HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-23, Page 3• -
Henry '0, Beh B S A, Dpt Of CherniStry, OA
• • ,
les* All 1f4t-tei" loTariti'Editaip 73, Adelaide -St;
t TorontoAll Answers Will Appear in this
Obrumn• If Personal Reply is Desired,
.ed EnclQse
Stamped and Addressed Epv;eloile
' 1:41/41Y cOaltnen!9ueetieu4
'Tito time Is herewhen. rnAn'y .1214r44t,
gardenerand ferineraare figuring On
their';fert111;er 4.10,e0a;,:,044 .,thPrEi
•‘..SP*4 ritielltPate Whigh•Poine;t0 40, Ter)!
•, often,. , Kere, Are eye with ,theiratts,-
Wertn, • .::s • r
. . Whet • doe a a...fertilizer:04444e
.• .
Answer. --On every:. fertilizer ship-
• Meat there - 40a tag attached ,ifhi4h•
• .btaed two Sets of ti3Otires. Let Us. say,
•. `fer, luStancei. the; 'Op one la 402 .eed.
• 'beneath,•ett-4.4,11414"..27,12A'eeee-rie•-•46-2
Or 0%... or. 1.0.•lbee•Poticah. There, Are
. , -
, 4Ppro411:44tely 54: lbs., of Rot.00,4 44 100
, • ,INct PAAri4te-:0CPtitaal-- "'There: are 120:
• Ihe•:•in 1,9"0/50!'x 10, .t-7- 246, Os: raltriato
of. potash. •:Tli.'erefPre we will yeciOre
440' lbs. 4iiirl0te of pd.t004, , • '.'%',c. .•
f Now let tee add together all of • our
ree, i
. 1
":11 undel#Srld what •I eieep,er.. ..,
tiirettteUtse $4 .ths;' tankage +" 1-7& ' .' . e. il, 4', •'-ir .. , ' '.., • ':.„
lbs. eniPitate.Qt.! atUutPuia:-F 109'424 „ ieUeeleiin, did epdeeitand,, and fn
SuPerpheephAte .+249..144-Aurlate..of 1
Potashthe goodness* Of his heSrtr''Sel0 the
, 74-7 1.4.09-..•'ths- fOrffilzei`: ",'. -.7:i° flay a log lettere.since,published in
Make thiiim tO,4.ton We will have tP 'lonan"-AgedWithValuable
•' ,
AO orui pound, 044 "t1.118r On0'P°404 / the !les' adviIcieeoce. ,In 'it he ModestlY,said:: • '
•fill_er..'eltetn4Y--/3-0--4P,IU:POs*.°44!4e'__67 '1 ani stireTiitTE.-fh, ere are ' A gree4t.
send:, or ground limeatelie, or some,.
tmany 'people who., are mech.: .ihetter
thing of to give good drilling
qualified than me to give' yoUr. son
'440048 -the license nuinlier for the 4*
-144 or (104 .of fertilizer. Even,'
. fertilizer niall4facturer has to take- out
A. lieenie for the: matufraetariag; or
every Jirand,Which..he:ael4i, the fiame
As • every- oar: owner hae to iimy
• license, for every car '.'heft 'he! °via,
ThIs Is merely to .aid in identitlyini
• the, Manufecturer of the, fertilizer '.'af-
•.‘' ter it has gone out t,C the stpre, tense
or 0'00 •
•• The 'Second set ,cif figure; -21124 is
, reeprd.ef the .plant, nutrients. that.
.tlie bag. contains. The 2 ineana
nitrogen.. 12 Mean's 12% phosphoric
• atide......and_Lnieana.6..%_,Potash On
..e*ory.. bag. that •contains thts tag the:
• daafents must' etialyze eta ,guaranteed.
,..,Vedarneeth theee. figitreeether,e.Jle.a• .
guarantee of the of ''tlie.
••..carriers ,of nitiogen,.ephosphorie:,acid
.and potash. --• . ' ••••• •;" • '
•'2.• I have read.' about 'a filler .and t
,heard a neighbogr 'talking *met a
carrier. What .do i they mean? '••• •
Answer.eL,EVeryOne Interested in
soll fertility should get•dt.flnitoly -In.
