HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-30, Page 2• Trou)1ed With Backache For Y ears. pie,,a, low Com. Dr TMtThoOf •110**1413 r#101•41101rPILIS - Mrs. •Nif C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St., LateIon, ()nt., writ -'It is with .earteasuee. that I thank you for the good Your I) "an's Kidneet Pills have done me.. tranaie;i1 with le:Ann-he for year*. Noll -dna helped ine mail a friend br t nee a. 1,0x of -our Pills. r .ii, to the t;ia. a end ,took four bneee, seal aea glial to ivy that I am meted en - trey eel can do til xny own work and feel ae g anv 1'U to beforetaken sick.. I a,n yeieiae floali'e Kidney Pill ere. ali e'en_ 5'N V: than to be. arid I advise all V,,e,eae evekrere to give them a fair tie ' Let te-iefe Kidney Pills do for you Caere have one for thousands. of otlaae. cure all forms of kidney t tleey erne to stay mired. tel 'cents pee, box or boxes for er, et it deelere or milled direct en weeea: arho lee Tbe T. Milburn Co., Lire Toronto, Ont. Ware, ealerime sleolifY 4' Dean's." TO ADVERTISERS. /Tot co of changes must be left at thie Office not later than Saturday noon. Tile copy for ehangee must be lett no later than Monday evening. 0te4tal advertisements accepted up to noen, Wednesday a eaoh week. ,X'AazailidE.13 nem THE TIMES. 11. 14,ELLIOTT. etIDLZSRERANDPItOPRIETOO THURSDAY, DEmussa 30, 1909. NOTES AND COMMENTS Daring the 'first ten menthe of the preeent calendar year 9,919 homestead cnidae were made in western Oanada by Mated States eitizens. Every Sate - and Territory of the American Union was represented. North Dakota contri- buted the largest number, viz 3,464 Other Sate e are represented as fol- lows: Mienesota, 1,741; South »Ace - IA, 522; Michigan, 514; Washington, 510; Wuttentein, 477; Iowa, 430; 11. Hoots, 296; Montana, 184; Iodiana, 162; Missouri, 151; New York, 160; Oregon, 150; Idaho, 144; Kansae, 140; Nebreeka, 134. Daring the eight Months 71,988 American settlers came into Canada, and 78.26$ immigrants came vim ocean parts. The increase over last year In the latter ease WAS six per cent. The total immigration into Canada from the. Ist of Apeil to the end of Novem- ber was 150,256, as compared with • 116.890 far the same period at lest year, an Increase of 29 per °ant. Dur- ing the calendar year insending over, -eighty thotteand Americans have settled in ()amide, as oompared with a little lease than sixty thousand during 1908. The total immigration for the year will reach clog° to 170,000, as oornriaxed with approximately 750,000 altering 1968. British immigration for the year has totalled aboui 60,000, a 'alight deorease at; compared with last Yenr. INC Huron's liaise of Refuge. Huron ()Minty has reason to feel proud of the Hones of Refuge and it keeper. The following is the report sent to Co. Council by tho Government In• epeotor: De. Brace Smith reported on MS recent 11131)001i011 01 the county house of refinesl'Thero is no better nonduoted house in Ontario than this, and it (15 most satisfactory to note the Rteat improvement that hat been Made iu the managernent here. Beery pare of the house and premiees were found neat and clean and the inmates are evidently kindly oared for. The wrilis and ealiaga on the second flor reteeire paintieg and thie needed lea- proventent should receive early eaten - titan The painting du e daring the past year in,i been very satisfactnry " Num - her of stores, 4734; value, 82 600; aoree, lt.i, H &itn ,oy Had ri 47or 6 Years beuggist advised DR. A.W. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD-Oura COmplete and lasting. iltre. J. D. Palmer, )8 Park Ste Am- Lenient, N. Y., evritee: "When Six pare ofage any bey began to have fits. 'y came on in the night. He would ke entwine noises, stiffen out, froth mouth, feet+ would twitch and some- hree turned purple. After the. fit he eee1.1 r,ot talk. " The family physician 'aid- ail lie melt! de was to keep nein down some- what. The eeeonil pinasiciart pronounced trouble Jetrersonian epileeset, lint pc:mid rot nue Lim. Ile suffered for mix -ears k ...1 bittoye; beginning the 118U Of Dr. A. . Cketee's Nerve Foil lied three fits in live ave. Our druggist reeena r. A. W. ( hese s Nerve Forl. bon taiien seven boxee and has not Sad the eyterrtant of a fit Ert. Ins 'tee tax greet'. improved: he is not era Irritable like he -Ilse/lite be, f.,,,,i411sr 1,i1I 011re envr1.1fttf.” 614 restre ilts aoriel, obteined by flak . et flip rm eits-a* Dr. A, ese (-Crewe Food- rot from imitativms or vi, eerie a hex. ail dealer.' rev:et A 0e, Toronto. ,.. 