HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-30, Page 4Tat] WINGI1A.3t TIMES, DECEMBER 90, 1909 TO ADVERTI5ER8 et changes must be Ief tthis *Roe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be lett not later than Monday evening. Chanel advertise/net-de accepted up to noon Wedneadav of cath week. Itertel]LittIeitle THE WINfiltAlli TIMES, It. at .111.1e107r.tetntrasnattattoPaoratamoe THURSDAY, DEOF, VEBER 30, Mg WATERWORKS AND SEWERS. The ratepayers of Wingham will, t Monday, vote or by-laws providing 000 for extensions and improve. te the waterworks sc that a pup f pure water may be cbtron.d lend• $0,500 for trunk sewer and Storm dra-erio-o Josephine street. If the vratarworke by -la .v carries, $471,00 will he regeired ettoh Year for principal and hatereet. The improvements made to the waterworks i a 1905 are coating an - nattily $73e 79 fur Sinking fund end interest. T. revenue from the water. 1 works in IS was $1,534,73 and for this Year, $1, i70 12. Is mil be seen that the revenue will more than pay the debentares eder the 1905 improvements and th. proposed under the present by -lave The carrying of this by law 0110133 not pat an extra farthing of taxes On tJie (metal taxpayer, the payments mede by the people who use the water, and edit have a good surplus The see should be a money-maker for the town. Tho artesian walla should provide aufeloient water for both fire and domestic purposes. This has been the The sower by-law is equally impor. Kincardine, Walkerton and Mount never be ay neoefeepy of putting river by- law carried on Monday. Forest,. The people know the need of 'pure water and we hope to see the keep up to the trent with other towns ease in other towna and there should water into the mainr. Wingham must such as Goderioh, Listowel, Clinton, tent. A proper system of sowers is need d in the town. The by-law pro - ' vide for e sewer and trunk drain on Tose hine street and a disposal 'lent at Veer south end of the town. Wingham will never have a god roadway on Jose- phine itreat until there is proper drain- age, The by-law provides for the cost to be borne by the ratepayers in general. This is the plan adopted in other places -.London and Goderioh ratepayers are voting on similar by-laws and the oost is assessed against all property. We must first have a main sewer and disposal • works and the main sewer will be in connection with sewers that may be put in hereafter. The storm drain will be of benefit to many people besides those residieg on Josephine street, as a goodly • '' portion. of the surface and cellar water on the east side of the town would be carried, away by this drain. To get over the pont of the front street property not paying ita full share of this work, the If was of the opinion that a yearly ohargo should be made for tapping the sewer; to run for twenty years. In this way the front street property would be payine for convenience. The editor, as an owner of front street property is willing to pay for his full share of the oast for using the sewer. Many of our eatepayere feel that a sewer is as import. ant, if not more important, than pure water. Ratepayers should oonsider these two questions seriously and vote in the best interests of the town and its Plage": MORRIS. 0 Mr. W. P. lebister, son of Mr. Wm. Isbister, 2nd line, who re- ,.. candy wrote on the Dominion oivil \service examination in Toronto, has Atictegsfulty passed his qualifying exam - /nation and can now take a position in the civil service. We extend hearty oongratulations. McCallum Bros. (Angus and Archie) are home on a holiday trip from the West. TO' aro sons of Gilbert Mo. Oetaluir; §th line. The boys have done well it Is said and so they should as they are iadoetriens steady -goers. Tbotnes McCall. of Abernethy, Sask., le bere for a visit. He is a son of Win. McCall, 7th lioe and has spent the past 6 or 8 years there. This Amami he threshed over 7,000 bushels of grain. His mins, old friends ate pleased to gtbet him ono more and to know that ha is doing well. Tuesday of last vreek Margaret ',amour, beloved wife of Thos. Laidlaw, au old and well.known resident of this looality, Veld Nature's debt, aged G7 years and 3 months. She had been 111 grabout a mouth. In 1863 decanted trilled heart and hand with her now eft partner and for 47 years they Wed on their fine farm, 8th line. Morris township Ivor the pais 8 years they have made their home in 131yth In addition to Mr. Lsidlaw. aeon, William, of Morris, and. three daughters, Mr