HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-13, Page 3":77.Vr'-'77,7777.7‘
,Now:$14e.is Quite 'Siender
• X9r0.1fica4gthi.e44.'sylifti4i
.411,14fiure 41!-*A4t1i1).44..0,t§t?4,t tba
004.rst: fat 944.1(4g.*Ot' "41:144Wage..:• • It
::"..laal4A1Selteeper!'Writlf1", • 'Sbe.a4Y.4;,-,
*O;Yj WIlatWeifiht Wok,.
•bu Io.vas :very fet-a, 40004, to..
stilt:. nq-
J ha"Ve•-t.ekeiv.,,threet bottles. "pt,
•ilc.tv$cfie4, .P4104.• 044 4.0.* ain 94.4
endeVara, 5q; turned. ttrid,'peeple
• tal,F4 or 40. 4Q, '044 .F47044
of 143,'Se1f,„. Ten, ean take,' ftlrqtn„.olle..
,! that everY la; tOgIc
•a:00067ga la- 1.19t *ate,*"..01'07 4149.r41;
ing wr "need' three bottles New •
piy taltehalf a toagpeO4f4each
rning'...',1.:`a4a4,91:,reP0..14,41e447 the!
hen, Salts' :eilongh,. ter, they are
tbefr"..welPf•••i4 i4.10•":÷,(1gr•)'
. . , .
, •
PePple, 4:ve,14.404. visitia#
peen., Spas Whele' Waiere arle ree6g:
r.etlueln :refffict;"..-1.-e•ie
..c411e4 1:4e•.
' formula of Kruse:ben...represents.. the'
lagredient*a1ts'4"the mineral ,Waters
..frOni•...tbeee .fat,faofed :Spas.. Taese
• .seits Cerebet, the Cause, Of fat byessiSt•
hig the internal • organs• to :,pertorm
their funttlena•-proPerly--40 threw Ott,
..pelsona, ch, if • fi1l47,red:.,te
It:. We, lie• -•Converted
.7 r-hetnistry Into fatty. tisane.: •
.7 OPlfballa Were first made witliterSe,
•; itide,caseil•stuffed with 'feathers:•,
,providing Policemen t� de. duty „it
pie.eadilly.-xirene. costa,. 5pi000 a Year
,Frowning.,eauses wiinkles, because
It.Igings. into ,play,sdrne 'fifty muscles.
the. face. - '-• •-
_Pilfering, is sat to have, caused the
. . C�
. .
Soitth Wales Coal industry, a lois of
•. , • • .
." • 11;250,000 ladt• year.: . ',•. •
• .• 'Auden has 155,000, lonely peOple, .Of.
• homes
. ,
' debraiencnie. is Only 'fatal. if inject-
d,'Int.e. the bleed ;stream; 1t is quite
liarMleSs,. Whew isWaIlowed. •
Register office,MarriageskroW more
• popular •iii.the'• KingdOni ,everY
Oar. There Were 1.90,000 -pita “unid,ps.
In 1932: • • • . •
•• r_or.....,Mote:_thanvett,yeara-Aut"an ,-
Diglancya.O.malleOt•coutity,,Iles.lied flO
civil basee,OrPrisenera for. trial it(het...
, Rheumatism Is responsible ,for.45,46
, deaths a year In, qtpritale:
tPrinted %weather fOreeatti; for ..the
• next. ,twentY-four hours Ill :be 'sup;
plied by ,autemittie machines ie.:be in7
:stalled'in Frankfurt,. GermanY:. •, • •
„ .• • . . • ,• ,
, ,..In an 0.-to.fclate factory, shoes go
'through as' many. ai.1.20 different oper-.
, „Miens,' and..are' Worked on. -Or; habdied,
.nkaay Offeretit.peopla:
• 'Five , the Chilr,Ch..',efro•England
biehdPs are bachelors : They are the.
