HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-23, Page 6AISILLOIPWer
`.t ati�►' W.1.NU3iAM TIME%, DECEMBER 23, IVO
Capital Stock (all paid up). .... • $4,000,000.00
Res. ve Fund a'nd Undivided Profits $5,400,000.00
Total Assets,
�hp011nt; Canada, acid the
AUENTS .411."1,1141Q
Sta.- .
� ._._._..�.�.. —
Savings Departrnent. .4
Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits rCCeiveci lof1.OU
and upwards,.
aa•. Fanners' dale Notes Collected, te of in trest�eS made on them at
WINGiTAbl .BRAT, cx—•Corner John and Josephine Streets.
fee r W. R. GEIKIE, Manager.
se R. VANSTONE, S011citOr•10.
Total assets of over thirty. ,Tion
dollars are entrusted to the custody
of the Bank of Hamilton.
Yo - r Savings Account Solicited.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
indigestion Causes it— mi-o-na will
Cures it.
It you have indigestion, you don't get
WI the nutrimeut out of your food that
you should.
Your worn out Monocle passes the
food on without a• xtraotiog enough nu-
tritious eubeteuce to supply the blood
and nerves. lied
Aud if the netvee are not supe
Theh in to rebel.
y nourishment,
up a great disturbance. k000. They
make you irritable and croaky, yon
worry about trifles and you cannot sleep
Syria and Palestine have an 'novena soundly at night, you have bad dreams,
ate appetite for imported drugs. In and you get up tired in the morning.
Try Mi•o-ua tablete, the money bank
morning -
Beirut, a oily where soft. dri:ka are tote Dot -o ria will care your nervous -
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Pray
J. W. Westervelt. 3, W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A.,
Principal, Vice -Principal.
great dn.unt1 there is not a, single soda hens bydrng ou>r Fhe Dense, Mi cans
!mental% w i1 g y d
Canada's Christmas
Canada's 1909 Christmas should be
as merry as the merriest, Nature bas
been most bountiful and the Sun of
Prosperity abiues as it hae never shale
before ou this portion of His Majesty's
domain, Neither flood uor earthquake,
neither t.torm nor plague, neither die
aster from without nor disaeter from
within have laid a blot upon the year's
page of progress. From t to fieherman's
humble cottage on At1autio's shore to
the equally humble hut of the British
Columbia miner, from the well furnish.
ed hutne on Ontario's most southerly
fruit -term to Ibe most rudely oonstruet.
ed ostia of the newest settler in the
Saekatohewan Valley, there is the jay -
fel story to tell. Freedom and pleuty
i irl Barelle( the fire{ f1DnT, t wi ire everywhere{ null treenom with
ante conte baba in a few days, an le leuty hae been' mania• greA A+
ambition, mankind's greatest hope.
We have had our portion of joy and
sadness, our seasons of thanksgiving
and regret. These come' to all people
and to all individuals. But no nation,
as a whole, has had a greater measure
of happinosa in any one twelve month
since the Augele chanted the heavenly
message "Peace on earth and Good -will
toward men." It there are any poor
among ns, anywho are man ing, any
wbo are die -spirited, let those of us wbo
are more fortunate ehare with them of
our wealth and our joy and gladness.
They need sympathy more than charity,
but if they need charity let it be given
with a smiling countenance so that
there be no , bitter sting —Canadian
Bears the��%The Kind You Always Bought
dignaoftnre /fi �c�i tl8.,_
Last year there were 399 important
disputes between workmen and their
employers in Reglaad, of which more
than 66 per cent, were settled by com-
The greatest danger from iefnenza is
of its resulting in pneumonia. Thio can
be obviated by using Chamberlain's
Gough Remedy, as it not only oures in-
flnerza but counteracts any tendency
of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold
by all dealers.
Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Teeswater,
who, a year ago, sold out to Mr. Obit -
tick, has bought out a blaokemithing
business at Thorndale. and will move to
to that town next spring.
chronic cases in a 3oW Weeks.
Belobing of gas; heartbitrlt; sour taste
of food, waterbrash, (MLI breath and
other dyspeptlo sywptome vanish before
the mighty power of Dei-o-na.
Try Mi•o•na. Walton MoK..bbon eells
it and will refund your money if it
doesn't cure, and only 60 cents a large
The more a man knows the less he is
ashamed of his iguoranoe.
The United Kingdom manufactures
260,000 tons of soap yearly.
