HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-04-06, Page 6• .';'•••*-,•: • tt• • • Canada, e. !mire and The Workt at Tge A Ag • I , CANADA: , 31..g04-Vir'4,3:.. 19, he, 'ere90.,;.,IV0._ Ara OK.: • *pit Nerthe'Na. :GOI".I :IWO" . '714OtI ,e. ctOlne.Ctitte• '011„Pttht, be 1,104j ' ... j.W.4t..4.!!,-: PrOba14. '%..4q• 'werld'..e. laft about rik4f•Vc'9•teiOttiv1i.)O9•41444.' thest'' ziorth golf' links: is located at • • 0 heat.ei144 4: 110.0t.: on the :' . northern ., TN,E: E.M0.111.,g • .,„. , . ..... .,...... , .. . ,., ... . , .. 440-44 lftifi.aott, PaY! .•Also. it ..01t0t, W.Oild/'tO ,Paat.',Q4*De..Y.R• . , ,, be ,oallott:•tila X.404t, ..40004VO„ (4. ill. , The Valte4' States eaye. cortlto.'t9'•Tget• • Olt ic1001. as: it ',has. 4.•0401altierillh?" it PIAT00; Of :thelr'inal00•'witiis,.t4arlire, . Otlir: NAP?! O90,1Stitig: AA' 00 .C40;4. '4. ,stIll 0 trOng .enough ' to cape, With. it. • ''' Eugland iaisalOoSt7.! tiia 40Olall Oet4.-•. .11i.st 'Oil, :ileilitt iP.:,:trOt4. t4P...1?.44°..a. .°4c R.1a..5*-4447+,114,'„ 440°A.itt" ,VO4 'Atr-048eri,i more stale iatiastrys• •Aa4.. ' ',•.0Ompaara...-tacter ... A44 ltia',aosiattitit, .:,aonOnerce,:than,.*.e fentitatig strnetArp,' The, menlbet'Sh'IP.lee, .witie.b.• :Mitititua ••,,,,4104.:**0,,tnpOi,04. tr.* tl,.'4A0144t at ,tii:o .RaYee tO Ilia ilittoillorai4 its ten :the 01,041lOi•apeT.S.,.tO tila '41,18t,• ' : ' • ' „ROW pear -teeth.; The' 094r0a. is still :,' "•,irtspain,,*111,140.t.',h0r.:,,inyadihg, armies, • In process .0111).0011g, 00.10,t' Oteii., :•00..fora.:eha,Tal00 •the, new ,•firag011' of ll .= holes tieing. completed They are 400 nationalist' China' against 'her • 'She ".., *.er' ..4.! .250.74rtio,00d 3,00., yarda.r0.400e.... :,..1011,•.h.0:' COIXtentte•,haVe." expelled.: the ..., y,,i,yet, in iength;and are played -three •cilaoa. :tFelp.,. lidaillehtiria Wbich. threW, . timee : In "eaccession:',, Far, for ' pine :ened,be*.-:Ibiterial interests .- ....'. • ' holes' Is 36: ::' . ..... " . ;7•-• . ' ' 4. . • . •"toil*idate,,.11Pt coociaar!" Iva be , . - ..., .1.104,hp4Undria 'Moss WAS suites le: • ' wlicyn,/,z_vo f.„4,.,,,,,,,,,,...;.__ - • '' ' for .thefashioning mccellent, fair-, And in} Germany, when the ,hlare •ot: . way„, the .conetrltOttOtt Of PZ Nazi 'titinapete has died, down; the..dia::: „ , ., , • of ah:: , .. . , . , . .sehted.sOnie filf4ctiltrae.:8.F.a.04 YOU *Wt. .`ciplined intellee,tef the G•erpiSP" nation . „grOW.ae_fer,••nortlx.„,!thia.prOhleM Was :will; aieert: 'iteelf,• in:edifying...the 'forces • $0.1,*45.-tle . .4...9X4,031",, by,. -iiiiilding: " the of ' reactiOn;"bidlding, a "greater Qiir. • . - gteeaefrom hard FatPleit.. beach. eahd' many than the IfOrld7-liai'Yet7rieett, . of' which'. there. 14.!ge, expanse 'sof ten. ' , These, things , will not come ,,oVer,-' . . Miles, :near .the. obtuse. Four Eskimo Aight,'-bnt. they will come •:‘.. ' : ' : '•:,.hoy.a, onefor eiolt,',noembeii., ter* the ... .,The‘.440 ,ei Oreat. witain 14.plOin, , ...regular:roster nt:.eaddiee..,;-,'N'attonal We must regain 6,ur.. (*A ,OcS4,0:11AS.• ReYetme.