••• .131i.h.ons'r, et -London, ,Wincbesteri.•
ford Salisbury and, Truro. : '
Deg • licences :bieught. •in.a, revenue
of nearly 7$500,000 in 'London alone in a
recent,. year. There,aresehOld, 20'000
dogs altogether In England .1
• '.13,Vi1ding sooleties are estimateCte
have 'Prelikleit. 42o0,0p0.,:0o0 (lilting. the
pist tWenty:Years • te'' hnild hbuses in
• LOnden and the south' .of. England...
• • •
ILES.. Ill,
1.79111/tP9Nitl course, ,that cluP tq
economte venditions, 'the Mississippi
• river. has tor sone time past. been:run-
• nineenly twice ,a week, and now it is
inniored tbat•be,Canee of the falling off
in Marriage. liCenses, &,agera Falls will
• he shut anwn'inntil hniineSS picksup.
•Shy ,`Orie-=•-•"1 think marriages are
made in Ileavendon't Yeurr ,
Impatient •one="Well,. if all Men
,t0161k as long' to, propbse as you $19.4
mese of them'. would lia-e to be." • :
Last SuMiner, Qle anifj'er!..W11.4re.'
mriritelf-ahhe---gaine, went': 'its; t
Strangely , enOugh, they 'happened to,
• .hit ,e good spot and. hauled in quite a
'hunch or whoppers. • . '• •
• Ole (ea 'they proceeded to up
'the anchor) -"y '3•Teedas.fine nahl41g.
,heleHlaeT ;nark 040 Plage', laAt 04417
• heel; toitiereqw.I.," •' .
_ben.as thei neei:•edi, the. shore,161.0.
• ' Qle7;•"Did yeti, iner.l=:'-dasplace•Where
ve. caught d,ese Affhr „. •
, .
3etts=4:'You bet. • .cross
,Marit'on de dicle"da.hoitt..°
• 'hew do .you
know We'll get da's•same heat :to-por:
, To reeCh :the heart Of' ethers, sneak
and aet froni yenroWn.'
- .
20UtAirivate .Stetisticiait report's that.
Otis with steady 16b,e Scored. :remarh-
**,high•mattircioniallY during .the re-
cent leap ,years • • '
• . • . ,
- 'An grieltetiMan,". a Sect, and An
IrishMen • -apPe'are:cl..at a polfce-ceurt
felioviing a:night. out: Addresaink the
"Iiow• do ydu feei?" • •
.."Awfulr.,sit," • • .
. We11,take. Seven .daY.S•'7 rest."..• • •
And then to.,the 'Scot: '••lIow de you
leelr...• •
•„ •
• ."Seven. dayto .eoey ypiir: ardour.” .
•. ' And' then te 'the •Iiishnien: "Ikow' 40,
-.TOW fgeir- • , '
• "re, jiist 'like a, Piece of elashtic."
"What do you 'mean bythat?"
"Well,' I • knoW fer,,astretch,
but I.don'illEn'Ow the lingth Yet." ' '
. 12 •
tt 62
rmiTirbarr nrryKrrrrr.0-,..rrrrerr
-arta cuts the:CPO'
.1-lorlzontar City,
. ••
fiart of
• 1,1 --To go te: bed
1.5.-Part.of 'to be"
'- 16-Ends44at,tpliiral)
. • •-•
• d.91'Ktialcai Deter-•
1.--Anglo-Saien money 50 -Ancient American , • •
race •
bate •
..---Greek fetter • '
5 -Exists
56, --kind of 'Wool
59= -Run god .
'61 -Fright
:65-dreat. depths of
. • .
• ocean- (pl.)
,fo'r "and"
• Vertleal
21 -Eager ' • , .
'i -True -hearted. '
• ;
20-4,..Tnit. of energy (Pi.)
• 28.--7Nothing'
29-Qrder, •
:.31---C1Oth:meaSue (p1!)
