HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-23, Page 1a ..t' • . •i• . ,47.st.--,47..••••9,-,,,ti ,t7t1.***aa,i7-1'*"'."."7,1*-""••••*".. • no ,t • 4, .,s,** ' , ••' • , . . . • '****,****.P.aaa,,SaitSaSa'Sr*Ss.sea4S,4•:"..,;',ea.*.e":*t'741*.4.Piitil!tar , . , ..s•Tssasmassaaaar.aans' ' , '.. • •: . • . , , . • IS • . • ' . , . . 4 . ' . .. ' ; . . . .... •P . : : . . „. • . , ,• . . . • . ".."4••":"1.-. . . • , t, . , :.... . , . . 4 ' . • ... . • . $2 00 liER YEAR IN liDVANCE,;- $2'.56 OTHERWIS.r., o LUCKNOWs. NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1953.: ---- . •. • PRNTIST' '•, • 4D,T. "011) SHAMROCK '• • 4 Dies ft. I -or. Tte • . pert. Ward, who, s at leaSt • LITCHNOW on St Patrick's, Day" .did forget' Hours : p. M his sprig of shainreek, on Friday, and, lest we. Shahid, brought is sob! • . • PlipNE 5:3 , ; rai ,large ie.aves ▪ .'-‘E. • Graham ` SOLICITOR, RTC.' • . °VVICE—that of - the late R. J. ; IStetvert,.. next doer, to 4 II • --"I'Rtlilt—Bank• . Phone 135 . KINCA • . • has, been in Alta: Ward's' family for forty -twit years, although it is mach. older than4haty,1aving been brought f onf Ireland by Mrs. Ward's 'grand-! father. judging from the appearance .01, the. leaves ;the .plant is still -strong and --healthYr RENT—Comfoble -rom A new's.Resideriee . TO rtaSixo• . House.—Temple Clarke (30-3—e) . , Damaged By Fire . ; , .'• LOST—A string of pearls on west side. of Station street. Anyone finding •same or, any' loose,' pearls kindly hand - • them in „at this office. . . . • 'We are prepared to ' gum ,Saws, beth Circular 'and. Cross -cut. • „, •- • Signed, `e, Lacknow• 'Table Co., Limited: 777PIANO TUNER •Mr Merlihah, 'expert piano tuner froni(uelphwill be ." in ,LUckriow hbont. ;WedneSclay. of next Week; " Match' 29th. Leave_ You'r' erder Witl • R.rJi Moore. ,• • • o • , FOR • SALE,A • geed'. one.. hutlii". - acre farm;.. with, large' bank beta,: brick.,house . and • driYe shed, and ...being lot number 5, in 'tlie 4th of :.Xlnloss Twp ,For , pattiatilers • apply to Ches. ,R::Cengtain, 1-101Yr.eed. Ont,linatediate4pOssession, may 'he • ' • • • LOST—Black buffalo " fur. tithe With* red. pIush,1jnjn.; in ,Kiidoegh,. or frOm Kinlongli :On Luckncw • , .Gravet ori , TuesdaY, ftmatch -14fh.. Bushell, •Wm M. Bushell *1.4. gs' Wei" r!nifivffering . cr- Virednes(!Y Afterneon Outhreak •Causes EXtensive Pita' sua, Water Damage •• .. ' Fire "originating in the stairway, badly gutted the upper fra0 story of Marshall 'Arel_tant'S; ,house, tenanted by Ili; and Howard Agnew The :;outbreak was diSeovered about three • o'clock,-, ;Wednesday.- :afternoim, hot'long after:'Mr.s Agnew" had left the.' house, ' When 'everything •hiPear-, eck h6usuaL The have • Started %tin . the stairwayi;and was rarodly. ' consuming i the. ti per . . • 1 , pOrtiOn:ef the notzse when the fiise brigade arrived on the stene; prompt - 1y following the 'alarm. ' 4lie"., close" prokimity . Of. the fire- ball' . and ....a hyilrant, to the house; • enabled the brig,'ade , in'. quickly having two. strew of :Water' playing: on ' the . , • . . , . . , , nek.4chich had-b010-tiniaLTITOKell.. thtotigh- he ,roof, ' , • .. _ P.tactiCallY all qlie lionsehold fUrni- .'• • 9. 