HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 14W1NGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBER 16, 1909 'IFY yw'9'IyyYYVVVYVV YVVYVVYVVVV ' IVVYTyywYYVVV1 THE DOMINION RANI. FI.EAD OFFICE : TORONTO Capital. Stock (all paid up)......... $3,983,700.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $5.855,223.91 Total Assets, , ...... . . . . . . $57,000,000.00 4 4 4 r 4 4 .+ 4 r 4 BBANCFIES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department. 4 4 4 4 4 Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards. t Os Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at i 4 4 4 1 y WING BRANcn--Corner John and Josephine Streets. lowest rate of interest. Ii. VANSTONE, Solicitor. itAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. R. GEIKIE, Manager. 4 .4 4 i AAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The Sense of Security against to-morrOW !should be ample incen- tive to save to -day. Tour Savings Account Solicited. i,Yt '�s2' r, "� " � irdt �.s •et.4<< ,'�'talSstt � r �,u ;:; KERNELS FFtOM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and. Maul Courses Catalogues Free J. W. `:'etervelr, J, W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., Principal. Vice -Principal. rte- Polka whir are tnost hungry for fame often give others nothing but blame. Poison from mushrooms is irequently reported, but only ignorance and pre- judioo prevent them from being an article of every•d,ty fond. "One peoulit.rity of melancholia," said the specialist, "is that the victim of it actually enj ,ye the despondency and often doesn't want to be cured." E� A. El T '*'d. . dears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A repionstrance will be forwerdkd to Waehisgton by the Canadian Govern- ment against the actions of immigration ofiictale in turtling people back at the Manitoba boundary. Salvia is a beautif,zl Hair Dressing. A burglar has been caught at Zarinh because he forgot his umbrella. He went bapk for it to a house he had rifled, with the spoils in his arms, and was arrested. Women waste a lot of powder while stunting for husbands. All things considered, wire fenoe is cheaper than stone wall. Prevention is Worth while. When you consider the risk to life, the expense, the anxiety, which is in- volved in an attack of appendicitis and a surgical operation, it is certainly worth while to avoid it by keeping the liver and bowels regular by using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Livor Pills. Doctors are now unanimonely of the opinion that appen- dfoitie comes from a neglect to keep the liver and bowels in healthful condition, A woman thinks she's charitable if she only tells her neighbor's faults. Vital Tablets make Strong Nerves. People who brag of what they give the world never take stook of what they owe. Et tar c, Beare the The Kind You Have Always Beag' ilignatnre a£ 7� 4 Not more than 10 per cent of domes - tie servants in England keep their places over three years. No subject of King Edward can ec• cept a foreign order without having previously obtained his majesty's per- mission. Was Troubled With Dyspepsia. For Years Could Get 17o Relief Until She Tried Burdock Blood Bitters. +++++++++ Mrs. Herman $ Can Eat -4- Dickenson, Benton. N.B., writes: "1 Anything ± have used Burdock now. 4- Blood Bitters and l + -p•• find that few roe- ; 4 ++-H-+++± dieined can give such relief in dy- spepsia and stomach troubles. I was troubled for a number of years with dyspepsia and could gel: no relief until I tried Burdock 13Ioot Bitters. I took three bottle;: and because cured ;cid I can now eat anything without it hurting inc. will hishly recommend it to all who are troubled with, tomach trouble." Burdock Blood Bitters has an establieh- utation Ott extends over 34 tetra � � vitae, s eifi f'D taall a tzar e�v� c or yel,Cps a inal to forma seed all diticaites arising from this estate. For sale by all dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Litnitesl, Toronto, Ont. The Suez Canal is 88 miles long. Paris has only 17 000 bakers, 14,500 butchers, but 30,000 drink -sellers. Fig Pills cure Indigestion. New Zealand was named by Dutch- men after the district in Holland, of Sealand or Zeeland. A town of two -room flats for labor- ers to be let at half a crown a week is being built at Buda -Pest. Dr. C. S. Marshall, of Bridgewater, was nominated for the Commons by the Conservatives of Lnnenburg. Beare the The Kind You Have Always 13012111 Signature • N of Hon. Dr. Pugsley and Dr. King have gone to Washington on bneiness con- nected with the boundary dispute. Dying in a Rochford (Essex) Work- house, a man has since been found to have possessed securities worth over £1,000. Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieve the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it reste the mother. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 411. There is more Catarrh in `this section of the country than all diseases put to- gether, and until the last few years was suppose 1 to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounetd it a local disease and prescribed Tonal reme- dies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced incur- able. Soienoe has proven catarrh to be n constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only oonstitntionat pure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It sate directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys• tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for tercnlars and testimonials, Address: F. J CHENEY & Co, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drupelets, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. In the IiberaIity with which it dis- tributes outdoor relief the Lewisham Union easily holds the record for Great Britain. At the age of 74 there has died in the Ballarat (Australia) Benevolent a at ( etral a) Bena picot Aeylnm the discoverer of the famous "welcome nugget." Canada gave to her slater nation to the mouth, another of ha splendid daughters. on Thursday night, Dec. 2nd, when Margaret May, daughter of Mr, and biro, Jae. H. Gardner of Ltteknow, was united in marriage to Chas. S. Rel. lam, only son of Judge Kellum of the Supreme Court, Chicago. Promptly at six o'clock, while Mies Ettie Johnston played the wedding march, the grooms 'de who was given and bn , w away by her father, took their places under an arch of drapery, decorated with the flags of both nations, The wedding ceremony was ootiduoted by Rev. T. E. Sawyer. As Many a Wingham Reader Knows Too Weli. When the kidneys are sick, Nature tolls you. alt about it. The urine is nature's calendar, Infrequent or too frrgnent tattier); Any urinary trouble tells of kidney ins Booth'e Kidney Pills cure all kidney ill, Wineham people testify to this H S. Murray, of Victoria St , Wing - ham, Ont , save: -My back had been sore and tender for years and stooping or litting any- thing would pause me mach suffering and it wopld take many seconds to etr.tighten up again, My rest was broken severe), times each night with the frequent and irregnlar secretions of the kidneys and the urine was of a high Dolor and filled with brick dust sedi• mene. Taking cold would nsually cease this and I would often awake as tired as on going to bed. I had tried unmet - one remedies without any apparent re- eulte. Boothe Kidney Pills were ad- vertised and procuring a box at Mr. Mo. Kihbon's Pharmacy I commenoea trout - meet My bank soon strengtheued and the paiu has not returned. The score Lions were brought to normal and the urine cleared. I believe Booth's Kidney Pile the beet and most reliable cf all re•mediee and will gladly reoommond then " Sold by Dealers Prime 50 cents. The R T Booth Co , Ltd., Fort Erie, Out., Sole Oanadin Agents. The quarrelsome fellow who says be is thirsting for blood is generally satis fled to take a little red liquor as a substitute. 108 Nos a Cold. The proper way to treat woolens when washing them is to hang them out on the bee without wringing out any of the water. Dried in this way the shrinkage is but slight. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of If yon would stand well with a wo- man give her your seat in a crowded oar. Jripantse workmen are obliged to wear on their caps and backs an inscrip- tion stating the•it business and their employer's name. The peculiar properties of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy have been thor- nakhly toned during epidemics of in- fluenza, and when it was taken fu time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. The Spanish Minister of the Interior tates that during the Barcelona riots 08 religious buildings were burned, 138 persons were killed and 40 wounded, while 1,112 arrest° were made. The turbine derives its power not from the expansive pressure of steam, as in a cylinder engine, but from its momentum, impinging at high velooity on vanes attached to the revolving shaft. Many persons find themselves affected with a persistont cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by all dealer°. The Stratford collegiate board deoided to increase the salaries of collegiate teachers as follows: Principal, $2,000; heads of departments, $1,000; special- ists, $1,300; non -graduate specialists, $1,300; other specialists, $1,200. These salaries are to be attained by annual ins creases of $50 and $100. ••••••••••••••••••••••...a. NOW SOLD IN CANADA At the great