HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 8„.
4 CANS' ,Ff111K ,BEANS
,10 'ONIONS;
.T*, regular: meeting of ' the Young ,
” 'evening. :The" president occtipied.-„the
"'chair, the, Devotional Cent.. , having
the opening hymn, •Miss Fern Reid
_kalle'the4SciiPtare reading and Mr:
'CoilYer, thiii, lead in, prayer. After
Ahe--„ainging Of the next hymn a• num,
,l)Orait-rgiven..,by the ..orchestra- and
.quartette 13.Y:X1'. and 'Mrs,: Philip
84141rth M'*7II:a:rTY' Much en-
MaelCenzie,..which was:tt 'very inter-
,!ii6.,:41,:,citare4r.olt,i,ntgliiiipx.t' week will
closed .the meeting
then, told by Miss Lorna
The tepid, ",Missionary HeroeS":..waS
taken by Lorna' Campbell, Edna Agar
and 'Jean Btruthers. Hymn 403 Was
then Sting and iliecieeting Was :clos-
ed 7itli Prayer -
ExCellent 301; Good, .g46i Fair 164.
EXcellent,L•Doris,'-Wylds '.310; Nor,.
272; Lloyd Stewart 252.: pair—Car,'
glen 14cQuillin 2323: RaYmond
Fair -•--Donald Johnstone 151.:
nine Jinn:111On ":235;' Anne, Parker:231;
:Junier., Class,,Peisiblp 'Marks' .230;
„1,82; Lorne,Gardrter 1.81;:,Helen "Salk,
164; Kenneth: Webster, 147;,
McDonald ' 145; Norman :McCartney
Lerne Reid 126;„ Aline Solaihon 125;
Ronald' McInnes 122; Jack Scott 110;
leek WilsOn 112; Roy ,ifaven,s,
I: hlurdie.
South 'Kinloss W. M.
There :Was a good ,attendance: at.
the -manse when'the'rnembers gather-
ed , to join in the: Werld'S DaY
Prayer, prograni: :The, regular .1)titSi
with; and a donation ef ten pairs of
Pillow :slips for '` the MiSs Rattie'S
Toranta was gratefully re'ceived.
Mrs...MacDonald...presided at-' the
March Meeting. Mrs. •Colqiihoun and
`Jarriiescin took the :deVotionals:
The 13ible ,stlidir:xas taken by Mr's.
Readings were given- by; Miss Dean
Meeting. was; plesed. With piayer...., •';':
'The:Scripture reeding was taken by
Thein ePlendid reading,
'their' nsual Pleasing: Manned EuniCe
• Henideraark,.,;*ii Margaret -.Ritchie
' win :aur:friendi 'for Christ?"' Was the -
.:7, devotional:topic. Tins Was •well , taken
enrselves, 'We will: de. great 'Work
in Pnrs_natling 'Men tn give their lives:
nobler "phrpoSes: The Meeting closed'
. with the, singing ,of :a „hymn,: and the
Drifted :Church Mission ',Rand
Tito' regular rneetinOelhe
----t-tilthielIiinsion Band, i;ias held 'in :the
basenMnt .-of _the "United ,ChUrch on"
• 'Mareh' 6th. -The: meeting epened With
: hynin 426,.. after which "the band re;
The Scripture Was read by • Deris
'TV/rimier." An "iptereStine story' wai
3rd. A, number of very Weleorne visi-
tors were .,"present.:-,‘"The'•-mtereating
program prescribed tor, this' day, was,
Miss derson: Several Members
?.arried outiunder the leadershin of
,led in prawr 'end a ,:very , interesting
and helpftil: 'address on the sithject
'PraYer was given by 'Mrs. Finney.
The Lucknow United Church W: M.
-wheal rooni. The president being: ab.•
aent, Mrs. Tucker took the chair and
-ipen-ed 'the Meeting with prayer. the
program for the Day of Prayer was
ted Mi.s Tucker, assisted by Mrs.