1,2 *.,„' •". • • ' .". .••• WhOtt' FOR'. SALE • ..,-Wa--haare-st7-good grade . of mixed s ;woe& now ready for sale,. 16" and We will have a :gond 'stock on • " • Jury and. Banking. SYSte. •Ink'DISCUSSPd mr.'#etheringien Considers Abe4tiefl4! •Of Oland Jury A Step Backwards —Oareful And Comtertiative'., *a ' 'agent/hit ,okCanadian ' MOVES": TO . LONDON Mr. Sidney, Trowbridge, teller in. the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, received ,Word of as trans- fer to •London. has been a Mem- bet. of, the _staff bere •for three and a 'half years, coming here from his home .town of Tart, He Will be re; • bladed '4R. Battlett • esit„sicnad: .s.;usttLuI:i C;trmsart. To eg: the cbmige n • ol ftralrrleten/Dtie to the illnesa of Mr. not • ^ • SINGLE COPIES 'fi • •.-latter part ' Of the Hetherington; Barrisfer• . . • of Wingliam, and Mr C L 0berle, Manager of ,•the local. branch of ,the Bank kentreal were. ...the 'guest' Ackert's Truck..'' speakers at a Meeting in the nited . Da' nl'' a' ' :Ad 'in' Crash schuch -on Tuesday even* g,_ spen- ,....,._____g_ ..._ 9recl""bY:the young Me ' .Class...The . : •,, --... audience.of-men,".wah elighted With- No. Injuries To Passengers In Head the enlibre of the' speeches, hati" ' On Crash Near 'Teviotdale : well deliveted, and 'Meta* eneYe- . ' • '...,...J.......... • ' '• ' lopedias... of Infer.inatiOn on the re- ' Hamilton bound,with a '. truck load seeetive current tOPid subjects As a - 'two. cattle; ,cHolohrsvio-eny,, interlude, ' kr. '.D. C. McMorran 4, i'cl'Iretge'vvaannd.m., a ,4ead7an t • illea.s-ed-he atidie*. with two guitar hief.,..,,Wednesday,t in which his, trucic' , numbers. '. ., ' ' "The "Working of our present Jur' Infreted extensive dan'a7gea' and is ., terns". 'Wei ,,the subject :dealt'..,a,ity..-Limiergozni• 'repairs at Listowel The:. 4y. Or: .Hetherington .'' The''-/nrY s"'.',)ther, .Vehicle :-inaillrink , in the'.inis- tem, be colnPered to • our government hap was,'a 1928 chov;:seatin, •di iven oir;:,itli4eatriitolittsT6'S:rfictj.41,,nt;theitiriaens._.,ds'" by a ,Jeiv. Damage to the car?' was tbe prand Jury and the Petit 'Jury ht • • • •, • • , The purpose of '''.„the Grand jury ..ii'inc:dnn4ring; a. • ',.$110w....ateriri aheii, heir way 41d. rsadhods '..)efore ,theHirial• sitePet' polnt or .rmijeviing"•tha ;ease.: tw_43.4 fro , . Continued on NihWaY(.• when:- the, mishap Peen "•nf.a ,Unable "to' get out ..of ruts in he: was 'driving With, the, driVer of the sedan contin-. rash was 1nevitab1 The Sedan wr anshed back ',dew*:he inchne into An. ditch over at •the."MoUth." of .the cement brzde at the foot of the hill ' lnintiee were 1.eceived by ,the ;•oe ',milts :and. With the :eXCentiOn.of llog which was Wired, the& Jat a•scaPtil Unharmed., Tiaffie:Otfieet 'InVeitigated The Bread „ The Bread '-•of Health:: .of Health ..OUR metro,' 45.„.quikpirr FANO' • .'"; ' • SPECIALS. POW SATURDAY • • '• CHELSEA. , „BUNS, COPEllE. CAKES, DATE NOJARER,. c.E 1pg0.: ' • .Q44.1.wkf."4.Etli0EAT BREA,D ISTESPECIALLY 'HEALTHFUL : AND DELICIOUS. TRy, A LOAF.. HOLLYMAN'S 'QUALITY . BA [(ERY . . Phone 36 Lucknow . , e 'Mrs. Freeman Visiting, with re- latives in SeafOrth. Douglat —of—Kitchener spent; the Week -end at her •hozne here .itr and Mrs Finney tied' seri-, Douglas; spent the 'week -end. ip,21.