• 36, --Erodes
45: -Obscure„: .
• 4 7.--C In
. ' •
S1:iorteiied. •
ti -Space
'unite •
• . .
.64 -,--Tp squirm, •
7 --•--Electrified particle
• /3-Irishparlianient
9 -Type itH.
_ . ..
1,0et beck
• 12-PrOrioun
14--,Man'a: name :
•'2;l -'-Type measure
'.24-Prorioun • .,s' - • •
• 25-Ca1edonian '
:.,27.•ffEr1dge Seore-, •
3Q -.Tour
• 32-7-IleaVen1y body .
37 -1 -To dam, '
387-7-Coneede. as, true. •
' •
:• 44 -To act
• 461?ossessive •pronoun
537 -,-Chimney carbon. .
• 58--:-ToWere
• -
• 62-4111sica.1 tiPtel
Brit's -food inPplY
:•.eater. ,'.0111, Of stinie 136;00 -samples
icated• lest:year byaats; :only .4.5
per •:cent. were . -shown to be below
attinderd'or Mdtilterated: • ••
• " Sogreat Is the increase. of .the nuni
•her of'bison1a the OffiCial. game SeiteV•
, Inary_in.:Oanade.„, .that 1 0O of these
*nnna1 were reCentlyelaughtered.
• ' an.d .their !leak sold for feet •
Supplies', for Post pthce
are bought • in enorniatis quantiti'ea,;
Ittit Yearl.s...ptireliaSeS4ncluding.500;00,0
yards., ef 'Cloth for tinifornia, ete„
000,,Yards of 'canvas :for. niailb0Sotind!
• : boo: tOls di string.; •, •
:.••BOy older brotlierhadjust
.,tinished,. a ' course • in inedleine)•-•'-,-"I
'hnow. • ,Ii"s infOrination:on the brain."
(optimistipally)--"fIew. long
gen' le take ft; MI:IV:the' subway?"'
• Engineer -"Eight
•.Drunk -'Eight year! • (hic)••:, "ell
With ,it, • a't01c1.?'
. .
Edith- Did you see those pink.
bioeniers :we:joie; Passed?", ••• . •
JaCk (eic?ildlYI-i`Wliere.9'Where?"'
, "Dad,"•!,Saiel. lIttie Toniniy, "teaCher
tolti. if.S-t_iliat" the .elive braneh•IS the
emblem:of peace. . 'Whet, Is •the
'item of '
urki h Chief Diapleased.
At Deputy's Arabic' Name
• -• Adana? Turkey.-Turks.livibg :conk
the path of ktistaphe Xenial's whiiI
• - • ,
:Wind perVnal: inspection ,trip of the
,700.-Mile-An'Hour Wind
,In 'English Tunnel.
• The newly constructed "tunnel at
ft.ei Natona1 Phyicia1 LaberatorY;
Teddington, 'near Lenden,,-Wilf pro-
duce a wind with.`'a velocity of .• 700
henr;.thereby,,beating nature;
.Who ecord
tunnel is not entirely for aviation ex.:
.perinientatiori, Mit 1,ta gain irripei.tant
,•,,imprevenienta in; the range: and :Etc,
•curacy of shell and,- rifle. fire. :
When the bleat of .ir
'is tUrned:ori it will 'exert,for twenty
•minutes a'pressure 'of 5,000.- tens on
the giant castings. at both 'ends., The
h:ghest yel.ocity recorded el a project-
ile is Under 700 miles. an -:hour, se•the
'neW tunnel- wilt:render it possible for
the firs:Clic-lie 'for wind resistance to.
be 'measured at'speeds.elosely 'aPproxi-,
• mating' to theAiglieit muzzle veloci-
ties ebtainable, "
As a result, research ;wenkers will
be ,able t obtain; exact. data on the
relative merits of. projeetiles° con-
structed with various Modifications to
'e:•:stings standard' shapes.'