Look out for Pneumonia.
Your system is in a ran down con-
dition. Yon eatoh cold. Yon think it
will soon pans off. 15 doesn't. Yon
neglect taking any special care of your-
self. Bronchitis develops and then
comes pneumonia and a fight for life,
A fight which is too often unsuccessful.
Why not take every cold seriously and
cure it promptly by using Dr. Ohaae'a
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine.
Don't be a chronic, kicker; but if
if yon really have a kiok Doming, make
it count.
It has been estimated that rats in
England do damage to the extent of
$75,000,000 annually.
Women with Fascinating Hair
Always Attract Attention.
While cleaning out a well recently
Mr Wm, Taylor of Kinloss found at
the bottom a jam filled with milk. This
reminded the family that three years
ago a jem containing milk had been
suspended into the well with a view to
keeping the milk fresh; that the cord on
which it had hung broke and it was lost.
On opining the jem the contents were
found iu a fair state of preservation,
though a little soured.
If you are a woman with dull, life-
less, ordinary hair, do not feel die -
tressed. Just make up your mind now
that yon Dan have just as luxuriant and
captivating a head of hair as any other
woman, and quickly, too.
Just go to Walton McKibben' this
very day and get a bottle of Parisian
Sage. Uae it as dtreoted, and in two
weeks your scalp will be free of don -
droll, your hair will be soft, lustrous
'and beautiful.
If your bair is falling out, Parisian
Sage will stop it.
If your hair is thin, Parisian Sage will
make it grow in heavily.
If you have dandruff it will quickly
vanish when Parisian Sage is used.
It prevents hair from turning gray;
stops itching scalp almost instantly
and ie the ideal dressing for daily
A large bottle poste only 50 cents
at Walton MoKibbon's or direct, all
oharges prepaid from the Canadian
makers, Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie,
Fines or imprisonment are the pun-
ishments in Prussia for keeping obildren
away from school.
C� A.r3TOM=t,.=
Tho Kind You liave Always Hike t
Berne the
Europe has 20,000 newspapers, of
wbioh Germany possesses the largest
number. England, however, bas the
greatest number of daily newspapers.
Beare the, The Kind You Have Always Bought
of �Gti�
Many persons find themselves affected
with a persistent oough after aneattack
of influenz u. As this Dough can be
prorait y oured by the use of Dr. Oham-
oerls Cough Remedy, it should not
be allowed to run on until it beoomos
troublesome. Sold by all dealers.
JOU would . soon get rid of a
1 servant who did only half the
work in double the time of a capable
one. Then why continue using a
flour that gives half the nourishment
and double the work to digest?
There are at least eighty-two papers.
55 of them dailies and 27 weeklies, pub.
imbed in the United Staten which have
a century of history behind them.
Strange to say two of these are German
papers, one publi,,hed at Reading, Pa.,
and the other at Lancaster, in the some
state. It must be remembered, however,
that Pennsylvania had, before the Rev-
olution a larger proportion of German
settlers than was found in any of the
other thirteen colonies.
German East Afrioa has been raising
sisal hemp since 1893 from plants im-
ported from Florida.
Regarded as a whole, the European
champagne vintage of 1908 approaches
that of the preceding year neither in
quantity nor in quality.
A sprained ankle will venally disable
the injured person for three or four
weeks. This is due to look of proper
treatment. When Chamberlain's Lini-
ment is npplied a cure may be effected
in three or four days. This liniment is
one of the moat remarkable preparations
in use Sold by all dealers.
During the fall and winter season of
1908 09, which ended Maroh 21, 221
persons perished by ahipwre:k and 89
vessels met with disaster, off the coast
of New England and British North
American cosete.
Charity is a disease as contagious as
measles and spreads from door to door.
This is the opinion of Mr. J. J, Kelso,
superintendent of negleoted and depen-
dent children for Ontario, a man who
has had much experience in dealing
with the subjects of poverty. He cion -
tends that if all charity were suspended,
although there would 'be some hardship,
this would only exist until those affect-
ed learned that work was the only way
in which help could be obtained.
The opinion of Mr. Kelso in regard to
the children of worthless parents is that
charity for their sake often educates the
children as idlers and beggars.-. He is in
favor of compelling the parents to sup-
port the children in a proper manner or
taking the children from them, the pre-
sumption being that if each parents had
any affection for the children they
would prefer going to work to being
deprived of their offspring.