*Te* ilamburg. ' . • ciAlrma,tz.471.1:baliv:(nt has been her parents. Mr, Euston . hisHendersonpe the at , W. E a nt ema • igrs, Lewis jetivitt of .1B/iterate the and' he .proSeCtitiOn . Ofj.-.therrehae-anit, evidenee.".'..4hey. ag Otsur•':SlicI at mpt in find atan' elating to• :the, Invariably ey...,:;,12ringn**,„*.t.. :ludietreent4incL„t.„. "ft •Juryint.ptitieledle -bear ..the;.: idenee 0:the case." troo.y.JuriOsnlyfunction in Cniminar'se, an-., her duty • being ..the inspection of outitY. buildings,' • and inatittitiona.. 41 Mr.' Hetheringteri-Stated',aii..'s tithrough, and laful. :recOniMendations.,laid down s abettioth would be a step -oat; rds amt.-a..breaking :dOwn, . of :. the, diCiary.:2Systeni easidered;" The Petit Airy. Ltai'uSed, befh minal and civil• cakes, a 'civil case • ing one in which • one party: brings. tion against- another. Sixty-. men cahled. from ... the locality of -the . encea.„-and.",efz•4066esixty;t-tWelye‘ n are . seleCted'. . to hear the " evi.; .ce and-.bittrig a .verdict , ItY'• or ',net .guilty:in the case' ; Of niinal 'offences, Any rider [they 'mat" ,,.oneed 'net.- be obligatory. to the ge.:Whet•'.nrtee,',,ont aanten0,::Poili!- • .and..his ;Olen( .maY "chialenge., r 'Chosen ihrYinen without • Stat.,' reits.ons, and.. thers ;may: be te• , ed by given a reason for so doing hint • cases, Mr.: ::11.etheriniien ed, but in: 01/W.:Oases' .00 ..93coer.F% ,a,.niincl of a Judge is ..best anitj, • for arriving. at 'al, decsiOn...Pelice istrate are a, comparatively aeW atiOn .:eases • which, • the:,Magiatrate ny Of Are. men, 'Can be, denian ded pares..Banking' ,Systenia.. •: • n intrieate subject "tbe.ceriadian'• Anietican. anIting, ...SyStenta suirnnarized afid.''ablY :(100t.. with Mr•Oherle."7. The ',Oniforniii0 of ing'e'Ontiellunder • one Federal. Canada and- hetter, Mere eryative management are two ,factors standing " out " in Sharp-, ast' the .Varied management ousands, of separate units, tinder: different4 .banking laws e J.Inited 'States, '• , 041nada' the "Branch system"' ils'. made 'op; ten large. inSti.-„ ttitiOns chartered by the 'Dominion . . „ Goyerninent. with.. one' banking', law-, onty. In the'-•patt, ;ten 'years sonie. units: in tieAinerican sYstein have tailed.. '„patiada: "there„ has been One, failurellifec'HOine tank: In the, U. So A. upto a .shert "ago, a ' capital of $25,000.,WASAIll was afCeSSallr.t0".,Stali a 'bank, Tile The' standard has now been.;raiied to 06,0004 In'Canada $500,600; required to incorporate a.bank which' tenda• ,keen. the;small' fry` and the:., inexperienced out' Of • the,husineas,. • • ". • The.; liquidity. of. datiadian Mnks )itself, cenStittitelt rength,4 ii; American, 'batiks frozen asSet..i. in • real estate nil& long terni !rt.1 1.11 41 .rt 8114 '7.11 Tt ..,,a 11 qc 're 1.4r ne cri add lad seI fou ng, ,ect Ji crina stat ienc Id Mag inay, over Cora : A and Was 113. nuininnin of Water' damage Thetair . "room dainaged". by fire was an:. nished , and was used is a Istore 2... ;.: , ; • .1- . band th out. the year.. Special. • • , • .. • prices. to • tnuse ,who will c'ill ,for their wood ".2 • ' . • - . • The LitekiieW• Table Co. LiMited. -." • (9-3...it) • o BAsswootol REE1S DOOMED TO ,„ • . The Basswood tree. whichstands on eel-mesa/en9, Ashfield; at Finlay's' School, and 'which•Was the sublect. of: ME V; IL Johnston's Peerici appearing m our last Issue,.,.