• • 4oh4 that the crop eannot use the pure
• ' elementee-,--eltrogeneePheSphertre-aad-
potassiam. It get these elements,
. • • •
vitJi, othera!„ from. the soil;
'! from .4nahu•re,e :and-efrom
This(flien, es(ablishe's•••the need: of a
careiety Manure a' Carrier
• :mai-1'1111i' Carries feom 10 to.
anclabout16:11?Seof-Petash.;.. One hue
• didof. 'nitrate of,'soda: carrie
lbs. Of nitrogen,the •rest of StilOhat
.of ' and • oxygen:. endininuri ties
hUndred: pounds Of ,stilnhate''
• ahnnonia carries; go Ai. Of nitrogen
• !.:. • The. rest te: Made.: or,hydrogen,•!s0
and oxygen.,In other lverds'eth
•, purest -forms -0f the Plant foods as they
• :are betannntly-but:rether .incorrectly
called, ,4r.o- simply carriers, 'Mime the
,purc,elerneet•,itseit',./itust be •.mixed•
, with some other! •thing.. before, it : cao
,•be. carried to the.. plant and taken:lip
• bY • •
using -Anecdotes
• aittioUs *vie
, few 744r4 ago an 41/xiP144 11.1Pth,er
Wrot"0. to•: We PolUSr4.'4, IVAPg14401,1.-th`e
Te-liSt,-askingehimete• "'her: e-
. Word4 what, wee, the n'Ott.q.top for,
her: son, mgie •was...s4en
verid ni;4, vien-;deterni„ined 40.0 4
iiter4t7 career. M4P-01111I'e Ati4Wer
Wtis, 'quite • • "
" '`fgiver yonr son .440 thousand d0-
iars,..a. year for. five years and tell him
to go to the MiSchtet, . !
The jadir,'-whe lived liosten; was
qtilte Shecked at the ;idea •sand ex-
: h ' ted
,pleinedthat. w s watt on was
'more the technique et, novel wrfting
• , condition! to the fertilizer.. .
hints": on thia. difficult •nietter,t/e• :','' '.
' The above lathe Way that fe,rtilizet0 .
. , .
T • • which tlie• lady 'from •Boeteh: r&
are.rnatte.•:nP, LeWer grade fertilizers nee, in part:
. . , ..
. - , . ,
.stielk As Z-8,2,..iyhtelt Is now not lewint .
.. , : "It is verY hood of you to • have
• to h•O To40,11.14ed to:require nauChrapre ,
written inc such -a long . and 'careful
fluor ' than 2-12.6,, .iSpearting generally, lert"er,..:but'ince wrote to , you last
the 'higher the 'grade 'et fertilizer the
my :son has. decided to go int* "the
bond. hueiness."- „. . eeee , • • •,.....
. s • iltefere .t.arnhing Paralysis ;• • Then she add a P.M. "1 areepUrpris-
. This diseafie .occurs in . pregnant ed, at .your yvtating than me.. • Surely
, . .. . ,
ewes, Shettly,befere, the .lanibeare eine it, should •he ' 'than I.! !" •
tp' be ,born. It ia enoet frequently Seen . *
. ., . ..
, , . . ....
less:filler it coritaina. .. •
on farms,,wher e• sheep Are .kept clse1
•natiOy cOncenfreted feed. without sit
ficrent7e*erctse use °up •the dige,ste,
-foOdeztroate'dae- e
.a•ceuirnilatiPti, : Of. fat :',•and gleYeogOli
!•Witleit.brings about such body ellge
as Will. cause interference" With' th
"rentevel efetiaisOnons hectY •weatee
pregnant Sheep.' thip-are not give
range; or forced to exercise, should:b
carefully fed, 'Atidther 'factor faltering
the:development:of thecoridition be
feelambing:•Para.lyels,"°,4 ,seeji. in •the
iiroduCtitbir O,Ptheairr
ii'due to the fate that the wastes ,feeen
. the ..bediea of the deVeroping larnbs
,thesthe rezeoved threugh :the •circura-
lien of. the,pregnarif ewe. :Thia, Mite,
aii additional tax on the ewe, and,the
• * *
Y P.11.4:410)417,._--wiALlia0Sted
-4507 ,gtiVe.• thia-as his
tion of -Idealism:. '
d "It is something . that yeti' think
O nice, something that yinrclaini. for
Yourself, and eapecially something
e that you refuse to your oPponents.'
e • Neat! ' • •
• '
'n * • .
u Tibetans exchange • no word op
erecting with those they meet on the
•rcad: The lowliest one's instead .stick
• out 'their tongues, says 1,11miriettie
Sands MereiCIC
---:.a.4delightful account of her adven-
turous .journey to -the Forbidden
,Lancl,) .• ;'• •
° '"It is rotated' that .this etietpin
iginated 'during the • religious wars,"'
_slieeexPlaina, ei!eehenetheeredeaectlarnas•
p 11 from' t
had power to casts greet.