Mr. Kelso, whose experience entitles
his opinions to weight, may be right,
although the majority of people will be
inclined to think that he is 'somewhat
extreme in his views. There can be no
doubt however, that the best kind of
charity is that whioh educates people to
help themselves. The Ottawa Oistlzen
conceding that Mr. Kelso may possibly
be right in his ideas of the relationship
of charity and pauperism says:
"But obviously the question is not
thereby solved. The real problem ie to
ascertain the cause of those conditions
necessitating charity. Charity is im-
mediate relief and as snob .may be
abused, and undoubtedly is, but well
disposed persons oannot suspend their
kind offices to investigate aooiologioal
problems nor will they.
"Mr. Kelso advocates a well -thought -
oat and organized plan for providing
work for those in need, not •necessarily
high paid work, but with anfficient
remuneration to sustain life until more
permanent employment oan be abtaiued.
Under suoh a plan, provision would be
made for the infirm and siok.
"Mr. Kelso is facing a great problem
—one ages old and one that goes right
to the roots of oar civilization. Work
for all is the dream of some' of the most
earnest workers in the world. The
problem of why thousands starve while
others roll in plenty is pressing today as
it has pressed for centuries. It is the
solation of this problem that is the ideal
of the highest political science,"
The instinct of the hunting dog re-
cently detected a violation of the game
laws of Miohigan. A coffin was about
to be shipped from a railroad station in
upper Michigan, and the intending ship-
per having a death certificate signed by
a physician, was talking with the tioket
agent, and all was serene; when the
deputy game warden's dog came to a
"point" at the coffin, and presently
began to paw at the box. It was then
discovered there were 500 partridges in
that coffin. '
The peculiar properties of Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy have been thor-
oughly tested during epidemics of• in-
fluenza, and when it was taken in time
we have not heard of a single case of
pneumonia. Sold by all dealers.
One of those happyevents which
are always full of interest to young and
old, occurred on Wednesday, December
8th, at the Presbyterian Manse, Ripley,
when Mies Flora Cameron, daughter of
Donald Cameron, of Skye, Sootland,
was united in marriage with Mr. John
McDougall of non. 2, Kinloss.
The Railway Commission has made
an order requiring the companies to
provide shelter and other accommoda-
tion at the email stations.
Dr. Chase's Oint
went is a certain
and guaranteed
curoforeaeh and
every form of
i• w� itching, bleeding
and protrudin
piles. See testimonials la the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it aa;d
%et your money back if not satisfied. Dec, at all
sealers or JX)MAi•:S0N,13ArES & Co., Toronto.
A Frenchman nemed Marquee was
found dead in the Touehwood Hills,
near Marcelin, Sask. It is supposed his
load of logs toppled over on him.
Could Not Sleep
In The Dark.
Dootor Said Heart and
Nerves Were Responsible.
There is many a man and woman toss-
ing night after night upon a sleepless bed.
Their eyes do not close in the sweet and
refreshen; repose that comes to thoso
whose heart and nerves are right. Some
eoiistitutional dieturba.nce, worry or
des, .tzo has so debilitated and irritated
the nervous system, that it cannot be
Mrs. Calvin Stark, llossmore, Ont.,
writes: --"About two years ago I began
to be troubled with a smothering sense, -
tion at night, when I would lie down. I
got so bad I could not sleep in the dark,
and vonl;l have to sit up and rub my
li:ai'ae, they would become ea numb.
My do .or saxl any heart and nerves were
reaaotrailde. I saw Milburn's Heart and
Nerve 1't}s advertised and got A box to
try them,. I took three boxes and can
now lie down and sleep without the light
and c!en reet well. eau. recom-
linen 1 testa'highly to all nervous and ruts
down women."
Puce 50 cents per box or 3 for $1,25
at all daggers. or tulietl d►reet oil receipt
e pries, lw the T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Oat.
ibM Gude
quickly stops coughs cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - - - 25 cents.
A. quiet wedding took place in Gorrie
on Tnesday, December 14th, M 2 p. m.,
when Mrs. Gertrude Harwood, well and
favorably known in Gorrie and vicinity,
became the bride of Mr, Donald Mo.
Kenzie. As an evidence of how quiet
this event was kept, the editor, though
he had good ground for suspicion, did
not know until a few minutes before the
nuptial knot was tied when it was to
take place. The Rev. Mr. Dobson per-
formed the ceremony. The happy
couple left on the afternoon train for
Toronto and east on their honeymoon.