•'Instead of elaborate and Costly, UXI
fire trials with, projeetiles; th^ Whole
work will be,perfiirmed in the labera-
stork:: The air Will rush past the shell
:instead of 'the shell rtishing"Ahrough
• • PhYsicians will testify to' the' fact
"that thons,ands et •their, patients, by
indulging an insatiable appetite, haye
eaten,. theinselvea into ' au untlinely
grave.. Perhaps:iit.,*;;as UiJoght
that 'concerned the old. colored Wornant
In the ;story. • This •corer:ed. 'thammY
• ,viewed N'i/ith ;misgivings • the great
amount of Sugkr. cane; being eaten by
• bei six:year-old grandson,' E.ven.ttially.
• She warned tha boy: ain't Ah:
(Ririe yo' time' an" agin dat "Yotre-
,eatin':".top much cane? Dont yo?
know cbtle dat.caire Jellied Abel?
...London pepirtment Store.
Has Successful •Book Week
. , . ,
.1.4ity.1011.,-1.0,rrod4, , 4.0ndon's lead-
ing., department st9re,,had.. for the
first t1n,,a .Rbok Week ,this 'month,
With' apPOrances ,by leading' 13ritisli
".s,tithars ,and schrie. Intrictte. writers,
ctuntry, .have learned an 'aiiSwer to Sokre4t • all
. . • . . ..
' Sbakespeare'a 'querY Ariel:It...tan-les.. - : I'•sa-leg.. reetreds 'were -beelren in -the
• ..,' The GliaZi.'S,triO vvas'fillideimenfally bli?Olt departinent •anti-litgenfi order
an Owlet* iiirveyi. Mit , he did, net , :sent ...to •piiblbillerg., foe. ..,,fuetber ;037
,forget' hie , passion' for making' all pbes••:‘
' "'Nib 84110,5' , slieWed Atha , the :pub -
IS -hungry •fei :iook.,q;"..deelareilr.a• .
d1rect:6,v el.' th0' Stere,-•• ,'15.60p107 -are:
...tea:ding' niore......., They. ate ,ttitning• to
-books as tt "cenifert , and•.,recreation,,
niter\Ahelitistio' and strenuous' aatiVi-
tY , Of the •W`orkIng day, .. ...,4'
" alltiiett: Pravicau and Steplien;e who
. Ai -JD -000i. Cti -the. :opening day, -were
Advertising Attracts :kept liti8.y'...fer. two liptirS entegranTh.
ing etiPieS et their , bOOlt0.. , Other
,TOttriiti' to. Wiles. ritatio6 ‘0.0,01.0.f)ep,iO4.*:61,9 '.34tion.
, . lirmooto-.. .,..w...areg;. ',.(j;,. t;finti6tiiio qra.-n, ,Yatit.'..,atirt .:Cara.,0Ortterf,, -Al, 3,
,. . . .
LIToWii".finpreveni'ent-Assoclationica--ab----1.--1'.6-6-tk--"k''.."1" di'6.riitl'It': d'Arm:litnnt'
ottoratioe.wit.4,tito COIWYn. Pe? •Ad- abd.' Welle.r-Wilid".6117T—'--44
• • vertisieg, Astiociatitni la.. a .eattittign•.