$teVISW,:. ' ' 7q1, :hes4h.,,and Vigor before we 41?4W IM.., ' . ' • ",. '. :, '', , , . , . ,,., .' ' - able, to help others• .: • . r....,T-- • '. ., , gippire T..rathi ••' , , .4 • • ' No have ...ear troubles, Out, 7/..4 ,lAtiy.o.. ::1",)ried apricots 1:0.0eiChekir,tai$ in.S, ,:alep within na, the poWers for hoinplet0 . . .J. . . , . ., . sultanas and Canhed fruit . from Bri,.; recovery, ,,,. ...., i :. . , , •.. ' tiSh- Sonth'Afri-ea. areliow parehaaable. ' • 'We. shill.heat-Seive;the needs "cif the tt'Ottawa" ehOPs.., :•,Aird attention is. be; tithes if we „restore ourselves ,to.fal lag balled. to this insittverttSeraehts by ,strength--7the first se•Spd., :nation .in, a: ' the 'Seuthf•Aftlerair'doverninent. • Fine Pick •worid. ' .' ',/,„,,,,_ ' .. .. ... . . .. . '.'inteitiess.-7.-Ottawn jourtial„: '• ' ' ' " . ,:,:, In., 40%w -that., we shall hasten the . . • • ---:-. ••---, .'..' . • :: ': :,• . Way When the ,whole world. wiltcast.. • . ' ' Llisehariged.:' . , ' ,: •• :out •the devil that possesses it, at7:this: '• • Dr, • lainea, -M.. lierart, . preeident, of hour —London Daily .txpress„'.... L. • anntet. • college; :isIev• 'terit.;.,,net imag. ' ,'' . J• •'• • ., • :=.,....*: • ..: • . . ....:444.,:finiehect:',his • 5ilth :year Of. ge,r.Viee' ' • . ' ' ,O.reatiVe _Spend:4.40; •• :. • .....U.S. ait.'educatOrk and; as :: wen Vilf :on '..:..,Theugh' experience abreact, may:hare ..' "1"1.c-4 tiegasi.°b:.,:'.3e.; Waked. .'ba*Wal"Cl- abown.the'futility.:•'Of expanding credit's ' 0.V#r his life, •ainile& tolerantly and re re-., Without S'ome.stire:ProsPect ,that they ..,Market1;••!:`There is lathing .ne*.ander Will ,be.tieed.'..for, 'productive 'and. not -7thel, ;isuri.!!.• :,i41,047".:37ear,a .0;••••Watchine xiiej:0•.fcii. i'anitiug..porposep,:ihPre:10 ,'. ' ' 8P64t •141°11.1- yeting.PeOple:glve 'a, Man A plifielsopbY: no longer any ,reaseo. ia,thia!dountrY -Lone„ Scouts .will be, lad and; 1in- ail..h4:,,eiya,'"..1)4 kietaii, ;coa.Odexing' why.,;puhile: credit Ahould.. net be Used, tereated tO,IciioWth.at trierWill reeeive havaia.of„yoeth, poiated'aut:''''Whea to ,tinquiate: public an,c1; Private' ehter-, .1k: copy Of, the, new 1933 . Scout • Cata: '1 'was --1.14 celleievhen • you :were In prise for realli prOdUctive. piirposes, logue", with their...is:Sae , of L'!0•11.e: SCOnt ' college,, We thought we were the Moat' :andin the PubliOhettefit. The essence Trails for Tor .11,flaych, Whicii::Will be Sept important people In the World; and, the ..6i, the Whole 'nlatter Is that it is now out eta i'n the .hext.'•geW iils'i's . . .. • v rid :.inst couldn't get .alOng, -Without • safe .1 to pursue • a ,:.forward: Polley on „: This„ 'Catalogue Contains many • very. •,,,11,a;„•L Par n. 'feW..ire.43: that LOeittittei-- -Ithe'.....W•hieh4ould..,ha,teheen...eitite4;h;. interesting,„,land new:I.,temS.,,*and .wiil "*;,•rfiliwi;.,ei-r."*---eTger:ritifeler,, more ,cpaserva- Safe eighteeh.,inonths or .eveh„a,year , no • dtenbe,Ther-iti.-idied yerr •Careftlil5., hy- . . .. . ., and :,160xdown on the0e. • young -E g,10.4: oid..t4at.'a 'forward, Policy, .:being all P.mies. - ' ' • ' : 'FAO...a:0 :i07,::V.Pry Wisely, You get' safe, Is urgently necessary if the re- -...:„ -, . , : Smart Scout • fist.s - 1 . .... °Y9'i's ii." '.471if' tIleY':(1'17'''''', No ,°ie: v?tioward of past 'Sierificei is not to be de- . Talking .'of eatiiMperit, reminds Us. of ever stopped to look beak ,-oVer,. ht's i,ayed. and: 'even ihip• erilled.'