.diStanCee byemeanee of the,..eimple re
eitation'of mantras. " •• .'
he ealled unprefessienal..inestrinelt, as
he 11014104. all 044 44 client batt,'
40.1n, had- no, hP44 for 044'for
his works 444 '.we,1, fittle4*1
to his trio444 for the .4441.00'•hY'WrOOt:
his knIPtnre*--.Wereltnewn".:
Tor in-
stance, Pkis:10: the, ikistet1 .of
John' the Paptiet',', 44 t.eitreY; 'hirnete
rand re-
weti.1?);!, #13,4.14t ob;iitni 71;
Oije morning things hadk,g•otke. vary,
•40:417::''.13otlitr"con14. not get his rnodel
t.44, up- 44tiefAotPrY .13.Peei.".;' 444
hOtnir wa-4.'te4 ite'veral:4104: g4'03
PP in. despair •444 ho".
oouId g, 11* tUraP strode 'OereeS the;
,p1r747,,yitt feteadvh
his clothes—his .n.�ve-
• "$tepfil'•cried.' the SOn)Pter; :Ifectelt. as
PV4haj:f.hti-1:,41ehg941114: titel'sr"e: h:'1.; mak. e.
a 'Sketch.e! '•• .
thatlIViheno idea bstuatte. weicasbibfiiiiti,sitiliwdtIthQC1thi4e
• 14t7baeill'dsc.In a, criticgmeit! d friendaov e .e• t v'e'
gMagnifieekt!" ••said Mirhean.e.,,.
read kOur purpose: e"It's ',Toipi the
44144;: of course."" • .
"It was an idea," Rodin .naively.
confessed to Mr: Rutter, 7and, VirretP
fito.rdeb4nita.,t,.,7110,4,:fp11,fear that,,.• Might
A Good Looking
Sport Model
Dresion,altinfi Leeefin. Fur-
" Erve'ry.-...-satterit.
13- thefL7wdine gcaramtrkIll-Pg 0'610111(?.
_lamb to develop tha-d la -
•for :exercise ;Will elargelY"*"elitnin,ate
6 titee'slosses: • OVerfeeding pregnant
. ewes with alfalfa; and :other
nitro -
f genotta hays-, has 'freq•uently ',been
, bleated. It, would be better to reserve;
th.e. alfalfa:And 'other ,rielt 'feeds' nail,
e After the eve come into inillt.:EpSent
• ,aeIte can be used to ,advetitage it: such.
• .°098' , • • •".
• •
• English Poetry
, ,O. heavenly• Eloquence, '
• ' That ' with the :strong.. eme-
, ,
.; ‘",•: nianding words „
post "nownag•e, "gilide,
- eminence . • .
Of. men's effectiens, ,more than ill
. „
• Atilier ie an entirely different thing:
A fillerleinert Material that supplies
..ne Plant roodi. whieh is sometimes put
in AO. make ••un. the • rest of the ton. My
„ .
.enieening,:•Will be:clearly. brought Mit in.
•rtho answer :to. the hext.etieStit3 •
HP* tiO'k You.!'ffg•iirt. out a -16;ieti1•
•Answer. --Let Mr. take 2-12-6e 'ae
. . .
firstanee.:ThIS .ineens• ti' • t the ten. ear -
ries 'initregen;:12%' PhesPheric. acid,.
•petaxit. Let tis take a.11 !these
Percentages of aten: This would
fliean that the ton of 2-12-6 .Wolild aup-•
!Ply, 'of nitrogen 1b.4;; of phoppri °fie,
!fteld...246 bt potasit 120 Ibs. i\TbNiv
let its;•theereileally and• practl all if
..you wish, matte this fertilizer hp from
the,,,following.•'COnatitnenta: !, nitrogen
and enipliate.:of ain•
motile; Phosphate .front 16% • saner
phesphate• '•pOttall 'roni m It .f
'potash. Let neseY.- in the 2% of
nitrogen that is required *eget' 'IA%
..'er 5 lbs. ' from ' tankage 'sof:plying 4%;
of nitrogen, ...This Me:arta that there
• are 6 :lbs. of••••nitregetinn-..160.. lbs, of
tankage; There is 1 lb. le 100-6;. there
•are:5-Ibie•iti:106 x-5 = 34 .1094:,..''We
' Will therefore iteed•St lbs. tankage.
