HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-30, Page 5.•• - ittlitst•AY stAnctt ioth;-/03§. • .• wont, 4,:erv.reiO4,4, • - ••$ • Ja. 040 t • •. . • A or UM •• . . • k•••• Chatini ag St Yle s, .Plain and..Fancy Braids. Smartly trimmed in all the Modish colors FrOtn- L.45 to -$2,95, , . .:*1,* DEO $501 irriqPNZ: SE bEgr youR :HATNOW, r • .. ••• STRING W!th' celebrated ILTMOREIIATST . THE NEW SHAPES IN BROWN AND -GREY --SHADES ARE = • SHOWN ANDA STYLE' ' E' TO SUIT ;VERT FACE: SIMP,I,ICITY PATTERNS. 1 JN 'STOCK JUST 117c. NEW HOLEPROOV. HOSE' FOR . `MEN .JOST • . ARRIVED. • . SEE nitm ZION , . ' r":••A well filled hall , greeted. Belfast -Dramatic Club on Wednesday • : night, ' their $-ac't „somedy," "All's Well -that .Ends .Their presea-' • geed • jadgeniefit .•.hild:'.evidently. been used in the alletinetit:'..of the, cast ;of,' ,....cherareters, each one takinajtheia..parA .in.,.an achairable manner: The , playa aaas',folle*ed., by a few 'hears' danaingt t.a coMplete . the evening's entertai4- • frpui an attack of pleurisy ,t is we 'We' Ilene- for a :speedy reCovery: ; , Ma: W.' G: Reed anent a toN:v day.:s in our .neighbOaliiiiidlaatakeek,'buzi- ing,' weed.: Mr. Henry Gardner Was the Actin' an unfortunate.accident..on Satiir-r • • . . day moaning', which will incapacitate • hita=lor a few daya., As be was ,leadr• ing.a least out of the, stable,' it ;Owl- deplY. belted; throwing hirn heayilY to the-fiezem. readering-,-hinf , „ , . aaciinscious •for ,.a short .period of, time:, While no 'hopeswere hroken he • .received setae rather Painful •,liinalaes and (mite a:severe „. shock. . Mr; and Mrs Alfred' ..Aadre-,a or, :Walkerton Were :the gueSts o,f and Mrs. Isaac '-.Andrew, recently.: 'Mr. and Mira. Jack, Gibson of Clin ton, Called, ohaZion friends last` *eek: COUNTY SALARY LIST IN: HURON ;ANDWELLINGTON; . . . • , , • The Fergas. News Record makes a eaMparisen of the' 'salaries paid by - •the County. cotincil. Hiitoand those in Wellington. epaptyi • , In ;: Huron . dOunty, the , WPrderes, .filleWance.. is,' $75,• a reduction 'Of $25, -- "hale* 1931. In''Wellingten,'' the War- den's allow,ance. is $350, decrease' of. $50. from „, . • 'The:Cleric of „Buren gets $1200 and the inspector of house; of industry $25oa 1931; 'these ,Salaties •were =$,1800,' and $30.0. fa' ,.tae' clerk gets ;$2290, and this •incindes •:.his fees as secretary : of the 'Various' pension: beards and inspector of tae IniuSe - a. induatrY. This was. a ,redue- , ' The treaserer' pf Hafer,' get $1800 andthc treasurer ,of ".Wellingten gets. "$a500',„ arid $50 'extra . as aarchasing .410eat: 4 • 7 ' - The , read' soperifitendeat in fluor? gets';$280O, and in i913.1 used to ket: V800. It ;Wellington, the salary .,$220iJ, drep 'this Year` Of ago,' thin of $200 this year. CIANATA . Mr. Stanleyalloie of.Belgraire spent Sunday', eaeniag •with friends here. ; Mrs.. 'Raymond Finnigan, Louise,' aUrs. '..jolin• Kilpatrick • and 'Keith, aPent-a-4ay-L:-recently-Wittr---Mts.