On their return they will reside in
Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
the prescription off one of the best Ye -
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels,and
wind polio. By giving health to• the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
Dente a bottle.
IT\NENLocal History of the early 80s.
TY YEARS AG°I Items from the "Times" Pyles. •
is made from selected spring wheat--- •
a wheat that is rich in nutriment. it:
is the whitest and finest flour made";
it makes fully one-third more bread°_
to the pound than any soft wheat
flour and is more dependable in every-
respect. 19,
Ogilvie Fleur Mills Co., ll' -:ted, Montreal..
(From the Tlonis of Deo. 20, 188:) ) having declined re-engagement for an-•
other year, intend leaving; town., Miss •
Smith on Friday and Miss Gatley, after -
the Christmas holidays.
Mr. T. E. Bowles, for some time a
member of the firm of Bowles & Hisooks,
left town on Monday for Orangeville,,
where he goes into basin(ss.
The earnivel on Thursday last, at the''
roller rink, was a grand success. The,
p-iz,,a were awarded es follows: Gents
—R afoOlymont, for best oomio Dost
tame; John Angus, beat costume; G.
MoOlyinoat, beet character costume.
Ladies—Mies Mand Fleuty, beet comic
costume; Miss Kerr, best character.'
Mr. J. R. Reynolds has socepted a
position with Messrs. Bowles &
Bell's Factory Band made their first
appearance on Thursday evening of last
week, at the oarnival in the roller rink.
The boys made a fine appearance and
play well. ,
Win. McGuire died suddenly at his
home in Ripley, on December llth. He
was born in Ireland on May let, 1830.
He name with his parents to lower Oan-
ada when five years of age. Some years
afterwards he move to Hastings county,
where he married Jennet McGillivray
in the year 1865. In tbo year 1869 he
moved to Huron township, and met the
struggles incident to pioneer life with a
determination to carve out a home for
himself and family. About ten years
ago he retired from the farm and moved
to Ripley, where he resided till the day
of his death.
P. W. Diebn was found guilty at
Chatham of having robbed a Sovereign
Bank messenger of over fifteen hundred
dollars by "switching" valises.
If you are aaffering from biliousness,
constipation, indigestion, chronio head-
ache, invest one eent in a postal card,
send to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des
Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad-
dress plainly on the back, and they will
forward you a free sample of Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold
by all dealers.
Earl Grey thinks that the greatest
question before the Canadian people
is how to make country life more at-
tractive, and that "Back to the Land,"
is the slogan tbnt should be tlounded
on all oeoasiont, But that's jest the
trouble, there are far too many young
people turning their back to the
(quick returns
Honest Assortment
Correct Market Prices Paid
for all kinds of
Send your oolleetions tO
ItarA.l.1oH6o 173.3
The Leader in the world's
Pur Trade.
134 et 13b rkIThI Street, Matfett.
Our 1909.1910 PRICE LIST FREE
for the asking
egn PAY eietantenS CHARMS
Mr. John' Martin, of the Bruns nils
has leased the hall over Mr. O. E Win
hams' drug store, and will fit it up and
remove the billiard tables to it that are
.now in the Brunswick. I costume.
The following are the officers of Municipal matters keep very quiet in
Lebanon Chapter, No. 84, R. A. M„ for town. Mayor Molndoo le a candidate
the ensuing year: B. Wilson, Z.; E L. for another term, with the prospect of''
Dickinson, H„ C. E. Williams, J.; J. being elected by at,clamatien. Messrs.
Neelande, Treas.; W. E. Groves, S. E.; ( Thos. Gregory and John Hanna are the
H. W. O. Meyer, S, N ; T. Bell, P. S ;
J. Plenty, Jan. -
Misses M. Oatl ey and Bell Smith, of
the teaching staff of the publio school,
Made the Blood Rich and Teed.
Miss Cynthia Hutchison, Hanceville,
B. C., writes: "My system was so com-
pletely ran down that my friends ae
well as myself thought I could never
get better. All medicines failed to help
me, A trial of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
benefitted me and at the end of a month
people soarooly'knew me I had improved
so much. The blood Was enriohed,
Dolor improved, new flesh was added
and I got strong and well."
Profoundly Interesting to the Scien-
tist, From Every Point of View.
