HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-23, Page 5, .
DivitsDAY, MARCO 28rd, 041
Lovely Cascad'e antrJerleho Crepes
. • ,
.PRICES A4E 1,0„Wrt
.9 $7.95, $9.95
• -
. •
Samples Bang Shown. This Week
xtra::PantS $5.50
' 79c
4th C014., iiINLOSS
. • Mr. Robert .Watstin, who had. been.
"very ill last Week, is much unproved.'
.`A. number :of tlie ladies .On ti'
line attended... • the bee Ir
9a,'TbareFlaY! last, . "
Mf."-TriliViCenried-Y Serio-OlT
• inlured last weeke..w.hite.engaged ' in
• Taking hay .:ent!'. of': the :barn.
; lead, Upset on, him, crushing him hicc12
.!: ly, and throwing 'him" an the ,:hard,
'frozen ground, causing coneusSien
of the brain, and. several broken .ribs;
: tur. James Irwin, 2nd • con., , had
his barn,lairifed.
whild 'doing" the l"-dh-Tliell'Oca'"
...Nyasa 1 talcen ont difely and the ,ffi.711".
'kept • ftorn ..spreading. to 'ether build,.
Mgt: " . . •'• • • • ',
: Miss.! •Carruthers spent las
week 4in , •
*Mrs. T. ;Reach is ,spendipg :,fev.
• dairc with her brother,' 'Mr.. john
Kennedy?• , ••••• "
"The March nieeting.•of the .
W.; Q. • •Was ..held ThursdaY at :the
• • home. of Mrs:. :Neil McCallum., ,Yitt
a: large„attendance., Mrs. Carrutherp,
presided, and .the meeting cipened by ,
singing ' the "Openin. , Song" . anO.
repeating the Lord's prayer in irni-
. Son. The roll 'call . was answered
• "Whe was St. Patrick," Mrs?
Rebintoi. gave.t the treasurer's 'report:
After community Singing the meet -
Was Oen.. for, IliscuSSion. ;.4. se-
lection fro•ni4he prcliestra
was:in-web ecijoYed.' Mrs,,' Hughes read
'§plonctict ..paper,, on citizenship:, Miss
',1.419_,nri,...Whits_gAta_reading 'In. her
"UStial 'pfelSing..iriariner.5jra.' A. Mac:.
:lntSrre: read the .•P`World'S...!!'EVents''
Which were ::,carefully!,, prepared ' by
"Miia 31ary. McLeod.. 'A dialogue' put'
en by., the Langside %ladies was very
ieil acted,,:" and . Was
also true to life. "George..Robinion
ruthers read a .paper., on Ireland,
sshich was very :appropriate, be-
ing, se near: St. Patick's, Day. ;111iSa
katlierine ,.• 'MaCKerizie,'". favored' the
.nieeting. with. a solo.'"The letter. edged
' black." Mrs..A. MaAntyre, Sang
,"Put On Your, eldblue bonnet" wijie
'Mrs. Brown arid: Mrs. Scott acted the
Part qtthe old criPPle, 'Which brought
..the"..-PiTgrain...tb• a: close. A" iota Of
thanks :was • given the hostess,. and:
.aftbr: :singing ,the ' National .Anthem,
lunch'', was served an'd, a' :soCial, tirrie
•spent.,,, The ' meeting • is,. tobp
'held at the.'..home of Miss Jessie
Kay. • •
• .4
e there
it'sif that important"
For', 30 c'eri,ts
' Jou can telephone
about .
• 100 miles
• by calling "statiOn,
to -station" aftef'8.30
6 --Ce list of rates
O 'in fiont of ,dircctory.
' "(Evening rates hegia„,
t •
Time was When , Dave Clendenning
never 'Missed. a lodge ' nieetings Bin' *4
aitef., going through chair Ie.
had sort of • eased „ Besides, .•14.