• IS doomed t b( felled. Hollow, and in the first stage of „decay,the tree has stood for years practically On the roadWay: rind in, this age of Motor cats, is ,cOnsicl, ered .4.--Tritepd'ce to _traffic, Thus the derision. to reinovethis landmark 'and trysting: place. 'The tpiestien, ,now arises, get the 'honey? For, 'ti' whispered;„ within the, hollow 'mink, lies:Unknown quantities' of the k".OnthsOine sweet ORDER , SHRUBS AND • •• NURSERY STCCIC NOW, . ' Members of ; the•Ilorticultdral.So iefydesiting 'orileri ^for NOTICE All , accOunts-.' owing to the LucknOW : • 'WatetwOrk'S•"-SYstein. iri—atrears.inust • 4 lie,paid'ibefore April ;1St,next ether-: WiSe'\,•the service Will bo dfseentinued • . Coming Ezients First Insertion, 50c. Subsequent Insertions, 25c, ORANGE: SeCIAL. AND DANCE; • . . • , There will be an Orange.: social and Dance held 'in Laeknow. 'Orange Hall on .thursday; March , 30th. -Music by , • McCartney ' and' Chanipion. Orchestra./ ' • ....Ladies will, please. bting. lunch and i'... everybody come and:le:Vey a•Sociable, '..."1".tinie„Sily.45, delleCtion...;"...:: :. , • o MASQUERADE • DANCE ; - Masqnerade, Dance 'ander 'anS-. , • TeesA of LiieknOW' V.. - No. 1921, will be,‘ held in 'the :"Carnegie .„. ,Hall, T.,ticknow," on .'Fridayr'M81r6h;24 Dancing from .".p.•O 2 3O Costume pnize:Or lady and 'ee,nt: Lunch served 'Oeneral. adniiSsion. 25e, •,; • ' REItEltAlf BIRTHDAY - SOCIAL , ' • • JewelRebekah.' Ledge •••willi bride their 8thtiithday,;by s.taginp• a social in the ledge rohin on 'Tues• ' •Iday eVeningt, •Makeli 8th Card's, at 8,15 lunch and daneing.. thdies: beif7 Rebekalis andgtheir :4nisbards • or friends,Oddfellows and their wives, are cordially invited. , • • Card Of Thanks . ". , The...family of the late Mri. Tames , Wise to : express sincere .ap- ...•preeiatign of ,ther• kiridneSS ektetided• to thenr,in their, recent sad bereatie- tiqMEMORTAM.. ' PAT.TERSON-Lin- .leving memory of a• dear wife .and mother, Margaret L. Miller wile left thia`lite' Mara' 25th, 1926. ; • • • Seven years haVa„passed; 'dear mother pirie God called you -awaZ • " • Althengh: we know .that 'God knouts Tp wish that , on cOnld•'.stay. A '4'ioving 4hothe'r; •Over life's rough hnd 'stormy ".tide;' Reit on, dear inotherc: peaCefill sleep, '/ 4 • 000-'a P'00iL aga,MoUt " One day foilgetten• hy. her husband arid fancily', Mrs.. Alphonse P, r d itt the stare* we Will' be • •;or to hand her a nice prize. Alt's. 114 roy avinner this niontb, There no obligation...10 y buy tfo duties to netforfa' to secure thcae '00Stinit•POL • •• * miscellaneous shrPberY Oa other nursery stock, not listed; en price list will. kindly' ask. the secretary, A. )7'7 ITanfilten; for catalogue SO that they rnai::place their ,orders early," is im'poytard and sbOuld be ;attended to at 'once. • r• . itiNT9ss. BARN'.. • . • DESTROYED" 'BY TIRE ii4lenients And Feed Were tamed: Cattle 'Are Saved' . , 'Fite, originating it Is, theug When one of the co wg upset n lantern' When ' Mr. James frWas 'water ., in g and feeditig his • stock.;• for' the night; totally consumed the barn. 