HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 44.
triternnient Approved -Warred Rack-laaby
Chicks atid Esggs for Hatelting Fr411,1
Blood -Tested Stock
1 have • been. breeding , for fifteen years for size; large eggs, heavy
Produetios and,vigor. All eggs'aet, are extras and specials.
MARCH, 12 cents each, - 6 'APRIL, 11 'cents each•
'MAY, 19 eent.S eaell ,* JUNE, 9 coda %ch. •
Unstelated toe:Pianehed chicks free, with every 'Mildred Ordered;
iren per -cent depOsit books Y041' larder; 1,00%live
EGGS FOR HATCHING. Hundred $5-00: Three hundred or over
'at'four*centa an egg. Order `Shicka now and get delivery When
you want them., Inspection invited. Write nr 'Phone,
iiirhitechureh, ' • ' Ontario
• ,
• `Anton 3 Cermak, , Mayor of...Chi-
cago; died early Monday: morning
after a, stubborn f fight for life for
almost three weeks, since" he fell a
victim to a bullet -fired from the gun
tended for President 'Franklin D.
Roosevelt, -.Zarigara was. arrested and
without. delay- sentenced to -an 80 -
year: prisbn -term, pending the Out-
come Of his yietiMe. fight for rrecOv-
'ery, Zangara *la hew been indicted
offirst .degree-nnirder and, was ...ay.
raigned in court ,ert l'aesday facing
the charge: .In event of • conviction
the 'Penalty will 'be-deativ13Y. electrt,
Orange Social and Dance inOrange
• Hall; • •
Mr. , John...Champion. is shuay
-inet.-.Wood:_with..hisf, Outfit atleini Mc-
•LeCel's and .Keinieth:Gollan'd
Aleir Hamiltoj has been
provng 'his Property, lately by cutt-
ing•-ont, rion,bearing.. apple trees here
.•,:.„_and there. in his .orchard, and OthOrt!
unnecesee-07,, !bade •,`-trees..* •Mr..- and
Mrs, •,Hamilton 'both - being lovers • of
r•-flowere;-.bave..,onerr•of, the most
esque spo s 144 -the Hain.
, .., • "
.11ton on being ,congratulated „ on his
lovely gardnif,apPears to. have.nclop-,
,ted the slogan reemninended. list Week
by•**replying ought to: 13e, 'I 'live
:" •
Har.rY* Champion have_
• MoVed 'frontr' the„Miller houee t� the
realdenee -oWned. by Mr: 'DaVid 'Milne.
•.,Mr.. and Mrs., M:,:Gardner, Lorne
and Ivan, ,, Mr.;11491cOlin• Stewart, Mr.
, „
Jamie"Burns, ,Alice Thompson
. and Miss Ada Burns: visited on. Sat-
urday. eVeriing . with Mr:,;,.ancr Mrs.
John .ThoMPsni. *••
Mrs. Illirry„Carter of Ttipleyre-
turned lionie fret:1i ,a two Week's visit
with Mie. *peter Carter• : '
Mr. Alex McLeod was..a represen-
tative 'it the Good Read's' Convention
'held in l'ornnto last week'.
• L..0. 11. A. met Wednesday- after -
peen at2, o'sloek, for transaction of;
business. in Lacknow Orange Hall.'
'Mr. and Mrs. '1iJn9y1- Moat
Sarnia atui, Ur, and MTs. T.hos. Woodsof Watferdi were: xpests of .Mr..and
Mrs; Richard' Johnston .Over' Sunday..
Elmer Jehriaton and his friend bliyei
Lenton �f Stratferd :NerinaI sehool,
spent ,the' weelt,erid at the. Iiinne •Of
theti6. former!liveeic-end w41,1 4e,r,
• •Mie. eed of Lucknew pe
Mrs. 'rhoinas :AnderSon.:.
. Mr. and Mks: ,Fred ,Anderson., of
Zion, -:spent a da Y laee. Week at thS'
belie of Mr. and Mrs, 8. Kilpatrick.
