HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-30, Page 4FOUR
THURSDAY', MARCH 34ths i93g/
• „ .
eatty'of the C.P,R. 11
Sport c' Chatter
mor4trr_aieri Kmow
• 4e.Prbited.fiOcia moutrial PailY Herald
a quarter-
bagk who atu.
'died law, but
• hi a' tWiat nf
Newmarket Juniors advanced aro-
. ,
th.,er stcp: Peargil bolnininn,
lfUnora• by defeating Ottawa 3 to 0
en Tuesday night and taking the
rnuati. 4- 0, by virtue Of, their 0
- fate, became a VictOrY in Teredte on Saturday.
railway prat- * * *' i•
• Tnnugn, e
couldn't Make
the -first ,etring
• on the Varsity
gridiron solUad
he had no dlr..
• ficulty with ,the C. P. R. and has
played regularly ever 'since. They
say it was Shaughnessy coaching
that turnad the trick (Lord S. not• "
Shag): , •
He is probably the shiest Man
in Canada. °
The ladies admire .1Mo-because
he wears his hat over one eye
,and walkswith a „quarterback
owagger. The fact a he is a
bachelor and apparently intends
to remain one .provides a second
W.:talent of . je_ne ,sais quoi to
• keep feminine hearts in a state
of flutter. ,
Business men like him because
he 'talks straight from the "shoul-
• der -and has an Uncanny talent
;for getting at the core of the
=Mit intricate problem.
• The man in the street, respects
hire because •he preaches The
• 'Gospel Of True Canadianism,
•• Politicianslawn okhfm because
he is the bossof the C. P. H.
The Prince ,of Wales is another
• citizen who' thinks Beatty is ."all
right," and His Royal Highness is
' -always ready to prove it by of-
• Relating at the launching of a
new C. P. it. ship.
• Ordinary people respect him
highly, and are sorry his railway
is having a hard tithe. • ,
As a youth he wanted to be a
judge, but Pate 'intervened, and
seat him a job in the C. P.
legal department. Young Beatty
refused to regard this as his life-
work, but ulthnately had to de -
•_tide in . a'. hurry • when. the tate
and asked 14111.1,0: be a •Vice=Prest4 .
nt • -:..; • -'• . '•
' 'Here Is one verition. Of what
took place:
• • Beatty :Bala
•pitamt attorney with a,•stern eye"
and exclaimed, "My God, Beatty!
Do. you want.tobe.„
• all .yetti7Jite'?'..-IT'duiik_ Beatty,
• '•..31.11110tVandltoOk, the,•. job .% '•
people .•think BeattY',
IS hard to :'-'reaeli and.. talea. are .•
told of., citizens Who wait .for:
'weeks for the •call eonference
Nevertheless ;the the '•easieSt,
Dian, :IL , country. •••to,': talk to,
provlded you cantrash..the outer
offlce.•. - • •
• ,Helti One of the - few ;leading-
,: Citizeiii who go in for Good Works.,
In .WaY,'Witliouit thought 'Of
.,publicity or:praise. Net long ,ag
.the mother 0? an gic-BoYsr.,'HOine
, youth Wfin.had.lost his. Joh, in
• States, • was destitute: and :nee ed
„trainf,are home In despair. :tele-
phoned ' The Chairnaan
and Presideat•Of.the..-C,P.B., cone
• ,, to the phone In person, diagnosed
• the 'case With the harassed Mother,
told' her ; net to • Worry and, in-
- 'etrUctetl: the '.'C: P. R. ofticial
.nearest- ' to the boy to ',Ship.% him
back ,to hiehomeK,paying.the fare
out 0? .owti pocket. :These.
aro the things Which have -Won
reputation for .kin.dnese,and
• • bora- :at Thorol „a, which.
, Ontario people - Will . tell you •Ip.'
sitattted infhe 'Garden of Canada..
..:He attended- Seireral. schools. :in.
Toronto,and ultimately .scratchell.
