HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-23, Page 5Neckwear For Christmas Gifts. Only eight more days in which to do your Christmas Shopping. Do it now. One ,of the most popular articles for a Christmas gift to a gentleman is a Necktie, We have posi- tively the largest assormentever shown here, and you will have no diffi- culty making a choice, NECKTIES -••Four-in-Hand, Bat Wings, Strings, Bows, Tecks, Hook-On's, Ascots, Puffs, etc., etc., NECK SCARFS. -Padded styles, Handker- chief Style, Motor Style, Muffler, etc. We have made special mention of Neckwear, but we have numerous other lines equally as suitable. Such as SHIRTS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPEND- ERS, GARTERS, ARMBANDS, SWEATERS, SWEATER COATS, HOUSE JACKETS, SLIPPERS, UMBRELLAS, SUIT CASES, HATS, FUR CAPS, FUR COLLARS, etc. 10110.00000000 111110•111•1011•11=111•0110•1.11.110 Do your buying early, while the assortment in each line is complete. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. • 1 1 44+++++4++++++++++++++++++ •+++++4.4444+++++44+444444 •D. DELL'S 4 IMusic + Emporiumi j 44+4++444+4+♦+44444.4+444 ;4, We keep all the latest Music, as well as Musical Instruments' + consisting of + e MOUTH ORGANS, CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, t ACCORDEONS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS, Z TALKING MACHINES, ORCANS and PIANOS. Z + Parties desirous of making a Christmas or New Year's gift will Z find one of the above instruments very suitable. Remember, there is no risk at all in buying here. If the machine or instrument is not all + we claim for it, or is. not satisfactory to you in every respeet, you may 4 II return it to us, and we will refund your money. throughout, and will satisfy the most exacting musician, besides being Z Every instrument and machine strictly high grade and artistic Z an object of beauty and design. + t Two Large warerooms, and an immense stock to choose from, ♦ AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. +4444444++4444++44+++444 4 ♦ D •. BELL L L4 • ♦• 4,.., i 4 • 4 • Opposite Skating Rink ' - - WINGHAM, ONT. 44444444444444.444.41;4444 444♦♦44+0+44♦444.444+44444. vyvyyvvvYVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVv yvvvvvvvvvVvVVVVVVVWeAVVVV. 4• Christmas• . New Year's R KNOX } New St�re-m=New Goods t4 W:c rcx1UA 4 TIMER, DX0raf3tVi f i,Vu, Oatmeal exohauged for oats. FRANK R HOWSON, Wiugbam. The annual Christmm tree and enter- tainment of Knox Church Sabbath school will be held in the I+'orestere' Hall, on Friday evening. Deoember 24th, The program will consist of ohoraaee, solos, quartettes, • recitations, dialogues, eto The program will Dom• menoe eA 8 o'clock and the admieafen is 15o,; children 10o. The public oordiaily invited, W EST w•AWANosH. ' Another of the pioneer residents pees - ed away on Saturday lset, when Vt. Jeremiah Foran was called to the Great Beyond. Mr. Foran ' suffered frbm a' stroke of paralysis aome•motiths ago atld' had gradually sank 'until the arid oame Deceased wee held in high eatoem 1n'the community and tie bereaved relatives will have the sympathy ofthe commun- ity in their affliction. The funeral to the St, Augustine nemetery on Monday morning was largely attended. auLItosS. Mr, A. J, Moir of ktatwlstie, Alta., is paying his annual visit to his formol; hpme, oqn. 1, Oulre ns, , Mr. Geo, Grenaolie . lac rented iiia farm to Meagre, John and Noble. Quest,. who oame frolp near Kinlopgb,• The. lease is to run for Ave :nate. On the first day of the month there died at Radisson, Seek. •Mrso. Wm. Scott, widow of the; late Wm. Soott; who for many years was Reeve of Our, rose, and who died on the 19th of March last. Mrs, Scott was aged 74, within a few weess of the age of her Iwaband when he passed`awaY. ' THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Christmas Presents i. Baying moved into a larger store opposite the Brunswick } Hotel, we have a larger stock than ever to choose from. Call and see our large and new stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. i >w Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty I .,, ,, ,I Atter a trying esparienos with itrio- lure of the ti3s3ph%gas, oevering 1'. years, Mrs 4ed .MoTaggart, loth con., 'paes3d psaiefai y:, swat en Monday night, Dao. 13th;' in her 37th year. It was fondly 'loped that by ae,dical opera- tion Said Ointment -the ailment might be overoome,, but the results deaired ware net secured, outside of