. 'didn't: like 'night driving. . •
'So, although he -had received his
4ice for the coming meeting, he had
nComfOrtahly'. forgotten it. till _Pete
:Ofi kith theitnportatit nature Of the
"huSiireSs' to be tiOnsacted.
"All right, •Pete, - be there," iec
answered , , . • :and retnined home
from the meeting., tvitliYa feeling- Of
• duty well done. "
• A! •
Long Di'starke :calf often spells
the difference betsVeen regret and .r
-L-peeee ':of • _ IlatigL.--Distante
quick, clear, ' easy.' to
-7 154 • 1#0,t)erisIve•
Death of, John Glenn .
JOhn:Glettn, 78, son Of the lateMr.
„. ,
and Mrs, William Glenn, Whn: Was
born in West Wawanoshi where WIn.
Mole tiow resides;' died in Toronto
last"•' week; ,loiteWing-, a 'ParaiYt•ic
stroliet.! -We- is surviVed by one son
• Everett Glenn, principal of Mimeo
High SchooL His wite,,,formerly Miss
Mehatable Fern ofNewbridge,,' prer
deceased; hinr,a,miMber, of, year ago.
One james Ste/rehearse'
Dabganntm,. and ' „twobothers,
,Samuel Glenn, Detroit,,,and. 'David
'IpungannOn, slim IftlrYiva.
tartaant.' ThursdAY , Salin
cemetery, near Newbridge.
. Three .brpthers, Hugh, William! an •
'Robert Glenn, precleccaSed2him.. ,Four
.sisters died. ininfancy, . two were
buried on the. tiame 'day*, and while
away t these.' funerals; ler
passed away. all' under ails year.: of
• • • •' • "
OvercOme By • Monoxide 'Gait
. •
', Robert- •Stofliers.;, a mechanic '
McKenzie'S, garage, yhile. working
On Kiipatriek's car On Satur-
day, Was „overcorne..b.f. carbon mon-,
exide Feeling the effects . of it
bOth. htoArd.-,Mr. Kilpatrick atteinnted!
. to !reeh the door, •• the latter snecess,
fujjy, deing. so while Stothers Conan-
.. • •
Sed on the floor, and had to • , , •
ried : otitside,. Where, he was soon 1.e -
:stored . end: Was put to ';bed.
, • • .
Celebrate • Silver:. Wedding;:„,
• Members of •their ;family ,and apse
friends numbering twenty,
joined" with . Mr; and , Rithard.
'Parte ',"Strintdiry; Celebrating
the. silver .,:wedding! anniveriniry:•: The
marriage .of s.Riehard • Park And
Margaret Reid; was . performed
C. M. Rutherford on Mei•eh
,with. the dining -room and tnbIe
tastefully decorated! in. blue
ver, .Mr. Park. Were; present-
ed cabinet of .flatware in
•gilver %rid ..address. read' by; 1VIiSS
Beth :Park, 'Many,, mesXages, ,of con:
4ratulitiona. were received .and :other
• beautiful ,gifts, among, them heing.a;
from the family .anct: casser-
'ble • front? the bridektwO 'sistetS,'Mte.Mason.
';.1V(cAlliSter. artd•'.'Mrs. Wrn
•Regief. 'There."are-„,,six children, Mrs.
'Toward Black. Mrs. !Arthtir Stewart
.Penion • jaCk ,and Riehard,ar
-L-hree.,:gratideliftd•ren,"- -
,s.ret, Heiser'. • '! • • ' •
loint".Me,eting Of .0n1hs....- • • '
• ,with: about .200. in attendance the
fatrieles •:jcirnt' meeting.:Of tik '
Parli91.":,:Farmers' arid 'Jnoior institute.
held' On .•Friday evening was ,
.ne.• Of the most delightful social
, •
events :'' Of the season. Reed,.
wesident Junior Farmers":
presided, with the .progrant:' as
ronows piano duo, Misses • Bernice,
Roach'. and ,..Marjorie lifcDOrniN; • har-
selections, -Jack and Richard,
'Park; harmonica and Sete&
:Bert Whyard; hartneUicii and.