-1-Jim, Sherwood.' '.; Mr and MA. John Blake,' Bernice and:Ile, Maize of, =Wingliam, spent Sandy: 'fifth friendshere: ,Misa* Eileen •Treleaven of I.ucknoW„, Spent the,. weekend;wider:the paren, tal roof: • • .". --;a1 and--:Mrsia-Warallohiimon-aand " , • Ernest' Spent ' Sunday evehihg, with their daughter,' .afra," and 'Jelin; The Wfltne.kriOvir 'COntirina- tien school, apetita.the Week-ead• .at theia respective binnee . here, ' • ' , • ASHFIELD' NOTES , Andrew, .Gaunt spent aMiday. withMr., and. Mrs Les Ritchie • . : Mrs: • Peter Cool returned 'hOine . •• :after, a •tivo week's visit in Godericha Miss Maty aVIcLean tira,, the .guest ef'..afra, Ross 'and hee. aloter'of 2nd: con on Wednesday'. fast, , • • .afa.,:kobert Reid. And ',:sister Lizzie spent 'Friday afterneea with • :lafr:' and Mrs. 'John McDonald. • Miss • aearia.. Long' . and = her mother, avith friends in Gedericli. on Stturday .1,are• are Sonar,: tol report the ilhiess. et Mast: Wm Hunter Sr., ; who " has bean eantiaed to bed daring..the,past Week With: an attaek. of pletirisy.. ARAi10 UN -...1.1/On't- forget the &tree' in the•Para-','. , . inotnit 11'611' on Friday •evenhig, Mar. alst: Admission .25c: .Ladies Tree:, : • '.Mr. Alex , McNay had, it, Vetir l•le- reisful Bee* last .Week. • , • A aniaber of the youtig. People ,at-• tended the ,recepiiiila. in tap' •TWp, ball at Rinli=v::-Ia-at.-4riday eveaiag. , in honea: of Mr, • Clarence, iThe..ParaMount ,"LT, F. O. Club . held a Meeting on: Monda,3% '.eveninga Their. decided, to •hold .. their minnal. Rog.' •Soci.i.al in the<Parairieuht,„. hail 'on, dae; eirenifig, 7th. The different c'ethanittees2 "Were arranged .aO laws: floor-keepersi. Jack ...liendarami and :Harailtona hall, Managera,, A. ,CoOke and.. j. MCIntoali; ategrani, 11. ITaaallton,. Dexter, 'tosh and Garnet Harailtan;. c011ect- the , caretaker the court house • or, E. Swan, jr,---HKetcaabaW' and, Ic.‘ . . in Huron gets .$000 welting- ,ATtieN4y; takhig boxes;. J',.Beatia,ahe ton $1,600.. ' ' • • • W, Ronald Readetion. 'In ..11.`hrtni;1 the manager' Of the ' „ liOusnof 'tefage gets $700, the matter! •. LIIICKNOW .$100 and the assistaat iinat.ron $289, w 1.931: wete:• Manager, :$,S00; faStaea , Lucknosit' - lain$200; The :mitt -It -met used to mat Ras the largest and most complet4 The chaplain gets $290.-The..sal'aries IVIonurneinta orks fr .10.vastio:nH4. SP-COTON- 'TO QUIT. INQUIRT ON btfiK PRICES $8fittfin Charges AR 'Facts Not • Revealed • Rea; D. and. Mr2. MacMillan and littleson are visitirig,aelatlyss in iarantforcl- returned from her uncle i Brant- ".GeOige••••• S'Settoti" .(Gene...1 .North • cflutOn) recently announced, he was going .to, leave the agricultural eom- nattee, now conducting an inquiry • • hit° the ="Sfiread". of milk prices, and. Winghanl' f°11awiiig:' 'a' 4°An5ght'a d not„igkePt santowtheaYflse'evtisf.