,_,,, _ ,,• , -
'to advertise their'. eetineutitliii, iolatt, 'The hair of MISS • Geraldine Nieh0,
te the pres4' and ,,ether' Medifithij,..,. Highland, VhiniiPle' .'0Vern, EngIithd,',,,
.r the 'tIebiSitit folloWs ,n ,repeilt. tin,- 'Whieli nleakiiied itte, feet.- And' tili.A.,
:Adv. 0'00 4%.1A,,,tteet,,. Iatfanip,:thetP-llebtOtti.44,44.1,14.11044.4"r:-.,,'!41,rqt,-.4-'.:'-:-,.---
,...-0,... --"7"'""---.- • •
. t1444q1lelliliz, '
laiel'ii5ing fiehtltile.ei kfibilii"iiraiinrg' ...',' :4-•"'•4•"'"'.'.' T. ''Ilt67Ciiir
.. , , • ` ' ' ' 'Verill5 • Utoll'e • Peliibie tit kti,
, POtth Wille14130611: Old (116 rial"i'llitY . The, l'Int.::voildtiet,..it.ine•ii.,cati. ado6t--- , ' .,„ • . , ' " 4 . .1.0i
:7 1:644.0•11.g. kA'ObeCtiti. tih' 'itail. .111(10ti8"'. Hi tlitq• which ,gellia hlin :the tateelit'OC - '6itti 'fil 11//61t.'" at
.*614t. i‘a`tei' "V"
' 'IftWttf "661. ‘;*kitth'.4 14° : Y64i : bSi '0' otheeS, withotit devil:Vint ..hitn -et' hil,....14664'..6.1814.?1)k. ..0i6t :406 Det':1
.. ler. dent eir.er., tha ;-.peo.viet,Ts., Yea:r# , null; ,....vilii.ud, - " .,,. ......,....,...1. ,.*: k011e ' iiiiitted keuiplete '
t •
•,t.he air,.
• The, chief •• directions in:: which, My:
prevenient inay he expected. are ,in'
dreaSed. range In the ea:se Of shellfire
'and greater' resi Stance .to .. 'drift," :due'
sideveays Wind, in 'the ease of
rifle fire; : • •• . •• .
In. the latter case, it will be pos7
• sible to' reprodnee the cffect Of a lat-
eral wind of any desired strength by
placing the, bullet • test,ed •11,t: a
snin1I' angle te the 713,0-yrin,s:an,hoilr
; • . .
:It is.liope. alone 'which Purifies ; to he
without hoPe la to be •tvititoitt, ood. In
the wer,ld,-Y,..D.'Nfauricej
• :Tlre ivoildtfs all gate,
stringiof lension•waiting to •lie'
tbhi Tilrldshe
Alec-TU.4 the :Adana tteputy, ,Zenur
' Be,', -1107a Kemal- teid hinc",'that he
the '•Ar4e . sound of hia
tame ,and bade .hini hange1t1 at once
• to the. Ttirkish ferni of Darnar.BeY.`
,Zainir,ran with his birth eerticate
• io the, City Hall en,c.1 cattle keel; Daniar,
• 110 Blood Transfusions
• • Answer's': to' V.Ost - Week Puzzle
•A S* • • M.
• A R..• A :Ft A.
B Y.S.A S P.01Po
g.mo I" E -R T- IT- R-
/A D 0,:r 0
/7 10 E RE N ,TME
A T',e'S A .•C- •%;,E RI
• P1 i
A ,P E " S L. E Y E‘ N
N 1.1( 20c
First Internal Air -Service.
-TO' Start in United. Kingdom
. „
Arst, Cem,panY•ferm,-,
ed in the United Kingdom to operate:
,aa internal -ale. service -camp Into, be,
(rig' dn registrati.O.n.
of Higbland Airwayi,"Limited, -which
obtained 'COMmerCial.•,tly.ing right's ••in+
Northern Seetland, ;• • '
• • Planes:. of .the ''COrapanyy 'which
'will start Its' Seryice on •1‘,1ay. 5, *41.
fly 'between' Inverness, 'points 'in the:
,fit north ofScotland •and the Orkney"
hila.ncls',"r'. •carrying • paseeligers,
bUsiness --nte,n, :may lenve., In-
Verneksr In the •-tiorning,, *bit
• Oritneys • .and..j.etern 'the. evening 'of
rth' P.,reOent., e'r".11;
• The • distanee, between • :ItiVetnees'
and, Kirkwall,.• the. Orinel,Pal town in
the Orkneys, Drkneys,;:' is about Os. ,
. ,
BabY. , .rn .�i PacificLiner
• . Liverpeol.TWO.:babiet:•ivere,„•bern
,•In, the Pacific
• arrit14. fr?in a." 4,1".1:00Iri11e•vOyage,'from,
North:. Citioline Exectitive
Serves TaivrifWithatit' Pay
• paryshtirg, towp
:long ;age decided • that, • mu niei pai. el 007
tione were a.,iVeStetiii '..extreiraganee,
and. nOW boasts of the greatest
Cal•tligarehy. in the: linifed:States.