'quantity of feed . hnd 'a, few pleinentS. Avere• included in the, ,lOss, bile the cattle:were reMoved in Safety • • !, The barn .ielone Which -stands the NO ;rOn'eesslOa'Of KinloSa •en .a fift'Y nerc..farnir owned' 5y Mr: Irwin near'. his' hone farm. and; 'was "used ter :housing 'dock ,and feed, and -home' ininletnehts. The' f outbreak odettired abo4 o'clock • Saturday .eYenitig.1 and ,reSititing teflectien in the s ty attraated many spectatOtt 'A& Watch- ed:the. Conflagration. • TRIPLE 171" CLASS -SUNDA* EVENING The fririte. V*Claks of Wihgliain will*Tonditeethelservice in the United Churc'h this Sunday eyening, Igart`h of the claiso: will also 'coinpoSe the. Choir :for this Ocehsion. tfaavOrable weather rieedeeltated -a, o s tp onainerit.OLthit-tigent.IWoLweekp- ev i •:„ .' • • bank law cons chief contr of: th forty ia oth :In preva were faced With the :eesity' cof :bank 1. deposliorto bew Chine panicky att•ceolinieneed With, draWa16., Hank An the 'H. S. re frequently uieir for 'speculative purposes. Absence Of frozen aSiets 'fOrelli countries ,,and real 'estate, loans 'in Canadian. litititS and, the ptivilege of issuttnee of asset, cnr, •1 reneito Urgencieej over tho'ainonnt' of,,,thet$artk's -paid ....itiapitftratitiiz. iiner4r \f' • • . • • • . • • • wee e d • aterlOo, as the guest Mrs. ' • s • • N o Ortif OdC • ,' and proclaimed the' miShap as tont , . , aeeideatal: •:Th4.1atock„.and .truckinatired accident.' The Fc truck, last year's model,. was yehicle,,,ptirchased_reeehtly.—:oZa•-'-i 013•'' are' 0:*** :tNO'IlREIt COW; SEEKS.- PUBiltIT • Envious it wotiIiI-Seein, Of .thepu icity:4receiYed by an AShfield CO which.reCariti7 gave .bi,rtha to 'Tie by. Mr.: Elmer Psnte.d. 1 an aged. •Durhagn..cevy own wner •Thursday:With thin calve for the second time: Within a yea The first, tWo. Were: born; in.:April ;:hit :year, with, the seCond Pair' a %riving last 'Thursday.' .eii.ch 'cii the :Calves were 'strong and health Three' years ago, • the Cow,, with be Calf. was, „bought:'by. Mi. Alton at' • fora little oyer $50.(10. • , - BAND CONCERT • The ' Minstrel • •Sliqw,.. Staged, by; talent' ;under ,ausPiCes of the 14. Citizens' BOO on 'Friday • night„; at- tracted .a fair :sized :audience,' who were' however more or' less clisap! -pointed in the'quality of :tiVe enter :atinnient. McCartneY'S orchestra • lneelied omale, for the dance,. which' follewed,* 'the attendance • at Which was limited, due to nunierOus COtM v.; attractionthrough- out the this nathte rOugh- Out the reighborheed. oTroul standpoint, the Blind benefited , by the sum of a few dollarS. ' b-, ed. ts 6, efr: y. r, a ittIES'IREATMENT'.00 • • , "" noOTOR . " • • ill.. W. t titrnOd ' heine last '; week, 'votolved treatment from .,Cook.6 Wil- itintsbni, the noted "Toe. Doctor", hose: activities have " teCeied"Wide anblicity Of late, Mr, Joynea Itonble is chinned to' be neuritis froth witiCb' :he, has- sufferedinterValS for many yeas,!