HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-30, Page 5Agents Ladies' Home Journal, 4* a 0,* May the year 1910 be a Happy and Prosperous one to all our customers and friends. zit 7J A tittisM TIME8, DliJOK'iB ft 3O 1Zlua� BETTI3. John Rood, of Saginaw, Mioh., ie a welcome holiday visitor with hie Mother and sisters in town. We are glad to say that Wan Dempsey shows some improvement in health and we hope he will contiane to gain. At the last meeting of Blyth Council the sum of $20.00 wee granted to the Public Library, We hope to sec a boon in Library affairs after the holidays are over. John Barr, the well known Hallett township Counoillor, who has often been in the show ring, attended the Winter Fair at Guelph and captured prizes on Tiioro'bred oattle. Well done Mr. Barr, we admire your pluck in get- ting into the midst of the fight for the awards. and :APES on ay! wassimil We want to thank our many friends for their liberal patronage ''during the year 1909 and solicit a continu- ance of the same. c44,440) r:4'it 7 etas & Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. +++++++++++++++++++++++♦++ ++•6++++++++0+♦++♦obi+++++ 1 D. BELL'S Ernporiuml IMusic ¢ +++++++++++++++++++O+d++ • We keep all the latest Music, as well as Musical Instruments, I consisting of + 4 MOUTH ORGANS, CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, + + + ACCORUEONS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS, + + TALKING MACHINES, ORGANS and PIANOS. + • .Parties desirous of making a Christmas or New Year's gift will ifind one of the above instruments very suitable. Remember, there is i no risk at all in buying here. If the machine or instrument is not all Z + we claim for it, or is not satisfactory to you in every respect, you may 4. return it • to us, and we will refund your money. • + Every instrument and machine strictly high grade and artistic • + throughout, and will satisfy the most exacting musician, besides being e an object of 'beauty and design. 4. + ' Two large warerooms, and an immense stock to choose from, 4.i 1 AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, . ++++++++++++++++++++++++ CVL1tOSS. Mr. R. R. Redmond„ who for the peat year and one half has been teaohing in S. S. No, 1 Culross, has resigned. Ile goes home for the present but intends to resume his studies in the near future, Cards were received on Tuesday of last week announcing the death of Mr. Owen J. King, whose early home was on the 2nd line of Oulrose, west. He died in Holy Chose Hospital, Calgary, on the 10th inet Mr. King went to the West about 25 years ago when settlers first began to flock to Manitoba. He proved up a homestead in the southern part of the province and lived there un- til the recent rapid raise in land value when he sold out at a good figure, paid a visit to Ontario and returned to the vicinity of Calgary where he has since lived in a semiretired way. + 4 • Da BELL + + Opposite Skating Rink - - WINGHAM, ONT. v + a.C'40G:a000♦N+♦A4s+`0♦10000+ +♦0000♦0+♦++++♦++0+04+++++ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY4 C 3 Christmas New Year s s Years c 600dsl ) ) dLENANNAN Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK R Howsox,-Wingbam, On Monday evening of last weok a uumber of the friends anti neighbors of Mrs, A. Anderson, of Glenaauan, met at her home to express their appreciation of hor worth ae a resident of the place and hor uutailiug courtesy as poet- mietrese for a number of years, A very p'easant evening was spent and Mre. Anderson was presented with a hand- some gold watoli and chain, accom- panied by a complimentary address signed on behalf of the Meals and neighbors by 0, B. Scott, D. Dunkin and R. Muir. Mre, Anderson acknow- ledges the handsome gift in .the follow- ing terms:— To my Mende at Glenanan:— Dear Friends,—I am sitting in the dear old home which Is mine no longer, where I have spent so many years of joy and sorrow. I oannot keep bank the tears as I think of leaving all the tried and good friends that surround me here. You have all been kind and patient with me,, How mach I think of this as I am leaving and you have proven yourselves, as I have said, the best neighbors in the world, and to crown all you other kind acts you have finished up most beauti- fully in making the magnificent present of a gold watch and chain—a token worthy of the people- of Glenannan. I shall oherish the gift as a preoioas trea- sure, and look on it fondly and think of you all. I•shall often be with you in my thoughts and I pray that everyone of you shall wear a crown of victory and that we shall all meet where no farewells are said. Your friend, A. ANDERSON. Mrs. Anderson left this week for Saskatoon, Seek„ where she will reside and she takes with her, the very best wishes of a large circle of friends, OBEY. Mrs. McKay and family, of Sas- katchewan, are here for a visit. The former is a daughter of John McTag- gart, 16th con. Miss Lizzie MoNaughton is home from Portage la Prairie, where she spent the past Summer. She enjoyed her visit and met many old friends. We are sorry to hoar of the serious illness of Dougald McTaggart, 16th con., but hope he will soon be better. Mr. McTaggart is an old resident of Grey. Mrs. John Currie, of Maidstone' Sask., is here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Robert Work and the Robb families of Morris She is a daughter of Jno. Robb, 6th line. Mrs. Carrie is the picture of health. It is 6 or 8 years since she went West. Wm. and Mrs. Hislop and son, Frank, are here from Arcola, Sask„ and are visiting at Thos. MoFadzean's and with other old friends. They will be here for three months. Mr. Hislop is a son of the late James Hislop, 16th con. It is over 20 years since they went West. R. KNOX New Store=— New THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR 1Christmas Presents Having moved into a larger store, opposite the Brunswick Hotel, we have a larger stock than ever to choose from. Call and see our large and new stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. JAMESTOWN. 