—•• .Londoti , . , - • . youth will dispute that 'stateMeht,•enre: . • .. . . the tact that ' we live • sometimes. so - Tildes. . ' - " - ' , tided '-.that ::SCot-1(.7: ;•arfget :ArY .iii"Ucli • ":.1y•;, and soniehoW, whew( you step to 'think' about; it,' `" that is .Orie af.' the most - • Reason For Gratitude • ,..... oat' of shape, if not treated ..Th -1.§.,1.- espeCially .:nolibeable -, after- , , melancholy things. about...10e'. .".-51.,ell•th .. Witii•-dr'ePaH0.7..0; 35,1 and.. 4...i pm:. does 'i"g ti•'.'ov'er i, always alWaY.S.-71<itelaener.*•cent,in the-exparte.of 'Pra000; Amerl-'.gyrat t'oWthl.thr seti.11;fritit,14.':'' "Illitiii' :':'.(:)4t,'dik• Record ca • ' ' • '" ' cal and Germany respectively as 'Cam. ,$e(:),1t, rig, ing.:b.,re 1E1,, . 6no..usek,447 ., .. pared With:'6,0' in .Our oivii .case, it, is theih,34:, .. :, .: • .. , ' • . • .'''' Canned ..Salqon.. • -41iViOti5:.thit',.ve are -vreithiting':••Olik „ mix ..' one .6040 ..„ . of ordinary :Flake The. s.alraen: ind.4Stry is An .ituporaiitf itOrtu,...better than any Ok '9u.r;::!Ii.12.• :§hia4a Into a; .Snarter..of 'a pint: of' • .British-cohnahhmildot.r...•It ,has,yielci.: 'Sach 1i:tali:Arles as are activeare those • denatured alcohol in an ,od giaes ..jar.,. ' ed over $ 090,00.0 'a:year, . , Abehta,, 85. festered -,; 'by '.• the recently, italSO_s64..;axici alio* thOl'aliS•ttire. to,• stand ..fOr. • per .cenL,: I • the 'outpnt...goe.S. info • the • tarifts;.and bad Sa,thihgs are we -have 'About..4,', hPars; ;with. thelid on :of export : market where is mast, meet strong grounds to be thankful that.a. cpqrse;:ta.'prevent.•eVsperation. :. ..•)3y with -the keenest ' sort •saf :COMpetition National '. Oo.Verniii0:44...haa''0.av'ed•' 00. this time t4O.Aiheliac • Slicnild• be quite fitan'. American; Russian • 0•04.:•;ihikalAese. frorn..11,0ituat,tfoh•tPat: might have' be..,e,e, :diasolved. -• , . . • . , . ,... . • Salthon; , ItIsOf.'first..inipOrraiewthat infintielyorse...--Edinburgh' Weekly .Give '.the.'i SeOlit: i-iat' • A thorough • '.., the-eualitY of :the.. fish ,be„inaintained; ScOtstnari.• • '.'• ' ' ' . ..'..' '" ' ., brushing, withl,',.the. stiffest...Clothes- _ andthe-canners has ve ' Iready'received: . - ,: brush, you have, and •then 'wet* , the ' ..: ::,' , . .4.1:...., .. . , t_. stern Walling froii: ' the Department of THE UNITED STATES 4 Minto .the mri ixture ' underside of 4he.brim Trade dorathe ce that 01f -grade sa' act Nidessary. .. ... .1 . , • , • Vith.i. stiff hrite4,:. • .., . , - . ...„ . ,:. . . linen, has been getting intothe. export, : Iis aid that that reetneWaPaPer :The inhrtnre 6 lioold'be used Sparing:: t• _s'g. . . , • .. ., .. .. . trade British BritishCOlatiibia• eautormo has ly,:It not Come throUg 'hthe . . ._ circulation builder; the SAO44so it w . Aotainn • b:eeti° gven . a: p,f.. feten08 Ander the •u.b, , When you have'applied tba.thit- .diffietilt p.ssignizient: (if -handle , felt ; '1 • ' :,taWa treaties, • but preferences'. •0..