11111rywrw„ ettitivated, 40; reoeipto-ecannty, $6 430 s tie; Vora pro ittets, $1,008.93; fromother imar,lee, $703 00 2daiutenanee, vi 431.. 27; net east to county per year, $4 855 84. Innate ''Lea 60, females 28; rauttb,r on Use Het 78, on pay net 10; number af beds, 120; number at deaths for year, 13 The number admitted during the year from the different Unpelitiee is as follows: Townships -Goderiebe 1; Oolborne, 1; Howlek, 1 Wet Waveattosh, 1; Grey, 1; Morris, 2; Ashfield, 1; McKillop, 2; Stephen, 2 To-vne and Villegeet-Ulinten, 1; Winghene, 1; Exeter, 1; Blyth, 1; Bros. eC,19', 1. There were ill deaths during the year. The total expenditure a - Mounted to $6480.82 Electricity in the Household. Tlipre 10 a vast field for invention still open is oonnection with domestic !electric beating inauding cooking- not ytt by nue ineana exhantited. Ihe coretitietion of tater moil in house grates awl kitchen -ranges, with all the canoe - anent demand for domestic labor, whioh ia evary year becoming mare and more diff to obtain, renders the problem of heat production in our houseo a matter of the greatest ine- portanee. This 13 not only a question of dem:eased mit ot supply of electric energy, but of deorease in the cost of, and improved durability and effieiency in, the heaa-produeing apparatus, eleo. Inc radiator, oven or kettle. Domeetio electric lighting Ites• now become a matter of absolute and universal Ile- oess'ity : but the demand for an •e0Onolmical and improved domestic heating it equally large, and though Rai comes to our aid at preaent, the whole of the difficulties are not -in- deed, very few of them are -solved by the use of a combuotile which requiree oxygen to be eupplied, and therefore oannot be entirely inclosed, which waetes heat and vitiates the air. - Engineering. Farming for Profit. --e- V you are interested in farming for profit yon have probably noticed that there has been recently a great revival of interest in fruit growing. No other branch of agriculture offers so large a financial return at the present time, and it it because of this fact, that large numbers of neglected orchards are being cleaned up, fertilized, pruned and spray- ed, Sttoh splendid profits aro being realized that wide -awake men, are set- ting out new plantations of the best varieties in the firm belief that they will return a high percentage profit on the 'capital invested. Ttese men have care- fully looked into thetsituation and any who do likewise will most certainly come to the same conolusion. Ontario pmesses beyond all question unrivalled possibilities as a fr.nit produoing prov- ince. The climate and soil are unequal- ed on this continent. Markets have never been fully supplied with strictly high grade fruit, and are demanding larger quantities each year. To those who are looking for a more profitable line, we earnestly recommend a study of the fruit situation. The best informed and most expert fruit men in the prov- ince will be assembled at the Ontario Agrimaltural Oollege„Gaelph, for the Special Oonrse in Fruit Growing, Jan- uary 26 to February 4th, 1910, Come and hear them tell their experience if you doubt the truth of thes5. statements. And if you are already interested you and your neighbors oannot afford to mise the wealth of practical knowledge and up -Co -date information which will be presenteij at that time. There is money in growing fruit, and thle free short course is worth dollars to you and pent. friends. The program will appear In these columem. Watch for it. For further particulars write J. W. Orow, Department of Horticulture, or Presi- dent Oreelman, 0, A, 0., Gnelph, Roll of Fatalities. Ae usual the railway service account, ed for mere fatalities than any other indastry daring Novenaber. One him. dred and forty-three fatal accidents were repotted to the Department of Labor during the month. There were 279 serione iejnries, 46 were killed on tbo railways, 19 In eferieulttire, 13 in innabering, 13 in navigation, 10 in min - lig, 9 in the metal ttades, and 9 in general transport. DON'T FORGET, Don't forget the old folke, Love them there and more; As that tarn their longing eyee Toward the olden shore; Lot your wordpfbe tender, Leving, soft, and low; Let their last days be the best They have known beleve. Don't forget poor father, With his failing sight; With his looks once thick and brOWn. Scanty taiw and white Tho' he be ohildieh, •Still do yon be kind - Think of him as years ago With his master mind. Dtm't forget deter mother With her furrowed brow; A1I the ligbt. ol" other petite Is fading new; Ilemorylit vranirset, Aeon tie light will fail, Gide her ettJy till the Alma WV With the rade. I; TUE WIN(' tw.7.77.)73,777.4,2%.