-- Misa Edna Carr has,areturned to "go �ut and vsij tafth her aunt, Mrs.,. Wm.. Carr., „ 'an a figbting speech, Mr. Spritton, Miss' Nora pee'd, Whe has returned argea, -,,taat the committee: should from. a ,vgat,arillth her ,unele and aunt .tackle "the *task "like men" and get Mr:. and Mrs- A.;,E,,Eraingtoa of behind the figures •offeted by the ' I,` ' • Carlow, `Visited her :sister, :Mas, Rad. = ;dairy heads at the. cehacisian of the :chile' Murray; cep. West .Wawan. testirnonY of Wil1iam, R. Aird of .Eastern Dairies, .a." $7:20%900 Away: chain With with plahta • la five „Canadian ' • 'if We9don't, get at the bottant 'of 911s-slirealti&-Inilic.:11riFeeTrfar'une ; Mr. • and 'Mrs. •Malcolm and. Andra . Jeanne, were. Sunday guests with afe. and Mrs. i;, A. Finney, Licknow.' Douglas Mrslas:E1;liottyeenger son. of am goin0 to leave this cominittee Mr an Arthur ' Elliott,: was, This is only a forerunner for ifiveati-. takeetce_GoderichlIfospital to under- Tations, into other afields—into ; the go aa.-appenclicitis •operation, exttatly: three Weeks.. after Ada Mother, 'who haa a simiai Operation peeforMed: is r. trhee .11 regularrPPite dt'meetingbedoingenT1711, fleriell 131il, The: Junior Farmer Club 4pail ath, in the Pariah Hall. An ifa' tereating prograrn is being prepared; Mr. H., L. Atkinson'is. the ' dis- • trict this week, giving the first treatMent in Warble AY •cOntrol., The 2nd taeatMent will he given a month hence. • . facts ',here .7 I want to, khow all aboat Celebrate AMuiveriarY the gpPrationsiof the, dairies, sub= 'Juat :one kireek :following the idiaries, ;your. ihterleelchig director - ear') Wedding of , her asister,' . Mrs., Seg.' what Your ..de1l'-'417 1."11Y:,fififita*, Richard. Paik, MrsWilbam Beafe' We have had hien: here who said I+. ;and Mr.: • Begley of Leamington,: had Cast $170 a* year. to ' eed i'ahd , $60 'or .a irifilar eelebratioe. :•• The .'second ' aerie to shoe a ,Iiin'se;' you mght br ja4atast.erReeidt,,:t.,11EetizIa4b.teoilM.r",!teiandd,. ,Mwras; zalaulieu;tob'uttell,rtinhaft:iot;is.51Cihssinc'mansrin.nwOer,v,a;:, ain, March •25, :•1908; united in mai,: heiird nothing more to -day 'than •Wc,' f'to William Brefik—Ilreit Wa- heard weeks . . v!eneeh, Rev, chubs M Rotaeraera .. Want to :..Kaow'. 'Why • ' nerforinhig the 7ceremony. •• For sorn :"1 aak tbis cemmittee that we ge veers,. aaa.. and Mrs Begley ,tesicled t tbis,' 'like' Men; not:like:Pi,buneF here,' and laterwent to the West; f kindergartners If this ,refererica where' they: remained ' for some years.' •-sve have. is not enough *ilet us'46 ,te parliament and get wider .powers,,Wi 'haire men starting fr..dairy ,With $25'('• .:viortb:.....eni--Micliiiiery,,..::-Then;;T::Wo fine., ,tifeM with a .$2,090;006 -,plant•, years: later), :owned • hy.i.hiniaele, wife, • hi' hii.,nePhoW and hiS.'grandinother The fernier liasn't' 'done as lat, We *ant to know W14;?,,",.naged ,s attori —Toronto Stir packing_house Industry for example,?.' aifoupeed Mr, Spotton. • "fm, not finding fault with .yoilr. figures:I Figaaeri don'tlie, 'but •ac - Manta are wonderful; figurers. 