HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-20, Page 1-
• . • • , , • .•
-Hours: 9-12 A.M.
E. Stewart Grahain.
that of the !ate IL J•
.Stewart,' next ..':doer • to
Royal, Bank.
'Phone 135 ICH4CArtiO,E
FOUNP—A Watch in . ..Lucknow.
'Apply at Sentinel Office.
FO ND—A robeat ,the Grey Ox.
Particulars at the Sentinel' 'Office.
WANTED -:-Seed. Buckwheat. Ad-
dress communications to Post' Office
° Box 256 Lucknow. •!"
TO RENT—Comfortable Six -room
House.—Temple Clarke. '
(30-3—c) •
, Farmers Who want . boys to • work
• on Patine apply by letter to Rev. R.
Perdue, Walkerton. , •
FOR SALE—Potatoes "Rustlers";
, •
°for seed or domestic use. APPIY to
• G. A. Greer, 'Phone 64-5, Lucknow:
FOR SALE OR RENT,:t1.00, Acre
Farm,. Lot 5, Ctin, 3,' Huron Twp.
Will :tell on reasonable terinS.Apply—F. G. Pack, R. 1, Port Elgin.
(207-;4-..p.) '
• • -
, FOR 'SALE—Yellow •bleasein sweet
clover,' governthArit. 'tested.' .,Price
i1.2.00 per .1 bushell. Aij13IY to pat
„-FOR-7 quatity of„
seed pease:- Aptilseld Cameron.
R.R. No. 7, LaiiinoW, ,Ont.
'Phone :Dungannon
FOR SALE—Seed Oats, Q A. C. 72
. jbuehel...and. Seed, Y,.' O.
. , ,
A. C 21....-50ca' bushel,' 4 •
Rod McDougall;
• • 'Phone 27.-28, Ripley.
•. FOR Oats ‘!The; , Old
,./lanneett. :variety, [Pike. 49e; a busheM-
' Apply to Neil J. :McKenna •
tuck/lbw' '.,'Phone Dungannon
.:FoA- • gALE.,•,..see4 Pats; "GianarY
Fi1lers,'- 50 per."-btiniel and NO 2
. white blossom sweet clover at ,$2.26
Wni.,'Ivielioriald; P. CO" 4 ,Kinloss,
•, 'Phone' ;2q - iq,
•• •. '
• OR tAtE7:--bne: Ceckshutti I, Disc-
Harrew, just used a.few days; .1 Hay
• ,Car; 1 Hay 'Fork; 149 it. new. rope;'
i second hand •seed ;drill; 1 set of
Irbn Harrows;, 1 Sawyer. Massey
Road Grader :in 9•004 repair. ,
Apply to Jacob Miller, HaVelo:ek
•'•FOR ; SALE -:7 -Eggs • for hatching,
,..frorn bred -to --lay S. C. White
-horns. Fleck culled annually. Apply
to Jack Farrisli. R. 7, Lucknew. •
Dungannon,'. 82._-r-13:
Also a quantity of "white §Weet
clover.„ seed,.• No. g. Enquire At
.Thompsen'S Grocery.‘
We have a good, grade of mixed
'wood now ready for sale, and
.127. We will haV;e a goeil. 'stock'.on
hand; throughout ' the; 'year. Sp,ecial
• prices to those who, will,. Call for
< • . • , •
'their wood. ,
•; The' Luckrthw' Table Co:, Limited.
(9,-3—tf.) "
•FOR ,SALE—On reaSonable terms,
100 -acre farm Lot 5 con 9 Kin-
• loss. *Bank barn and house and 10
1 e
• tierce' of ,hueli, .Situated ,Vvithin, 3,
Miles of stores, churches and
• miles;'Irom school. i' For. further in=
• ,fc'irzycatibn '.,apply to
Goclerich,,Or W. G. Andrew, LiieknOW
ROOM. :HERE.. itEpttcEp
,PRICES. 'PHONE' 106.,
'Emcan.01;:6 Opq.. ApRIt.f.,20Ah.„ 1933.