-ratimmorraux,-, Why the Maiiau and Risch piano r.ction is neve r th-own out fr.,f alignment. M TIMES, DECEMBER. 30, 1909 7.27:31teeelggialleiSMACCIIMIlene . o j THE regulatiniz rail is the L,--,..olzbone of the action - 011" it the level of tiit keyb aepends. In most pianos this mil is merely a wooden bar which is affect- ed by a.11 changes in climate. It warps or twists and throws the whole action out of alignment so that it Ice W respovsiveness of touch and the hammers cannot $trii:e the strings accurately. erws. and Tai,SCh The. piano with a sotll. in the Mason and Risch piano action the regulat- ing rail is of wood encased in brass. This supplies a wooden bed for. thesere* eyes yet prevents all possibility of warping on account of atmosphehc changes. To this regulating rail is due., to a great ex- tent, the perfect alignment of tbe MasdPrand Risch piano action. ‘14 -fir --years of use a Mason and aisch piaho is just as sensi- tively responsive to the touch and as perfect in action as when it first left - our warerooms. We want to tell you more about the exclusive features of the Mason and Risch piano. / ing tho reasons why 1 Will you call at our wareroon-is F.hould own a ailason and " nisch piano. This in no way or shall we mail you some / obligates me to purchase. of our literature? MASON and RISCH PIANO CO., Limited, TORONTO • Send me your illus. trated booklet explain. - The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St, Toronto. Province Name. Street City 560 ISIMMIMMII.igateleMeeMemmeeemeamealeeela,,eleaWsagereleraeerVO ..mwma•IW International Newspaper Bible Study Course Salient, ['nines in the Lesson for Sunday, Jan. 2, Given in a Series of Questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott. 44.4444444.4* R.c.tisterad in accordance with;the Copyright Act.) JOHN THE FORERUNNER OF jESUS. - Mitt. : 1.12 Golden Tet. -The voice of one cry- ing in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Matt. 111:3. Verse 1. -What were the days referred to in 'verse one? What are the facts concerning John the Baptist, his parents, the time and place of his birth, his early training, the oommencement of hie ministry, his charaotelistics, and the nature of his preaching? Where and what was the wilderness of Judea? Verse 2. -What did John want the, people to do when he urged them to re- pent? Why was it then, and why is it now, impossible for any person to enjoy the favor of God without repentance? What did John mean by saying "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"? Has the kingdom of heaven been es- tablished on earth, and if so, what le that kingdom, and who are its old zens? Verse 3 -What did Ening (Isaiah) fortell concerning John, and where is the passage found? In what settee did John prepare the way for Jens? Verse 4. - Why did John dread in such a Onto way and eat such simple food? To what extent should good people to. day, take John for an example in the matter of food and °bathing? To what extent does God care as to what we eat and what WO wear? If all you know of a man is that he le fastidiousitt the matter of dress, and an opiettre in his food, how would you rate him as tei peritonel piety? Oats men work as hard, think as clear ly ad accomplish es muoh, or more, in alt departments of life on, a vegetable, as on o meet diet? WIMPS 5 G -How do you aeconnt for the wonderful interest which John's preaching orented? 41.**44•4444.4.14.4 In his first years In America, °mmo would not eat chickens and ducks from the butcher shop, but titan -fed and fat. tened Italian fowls in the heettinent of his residenoe. The first matriculation of Women students at the mayoralties in Pfnaela laae 1.68tiltfid in the admission of 662 hudentit, inoluding 43 from Ameriott d *aeon from the Malted Itingdom. i If John were the permanent pastor of a ahuroh, in this tovan, do yoa euppose that he would be able to constantly keep up iniah n great revival as this story records? What did John's baptiam signify? Was baptism then, and is baptism now for adults of any avail without a full confession of sin? Verse 7. -When a member of a oharoh is not a devoted me,u, re he better oz. worse than any other sinner? If a minister of the gospel is not a truly good man, whose word is as good as his bond, how would you compare him with a layman of similar charaoter? What is the tendency of the office) of a pastor, or of a