'TeWs7.'harp 'selections, • George,. Moore
and .FOrdiree readings, Beth
Ne"oinneli and .. Claire Pentland ifif.
Intereating.'",Tourniil" read 'by Nancy
.'Icieff:;.' and. , .shart. Plays .',!.E:duCatin'„,
*Mir," . all , of Which Were much :en-
Tlie east of the .play was Ray-
-od Brown,. Wilfred. Pentland,: Wilk:
ham '.Wiggins; Roy: Finniian,.,Mat7'
• -aret .RYart; NancY. Cleff;,: Helen • An-
derson and Cora Finnigan,: and';'ar-
fting in. favor ;Of nigher • :education
Of •country - hoys,":arut girls. was rnest
suitable , .fet :rural ‘presentation.,
Plunkett'S orchestia, furnished musie:
for the :dance .•WhiCh. followed, : With
lunch -served at: midnight.. The ball,
••waS. nrettilt decorated' in 'keening.
Patrick'S Day; 'MIS. Mc-
Donald. •anct, Mra,..:X.DavidsOn .were
. • , „ - • , •
AgPerlina. : ,
.At .special -Meeting: of the s"cheol.
board of • the . No. 8 • Ashfield
(Dungannon), held 'at the honre:of
the. secretary -treasurer on Saturday:
the contract !or installation of a new.,
furnace' ,for •• the; junk*. .rooin was
given, ' AS the. •present :furnace:
bump& Out. -The furnace will. be in-
stalled .;iminediatOlyi ,' probably!on
Saturday; .•
The .'• death • occurred of Samuel
Bertrain Johnston,'con. 2, • Ashfield;
on ''Suridak: evening-.' The funeral' was
held.' on Tuesday to, Dungannon ' ceni7!,
etety.. Further: particulars next Week:
The Meeting Or 1;the Dungannon
branch of .the Women's Institute .will
be held on Tinitaday,„.•Mareh: Sfith at
3.00" P.M. at the. hoine,ef Lorne
Ivers.:R011 answered
'Suggestions .for Spring ,house: "elso)
ing." •PrOgrain , in charge' of :
Burton Roach, JelieS and
MM. 'Lorne Itets, Who will ;else 'act.
es ' hostesses. •••• . ••
• Mr: 'John Thenipsen, 6,. Wesi:
'ArnwanoSh, .field .4 sale Of ..tarra stack
bus firkin on. 'Tuesday.. afternoon,.
with, .Mr. .Matt.: Gaynor. anetion-
eer. Sheep, sold ' 0.80 apiece;
pletrientif were offered. • I
, .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wiggin‘
Brantford, 'spent' the Week -end. Witt;
Prespective 'parent e at Dungan.:
non An • r. cl. Mrs .•
.McKencie, and' •'AiidieY'
'Jeanne With relatives .,sit
Robert Davidson returned. 'sitnr-
(Jai, "from, Toronto,, whereOle attend-
ed the anniial convention 'cif the Are
guest his 'slater,
'son of. tiuta. • • • • t
Certificates have been'. at/Anted tc
ftife ,A7b0 :Attended; the "Len7
derebitii,Training Classed',';in..:DuheaP-
nen United Church - rebriutrY!
Mrs: Melville • Culbert, EnrtOn
"Roach tho Aliases MYrtle
lTarjrie"MaCtleriald,' Pettit 'Pliant,
gen,.. Myrtle teishmatr bettsfe
" d Blyth.:M M M
.port piagoe.