temporary relict, awlfor emus menthe she received nourishment through a tube to the etonaoh ag'ahe could not swallow food. Deeeneed was the aeoond danghtgr .of iitollell. of LggauSpwnship, and was married to'her now bereft `partner on •December' 813th, 1900,;' She rrlade' a model,wife,"ipdnatriOae, t1dx,Ana kindly 4A4 trier s;naerely:regretted' 1:n 'addition -to Mr; Mogaggsrt; 'three tittle sous are .left) ••Mrs..'UoTdixgart was a faithful inembIr ,of Presbyterian Church at Gfanbtoo$. `' ' `I �f '. )f,n Wm, M4nuing, of Pilot ;Mound Manitoba, Is vYsltina hte " brother, Edward Manning at the home of B. Mason. Blyth. The visitor formerly lived at Londeaboro' sOwipg ;to ,the spriops_Alinesa ofher t ,other, Mre. White, ;>lIre, ,Spofford, of Plyth, , was ,called 40 innerkip., The old iady.,,had.a,;stroke of paralysis, and at her advanced age of ever three score and ten the probabilities of recovery are not reasiinring,.; . •. - Reeve. Milne has:, been t .member of Blyth Ooanoilfor 16Fo00eeo110v° years, 3 of which he has been Reeve. He has only had one aoolamation. • He takes a great interest in the afraire of the town but whether' he will accept domination agaia`or net we have not heard', St. Andrew's'= lie* 'manse is nearly ready for obobpatien. L. Hill, ' the oontraetor,`haadotie a good job and will.,haye;it completed close to contract tune, •.Fj'arpgoe, bathroom, eleotrio light and gther modern oonvenienoes will„makeait a very,,00mfcrtable-home, Rev,..; and. ,Mrs, Small will probably tape poseeaeloa by the entry of theuew year . •, • wfITE'O13illtOU Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FiiAxi ' R. HOWSON, Wingham... The following is from the Toronto World of Friday. dated from Neyv"Sv ork;,; Deo. 16:—"Although' he tell " eleven storeys from a sky seraper,at 848 Seven= th Avenue to -day, Thos` bhamplon, aged 49, an iron worker, was able td give his name and address„ and oonverae with fellow•employeee' whilewaiting, for an ambulanoe. It'was'thought he would recover, but be died two hours later. Not a bone was broken;' hove,- ever.” owever." Mr. Champion wasa Wawanoah boy and had been in Nev York 'for some sixteen years. He watt 'an uncle of Mr. R. Paterson, of this village. • '• R. KNO Jeweler One door north of 1 ing's. and Stationer Opposite Bruniiwiok Betel, WESTFIELp. , David Ramsey attended the, funeral of his uncle at Guelph and also attended the show. Mr. and Mrs, A, Hardesty. and Mr., J. H. McClinton attended the Guelph fat stook show. Geo. Jefferson has been re-engaged tor' the coming year in S. S. No. 13, East' Wawanosh, where he has'tanght'for the past two years. Raymond Redmond has re-engaged in the school near Teeswater, where he has been teaching for some time, until next midsummer, at a eatery of $560 per ann>im. CR.ANBROOE. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK R. Howson, Winghain. Sunday, Deo. 121h, Valentine Gramm, who hag been a well known resident of this locality for the past 35 years, paid Nature's debt at the advanced age of 78 years. Deceased was born in Bram- hoffa, Germany, ooming to Waterloo Co., Ontario, in 1875, and for about 30 years ran the lime kiln doing a large business. Mrs. Gramm and 6 children survive, the latter being John and Jaoob and Misses Liza and Annie at home, Mrs. John Ritohie, of Galt and Mrs. Johns, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Gramm was a genial, industrious, honorable man, highly reepeoted by all who knew him. He belonged to the Lutheran church and was a Conservative in poli. ties Sympathy is extended to Mrs Gramm and family. MNl1 Lil1l_1IN�Nt�IMAA.l_AMA/4!' AMAAff hM�NMA _ . 3flATE A.LE. Mrs. W. Sanderson and her daughters have returned to Toronto. Mr, John Diment is visiting at his brother's, Ur. H. Diment. a,Rtev. W„ J. West, M. A, and Mr. A. Meager attended the meeting of Mait- land Prrebytery, Tuesday at Wingham. -Duff & Stewart have several teams drawing loge. 4,50 -cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion ,iyenla41i-€, doses four time s, a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near- ly a month, and four, bot- tles over, three months, and will make the •' baby strong-aiad,,;well: ,and will lay`,ythe,-foundat1Q1 for, :a healthy, . robust ...boy, , or gh-1. °. reit' $AI ' Bit' AEr, mtuoCis'1S - Send 10e., pante of paperand this ed, •for ' our beautiful Savings Bahl and child'S"Sketelt- Bunk' ' Raab" tank' contain$ aGood Luck:" 1enny.. • SCOTT $c ROWNE 12'6 wellinaton Street, West Toronto, Qpt. report thereon. A000unte were. ordered to ,be paid as follows:--Ieaao Brown, tile, $7 00; W. J,, Geddes, tile; work --'and inepeoting cement work, $11 50- R; El -Nicholson, guard fence at Sowmerville bridge, $31 30; Corporation of Blyth, hall rent, $7.50;,;B 5H":';Hwitton;: cervices as Medical ° Health Officer, ` $9 00; John Roger, engineer's services on several drains, $534.50; W. Fraser, tile and work on ditoh, $4 00; S. Vannorman, putting in tile, '$1.517; 'ih.