Mothers of Beet WeAvanosh; Ure. ti., Of Stabley; and Miss Attie at e, Survive to hold in loving memory sated of a true wife and devoted Kra Laidlaw was kindly, tble, iodustrious. one of the best labs" bashful member of the °lank tied shoot highly wide °trete of rulatites 11 osour,s. A.t the regular meeting of B0160018 L 0 L No. 774, the following offiere were eleoted for 1910:-W. M. M. M. Cardiff; D. M., Nelson Cardiff; 01:1011'• lain, Rev. IL M. Langford; Plzi.,Seo., S. T. Pinto D. of 0., David Smith; Leot., W. Mit; Committee, Frank Mo- Outcheon, Gordon &looney, Newton MoOtiulev, Alfred Ooohrane, Tno. Clegg. Wm. Oakley, of Linwood, was the successful tenderer for the oarrying of King Edward's mail on the 13runels- Seatorth route and will run a stage line • commencing in January, He has bought the residenoe of the late Thos. Mo Leuchlin and the stable and lot across the street, Tnrnberry street, North, paying $1700 for the property. He will move his family to town shortly. 30 years ago Mr, Oakley drove stage to Seaforth from Brussels for the late Wm. Armstrong, so knows the territory. Following are the &doers elated in oonneotion with Brusaels .A. 0. U. W. Lodge for 1910: -Master Workman, R. Leatherdale; Foreman, R A Pryne; Overseer, N. F Garry; Recorder, W. II Kerr; Financier, W. H. MoCraolten ; Treasurer, G. A. Deadmau; Guide, ,T Simmons; Inside Watchman, Wm. Armstrong; Outside Watchman, Wm Work; Auditors, T. Farrow and N. F Gerry; Reprosentative to Grand Lodge, W. H. MoOraoken; Alternate, T. Far. row. Past Master Workman is Wm. Wilton. A branch of the Provincial Children's Aid Society has been, formed in Brussels with the following offioers: -President, Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A ; Vice -Presi- dent, Rev. E. G Powell; Secretary, J H. Cameron; Treasurer, W. H. Kerr; Committee, Rev. Mr, Cameron, F. H. Gilroy, Geo. Thomson, F. S. Scott, G A. Deadman and W. M, Sinclair. The organization was the outoomo of a visit of W. A. Gunton, of Toronto, harpector of the department of neglected and dependent ohildren with which J. J. Kelso is so prominently identified. EAST WAWANOSII. To the Electors of East Wa nosh: Ladies and Gentlemen, eying again aooepted the nomination/for Township Councillor for 1910 I ta this means of ttolioiting your vote d influence for re-election. Wiehi one and all a happy and prosperous New Year. Your obedient servant. PETER W. SCOTT. To the Electors of East wanosh: Ladies and Gentlemen I again solicit your vote and influence or my re.elee- tion as Councillor frAnotber year. If eleoted I will atten the duties faith- fully and to the be4t of my ability. It will be impossible for me to see each one of you personally and therefore take this means of soliciting your support. Respectfully yours, ROBT. J. 111CGER. Death has again visited no and pluck- ed a darling flower from our midst, in 'the person of little Edna Irene, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, B. Naylor, aged two years, two months and fonrteen days. Edna caught a severe cold about two weeks ago, which developed into bronchitis and whooping -cough. She was a very bright and lovable child and was loved by everyone who knew her. Her death has caused a very deep sad - netts all through the community, as she was an only ohild, and was just, in the sweetest time of life. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood. The funeral took Places on Wednesday afternoon of last week to the Wingham cemetery. The last meeting of the council fo 1909 was held at Belgrave on Deo. 15th with all the members present. Minute of last meeting read and confirmed. Annual report of Dr. Hamilton, Bel grave, M. H. 0, the same showing th municipality to be particularly fre from any contagious or infeotiou diseases during the past year, receive and ordered to be 'filed. Report of Donald Patterson, count engineer, received stating that in com any with the Reeve, he had examine he two bridges on the river cone. 9 an 0 and that the same were in hie opinio utte safe for ordinary traffic and ale hat both bridges, if no serious damag was done by the spring freshets, with ome repairing, would still be quite ood for another season. -Filed. Owing to some miounderetanding as o the disposition of the rebate on the corned interest On the Hallahan drain ebentures, it was moved by Mr. Soott, eoonded by Mr. Ouraing, that the eeve be instructed to interview the ownehip solicitor ten this matter and hat along with the olork be empowered o take whatever action deemed neces. sty on the advioe of the above official. Carried. On motion of Counoillors Scott and illespie the collector was allowed time 11 Feb. let next to return his roll for he balanoe of taxes remaining as yet npaid, By.Law No 19, 1909, fixing the mount to be paid to mak member of e conned for attendance at cannon eetings ate., 1909, read and pained, Moved by Ur. Seott, mended by r. Maple, that all drain by-laws be registered and further that all the ao. counts on the Hedy, Ellison and Grasby Ifinniolped Drains be now olosed.