOir, Misa, Elton Robertson of Mildmay and Miss .'.Dorothy _r 'Roberson • of Huntsviller viiitPd ,On. tbe:f mirth last week.. Smith" "0f," -0.9derib, visited last week at D. MacKin- non's. • Mr:. J614 Collings •' had_ the rills, , _ fortune .to break' his leg last week, which means fib will. be confined: :to the house for some weeks. What might have proved a serlods accident, ibefell..Atistin Martin,while discing , on Saturday. He .Was thrown offthe dise, and it. passed oVer 'Part of his ;bedY.,Hiafesat' became, entang- led in the machine, caPaing him to ,he firagged, twenty •rods,- Fortunately there r.Was no ',belles • broltAn, -hut he foot The rectived=a-rbadli.--bruiged-ankle,--and C. F. 'held their: April, meeting at .the home of • Miss Jessie IVIckity on „Thursday 'afternoon., Donald lIckinnon,_ mei 'with an accident playing at school, which which -resulted:in having %.seyersil of his', teeth knocked out, this • along :with e heavy • cold, caused him to, be Ifidup :for some time. An Organ has been installed in the Smith' Kinloss church", Sunday being the first ,dayt it Was,kin use.' • eaabexsand pupila2., are back to work again;also some new:Scholars „ , starting put. bent' 'arid - :Robe!. Oral:lain; who :predeceased her ten, years; --a. 'ffiodiy hearted man -who Cent! chat ,entprteiocrigiy inlijects. The • sens and denghtet, all bat One of' Whern .have my striptiOly in Obit bereaverfitit, Tours 41).14 1.1)Alt, t•MtiA., • THUIZSDIX, L 27th, 1932 •1,, 14(001.: ,jy11,,(611Aivt TH.UR.S.., • FRP-iA.Y.; .4.‘;`.01f0A:Y. APO JOE 13 BROWN nr()LI. $441 A moli,i,Xpail,Wt • • $:hort-Subjects "BOSCO ..AT THE BEACH"- - 7IsEckAc4Ew, NEWS '', , MONDAY 4.11*§DAT 'W.EPNgs• , . — ."-•••*•.44(itY: 'GEORGE-RATH-9Ft and GWILI .AUDRE In , "SECRE'I'S OF THE , • FRENCH POLICE" ",;•„. Also "THE: MILLIONAIRE CAT" • And - • "DoWlsrIN MAY "IIAROLD LL,OYD" ilE,RE AND THERE • Orange Social in Orange- Hall, to-', night..., ; •"•. We extend •congratulations - to Mr. anaLMrs,• Albert' Carter ;•on the ' Of ii. baby girt: liast The remains of: .the- late Abraham . , The: funeral bf Burns, ceMent- tiles. maker , at';the whose death 1:occuried. . Arizona, :Station were:, laid to ;Test Green - was held from the home of. hisbroth-hill ,conetery last ':FridaY , afternoon. er, Mr. E. Little -„on Monday, .eian= We' extend'. onr sympathy :to all his ducted • by Rev Bargess Of :'. South relatives and friends, , . • ; Kitibiss-rto, Clubb , of Whitechurche was attended by. old friends and visitecU'with his daughter, Sirs; Nor- .., neighbers. • He was .a Son, ,o , Mrs. pan Stewart _one. day.lastweek ..TaineS 'Little; 4th con of kinloss.. and . Miii. Ada Burns zis assisting. Mrq.. the ilfr; lEinie's 'Little; McGillivar 11110 Miss* AlloO. • Holy - he sympathy of the community rood with their Spring house work. is -extended 'to the bereaved. •*' Wk. and Mrs. Melvin Irwin enter- tained st.',„number of their friendaAa a dance and house Party last Monday evening. • . 