1‘ am not going ich sit back here *iti my •mouth open, and take the* all in:, I'm going t� go beck further and and'. out „haw' the siread is really: Made up. About these execatives'sal- aries, for eftaatPle. • •• "The people' Etteri't getting at the fried; assistant matron, . $400-- chap - $100, ,extra for the ass,: Of hiS car, Th this county the salaries are: XeoPet $700 and matron 1709. There. is no chaPlain;. the ministers of Fergus 'ark' Elota •giaing their Ser•viee8 free. 1 tinfrity',eouncillors, Roon get tea :dainty councillets get $7 a'. day, which totals' $35, for the „average • five -da yi Sesaleri, With mileage extra. Fat cOeititittee work Hurori conri- eillocti get $41..g• a, day, In 1931, theY got a' daa, tit Iirellinkteni they, • Stock in the most beautiful design to choose lioni; ' MARBLE, ' sCOTC14, • sWibisp • AND CANADIAN GRA.NI,TES ° W13 'Make , ' 'spetialty of. • raiiiilv inorniments and invite aaa "yoni-Inapectionaa . Inscriptions Nehtly, Carefully and . • ProuiptlY Dona. , . I See us before , pacing Your; Order Returriingr,t6' Ontario :1110 made' heir home here again for,a short tline,-afterwar'ds' goingathatariminga ion, where they:. have itaiderf for aefifa "yeaiS:' Their fantily conaists ,,Of 1:1:ieee children; Ceeil,;;Winnifred• and: CliffOrd, all at horrie., • , '• . Verne and..Feaak Pentland :irned • SulidaY„, frenf , "'atilt :'•With' rriends' 'at :Brantford, Ilapillton. and . 'they points, -being accompanied by. Mr. :and Thomas VIggipS;.: whir. •voie`gtiesta fiiratheii 'Aoth wedding "nniversary on Wedneaday with their -son, It;. J. Wiggins and and,. Mrs. Wiggins' of Brantford. • They were aeconipgaied on.their,rreturn by Miss Mary; Hall!. Who ".ia a .guest :With her atotherS,',Godfrey yior and William .T: Halar Ashfield 'JesePh , petrie. has: :purchased Case .•11ack's Chapping mill, the 'latter hav, , ng purchased Mill' at Moleawerth, ,=•yherio Black have moved: • • Mr.' and •Mra. Bert. Ersidiciad' 'Code- -hal; Who purpoae opening:a.butcher • boggles Bra$. get llP to $"/ a deaf; .depoilditig l'hone' 74 '!*. • ter expen,00110 ' ' * R. A". Snoitna ,PikonattC:r -• 4th 'CON.. ItINI.:9SS a few dayswith his earnt, kis; Jessie Mr. Robert McInnes is:•apending McIntrea. . •: - .; - - • A large., Cre'wd. attended the !recep- don given" for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clarence Campbell On:iFritla'y 'night, when 'a very enjoyable:Arnie .*aa. spent, • .• ' Jahn Kennedia :who -Was ,•se seriously injnied two weeks is ,much .improverit we are glad to. say. ,aliss-Mery. McLeod: spent last week at her fame , ' Mra. R. Middleton: spent the week- end with Mie:•.R..kobertson of Ripley '41kop here;',Iire moving and inStalling' • The Weather so far ' had been • very ;their ,egiripMent unfavorable for the:making of • Maple Six 'cents: a, loaf was 'the price Of • • ', aread- on Saturday in, Dungannon and ' vicinity, being n -aeduction of a eeat Melvin Reed,. Toronto, ,wati., a =week-. lnd:11risiter with relatives'. 'heire 'and tiicknow. , At, a meeting of:the, Women's As.;,. %oetation of the 'United Church • . . • • • . .• .; Fri - lay , e,vening, the ;priigrain-wa--Jere lare,d': by the f, in a., Ineinliership contest, captioned Mr. Arthur Chlherti,The losing side With alias Martha Pentland; captain; I • toba.' She 'had been in poor health heirith ail' winter. B., Pentland h half - ::The approach of: spring, brhigs with it. the' ',usual :Moving activities., Henry Wolfe, a tenant on ,the feria Of Mra. 