Pea.Woodstock. 2 -9, But Lase
Round, 7 to 6
. Walkerton . Q. B. A, team. , one
short of tying.. the retold with Wood -4
stock, „in .the: CoUnty:.Town oii FridaY
night, when, Bobby jones,•-the referee.
disallowed a third, 'period goal, .by
totally' ignoringthe goal: ,unipire
who persistently flashed the red light;
Walkerton Won the game, by .a Score
of 2' ti;."10,:,but halting' al).00ed
7, te 4, defeatin WOOdstOcic. on- Wed.
nesdaY; were -otisted,:fr0tn.. the 041:
• •Qn • ice that via heavy, Walkerton
'Press -eft- from the 4,-.Atart-i,witti-a. fon!,
-Man attack that bottled the Wood-
stock team,.in. their • own end for
practically the: whole game. , Pucks
hfle.eVwingt. 4litnihirtayi-IsevainngledaireWeti.ttishol7:neto
stop, while Oberle in the Walkerton
nets had ' but eight: woOastoek play -
TIT* defensive hecIteY front:the start;
were Soon so harassed,: bv :the Walk-
erton attack. that ShOoting the puck.
up: the ice was , their. only means Of
ielieVing the. Pressure around; their
net.. . • .
Not.....until.....abotit_midway through,
the. 2nd .period, was Walkerton able
to score when RaybOUld, backhanded'
a: neat . counter. -_,:paat -Lynch. :Encony
aged by this 'Walkerton ,swarmed
:around • 46... .net raining . iiuelts* OT
.Lynch and 4 Were: • shortly ',awarded•
a :second: goal. when MaYbould., batted
. . • , 4
Dugeon'S ' rebound; ' •,
' Play slowed : down perceptibly in
he '3rd period . 'as the ' players tired
but Walkerton With. their' entire tearn
• fit .tim"-e70-7-.)ir-theL-WoOdstock .end :still
te,,net the: tying goal wil
out, reaults. • • •
Many Ripley ans were aniong ,the
crowd. Of acline '1500 persons who
'anamed ' the,. , arena., 0. Their .interest,
Was ":•specially ',Centred, .around Cecil
'Iooney, a Ripley d product, who
-wirer:4 ,yeara.,-...hai Played" on ' the
Woodstock tearn:.,and Who. made no
.better : §:halving.... than his ;Other .team-
rhatea against, the :Persistent' Walk
'irionrittacic;• Mooney !howeVeril'weS
.in the 'limelight,'with , jiis 'playing
tactics; *bleb :resulted in spend -
ng considerable time in the'penalty,
' •
• ...Milverton C and ,,Erin ettRY
won a game in the Northern League
finals and •,the third , And • deciding
:fixtUre 'was Staged. in. Palmerston last
For . he.second time since the'
Attlee League was formed five years,
' Teeiwater hfis„,..won. the. chain7
pisinship and the W., .1: MacKay -
trophy, When on Thuractify .they'. de-
feated, Walkerton by a: icore '
The first tiring of the series:in Valk,:
•,-4,rton •• the previous Monday was
, . • . •
Doran. and Bonlay, baseball, un -
ports to teeswater„ Were -added
'5trength:.to the teeier'S hockey 'teem
'his winter. „Boutay' '.4).OVveirer • 'Wit§
missing •'front :the %line -1M the
semi-finalif ' and .neither names aP-
peered,. on the .line-up in the 1st
giurie of the :•finals, With. '.Walkerton.
This :lead one to believe that
things 'have not' -been all serene in
the 'Hine -town and, that these . two
ball-playera.:have ,probably ° Made
their, exit. . At that 'rate it looks , •
Lakeside league, baseball'for: ,Tees-
water: „ '
•1,31r0 1Yegiy./tPloOtlopt7F7 ,
"Chubby",,MCKenzie, Of The Paisley
Adycieete, proMiCea tv; resume ' this
weelc of ' TeesWater's and. Kinear-
dine's plans and 'chances iri baseball
this season. We're awaiting ,his dope
with. ',interest.. 4,
, It looks ;right. now...a.S. the. Lake.,
.tide 11,eigue ,ftilittieri another
season, With. the sitnie:.IOviriS "entered
laSt year and in eVent •�f that,
imother :interesting 'May. be:
ked • 'and to Out 'way of 'think
ing the Lakeside • League ,is Werth
Kincardit*IS .-tePorted AO! be Soine,
;what' weaker. On accounkof ' • the .de.-
i,artnie. :.'and .11. is
'titimiitett they may he. VirthoUt,- the"
,gerViees' 'of Stein ..and atson, Wing -
'SAM look elsewhere for
. ,
•i p1tcier, sincd to
'that Streng teamaf.'etiuld intiatercO
tit beti'Leasew-TeeStelliPleY-jend
.finckno*. Could 'ttet .6iit PraetidaliY
the:Mine Stifled laSt'.Year.