-0d. Debentures were issued for payment of •the following amounts: -Dr. MIMI). ton, satiate as It H. 0 , $2.00; Gordon Johnston, rinderbrobhiug on 0011. 8, $18.00; Gordon Johnston, n r • e d 3, •0 d d p 1 t a g t a d t G ti a 111 th G lar' tx entreat graveling ou Western bouni‘y, $15 30; Tames Mutoh, in- Vaing gravelling on Western bona - day, 75 cts ; illoKinnon Pros., gravel- ling on Eastern boundary, $15 00; Alb3rt 3. Kelly, repairing the Johnson Drain, $0.40; Tnomae Soandrett. refund of overcharge in taxes, 40 eta ; John T. Oeultee, hauling bridgetimber from Eiward's to MoLeau's bridge, con. 8, $2 00; John T. Soott, material and was k on oolvert, ,side line 86 and 37, con. 9, $16 00; Iaaao Brown, concrete- tile, $40 80; Fraser & Logan, tile, $2j.28; Wm. James, tile, $2.45; Frank Gutter- idge, tile, $45 25; Daniel McGowan, digging ditch on sideline 39 and 40, con. 3, $4 00; 3. E. Naegle, levy for Auburn Pollee Village. $1.2.50; 3. L Stewart, repairing rod for bridge, 50 cents; L. J. Williams, 10 lbs. spikes, 40 ots ; Donald Patto.son, inspecting river bridges, $3.00; John H MoOlinton, pert pay- ment as collector, $40 00; Was. 3, Parks, letting and supervising contracts ou the Johnson Drain, $2.00; Wm. J. Parks, attendance on bridge matter, $2 00; Wm, J. Parks, fees as Reeve, 1909, $00 00; James Claming, Councillor's fee8, 1909, $45,00; Rob ,rt McGee, Coun- oillor's fees, 1909, $50.00; John Gillespie, 0ounoillor's fees, 1909, $53.00; Peter W. Scott, Councillor's fees, 1909, $55.00. The business of the year being finished the council adjourned, ALEX, PORTERFIELD, Clerk. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor of the Tires: - Dear Sir, -Kindly allow tne space to give yonr readers the letter, which I promised to have read at the nomination meeting. The idea is being circulated about town that during the improve- ments to the eleotrio lighting plant in. 1908 I was tbe means of epending more money than was neoessarv, and that the work could have been more econotnioal- ly done by having the flame running Tinder the power house instead of on the outside. Here is what Messrs. 0 Bar- ber Se Son, Meeford, said in their letter of July 10, 1908: -"The first and most important departure is that the turbines are shown in an open bulkhead outside the power house. Thia removes all dampness from the interior of the build- ing and outs off all leaks; makes it pos- sible to secure a proper pit under the wheels and a free discharge without any archways or obstructions; gives a direct and better supply of water to the turbines and leaves 'them always in sight and perfeotly accessible; does away with the decks and stuffing boxes; gives better belt lengths and a olear floor for the electrical machines and in- strutnenta. These and many other advantages will oome from this arrange- ment." Yours truly War. HOLMES. To the Editor of the Times Dear Sir. -As stated in two former issues, I am in the field as candidate for the Mayoralty. So far as the present Council is, concerned I was to have an ac,,lamation and 009 times out of 1000 the Mayor is selected from the sitting Council and not one in 1000 ex -Mayors ever ask for a return, in fact it is contrary to all busi- ness principles, A young man enters into any business corporation, if he is made of the right stuff, is ambitious to advance and he is advanc- ed as he merits same. Good men entered the Connell one yer later than I, all of whom are capable of filling the Mayor's chair with mark- ed ability. If I am elected I shall retire at the end of one or at most two years and let the honor pass around. If I am defeated, there will be do incentive or stimulus for men to enter the Council for they will take it as the policy of the town that the honor is to be monopolized by a few. As to the electric monument I have only this to say, that the success of the plant this year belongs to Mayor Gregory, t:ounclilor Elliott and myself. We were " bitterly" opposed in committee