•ne.. tura; all ,rotiad the 'brirn',• stead ' tbahat preferenees;.it:can.„Ohiy. hoid, its place. ..-,. Thoug4 readers are more than. ani-, ., onia Piece of flat Wooktiritil: it is quite . in' .the .*illijlte Marliet ieft, can ,estab- ,t"%4.:y.t.,6'ar:e'rq'uiEtYlifi''giiiititillickefifolit.dilliitEl)ersaePZhie.' ',!Ifi, • 'Whieli will be abont..24..hents' . lish 'its •therit.;--417AncOnVer.prONififeeleod.• Atter.' Then ' give' qt: .anOther. . , .. • . , :most triVial error ., •••• ' . .:.• ' .. . .. , . . brushing with' the clethea.-bruelf, • • Tacti.. therefore is a 'Vital attribute. . .. . . . . ...This niethod .: 'W111 _darken, the. 'felt. Oi th,e 'editer . while in sinall .t"eivni ,IT'ery $lightly' ; Mit' bein"g:cin the' ander: espeeially,' no, actiOni: of ,anY nieniber . aide :Of the. brim it will mot •IM;hatice.: of the 8ininnunity Mtiet be Overlooked. :• Both -these •virtues: were ..evident tit :au ilitiiniriatinglieni in' the Seciai, page of a i eeniite4,1 daily , .which'.recelitiy 'stated ','Ildr. , George. Suede .has return- ed . to tovirnfroniwhere be, has.-boen, visiting far the ,riast, 90 days,"r-rtan; .ciat•Teist.' ' . . '.' . ;•4 5:•• :•••• • •cf • • . • • on - This elevated straight-away 'between Boston mid New York :is :how,. being considered,: •PaYed. ;• • reiillent , non skid asphalt( •. speeds up. to 100 :allies an; hour: WII be posiible; . is claimed. • ,• , . • .. .• , . . The:A:9i_ erican: Ordeal.' . .. , , , ,..' Aside :.altegether frOni• the., natural ,.:. Synipathy • whieh the.,Enklish-sPetikiiig, •, people hilie• for the great Reptibile in: •Ats' fiery ordeal', Canadians' in' particular: ' „aro deeltous;. Prolix.: the Standpoint 'of • , seltifitereat, • to see the United States . . . . . ,ret,urn to -normalcy aS's.peetlity: as OS- . sible, • 'Canada ' has ntri. desire' to Profit St the expense of other peeplo'S, treit- • " bli-4.. ' That tranklin:p.. itabaevelt,niaY be',,,,ahle.te;'..restoi'e, COntidetice to . his • . .. . .. , . ... ' Chi nese System ' • cotintit and •substitute order 'and. pro e- •.,. The ChineSa,:ii'-seenis, haVe. q 4a i t4 5 •• petty' Where „there is confusion and • 'adYerSity •is •tliet fervent, 'wish 'of every.' l'yk...°'5.. 9,_f dealing with 's6iTi.e 1.).°1°)1e1113-': , , icoi, 00.tia.,eitaic_ro.i.on. ,to to,egra.n.l... , ,sbr".instalice;•'when. htiaitieSs becorites . " '.....'!• .".• • ' ..._..- !II ' . had', the Occidental eiriplciyer lays';off, a feW bands, to:, cut " doWn ,expen sea, Piactleal•christlai ity . , An ex,jioi.e.of iii,adtieo .441,1soot1.4 .Whieti..inales bus,leesS just' that pitteh . worse. :Paced hy the' sahib problem ttlii e6ril':,frAirn 801.1th .,§11104.1def :!4iltila'11(1,. ,-,, ,whore a pihie: .chk.sS ,ifttrili " tile 'peat '0'''rilitil'wP(.5)",, li,t.n10111.1i(liac;rn'oliti..li'ly...atill;,14.1..11G../1‘.11:4111117,, • YOar built 24! holfses to be ,rented at perh.aps. net mrive titan cacingly to pro . $!•): Per:. sv:1,30k to litti pool ----4t. ',Vtranias , thile0,,,4eutual. . • vale to Od i-5.71(1:-• illiAlte . • But ,eae..b' 0410 cati. count on "that fool '-,sholier fin.., til. ho • is', Able:to, ebtaintriorelacratiya ellipleyni. 