- Duggan, damages through broken tile on road, $1.50; I+`, :Laidlaw,drawing and putting cement tile, $1.00, P.- McArthur, drawing andputting' in oement •tile, $3 50; D. 'Sommerville, filling 'hole at bridge, $1.00; J. O G.: Oampbell, ma- terial for filling at bridge,- $10.0(1 J. Richmond, drawing and putting ' in tile, $2 50; Mr. Kelly, drawing and put- ting in tile, $8;, Geo. Armstrong, dig, ging ditoh, 313; J. McElroy, township share of Wallace drain, $4,75; .Jno. Phelan, wood for eugine on_grader, ,$3; R. Wightman, gravel, $1.12; P. W. Tyerman, gravel, 49 cts. ; corporation of MoKillop, boundary 'account, • $5.40; Fraser & Logan, clay tile, $81.29; Geo. Dunlop, assistance on several duties, $36; W. Taylor, gravel, $4.55; D Witherspoon, balance bridge contract, $1,100; A, H McNeil, chimney on hall, 35.00; W. Miller, oil and oare of hall, 36.25; Ward &* Cronin, part payment on Rnseell,drain, $120; J, J. Mo0aughey, work on McElroy drain, $4; R. Craig, farm bridge Russell drain, $15; town- ship engineer to pay assistance on Mc- Call drain, $28; township engineer to pay assistance on Murray drain, $15; N. A Taylor, services as Reeve, $70; Jno. McCracken, councillor's fees, $55; O. B. Wilkinson, councillor's foes, $65; W. J. Johnston, conaoillor'e fees, $65; Jno, Shbrtreed, councillor's fees, $55; Jno. 'Cook, refund of statute labor tax,' the work being performed, $2 75; W. H. Kerr, balance printing contract, $20; Mrs. Wiley, remission of faxen, $470; A. Cantelon, remission of taxes, $1.78; W. Clark, salary and expenses, $135; A. Shaw, financial statement, $7; N. A. Taylor, finanoial statement, $2; R. Young, refund of engineer's oasts, $1, the same being placed on collector's roll. By-law No. 14, 1909, was duly read and passed. The council then adjourned. W. CLARK Clerk. Mr., and Dare James Robertson, of Boiesevain-, are spending the winter with friends here. Robert Musgrove and wife are spend- ing the winter in 'Toronto. Died in Huron on Dec. 10th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. Ken- nedy, Mrs, ,Tamen Smith, one of the pioneers of West Wawanosa. Deceased was born in the County of Tyrone, Ireland in 1821. In 1844 she was united in marriage to Mr. James Smith with whom bhe lived until his death in 1891. Sixty years ago they oame out to Canada and settled on lot 16, eon. 5, West Wa- wanoah; white the forest primeval yet stood, She lived there till two months ago. She was one of the oldest members of the Presbyterian Church, Dungannon . She is survived by four sons, three daughters, forty-seven grandchildren and forty great-grandchildren. The sons are, Hamilton and William of Wawanoah, Joseph, of Blnevale, and John H., of Turnberry. The daughters are, Mrs. T. Kennedy of Huron, Mrs. J. Nivene of Morris, and Mrs. T. Begley of Lnoknow. WROXETER. The late Mrs. McTavish, whose death was briefly recorded last week, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in 1848, and came to this country with her par- ents 52 years ago and settled with them in Paris, Ont. After about ten yearn residence there, they moved to Belmore, where she was united in marriage to Mr. J, S. McTavish forty years ago. After 87 years residence on their farm near Belmore, Mr. and Mrs. McTavish Dame 10 Wroxeter to live and took up reeidenoe} on Howiok avenue. The ds- oeared (Might a very severe cold two years ago this coming February from which she never recovered. She leaves a husband, three so :'g and one daughter ; John, James and Allan tit Tnrnberiy. and Ititibella, wife of David Walker, living near Fordwioh Few women leavti abetter history. She proved to be faithful wife, a true, loving, kind• hearted mother, and an ever Obliging neighbor. San died to peace with all men and with a hope beyond. The lose is deeply felt by pirwith whom eho was acquittal', land Pattioniarly ; "br her' eorrOwfng liasband, whri had the sym• pathy of all. She was a staunch mem- ber of the Presbyterian ehutoh, 11IORRIS. The Clonnoil met according to statute on Deo. 15th; members all present, the Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meeting read and passed, A oommnnioation was reoeived from Mr. Dadisy H,llmes, of Wingham, respecting a culvert at lot 6, con, 2. Moved by Mr. McCracken, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, that said culvert being ander temporary repair it is the intention of the council that the same should be put in a proper atate of repair, having a width of 8 feet, in the early part of next season.