HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-16, Page 2cr •• •
PPOI: 'Report
We all Ithe to•. hnVe:'a iood. report
,stade on our activities, Whether of our
ichpot werk. or lsewhete:
:"..We wouldlike, therefore,, to PaSni•-"nn'
the Lone s...cow.,44:,..o.t.-Potp,ti4; the, Teo,
,port.i.9001.. was made by the Assistant
, FroVincial Ceminitisioner, F. C. Irwin,
to,..the annual Meeting ."cot :•the:
provincial: Council 'ter:Ontario., which
was .recently held at the Royal york,
Ifotel-tit Toronto.. • •
Irwin ,stated the "Lone Scoot!"
doii!t'''get...„4.'fair• chance , slierr their
• :real: growth because of the, 44mbqr. at
there (68 last year) 'who transfer to
' regular TrOnne,. some of whch are
• termed ea...a.1eult cif their 'ectitityi
. •
• sge,•to de eonsiderahly better than to
'hold :their..own; ,Lone,Seout Commis- ,
- elOner kurminger and hitt, 'tem' "Lone. I Painting Of -a-German Boy"'Scput;
Seouttnasterti". are i'erY proud ;;of.tba trom;:tba bentsehe,Pfatifindervertiand;
' actoinplithinente,,of their more than the „federation, :et , German.Senut.-...40'.
100',Lonieo-who plugaWay., without the violations.' fa'preeenting the . picture
Incentive of Treep.',ineetings. anti:per- 'Herr ' Piewe;. German international
Titiiiiiii,:eontact4ith”.Otiiiir•$couta-..•'. . Scout COnnifitilener; Who'was ge.com-,
Their record . in. Meeting. require,. 'partied. by :the Secrotary of the Ger-
. .inenta.,In• good turns, and in esprit'de 'Pan 'gnitnititii, ' assured Lord -Baden;
•CorDe: is qiilte,•UP to the.. average ,ot Powell of the 'regard of German Scouts
that Of Scout Troops," , • : .''' • and of their:earnest desire to work on
We think that this is 'a'. i good the, same lines„ as their brother •Scouts•
report Indeed, indetiii; '41.1d:We Must' ".ie to it nf lilitalli'•nncl other ceentrien, '4 •
. , „ . .. .
. that'per'recOrd in 1938 is even,•bette'r. •'. Pieltera to Wear Boy Spent Short' ,. ',.
-•,'----'-'--'----- -: ''' .-1.01-'-i _ -......„t ' - .PoY Scoutshortsand bare knees . : . . . • , .
• ' . • • - - 4 71.-0., dia11... 4 clm., ". *. he, the 1933...etrlefor male relters--',. Of1.-‘:'
. .:4114. now, when.eVery.inart 'arid boy figii0124•411••ann.0106•4,t•' 'tif-l'tiliS ete6et .:Was•
, . ,
4, -,
, . .. .. .
..f.a::canntla ShOuht, be P4',440•• honor .,tomade py the 'International Association
try to 'tO ,keepi• Up a : good standard of: of bletlitrikTD.tiergners"."-in -Conv-ention
' bealtb' and endurance, to conthatliteite,
•`: daYS'or difficulty with.'theliest•ahilitY;
. it inay,lie'of ,interest to learnlemo.
hong' from. the.'steic Red Indians. ' •
• 'The Indians ' inVarlithiy".put ,fio*It
their" wenclertni feats :.ot, hardihood
,....and: endurance ;to 'pie' COlCclip . in the
river ' every' • morning. \ins the 'best'
...tribes,...,,the.r.Blackfeet •especially- this
Wee a 'tribalciiatc,rin,.• just ' as It 'should,
be:"'..the.tribal enstein.,' of..every BOY
•' Seelit te, get°, at.cOld''hatii Or rub. doWn
. , • - • .
every morning.
- •1 •„. :, , ..,,, - • . ..•'...,
• . , . , ,, .• , ,.. , • „
Just as as the. Scout has to pas lila,.
'd'art., haY had to go away by:himself,.
:With,riething but ""kiiii:eir;70t4::tAtiii.a.:
,te. keen bin:tie:it _hidden f rein all human
beings, during' hie test of epee:ranee,.