6 a t a gain;*" 'When, Char:110.1Pb° : :ttrriVes if ,.. let -ti's .sety,.'IlestrM;e' Cbitiii, tOWn, he naiy. not .14.ow a 'single 00,r- -:Sart -there, Chatlie, Feo. 'beitig, pon.0 it' v'ioula.seeirt that, KO Inn St, -be. :come ,Citlxer a beggar or a' case" for et. -. An'. DOOM ittic ,View''. '' 'gat/lied Charity,: Hitt 'Charlie la ,un., , . _ei44 '..pertiirhect. for Ile. knowS •ithare iS.hh, , The. worid. eeepoinic • crisiS, 11 1 tinWlittetti ,IAW tihat, prOtActa hits. lie ail .signstail, has about run.its.eourae, ' , -•' - i ..... 047 .g6' to any, uniptoYer .antl: 'denialid „ #.1'11-a ,finandial 'collatiae Of 'The -Tutted -,7 -.. ..01'• OPiVortlItli !t,o' Oki:60i .40,r, his iood ates,...in aDit6 a ,the..ta„Ot that Most of 00 .w.,,oid,.8,..01d: IA .i.old ..t112.,1,40., ,cv,-1"il and shelter, Thus .4 ,1,1101gry, hbggiag );117'1.1ja.1.,;1y. ' Pr6Ve 111 itf.st- 8tok6; befOre ... . : elkaSfitiqlitiliatoWn difica. not "tilat,;••-°- '''. The tihriStian S.Cience Monitor; riecOvery Sees in ..'" "(ertatniy•,4 it ,M 1.1,06,,vel.t"e"loottoieg are' broad ,Choug , Mg..,OS.O.Ssii:44,44st,,,..44:1•4.itiitial labetO.D4161 1,4101.4.4sSitkii . , IM!rgettc,:y '76g .411s, Adininhiti‘ation,. to, ii -:o (feet 1,vie.' A 144....,,,...et:j.„'torl;'',Y•oodi), co:1,::4.4,61' ....., .,...., f.,,-..IWer'atiff,ttiri•)Oktfifiti it 1 /V •A,, ' Stattla:: be, :tinder ;1Vity .- ire a. Metter be breatif .irorke mit ,TYirtti.001` ili tlynalttilei, in n hilt a,:. --Wilt A I peg " Telbline, , . gifilalire: tori,1,11.o, inthvidit Al r.4..AP, t 1'10, . . Vtirittlintl;' ig ti10 0 (1.tii5' patint, .ria (S., • aborli , "irt ro iTril ' li'y'411 ly titan , (Or- ilalik, : . :Asierage•Citlzns Ye '• ;PO ItVerage "cieigep of this 'province, wonid„rether: 'see twenty hat* bandit:a •••,•det *1th . (heir foot than tine .414‘.fun niatori.4 .cseape after killitig Catharines „stotteto-ra:- , Addresse °mob?!AllAnswer Will Appear 41 this Column : If Personal Reply 'is Desired, Enctose end Addreaseci Envelope. Dept , of chei,i, tterstoFfitro *E'ditor, 73 .Adelaide geoltionan,ki ,An.ow. era. , , , !7.•!,, 're -4; Woakt, • IWO,. ' to.- Look a low.. staestio.os. 059'0 aWOot oiOyer„, 1!. iialta.: 4.0.'',.aPteS.vwIticit were io.. sweet 01eYer. thia last. Year. • It Was .. a ...good,' .crop' i..and wa0.,C0t.• fer steed, it is a eitt,y loam 'lteti Is ,10, fair 'can4it.100. , Al. i010- 00' ;0,tithhlar wilt. the, •eleyerr cOMP., tf„v 4414. . Pr4111: 'it ...01pe pp 1t1t.1Er,19t.p1Oivotil rTAerd.'W.ita Ajet of seed Shelled.14.the 404 ' .. • • , ' T 'I'av.iP-cmle. Yer.Y...'„Ii4n4Y s.00, Po. yoa, tiiiiik. it, wiii be adirlog410 l'O ilOw,Owiot. plover .Otilt7' :floW'Plaell0*fiet: clover: ehotild' I. sovi "to -the acre?.What can ' 1 .I.!). • w ts°14e:LP ig:eae tv er catch?clo' , is, .nalla147- a • !AS011ial,,• If 'it ia'allowed to formseed, chanees'are,. unlkely for it to; sprout, , - • - „ • . „ , .. . .., , .,•akaill. the •I',10*t Year: HOW:ever:: ' -4 u1ich'seed.lias'fallein-owthe-grondilp• I clover *111 Will Come Up and ripen. again .:all prpbability.qalte a bit, of first . year tifatelloving: year', Piet . tile: same 'ai .hough