• Mr. Finlay , Shackleteri, of, Prkeyille
• We itre glad to, report an: imprOve-
'leen on. the sick'
nent in the health:et:these Who ,heye'
Percy Blundell of .*Waviiatiosii. spent
• Miss Gretta IludsOn; spent a few
days last lAreek with Miss Olive 'Ken-
nedy. ,
Mrs. tester Falconer of -Culross
visited last week with Mrs. John
Falconer. . .
-Mr. and • Mrs. Ed. Thorn---of....St.
Helen's, visited one day • last week
with hi Isister, Mrs. .David Gilliest
Mrs. Bert Reid and children visited
one day last week .with her sister,
Mrs. Henry Patterson. -
Mr. and Mr. John Ross of -Huron
spent Saturday with . her parTnts,
Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier.
.__Mr,- and- Mrs. _Wm-Reid....ofDen-
gannons visited last week with. Mr.
George and Miss Ida MeQuoid.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack.Smith who are
working for. Mr. Wm: Fisher, spent
Sunday:with -her parents, M. and
Mrs, Walter Kaake of Kinlough. ;
Mr Jack Craig had the misfortune
to' lose a valuable CoW lately. ,
• Mr. Duncan Kennedy is building
a new &Ai:my house.
She.,-4!Are,..you doing anything "tor
that, Sold of yours?" • • ,
• He'.."7"t sneeze Whenever' it Wants
• me '
'A fine attendance of woinen were
out froin bi3th. Congregations on Fri-
day, tlie World'sDay Of Prayer. :The
papme, prepared •for,"*that-Z."-day.-Wne,
taken : by :all ,joinink: In', the reading
and,- praYere.-:There was also- duet's,
"b•TMisses and Aiiiiii-e7Sfa'y Car-
rick - and, *ra. james Laidlaw :and
Mrs. Dunean. Kennedy and a 'sale
Mrs. Sparling. The meeting,' '-WaS
closed' by all repeating the ,,Lord's
prayer. . d
Mrs. Albert McQuillin Visited this
week with her -sister, Mr. Neil .Mg-
Calltrin of Langside.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mullin and
family of 'Lucknow, spent Sunday at
Mr. Walter Alton's.
Miss Elsie Vint of StratfOrd Nor-
mal, spent .the week -end with her
Mrs. Les. Ritchie and son anent
Sunday with her parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. Sain Sherwood.
Mr.. anti Mrs. T. A. Caineron, also
Ralphi and Jean; visited recently with
Wawanosh friends. ,
'Mr. -arid MrS...•Will Lane Miss
Etta,,also Mr, and Mrs. 'Welter ,Lane
and Miss , Dierlain .of . pit•ley, were
visiterp in the community on Sunday
Ever invest a few* cents' in one,
of them?' Perhape you have one of a
hundred things you may want to hay <,
or sell?
;4_ _
, kEspurs ONE *'ur uu ANT
111 *
e Luekriow entin
Mrs George George., White entertained the
ladies 'of the T.J.F.w.o. fer the Feb...
-uary, meetin1,Irs. Carruthers pr-
ided, and the meting, openeds wit]j
inging;. and, repeating - the .Lerd,:a,
.Tra-yek-hilitrison:" The-minates of -last;
Published every" Thursday ro9rnin? •
Lucknow, Ontario. • •
• .
Mrs. A. D. MaPICSnzie:-•ProPrietor
, • .
'anijbeU ThonlPson-PUblisher
THI,JRSDAY, MARCH 13th, 1933
s 'Golf Club
ects 1933 Officers
•,.Meeting in: the ,,Brunatviek Hotel,
Winghans, menibere:of the'..Alpi Golf
and. Couetry Club elected.the
iig fflcrs for 1933: Himerary Presi-
'dent, P. Smith; Pres,' Herb, camp -
hell, Witighem; vice-president,
Dr, MelCee, TeesWa,ter; 2nd vice pres,
Dr, Win: Connell, Luelme-wf" captain
C. H. MeAvey, :WinghaM; .yice-cap-•
Ohaide, Lacier -law -7; secretarr
J. R. 11.1:,. Spittal, Winghara.. -
Greens, Com, -Bert . Porter, • •
SOith;., J. 'H. Crawford, R. q. Craik.