• :BO •SCOts, ,'are not.:gelleft'uPOO to
PO1101711 any • eaelt.idifflOAt. tests,. but.
they are expeeted to train theriiseires
so•that, theywill be capable Of.loeking,
atter theMselves••if necessary and if
PlXoN1,74 on their own. resources.,:
••• Scent ,Buests, of' ,Ontarto Pore -eta
. Ontario:Scents selected by provin-
ciai'lfeatiqUarteraifer• special. honors
will be giien a flee Week Of.eamping
Anil:training Ifl the , hake Trinagaini
.area, it: Wag anntunCeft'3)37 t'ne ;Hon.
Wm FinlaYrion; Minister:§t,Landa and
Forests, at the annual meeting of. the
Oritarie Scout Association, ,
Berman, fitt-Outs.Loyal te, BPidealp
' One ot 13: -P.'S last birthday ea's was
March 19.. i.Lesson '•)61-=7•The' Effects
o AlCoholle. Brinksf,-Proverb3, 23:
' 29-32; Isaiah 28;
14j -Belden' IText—ist, the 'last • It
htteth like .; serpent,. and Stingeth
like an adder.—Proverb: 23;'• 32.,
. „ .
29-32. '
A NATIONAL cANcT13.; Xsaiali 28: 14.
A Daniel 5: 1-4.
L A nainocAmes CATEtiliSM, Trov. 23:
' 'Seine ,one has najOriddthe Book o'f
Proverbs' a Mannal:'uf.",-eonduct.- • it
urges :the virtues .of .perseverance,
honesty, • kiiidness("temperance. It
Warns against barinful habits', and
enipliasizes, the value ',.ef NOS-dom. •
By 'way nf• warning, the writer •in
drunkard. ..Who is that felit,w with.
his head betrveen'his hands, groaning,
"Oh," "Alas"?: , (The Hebrew words'
translated in v. zp ap,"Wee" and "-r-
row" are; .interjeetions not nouns.)
The answer comes in verse 30; He is a
drunkard—passing through the
ery,oLreturning soberness. His
jcctios express the, distress' disaster,
discord, Self-reproach, disgust, disease
—such as cirrhosis Of the liver 'with
'dropsy, chronic inflammation of the
st,onnteb,': fatty degeneration of • the
heart, and many other disorders .fre-
quently due, in whole or inpart, to
the Siete poisoning of the • continued
uS-, of LIcohol.
Who is ••quarrelsome, .COmplaining?
The drunkard—who gets mad (ver
thing; 'wants to fight, fight,' then next day
'Wonders ; how .he broke his nese
,at ;Philadelphia.' • • ' ' , " (wounds without cLuse).
'Hon. Vincent Vincent ...Ramsey' to Represent .:WEIO has reddened eyes? The,•drrinitr•
. '•Canacilan.9codta • tilt' WawhQsayebitTe17''Mdaeir Its•hoa,ilvesleY.eisss.f.og4ivttei
. 'Hon. 'Vincent Massey, .former ..w.tc:rrneraVie30m; ellT.pde;.aunpekiepatnit(!tmtiearin.s..4u:Ard
Cansidien..Minieter to Washington; will
represent, tire ,ciinadiari .General; Coure'.: :glen' in ill their •disgusting-WaYS as
611, Association01PlieCt lessonsto their youth'. "Seek,
out," in Hebrew,. refers to one who
the annualraneting of the Boy S.06V,t•f' dilligentiv .seari.'„s for " knowledge.
:Ameriqk at Kansas City, 'SO.; itt T1l0 Writer axpressen his contempt, for
.inne; . •• ....I•. the..nian; who beconiesfestidieus in his
• Recruits to the ranks of' the Lone tastes for "wine." If. one wishes ;to
'Scents 'of Ontitrio:•-Will be 'welcerned, 12,s;Igi expert, th.ete are "werthier'fields.
• ' ' 18 years of 6f• inYestitation °Pen! to hint
6. 31 urges ever ' keep
All boys between 42 and
ag.e. aro eligible itgn. who are un- s Y on- to ..
•:Self;H-for at least:a-Month. baring tilts
tlnie he had to hunt --his own -400d, -
Mall& his own clothes and moocestna
froth. the skins of beare and other ani-
inals, Cook !hlA own teed arid keep
away from .ble tribe; In fact ho had
, .
, ,
Russian Doke Pape*
• HeBry G. Bc'liy B.S. ., Dept. of •Chernis!ryi O.A.C.