one South' *lace .'Towialhips Will
Be, Linked With Notth Huron
Riding-, Excluding Town
Of Goderkh
. 4
redistribution of Ontario's
ts,1 "districts • eliMinates. one
'"*..'• in Bruce' and Huren . with
t fee. -thembere, representing the ,twc
counties, instead
The. new ',constituency • known., 'its
Huron -Bruce • includes, the township
of Huron, Kinloss, Culross and Car-
rick . and.the villages of Teesviater,
La,eknoW and Ripley which
havebeen added to .the former North
Huron''riding of Ashfield, Colborne,'
West ; Wawanosli, East .Wawinosh,
Morris; 'Grey,. Ttienberry, ,Howick thc,
town.:61. WingliaM ,and
Blyth and 'Wrexeter;
.The.„. toWni• Of Goderieh which gaii
a Conservative inajOrity of 607 in
1929, has been added to South Huron
being the, only chang&in this riding.
South Bruce , gives a•Liheral major-
ity to.l..Ineozi...-Britce-of -402:7 'and
Liberal' Majority to North Bruceof
. • it ,Will .now be _between W. J.
:McKay. of South Bruce and Mr. Rob-
erton of North Huron to see whe.
Will .reeely,e. the :,Liberal 'noininatien-
fOr the anialgainated riding. .
The populations as tine*
North Bruce, 31,09
S. Br .ce,•••20,947; Huron -Bruce, 28,806
S. Huron '22,518; South Iluren 27,509,
Brine ie.. the. fourth largeste...countY
leereaeing, •h9.;•;:ii6Plilation. P62r
quarter 4,a' century.. Brace. 'was
'represented fiy" three members, an'd
lie ridin!H ;were known , as I North
SaUth.and,oeptre,Ernee: 41 1914 the
ridinge'*ere 'changed to South, *est.
and , North' Bruce, After the.•:Census
1921 Brace:lost one member.; The
population of.this. comity -in 1901 Was
ii9,020,,, in .1911., it had '.decreaged
.17,106, in 4921 .to 44,255...4d accord-
ing to the Census.' of two 'years agc
is 42,286. •
Chininey fire's on tWo'''occaSioint.'
Oaring the ;past Week,.'resiilted'in
'ire -alarms ' being...seunded.';. The first
occasion was . on Wednesday :night
last 'about ten o'clock, when the
'urnace .pipes at, Garfield 'Ostrander's'
residence became very Muth' over-'
heated. and ' 'the sinoke escaping
khere• the pipe's entered the flue
filled h 'bedroom With srnake. „The'
are alarm brought 'a. quick ,respinise
ands a:line of hose Was laid as
lrecantiOnary' thehenre.
, . •
On Saturdaymorning late sleepers.
were aroueedby the. fire bill and
3irce. /This time it; Was, a. eliinthey
.;fire at. the :home Of ,Dan and Miss. -
Christie 'Graham. The ,chimney .had
been' burning for ,some, time and was
being 'watched, but when ',Smoke,
'bee:an ,seeping out around the eaves
,fire,..,ealr. was: sounded. ahOtil ;7.45,,
k'defective chirnney had allowed the
-nnolce.to escape into the :attic; with
the above result. .
, . .
gyment, Elan
ffeetive 'sMay 1st
Advance ,Tax Payers Will Draw
Interest At 6% Per Annum ,
'Effeetive, Mak 1.st, village.. taX,
payers vi11 have an opportunity
paying 1933, takeS. iit'.,advance ;an(
receiving a tinbetatitial •rate of.' in-
terest:. '
The„Plitti is sirnply this:„ Any rate.
`payerd can pag7'bretWeeri the.let de",'
f- May , and ;June ,14th, any portior
°1'''his.'r her 1933 trixeS;lup.•fo 75'
Of ,the 'amount of ,taXeS',ptild',in 1032 •
Or this payment, interest at the ratr
of '6.%. Per Anhniii will be allowed ur
to beeefaber l4th.,• ”
, thn..: time of :''YeAr,
requires loans 'frbin the bank and. at
1b -law nuber2
Weglitrsee .Atither,
$7,600. if nedeseary";,, •, .