Social Com. -A. M. Bishop, Dr:
Irwin' Dr. Geo. Hodson- R. SAleth-
eringten; Dr. Treleaven::.
meeting were read and, , adopted. Af- was adopted:
er community singing 'the .roll call; May 15 -Commencement Of Spring
was responded to. by a "Valentine Handicap, IvrCls Ctlid :Ladies. '
Rhyme" A, Splendid program was MaY' 1-Cansnlencernent of'
giVen, which consisted of A Talk ° by •.•Competition. ,
"24 M C t •
Miss Myra Brooks on 4-.n.isehold ay orning, aP vs. *vice-
by- Flag -eoraPe.,
Scierice; a mouth organ :seleotiefi
Wilfred:White; Mrs. .A.* Hughes read ttion
a paper on Vale,ntitie. Ces.turnes and Tune 8L1.--IinekaOW • and • Teeswater;
Traditions in 'ether lanls Mr Darvey Mei-lt.; vs. -wingbnin7Men: •
McDougall who is home from Jasper' June 142-Llickanw. VS. reeswater,
'Park, Alberta; . gave - a delightful :Ladies • v••*.Wingilam.;,-Ladies.
talk, whichwas much appreciated., Jane 21 -Invitation Tournament.
Miss Leona :White, gaVe 'a :humorous. 31•Ine ,128'Seale4 Card `and §Caled
recitation, Mr., Dave ,arrtitheks gave ' Hole, 'c°91PetitiOn;
spleridid accoUnt of the Edutational- •?'111.Y: 1 -Field Hay; r5riving; A,PPr°a-
meeting held in ;Stratford recently; , putting, . Men , and
• • •i
-whichwas very _interesting MSS Ladies
Robinsen 'and L'elhOre'..MC=July 12 -.-Men vs-T,Ladies- -
Donald •fa •
vol'ed the. Meeting. .„;..,ith • Jely- 1..7,-Canirriericernent Cham-
, '
duet. A song by five, little. girli. Wag.pierishiMeti arid Ladies.;.''. ..'
Inne,h enjoyed. After a vote ot 0141115a jsuly,20.--7Teeswriter arid Luekriew.. ys.
to'. the hostess,, the meeting: 'Was .....: Wingliani.• in ' a mixed two ball
15fOilkfft-t674I7-eli,iSq.",:15r-Singingthel ' .• '''“-f°ur•snthe.•''.4.-: `'..-'• .. ' -. *'--- -
National-Anthein7faire4igOia`iiii.eii,"•Aiug '17.•-''-'1VIorningi.•President,,:vs',,,,Atiee-• P9r4,9ii..7„!''nan -76TEiTier•-i'Fiffar-1 65;
-- -e -;'. '-**
Pkesident .'•"pdterrioorrA..- hi- 'd -t oi OanezSMYtii.A.4*
erved and asocial time iiient,-;-Mr. -' "--.•".:*':-.."--.' ' '
Neil McCall:an-a-is to' Fe7h st • 'fiii ' ball-foursorne ' • - ::-.7*-iiiiied --orie"'or more..-,teati,.. ..---
„ ,
2liet..:Mar_elik_meet.ing, AIM.. . • 21.L-corninencement - ,Of : .rin.. NO....oh roll 11: .' ' .'Ave -4 .att 10.31.
Rural School Reports
. Paramount U. S. S. No, /4
For January, and February
Those, marked * missed ori, er ,raore
examinations.' ;• .
Sr. IV -Jean •Mae_Auley 81%; Lloyd
Henderson, '7i; Geldie Martin 50.*.:
Jr IV---RaYmend Riehards,-.
Isabelle Jamieson 74. '
•Sr. IIi-Belabie •1VIaeIntosk" 67.: .