• • i:44, 4. • get .4.%%
,Salplieteeol(tainniottlee'ee-There • are 20
.lba, nitrogen in.,160 lIji. antimate :Of
eniinonia: Thei.eftite there at•e 35lb's,
in 400/30 x 05 e.t. 17 lbs. SitIPhate of
Our formula. Calls for. ig% plies-
' 'Oliorlo acid or.3401bs. or :pito.sPhorie,
. edict, In suPerphOsPhatethero, are. 15
(be. ,phoephorie. aoid ,In ,190 lba..of
. euperpliosphAte[re--There: are ,240
phosphoric ,•acid 1t 166/16 x ,gto
1.500s,Ibe.'8uPerPheaPhate. •,'We yvill re-
therefOre, :1500'.1he„ superplios.
pliate: • ' •"
. regarding potaek..ont. fornittla tate
their' swords; ' '•
Shall, We .not offer to: thy excellence
' The Holiest treasure that Our Wit
affords .
Thou that.'canet do nuch, mere with
one peer pen • ,'
Than 'all the powcr of Priricea. can
• , •
And draw, divert. 'dispose .and • feele
• 'len mete: '
Better than- feeeir` or rigour' can
dnett• '
Should • we thia 'Ornament' ef glory
• As th' utimaterial;fuits of 'shades,
• • „ 0 • • • • ' • ' '
Musophilue, by Saltine:1
,know tre going to ,htts're. trouble
with MY tiew neighbor..";
"What Makes YoutItteilc•Sci?"
• "I -tea :already begun advertising
himself, as a lelter` of peace,"
• --Leee.--;:•••feee-e--,Y.:,,,,,
A spec:illative despair „ •
able „Where it i ,our. ,dutY to abt•ee
u e.
*--eeeeeet •
• ``Theit.:sitt:repetition.ofeth•ese...inalee
, ,
velent spells 'turned theire tongues
black, it Said, sO in Order ie.detet
their erierniee, the opposing yellow -pap
larnas forced.all captives to show
their 'tongues,: that those found to
hive black ones -might, be put ks death.'
The voluntary showing. of, the 'tongue
is intended to provethat thy are not
. •"'• • '
' ••
e• •-Merrickeea seasqued traveller
.and absolutely fearrese.:e.weet.part of'
• the WaY•bY air: She flew tforn.EngL.:
, land to .1.ndia•-•.,•(>0
, days} • A! thrilling adventure' in itself.
-„Once en the long *wage, .the.., pilot
:paeSed 'a , nap., to, the paSseeger.,• read -
1A$: • •' •!• •-• ••"Lion't Le •
alarmed it,you'reknoCked
about a bit now, We're about' to• land
and.:" it's apt to be rough• with, this• .
wind.... Look out that things •ia . the
rack.s. don't fall on your heads:" •
• : • . ' `4, • .
. .
• Later ;the pilot gave• huindrous
in:pet-et:Mat-ion of :the passengers • as
seen f rota the',-Cockpitelvhich.'ivill•be
ree:eigniiciTi7by who:: hay, 'Ownany
"The udden eesseation of Antoinette
elfeWi fig ; the'e•011ing of 'eyes in ,the.
direction of the 'engines, isiecially if
otne of them. back:fired, or, ceased to
itirt •evenly:. the gesture. • Of distress'
When, "bumps' eccitiredt. , the elOW„
theughtfal*reatimption of chewing
'When anxiety is mornentarilY
the very rapid chewing when they
'Want .t° assure thetbselyes'iliere.cs-no
need: for • alarm; the. teantie. Way they
julep 'up and ptinch elreadY secure
articles in the reek whoif sueli • A
Warning ate.We had; jost,receiVed, was
given them. That -was what '-We• all
. Here -is a Story et Augustine' Bir -
roll, the author-Statesinan; ;who, was
Secretary for Ireland at,the* time of
the Easter rebellipn in 1916. In. his
ailk days at the 'bar he aeceP* 4
brief marked liftelite :shillings. ". The
nie, evening, he, was arraigned ? be-
fore an impromptu ;Court at the bar
.mese` and accused ,or unprofessional
Conduct for taking 90, 16'w a fee. His
defence, which . was eleenied satisfac-
tory, `4,vas that his, conduct Could 'net
- --,--:-.---•-----; --m---,-,..------,---• ---,!!------
geodaleekrieg sports coat ,that is
exceedingly yonthful beaides, being
iniert: and practical..