:The adiance ryinen axe:On s
„ ,
reduce ?,th "neeeSsity 'Of large,
bard( leans, and, the ratepayers direc-
ily benefit,by the substantial' inter.'
;nitt-tatiltillOWeil by the if' 111441f
odyttiip ‘ntrei li taken.
SuccessiVe Strolcen Cause DeathOf
Abraham Barns
'lc Following .succeSsiVe strokes suff-
ered about a week apart just raently
the death- of Abraham., Burns, occur;
red on Wednesday. Mr. Burns was
a well-known tile maker,, living, near
the C. N. R. depot. He was in his 64th
year. The funeral, service will he held
at his late residence on Friday, April
_21st at tNiro,__aielock_with__internien
in Greenhilliemetery.” ;Surviving .is
a sister, Mrs. James Howey 41nd...a
brother, Mr. James,' Xhirns, both of
this community. A brother, Mr. Tom
Burns, nmarket gardner predeceased
him several' years ago.
'• The 11.041e of Mrs. J.' W. Treleaven,
Clinton, and formerly of Luelciin*,
was the scene • of a Very pretty wed
ding; Saturday, April 1.5th, at 11.30
a.m., when 'Norma Elizabeth only
61.1!ghtor of Mit.' Treleaven 'and the
:fate :J. W. 'Treleaven, 'former
nal of the ' Clinton Collegiate Insti-
tute, became the bride of John Craig-
myle Cooper, of Clinton, son Of Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Cooper Galt; .and
'nembQrs of the C. C.I. teaching staff
The ride, who was charming in
gown of whitenet overwhite taffeta
.„719..given_lin...inarriaga..hy. her :uncle,.
B. J.Gibbings. She carried a bouquet
if .Talisman.rOses and 4ilies-Of,the-
7alleY; The ,officiating clergyman was
Rev.' Dr. DoUgan, 'the.'Prea-
-Vterian church. The bridal reeunle,
kere, unattended . 'and during • yhi
-eremeny stood, before the 'fitenlice„
which Was banked with. feeni,. linsay
and: spring,-.--flOwers-During
he signing Of the register, • Mastet
Kay White Of ; Lapeer, -Mich.;
..otisin of .the bride, played , anpro-
'n.iate plane Selection's., %After ‘' the
..eremotii, a "buffet luncheon was
'erved. The ; tithht„; Which. was iPiPtift
.A,ith a lace cloth, was centred with
9ie. bride's ale and. was further
..doined with white tapers. in . sterling
•ilVer holders and tied with .bows of
vhite -tulle. A'. profusion . of spring
lowers lent their wealth of"- color
ind fragrance to the rooms. After.
.c.he happy'l 'couple, left for a niotera
„‘ioneymogn trip: •
Fitting Easter Services XV Sang and
Worship Obierted In.Locat Churches
. Large ..'.congregations: auginented
visitors, attended .the
...Sunday services ; Presbyterian,
:Anglican and .United Churches,' with
he local 'clergymen officiating : roe.-
aectiVely; and delivering,,aPProprieto
Raster messages. In the Presbyterian
Shueeh, Miaa, Vera,' Sherriff' agag a
"Easter Morn'!:, at the • morning
lerViee, ,with Malcolnr-Watson con-
'xibuting a sob) "Alielujah," in the
evening, as well as fitting "intheins
.by the choir!thriat the Lord is Risen
and "0 Son of Righteousness"
Allin .and Miss -•Florence
Rodgfns took eel°parte in the` Morn-
ing 'anthems by, the United Church
Choir. In the evening,'it :duet •"In the
flarden'' by Miss Belle RcibirtiOn' aria
Florence , Hodgins; a , quartette • :by
Margaret .McCallum, Mrs. 14 joYrit
W. B. Anderson and ind' `3: M. , Greer;
and. a' male trio by Eldon Heridergon,
IlitrOld''..4nin • and J. m.‘..:Ore.er;
tured . the choir renditions.