0etme3l exchanged for oats. FRANK R. HowsoN, Wingham. Mr. Robt. Shaw, of Bluevale, took charge of the service in the hall last Sunday evening. BLUEVALE. Miss Alice Duff, of Barrie public school is holidaying at her home here. Miss Nellie Burgess, of Toronto, is home visiting her parents for the holi- days. Miss Ida Oleghorn is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Oleghorn. Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess of Lis- towel, are spending the holidays with their parents in Bluevale and Turn - berry. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Burgess and their children, of Woodstock, are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mra. John Burgess. Mr, W. J. Eiliot, of the Manitoba Medical College, Winnipeg, is spending the holidays with his father, Mr. Jas. Elliot, in Tarnberry. The Direotors of the Bluevale Cream- ery, at their meeting on Friday last, atter making enquiries and getting all information possible, have decided, in the interests of their patrons, to make batter at their creamery for the incom ing season as usual. The annual Ohristmas tree and Sun- day school entertainment of the Presby• terian Church was held in the 0. 0 F. hall and was a deoided enemas in every way. Mr. R N. Daff, the suet., gave an interesting and instructive patriotic address on "The flag of our country." This was followed by several Christmas carols by the children, interspersed with readings, dialogue and tableau, Uaole Jeremiah Pike and his Susanna fairly brought down the house. The bebating society in whioh the cause of "Woman's Suffrage" was ably defended by Mise Polly Smithery, was very amusing. Speoial mention must also be made of "The Maida of Dee" by the Misses Diement who had to be reoalle 1, and were loudly apptatidod. "The Gypsies' warning made a weird and charming plcture,the singiug by Mies E Daft being greatly enjoyed. A pretty feature was a drill by twelve young girls, who re- sponded to a hearty encore. This part of the programme was closed by all singing the National Anthem. The orowning delight to the wee folks was when Manta appe7.ed and unloaded the gaily decorated tree, after whioh all wendt,d their various ways homeward, well pleased with the evening's enter• taininent, 3 3CC Fine 'Watch, Clack and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer Mr. A. J. MoKelvie, of Moose Jaw, Sask„ is visiting with his parents for e few months. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Willis and family, of Tessier, Sask., are visiting friends in this vioinity, Mr John T. Straohan, of Knox Col- lege, is spending hie holidayn under the parental roof. The many Strachan will serious illness, The Christmas tree and entertain- ment in connection with the Sunday Sohool was a decided enoceee. Mr. and Mrs, Eokmier and Miss Faroe epent Ohrietmas with Ethel friends. Mr., and Mrs. John Simpson and family of Tessier, Sask., are spending a few weeks with their parents near Jamestown, Miss Mary Gibson and Miss Margaret Brown, of Wroxeter, are spending the holidays with their cousin, Mrs. Len. Rattan, Mr. .Harvey Hoover, of 10th con, Grey, visited Ms friend, Willie King, for a few days this week, One door north of King's, Opposite Brunswick Hotel, *MAMAAM/lAAAtAMMMNeOAAM 'MAM/'+/ MAMKA OI frienis of Mr. Jas. be sorry to hear of Me hi disorders and dis- eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. Scott's ErnuIsoo is the food -medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chiL dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad, for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch -Book. Each bank contains a Good Tuck Penny. SCOTT & HOWNE 128 Wallin¢ton St., Wcat. Toro tto Ont - w ;.m ppon the arm of her father and taking her place ander an arch of evergreen's. The bride was becomingly gowned in cream nun's veiling tastefully trimmed with net and Dream taffeta silk ribbon. Facing about fifty guests, the bride and groom heard the marriage vows as pro- nounced by Rev. R M°Eachern, After the knot was tied and congratulations extended, the guests adjourned to the dining -room where a sumptuous repast was partaken of. A most enjoyable evening was spent in music and dancing. The presents veere numerous and useful, showing the high esteem in which the bride and groom were held. They will reside on the 2nd con. of Kinloss. The annual meeting of the White- church Cheese and Batter Co. was held in the Foresters' hall, on Tuesday after- noon of last week, with a large