ParSon,: "Virell, Mese, how is yal
)eiterThalf, itil5 morning VI
Mose: '14She's bettah thanks,
lint; Parsen, yo' aho'. :cateldas *if
t' #11019111.`,
'1 • • ,pAtit
.:(Ptindsfied by the:. Ontario DeliartMent of Agriculture)
An interesting deVelOPraeljt, has.
taken . place in giI.upos. a towrialiip
in wellingtpr( county Ins the, sectipn
served by Chas. ;Birge's 'tour'milt
Mr. l3irge grinds the Wheat into ficpur
for...use of farmers of, the, district.'
He'-'ebarges 20 cents.,.ber
ing the farmer baCkthe flour, bran
and sherts,'• lees :two.' PoutclA:tO ever'
niers is noted' in PreY and 'Batten. .-
Egg prices .• haVe.ShOwn ,an Upward.
trend. in. Hun* with a Very strong.'
demand evident. Feel County is en-
" A.•.; Maple ..!SyruP 4at'vest- thati
is prpbably, typraf' of many E..ectiOns:
or the p'rOvirice„. Over 6,000, trees
have been ;tapped there and ,•a, Vol-
ume •cif 2,000 gallons'om maple syrup
the waste' He :states that, ,there: has is lndicated. 'North S•irOe.O.P' .Thatea-. an .
been ,a 'large .increase: inZthe'nurriber increase of :about 8 per Cent in num
of . farmers 14444 'advantage" of titi bets Pt. Yvesteeki''-ivltir cattleconng:
'scheme • hr the last year; of, •.'t,WOthrough the *inter,rn good condition,.
Qyiteafew of the farmers are .An. tip -to date „ power seed—cleaning
Taking- , bread, from the flour while iilant: is being installed ;in ''Alliston" •
'others -buy A' hundred Pounds. Of pure and will be! in • operation. ShertlY• -
Manitoba' fioirr-lo--mix--wittri s-.4also maurity-whe re
2old,:. windy weather ' has. had a
More Eepnomical: .Prodretion t.rimental -effect on clover and 'wheat.
EsentiaI to DeitY, Business viiich traVebeen exposed to the" •
' '"Dairy revenue has, declined,:ate'ad-- weather by heaving and thawing'. ;In.:.
;1y, for the past few years and in My middieseri..less than the *Usual amount
ipinion, More economical production of 'Coneentrates have been bought' for
..)E milk is the only solution to ,•,•mir lairY cattle, With ' the • result that.
resent Situation in the dairy bnii- milk produetien, has not been ! Otte.:
nesS,'' said George H. Barr, director' op. to -Ptandar0; and soineherds' are
Oairy. Branch of ' the "Department. •. not in as, good condition •', is :usual. •
itSeyeral. factors ,Will serve towarda. Thi a county has had an, unusually
",bweringproduction costs," , he cep-. large .nnither of . appliCations for :T.?.
blued, "lint ,perhansthe inest: p. testing with , a• View to having
nt of- these is 'imnroyed7-breecling.- liert1S-accredited.,"" Good farin, Work, •
Muehcan be accomplished in. increas-i- horses, ,,,are, selling at, excellent .prices
'ngproduction of, milk Per, cow; thru. in.; Wentworth and , many farmers '•
using only , pure ' bred .. sires, with there .are still in" need 9f extra horse
known Mirk production in their *a- 1107iVr:,
cestry A second important Step:tP Renfrew • 'county sped grewets,
:Vards 'more; efficient, 'production IS ,vere large Winners at the Ottawa
that of cow ,teitytoi.. with a .viov." to Valley Seed Fair :at Eon -0011e,,
rlintil'49.ting the poor cows, or 'board" 'fig the championship in wheat and '
•ers'• A third ,esiential, is that, .0 ield peas and victories .in 1,3 obt":"..•
-seientifi01 feeding..' A,' high-predtteing f 15 classes.