Holy. Cornmiinion Was Observed in
the .:Anglican 'Church it. 1: . A. M.
Well as taster services at, the regular
hours,„ Which were 'ramie resplendent
with wokship by ,song as ,Well'as
suitable discourses ;by the Ream'.
Mrs. M. A. Treleaven, had the mis-
fortune on ..' Thursday ` , to suffer a
fractured • right wrist. The mishap
Itenrred&'when.7•Mrs. Treleaven'- was
goieg to the basement of, .her hothe
and upon slipping caught t e trap
door "which carne down' with kne
force, crushing the wrist betweenP the
poi and the floor.' ,
tey 044, Society,
J. s: Maunder's cantata "Penitence:
Pardon and Peace"' in ,the United
Church on Sunday 'evening, under tlie
direction of 'Mr.. Leonard. The soif;
work will be tf...401i by Mr. D. V.40,n,0
Winnipeg Here Resident
__ -
Mrs. Donald McLean, Former Resi-
dent otiofrAie4ehnoenlds:Ptuirdimayeknow
The ' funeral' of kis"; Donald ,Mc-
Leanewas. held on Saturday, with the
, • ,
serviee. -conducted ...by,' Rev. c.:
MacDonald, in the. 'Prespyterian
Johnstonh, .during_!whieh—Mr-- McLean
of •Stritthroy.,. a grandson
'ofthe. deceased lady, sang a nolo.
flurial.wai.in South Kinloss cemetery
The death of .Mrs. McLean which
we recorded Iasi week, Occurred in
Winnipeg, the, remains being brought
'here to the: both& of: her danghter,
Mrs. W. Johnston, On deed Friday
; Mrs. •ifeLean is Well and favorable
remembered , by the, Older residents,
having resided in Ashfield and •Luek-
noar practically life until she
went 16. Winnipeg to reside abotif
twerityei• years ago. Her husband
predeceased her Many, years ago. Mr.
James Rase of the, village is a
brother, • • • -
Charles -McLean, Mrs.: Purvis and
Mrs': W. C. Jell/lit:on accompanied the
..remains here fr,9111 Winninwr. Mrs.
Jehnstan had been With hermother
durinr her Iast illness. Mr. McLean
and Mrs. Purvis ,;. commenced their
return. trip' to the. West on Sunday:
' A Wealth floral. tributes from
synipathi*ingLfriends the,West.anect
here; .'bespoke the esteemi in: Which
Mee.. McLean -was" held. Attending the,
funeral., wereIrepresentatives: of the
T. Eaten Co. from • ,Toronto, ,With
which 'firm Messrs. : Charles and R.
D. McLean. •, noris of the '..-cleCeasedhold;
:exereauutoih.ve., positions the
we„::.,J. Litt1,
'AfeMillan; .Donald 'McLean and •Alex:
•'Shirley Webster, fourteen -month-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Webster is recovering from pneu-
monia, having beencritically ill
over the week -end When it times the
• •
ecovery of the little one was doubted
Anieing: the teacher e and students
Whem 'we: note are s endi th
p ng .„ e
Easter holidays at their hOnies 'here
Teachers --;Flora Andrew, London;
Gladys Hodgins, • O'Brien; -Margaret.
McLennan, Toronto; Edwin Smith,
Goderieh; Isobel Johnston, Helinesn
Helor-Thorripson,.Hanover; load lgc.!-•
Hamilton; ..-ISobel Chesnut,
Goderich; :Harry Alton, Walkerton
A:1nm' Alton, Lendon;', Olive Robb,'
Toronto: TOM, Altent:, Tottenham;
yfahel•geCture,'Toronte;` Myrtle Web-
ster, Wellesley; . Mena MitehelL.
ton; Myra MaiDenald;•Winghanu,
Students—Verai .Sherriff :and,, Lor -
'rains -tirabsdh, ,!. London . Normpl'i
Gladys' MacDonald Frances
Thompson, Stratford NorMal;. Clar-
ence, Greer, 'Westervelt College.