it.'had been sown. Th,e,Ivair. to kill it' ie to .cut ilia player when., it 4 greehand plow' wider the. ata.4131s, • sVeet Oiover will he especialty vela, abie:•nn very :Sandy hsoii. „ Itmakes an abundant growth :of Noteera' thereb'Y adde'oulten hit to the burins of the Sell; ., This Is espeCially valnable on .lionr. Sandyarea since, .sand , is ,Very ;Short ..ef• plant 'fibre coninioniy. balled bminus. TheField aushandry Depart-, ment, ,..'recoMmencis i5ta ,I0,.,110. 'of sweet'...clover- seed', to , the acre.. , '-: ., Two things an be done to helti, the catch of s•Weet clover:. Oh e fa inectilat:. inethe peed with the, •type of ',bacteria. ..that grow .upon it. ' This 'canreaidiv 7 be done by‘Obtaiiiini'froin the Rept. of .: i3acteribIagy, b.A.C•i,-triglit-Lealture . far. clover seed.' PrePare :the, inixiiire • . ... , , . , aceerding• to 'directions and .add :it to -,.tlie-Seady"---Iteinember'thialsirOt*rfai:"," lilizer but is A bactiial;'.cujture'qt0 'simply: helm' the: growth .�fthe plant. in that xesPecl.., • • ..' . ''' '' • , •To,:nsalat in the.catch of clever it uld . be well_ t� ' add..1!somis, fertiliSe, ..to the soil; ' Ifyou 'do ,uat have ,thuch Imannye 'for the:soil, .our •ex.PeriefiCe is -.r,--The.7-P rcipartiaM!-Mentione cV•-ab (lye - should' be • su•iiiV.erit .for four hats. . Do . YOU. Krickei,,tthat7-' ' ' ' '• Gold. cannot. rust7, '' ::,:..• : Arabs 'Miter' oat'fish,?' ,.• . , .. ' The' coffee .trae,,is.,Ati ,evergreent„t„. ,,,..,..:Ab.oiit '.p000' words . , in 'the ,,„•Engliale.,1 ''. - A .camel • bah..carrY :a..1.4t1:: of ,Over half :a ton?. • ' • d ' • • •'• - to t:z.:12t;.6. ntrwat.iretr.barievee.shilaige.s_cpiedip.4aCrei;.„.1„., -:1:.:Filt:1:-..e,c7'6.ellil.1:14.1-1.:1w1,:::'611, °7:r611. -,.6,°:.f16, .t. tTne;*;".6...Y.:.;',.°.?..;!9; -: • Roosevelt Helped "Raise' million F.Oi's. 11 .1.1e.i,s'a,v.e1;a. g,.e whilley1.,20„00:.gall-' ..• :so :,,..1461.10:1:ar;BPiLS'c'otits T ops Oi 1 ' TT S 'resident 'ItooSevelt; who *IS 'al 1-)i ' 'dent • of , the ,BoY Tatem p.blei. Carving' O'Or PO), :Scouts '-, ,scaufs Of • Ainerlea, Was twelve , years underbetnu;'aikiiieciend, tuoPti:bt:Tiy. II: Ottawa polet!s,..l6aa%airBoyvglli'' gSe x.c op. .uica, nt ss,.. . ets14. 9.1; c. off y, ..4 he helped raise .a Million dol-, teeter .isieNi,,,.. York.',.. .1a ' that Pre'-sident Of the'BoY'Ssolita Founda- . 'alit of t-iie.:,-PaCifle 'Coast' Indiaii..fa fernier' •Airerafternan • Abolit ' of •.,wt117, A.V..A.P..The'firet pole completed 11 lar: Greater . nother ;Al ..0n..iv.' er.Sati.':' ' rt; ' New York Scout. Camp be .. e. ' erected .t..the.dt,r.i . t ,Ta_ap,;.8i t. . . ::I::: . Ontario.L:ne. :::o.0:Department ..Attia?0tha;ut:A7nivesrl.rqit.inits4fiiyeroicGeein:ot.tie2oh:4iiiv6riy:11II:anc:itiigt.fueyeataio,' Of 't,lie 'founding 91 'Scouting, in Vienna which it been oPerating'neanrhim- aPproprititely ,opened :with a.:service'af. 4reds of boys ]ave passed 'through .its. the .-Chir'ell... of. il* 8iititierzike "WWI' ranks and .and received ' the benefit of :er, or Kindhearted lirethren. The Pre- •sout.trainiilg, _Lone. scouting has ardent' and the .iovernment.,ivere ,bitt-' reached boys . on'farms and • in ..sinall 64111Y :fePqs.enied. '.