7.. Nineteen, , years ego Mayor W111 .
JOyuerwas elected to '.pffiee for, ,the.
usual : term of ...twe years:' When his
term: Was Mearin ran ,end, Peeple began
. to talk abmit tho appreaching aleetion;
:hut Mayor-,leyney argued them out of
014.• • .• :••
, "Why :bare aneleetion?
..,„. , •
."Aren't ;things ., going en • all right?
-Why ,not let the. preint atifitinistra-
tion.•continue lil power? .• As,: long e.g.
'things are going 'aiong...ell „right •tliere
. is. n� need 'for; nil the expense • of ,an
eleCtiorr every: i'wo • Year. , it :looks to
Me like, a deliberateWste of •moneY...
• Th1s,s0Unded S'ensilfle to'. the cftizene,
.and- the few' Alnermeti
eentinued.to sere Ili tinio some of
„the -A.iderreen died, •rnoVcd awayorre-
sigiied, and Mayor:.,Joyher,-an-pointed.
Oth,ers. to take their. Vlacee.,
' .7:h0 lVlayer'S job •carries '0O salary,
• •
yiparals'. e. •••• '
•he firSt weighed Only: three pounds
at birth', \and: Its life, was saved by"raeini-O:f a iiikhalbflabrieatedliitri-
riedly froth an old- sugar box, '
'The irienbater:4 made hy qpip4, 'the
darpenter, had a glass top, and 'wee
kelit at -a,..iPontAtt temperatUre from
...tha,trepies.ei Santander, Spaiu, Where
he baby 'Was' -landed. The tilfant
via:s fed With, milk from a, fountain
Aiep .
.„ . .
004%ter ,witit alrrnsis th: make
Only a temporary conquest; te conquer
he w'orld br earnIng Its 'esteem. is a
permanent conquest. - Woothow Wil-
,Operated ter tin) tenon -of ProdnC,Oefi
:A.Writo f or 'Partieulans.
. CO. -X•',1' ..,• TOILON 0 ;
•,IVake up .yout Liver Bite':
...,.• -NO 'Calomel necessary
•, ,..man .people, who feel eour, 'sluggish: ihtl ••
•geeral • wretched makirthemitake of taking
•salts, o , mhieral writer, laxative onncly” or
• ' chewing .gum, or, roughage- which only move ,
, the •bowels and; ignore the liver. .
•. 1,,V1at you need15 to wake up your liver
'. 'bile., Start your ,liver yourirtg. the (lady; two ,
pounde of liquid bile intti,•yom• •bowels.,. 'Get .
, your stomaoh,anci intestines working -as' they °
should,' once ...more. ' . '•• • .
'• . Carter's Little Liver* Pills will 80013 6: you
up. • 'Purely vege.table. Sato, Sire. Quick; •
."Asit' !or ;theta by name.Refuie substitutes.• '
iko, at all "ditiggiste. . . ... .- 61'
OAF'IADIAN FUR vx9,11..ANdE,4,tpi,
• nter. knit Dept. 't
158 King St. 'east, :Tpronfo' 2
• maetern Ontartti :
' • I . ..dioiCe• • '01•71,-Iterivy!
Mirk', 1..aige, . , • 1.00 te,.06' • , .80 to .75
liarge .• ,••••, ..., ..:: 0.75 tO'.65 • : .55 to .55 .