Fortunate Lad
Visits In To
Pays Brief Visit. To t.neknow' Where,
• He Met. Geo& Dertithe Several
Months Ago
,SeVenmonths ago Jack ,Rivett; a
henielegs, hungry , and poorly eled.
youth of icineteenyears, sickly and
partially def.orned froth the ravages
Of infantile;paralyeis„ suffered in his
youth, ; visited ,Liicknow; with a.: trio
Of, transients, viaa box car. ' '.• '
. On Sunday,lack who now hails
from Detroit, .visited in town, rnueh
iMproVed in hcalih, ,and attired ,ir
Easter fineryand the trip this -tinie
Was niade by MOO; with leek 'Pert
time atthe wheel,
This change in Jaclea life lies' been
a result of the kindness of.. Dr, and
Mrs: it, D.' Weeds, Who the
plight of • young IliVett,."When.., they
-eitrespinainiy.,Anstiar",'Whoie,"tieatin "
•CO. .
to of4a.
Thus he was taken hack to Detroit :
with Mr, and 'Mks. Woods, .where n .
life of "rainless Wandering has liecome
One of eonifort and happiness.. Ite is C
attending school in " Detroit and
!Oct improved
of Health
.The Bread
of ilealth,
OUR MOTTO, Is QUALITY' 411D imavircm
.1. SCONES ' •.
• , , ' • ,fee
-Our Deli ioui BROWN BREAD is, 100' per
centWHOI-W1j EAT
Phone 16 Luctmoiv •
°cal & General
g.' - visited—this-
Week With Mrs. P., McCall. ' •
:Mrs. J. R.' MeNab is this . week
visiting with relatives in Detroit.
k •
Mrs.. Russell Robertson has been a
visitor with her, sister. in Seaforth.
Bargains in Men's Work Clothing,
Miss Mona Mitchell; of , Wiarton
spent the past week at her lunue here
-"lir: :and kis.I E. Steick Of ...znrie
spent Sunday with Mr. and ;Mee W.
after visiting with, her mother, Mrs.
James Fisher. • .
Mi. Fred Davidson and Miss AkinE.
Of Acton Were 'Easier 'visitors with
Mise Mae Davison.
Alvin Cameron of gi-taivu spent
the''.,Week-end''at :his-Aome-,-here,..- re-
turning . on Sunday. • ,
Mr. ..and tars.
daughter jatte; were.*iikiii,a, in Ter.
onto the fleet • of the Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave...,cobie and son
,William of Cargill; spent Sunday
, •
with Mr, and Mrs. Jekrit. :
Miss Elsie ,Alton. returned to. TOr...
• . . • • „.
• ,
.onto on Tuesday, having been ,
visitor with her •cousin, Mias$,Rosnelle
New ,Tapestry for ,,,Upholetering;
new 'draperies; .Chintz and Curtains.,
four-months';onthe 'oh!'
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Wh1terstehl
Ruth • and the -
daughter are visiting with Mrs. John
Mr: and .Mrs. J. A. Lockhart . of
Burlington are spending theit'Eastier,
nt.at the home. of Mrs. E.
Mrs. Haroid Dawson Of Toronto, is.;
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
salpeeQfidulinngin:the , holidays - with
Mr.. and .WE!. Rpliert Johnston and
of the week. • • 11:
of Mr. and Mrs., John.Joynt the ,first
family .Goderich, were, the guests
and .Mrs. Jack: blinetoti • of
Elmira were tVeelc-encl Visitors With
(he sfo,rorniinei3rt'So:oli...nre,n,te, and Mrs.
Mester • Dick Treleaven of
lon is spending the holiday's , at the
home of Mrs.MA.and. Miss 'Gert-
rude Treleaven.'
Reserve,Tutaday,e'vening, May 2nd
for the :;euclir& party Under • the
auspices of the Ladies': Giiild-of St.
Peter's Church. "
• Misses Ada ':'Webster, Clive Alton
Rna Helen Thompson are among the'
'teachersspending a part, of the
1,ioldays in Toronto.