'Robins Higgins, eon. 6.;'''Ash71 poem, nioverti- to 'the. Ash'field7goivii toWnship,..boundary. Wilbur SteWart, Hhtiosrami4o7seilq,utiroe. h/ltria.mHismiegdginfr'sothfiurrii.1;.. prepared,. slid served luneh, The , Pro- athilacitttoef Rbferlds:s' ElizabethGlenn,Gpleunnng-;aliMnrosii; ,gram, included.:' readings,, Currie his, *eyed from Jack Cousin's Pentland and Melba Fowler, Plane houSe to that. belonging to MiS..ferita- daets, Mrs. W. 'A, Culbert and MTS..: stat, formerlY , owned 'W., Charles Fowler: ' The Ir. P. 5. of the *United Church last week,, was under. the direction. Of Misa. -Pearl • Finnigaa. Miss Belle Swan read a paper on=7"ComMunism," Donald ToWler; inusie was hlso sup-. plied by orchestra and an amuffing "Journal" containing' some hitherto-unPublislied..hatews • ol= bun-, trannon" was.,.i.ead by , Mrs. BUr 0. . _ _ • Roaeh.;'A primary class in .emorY Emil .M.coiure's -slue won .OVer Car- WOrici under the tutorship:. .f Mise" .nuin nderson's side, in a Bible con-. Celia 'Pentland, also. was' anitising* its test;.: `in whIch Rev. •D. A. ;McMillan ' asked the questions from Donald Rosa entertained hi S young' friends' at a birthday Party .On; Fri- meinheri 'all being lieWeaer D,eath., of .DUriellit lgeNee . , In failing' health f�r the Peat Year, find:Confined to bed. .for ten .Weetcs,; death, on.Thursditi, claimed,' a pioneer. resident of this, district in .the per - seri Of „Duncan llie/ste.e, "in. his 90th .Year. The, .funeral was held urday, from his home' on ',..concesSion 2,, West Wirwanosh,i, where he. real& ed*s• the nest eleven: years. Inter- ment .Was: Colborne ,eeineteey, A presperona,firiner,-, good neighbor apd. „citizen severs with the peat'. flaiat in Colborne ,5,a,e of a family of eikht, Children of the, and Dunean 'Mc:Nee th lrg,...rkarrie...4.„..,1%fifq!Dorothj EMS, Wlie-'-attralves;: tta"wall'staa one' sok'Rosa „McNee. One .brother,,larnes Me'N,ee Goderieh and tiV,." slaters' it Spektate; else ' ' `Vas. Sarah. bitain and `Miss Martha Pentland rectiVed Word Of: the death of their .4116teik: Mrs., gay., tolcle Portaiii Sillib has been visit-, ing with •her unale 13ran'tford; The funeral of &Owe'. B. Johnston who'se „death We •recoraled' last week, was ,held on Tuesday .last,;. item his tate residence, con.- = 2, Ashfield, with iervices conducted by • Rev: W,G. Shaiy, 1J- istoi of fort Albert tlaitia 'Church.; Deteisect, Who was 52 yeas: of Age, vitas a Continuous resident "of the towesliiii trhaughoat. his. life.' Ile, , , orrnerly by' his !itt; ef fainily; 'Mika' 'Stella' "-NAM-air:ay Alnder,. Jack and • Margaret, 1 -lis mother 'and a ,:stet; Mrs.' . beth dedericli, ''find' a A -housewife who, buys a brother, 'John A'. johnston Ashfield also surviVe. :the siorYlee that weighs thirteen poiinds and tb ,is a regulation Under the dernet *tinier sang "Geed:Night, Mid C;n04 • , • M4011 -Syntp Aet WS AND INFORMATIO FOR THE 13 FAR RT'idahof by the Onta40, 1141er41..a.,f. 