AT edfign , .•, ..', . .60.td-.50 *.50 to .40'
. ..• . ,. , ,
.:40; to .36‘ .25.te.:20 ;
Weitein and tt ottlter.tt: Ossified ".
', , • • .' 1 .: 'Choice Orti.•••11eav'y
EMI's; Layge, 4-, a80 iti%76. '„ AS t� foe. ,
Lal•ge ,L.,... ,,, . .65 to .56 ; .55 't0 .4e '
tifeeilitn ., .,. , 1 , ,eff ter .40 . 1 .40 to:,10
',.011e.11 . , 41 730.'to .26' .2540 P40• • , '
. tiliiiti.iNtillisrS*1#trCitiOitti
"gali.o. ShIpMente .on ;to 15 his, 1.4 'Pal;cf‘l •
"I'dge;iiti-ger,- altiPM en tS-hy---Espresa.... Do,.
not tae liekv'y •boses for parking., Itave
.3 ‘. liltialtedis dried a stitohCd ' ao
they, \ , no snoll: in. ti,kinsit; • Aticirees !
alt SII1P 0 •04.04A1)/AN" JI..11t
• 'Toronto', , ' it?. R, 't r
IfIX'CiTh''N:t1V, lOng r.aat,
kto*Vsillootoutes.oreppen for gbtid reliable
-rata utider 50'yeareof age who can.quZlify; No,.
emiilitior.expericare required. N'Are baek, you,
Sixt-flretcpulat-ion. seci8,000 Sticceseful •
deZIO's asSure yogi' saccess";ProduetstveliknoWn. "
dny, to depression,
• won,t lunt*you. taming& at idatt'shettld aver- ,•
Mm$25.00,.to 535.00 a week.. Write rot full
• formittiorrishout Vacancy desest to you, giving ;
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' 4 ,WAtict,NS Cp... Rural' salot'
943 InspeCtOe St.; MontFetai P.Q.,
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Classified 'Advertising ,
14. 'OFFER TO EvEgv INVT.N19 R.
List of wanted inventions aro full,
information' sent tree. The nainzay Com-
pany, World Patent Attorgep3., 275 Bank
,Strekt, •Ottawac Canada., .. • ,
. • ..sEassrAsiTs •. <:\
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POIJ . •
" ‘f‘ Quilting Reninants,, 1.60; 26' Nuncio
2.00; A. McCreerY- Co., ..Cha.t2iffrii;
JD lay, !Guaranteed Highest Qua.litY: '
1.t. ern' the.. best laying strains. •Latige'•, •
:-English Whlte, Leghbrns, Se; Barred4'iy• •••
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Island Reds • and White Wys,ndettes,•• sd:
•An. lai'gebodied "birds. All eggs get
average 26 orto the dozen,' T,errns:• .
remit what Yon, please 'With order, bat-
nceCOD.SUflfly Ridge Poultry. Far* . •
Be); W, Essex, Ontario. '
100.20041,ING HOUSE • BUSINESS, gr.:sill
•.home, lirimaculately kept,.fu1yrealt-•
• Sell cOntentS.Teksonable, Homestet-,d;•"2
Ctillegei Toronto. .
• in . good' l'ocality.: LitirY prodticti
bilsiness, profitable, year-rotind '
tion. . .,Pusiness. '.Service • ptirea.n,• Ta:
Adelaide West, 'Parente. •' • ' • '
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ed4ro ore. rer-....vett,tes,-Ott;--eatt.4•
tiid to.i tg. t ett, TR,A1,8 •.r.•
t'AtT2' lVYOtfit $11,11).111.1.'N1.18 A110; -
111'.10T5iVPt VIC '01111; W.k11140118P1,.1tV
ThTt"NIOSl4V, (1110',VA, ‘Al2fir4 ,AT
tg ANVAN'f,11•11111 l'N'"CANADA:,
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1 rr!rri,r;
Oile Ming that „helps is to
, dish. Peifr In ,
ertre. l'heivrtat the liniment
Se.nl,IY it•I
pain eases' Off.!
i.cm*Ta ,7'..O./ftrIS‘,
INA.attrao_tive_packetsi.TtaVer kari-
' den seed.. Handszne • profffg."'":"EXtrusiver-.7:.--
• territories.' Standard Seed- Sales, ..1211- ••
, NellingtOrry St. , West,' Teront,O.'''•• • '
And heroin lies the tragedy cif the.