,It is simplicity itSelf to fashion it.
And the saving in pest, sitriPly enor=
The original carried a, „sportive -air
in • brown and yellow tweed -like
'. Style No 8328 is 'designed-Sckaises
12,,14,..16, 18, 120 Years, Ml and !ps
Inohoi.bust, !.., 1 • ' • .
Slei) 16 requires '241 Yardref
5 -1 -
inch material with 2% yards' of!"•39
inch. • '• ''
• 110V41 TO',013•1)P.)13.
)Writt, your name and, address,
giting huinber , and size' of., suCh
.pattArri,S ita you- went. Enclose ". •
stamps Or cinn (coin prefer. ; evra
it ,carefully) • for , ch•. n that, a
address yon.e. Oder . son liatte
SerVice, 7.81Vest Adelaide St., Toronto,/
• TI s gamester, if he 'diaa ni....irtvrito:
his Profession, • is. dottlily -ruined, .IIe
athis bbs soul to every other loss, .. and
, by the act Of snicide rotiouricer earth
tO forfeit heaVen,L-Oolfon,'
. Meitey d shonestly acquired s never
worthits. Cost, whtlo a; geed "'d'onseienee,
tester pests ai-enueli as it is worth. -
3. Piti,ft•Seran., ;
. • •
Irlete-ii;..X4ilent,. For Lone .Scout. ,WhIN' in Ihdon kti• ./92.9:, the year of '
'The from eailiest 4444.4400;"tho World 8014 •Je-raberee; he Yleitett
wa always taught to, ;.heek''.141,etles Tralatgar:4net* to. "oteett te;': 4 fewYou will find In all Red •
Indiso storjes minutes Pf rOtieottOP at di°'hq.4.rt•••"--?t:
that PITO #414.4.41.0114.0 4i'the t1141444, 40 There, before 010,140
,oci3ormeg: •
,411 4 ciiipt.x.40. expected'004, Monument, he WACSPeleWhAt
up -
be a.man who eOuld fihold his tenguel'. sto illtlit?rilsilte4O•14MgClo41,4thre,ljara,%r:‘,Tue41PP9'f. •;;''•
!,•Oritit ouchliele;44';;Y:h0e0x4J 4e4.400.07: "Red," -or 40149 ether •iefrOlOg
for Witt to 00041te.IP his. brarreer words In Its "centre,
of wlsdoni IA :the .Cenneit Lodge or two East Indiatt Roy Scouts bending
around •
- The. Indian knew einlY to� wellethe,
"folly et wOrds' and it was considered
very out pleectlova YOUth; who had
,.eompleted •bletes:te" efemanifood'atid.
had, been 'admitted to. the :council,-. to.
have top:much-talk. They 'Considered
Pot 4 Man who could at all times eon, away, the compass, the other pitied '
trot his tgagUe could also centrothis the map,. and without lunlAirY 4.127"...
whole. body... , . • • ,1 one they set ..pff. The ,digtuyery et „
, Teo Mech. talk • is •the, si*ri of • the i these tWe''Yeung 't.epreseatatives of ..tirk:
, Tenderfoot. The old hind, the "moss-,! JIa, pilgrims like himself to the "heart.
beek,"•.doea not'Pjaw,"'He only speaks Of. the •ErentreX-their demeanour, and
'when there .is sometifing:IMportant to,
over a Map ,of London,laYing, Out a
sight-seeing tonnhy 'Compesa.
The eboys, quite' iiadistarbed by
:Weir audience, returned .Pollte. thank,
,yous: for, , profferedradfice„7.but. Went
ahead with' th,eir, own •lniet„ talk and.
Planning Finatly .they.i.oae one Put'
tr,here .04,0 two loon, .s4y.i.ngv , which intiillti:Oinc94:edni•fiet:h7lortren14igobileinsSf3e:PiciAlrng:dtrYish41,'..ibi:ubrgehat,:tehe:e.''....
evert Lone Scout would de well tore- ,city, loft a never -forgotten 114Preeeloa.
member. ;still teague. It pr- evicted „ae. uniq,uedemonstration,
mikes a' wise head", sad "Empty 'yes.- the •IrOn. Mi.: .Finlayson • felt,: of . -the.