•„ Jr. linMilton 66;
leen kEnsign 65. • . '
• • II-Staart *Ja'releseri: • 75;' Jean
Raynard 66*.: ••
• ,Pr.--L-Eileeri., Hendera,on, Exc. ;•: Bud,
Hamilton,' goo
No. on fell'. 12 C - .• AVe.' att:
Anne .1ViacDeneld.
'S. S. N°4 4, West WawanOsh
Janier-.Roorn "
TetMarks, ,
• Sr. In --Grace Weatherheael 88%1
_Hugh D. McDonald 60;- perry Diirnin
55; Gordon McDonald '51. • '
Jr. Ill -Doris Wilkinson 77; Jim -
Mie Aitchison, 70; Russell .Webb,
Johnny. Pritchard, ties, .60; • Angas
McDonald 52; Harold Weeds 51.
Buchanan 63.
• Sr. 1 -Helen McDonald 959; Mae
MeDenald, 915; Margaret Aitchisen
872; Ross Gammie 710. , „
Jr: !-Marie Swan 844;, Allan', Cran-
ston '772. .•
Primer --- Dorethy Webb 1626;
Marie. Aitchison 965. Murray. Wil-
kinson 908.
• • .Beatrice MeQuillin
- S. No. 3, West Wawanosh
Tested in. Cornpostion, Geography,
History, Spellirig:' and Agriedlture.
Jr. IVI-lelen Durnin 68%*.
Sr. III-J{arold Irwin 89; Elmer
Foran. 74. .
13righare 18;. Leo
Foran 49.
- Pr. Maris.--7 Total 475
Gene Mills 340: Gerderi Foran:275;
Eileen Foran 255; Norine Mills 220.
• Tests -Total 100-Nerirke Mills • 99,
, .,,HandicaP,: Men arid Ladies:''' •
'the road at 'TA/erten' his waek 5. S.. No.. 5, Ashfield"
Mr. Ruseel MeDeugall1 and Mr. IVL4r4in a Hackett :67%;
; ' haYe'' anent'
'Lend F Haekett
Dick' MeQuillin is Werking...ttri
Sept. 4 -Field Day,
Sept.: 20, -7 -Open • Toarnament,
Oct. .20.,LLChib, dinner 'dance, with pee-
° sentation of trephYS and :Prizes
Won:during the seaeon.
,The Coarse ittlipte, 'Culross
,Teeswater, ''Aringliaret : Jr. III -Jimmie Hunter 62; Eldon
frein Which toW-r0 the club (Irani* i
Gordon McArthur, /Wints
vey' Ritcliie 56; Birdie 'Reed '
the winter' here, . returried te their Jr. IV -Lane Gardner 79; Ellen
. , • ,
work in British ' *.; Andrew. 72; Jimmie Reid 60; Rena
'The ' young people., Of • the Teivnahipcentrallylocated between
linker .• 32.
S. Drennan 60:
!math and second',spent a Very .plea-'
sant , evening it the hope _Of Mr.
Ritchie 56; Jean Reed '45. ' • • •
Angus 'Graham on •Friday last.
meritiberShip, •• •
:Club dances will he held every*
second Friday, during , June; July,
.Auguat and Septeniber for Club
inenibers and„ their friends. •There
Will. lie no , more ,pablid :dances held
in the . Club House. The Social, :cern-
'riiiitee'haverequested the 'Club :nian-`-
*gement to Contract 'an orchestra' for
these dances. The 'social. cern.
Sr. II --Howard Reed 92; Lorna'
Mrs, Cecil Robb ,spent Tuesday i" Reid 70. Doris Reid 66. Kathleen
Kincardine;• Gardner• 63; Kathleen Reid 60.
Jr. II7-Russell Ritchie 81; Keith
with friends on the sixth.
D. McIntyre visited last week Sr. I -Keith 'Ritchie 61. ,
with friends in Tclionto. , Ida M. Webster.