•eansed by }Ong standing foot trouble, br.', Lecke StateS.Slioes epeciallY. deitigned.by Doctor :to rellnllie, trouble are being' Wein by, 3'Oyn,, who Make. any statenient • until ;le is satiefi,ed, that 'rlief ii,•aastireer • . • • ' -•• ' • ' factors in confidence , Canadian peeple in their'bank" A Yet° Of)thitilks tendered Mr. Hetherington and Mr; Oberle Mr. J4 G. Anderson and Mr, Rae. Gerald, RatliWel_exyreshed11-it.thaIta. Of the_ ^ kdtlerrati16t hiIbs. fait ..isited ,With. Mrs. Harold Jeviitt and (inlay over the week -end,- ' Elliott 'Little has returned; -crent-Chitage.,:of , fits parents, Mi..:'and biro, Y_OUr—suits_pressect-IproperrY. and woll., Called" for : and delivered; Phone " ,•TEMPLE CLARKE: .; Mts. Campbell 61 Detroit, fOrnierly .Mish S., Stevenson, has beenvisiting Withher Ole friend, Misti 'Elizabeth Websteri,..„' • " Mr. ItObert.. qn • Mei "Flora An.'; .drw of Liatowel -and. 'London re;• spect4iYelY4 'Spent" the,.week-enid 'at. their . home' here. . • • . • Display and Sale by Burk. of Coats and Dresses at TemPleton's Store, on Wedaday "'next, March 29th Keep the ,date in mind. Mrs. George T Aitchison has re turned borne after anextended visit witki,, her son and "daughter in Ham- ilt'on and Toronto, respeetivel3r. ' Mrs,: Frances Walker, "of Detroit, Mr Jack HaMilion of Pentiac, Mich,, spent a day this Week.: with their brother -in -1a, Mr. Walter. Sturdy.. TusdaY Match 21stheralded the. 'arrival of spring With' mild Weather followed 'by the inercurY ; dropping that night, accompanied with pow. Mrs. Temple Clarke, 'MO. Will Douglas, Mrs. Hodraee Aitchison, and George ..Douglas, attended the funeral 'of Mr.' Atli; Mi "Frani); in Winghain ,Wedneetia3i. Nat: Mrs. J. W. '.Treleaven of Clinton announces theNorma, engagement oM her 'MissCraig Cooper, B A, the marriage to take, place about the middle of Aril.: .. the meeting Of';the Assembly • c.H..Mitebolild is attending' COminittees 'of Sunday. Sehool :and; Young PecipleS' "'work, in ti31kilinst°,,Ltoo-y. daM.. obeli acco''npanied • McKenzie tott Icatchener oi' Tuesday, where she wil1 visit for ,few days ,With Miss Edna Mody, and in Waterleo With. Mrs. ThoMaS Watson • • •• 1%fpoks Will and l Gordon lelinston and 'the lattet's'aon Robby ot. Tor- onto, and Mrs. Haigh ad daughter Mary of Seaforth, 'Were 'weekend viObsbn. siteerrisWith Mr,. :and: Itioso Robertson. CLOTES Of QUALIT BRAND, Taileted by The Berger. TOtanto. Price.' $19.50 and up.' Call andlook.; the sainsples oVer. . TEMPLE . • MerChatit Tailor AftS. ,'David " Milne,- tacknew,. Will'. Cal. at* the' Site We will be gladto hand• herAt nice .prize. Mrs: Milne is 'ix 'Winner: this Month. Tihere., in Alp,: ht.tr'r*Oir.., no: duties 'to perform: to seture . these hienthly Prizes. You..May he lucky • next mOtith., .' .", •'• ASHPIELD CIRCUIT " • • The replier setviees on Asiffield iretlit next • Sunday,,' March. 26thr Brakes, 11 A, MA Hackett's, 3 . T;, ubjpot.41A:Vg /1 AI TII IN GOV," • 444. • 8. L - „ Deseritres Quake It' Writing' Home Mr;irrd..Mie. iteid With. in Twenty7Five Miles of Long Bearh; , Where Givateit Datnage. Wee'"Dene. There' fellewkextracta from., a let- ter writen' • by Mrs. _Clyde Reid to her father, Mr t Dave Alton, and ' • : sister, Bet, , which describes tie • .: earthquake shocks experienced; by them at their boine in • Alhanibira,' sme' t*enty-five: inilesfron, • • ` • '•• , Alamhrt, 'Sarah 1341 Here At/erste' safe and sound and • ° not : all quaked away •-at ..Yea, • Was Some quake and, not4 ••Yery .: • " •:pleasant feeling "While It lasted. We •'; itarted, 'the :ceiling--looked--Usfy-Tif was going to fall' in, so we beat a .".." luistyretreat for • OutdOors, We fOund . thatalntit4everyoliealorlice-stiret., Ned done the same thing. 