when we dismissed what we con- sidered incompetent managers and engaged Mr. Campbell, who is one of the best men that could be found Ot course the whole nom- mittee were in favor of his appointmedt, but if there had. been no dismissal there could be no appointment. It will be the speoial work of the two Commissioners to make a study of ' Light and Water" and the Mayor, who has numerous duties. will only have to give a decision when the Commissioners disagree. Notwithstanding the fact that an independent expert and other practical men state that thousands were needlessly- and. wrongly- spent on the re -construction of the plant and the changing of the street lighting, yet the present manager has made the plant a grand SUCCOFEI, and 15 will be a bad thing for Wingham when a Mayor or Commissioner presumes to know more about electricity than the manager. The powers of the Mayor are overrated. He might sit In the chair for two years without casting a vote. He can spend, no money with- out same passing the Council If elected Mayor of this beautiful town. I shall always be ready at home or abroad to take part in anything that will bring our Municipality to the attention of as many people as possible. My motto is "Business Principles in Muni- cipal Affairs." Faithfully yours, GEO. SPOTTON. An anonymous donor has given the inmates of the Home for the Friendless at Chatham a Christmas box of $5 each, with the stipulation that they ba allow- ed to spend it as foolishly as they wish, They Help Your Stomach Out And Save You a World of Wretchedness A stomach that cannot digest a good meal „is certainly a sote trial, lt has been responsible for almost everything in the way of human misery, up to suicide. The trouble in most elites is that the stoinacli and other digestive organs lack vigor. Not enough of the 3uices necessary to digestion ate secreted nor does the stomach work tap the' food properly. The worst of it is that there is not sufficient nourishinent taken out of the food to restore the system's viper, and the trouble goes froiu bad to wotse. The stomach needs help. "Little Digegters" meet the need exactly, One "I,ittle Digester" after each meal will ensure perfect digestion ,, provided, of course, that the food is 1 good and wholesome. "tittle Digesters" are guaranteed to care IlldigestiOn, *th i Dyspepsia, or your money will be refunded. ase at your druggist's, or by mail &tot theeoleman litedkineCo.,Torouto. sy FOR MAYOR. For the Mayor's ohair we have honest 13111, Of town work he's not had his fill, Is as seed that he longs To drop hammer and tongs And to take one more turn at the will. Let us not forget genie], George Who opposes the man at the forge He thinks Loos! Option Unit for adoption But will make all the blind pigs disgorge. COUNCILLORS Saye Elliott, the man of the Times, When he sees how expenditure olimbe, I'll do my dead best, Along with the rest, To take care of the dollars and dimes. There is also our friend Albert Lloyd, Who want all the bar -rooms destroyed, ' In hie mind its quite olear, That the sellers of beer Might all be much better employed. There is next on the list, William Bone, Who had always a way of his own, When he thinks he is right, He puts up a good fight, Awl will Wok to his point all alone. There's a rising young ixterohant called Wet, Who has given town matters some thought, He's again in the field, And he never will yield, Till the last gun is loaded and shot, Do' (nor Redmond would cure the town's ills, We would need no more powders and pills, If we had a trunk sewer, And water that's power, Then the cash would pour into oar tills. Then there's Gregory, daddy of all, Who's responding again to the can, All the votes on the hill. Will go straight for Jahn still. When the referee hollers 'play ball.' There is this may be said of Dave Mack, He wall make a fair frontal attack; When he sought the reeve's chair, He just failed to get there, But the Council would weloome him baok. We have Nioholson, too, on the list, Whom, this year, in the council we missed, He's a rattling good man, On the up and down pion; When he thinks a thing wrong, he'll resist • Lastly Simon, the man from the North Has again on the warpath gone forth He demands a fair show, If this town is to. grow, And cement sell for what it is worth. -From an Occasional Contributor The following is the report of White- church Pablio School for the month of December. Papile were examined in Arithmetic, Spelling and Hygiene. Total 300. Sr. 1V. -Willie Moore 181, Ariel Johnston 99. Jr. IV. -Lillian Longman 296, John- ston Oonn 284,.Mabel Clarke 281, Charles Gillespie 194, Jane Kennedy 189, Olive Teriff 129, Edith Campbell 48. Sr. III -William Henry 286, Marjorie Harrison 204, Lulu Conn 194, Alex. Kennedy 186, Greta Foie 177, Ona Mo- Clenegiaan 108, Lavia Carrick 21. Jr. III,-Edithe Clarke 174, Florenoe Kennedy 167, Harold Thompson 114. Sr. II. -Mabel Garton 258, Jamieson Pettypiece 249, Charlie Taylor 236, Annie Hinton!. 