Acyress, 1...eitet3 ^to, Parm Editor, 73 Adelaide, .St.
Toronto. • NIArowerfrIt Appear in this
Colurnn. if Personal _sired. Enclose
-. Stnrnped and A4:ciKePdd
. '
B. have soMe.h.c-avy day .04 ;from which the oil has been express -
some black pluck. The /sail is 601147 ,ed •a ;highly valuable seurce, of pro:
Whet kind of ,fertilizers would ' you, tein ,for Ontario' farms. The •Field '-
put on this kind •land? . ..• , Husbandry. Dept. of this Institution.
Answer ---Tire • 'first thing that is has shown, that goe4 �f high
necessary is to see„ that the laud is quality,soybeans.• phor be produced in
' well drained; Next *correct the sour- 'Ontarie.
• nessl';'In Order get at the correct. 4. What king of fertilizer ehenid
amount of: .' linnestOne, Or lime use on .soybeans?' , • „„ ,
er-,fOrrri that yeti. shorld add, Answer-z•Little-Worii- ba0='he-
oll, rtelAstexidje'bt,Iyautrhae; Re:6;g crop, but indicatibns are t. fer.:
tati-ce baS , 'of this -test. tilizer fairly high' in, phosphate' and
If you are tocr-far.vay from* him; Carrying 'Medium amountof`ii4rtis' •
send 'a pint Saipp`ht t6. the Dela. of "gen and potai,11 •gives a vigerou.
Chemistry, 0.A"C., arid We will, test ',growth of bean, and a prOfitable•
"it.*nd"'Wiii-telFyon-tiri,clegree4f.-acid;, ease .01_,-,yield.,•":.Probably 2-12111 „
ity and how much lime, will be neeeS- .a 3-10-5, fertilizer:Will:cre heet761---
'sary •••• ' this • crop at the rate of. -ahOilt....t,WL„
It is.:•ncit .only•necessery to correct• bags, per acre. • • ,
• ,.the acidity 'of the soil for the crops, R. P. -Would it ktin profitOli
sake, hilt if you add high phosphate 1.esent conditions and prieei
potash fertilizers on a soil of. grar and other farm ..croPS, to- hut
•tbat is sour Much of the„phesphate good fertilizer • .
tend lotash will be locked up in ferule Answer. -We • have ansWered.
that are imaraille for plant klaj question v,ery,,lairgely aboie. We no.
and you Will not let the help from tiCe..you mention "geed fertilizer" brik,
the fertilizers that you should expect. which we ,asstuno' yot. moan, inecttini
The' kind of fertilizers to use -will', high analysie fertilizer& Within' iird,
of eourse.' d.ePend upon what etOP6 its the higher: the analysis .01 fertii
you are preparing .to sew, Fork grain izer the cheaper is the price of plant.,
crona,- if °the 'edil; is in fairly sWeet food perimit. But 'cheapness of .plant,
• •
Grand. Duke' -Alexander of Rus
• . , . -
. „ ,
,cousin the late Czarr
ecindition and yeti 7c10.---net-intVe--a-sil
-pseised. away et , Men-
- ef hatninatiure; it Would be 'W,e111-/ !9.6°1:14r-setl',11:ittLtIt' Ot°0t-tith40e-n-19471.1-iger%lidsee'.
illness. '.417le 'was 66 • • Whet fertilize're needs
tone,' France, following lengthy:,
• • • . . • .. to add' Shea two' bagS of 2-12-0 ,per„ •cfttioing
. .
acre. -,‘Yon-heyer7a, suPPIY-,-..of.'-:r.na'-, For inetancerit.w.mild 't,Otouj
,zar 'feasted...before a thentand, 1; 'fliTiet'in addition to the-ananure add a high nitrogen loW PhosPhate
, nd
..With the Medes and PersiatiSadvanc-
ing„ against 'him he .cried, Up wi h for groin crops., yet: eereals Medina
thecup, on With'the da cc'' Modern loy, nitrogen,. high phosphate and :
Belshastars, .nurroundeil'by the gaunt
about two bags per acre. of 0-14-6 or
0-12-10, This fertilizer . will not OnlY
1.4p the ' grain 'Crop. including corn,
but it. will give, the alfalfa or 019‘rr
amt limothY ini u're' that you sow .a.
good strong- start..