'ef AirIctilfere), The outstanding feature of the ,obacco-growing Industry in Canada ;ontinues to be the growhig impor- • ance of the bright, flue-eured 'type, leclaies the , Economic' Annalist. ?roduction ef thia type • has risen 4.rorn.8%. mjlijoi aonnds in 1928 to 47, million POUnds in 1932. , • The. • practice • of inexperienCe4 iorsemen. 'la watering their horses '.ft a feed is 'a dangerous' One be - .use the ',digestive ''fiuids are intea- tairm'ed with ana 'sickness' is often , the 'esult; "Water before -feeding cin,' a mantity depeading on the war a nd again 7317:W7°N6'.1.11kid :471:1-1ffiae hln ozlj ie:mrdve:dweer ot .get utenmaep:r:ht:r4e00avtel:belitnleres_441boegrrts_thFe. experts.. PAO!, *Ailing, ad i hens have: wintered in the brohding - failure b. extra Particiflar. Not Only 'sweep 091Y11 theawallai andscrape the floor; a „ butisatarate the floor and wall with 'a good" disinfeetant,,Thia: is not only *Precatitien" against disease gerais, but against the., young chicks lefom.:- nig iafeetedwith lice 'or' mites,. either Or, which' 'might prove ',fatal • to' • the eldekt. ' . • . • If the iveathez is cold t might* pay to line,. the hrgoder .hease -with paper and Put' paper on the floor. 'to stop the draft. Then have the brooder' stove 'running 'fer 'at least 40; hours:)., before the elfialcs,- are- expected -so --as- to: get the stove regulated to fibld the * floor level ..3,ffT°heHon. M tive 'AP•r:lir:FWeir, —"" eir, Federal Min'. Weekly Crop K----eport, • ••• • ' •ster, of Agriculturep announces that As a result of he 'recent improve - he 1' • he . Hog Grading Regulations passed ment in - ada :)‘ lfY.Pr Po Januaryelbai ny;edineegern-01 r!atni' bn: Council31intt hhe' Ontario, 11eg .9g981a2sPwl i:agni. 113g:2, 0‘ afun.cpz:epEtiatttill genoraily representatives s tas livestockliint hathroughoutfro 1 re e oin 7farmers time, 'n are looking feaward with • , • • • ill • , cording to reports from agricul- • • , • . - grain ,Avi e Ontario 'reports a , shortage of high =quality seed, with the d and keen. The • , •, l'i9nro3dy3..i.'nec;onloen 'ffSeaettuirvde .ayth, April 18, t, . !samegr,gup . of ceunties also report ....... - , , , , serious &Triage . 'to fall ' wheat . and • - : • ; l' ' T'fili1g; Plfg.k. St.1"'ree ..... -' ---.:1 clovers. In , Haldimand the ' annual , .. ' • , . , ' Indicating a diatinct change in the! 'entisignmeni;:'sale 'of ' 'the , ,era' Of ten, selling as ' ‘ ' ;noticed , good young sows' with lit .2 ar,i_ce or .the 'Sale being ,$65,01 ,With. Caledonia , - . : ,,, . co.F.rt...11:' ShOrthorn buliv. brought .e.iit ga large '' ':' , ''• ::. .tog. indestry outlook, J. ,A. . . if the •Department, said; 'a'A ,Month, '.• maribea:Of: bidders, Tep..price' for the. ' • • . Igo', while ',,izt aMithwesterh, „Ontario, 'tide :iv -s a $.10 for a cow; the averarge-, , e01111taere:4'eoh:. A. e‘i.e..71. InarILIcoeta.7s:Ucthent:"..r6;,i::litefoe'.....,"Df•i;f1. a1:111.1.so.0"os67.7a5he aened... 'fig PiiiYffififid a1176i-v sale 'a ' -fift-Y,' Port. ,that about 20ii• entries were . • ' ' ..."'+'• , ,,. "However, owing 'te., the a ,...,.. • Emairrde; Nttit'l.rtheei;a421riltyilit.eef Districte x31,tp ......oilet,. ',,...1.50 a. oWt.,, - anchliiag'a•t:1!