• his way into, through and ofilf.: of
'TOrontetiniVeraity:and was called'.
to : the Ontario. Bar. That :was in
1901 and, almost. at once he .*Mit
..'Inte. the d.R.IL's law, department
• He stayed :there Per thirteen:years,.
before ,becondirg. COmPany'O'
,General Counsel. In ]916 hewas
elected. to 'tile' 1!I8 •
they .made, hini .P:real en , when
" 't•'6
Lord' $hatikhnekty' dropped'ont
• pie: iciro 'Portfolio:J. yea.rA •
later he added the -title Chit111114n,
to his.letterhead.' • Since; then .110
'has held both jo40 ;end ; ifcrd'..t
.1110ityl'er worries. on his'.'hands.
..Hethinfie co-•oneretiVerniiretie,
.116.,,)Ve: the rall.way prob.-
does mere' fraielling
• than Many, efileamen: 1.1o•-•daY
, yeti will see itioi in Ca t.Y.' Next
Tuesday. be be In 'Montreal,: `•
On Wednesday .Will appear
: he -
fore the' Railway gorelrilkdon hi
. the Capital.. . On th.iii•aday, you.: ••••
n. -talk !'In by '
'ariee. to , the Emerees ,of Britain,
'.oistward Poona. 'Wherev,er
gees" he evries fils• 'work under
Als hat. .'When N'ere 0(1
It „Used; to be written, that hie', :1)011
•• the biggest In du rtt -jil Job T'i rhe
World. .The Joh tO41.ftY, pt,o7.
hably just as' ,big inkffitely
more arditens.., • ..:„.
11151 eontintied..good reputo
largely due to the ;Idea that.
, got. about -that he' horieSt hon-,
arable and, taking- by enil
'large,' ha -representative
• of Alanirda• as lean be found be..
tweee the tWo odetins. ,
And there is plenty of evMenc;
HAPLY radio ;fans :'heard the Tor--
:onto...1;1,94ton, game over the air. , ori
Tuesday night when the Leafs 'gained
a 1,-0 ..v.erdiqt in 15.,•"minutee • over-
tine- and incidentally Won their first
game in three years played on Boston
ice. With the remaining three' galne
of •a Ave -game Seriejto.•he played in
Toronto, Torontula'Zonedded
• • •
ites t� wripthe series, each team hav-
ing, already; Won a gam.. .The Ran-
gers elitniziated Canadiens from the
race while Detroit misted the- 11far-
eons, both these Montreal tennis hav-
ing suffered two straight ; loses with
goals counting
• •
With IVIareh at an end- hockey in-'
terest • is rapidly waining. The ma-
jority of the senior team' .have not
had the gliders on since,their. elm-
ma.ign from the Bruce League.'As
si...re;sult,..,• the junior and .juvenile
teanis have taken advantage of avail-
able •ice and have been engaging in
frequent encounters when ,-;;reather•
permitted. ; • ' ' '
• , •
, ,
It Is_nOW,Aime 'to be thinking•-'ser-
ionsly • of .baseball •and it would be.
well to hold a meeting. in the . near
future.:•Uneettaint'y as to ,,Teeswater
intentions, ;will :probably' ',Make , it
difficult at present to lay- any definite,
Plans regarding Lakeside League :ea--
tivitieS:. • ' '
Walkerton iantjcitipgentOriflg.
in the Bruce League and•the 'rerind-
ing ,up of a strong ...aggregatien. is
expected. O of 'a TeesWater-
Walkerton amalganiatiOn, is not •tak,..
en 'Seriously.: :• :
Reviewing the probuble 'riaaterial
and possibilities --of flce•Leagtie
.ball Tlie7TaisleY'
Advocate writer • refers to Teeawate*:
as the mystery team, and ns to ...bases'
'Pall prospects in, the, Liine Town, he
doesn't appear to have anything de-
finite. to , appease... the etiriesity of
neighboring , towns.. •
•; •*. *
• s Siat ' followers of this 'Conn,
munity. are . aware, Boulay hasiT
the .0:13: A:.,executive for
transfer', from North. Bay to: .Tees -
'Water. His application waO. net, dealt
With .at the last nieeting of this 'body,
up to Which time a transfer
had not been ,requested Doran',
Who was expected to be on the.. re-
ceiving end of this battery.