D Much haVe the
high . potash fertilizer such • se 5-•
•rnedjuni potash ie., what ' is: ',needed, •
. '
spectres •:'of econoinic.'clisiOS; poverty,. enCh a, ',fertilizer , as 212-6 • Or
misery,- fail. to 'hear, the challenge of V "
the .tinses..Instead of devoting their
- available time and energy •to averting , •
,. 'price of lertiliSera anti fertilizer triA7
tragedy,. inving,'
illeslIfferitig 811-era''''''terials.heen •redileetl-since,War tithe?
. •
Fo root crops •mere nitrogen and
Potash: with :slightlY• leas plidsphati
give. lesults; • For instance, ex
Rent returns have been rellsed
our fertilizer dethonstration ,vrori
potatoes, applied at the rate. of 751..
ing pain, clothing the naked; feeding ,... :
the hungry; ,they give thenioiNTs .tx, Answer—Itni.t..;!pgtire ytistgo back
to:' get t .dget:1-
tl ' • that. len th
the usunl' round Of silly social ,actiV-
.t,„of„,.,leraptation ' .lt,does..not.,reco - ities. ,4 .. , '. „ • ' , , „•, . -... .:. of time. ..11nwever, we have. succeeded
dNot Belshazzar
he had tasted the Wine in. ebtaining, some and here they.,are:
dere to profane the .Average Wholesale.. ealer.,' Prices:
meid :ir c'..ToWard'a:aititd'il°41•611fe;hiir it 'TeinPle7ves-selSr--Dririik,-.Ind--Wealtnnel • ,,;:- •,.', • ' ' .. 4.g.,?..ge-i4-.ce-Ilt-;1
does say that terziptation,ls.not a thing his faculty, of self-eriticisin„whieh tells
..tc.:lie2met. Withe ..iwagger".' - The:Man man that, certain behavior is un-, c, •,...„ 5 84,, , 2,4 J:2,7 tos hitte.
. ; 'Supor;: .
Blackbirds and, Sprtng.!•.
tliat a-. blackbi,r'd br,ings. .the •,1,1;,,rink•
This o,Inion she dolibtlese • botTowed
'ItrOin. Bed .t 0114i-1160i:4:6-
brihed, 'With an extra
itiOla.4sect 'rite read 'big
".: terse- to; her; 'Wien : "stanza pada.
41. o speeral'appeal,..'•iilie 'Would 'bate.
Me .reitd....it again a?*:: again, .repeat,•
14.. each: 'line.' after..Me.:,.
trould".bOlillY,.apPrepriatea,.tune tie*.
one, of her
. :and: Set the "music. Morning
alter Morning; •She•'...inuelea.1:ly -,aisnert-
• • .
"down by " mak': Cabilif•de
.Te''Sang anr. Wiag
411. Praise .de oh'f,"gli3ry;,•',. •
'bleekblid 'de
• •E6).Tingt,
. " .
Lucky and had no -ver ,been
cltned to agree With: ker. ,•F0 left,
!that. L In ',little waYsi-.4
...W.,•star-eyed bluets sprinkled through
hepaticai3,•and: anernO•nes in
the, *tads,: • iveS: better. that ''"WaY.,
*e tlocidcd. Halt tho',pleasure • in
•;clitiii0 Seiloa lay la, ,b114g,
to new °One .a.-*VrOaOil Step
,‘ gonik Part : ineet ; it, .and
got, in ,havieg:..it • 'fia,ridedf..tti.. you like
• 4 gift ti.a,ye and 'days „Of
. lain to convince ,int • that there Might
';s0triething ;In Dinah toll'a theory.
Itheirig onteide • en. the :firtit''.s•Unny
. .
esiorning, we ,diScoVered, tteve-ral 'kale
. kii :the daffodils, , and 'a:sprinkling of
bluete' and -yellow Siert' el. in the. graiitri
nur uect of ,iiiti:flOiver's 'which. we
'•'d,„,:trinePlantod, rrooi: the • woeda;
Oro. Unit+ to trine,. ,Wci•fonnd 9.
vlole.t,, , open., , chattering
. , ,
znia4e tin and there In
'9 inhib,erry, tiee .tiat' •ntiniber of
ackbird.r,". their irideedent-! hesda
• learning 'the Sum trilby ,and
PrOm Ont., the . kitcben.