number of shareholders and patrons present. Mr Robert Currie. sr. occupied the chair The reports showed a very successful season, when the very dry fall is con- sidered; no dividend was paid this year, but $lOG was paid off the indebtedness, leaving only $100 against the plant. The output for they ear was 83445 lbs of butter, a little less than last year, but prices being good the showing was satisfactory. The old Board of Dire°. tors were re-elected. Professor Robert- son, Dairy Inspector, gave an interest- ing address. He first spoke of the cow and the necessity of testing hor milk for quality and quantity. He said the Danish oow produced three times that of the Canadian cow and advocated selecting the 'east. Care of milk and cream and the nee of the separator was the chief topio. Some agents have told farmers' wives that the separator would be alright if washed once a day. This was a mistake as the machine should be washed every time after using. Milk should be warm before separating. He advocated thick cream, a 30 per cent. cream pays the beet, and keeps sweet longer. Questions were asked re sending new milk to condensers. He thought there would not be enough oows in a small area to make it pay, and there are many restriotions in feeding which would be to the disadvantage of farmers here. John Snell, Moffat Miller and Mise Gwen Snell are spending a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs. L. Rattan. Mr. and Mrs, D. MacDonald and Miss Denalda spent Christmas with Mrs. MaoDonald's mother in Brussels. Sydney Brothers, of Brussels, is visit- ing at Jamestown store. Mr. Alex, F. MaoDonald, of Pas- wegin, Saekatohewan, is visiting friends around Jamestown for a few weeks. Mrs Gibson, Mrs. B. King and family and Mr. and Mra. Andrew Pollock spent Christmas at Job King's. W HITECHURCH. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK R. HowsoN, Wingham. Mr, S. Peddle has returned home from Tisdale, Seek, He has rented the homestead left to him by his son. The farm is nine miles eolith. eget of Tisdale and is well located, with plenty of fuel olose at hand free for the nutting. Mr. Peddle will return in the spring to build a barn on his property. Ile re• ports that the West is an excellent market for our apples, but they must be honestly packed. A very charming wedding took place at 5 o'clock on Deo. 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Kennedy of White- church, when their eldest daughter, Elizabeth G., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. James J. Melones, The groom entered the par - ler, escorted by his brother, W. G. McInnes, folio wed by the bride leaning THE LEADIN 1SARD' A Happy and;; Prosperous Ne� Year to all We buy in large quantities and get prices. • We sell at smallest margin of profit, mal your advantage to buy your New Year pros Come out in the evening. Store open every n ten o'clock. We will be pleased to show yo our stock. Just a few hints of Useful Presents For Ladies Fancy Belts, Silk Collars, Silk Handken. I-Iand Bags, Finger Purses, Fancy Combs, Silk W Kid GIoves, Ice Wool Scarfs, Tray Cloths, Lau Bags, Fur Ruffs, Muff:, Fur Lined Coats, Silk Umbre For ' Men Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Ties. Cuff Buttons, Fancy Shirts, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fur Caps Slippers, Fur Coats, Fur Mitts, Umbrellas, Leather Belt Grocery Specials New Raisins, new Currants, Orange, Lemon an Citron Peels, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Fancy, Cakes, Fresh Figs and Dates. Candies of all kinds. Bargains in Oranges and Lemons. Typhoid fever is epidemic at Montreal and the doctors blame it on the water Ate unknown man was burned to death in. a farmhouse fire near Dan- dnrn, Sask. Establish d 1879 FOR WHOOPING GlOUGH,, CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH', DIPHTHERIA Vaporfzed Cresolcne stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever (treaded Croup can- not exist where Cresolcne is used. It acts directly on nose and throat, tnnlciog breading easy in tie case of colds, soothes the sore throat and stops the cough. it is a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresolcne is a powerful germicide. act both as a curative and a preventive in contagious diseases. Cresolene's best recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. Tor Sale by A11 Dru gists Send Postal for De- scriptive Booklet Cresotene Antiseptic Throat Tablets ,'e',inpte and enothing, for the irritated throne, lee. teeming. Mess Co., Limited, Agents, Mon- trea6Canada. 308 11-1. E.ISARD&___ co. 4++♦+++++++++++++++0++++++ ♦++♦+++++++++♦••+++++++++++ • • IHanna's • ;• • `_. m+,re Newsli ♦ ma •• • _ • . • • , ::: 4; ► ♦♦ • F. ♦ • + A +, 4 4 1 all a ••• t •♦ • Happy . • ..• ..+ + •. and+ •O ••h + 4 ♦ ♦ t Prosperou$ •• 1 + .4. Now Year . • ♦ z Ayer's I-lairVigor Ingredients: lscGat'oolaRrmerCapim.Sge.At hWPerfume. Anything injurious here? Mk your doctor. Anything of S.writ here? Ask your doctor. Will it stop falling hair? ,Ask your doctor. Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. not Col J. 0. At** Costco& the Hair Thanks for past favors and soliciting! a continuance of your trade. ANNAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAANNAAM A 13tIANNCO. PIIONEi 70. ".