Bible class teaoher as to reeking its inaumbent a truly noble and an all-round morally and financially, trustworthy man? Is a pastor of a church under any greater obligation to be a truly devoted man than his members? Why oi why not? These soribes and pharisees were'ita those days what our !Aston and church officials are in these days. How do you accotint for the fain that they were such bad men? Verses S 9 -What are the fruits Whieh prove genuine repentance? (This question Must be answered in writing by members of the eltib ) To what exteet does the fact that a men has a noble and devoted ancestry recommend him to God? Can any perticn be Paved because of his parents' goodness? Write 10. -Is it the fact, and why, that Incompetent men fail and that bad men always mine to grief? Verse 11. -What is the differettoe bet tween the pere,onal resalte of John's baptism and that of the baptism of the Holy Spirit from *Teens? Vera° 12. -Whet reason is there for the belief that men and women matte their own hell or heaven? Lesion for Sunday. *Tannery 0, 1910. -The Baptism and ',temptation of Sem. Matt. ill:18-17; ivt1.1I. CURES CATARRff, ASTHMA., rmidatig, ctoup, Cettgits and Coklst ere Money back, Sokl and by WALTON iriC1TZI31* Town of Wingham BMW NO, , 1909 A By Law for the ireue of debentures of the Town of Wiegliam to the Amount of $6000 00 for the purpose of improving the present water- works system of the said Town and for procuring a supply of pure water for domestic purposes. ' • Whereas the Municipal C1ouncil of the peration of the:Town et Wingham deem it Pedient and necessary that the present Wa works system should be improved and the ratepayers and residents of the T Should be supplied with pure water for dol tie purpose. And whereas the said Municipal Oou have, through their Eagineee, Wm, Mal Davis, procured estimates of the cost the improvements refe. red to, and the stalling of a systeurof pine water for the p Dose aforeseict, wh1c1i e .thnates are appen hereto, marked Schedule "A" and wh amount, in the whole, 10 $3000-00 And whereas it will be necessary to is debentures of the Fend tow e of W Ingham the said min of 10000.00, as hereinafter p vided, which sum ia the debt intended to created by this by-law, the proceeds of s debentures, to be appltsd to the said purp and ue other, And whereas the repel amount required "The Alanicipal Act," to bo raised, annually special rate for paying the said debt and torest, as hereinatter provided, is $471 50. And. whereas the amount of las whole 114 able property of the said Town of Weigh talcieciaerodfinisgst797315c2100as.t revised asesesniont r And whereas tho amodnt of the txlstring benture debt of the sad Mnittpality, elusive of local improze-nents secured special rates andr,-ssrtientat 18 the sum 5110,72854, where :re is nothing in erre c643#11 Council of the C apRorfaotiliooNnve the Town of W.inghana ens 1. The sum of 00300 00 shall be expended the Town of Wiughain in imprnviug t pporesessent waterworks system of the said To and in proeuring pure water for domestic p 2 For the purposes aforesaid the Mayor the said Town at Winghanj shall cause bentures of the said Towa to be issued. to t amount of 50000 00, which said debentur shall not be less than $100 each, Such bentures shall be sealed. with the seal of t Corporation of the Town of Wingham a shall be signed by the Mayor or other aoti had a the Corporation antl also by t Treasurer thereof. 3. Tho said debentures shall bear date' the first day of April A. D. 1010, a shall be issued on the day of the date there and shall be made payable in twenty yea from the said date, at the offiee of- tee Tres urer, for the time being, of the said Town Wingham, and shall have attached to the coupons for the payment of interest. 4. The said deoentures shall bear intereat the rate of font -and one-half per cent. P annum, from the date thereof, and said inte est shall be paid annually at the office of said Treasurer on the first day of Apr lonurreenagyh t earn:Of . every year during tl 5. During the ourrengy of geld clebentur or any or them. there shall be raised annual by speeial ratenon all the ratable property the said Town of Wiughatn the suns of $270 for the payment of interest onsaid debenture and the sum of 2201 50, for the purpose creating a sinking fund "for the payment the debt hereby secured, making in all 11 sum of $471 50, to be raised annually by spoof rate as aforesaid, during each of said twent years. 0. This by-law shall take effect from au after the final passing thereof. 