, •
1VIiss Myrtle -1VIcQuillin was home S. S. No. 0 Ashfield
over the iveek-end. Sr. IV -7 -Tested in Spell„ Comp.,
Will make •arrangements : for the re- Arith., Grani.„ Lit, Geo. , and Hist.
f'resimients.' ..• Chester Xwalnley 67; *Muriel Blake
A /illation was adopted. that wives 63.
of the members, who do not play golf • Sr. iii--*Eimira Alton 61.3; Bert-
he entitled to all Club House privi- ram Curran 61; Phyllis Blake 60;
leges. • , *Harley Philips 53. •
Afternoon teas will be .servednpon Jr. III -Mary Horton 74; Wila-
request, also luncheons and suppers. mina Lannon 71; *Eda Phillips' 49.
nian a the National Committee of In. fairness to the member e who. *Russel Alton 71,. Clare Lannan 66
the.Y. W. C. A. Shanghai, China, was hiVe taken out yearly ,membership *Lorne Phillips 65.6; *Bernice Mu
followed Miss' M. C....Rutherford-pre-. :cards, it was decided to, limit the eby 0. • 4,
, primer Class -Daily Marks. Pos-'
sible Total 540-1,yal -Lannan- 539;
Rose Marie Lannan 534; Elva Moran
515; *Howard 1,31ake 382; *Tom Phil-
lips 328. '
. , •
• Mr: Jcihn. McDonald ' sperit' rrtaaY ,
Hackett 71. • • •• .•
The ,•World's Day et -Prayer was
Observed, ,on Friday afternoon; When
21 ladies gathered: at the horne .of
•Mrs. R. K. Miller., The Program 'as
-prepared, bY'Mrs. C. C. Chen, tha...ir-
sided. Prayers were offered by. Mrs.:
Gordon, -Mrs. Wilkinson aliA Mts.
Ramage. A, solo "One is Kind, Above
•Ali Other's" by Mrs.', Wilkinson was
much appreciated. .
• •
Miss, Mildred' 1VIcQuillin of Strat_.
ford. was a ;recent visiter at her 'borne
here... : • . 'part m any Club competitions.
. ,
, .
The Club members , 'wished- ,Mr.
We are 'sdrry to repOrt that Mr.•
playing Priyileges new membera
to ten games. ata *minimum , green
fee:rate. of 50e per game.' At the
end of ten 'games the 85.00, paid by
the new niember may be applied on,
his yearly membership ,New mein-
hera Will net . be privileged to take
Ted Rice has been tinder the doctor's Meyers eer.51', sucess• in his new
• - position as Club picIfessional at the
Sarnia 'Golf Club On hearing .of the
.Mis.s. Malt.aret Thoth' '11.'1\T" '-'1.S. 'Club professional's ' leaving,. several
home after nursing Mk. Charlie .1Vic.:. ' •
niernhers.7 iminediately..! offered :. their
Le'.61.,1 , ;Tr., Of Lane's, who has been ID .
with 15.1,1,,,,..,,,,,,,,,: . , . , ,. , .. . . services ,and . a ' near riot' took Place..
'''""'" . • . :. Only the quick thinking of president,
•. Mr. Wallace IVIiller , attended the
.Herb Campbell ,5' saved the • situation;
meeting of the Prohibition Union at •
by asking the volunteers their golf
Terento ;last week aa'.-i-irelegate from
scores. .. -"Dee, - Howson-' and • Arch.
:the UniteATChilich2• •
• ,, . , ' Peels s ere not qiiite sure' and were
The Marsh meeting of the. vv omens le . w. • - • -*
Golf cenirse,On snew sliobe;witirthelr
McCrostie's on Thureday. The tell call
siore carde under their. arins.:: I
Was responded to 'by. •intin,Y jugges-
The Club Management, was • re -
tions or 'tempting ,spring'' dishes.'' A .