Ole; become irieniikate Ot-regularly
Organized Troops..the Lone Scout pe-
partinent' iiioperattng for the special'
befleflt•-tif 1•01 -ticiiiitt
towns and villages. or on. 'viral routes.
find out xnoie-abouLlt9....
SN„ letter to The Boy Oconta ASSI)eig'
tien; Lone 'Scout Department; .*.?..0 Bay
Street, Toronto will bring you jut!
parficuian4,. iiiirite'to,clay.t..ene E."
do* -floatedi Dinah / Lou's ArOice,
:chanting lianpliY°' ' triiinipnantlyi
"Ah pritiee de Lii.wd. ••ot . -lcaze
mala bltickbiid 'fetch spring! ''C.C.
Yar bad,, SuCly " i6,79-0
perilling hie,own soul. • Avoid the Wine which tells 'a girl' that 'such c°nductir $ •
ifrom..the use of 4-8-10 .fertiiizer., or "
. • .
lba. per aCre.. ,
_w ,Ifen-it.....hisalieilx•k...ithat";_tools,_one4. unwomanly, or net beeoMing, a nice :1919 , 99;25'. ,, 64.93 . 41.63
good colosparkling, %Meath' texture, -eiti,--, Science has rerealed . that the 1924 sr" 45;00, ,'.- 33;65 • 04 1:0:!
.("irioeeth Itself aright" means .vren. first thing, a. drink does is to send to 1932 ' 85.80, 20.46 • 17.40
r.etli cloWii .smoothly"). ' sleep +h who Who, criticizes a
.' 'By• these .yOU will tee there is con -
therefore, No one, when 'he begins/to drink,
ex ecti to become a 'dim kard Th re-
The Lesion of • King CanuteA
• •
.. Xing Canntus; ,Coriationlir Called
Itnute, Walking:fin the sea -sands near
to Senthenititen, was extolled` hy, SO*
of : hie flattering. and told
that he was a 'king • of kluge; the
mightiest that reigned rig, cr. near;
that both. •sea and land were at., his
' 'Brit" this speech did Piit
the godly king in ;Mind of ttie, infinite
'POwer''.0; Get!, by Wbein kings have
and enjoy their poWer,.and thereupon
ii,„F :rode. thie. demonstration ' to. retell_
their flattery. He. tock -off his clOak,
and .wrapping it Found together, sate,
down upon It neer; AO 'the sea, .that.
hen 'began to o*, saying i',"See, I com-
mand thee that then tench, not My
feet'!" ' But he )ad rot so soon spoken
the word but the Surging Wave dashed
him..'lIec'then, rising tip and going
salcli7°.31.112-' tie:: now, my lords,
*hit • geed, cause you have to 'cell Me
a'kirig,' that am' net 'able' by•My•coni=
niandniient testalr,crie Wave. , Mor-
t Man,...dcubtlese, is .vrOithy.af-such
an high name,' no. Iran hath such Com -
'mend, but One King which ittleth all.
Let its' honO10,,,,,11111rii, let us call Hini
King of Kings and and: Lord .of all' Na-
.tioris.H-Let us' net only' confess, but
'else profess HIM to bo Of the
Heavens. Sea, and •Iland.;"--Froin;"i0.-
..zrialts:,0oricerning Iritaln," by Wil
Hem' dirinden, (1605): ' ,
It 'Vre"Wouild .bui id. on. a. Sure founds:
love our
friends tor. sake rather 'than ; our
erWri.:L,Olierlette Brente '
-.Glory' .a that poeterity
often Aoki; from !.• the; olienlderii :of
those who wore Wierti lirng
13erariger. ' •
• •
therefere, controls:our behavior.' Bel-,
shazzier was still: quite steady on his
legs when he insolently, impiously ad-
vertised his badness and irreverenee;
V. 4., Continued drinking "woild 'soon
affeet ,his.muscles.' A Man is. drunk
'when his • pewera •of- • self-egiriti•cii ,are
dithinished, even though' there is rio
pi:Award symptoni....The.13fitiSh medi-
cal 'authorities, 'seekirig. a definition Of.
drunkenness, say that .drunk
'when he hi unable to perform safely.