oemetery of Pere La- chaiee in Parie on Monday of last week, 20,000 people parrying wreath entered the cemetery gates. For this cemetery alone the total value of the flowers planed on the tombs was $20,000, and on Tuesday, the "Day of the Deed," even more wreaths were placed, If yon are fingering from biliousness, constipation, indigestion, chronic head- ache. invest one cent in a postal card, sears to Chamberlain Medioine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad- drose plainly on the bank, and they will forward you a free sample of Chamber - IMO; Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold by tell dealers. Saskatchewan has a farmer, who ar- rived in this country in 1871, worth in oash at.d goods $2.10. To -day he owns 43 quarter -sections of land, and has just threshed 50,000 bushels o! wheat, and As mach in other grains. His name is Gnilldmin. Saskatchewan is big enough to aeoommodate many saoh farmers. Western Australia has an area of more than 975,000 equine miles, and extends from north to south over 20 degrees of latitude, occupying almost one-third of the whole Australian con- tinent. Of this area 78,000 square miles are suitable for agriculture and fruit - growing, 360,000 square miles for sheep farming and oattle•raieing and 500,000 square miles for minerals. The greatest danger from intlaenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures in- fluenza. but oounteraets any tendency of the discuss towards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. For train dispatching the Canadian Pacifies It 'Broad has found the tele- phone so serviceable that the present system of about five hundred miles of telephone lines will be extended to one thousand miles within a year. The German improved Dreadnought Westfalen on its trial run in the North S a did twenty knots an hour with 24,000 horsepower. The contract with the Weser Yard only stipulated for 19 knots and 20,000 horsepower. In Less than Three Years, Parisian Sage, the Splendid Hair Tonic, is Sold All Over Canada. There is a reason for the phenomenal sale of Parisian Sage in Canada during the past three years. And the reason is plain to all. Paris. inn Sage does just what it is advertised to do, Ask Walton McKibben about it, he will tell you that he rigidly guarantees it to cure dandruff, stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks or money back. There 15 no reason whatever why any man or woman ehonld fail to take advantage of the above generous offer. But ono thing that has made Pari - elan Sage so famous is its vomiter power to turn the harsh, nnattred. tine hair that many women possess intoluxuriantradiant hair in n end crad a short time. Women of refinement the country over are using it rind it never disappoints. Sold everywhere, and in Wingham by Walton McKibben for 50 cents a largo bottle, DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and clay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanaon, Bates & Co., Toronto. A very valuable prize oow belonging to Wm. Colvin, a well known Delaware breeder, went mad as the result of being bitten by a mad dog reoently. The dog was killed and the cow will have to bo destroyed. The crew of the 17, S. S. Louisiana prides itself on having more pups and trophies than any other ship in the navy. Sixteen of the trophies are of silver, and the Battenburg cap, whioh stands about 26 inches high, is of solid gold. Denmark exports to Great Britain over $48,600,000 worth of butter yearly, Dairying in Denmark is mostly oo-op- erative. In 1907 the 1,035 associations had 138,170 members, bound, as a rule, to the enterprises. The. creameries in 1908 numbered 1,345. Could Not Deep This Secret. "Sia months ago I was oured of piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment," writes Mr. G. A. Swayze. Copenhagen, Elgin Co., Ont. "I had been affl.ioted for over thirty years and tried all sorts of treatments in vain, so I was surprised and delighted to be cured. I don't oare for publicity but would like to tell every one suffering from piles about Dr. Ohase's Ointment." HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Beds should not be so planed that the eyes receive the full rays of sunlight on awakening. The light should fall from the side. To keep the hair in proper condition it is necessary that you keep yourself in perfeot health. Fevers, dyspepsia, ner- vousness and many oth:.r diseases affect the condition of the hair in a marked degree. Premature gray hair is caused by a weakening of the nervous system, the scalp not producing the necessary dolor pigment. Outdoor exercise and relaxa- tion from Dare and worry will often re- store the color to the hair. A camphorated bath is