* * * *
The Adcocate says ;that • Gordie
- ,
Is being dickered with, • and
that if TeesWater ;:entere the. Bruce
loop, the . big 'righ-liander frorie Luck -
now will be sinnewbere on .the lineup
and if he isn't ;pitching, he can play.
the Outfield and Might even get :a
tryout :at first. base. .
Mr. arid Mrs. Will Alton ''spent,
Sunday- with .friends 'at Nile,
The 'Play staged- ' ,by the Belfast
Glee Club at Zion Hall last Wednes-
day evening, was a' decided' success.
Mr. Wilfred Hackett spent Then -
day in London. • '
Mr. 'Cuitt Mrs. T. A. Cameron, Ralph
a9d jean, .spent Sunday with friends
in Wavanosh. • . , '
Mrs. Will Lane of Ripley spent a
few:klays last Week .11/Ir. James
Haekett's. ••"'
Mr. and ...Mrs% Harvey• Treleaven
and fa il spent.a day last vv,eek
with and 'Mrs. Wilson Irwin.
TUE_ -
Published every Thursday morning
' at LlickneW, Ontario;
Mrs/. A• D. MacKenzie ProP;rietor
. • .
'Campbell Thompson—Publisher
. , .
;. TH10ESpAY,' MARCH 38th, 190, ,
Squaring The Circle•-
, .1
Bursting ,open: the door marked
'PriVate" the butcher confronted the
lawyer. •
"If a dog steals 'a Piece ('1 meat
" replied the lawyer.
."Very, well, your clOg'teek a pike
• Of steak worth about
'fiVe.;Minittes ,
,E4Indeetl,'" he tettirited smoothly.
- If you give inc the othpr half at; tile- lidine. Of Mrs". IVfalcolm Mc. Thepe IS. Mere featplitir tfiatt
.thpt 0411 coVOt 404. luiow-
• Te, all of, whieli we reply maybe.
But the' diekerings .:•se• tat • have • net
beei I eiti---encoutagipw--to -4'eeesiv,
And we •might ' add The Advocate
writer is, correct. in not 'creliting,the
story that:.1",,ueknow isdeal:igens o
entering the county : league, ,We have-
n't get the 'material to compete:.with
Such eempaiiy, and farilic and Player's
have a, hankering for the the Lakeside
League. •' ,
SECOND p:)NuEgsio:,'
Gorden.Johnsterte of Ashfield
OPtint Sunday evening.
atW J. Ir -
- Miss .Jessie McKay: 'Spent ,$thidUy
. .
Jahn Sinith."'''Were
•viSitors, at Mr.'" Frank, • ' 'the
first of tlrWeek
;Mr: and Ms, W, J. 'Irwin • and.
visited ...at Hudson's, . ,near,
Lan'gside 0fl 'StindhY. • .
Mrs. Archie Thornpson of Brussels
'spenta few'days at Main •Mcpueen'S
last Week. •••
• •••Mr Harrv JeWitt • and a; few .of
his frienda "Metoxed.„te. _GUelpli last
Saturday. • • • '•
. • . .
Mit. '. Arthur • Culbert of
„Mi. ant1
Dungannon, Spent: the',Wceken4 With
friends,' on the '
MartinI. etr Of '6,A o•it
visit;01 at his former; hOMO • here last
Saturday.- , • - • , ,,*••••
Tite See,nd wt elI ,i4i.040164!
4''• the U F, Q.: • social • fait: ff‘riday,
in ,thchneWy:‘,., and repert, ,
real. a•Ood time, They liiterid puttin
on another social 1» tlie;Aear'..filtiire:,
••:. Mt, and 1‘11,g, Apg,tie Ofttittoyi, ,Atitta
and: RekiniC,....Spent. Tirekelliji. evening
. • IN CANADA ' •
' There etory ,told of a-, *child
Yhp . was sent $opae,,,frenr echoer .be.,
cauee of the offensive. froin
his, unclean body -and dirty (!lothialS.
lie returned to school with, a:..note to
the ;teacher 'frOna ,incitherc
no rose; !learn•
don't sraell ". " VOrti,:.and1"; by :Misses 'Florence affid.