—Oarried. On motion of Johnston and Wilkin- son, the taxes of Mrs. Wiley and Arthur Oantelon were remitted. Petitions for the oonstraction of ,drains under the Municipal Drainage Aot were presented by R 8 Alcock and J. J. McCaughey. Said petitions were entertained and the clerk inatruoted to notify the Engineer to examine the localities of said drains and make his Established 1879 FOR WROOPING COUGH, CROUP. ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONfHfTIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Vaporized Cresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can• not exist where Cresolene is used. it nets directly on nose and throat, making breathing easy in the case of colds, soothes the sore throat and stops the cough. It is a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresolene is a powerful germicide, acting both as a Curative and a preventive to contagious diseases. Cresolene's best recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. For Oslo by All Druggists SendPostal for De- scriptive Booklet Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets, simple and soothing for the irritated throat, 10c. Leeming, Miles Co., Limited, Agents, Mon- treal, Canada. tee 1 i IH THE LEADING ` STORE fiSA RD° Headquarters fo r u Christmas Presents We buy in large quantities and get the Iowest prices. We sell at smallest margin of profit, making it to your advantage to buy your Christmas presents here. Come out in the evening. Store" open every night until ten o'clock. We will be pleased to show you through our stock. ,Just a few hints of Useful Presents For Ladies Fancy Belts, Silk Collars;' Silk Handkerchiefs, Hand :Bags, Finger Purses, Fancy Combs, 'Silk Waists Kid Gloves, Ice Wool Scarfs, Tray Cloths, :Laundry Bags, Fur Ruffs, Muff:, Fur -Lined Coats, Silk Umbrellas, For Men Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Ties. Cuff Buttons, Fancy Shirts, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fur Caps, Slippers, Fur Coats, Fur Mitts, Umbrellas, Leather Belts, Grocery Specials 4 40 New Raisins, new Currants, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Fancy Cakes, Fresh Figs and Dates. Candies of all kinds,. Bargains in Oranges and Lemons. 4 4 4 4 E. ISARD & C 4+++4++44+4+++44++4++4+•4+ •++++++++44+4+444+4+4+++++ • "Harlon Store Newsi 4p • 4• •+•`3 + • 4 s + • • • 4+•• 4• + + 4 + Z For Coughs—Take This Do you know a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one—Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take the place of a doctor. It is a doctor's aid. Made for the treatment of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J.C.AycrCo.,i.ofveu,Mass. one catitiet'tecover promptly if your bowels are constipated. Ayer's Pills are gam, lax- ative; act directly on the liver. Sold for nearly slaty years. Ask Your doctor all about • ♦ + Buy your Furs from the old reliable Fur House, where you will always get good satisfaction. We guarantee our Furs. 1 HAVE A LOOK ♦ 4 4. 4 + 4 4 LADIES'.—Fur-Lined Coats, Muffs, Ruffs, and • Stoles. MEN.—Coon Coats, Dog Coats, Fur Collars, Fur Caps. 4 4 4 ♦ • • + ♦ • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• •••• • • • • • A Special for Girls. • + 12 light high-class Tailored collars, reg. $i Lao for $8 39. 4 • • Have you made your Christmas cake? We have t. a good stock of Fresh Groceries—everything you require Who Wants to buy Christmas Presents ? For Gentlemen we have Fancy Mufflers, Gloves, Ties, Umbrellas, Fancy Shirts, etc. For Ladies we have Fancy Belts, Neckwear, Waists,",jabots, Handkerchiefs, etc. ,01.41 12 Boys' Overcoats On sale this week, all new, no old styles, college c Ilar, sale price $6.89 + + 4 Coats, with military 4+. + + + GROCERIES. + + I. for 3 our Christmas Baking, • WANTED.—Fowl, Potatoes, and Produce, + MMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI HANNA & C0.1 S 1 PHONE fie. .t00t+tt++ 4:0;4. +s's o +++♦++# 0+++444,+,+#•+t44,44+++.414.144*