Andrew, who was. leader of the greup
Misi McGreger read the' devotional
. were read , and adapted. The
Lord's prayer was repeated in uniSon
Mrs: MeLead read a; verY interesting
Paper' on "The Shtit-in hut not .Shut -
very interesting Paper from the
Study Kook on the ,Xetliodist Church
in the: Weat, before Union: Several
of the lathe§ lead in prayer for. the
,differont' conntries.:T14 meeting. was
very profitable and interesting.—See:
Full Range of Ladies' and Mins'
Spring Clothes,,iii•iCe4 to ittiryouP
Dora Fail TO ''',See 'Them
ilk ouses
Printed Crepe'BIOUseS, neck's
RLMAN 1P °lie 85
m eto
lain COlor Linene 81 Dainty Floral Patterns, gocid cljUality, 79c up
III—Pos$ible: 300;
TWantley 241; B. Stewart., 229;
195; 1. Wehster 182; M. Fisher 181;
M. MacCallum.
Collyer 86; :Mildred
Ritchie • 85; Kathleen :Maelfitosh 84;:
Arlene JeWitt 80; Arthur 80;
Delis- Ritchie 79; Muriel, Soloman 78;
Toy Henderson, ,75; .Orland paterson
7;.kaiy Strtithers 15;" Jack McLeod
7.4 Grace Webster 74; Jennie Pearl,
than. '66; Zylde Steivart ;65; • Jean'
Struthers 65;::HoWard •Sohnstian '62;
Mai:Donald.. 75; :Mhriel. Peterson? 75;
MOrris Tearlman :73; Helen Hamilton
72; Lee 10; :Anna 4,1inlaYsen :50;
Millan 55;.- Marguerite -::G111`0‘S
Margaret Bee 46; ,
March ldth Terininates Second, The -
tension :Period For Securing :Markers
The second. and final • extension of
atone granted motorists, in Securing
and nO further 'extension shoUld
expected, announced , Hon. Leopold
lVfaeapley, Minister of Highwaysi
ruary 15 and then 'an -edditional
month 'of g -race. annotinced.
ists ::' were 'advised to secure, their
markers early: :and- avoid the conges-
tion of the last few—days, but it has
-been apparent hy the, ,rtuinber -Who
have -secured thein,,,that' the, majarity
is :taking ady.entage of the ex-
tensions arid putting :o1rTnirchasing
their plates until the final date.
Motor ,ears in this district This
seasen swill, for the most part, carrY
marker's lettered friain•D E 301 '0 p
being* the allotment kr the Depart-
Meht ofIlighways for ' sale at Wing -
ham' and Kincardine eentrea respec-
tively at' which points the majority
of ' district and local. moterists Make
.their pi.trchafieit..„
Plaid; Check; and Stripes are the
Yard 25c:
Very attractive designs'
fiuitable for side curtains, citstiten
thoe and "comforters: 'Extra valne.
+lora), Drapery Sateens and. Creton-
Roller Towelling 'Of Irish.Linen crash.
Per ',Yard 20c
•Wabass'o .Cattoti'• Sheeting. 'The cilia',
:Wabasso Ctrcular Pillow -Cotton et.-
' en weave laundries like 42",&
• ',The eonvertible Beret or Peak Can. Men's Caps popular stiles Fancy •
Donegal, tweed , for . the • small" bay. 8i4 pieee: top.: Leather fore.
,BOILTS• TWEED CAPS 49C and 75c „
E. McCluskey'-/Vianagiar
'PHOD,IE 75.
;L. 0. L. social in the Orange Hall
to:;night (Thursday).
' Hassel,. Of BrUssels
sPending &week -in at the home
-1V1i. and Mrs. Charles Bell of 131yth
Were Sunday- viSitors with -,-Mr. and
Mrs.. jaeli
keep, in mind the .Bretiekah social
to be held,i_FridayLeVening,_,_Etichre,.
The Lucknow`..:Floilr-Mille
See notice ,eliewhere:
he is driving AhiS week.
. Reserve the date --Friday, lMargh
17th, -and- plan, to' attend: the Citizens!
Band Concert that evening:
ma trivfp. ;ae. ns Hedni. ,trvoalrtd t. jeg: Epo mw. Aoogfin o;t:t ;,
Miss Artery ,Nelson of 'Kincardine
spent the week -end in ,town. with her
Miss Belle Robertson” has returned
from a visit in Torente, where she
attended 'the spring; millinery opening
.• All rural :routes: with- the lexcep7
next week; • have resumed afternoon
Mr, Datisen spent the week;
-end in Toronto *ith his..cousin,
;Fri ds Mre James -Alton: will
pleaied to lea n That she is Muth
iMproved; following'. a heart, attack
,suffered two -weekS: ago.