• ; Whether not this story is tree RUM 'selections by
MakeS,,nb' partietilar7".differencE:'Tfe -4/,...-daorostnart,.aocoiniaaloct-,on
point 6 that the• adult", Or. 'child' Who the ;..Piail°;. Mrs. ; Stuart and.•ndeOr-•
is not clean is ap..nripleasarit ,p9ison dian selections' ipy-
to have around because he. oiten.cii..were all. very ..nnieh Massie.%
the ',sense of • ,,, • • :fl. ;$.. McIntyre; Ted Hoare, ;•Gordon
We should keep our bolies .1t • m1 Allan •lg,iper ?tiben'2, 11
and change our undcrvlcthiib. aid Lamplighting, Time In', the ValieY",
ock nee' regularly . so that we MeV.re to the annIklise
sit i ' •••
not he offensvetoother
:;;iyith a.•.ceurting:" '
7 '7 • solo' by Gaunt Behind
.'fhp:cionds.:„arei.,croWde :and•-.•cre*Is
Of . reading'. by Mr. Ed
PUrvii,,"The Courtship of Sandy Me
Glosben" and- the ,•dinging : of the
Highland Gordan
Realistic , By Slides.,
;BY the use of 05' Pigticu.larlY fine
slides, those who were at the Young
F'eOple's •meeting, and there was a
splendid attendance, on Sunday eVen-
ing,..were taken on ".A. Round -bout
Trip to the Peace ,Mtriet,"
Starting at Sarnia, We .went . by 'beat.
to, Port •acfogi the Western
ProVinces oLVictoria, therieg north to•
rince Rupert, .paot;ttgain
ton and north' to the Peace River,
.Theslides were wonderfully clear
and bearitifullY colored, showing
many beanty spoite of our fair •
main, ••
Institute At Heine.
.' With abent one ' hundred, Members
and their families present, the
men's. Institute 'held their . annual At
geme on ..Priday•,0,gbt. Mrs. John
preSident, was chairman
and the meeting was epened15Y-Sing-
ing The Maple Leaf. Piano duets bY
Mrs: D. Thillipe and Mrs...,W. Rabat:.
warm, bath at least (ince a ' week is
taeually 'sufficient to keep ;.- the skin
/Of the,. body .. dean: , The -pe son ,,Who
perspirea.,ireely,.. or whe„work
:dirtY 'lir' thiSt5i, needs to bathe riiiii:e
,Erequently., . " ' ' ' ' ;.• ••
.L.updefeicy,thop .require to be .charcre-d McPherson,. with' tri,risie, supplied by
-.?recit,ienti,Y-;asH/they--abeiiiii l-the•-•";yiei;;;• "..1‘1r.::4e-lill'' ' IVI:ille':-:-Yveie7all AhC._
iiration, and become.offensiYe.' Sto.Lft. 14., InanY.Javer.able': FOTnTuTe'nes:-Affef
ipgs 'should he.. :changed \daily and tliO-.'prograiU,...eardi...;•and :Other gaines,
he ,feet washed each day as. sinelly were enjoyed. after . milli* itiiicli-:**s:
feet are particularlY disagree' 4E16, ervedby: the ' ladies._ ' A. vote Of •
., A' • clean :, skin is desirable train a; .thank.. " ;tiler:n..74.82 tell'deved R1.!..,3'11erMr;
health„standpoint.. A', clean, Ain does. John..1‘ic.011,illifil '91-4,....41'.' Iq' .
..t,Si mr:firlt. better. than does a dirty5frCl• :'. •-• ', .'''''A', ' .,....... . , .
Ain.,, . Of paitieniar 'irniaortfince It i'-)Taklit as 'ilia text,:'Mitt' • 23'26 `
the -'4re of the hrinda, Becausehands ReVt,., T. C. WilkinsonBun
' '9Sunday. . ; • .