$1.. 02s., ,0.1.1.°ld 48..0.1,. , figrrstrtamprainze7raelidt.fnegicia4eCren.wnitt, '.',7;110i.vii.nle ' ',thine.. ..:.‘:::••••••• ,.,::' ..;•,,, , l'. ' ,. :::::: U ',the piece of SOO, a.P0Oxirnatulg standing, First ' .PriZe- .alfalfa' Wee . : ' .•,.: : '' „., : •Voli•4utenialt:ii'ati't141y';':':ehenktetimitio!I .- 'of *. in ''0 . hem. The fourth general . T.„ .11.; ;!--;fitii:'le?ar-tatt i41.ili,,!vir. itio'17-in*CelitOttawae.a.s'e even progressing prOgressing; very satisfactorily, :471;-*, ' .'.... ',' l''',,.''*,'="`2, tes ,iria..Itince.....Eflaatird ,, Conirty...ia.....,. ". ..,‘; ;.... , !'. . '• ..',•..''1n?•'1hei.the'.;,en,ia.lfor, 3,11,n..g.. ,: .71.,!.726 cattle having been ,:te.st.ed ..A,.th:iatl,pticsxeaeonly 39 reactors Renfrew County ,yeing.ins.are likely.to continue repisapltif;l,ipplyottigh aie.la''cPording::?nepY.o,ixnli:y,regiatoredand.canmercial grtulture eitimates;oyite:far $o: 1:seed of :all kinds' available •st....\. Iri,,,i'.,in'the: first six . months : of this retiionable, Prices, while 19,, poultry : : • ,,,,, .,".;" ,'",::''',.:a.' rear,'' ' 11'' ' number • .aPproXimately 1i,331;lesi. ;.thrin 'in the sae period of 9 Canadian Cheese! EiiPort ...., ItenertS .. to the Department '..frein. London; Englandiatate that there: 38 little `'.:indication,. , of • doubt Oat:: fhe: price of Canadian - cheese ' can • he, fairly, held, and ' that, stocks will be. Mit of the way before 'the: fieW....See; son's make , arrives,..... • ' ' ''.:.' , , .,...' Th,is:s,t i.r.te'aent,,.s......bae., ,„ , , ., ,he fact that t.7,h,,.t„r::°,i: , „i,..,000topstf Canadianeheeie N:s,o„hand,,,,h:,f,,,s estiMated.•, it ;300 tons: '.for ,',Marekn ,.and .200...tens for .April: iii,..1.931. old Oanadiani. finished -on. Sent -ember 4th. i0spthrough n • Cheapening Of ...th. product,.• . : . ' .,,• ..„. '.' ,' = a ., , . .daiirf7efi' finished C7it era. on, IIlJaY19•3125t. ho,llafCtaeril-7i. .r by .the elimination of the nedeasity ' . : ' - .• ; „) l'aPid liPtiard. swing . in price to 84e. *aet...' fle.iting.....th cost ,ini.., 1931-32 was Was' 'pliant': g1.30 :per :gallon: ...: . . ' ' , ; .:.: • . .2, ', ' 4' ' , .. . . .. .. , . : :One very : prernising,.4naterial, was i d,rs :vihilid4c,i.oty.: uiei iswroei e,tdahr. t'tithhseeap,ii: .111.. en iwt t, .!iwilni..a .t, e-prio, compound tty u i li I do ., '.i , , '',. :•,'. ., urreraent. ' . • ', ^a . usea ciiiedy, . as li, 0 ''Brotie;Ouinnda. .,.....'' It contains no tar ,Ort :ereeahte. :The Material ' is ..applied 'with a, Pa inat as it, crimes' in, the, tin: •It ' Mu t' ', • • '' ...„ , .;., • Mit 'be frozen and. Sheuid be ' kett ': T • '• 'covered with Water While, in :use or ; , . ... • stoyfige„ 'otherwise it. becomes hard • 7 ,, .: ,'!.'' and dry. Grafting ,is ' very :'seidoni ,, • ....' .” ,;;;., ',",''' ' done whert the' temperature, is below. freeOUg., .,The. cost., when. purchased in small 'quantities, , is .ribbac . the.; same as the ;liquid 'grafting: Wax in ,' •'..,..; .;,' ', „ ,,, cofriniOn', sse;a arid ...less .., in ..'. larger: '.. • :.:, '.. i , - ii-mOillits Tt is ' available in ice t ' era- al, from . 