SPis make Most.seued." Scout ties of . Enipire frlendehip
.1•-•-teMeniber,•11 you are too Imlay mak- ..1oFilty, and as well of the practical
.yOuraelf,' you will not be • and •unversal-value of the Seouttrein •
able to heir the. °Pinionsand the in,.
torMatIon7:whiehis-13-effig-orre).Tici,ihirOntario'Sc'oute of Many •Churches' •
others': • • •• • . ' The iplg Boy • Scout census••,report. • .,
e .
..Se Lone SCOutewill follow the e3e. for Ontario 358 Out or 51.6'Scout, '-
,ample of the Indians, and. remember Groups 'spar:wed by.churChe's:.Angli.••
the value of silence. can, 172; • ". :United. 1.9.; •IPresbyterian •
.•• ,A 90 -Year Olci Rover: Scout .46.; •Bonien. Catholic, 21; Baptist, 13;
, -4.Itever Scout- ,Crew of1.SiteltatooM greelc Catholic, 1; Friends,' 1, The, .
•Iimbre,Y'e Own; recently'leVested as an kreatest ,increase . Was .in United' e
honorary' nieMber Scent Eepatr; near- Grego. Interdenominational CoMinen •
irig, his 56thhirthdaY; , Seed parr an-, 'ity grenpa and tatitS,Sponsored by hos .
44-014.need.-446.41141ir'TsTig-qa.lff.-good-.1t;rirr: Tiltala7Cliadian Liigion, 1.6p:h., ito
,•$,Neald be tkicking banana peels,Off the, tarY•e•Att.„LiOns. Clubs, etc.-, :make ; uP':i •
sitle.walka sec:that others .older than- . the balance., .. • •;•••
himself Might. pot•elfp .tuid • fall, , • , Scenting 15 universal, :interdenonSte.
, Beyer Interest in ..Scouting :ational and non-political, There is 'a,
:76:,osniiraineesir_tslOdn64tolfettieeik41,11,6gtt-eenfil•Se1474 :place this Organization for you, if...
you are a-bOtbetweenerk-andlit-yeari
imonth's training- eaniPeen the „game ,f age, to make the best ef your' ,
alicegreunds-iteBeRemiri.• • . . boyland keheto gro-weenth-a gooil
Atthe_Heart,0f the Enipires- -eitfierte•of-Ganacia.---Thee-LP.407-PoPilt,
• A happening at the ;foot of, the N1. Pepartinent isespeeially.,intereated Is
sOtelliontimeht,"'Trefeigar Square, Lon- •boys ;who liveineemell•toivni and -di' •
(1011, was by, the•Iibit. *Wm. , lagei Or On, farms, and wito cannot bet,
!Finlayson. Provincial •-• Minister . of' long_ to regularlyorgariltd :Bey Seout
Lands: and lEereits, s at the. 'annual •Troops. • • •
Meeting dinner, Of. the Ontario Scout! •,3toiCcin.iind put' about trira. rtioyee •
Asseciatiem as- the • ineldent that had ;tient by writing . to The„Boy• Scouts..., •
dist interpreted .to hini' . the •signific- Association, Lone :Scout 'Department • .• .
ance! ,ofthe 'Boy Scout 'moveraeut. _ 330 Bay Street,:Toroptp,"Lone.E.".„;
Baling. Old Antos.' ,
The remarkable gro*.th o' the auto-
mobile industry .1MS 'sharpened. the
problem Of :hew to dispose of , worn-
out And .junked care, ,
Some . are disassembled ten- usable
parts endremelting serap; some aro
sunk behind lireakwaters to serve as
ballast; „but the -majority' ar4. aban-
doned to. rust away. e • , ,
• EVeryautomobile' has, Some value
;as Serap-metek Three yearsago the_
.Ford Noun., Company conceived the
idea: of dianiantling. Carsin a large-
scale way' and reirieltingthe 'steel
scrap in open-hearth. furnaces,' Satis-
fied with its fist effoets, the company
'inereaesed its Operations about it year
ago by the installation of it 1,000 -ton
hydraulic Press for reducing the Sirs
to, bale, and .c.c.4(k0r•ton furnace to re,
melt.these largo bales. , Says a Writer
"Steel". '`(tleveland)-:•: -• ;
"The Press,..„.Sitid• to be , the Woiles,
;largest baling.pres:a, va$:designed.and
built, bY.'Logeenmint. Beeee Coe
waukee, and has' sufficient size and
power toTteld. 'a comPleto,autoinobile
,or.:tinick; and •to -reduce it to '• a OOTO•'.