:hecorne 'soiled, it IS necessary that !pert -411g, spoke on ."Materialist,.•Pol
'bey :be .thoroughly ."-WeShek befOre,.(ticle,” This Was' an interesting study
each Meal, in ,order Ite.:preyent .them of ,Pilate:aiid.; his part in "the Way .of '
from depositing the . germs of 'disease-
• . , „.
m food and so enabling these ..gerips
',.0 -'enter the „mouth. •
the Cross3P.
Mr, '41ogn . McGuire. has rented Mr.
'4lake••.;t:Milleris .farM, on the ' lath eon.
Personal appearance is imnrov,e-
This'is the 'farin forraert ned' by
•vhcn the skin is clean, •.th nail: ----ell / Mr. Pave Forrier.
• .
('4`‘ and clean, the herr__ „clean ; Messrs,. Rege:Laviis; Hugh 'Thither-
irld'neliti and the 'Clothing, clean. We fordland 'Pernin, made a..bus-•
eel better when' we are clean: Clean./;„
:Mess raises our feelings .of self•J iness trip to '• Stratford on Saturday
• , Miss Jean Anderson Of Kahr ld
rionfidence, and 'causes us to enter w
into our -work or play with greater- sisa.tsew
Mr.and Alta' T. veyviswItbh, with
_Carelessness 'abent personal „ap.. . ' were
ueuruliee ..lusuallY lowers self-respeat. at Clint"in FridaY:fPr the meeting
T.is 1,,,,hs, whin /Are' have some Of the -Pruit-Growers' Association_
portant bileiness 'enge.767 • ''.Mrs. EIliiitt miller (4 '14nektibil
.1mi-it; , up", • The'. child, was tlie gnest of.1‘11; andMrs.NY• A.
affected ..jiist°. as is the adult. :The .101er and Mi• aiiii:••;*ra• E, j.,.`111nni‘
child.'Whela.-aent to :school
untidY' is not being given The 'April meeting, of the Women's'
. .
chance. • '• • ; institute will be : held; at -Mrs; D.
Cteanliness is ,rth-while habit. Todd's i,n TViursday, ' pin, 6tiT, Roll
It Makee life •irrofe at„'0411 "garden,' Subject
the sarkie': time , ineee .safe 'rbecause ;Value: of r.a Garden;"...in charge, of
e*rtain, fauns of • Cleanliness; Sucb as Mrs.
Washing the 'hands' before- eating,.
are practiCal .4:measures, in the, pre-
vention of . communicable 'diSeases;
QueistionS,, Coneerning;,,Health,' ad-
dressed to the l Canadian Medical...As-
sociation; 184 College Street; . Tor-
onto,it,WOf 'Pe ; answered PerSOnallithY
, 1
The youth of e.tiatie•ri are tbe.ttpg,
'tees'"ef ; •^••
of a thing. 'IS ;hest
,lineWn by the want oti it.. •
• The'. Wise maii•:•inalies, more epper-
tunities than he. finds. . '
' Iteat Wealth ,Conaiiitisriot in .:having,
bus'in'net wanting, .; , •,
• Two thin ta ' are had; .1.4"tati 'ninth"
a:nd "tee
It is happier tohe Aernetimeg.
cheated",'•than.:.net,.te :trust;
MUch..tengito andmuely jtiiigero'en
selddin. gO. together. .
Tim moves slowly to',..11Ja,*hoSe
cnip,lorm-e.ne is- to, Weteb • kis flight
.• 'Vt/ho Alitewa'11. stone if. the.. ..",ity
may have it fall on
norrow fS to filt,Y •,(01)ik.
cieneeit.,,rnitY 'tuff ,t,!po bu
never prop him up.% • ' .'• •
• Prayer should be the l<eY.
day and .the lock of Ilia rihf., • .
:A cake oaten ifl peaco IS' Wfortii; IMO
trontle, •
Mr. : ,„Forster :Of Hillsboro,
North, .1-Sakota 'visited last, Weels.., wit')
his brother,: Mr. James
Other Ohl° lieqUainterices, •
The sok:nil .whielly.WaS;lield...iri the
Preshvterien.. cinirch , last 'Friday
evening;,wis• ' suet -gee, when
.f9friod prograni. • was givqn,f4-and.,•40:(t,
Kenneth McLean f whno,ain''prio,o
splendik..eddreloi On -"Leokidg, .For-
w:u-d," v1iich ,wa8--.enjoYe(1. by all,
aftei,:wkirib hinch was served,.