Mr: Herb 'Grahant Torento, 'ac -
return . from the city ahd
a few days at the home ofihis Mother
Mrs. Robert Graham.. ,
Dresses at Templeton's, Storp, -on
Wednesday next, .Marelt 15th, will
enable you to purchase your spring
requireptents.. conveniently and econ-
Mr: and Mrs. Well/Henderson and
, family haVe taken up residenee'in the
Congrani Bleck, ;having matted their
Missea Jean and' Isobel Douglas 'are
visiting in Teeswater at the home Of
their sister, Mrs: c. F.7 Richardson.
Mr., Richardson; who ; had , beep con-
' fined , to': the hOuse for a Couple of
Weeks' With' a ;sev4re, attack Of the
is recovering. pjc,e'!3r,
TAX ON T,13,13ES
Hen. Jasaes Malcolm Considers This
Sysient: 'Would Re, Most Satisfac-
„Wauld Receive Full Amount ' Of
The. ,debate in the House Of .'eoin-
moria on; the means 'of imposing. and•
collecting the :tett :on radias. hrotight
James; IVIalcelm, who, recorninended
,most satrifactory means of 'deriving
'this revenue 'and by which the gov?
3;297,9(10 radio tpbes 'wete Made
and sold in Canada last year. :Mr.
Malcolm stated: and a :Lek hi:. fifty -
cents' a` tube would result in a re-
Wauld be 'collected by the manufac-
hirers,' without cost te the. govern -
'theta in the same way ,that the 'sales
expense experienced In thiS regard in
the past, he' added.'
'In 1931, it was estimated that '10 ,-
000 radio owners 'did net paY a lic•-
•,-..nserand-last year a,house to house
canyaS Was inatituted which- resulted
in 'increased, Collections , ef, 84,000
licenSe feeS. The fee is, two dollars,
but commissions allowed. in collect-.
ing the levy resulte in only $1.60, be,
big returned to: the government. -
"For . genuine wit Under the inest
be sornassed," Said the Surgeen,„aa,lni
daY.4, stepped =by. Cot ,thia Meth.)
David Horne -returned from Toron-
to On Saturday, '1,yliere he tinderWent
it thorough examination to deter._
the cause 'Of the illnesa vvhich
has Used, him , for Sonic: time; and
at intervals causes hina much,, pain.
lie, -has been order th hell this yyeeli;
tserved at. Abe regular. Meeting 'of,
0-MOIll'efer-Ifigtit-ii0--rit the: ',eine'
of Mrs. h., it.. Thotripson, li'ridnr9,
--Mias Jessie MacGillivray, a native
of Bruce Connty, :Ontario, died 'at '
her home at, 3537 14th. Avenne, 'De;
troit, Monday 'of last Week, _following
a' Stroke. Born near Port ;Elgin, .a
McGillivray of Highland Scottish
'stock, she had reSided in• Detroit for
Presbyterian ' Church; 'Mrs. Mary
Stuart :and Misa Belle MacGillivraY.
of Detroit.:. -She was' predeceased- by
a brothers and: slitter. Rev.. Angus
IL MacGillivray -Of Haniilton,
aria and Miss Kate .M. lVfaeGilliVraY,
The remains. Wire. Sent to flainilton
fen ftmeraF service 'and entombment
in the MatisoleUm.
, The death of Robert Arscott; aged ,
occurred at his, home in Tees -
u —water, following , an: Musa of some
two Months. Deceased for Many
years was a_ resident of that village
moving' Itheit• from London. For
many ,years, assisted by his brothers
he 'conducted' the tannery, and for ten. •
years' had been caretaker of Ahe
nuhlic ' and continuation schools, from
Which &Ries*, failing health forced .
him -to resign. He is survived- by:MS
widow, formerly , Carrie Merchant,
of 'Culross, .Township; three sons,
Charles, Clarence' and 'Walter, end
one daughter..Hatty; also two child,
ren by .a former mai:Tinge, Santu'el
and' Lillian,. The fit' neral Service was.
held • Teesw,ater ,United Church
with interment 'in Teeswater : ceme-
A PHILLIPS -;-In .tucknahr, at' the
home of:1V1r."and lack Gaithiss,
an Saturday,_,March: 4th, to Mr. pnd
Mayo; the. noted- scientist and
Physician, says: "YOU dan .get along
with a. wooden leg but yon can't get
agree With hint. We kneW 'sothe :that
do.—The Canadian; '
gatha—;-nt deeen't y" hu
ern, o
ot Forge