rd. 'fiinSt.b, e fed l balanced rati!irs.". 0 r.copnughhicti ,ot .he re ec 6pnert tad.- fritteO Vitt,r!
.Definite .Progress 'Nfacle • . Arnim at the .Upward awing of hcie
• In'Ont !Herit Marketing .prices aficithe feeling" is expressed
The '•Norfolk • terry GrOwera"As-2tliatm. tohdelt..ipei:wCes,i;lo;fn.owd11: kinds *wsuit of farm
.4oeiation; termed teat' seashn., to om
;tire- more, �rderlyH markeUng; has
tad a Moat -"!suCcessful !•Seaion.,!-: prt
-•;anizirtiaii!`mirde possible- More 'care-
ful' picking,' packing and shipping.
Better: grading', methods were
ute1 And.•, through the use of.,pre- n •
.' number of !entries, in general sex.=
eboling% and iced refrigerator.: 'eara'.,•ci•e.-Ile,
nee of exhibits :and in Anasterly. , •
•markets Were eitendeci tO .in d . .
, . . • „ .
,College• Boyal ShOw'' •
held .at Q. A: on Tuesday,' March. ,
"7th; ;was . superior, tO .aff 'predecessors •
Ft,; Winnipeg,. Ottavva,
Montreal and Qbebee. At all :of :,these.
points the !:berries were well received
! Wherever fresh 'berries Would not
.ung satisfactory: Priees.. the; fruit
waS.:pre-cooled and Processed being
put up barrels and frozen' for the,
-jarn • rnanniactrOinig.,ind,'.-iee, -Creaan
trade. Norfolk. County' is the only
lace in 6anada-MiSt of the..E.oekies:-.
Where groWer contr011ed Co -opera.,,
•byes, are: processing • berries in this
Dealers: to day accept the :Norfolk
Berry.'Gre*.ers! label .as •'a qiality
brand, and indications no* point to
a. gtoWitig. 'demand for straight . f. ty.
,shipPing point "sales leaving only
independent Shippers', Supplies. to go
forward on, consignment.
Canadian: New Laid'. Eggs •
• The ,tige .9f the:words "New .LAid*.!,'
ie'tording to the Canadian Standard
racleS. for 'eggs, s .ex-
eeptiri the case of the highest grade;
viz.:: Specials. , The use of -this., name
ISlhnited, to, eggs whi6ii. Cenforpi to
the special 'rules and regulationAR laid
down Further, the use' Of any Word
or.texpresSion 'denoting freshness ;Of
prodnction is algo 'prohibited in any
manner'. of association . With • eggs
other than. those, Of grades' Special
,Extras. • It may be noted. that
eggs .beld under sArtifieiii .t;frigera.;.
iion• subjected to artificial pre
serviitiOn s net be included in
these grad s.-, •'
• Drifferini,County notes a• consider-
able. interest ,Mariifest this spring, in
the prtining of orchards,: particularly
niatiy which '11;Zd been rieglettect-for
years,' AVailahle..labout and local de.:'
bland . for domestic apple's • ProbablY
prompts ...thiSir•intereSt".-,, Early 'Cob-
blers Will 4•IiirVe!'...e greater acreage in
that 'counts'? this year, -'-while all bleod-,
,tested fiocks have contineted, for all
the' hatching , egg 8 • they can procure.