/6, and Mrs. itoTeirt:•Mobilay' ;and
Mr: and Mr Wes, 14eggatt' attended
the '.fiitieral .on Saturday, of their.
Alfe, Ilannerinan of 'Teeeptter.:
overnm-04CApOroited lia-rie Rock Boy
Chicks Eggs for Hatching', From
• Blood -Tested Stock
have.been breeding for fifteen years 'for size,, largaeggs, heayy
prednetion And. vigor. All 'eggs set are extras and specials4.: •
MARCH, 12. cents el3aAehil,Y CIIICK PRIC•EASPIt' 11,, 11 petite each.
:OAT/ 10 cents each ' ' 31,1114. 9 cents each '
Unrelated toe punched chicks;free,, with every 'hundred ordered.
Ten per. cent deposit ' books your ititt'der,i A90%, live delivery
guarTiteed, ' . -
EGGS FOR HATCHING. Hundred $5'.00.. Three,hundred over:.
..at cents. an egg. Order clucks "now, .and iget delivery when
• yee.want thein,' InsPection invited; • ;Write or "'Phone,
Whiteohnocii, Ontario
CARE OF , Tup lows .
A.10 -17.31E
•(EXperiinental-Farms Note). ,
Success in sheep 'raising depepds
, , _
upon a geed lamb crop ." The percent-
age.;:of lambs raised generally, in
tyriportion. te the care given , the
flcP'• Many loses can • be ayeided
throUgh good, feeding; . and proper
mariagement, ..•
• • If the flock. not fed 'grail) during
the winter, .it it . advisable"- to core-
inence ",•feeding,' it about three weeks,
before ,lambing; the amount depend -
ng on the condition ' of the ewe. This
Will, itisute`a greater' .milk flow:
the.- Central Experimental Farm
Dttawa; a Mixture of .whole, -eats and
1)ran, parts, :has given ,very
qood results. Oats is • the 'standard
feed for •,•breeding ,ewes, while bran,
besides furnishing protein, has lake',
five, properties ',help keep the
lwes in' ipod' health. • ; •
Just previous .to • .the. ewe
.thould. be , placed.. in a private ,pen,
ap4.-free' from draughts.
'GerierallY no . assistance. is required
at lanzbmg except the, ,:case .of
inalpreeentatiOn (no'rinal.• presentation,
is .forelegs airiP head first) and when
the ..larnb is tee Weak to 'suckle, .The'.
wool about the 'udder should .• be 'trim;
' So that these Will -Pe• no 'danger
-of-,5the.' palling•-loose-IpORs and•
swallowing them: • ' •
After *Thing; give , the ewe a
anniunt of Clever. or •al-.
felfe,Larid little:-"iiiater:-Denot feed"
tieavilr for the first -.few %days, as •
this ',tends .t6"over-Stitritilite' the inilk
flew, causing caked ,';udder in the
ewe or •scouring • in the: ia,mhs..
On'Ibeithirci or 'fourth
day, one-
quarter .poprid. •Of .the meal _mmture
recOnnriended above may be fed.
roots! or: silage. This amount Can, be.
• .