7. The votes of the electors of the said To of Wingliam shall be taken en this by -taw a the fell. twing times and places, that is to SR on Monday the 3rd day of January- A. D. 191 beginning at ntne o'clock of the forenoon an continuinj till five o'clock of the afternoon o the same day, by the following Donut Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, -namely: Clerk, In 1, at William Johnston'tailor sho Returning Officer, and J William J. Haines, Po en ansephine street, by John Groves, Depat s 121Ward 2, at William Gannett's Iranian:0m office, Josephine street, by Ja-i Alex, Morton Deputy Returning Officer, and Alexande Alderson, Poll Clerk. In Ward 3, at the Town Hall. by Anso Dulmage, Deputy Returning Officer, an Alfred J. Fleming, Poll Clerk In Ward 4, at Alb al Boles House, josephln street, by C. N Deputy Returnin Officer, and John W. Dodd, Poll Oterk. 8. On Saturday the first day of January A D. 1910, the Mayor of the said Town shall at tend at the Town Hall in* the said Town a eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint per sena to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of the persons interested in, and promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law, respectively - 9. The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock of the forenoon D. Tuesday, the fourth day of January A. D. 1910, to sum up tthl fesnbuyitabwer, of votes given for and against Dated at the Town Hall, at the Town of Wingliam, this 20th day of November A.D. 1009. Mayor. Clerk. Cot, ex- ter - that OWR nes- ncil lion of in ich sue for ro- be aid ose by by in- to - ell de- 556- by or ars 01'- obs he wn tir- of de - 08 le- nd ng he on nd of, rs s - of m at er r- he 11 10 OS ly of 00 5, of of ie al d vn 3*, 0, r d g • SCHEDULE; :"A" TO THE PROPOSED BY-LAW 'PM- • Being an estimate of the expenditure refer - "red to in the foregoing by-law. ESTIMATE. " 2 .Artesian Wells, 8 inches in diameter. $1840.00 A r Pump and connection.. 444.00 Air Compressor, connected with Elec- tric) Motor 5'50 00 Rcciv�r.100.00 Addititm to Pump. House 400 00 Concrete Reservoir 512.00 Connection with existing mains 200.00 Three stage Centrifugal Pump, capa- city 500 gallons per minute, con- nected to Electric Motor 1150.00 Transmission Line from Electric Power House to Waterworks Station. 480 00 Contingencies.. 008 00 Total 100000: *.•••• NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law whieh has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of the Von of Wingham tin the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after ono month from the first publication thereof in the Wingham Tim% the date of which publi- cation was the 2nd day of December A. D. 10011, and the votes of the elector)! of the said Muni- cipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. Town Hall, Wingham, November 29th. 1009. J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. • PUBLIC NOTICE. RE PROPOSED BY-LAW OP THE TOWN OP WINGHA Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Win ehain propose to submit to the ratepayers of the said town for their meant a by-law to authorize the said Council to borrow the sum of $6000.00, for the purpose of improving the present waterworks system of the said Town and to proeure a supply of pure water for domestie purposes. The following is an estimate of the costs of the proposed waterworks improvements and the proeuring of pure water to domestie. bur - peeve made for the said Town by Wm. Mahlon Davis, 0.5. ZsextrAWN. 2 Artesian Wells. 8 inehes in diemeter. 11310.00 1 Mr Pump and conneetion 444.00 Air Compreseor, connected. With Rice - trio Motor J• 700 00 Reeeiver 100.00 Addition te Pump Ef0u0i 400 00 Conerete Reservoir and Pump House512.00 Connection with existing main 200 00 Three EttEgS Ceutritrigal Pump, 500 gal1ofla minute, eon• neted to Electric . nter 1130 00 Tr:mom/lien Line from leetrie Power Renee 486.00 Add for contingencies,. 