Strangely, weirdly fascinating is
Pompeii. Its narrow streets, so many
centuries ago gay with the life of a
Roman pleasure resort, to -day echo
to the sound of footsteps, so that
one instinctively treads quietly, as
in a place of mystery. But a little
imagination is needed to picture this
haunted city as it was when the aris-
tocrats of. Rome, including the great
Cicero, occupied villas in its suburbs;
when it was famed as a place
trade, and a community of wealth
and luxury. One thinks always of
udnderof the blest of skies ine in l�emenwhen
women danced and feasted and there
were only the sounds of laughter and
singing. An English artist, however,
contrary to custom, has sought to
show us that Pompeii was much like
other cities—like cities of to -day for
that matter, and that it was not un-
acquainted with the dreariness of
• rain and deserted streets.
The artist's conception, is described
freely by Pierre Gusman, who says :
"Besides the footways there ran a
stream which collected the water
from the andtan yards
and fell into kitchens a gutterthe beneath the
footways. A great deal o$ refuse must
have fallen into the stream, but this
difficulty was met by an abundant
supply of water all along the footway
from aqueducts now destroyed. It
was carried by numerous leaden pipes
(on many of which may still be read
the Claudii'jethe of
intosto eaorrmarble foun-
tains. From these fountains the wat-
er ran in all directions, Bushing
street and falling itt last into large
openings beneath the footway or at
the end of streets, ending in a cute
de -sac.' There was a very good water
supply for domestic purposes, and
every house had its own tap. It
would arena, however, thathe
must have been ol'1iged to
wade ankle-deep in mud, even on a
fine day, when they crossed the road.
But this was not the ease. At once
indolent and practical, the citizens
avoided this discomfort by laying
down one, two or three fiat stepping
stones at the same height as the
footway at equal distances from one
another. In many streetsthe heavy
antique chariots, passing e
over the same track, have worn ruts
in the flagstones deeper than those
that a cart loaded with. hay would
maize in a plowedii
e .
Overwhelmed in one brief day over
1,800 years ago by a terrific eruption
of Vesuvius, for centuries Pompeii's
site of tic) eityviorgottenie vAttylen th
"This cheese is full of holes," pro•
tested the young housewife. "Yes,
ma'am," rejoined the grocer's boy.
"It needs a lot of ventilation."
..._._�,� ami
One (armor in Carrick last was
marketed $75 worth of dried Apples.
The apples were all prepared within the
peat month by his wife land daughter
during their spare home. This shows
what a little Delta exertion will do on
the farm.
A dairyman over in Michigan, says
an exchange, found that his cows were
returning him $40 per your for $28
worth of feed. He began to study the
situation, which led him to a change
of methods, More palatable foods were
provided, a silo was built, he grew corn
for fodder and silage, and fed his Dow`s
regtilerly and all they would eat. The
cost of feed increased the first year to
$38 47, to $39 the next and to $41 the
last year, bat hie teturne had oleo in•
creased proportionately, $90.10 per ow
$100,16thelastyear. , CLINTON, ONT.
the Bret year, $93.70 the second year and
Wanted as machine .
operators and for
other factory work.
Good wages and
steady employment.
Write us.
candidates for the Reeveship and Mr.
(leo. McKenzie is the• only one we have
heard of as being in the field for Deputy -
in 1689 some strange ruins were no.
t tired, brit not until 1755 were any ex-,
cavations made. The difficulty in,
:discoveringincreasethe d byrthe e position
whs hrey produced by the fearfnli
which were
convulsion. The River Sarrras wase'
'hurled back from its former course
and the sea beach raised to a con-
, siderable height, so that the town to
:which merchantmen resorted of old
is now _a mile from the coast and a
considerable distance from the stream
that in ancient times skirted its
'walls. People in ge2.. ral know •licca,
the task of excavation has progressed,
leuetrl to -day one-third of the entire
city is exposed. Valuable pieces of
;` architecture anal sculpture have bend
►found and as a whole the work is of
`the prooloundest interest to scientists!
and scholars the world over.
11E net proceeds from stamps sold
will be used for the extension of
the work of the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives. The avail-
able beds were trebled as the result of.
last year's Stamp Campaign.
Not a single patient has ever boon
refused admission to the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives because of
his or her inability to pay.
If not on sale in your town, write.
J. 5, ROiWAITsbtt, Sec.-Treas. National
Sanitariut,r Association, 317 Mug St.
`"V•., Toronto. All information tarn-
ished nod tannins mailed promptly Du.
receipt of order.
e .• -