Institute was held at Mrs. W. C last seen going towards'the Alps'
quested to »advertise in the kcal
splendid paper on ;"Home the Anchor'
paPers for a rriarried coil** without
of 'our .National Life" Was ;read by
family, to be employed at the Club
Miss M. 6: Rutherford. 'Mrs. - W. A.
fol. the :coming, season. , • '
lqiller read , an article on '"Dullikss."'•
;Mr", Paul': Kreitt . was employed for
It was. deeided to' held_ 'the Annual •
the season inNapiteity•of dreerikeener.
:),N.;,t1-;t.-:11. °the.--.-., " 'F-r.iiiay...."-e,hing'"Iiiini.°11.-, •-••'''rliela-cly ra6iihars will hold th '
en,....,.' .,._ ....,_._-_,.i_. Li.Lendaifee: 'annual, ' meeting for the election Of
‘,1t 4.tni:re ri, • c3:t. 1 wasng , a p :OPT il leen, :r, it:Lig 611 hen Officers at the ,Club Huse -In
y e n . Kathleen om tea •
• • • •
Sunda venis ' 'the near' fdin'e
the',Scripture•lessOn. The toPic "Row
was .Ia: charge'nf-the Eel -
Miss Edith Vtnlifii, 'read
a wilier on E'Stewardaliip .the Gas-
I-Ielen gave. a .splen-
did paper faking' as' -her' subjedt,.
"Witming Others to Christ,", It :Wee
, 4
, .
A farther...once asked. the- editor:et
is Advite
country paper. ter, advice, follows
"I • have litftFiC'ifiW .til'hea
pbthttAtillA at ether tinies is.
lento.' to` 'an alarining 'degree.. 'What
S • tair' do?"
decided. to told a Hard. Times Social The ,reply ,carne': "Ito . first flint
t PatriCiel tiayi //look 1,2tii;' • vut,.110,6t '00g4x.g:tiotrri41„,sell hzm"
A Class -Raymond
* denotes abseil- de.
• Olive L.. Aialerson
• Mrs! Charles .Sheill and ' datighter
tDoorriniser•_',:ppenatrenats: ,femW.r,:d4anYds.m. wtsit.hc: h,tahae:
Congrard, • •
,Mr. and.: Mrs.., Richard -:Elliott Were
Sunda Y visiters' .at •Mr. Krnet
Ackert's., - • ,
'Mrs: :Tiles:. White7W-iie hag, bee
in ibed for' a time, is so far improved
to be.:-,able4e-71,esive her. reetn; Mrs.1,
Michael Gainble who has been with
her mother; returnedliome on SatUr-
day: • ,,
Mi"ss Annie Colw e andMr. and
MPS; Lynn Fair; metered up: from
London and spent,ithe week -end •. at
• •
Jelin -Colwell's. • •-
:*Miss :'Kathleen ,Eckvvilkr„:„and,
Mr, Lorne _Culbert. -.w,erc--tlib"'inlie
Winners at;the progressive' Eueke 'en
Friday night,', •
are_pleaSed:- to ;reperetinit
Margaret '111acI1itesh is able- te be' tip
around. %the hoiiae, again:
and Mrs... Robert' M4C
spent ,•Menday &Shine 'at Mr; ""Wrir.•
Baker 14‘ Obt'Sn.tbr'•'-daY
crerlinA•at A/r, leobt. MaeDonald's.
A ,nninher" trent here attende'd »the
V; V. O Soial1dj4n the *Otane
1),tuck' tOw, .0,1[ TecsdAY evening,
An: rdpo,it ,60.04 timeo
irg•VR$P44.Z' 1V!4#01. t
".114.-c,5N4PK: .• • '
Considering the 'rAmpant ' of :time .
that we spend in bed and the larg.e „
part: of, :lives that is paised in
sleep, t appears.. that!. by the time
we 'reach adult life, We, may fairly
claim to, he' experienced `,Sleepera,
The: nit' 'of:going to ',slr
sl'eep' js-a
habit:. Most to ',bed as a
routine, -and anch a /routine .,faV
the -habit of going* to sleep read
The amebaof, sleeP that IS reqriii
by ..different -individuals, Varies, -The
heed of each indivdaa or sleep is
mental work...