1 to 45 gallons. • • ' . a„ . . breeding Stations declare that., rapneyt ,- can still be made °out of, poultry when ' • good .breeding; careful feeding:: and ' regular attention are 'practised.; Tem-, iskaming district repots ' that cattle '...•••• will be in • Muck thinner ; condition this ,..spring than for., some years, oWing to' stortage 'of feed: Grafthtg ComPoonds' , The Departmenf.. of 'Horticulture- at- 0.;A:.:C.: ha is been '.experiMenting , With various oorapoinids for grafting, , :and 'wound dressing Purposear'. Eicier7 ienee znia, observation in Ontario,' • • showed, ,that for our,: conditions; ,the • ' . standard: .R.e s • , • black iiguld :wax (Ontaiih. BUlletin 351) '4oul4, • be impiored•oSs chiefly pet. ciYt.. . In -the present . Year, .-frpm..,....:Jana- • to the- 'beginning, of this, .mentir, the price has continued .con- . stant 60s. to. • 58s,, -being tWO: pinta .ander the 'corresponding per,: , last year - • wer tiieetock yreight,', . 'Effieetive: from .March P., the 'Can- adian Pacific 'and Capadian National! Rilw,Sys '• permit' , Outimand', shiPeietita livestock froth Toronto. to • travel* It the 'slower rates,..' and,arlot ; , „which now apply inbOund Shipinents. This is the an- nouneement Of the United :Filnners' rio...operatiYe Cornpany. All shipments up .; to.; twentY .delits per ,cwt. rsite are affected.'", The reduction Means k.coniiiderable sav- ing to -firmeri, :carrying' stock: back 'Cautitat..fer firdShing. • ... . • ;The Partners! Co-operative, 'the Ontario Marketing' Board strong- ly urgld reduction. rearly 'the year,' The BrOoder-FlOuse ,Ny.iyleli.:! his startede on gt,rhe:t*r.gda 1st:: 'ers- and layera: •Farrnefa men, realize that.. 4arch and 'April hatehed, pullets are More likely:0 he '11-1Ielig lay at the peak :priceirthim chicks. hatched 'the'late in the season, lot; CiOperids,.on the start th&chicka get, and Ter...this reason itis -import- ant that no disease ggi•ms.Sie lurking lry. the:brooder.' hou: tht.:,:first• oiss• the brooder hease thOra. • -,. • - • ' The, result pf ttao, yeeks': trials are •,t %::", ' •, • ) as , follows: 19.31, .teoins tray fair. ',:= 37 grew Of 46; 9 "oat of 340 branch- ' ' 1 ' "k• es set In practically , all . eases both the "sepias grew on the ,331 branches 'which snceeecied. This is better than - • : : ' ' . 91% of scoins, Brae(); in both rears caused h heavier tenni grohtli than frt. d ' The any,...crompond avhich: was,...., e . callus. • w4:\ a little too bevy if; ai1iaa'"4 " ., • :''' '' '1. criticiaja 'Could be thitde. It is Posaible-a'.'.;$"'-.. i that Braeo Could be mixed with some 1 oil to prevent. hardening and , retain more. PlaitieitY. during COel-Weithei.7:''....'":". i Brad() is ' strongly recommended for •. .' ' ' ' ''.,' ' trial" as a grafting compound which' ' : -does not ,require , heating:: Further information qif IIIIS •littl54, ' ', . •'..' !,$".:' ,,,ieti,-,,Wilt.,latigivert.. in: a... = + 1 ,S—pip, 'What Is- a Peciestriani lippr4=A pedestrian mY son, it the ratMateriel ..fet a meter a'atidetit, .. ' . ,