-'' ' ':' • ': ..ILI ':' 'vrIllaieeand towns :'*.• throughout this . . . . .. , :,..SCout Honour. For ;Belgian :Leader. : 'province; who live •too far away from The. Sillier'. Wolf for outstanding ser ea:organized ,Scout 'Traap . ' to , be ' -able 'Viper::: inainditig • t.oe,''.., ergenizetion .of, to take Part in Scotit, Activity .through :Scent trOope . among Belgian refugee the regUlar, Channel:S. -. ,•., • ,. - ', • '' . '.hoys.:.:iii •England .: • durhig . the ',World . The: .tone. Scout • programme is ea. War, has been .: awarded .. to Oeneralpeetally •designed for such boys who : who doininissforier:iiniliOpf of .Belguin.... are thus' enabled to be 'real -''S•cotitii, : 'SCOnt iraining Saved HIS pipiit Life,::, and who are ' assisted' by Competent. : :Boy:Scold training •le credited: With leaders through the mail' ancrhy. other savingt." the life of :Ceorge ..lcane,..: a.. 'inetaen..Y , youngToronto manu when his Jugular. Applicittione:: for .membership will be • yelp , was :cut in . a • hockey accident ; Whiconieir.froth •beys .1.; • to AS year's of •Xane• kept 'hi* head, :held .theciit to 44e. (incl.). and' slionifi be. addressed to „gether With . his :.fingert.§,' and '0' Stated :The Boy Scouts "AaseelatiOri; 'Lone a cOMPenicin,'.alsO a' former Scout, itt Scout Depertnient, I 3.30. tut's: • pt.Tor( ObmPletiog 'an etteetiN.Fe 'first:aid, job., . '; :Onto.2.-t•.:".Lone.2.'". , $ ‚ $ ••. rairler Matto ,F9e. Poit .. • :A •141.4,0* V104 1111 31/1#4 T411 rA itintitle toter, 1•?it Men till*. ‘a" 401 atert!, • Vils, Po. '04r,c0=i:40; the, tialO..-tifat.tlio,Auraaer.00, Of grata,.. oad, tile.:Owoot• oloiroaTo.o.eerli, far!, PrOP:AAter .44.4.: stalled!, ilkY004.:07h9'401:5,Riegr*.tieittri*Ac71;41,A7,,enelitt.. ort two :tlits.o.'.hatir eon?, • • ' iia*e• three acres " llght490,thg.I1 •ta pot in 'pot It 'had:- elite. What10A40: tiO4t N4i.r.:4O.•,proparo".4, soll andrOte heat;:yariety, plaaAnswer --As a genrai rule it is re- tf:-• edalmoaded 'er911. with pOtatoes. • ,1-10Weveri,„:1Iti recent' • 0t0d.Y..0t. question cat:Nits. that exceedingir .goe"d• 7 e, !;.. are ohtS,ihed tonowhIg:. grain,. thera,.. fore i werather taver.'your T.ss „awn!) . that tito.: still has not been, fall • plowed-.7—Y(Would.-wOrk4t,a00T1. , as itis.441Ard01.0.4t4Y., dry in 'the, !mit de not plow :too. deeply. .7or poteV tees 'on. sandi, ioeM :Soil,: oor'. Monstration• :tette • largeet gains,' .havs. been realized' from the use 'Of 4-8.1 "::the rite ..°; 75 lbs. Per acre,. • If you have Potato.... • 7 Pla.tateri: dtopping,..com= partment; this inaebine Wifi givie the fertilizer the: best.. application., • eve -if Toti.do:not haverthia machine; • , etrike Out 'the...farrow. for potatoes:26r " dig, -the holes, . stetter the 'fertilizer fairly . generously along the bottoni:, the furrow Or hors and: pull In, a eaVer. ing'Of the seil...