'Some Were; ; • dizzy; Die rest Were plain scared, The hi:inset(' sure dd' rock end. sway • — ; - and shiver. Those Who werein quake 'proof. buildings .. about :wimp, or more 'stories up had•a real 'ex- perience,- one, , which 1 would • hot • ,- • i Want We have hid Over two . dred miner tremors since the first ^. se,ee�. We had' sem to -day and ' they '41.. us :that they: niay even-. • , latita niopth due 16 the settling ot. the ,earth :again. However theYare • •. nothing t6 . alarmed' aboutas Severest atviaYsi • strikes .firat, they tell us; ',The, doneinBfrom k, }heaetceh; manyWhih about 2 ;,•• towns,,atouna jilt!. part :had quite a Ot of • damage onet��, 'the death', :. ." Hat is about 121 . • aar. and Mrs.. Reid are about'. 6. • mile -'from Lds Angelet, and hid a . ' . ..„; • friend',in the Hospital:Who had had a serious OPeratiO0, , , • • ktfShe was on the sevealh floor of a' quake Proof building and: it unset her quite 'badly. Everyone there *is upset, -for the'quake proof' building* • are: built he '. that they give and, ' .• sway With the tremor e; without do- ing damagethey iniid the building„ was swaying like a drunken person. • $o it was not a 'very pleasant'plaeei. ' • -. to be, and lees so •when .one was ' • bed".4, . • " ."' We have hot had • any rain: for a' • : Long ' time now, We. are ' haVing' ; irri,gafe. again. 'We need lai. badly, it. sure .came'''plentiful .the.:firet pert. of the Year, bitf, when it stepped it, ireo.41/ a. !I:0d itnhtu ivWeen tahrner havingthegplatitT • ST. PATRICKS PROGRAM • ' Av L. c 5. LITERARY The regitiar Meeting of the •Liter; . • • ary Society of the L C waitlea .." On Friday and conaisted Of a special .. • • St. Patrick's hayaprograme Foll�wing the singing: 'of "0 Canada" Raynard.. Ackertgave a reading on'. the life o : • of OliVer• Goldsmith, Margaret itit- • chie rendered a solo and'3eSsiekat- kenze anl•Anstruniental.eOnsiSting ofeyeral • feature' eafinti PiraraigMW- shI4r8.aAS an ad- dresegiVeri ;Rey: OoOghegarti which . was appreciated Very Much,' mbyanniheer.''LTibteeran7itetSiO6gcle:::E:'MpIO'sHeGd°b8; '.. hegan's , subjeet Avis Con Ireland and was dealt: *ith. in.a vety interesting Singing- "od tiVe 'he King." . . " 1[10 V INC IA L CONSTABLE' ROUNDS UP TRIO • Confiscates. jug Of'Cdet In Posses- Won. 01 One Party • •.'Xn yesponse to A pume-tall, Pro-; vincial Constable keOleiria Paid • a visit to Paramount :Vali on Friday nift11t. *here, a-dand0-Wii44 PrOgresg trounded np a trio of alleged L. •: C. A., offenders. 'I'vky of: the ttio are expected to face charges in Magis,, trate'S court in th'e near ;future, :One Is Said telave been aceoSted while , Ontehig Jug/etMe., the other Wae • evidently frOnt Sinning SOTIO.6km of beverage: This whileAnSitiViA; the "Officer found. every. • • /4',Vs,' Prle arleij ‘,4 WelPiehftvettt VI" ,• • •