gradually inereased to one mid: one,
half pounds. , no , legunie hay . is
'available; a: Meal should' be
,cidded in • the, follOwing 'proportions:
,eats' 3. parts, -bran g. parts oil Meal
part, Such a ration, is necessary, to:
maintain: a .good ' Nytkisli in
''.urn result in:tepid growth of
the lamb& •
Theye was a timid' knock at', the
deer, • ••
"If you Iplease, ' . the
50ge,;ar, "I've hist •triy right •
"Well," snapped the weinan, as4she
• Mt, ..And. Mre:. jaelt ,Iftitehisen a.nd
• ,
niovcd 'last Vioiek . to the ferni
fortnerlY.,...Owniql • by mt.. Tries; 'Gust.,
'Mk; Petel . Kennedy eirvv..five." her
.P„oviOnt. YoUbgeek
Of ..Mr., and' -.1:141,8,,
Yittsi i;h0 alisiorto*,tb have
'het arin •');Adly."8;!oNed last 'f4iietirday,
. ,
• 1(i(( • on -old. 'and,
rtarturilty'r.pagee?1, ivirriy. • 'Stiffuidtay
nioht, The'..Nneral
Niaa:, the
"Clihre,b »,"1)4P6(i.10
4rri;.pa 'cor.rctery:, The
i) y of the •eom in unity I*4
t4.1hd01,1 Li) Ado yvOtti)ory kn. 'raw
topeit.44 hi tito Wttt
. ,
slammed the door in his 'face, "I
haven't got it."
The :club .held ,their ,Literary. on
Friday ;evening, • Mr, ;Levi Eekenewil-
. .
ler-presiding-.--the,:prograiir-crtiSisted ••,,"
of:the, following. numbers ;'Iristrntrien-
tal spleetio'ns "Mr,, and Mrs.
joinietkrii7".rilaiithers brother's; ;
Inetrumerital 4..dnet. the ..Misses.
'Winnifred ..Ackert and Blanche, •ivre:'
:Re4iiiags., ;by Misses Betty'
Gralitue,',: Mary Pettigrew and Mr.:
.HarrY Vocal -„diets,,.2.11(fisses.:',.
Nellie Malcohnnucl,,,i,Mr,'.Rok. Mac-
Bonald;.'kfighland dance,f..1Yliss Mary
Smith; Sten .deneing',. :Mr.; Joseph
Hrrinkeraon; JOurnal,„:-Mr.• Stat-
ters'iNellie Malcolm,
Messrs. Carrutliers;:mr! Itebert
gitcDonald and Mr: Wm.:Moor, lire
gram 'closed With the 'National An-
theni: • •
• ', 'Thompson • • and; Mr:
jarnee BUrt; spent Saturday evening
at Mr. Miirk JohnSton'e,..- •
Hitret't,apent•SlindaY with Mrs. Alrner
Ackert...'• •, • .,• •
" 'The. April. Meeting, of the L
'Akiti • be held at ,the heme Mrs,
, Thiirs,daY, .4011:
.6th. '• Direaters,.. Jeq. 'Hannah,
Miss Annie StatterS; ,tOpie..4.rpbe V41r:
Hanriab;' contest, piali• made from
,prizes; ,addreie'..en ',Banking, .
Mr: Cinerle, •••Linektievii:',r(ili Call, .
'Beautiful . -,Easter • .TheUgh.te;"--;,-,f4inch-.
Corn., ..'lVIrS,S.• 'Albert ThomPson,
Ganible and Mrs. JanieS
, Mr. and Mrs. George spent',
Sunday at Mr. .TretSch's; TeeswatOr...
and 'Mks, Thus. Robb , Of •Airl''
betley, eallek-on • „Mr. 'Richard'. -El-
liott's. triday..
'Mr.' and Mrs. ,McKintion,jth
eon:, 'Were, the :guests George
whiCeg ..eti Friday ; evenniFT
• Mr: ..and Mrs: . John peterbotigh; :
Ilene 'and Spent •the' *eek -end •
.it Mrs. •Racbef'dulbeit's;(1.0th.
!,4,,Ittimiiet,•frOm here -attended :the
U. eumee in •Lacknovii, ,, Friday .
night; and/ all -report splendid
cVening..Ask, Harold,' he knows.
Mies' • Leona ;White •spent the paSt
, -
week., with. her., ,granalmother, Mrs. • s'
Eraemer',. igtho'poM• •• , •
r.Ji-rn and' Eddie have taken up that
old •favorite 'Song, , "My' .„leve, she's •
but a 'lassie
• y
• .
, .
Ever invest ti.feW coati in one
of litekorethitOn'you have' One' of ,a,
hundred yoti, 16ity want hity
, • ,
• Or' '80i? ,
'• IrEJA, An'ott ggt,
LitekWow Sentfnel