the task in which he is engaged. Thus., was paying' this amount of :Mo'ney for
n man .may be sober :for walking" ten units of 'plant food.. For one iriiit,
then,: he was Paying $420. ,111 1932
ing poses, but drunk' for 'inOter-car
en buY a '249-6 fertilizer (24
p . o
fore Proverbs : adds; Jultirnateli (at the
last; -v. 32) .the drink, which noW:fas-
cinates like a serpent; is else_ as pels-,
II. A iki•AiriiiiAf, .CAimEit Isaiah 28:1-4.
They had always been hard
ers in,' North. Israel, and noteriouSlY
immoral. • ,Fifty.".yeare.:hefore; ArnoS
had, hurled :his denunciations upon
theM, for their luxury .and debauchery
.see Amos 3: 12; 15; 4: 1; "6: '1, 6,
Probably just previously to, Iseiah's
prophecy, of .doorri; Kinklieshea had
Trade an alliance with the,craftY 'ruler
of,...Ednt and had reverted from' As-
syria, This political • folly; 'tegethe
with the Morel "eaticer of, 'drink :and
alt'out kinds itnof iitYnd tktheenc
doom was certain. ' •
1. In a figure of great- beauty,:Isaiah
pictures Samaria With its ramparts
its white terraced streets, its circling
towers rising about . the surrounding
!valley, 1 Kings 16: 24; It reminds
him Of the proud head 'of a '•dininicen
reveler :encircled 2.with • a :Wreath of
fieWers.,.. y.1., The long carousal new
nearly over, they Will scion be thrown
to the ground. ' • .
‘; The Lord .1bnighiY an
strong one"
Cute his :wrath upon his "distibeclien
children. - - In the wild sweep ;of hail
rain and torrent ...they. ill be (*troy
ed. In the7aniverse• "there.. are: glee
gigtal -laws Whieh' cannot' be broken
with impunity. God ,Is. not wicked
Whatsoever ': a ',natal sovreth, the
shall It alio;reap.- As qiiickly•as Jun
flirt (a great delicacy). are,eateri up
so .will S.amarlals destruction be ac
'etIliPlisliedf-v• 4. '
. , .
111. A satiqrici; CttNSOR. 'Daniel 6: 1.-4,.
The'Book:of Daniel was Written in
a time of terilble pereecutions; to en-
courage. the Jews to 'hold loyally to
their faith. The youth .Daniel is held.
.up astheir example: '
Cheri* 5, tent of the great Neat.
Belshazzar drink and revelled `even
While the openly was almost at the
'City . gate's. His pride -caused him to
,disregard. the court etiquette. It .as
usual for oriental kings to feast alone,
or with only a few persons. 13elshaz-
There -is another Matter to take into
account. 1.02s. Ontario' farmers
were. buying 1-8-1 fertilizer at 848,50
'ii ten; •2•43-,2 at 859.00; 2-874 at $65:$0:
In 1932., 1-8.71 and -2-8-2 are, barred
from sale: by the Dominion 'Fertilizer
Act. 2,4.4 -is• quoted: at $28.80, -
:Still. another ;way' to look at
ft-rmer in 1921 bbying 848,50
uriits)..,,,fer. .438.75, or one , unit for
iig-Saw Puzzle • $1.62. -Witho4
' • To Teach -Geography
.y t point- 'is that the • higher'
ing much 'euffering to many anirnal
Irinba-mriler-the-skin!and usuallRU
,It has been suggested that the
valent'-erize over jig -saw •imizites he
put to a constructive purpose --that
that instead Of.. remaining a mere
amusement and time -killer it be em-
Pleyedin the education of the people.
The 'idea is that the puzzles he based
on geography sp that the devoteei of
the game maYineidentally. learn Some-
thing about the 'phySical features' of
their own and, cithek countries. A start
might be made With:the scene Of t1.16
dispute :between' China and Japan.