06000 --- Total $0000.00 Dined. Town Hall, nehem, November nth, 1000. J. B ARGIT8011, Clerk, TOWN DIIMOTORY. /3.arrzw3. Ontruou -babbittb. services at 11 a ia and 7 p n. Sunday School at roi;i8Qwetee(m.e iueballyereeveroeuillapgraa.yerRineti eve.vvng . S ewes, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets Monday evenums S p.41. W.D. Prio4le, fiuperintendent. NElliTHODIOT Onentou-Sabbath services itt 1.1 a m and 7 p xis, Sunday Sohool at 4•:80 p xis. Epworth League) every Mena clay evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday eveuinge. Rey. W. Li tieclge, D.D pastor, F. Baohan. an, See. Superintendent, pRusitteRabor camtort-Sahheth sr - vices at 11 a xis and 7 p ni. Supday Sphool at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday eveninga. Rev. D, Perrie, paetor. A, J. Irvin, S.S. rinpeninteoxdeut PAI/L's Out:note, Reisooreta-Sab- bath services at 11 a ne and 7 p Sunday School at 2:30pm. Rev. 0. E. Jeekine, B A., 13, 1)., Rector ; Ed, Nash, S. S. Superintendent; Thee. E. Robinson, aseistant Superintendent. Kerman:el Iteneer-Serviete at 7 and 11 a rie and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. to 6:80 p Open t box holders from POST 00%10E-01 hours from 8a m 7 ana l,m, to 9 p . P. isher, poiitmaster. Puxixixo LlentARY-talerary and fre reiteing room in the Town Hall, will be open every afterf5ioon from 2 to 5;,P o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9: o'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott TerwiF Ootrdom-Thornes Gregory, Mayor; Dr. A. S. Irwin, Reeve ; Geo,. Spotton, J. W. ItIcKibbon, H. B. Mien, ,Willien BODO, Dr. Robert Cl. Redmond, end V. R. Valuorman. Coanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and Treasurer; Anson Dnlmage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in eaoh month at 8 o'olook. Mon Soecoot, Bowe.- W. F. Van - Stone (ohairruati), J. A. Morton, John Wilson, O. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. 513L nun Frank Butternut, Dudley Holrnes, secretary. A. Oosens, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in eaoh month. Punr..10 SCHOOL BOARD,-Aler, Rees, (ohairman), G 0 Uennere, ME. hard, A. E Lloyd, W. D Pringle, Wmelkoore, Theo. Flail, 0 X. Griffin, Secretary, Sohn.' F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B Faros= Meetings seacind Tuesday evening la each month, HIGH SCHOOL TicAOHERS-J. A. Tay- lor, BA., principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A., olassioal mester ; J. G. Workman, B.A., mathematical • muter ; Mss M. 3. Baird, B. A., teacher of English and Moderns; Mem Andereon, fifth teacher PUBLIC SonooL Taamearse.-,Toseph Stalker, Principal. Mitt a Brook, MissReynolds, Miss Farquharion, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss Fraser. Boum or flitAxan--Thos. Gregory, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Abner Cottens, Wm, Emmet. 3. B. Ferguson Sooretary; Dr, J. R Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. STEADY 1111 PLOYM ENT fora reliable Local Salesman repro. seating "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. Yon will find there is a good demand for nuts/ Stock on amount 01 the high price that growers have realized on their fruit this Boileau. Oar °Mennen are tanning in big brini- ness to us. this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the reinter months. ' ' Territory reserved. Pay weekly, Free sample outfit, etc. Write for partionlars. STONE, & WELLINGTON i''onthillNarseriee 050). TORONTO, CANADA, FARMERS and anione having live stock or other artiotes they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIME. Our large otronlatioe tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get It customer. We oan't guarantee 1550 700 will sell because you may ask more for the article dr stook than it is worth. Send your advertisonlexli 00 the Tin= and try this plan of disposing of yonr stook and other artiolee OUTSIDE ADVERTISING - Orders for the insertion of advertisements Audi as teacher e wanted, business ohanoes, ineehanics wanted, articles for sale, or in feet any kind of an tdvb. in any of the Toronto or other oar papers, may be left at the Teems °aloe. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or sendyonr teXt,verk of this kind to the TIMES OPFICIEL Winghaft SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS ?RAMC Manna DESIGN* COPY111014111 &Os Anyone 'Muth* is sketch and description taw quickie aseertecivir +minket flee neettioir; an fir:: ettwarlatiiya eoPit foirtialt"ipuilMf )42riatents sent free, oidest stenry't or aenunlngpMsnts, Pemba 'taken through Henn move orrice noticsiterWinitbtu sausstistons: ,,, int hs tillifle merKfit.. jir .741.0* propmd.ttla'zi A head ration $1=v6Y401104, NOTABLISIIED 1$72 THE WINGIIAI TINS 13 RumasEnio EVERY THURSDAY MOR G The Thrtert (Mee, Beaver Block WINOI1Ate, ONTARIO, Timms me SuntiOnnemitor-$1.00 per &ROOM in advance, el.60 if not eo paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Anvermuntici RATIN. - Legal and other caeueladvertniements 10c per Noupariellline for ilree innertian, 8e per line for each subeequent ineertion. 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