Mrs., Watson and Malcolni re.,
.urneci to Waterlod on Tnesdat":"Inw-
Ing 1)ert.t the „past few 'days with
relatives and friends here.
Dr. II, ii. ',;" Weeds, Jaek Rivett,
Airs. Tarleton and Mr: Hanneman of
'Detroit; were ,Sunday .visitore with
Matthew Woods and Miss Woods.
Miss Jean Stewart, who is studying for her M. A. degree at Western
University; London, , is holidaying.
with her parents, Mr, and Mes: A. P.
Stewart. '
Mrs. Wm. Martin of Stratford
Mrs.R. J. Ciuneren, over ,the'!'week-
en tin, her ..retunif'dket-wit'i.
panied by Mrs, Win Fisher; who will
spend the week there: • ,
Mr; Wilfred Murdoch of Toronto
.u,ni the Week -end with Mr: and Mrs,
athekon,Mtiebonald. He accompanied
r. Mac Grant, who, *intied in Te -ds-.
met, mat spent iVt14# 119Fel
WEEK -00,
, .
,8 ROLLS • ilos
4 DOZ. FOR ,
Mr. Eldon $iddall of Winnipeg -is
visiting' with his parents, Mr., and
Mrs. G. A. Siddall. Ur. Siddall made,
the entire trip front the West by bus, •
arriving---hern-on-,-Monday. fonr-evening;---
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomas and
son Billie of Niagara FalIs and Mr. -
and Mrs.- C. :Meyers of Windsor,:
were holiday visitors with Mr, .and -
Mre. R. H. McQuillin. Mrs. fiteireis ,
isremaining for it few days,
Miss.. Margaret 3. McLennan-of—
Toronta. is
'spending the Easter holi-
days witth- her parents, Mr: And Mrs.
F. D. McLennan, 'who also, had as
.MtphaeriArgawreetMel7cKiji..ne.dol'ifi7n4L7 :Inas:11311s dr. aalludghMte;rs:
Mr. and Ws: A.'J Armstrong and
two sons, Harold Arid Gordon and
,Mrs. Barrett of London,. were holi-
day visitors at the ''home of 'Mr.
viri:jj,am _ArnstrOng,-. ' and with
*other relatives in tticknow, and • Ash-
Miss Jean and Isobel have
-returned to their r. hOthe 'here after'
an extended: visit in .Teeswater. They .
were ti
er; acm0em...Pmai.ni.ic
C. F. Richardson,. Who. will be, here
x •
has been
in poor health and esinfinedlo bed.
Purchases' Residence Here'
Mr.. and, Mrs:: S. A. Carnochan' And:
Bessie. have -moved to LUcicnow to
reside -Mr. Carriochan having •bought
:the property just south and east of
tbe C. N: R. depot:
Intends Building
Mrs. Allan :Turner has purchased
a lot. on Rose street, oast Of Have-
lock 'Street, one block north of the
Presbyterian Church, • where she
tends building a bailie.
Dance Well Patronized
The Easter dance on Monday night*
Under auspices Of the Fire : Company
attracted a large attendance of
suro seekers from the community and ".
nearby towns. Music was supplied by. '
the Starlight Entertainers orchestra
from Walkerton.' '
Little, Jean McKenzie •of Waterloo
was a visitor with her grandparents,..
Mr. and Mre. R. V, ;McKenkie.
. •
Father' Gaffney', who coines, to ,,St.
Augustine ,parish' trorn Logan, the
enekif the month- is paid the'follow-
ing tribute by the Mitchell Advocate. •
‘.‘,Father paffney is held in very
high esteem, .not :Only, by members
of .his ,paristqut.liy fe pttblie in
gendralf who will "regret -his , leaving."
I 4i. .71.• •
":# The .0ddiellOW-social heid 'on
Thursday Was net largely attended; ,
but an enjoyable evening, was spent
The euchre ,prizes 'Were *on by Mrs.
IiarVeY, Treleaven,', -and/ Mr, Ale*
•McAuley Ripley. FolloWing, the ,
Card playing, ,Itineh• was served and
a few hours at dancing- enjoyed: "