-;Grey comity has observed with graft
ification:. a Substantial, "iticreaSe,
hog :Pric_es,_.A. steadily inCreasint
(Miry ior, good seed train from. far-
h wmanshr •
• A show in claSs by. itaelf, 'the
College' Royal, for !berg shawrnanShip
,is :the central idea, and in, !many of .
the classes it the • exhibitors.' that
are judged rather than the 'exhibits,:
In the iiVesteck;' cliVisisiri. the alert •
indges...neted-every. .Of each-, •
exhibitor from the...time &Centering •
- ,
Competitors viere'.. dtlY, criticized;.6i.
commended without leer Or., favour
and they accepted it all in the 'spirit
•of 'good sportsnranship.The 'grand
championship in this went!
Pinknek,... .fourth Year
student, *lio is as . geed n $sliownnin -
as One •,corild expect to,se in: any
prtiifessional slib*ring.-
the educational exhibit! diVision
th'e'.itriPrOVerinent. over .previous Years:
Wag ,niesernarked. and, the :ea/ripe:04'.
tion very close. these Oiliibite•are
Prepared by the department Chiba cif':
the :college,: and it is the business of
each" Club, to 'select • e vital tit :,of
fOrniatiOrt froin its Own, line sub,'
:jot . matter' and: to design, construct
and an exhibit ' will
SteCeSstitly -carry that .• infOrrnation
into dip. minds Of the. visiting ptrbhe
Tea Chiba :.entered thxs ,,competition,
and. there Were ten excellent exhihits.
Never before have the students Put
so mriCh thonglit "and :skill" into, ,their
club exhibits, and. it NV,a$, inspire. -
don to .these yenng,men.throW them-
' i'veS. so ble heartedly into the
In44his class the first 'award:'-'
Went to . the Apinial Itirsbandiy:Clnb,
Second to &the ;Field .1-Jushandry, Club •
end' ' third ;to: the Poultry'
The .other division of the Show
were Household ScienCe,CrOPa.
Horticulture, ,ApicUl-
ture; Farm Mechaniis and At. .
Grand championskiiP ;winners
fellows: ,$", •-; '
Household Science Division, Miss
Dorothy Hill, senior student
• 'Livestock pivision, M. A. Pink-
ney, fourth year student. .
Crops Division, B. 14.
hoe,•fourth year student.
'HortiCUlture L: "Herman,.
third • yeaf- student.
Mk. and Mrs,. Chas. Congr,am spent
Sunday At .Mr. Chas: Sheill'S,.
s'Pent •aqeaf lit the „ hatne.of her
.bretbeir,; Mr; -1Ibtnet:''ll'eirria,
We are sorry to hear. of the. death
f M
o. r. Alfred erns in North Pc -
kola. The deceased IS a brother- of
Mr, Robt: Harris,' 8th coil., and will
.be brought t o Riniey for burial.,
Mrs, Aimee Actort,, and Sack . ac-
companied' by Mr, •aricl Mr8. ,rtatof
rillt5tt JOYee and Mrs. Wrn,,
days' witill mr::...Eowara .Elliott• v4 •
iS,.i•tinder the ,dbetor'S, :Care; ' .
Mr. ,'atid Mrs: ' Harvey :Ackert,. and
§bit Clarence; Mrs, Ernest :,'Ackert,
Winnifted arid 'Lloyd,' spent; .Sunday
with friends. `et.'ttliel; • ! •
forgerAlr-Club •
tM§• 'miss Isabelle.
to,hvelt • and....Mr.....Itielia:rd:
prOttant prepared..
messeg. rditi and, 11OWArd Hatto •
are busy, theSe Maye,'With• their .druy
sato. at Mr:. 'Vs7m,' redid.% '
1&t. forget tiro til.P.•o. diAnCe in
'..lie"irovvrt tnetthow, this Fri
0,010,:,'Everytody ivelcome,
:The . peony In this
of , Itprbit#: 'inifittnted. to Detroittnilt tre busx Titactlaing for. a..
„ 910041' lailt:1141.4 tcw'Ntaft3t1 A '1'.:•sat.
44. 1'