This • Phrticular jig-eavr. puzzle. might
include Manchoukuo, Jehol and the
contIguoua parts of Northern China:
:It might 'be , even . eictended to show
the geographical' relationship between
.Japan and the 'neighboring portions
Of the Asiatic 'continent' into which the
Japanese-are'roaking•their • present ex.
etirsion: cleSpite; the protests of the
Lytton cornmission and the League of
Nation% Grownups as Well -as school
children could 'tlius 'become familiar
with portion of the world upon
Which the interest 'of nalriNnd is now
centred.--7-TorOnt4 :Mail &: niptre.
mw.-• ha
Great en are they see 'that
spiritual is stronger' than any mater-
ial force; that.' thoughts 'rule thA
rounded by pus,, cannot be other that
pnful:Aboilispainful-tch-a- hu. =
man and likewisea warble grab iq
equally painful Painful to a•COW. ' A dresaint
applied to,a wartdr,baalc;of senile pre,'
liaration that Will kill the grubs and .
preincite ,quick healing is a m'ercifiii •
and humane at. 'Idixtur.ci of 'eithet:
orris powder or . Pyrethrum poWder.'
'with sottn• and water, one half •poundl
f each to a gallon of water; will work.
wonders' in giying relief • to animals , •
suffering ,frorn, warble grub infesta
tion. " Many thinge, can be used
some geed effect; .as salt, tobacco, subt
,phur;•or, coal oil and pine 'far; Watell
closely and feel .the becks Of the cattll
every week; • The sooner the grub ii .•
treated, the . lees , painful ita'Preeener
rill be to the 'animal., Dead grub(
shrink and are then forced ,Up Out of
analysis fertilizers,that are now being the grUll hole. ..Be kind to yOuretittlt
Sold provide the farmer wit!, plant and,' rid• their .baelca of the painful
food at a greatliletil less cost per unit,
than he paid in pre-war or iminedi.
••:-.tely 'post-war times. .
2. Has . fertilizer, in youropinion,
come down 'in price 'corresponding to
prices ,ef 74rin crops? • '
Answer., ---This question, certainly
cannot be answered in"the,iffirtnittiVe
if one has in mind. the. •wheat :Ciop;
141 for such crops nTP.ps'. as 13;Ptatc'eS, - sugar
'alfalfa, the margin "betWeen.tbe prices
of a decade ago And. these thitt pre-
vair•at the present, Is not so' wide-
spread. Fertilizers Fertilisers jUdiciousiy chosen
.can tilI be uki with considerable
.profit on the crop, we have • named.
If one' takes into account the residual
effect chi:the:clover or alfalfa drops,
following; wheat and barley it IS Pete
sible to'rise fertilizerS, With profit 'even
at: present pricta ,Of 'these cereals. '
3." Do you think soybeans will 'Ee a
profitable crop to gro*,.. in Western
Ontario'? • '„
Answer---t:There"',•tieins' to be nutrilt
indicatios that •soybeans will fill an,
irnPertant place in ,the erolis of •the
province.. . The Soybean,. industries'
that are now in operation :claim a
large market for tbia .grain • and •for
the oll Which is expressed from the
beans. Teets show that soybean meal
warble grubs. Every grub that yeti
kill will help reduce the ' number
flies that gad the cattle during thc.
Lack .of Vitamins Will
• Cause Soft 'Bones:
.Repent research has; shown that, •
diet is all-important in the early 'year'.
of life. On it .depend growth, sound
tego di-
ge'sttlii.o,n;streng, benes• • g!:::
Mistakes in diet • durtfig 'Childhood
are not easily righted in later years,
and some of the ,after-effects of had
feeding are incurable. °
The deforthities caused by. rickets,:
for instance—bowlegs and knoCk4cnee •-•
are 'conririon 'eitairiplescannot bi'
cured when the Child is grown-up.•
Lack of.lvitamin Di together with •
toe lilIle eimlighr and exercise; ,ari.
the principal factors 'concerned.
' 'eggs; -;meat, vegetables and
fresli.fruit are fire essential feeds it •
childhood. The'starcheli and enga:ri
which fill hp the 'gaps go to prori4 '
energy, but 'should not be-,give,n
extesti,;* ,
Shortage 'Of these intportarit ,Vi
Mina A and D which every grow
childneeis, can be made gond-by;
fill; to the diet. '
U AND • ,
, •
PROM' ,vest:' -
%i4iterve euT Tii34b
TAxi36 06.161/4
VRi,cAut it? !AO
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=100 rani.tT. M,Wtte.
116te. t.i.kA%<1,
(yti,STAkt. At .8.tobdOt j
FOtt. TItG. 1.0%14.
or Mt(', *fiat)
Mrs"; Mutt Takes Contract Bridge Seriously.
WHAT, po Ttic44
Guys KNow
Atoyr conirreNct
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