.agef,not that,men are poor, -all 144 ,
knew somethinK of :porertyfl,Ot that
-Inen are wicked --who is: good? ' n9k
oatsmen--are ignorant -7' what nis..tenthl
but that flietr-know..se, little of
men. -David OraiSon ' •
421 College 'at.; ,
Harley-Davidson Dlstributors
• t • b r•t' f
Write a once or our a.rg•a n • 0
used motorcycles. .Terins arrai.ged,
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FREE: noQklet • .
1thi 1intereqe'fit
•' Sure. %Road. to SI em
:Mess." • It'. tells Lyon, hevr,•
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witliont ' ex:er*
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3'00i• copy and it ',%‘• "be, forlyardcd
„Plain envelope. • " , • .•:• • • • , .•
NurseW "ilson. II•EDT,"-aOR ia ohin:inable
onl'ythrOugh • the head at1106 ot uE8e
.• , .•
rr, Su,l.tet 13.10A Contourse Blc1,•
!IOU. Adelaide St, 'Watt, :Torento. ••
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OU C4111•Aiti 600d i11•130, is !pare timis at
home maktreg_distelay. cards. NO aellint'or
=vetoing. ,Weinstruetytie, furnish coin: -
view outfit end. supply you with work.
Write to -da, for free booldet. •
47 Doviitoolit Bug., Totooto, ont.
D'ot-tOtt haVit net ieldt r4ueo tileY •
• "kite ,ald brastIc, tedUctee- it:lejtirlout tef
• iteette." Ratlike -,-, teteti, but teheb., thtte'
such k kituele way In: LAbeY'S REDUCING'
'AWN vdlieh. siti tote '•pn thl diitostiVe
, that liettsr,litititif i prilevedfirths reduelee,
".e0i 'Mee' hefofo Fet Oraduelt9 hut.
epee:0'e, W hte *hey 'lettete sa.Vinte, :1106.
est. ttivet'al Opuiti4; kite -tett bettee tenth 1 his,* 1'
'ter sioitre,"LCEY4S2C9uaTtflteOd hititetets Utitt
itetttitittded by- thii ntettitel .,otelettionf 5e '!'..
UOXAr. ALL Drilla .§TeetS;It-
S40 do het liv nttr 5 fu� sture,. etinit
Litet Bak 266i, Va11ee:0er, DLO, Mailed
. �o�Id toeklet'Be 6115," fren oa totte.t. ..,
WHY. 3E-0. , -6yEfi,s
11ELP. ,f011,
y Ju .
• witoo.. get *tt.ea theee:
Therate,tha Onee Who nine* bete :
be bataeatt a, the.'. When' that
,hileatid'Oetiike.11OMe With, 11;ia.alnerieg .fte • .",
hie Vey:, edae1ope it; It :the:Wife tehca-.
niotitt-iind 'Make; the.,, 140A
: 'Y7fiff: Ste tlted. .ma -fir."
bld-CoinpOntid..What..yett, nee& s triturdrilt-,-",-"=":.'''
ghat wlfl gt.to yotn tha eticl)gUl 16 crr'
• '
98 out ot eeetV tO�er *Ito: fetiett'
to us ea thtit net 'benefited by..'„
• *maitiae, soy li heittle" frontyour
today 4,4 rt.' att4.ritratrth,the Stealtib,
, • „ 41,