refreshing after a day's work and is not expensive. After your regular tub bath take a basin of cold water, drop enough of the mix- ture in the water to make it look milky, and then sponge the body. It only takes a few moments, and you will feel repaid for the trouble. For camphorated bath: Tincture of camphor, one ounce; tinc- ture of benzoin. one-half ounce; cologne, two ounces. Ten years ago it was estimated that while, during the preceding half cen- tory, the British merchant tonnage had almost trebled, the number of British seamen engaged in the mer- cautile marine had decreased by 25 per pont and the boys and young men by 85 per cent. A. sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain's Lints ment is applied a cure may be effected in three or four days. This liniment is one of the most remarkable preparations in use, Sold by all dealers. The Canadian farmer has had a great year. Agricultural exports were $1G,. 000,000 greater in the fiscal year 1909 than in 1008. Here aro the figures: Animal produce — 1008, $53,113,403; 1909, $53,944,809. Agricultural products, 1908, $58'061,903; 1009, $74,133,017. Totals --1008, $111,175,306; 1009, $127,- 077,820. Not another student can gain admis- sion to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph this year. "The O. A. 0. Is fall„' said J. S. fluff, in his address at Adelaide the other night. ''They win - not take any more students, Maollion- .ladies on the 1 Institute has 52goringad ad waiting lint, more than they pan take care of and who will be taken in as soon es there le room, to take a course in do - Motto soienoe. 1114114114414411 Raw Furs and Skills WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS We Guarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Prises and Quick returns. wE PAY EXPRESS CHARGES Send for our 19094910 PRICE LIST FREE REVILLON FRERES 134 et 136 1103111 St., tlontreal. yOU cannot buy flour as fine, white, pure and. nutritious as Royal House- hold under any other name., There is no other flour in Canada upon which half so. much money is spent to insure perfect purity just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household. 1 onsehol Flo r is the best—most wholesome— most carefully milled flour to be had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark are on every barrel and sack — a guarantee. from the maker to the consumer.. Tell your grocer you must have• Royal Household. 18 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., l.Yaiten, Montr mal., "Goose walking” develops the muscles of the lege, and exercises those of the abdomen. Raise one knee as high as possible, stretch ont the lower leg straight in front, with toe pointed, and place it on the ground. This is done with each foot alternately to three counts. For a vigorous exercise to stim- ulate the whole body, extend the arms out to the side, in a straight line from the shoulder. Keeping the arm stiff, move it around in a small circle rapidly, and putting as much strength into the exercise al possible. Simple as it may sound, it is really very strenuous, and ehonld not be continued too long. The foregoing, and all other exercises, should only be taken where there is an abun- dant,o of fresh air. It done at home, throw all the windows up, though the thermometer be at zero, Wanted! WOMEN ANO OIRLS Wanted as machine operators and for other factory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us. THE ronnClinlon KAI Limited. CLINTON', ONT. -11 TWENTY YEflS AO Local History of the early 809. 1 Items from the "Times" fyles. (From the TIMES of Deo, 13, 1889 ) LOCAL NEWS. Mr, S. Graoey, furniture dealer Mr. Joe Hurtebese got too close to the heels of Mr. J. Patterson's bronoho, on Wednesday, and now he has his head' last tied up. week purchased the furniture and un- dertaking business of Mr. D. B. Oalbiok. Mr. Walter Sloan, who had his leg amputated last week, is doing as well as can be expected for a man of his age. The Million farm, being lot 11, in the 3rd concession of the township of Morris, containing 140 acres, was sold under mortgage sale, at the Brunswick house, Wiugham, on Saturday last, by Mr. P. Deans, auctioneer for $4,150, Mr. 11. W. 0. Meyer, of this town, being the pure ()baser. Bell's Factory Baud, at a repent meet- ing elected the following officers:—T. Bell, Hon» Pres. and' Treas. ; Wm. Willis, Pres. ; W. K. Loutitt, Sao ; F. Johnston and W. Cooper, Managing Committee; S. Merrifield; Leader. The retiring school trustees this year are: Ward 1, Thos. Abraham; 2, Wm. Moore; 3, Dr, Chisholm, 4, D. M. Gor- don. The cffioers for the Wingham Lodge, No. 286, A. F. & A. M.