'Mr. Art and Miss Alice Thompson ;spent -Saturday evening last. in Wingham , , 'Mr. James England and • Mr. Wm'. .. , • .., Stiinpsan, are engaged with,' Mi. John j.'Opit at hs farm', at St. Heleris. • . A' shfield Council ;April 10th;,,I.033._ ._ , . . . . Connell met .. On. ,aboVe..date,, . all meinheta. present: Minntes: 'Of • March meeting "read and:, epproVed Ori• motion of Zinn, and Parrish: ,!. • ' ---•-• '... '* ' •nei.11ro-oisawfZ.n, praaori.na bt:07.1. settingtoiidoStllIte,:e MO duly passed - On mutton: of "inn , _ . and Farrisk • ' "' ir,.. and 'Sri; Watson Davis ,and.; : MoVed'hy 'Zinn:. and Sher*Oodandson spent a, few:, days •last week. with -. ti . , .:: , . ,*-0'ods• . of" St Helens 'resblved that : the mogon, with refer- ,relativ.es. at Allenfoid and :Tara..." pee to patrolman being hatted ,,fionv ,. Miss, Lena. Haekett: visited With drawiriggravel-,that said potionmissIrene. . 'IPA' 'polyto the, first :'One: hundred during'the week.. acres " or -proportion : ',thereof: : .:; xr. r, Min •• Alton' Of -. Toronto- Spent Moved by ..Sherwood 'log Johnston .0,ai.E...er with Mr. :and,.,'Mia: John Mullin and.' teselved: that: council 'negetiate ' Miss i',Isie Vint returned tp :Strat7 for . use of eiiiAller for the • cernitik 'Ford on; Tnesday. . • . Season. . - ' ''.-, ' Mr.. and MrS. ;Tallies Hackett and The: following bills:, and.....neeounta. fair ily spent SUndaY, 'at .R4pley,,, . . • Mr. Frank RitchieSpent ' 8unday at .his home at Zion.,".,". BELFAST ordered; • Paid • on: ',itintiori • 'Of Fairuh and lVfeL.' e-n';'sJohnstonre1 d ef5;..„-. GAO: ,Switri? ,snow and grading 10 10, Iphirlierinett, ,gratelling and. LUCKNOI`and WINGHAM dragging, Herb mg, men ;repair .rciad and: :removing . . •Curran . .•. annW$3.00; Herb .,curreri, eellaryi .$13`,50;..ekpenSes- to .totiferenee, $10.o0. Brown, •gt•ant: .; to : short coUrSe' •at A•mberley;...•$10:00; ct Blake, salary as rebef officer, • Pax . collector reported, onnibeit hoods' taken en •" . ,MoVed :,by Johnston.and u Parrish that May *.5th be the:. tinie set for paynient..kf: an tax, bends; catried: CoinjL then adjourned on ino,tion• o*f:, SherWOOd :and . D°481111!` . . l'hone 74 ,.C...E. McDONAGII, Clerk 1,orknoW: , , • • MOfititilental ViTarkg • Lucknow; Has the largest and -Olosc comptets„ • stock 10 the most beautiful ;design! to choosefrOm. in-,- •• • ' • MARBLE, 'SCOTCH, • SWED SfIL . AND CANADIAN GRANITES .; 'WE ?make : SpecinIty. 'of, .•. ••Ptimilv moiminents and invite , your Inspection: ” ' • _ • Inseripthins Neatly Carefully and Proaiptly Dane.' *" 1118, before placing your, , Order. • , ' ft. A. Spoto • Phone 256 '.Winsrhain overnment Approved Barred Roek Baby Chicksand Eggs for Hatching' From Blood -Tested Stock 1: have beenhreeding for fifteen Yenta for Size, large,egga, heavY production 411d 'Vigor.: All eggs set *ate elates and SpecialS. •• aAty. CHICK PRICES, • MAY, 6 .cents- each C",' • " TUNE, & coda 0.,ath. ill irks. -tkei.6d; Toilier: 'tent .deOpait, Jto tvOry-:••*tinivriteedt0oSTARTEDC1frcI ULLETS A'N p .cocutttgts :1'91t, CHEAP., 4 EGGS P011 HATCHING. Hundred $4.00. Three *hundred .6r over ‘,at• three cents Iin.„"eitit,,IOnter chicknow and get delivery when • Yoii Went them. Ifiapectian invited: Write or 'Phone, 'T • ' . .itENNEEIY POULTRY FARM Vcrhitecliurch, Ontario: ° or, ,