:PiesS€41 bundle of. open-hearth 'eltarg.
. . .
•size.., • ! • ,
"The derelict 'autorilobiles or trucks,
striped og, engines and many : parts
of saleable vaiue, roll One' at a .tipie.
4w11 apineline from the disassembly:
line ,irie.o ' the maw or forward end of.
the press.An hiidraiil fealty op-,,
erated e'teel':gete is dropped deem. to
close: the opening behind the'xar, and
With the chargine, thetriber 'sealed, the
Compression cyele js cornmenCed
'First, a low-presurG horizontal
'traveling' ram, itpab1e ofeZeiting-
-366, tons' pecssure,,,,adVanCys against
the front .of :the •car 'and eruehea, it
'tron,611.e'rOstoot length: to 30 inches.
TFo 697• chi:lie loot capacity of the
'charing., char/ibex- is l'edlicA to 102
102 'cubic, feet when; the horizontal
. ,
ramreaches it.S•niaxiinuni 'stroke.
, "Aa the, horizontal ram bolds Alia,.
'partiallY:coiltpressed , car atinly. tor, „.
*Artie.% a...E.Vertlear serer:,, weighing 17
tens .end• , oPeOtirig at' .right • •angle,::
doseitdo ftorn;aboVe to effect the filial ••."
,.`toinpressiOn.. hoked- bsr.',"a•
presSu•rer-this dOwn•-S-trokeyraMernah,
'es• the car average heightof
ficin 19 to opf. inehee., J-TeArjr, truek4,
are 1.eoMpreeseel• into. a' 864nch„.b.ith
'Upon release of .the.:presatire,. the'.
high' and' low-presstire ,rams recede,. e.
the 'gate raises; and an ejector • ram
Moves :lei -Ward from bit side of
:the :.Cernriression„-chamher.„ At,. the
sanietinte a htiekerup•eram reesedea-,te
the right; thus between the two taint
the densely „coMpacted :bele • of
SeraP, is dieCrierged !onto it .00ilveYot
.and thea ,ctaken •••to. .the • open-hearth
'7'he',P0.-Werpil tains and :t1..eir:trei
n.endons pressure operate. front laagi
double-Presairre cylinder pumps.' OP, ;•
eta* in this Instance by ,300-hera&-,
'rPbweeinoters''. thia type of.purrip-per;
niits high-speed action itt' the %begin- • .
airier of ' operations: When ,reipaire‘d
preasures:are, rely: '...When. a ,Predater
niined• ,p*sur,e • or resistance point it
reached, the: low-pressum-
ing cylinder atitentatiCally•.cutia, oti
and its. high-peskurep7slovir,er, but fai•
'st,i•cinger, mate in •th'c 'SeCon4;cylindei • '
C44.141etto0 .the operation. • "
."All press' ,elieratioria are handleby • • •
remote „pentr,•,ele One man •cdirects
etiery,inoVe bysiiply tUrning-einitict• ,
Wheel to vehielt all functions *Open(
•ANdgli •
otAgOod an4 .aos4rfs-
S'iSit Oh fieing, Alone. It 'sivese mj
reputation: for being ;.eXPloaive an
dangeto4 and • ter years. Oita:. we
tnY ,'heaviest ';1irtndicen,
Vai Atnbtirgle
WO'S' AlWaysRight, •
MOrr 'ke IN 00
h Tract< beeit. ON
ritrY•: etetyaetsit7r
40unitS IMRY fAiRs
ME, Osistitirs'
futuTy Amt. pe,itt Polk
A,JD Sj SpLa
TO M '!or e I -time.
Tv 'SC i-nt.,.ANts'ip.k.p14'.,t)
He; stop, AC,
ot+ittit: tteatiA4b'
',RAb LIA:r ikikt.er'vvi410-1
MADE (1-
• r• r• -.Y4
f/4 ,
„, 03i.19-8.1`.s'etstit.,,ti arid %IONA' :0111'" 4.1,1".41:1' .4 14441 '144. ti't•
• • • • '