—elected at last regular meeting,—for the ensuing year, are; J. H. Hiecocks, W.M.; W. E. Groves, S. W.; A. G. McGregor, J,W.; Thos. Gregory, Chap.; B. Wilson, Treas.; J. A, Morton, Sec ; E. L. Diok- ineon, and T. Bell, Auditors; Jas. Plenty, Tyler. Messrs. J. A. Halstead, Mt. Forest and J. W, Soott, Listowel, aro arrang- ing to open a private bank in Wingham. They havo leased the store next to Mr. E. Dinsley, for a term of years, and are having it fitted up, and expect to open for business in the course of a couple of weeks. At the last regular meeting of L 0 L. No. 749, the following officers were duly elected and installed for the ensuing year: W. M., John Davidson; D.M., Wm Olegg; Chap., D. B. Calbiok; Rec.. Sem, John Kerr; Fin. Seo.. Jas. Mo- Oreight; Treas., F. H. Roderus; Loot.,. Johnston Miles; D. of 0., Geo. Petty- pieoe; Oommittee, T. Agnew, Jos. Bul- lard. A. Galbraith, T. Abraham and J. Jackson; O.T. Geo, Stewart; I,T., Marshall Bell. MARRIED. Gillett—Ritchie.—In Wingham, on 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Shortt, Mr. W. Gillett, of Rochester, N. Y., to Mies Jenny Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ritohie. DEATHS. Agnew.—In Turnberry, on the 9th inst., Elizabeth Ann, wife of AIex. Agnew, aged 28 years and 2 months. DON'T LET THAT BAD SORE SPOIL YOUR CHRISTMAS ! Zam•Buk will prevent it. Ulcers, old wounds, cold sores or eczema cause great pain, as well as being very un- sightly, and at this festive season are particularly unpleasant! Zam-Bek is compounded specially to remove such disfigurements. Purely herbal in its composition Zam-Bok contains these wonderful healing essences whioh nature has prescribed for man's nee. It stops the smart of a cut, the ache of a barn, and the scald- ing burning agony of the more serious skin diseases. If your child suffers, try it.. If you are the victim, don't waste time. De- pend upon it the thousands of people who daily use Zam-Buk in this country wouldn't do so unless it was real good! Fifty cents per box, all Druggists and Stores or Zam-But Co., Toronto, for price. The Christmas Rod and Gun. In wealth of matter and variety of subjects, everyone interesting to sports- men, the Christmas (December) number of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Woodetook, Ont , is notable. An appropriate Christmas tinge is given e u t o the first two stories and adds something to the interest both will evoke. Bunting, fishing and ex- ploring papers, widely different in char - rioter and displaying in a remarkable way the wonderful resources of the Do- minion in these several respects, fill a number no sportsman can afford to miss. The study of the wild waterfowl of the Pacific Coast by Bonn&Caetle Dale will appeal to all lovers of bird life while the stories of days with the deer, mountain sheep, bear, wolves and a fOx 'will recall many pleasant expp er - °noes. Bird shooters will revel in the papers dealing with duck and wood» cook, while one on Grouse Shooting In the Motherland is inoluded by reason of its exceptionally strong descriptive force, giving Canadian Sportsmen a pleasant change and enabling them to enjoy a different view point to that • generally taken by them: Mountain climbing in East and West, a mysteri- ous Indian story, fishing, from tuna and salmon to trout, and many other items fill a number which should be included. by all interested in the great outdoors. in their Christmas reading, They can, not fail to find interest and pleasure in. its perusal. �-- 1 One hundred years ago it was con- sidered a wonderful achievement for ten men to manufacture 48,000 pins in a day. Now three make 7,500,000 pins in the same time. heumatism Unable to work or sleep—Six years of ;• suffering—Cured by DR. A. W. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Mr. Alegi, Ethier, Jr., Clarence Creek, . Russell Co., Ont., writes:—"My norv. ous system was run down to such an extent that I suffered a great deal from weakness of the nerves and sciatic rheunta i .t Sm and , at times was 111:0 one paralyzed. I could not work, was Lin- able to sleep, and had no appetite. "Nothing seemed to build "up my nerves until I made use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. After having used about $1:3.00 worth of this medicine I feel like a now man. I can walk all right, do a great deal of work, have a good appetite and sleep well every night." When you havo tired of experiments you can turn to Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve food knowing that persistent treatment is bound to be rewarded with lastingly beneficial results. Ent you must get the genuine, bearing portrait .,n( signature 1 taturr, of A � VV. C.h•i.,e, M. D, i) ets. at all Sealers or Edmauson, Dates & Co., Toronto. Write for free copy of I)r. Chase's Recipes.