213, Frank Ross 167, George Rinton11.38, Alba Fox 123, D.e.-e1d Goodson 94. Jr. II.-Oacar •()earner° 221, John Kennedy 209, Willie Johnston 192, Ena Rintottl 189, Ross Taylor 182, Willie Kennedy 162, Milton Garton 156, James Orr 105, Alex Lockhart 43, Andy Orr 36, Sr. Pt. II. -Angus McKay 288, Winni- fred Holnies 266, Marian Oasemore 251, Mabel MoIntoeh 79, Mabel Johnston 41. Jr. Pt. IL -Total 200 -Maude Oonn 161, Flora Rose 154, Harold Sperling 140, Kathleen Teriffe 112,,Roy Thompson. Sr. Pt. I -Mel,vin Orr 111, Evelyn Garton 107. Jr. Pt, L-Riohard Pettypieoe, Ernest Oasemore, Emma Gartou, Isabel Fox, Nora Johnston. E. Mirsaitovz, Teaoher. Live Stook Markets. The following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 $6 00 Medium 5 00 5 25 Bulls 4 00 5 00 Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up. wards 3 00 Stockers choice 8 00 bulla 1 50 Butchera'- Picked 325 850 4 25 4 50 3 50 0Moewchamu. . .. . ...... ..... 3 50 Bulls , 2 50 3 60 Hogs - Best . 8 (1g Lights 7 75 Sheep - Export ewes 2 75 3,00 Bucks..., • 250 800 (Julie .. .... 2 60 300 Spring Lambs eaoh., 6 00 6 90 Calves. each. .- t 00 6 75 3 50 4 00 2 00 6 00 3 60 3 25 400 WINGRAZA MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Deo. 29511, 1909. Plot r per 100 AO.... 2 75 to 8 25 Pall Wheat...... ......,1 04 to 1 06 Oats,.., . 0 36 to 0 37 Barley 0 50 to 0 60 Pette .... 0 88 to 0 88 Batter dairy ,..„ .„„ .„,0 23 to 0 28 Eggs pa des .. 0 80 to 0 80 Wood per cord ... " „ ., 2 60 to 9 60 Hay, per ton it 00 to 18 00 PotatOes, per bushel, .. 0 30 to 0 85 Lard . .. 0 20 to 0 20 (hLiivioe)Etoge, per owt......, 'T 76 tO 7 76 Duolisc:t r17.1: ib .. . .. '. ...,, : 1 18 toS IS 0 10 tO 0 10 *Turkays, per lb....,.. . 0 16 to 0 17 1,1 1 1 Thig The People's Popular Store - Wingharn, Ont. Agents Lactiehe Home Journal Vetterns, KERR. O. BIRD Agents La(lies, Rome Journal. We wish you all A Happy and Prosperous New Year We are prepared to supply your needs for New Year's Eve. Handsome and serviceable goods for ..NEW YEAR GIFTS.. ... PARASOLS HAND BAGS ‚DOYLIES GLOVES LINEN DRAPES STAND COVERS • TABLE COVERS FRILLINGS CHENILLE & DAMASK TABLE & STAND COVERS - COLLARS FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS Big Sale of Furs now going on Oranges, Figs, Table Raisins, Dates, Candies - - Galore. Prices Right. See the Handsome Premiums we give away! YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE SOME OF THEM. genamemmommi[smilassilltelgio WEIMIIIMEISEEMOIMMaraminuffim * THERE IS BUT ONE 4very farmer should know that the price offered by the dealers for es.ttle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but one farmers' business said market paper, that is The Weekly. Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHABI, - ONTARIO. Farmers 'who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE • ACCIDENT insurance LIFE PLATE GLASS j WEATHER A7W074474 Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Offioe over Maloolm's Grooery. G AND TRUNK SYSTEM Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine Xow is the time to .visit Cali, fornia, Mezieo, Florida, and the Sunny South. Round trip tour. let tickets on sale to all principal Winter Resorts. New Years Consult Grand Trunk Agents for low rates pertaining to above. For tiokets and further Information will on W. Itenry, Depot Agent or address 3. t. litoDonsid, D. P. A. Toronto. •••11.113.41.=•••401mIraeulainsso EfgfrIM e/ Zala '.1321.VS LaEfee.S'-''SSS LJESSLAS, ormamArnammumra..0.4 W. G. PATTERSON ljl ts"), „ eel 0.1 The GREAT WATCH DOCTOR Is going to remain in Wingham WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE SWELLEST GOODS ever shown in Wingham, suitable for Wedding Gifts which we are going to sell at prices that you cannot get them for elsewhere. Call in before you buy or send away for goods and see if we haven't got just what you want. You can get the newest and best goods and save money by buying here. W. G. PATTERSON JEWELER OPPOSITX QUM% ROTEL WING/TAM, ONT. 1 4 1 e" 1,1) N. NrNI . • ' ' tL