--then,•diarryeat; pate.. toes •and proceed riaLtishalj/o not al16* • the fertiliser todrop the pa, - ,tataes... da„ not drop the •p&• „ Iatobs.inithediately. tpii:,tOp' of the:..fer. tiiier„ In either of theSe•casepi ittjuri. : ,is_iikely-tei-be-deno-tottlia-gerniinat-tort • hand growth of the •seed piece, • • • „For, ea,,rlyvotateea the Field. han:cliy.:--be'partment; mends cohmers, While 'far,1Ate,. "pOtatoes. Dooley or Green: Mountain. are favored Yarieties.'i ••• . • • ,Opme Tobaceo.Plants,: , • With money ,eearoe the ', -farms saving•is•very..triac.h order. Grow a pat:ch. Of ,tehrieco this. -threelltindred -Plante, Thia:"CaTlie5iSeil".,:.• in the cantrerof paraSit9s; and .Will SA;Ve yen.' meoey...- 'Tlie"groWing °I.' .tobacco requires.1 abont • the- Barna amount of . attention and laber•As does the growing :et babb,age, with „ Which all •" are, :.farniliar,'- and the:: method . Cat, be the' sante. • geed .May beLs_e,Cured through ;any seed :house; 'atid' the 'little I . plants are giown itt be*ea,",in:titne•to 'biitt%:•-sse6boant.t•ge,inu:itrihye'gdiaonwgnerpolia.ifikt.'o8stiiis harvested. :befor,d 'frost' in. 'arid •liuneui,t.n7.drY. Well, previous •to• • being' pelverfzed fOr 'use, ..1)4veriikig . . . • • is, best .done,by runhing.the haeae plant throUgh."a feed mull ' The Palversid tobacco : Can 'ba sacked ept"until needed: .loatins that •'' make full ase.:Of, the. home .,:gr,o3vit ;WOO; animal parasite celatirel will not need heed to 'Make any cash 'expendi- ' tures,' for .this purpoSe.''.The powdered' dry icibacCo"."'cin • be given.': %feed'. or in salt licks, as ':et - Werra .,preveritatiVe, • to' all anintals.; anti...it can. lie used • in • • Washes,,And ::dasting • ,p0,w,d era in ,gthil • control Of...external ,parieiteS, growing '3!hiir :Own, sty,- it will be' wnrth. While; • ,Any fair in Ontario can • grow.. lohnece •that is quite gored enough ,for the. destractiOsi: 'of •,. :* • .• • • 5,• 1). • Wheit Tonnage:; M‘tOws, Increase fOr- -1932- ' Ottawa: The total reyelute ton.: nage 'Of the Canadian, ,-Vational flail:. • Ways in '1932 was 84076,605 and „in 1931 it WaS 41708,212_ A, f.alling Oft was noted all aletig'"the line. ncitable 'expeptions .bein4, wheat creased froni 4.,754,957 tons in, 1931: ' tO 5,326,038 on .in 1932; apples fron1 97,7964, tons te- 109,449' tons and live • , • • hogs, from . 123,697: tons t,,) 14,218. .Tne. eon -tilers -Use' tahle ions. hi; ' • tlie year .1.p3;?: oi.i0 .193,1 felbws•; • , • A gi•leltit aral•, • , , , • • duets. , • .9;577,202,. )0111116..1 ,00d11(1m 938.kriS . • 11.1q4.t. Dro(rilois „ 11,1;51,08'1 ',T)r01-2 • 'Ot•citlac'tic ' '„`Ala'artra(1.tir.er8,ahil ' • L.; 1.40r),40 . . , 109;$95.: LieenSedRadis o, ... in •Five :Ontario. titiet. • The. VA iwA; ,• Leh, 'Widoi' and doh; pot., had 109,805'. radio rderiv1h$ Sets fOt V1Ii1I 11Ceri5es • Wthot. paid de. c-oveling:te h 'e'pIy itlusd of Connnen's..last week: ure diktri fonoWs OttaWa.; 1ft,° 0}; Tetotite,lq,2641 Windsor, .10;5014•and.' I,Onden, t--• &azfl,to. Curb IltitoWitAg •t •10)",‘:.4).4,211:114_,J)(, )14.1,1:,tt ••t•*, Ifilit`1C:"In.:41fs1)eris1On, to-orZeitit. lien, ;states tfail divrtiri4 IA :s otir has 10)1)1'61'6dr ' • • t'arsign loans 'may be tbittraelVd Oidl Predu04ve Drojoas, . • •,. • • itrftsstimt• 0.114 mitteiNt pitrnyit (18,i 1:,.0*.•tisreft hiiWity Sea •dafing bri.440,-11 tho. 1.611{811 T 1105,•'4 • ' .` • 11' //9 4_.'•,4 5,• "NS, •!.' . • •t't