• What' causes sleep hasnot been •
deterinined. 'Nerve'cells are activeas
long as *we pre awake. As a result
of their activity, ' WaSte, productsor
.fatigue substances are , prodaced'. and
these ,acting s a mild drag,' may be*. .
the calise of •sleen.*.lt is also.suggest-
ed 'that life Moves in a rhYthrn of
activity, and' rest. SIcep,, as, the .13est.
form . of rest, ia n,part of this n'atur-
'al rii'ytlim.
• We:Aglow' from coniinon experience,
•that .when:,.blood. • is 'drawn -frOni
brain to other parte of the body we:
become sleepy: 'ThiS feeling., We ,
periene-a-fter-eatin-gi-wliert-rin'Ore-•-ef ,
the bleod..sUpply is :diverta to 'the •
ahilornen to; play:its part in the diges-•
tisie process. r. 'When ' we are • .in a
•Warm. romp, 'the arteries: of ,the skin
dilate and ie'hecOine droway;. eeolieg
of the room wakea us un as the akin
arteries on and more blood is '
diverted' to the._ brain. • . • •
General -11 -„We* 'rest ' Setter, '
'things are quiet when the only.
• ,
noises are those to Which we, are
accustomed .` If,. we • are used to eer-
tain noises, absoliite cadet may keep •
ler firids.'the stillnes of the :country
„aist.....apAisturbingfOr - the
troubled-,.• by the. noisesof the •citY
A rest at noon, ' or forty winks, •
serves as a. real .restorer tor many
people. At night, our hedroOin should
be quiet and dark; with the air kept •
cool and fresh. The bed -clothes should
De light and the sheets " tree. from •
wrinkles. As. we. turn in Our. sleep
many' thnes, the position We assume',
in going ,to•sleep is of no 'importance •
but the bed -deifies' should noC,
fixed .s6 tightly as te.interfere :With ..
these natural. movements:
We' may :do without sleep for a
time,, but. if this is 1.m:1g-continued,
exhaustion eventually occurs. We
would die, More quickly from the lack
of sleep than from the lack of feed.
Sleep is needed to allow the body to :
recover from fatigue,' Sleep; ,essen-
dal 'to health. • •'
. Questions Con.cerning Health,, ad- •
dressed to. the Canadian Medical As-
sociation,' 84 College Street, .Toronte,
will be 'anewered Personally' by
„ .
A, St Patrick's Masquerade will
-be in the P'aramount'llall On .
Friday ••9veriing,' •March 17th: Prize'S
Will be given.: -for fancy and, comic
drsed lay: and gentlern5.n. :Adnii5"
sion 25c. Ladies, Free. • Mrs.' Jas: KeNairi, Amberley,' spent
a few daYs. (last 'Week With her
ents; Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos:- Webster. :
enMterr.taiannedd rrgra.tri:rti:e• 'nli1dLicDiaormitds
social evening 'Iasi. Monday. Every- ,
one', enjoited a' pleasant evening.
Mrs: Martin •, Spent , the weekend
with. friends in. :Kincardine..
A' nuailier of ladies , attended • a
quilting at Mrs: .Jaa. T. Webster's;
one day last Week'. • , *.••, •
contest • thkes place on Friday ,
Very' :busy. ;practising- for -the' Chorus
night'. •,
6:111nunitY are-
Gli's:--Tt you » had five dollars in
Your pockets; what. would- yea do?
Olaf -I'd think' I had . somebody
else's :parita on. , "
l'AiCIticiOW, and •WII•IGHAM
'51011•11111'enta.1 • Or
. Laeklikiwe •
'illiiithiiiiithveinee.tl,711,1 rirom, 0iL_,m.uto jefttat7.,,dme.,slIg:70‘71.
• PantrIe mentrinente and, invite .
, Your' 'Inspection.
InheiiPtieria:Neritly, *Carefutli_and ,
Proai ptly. pare.
,See,-ua before Mitring, l,tvOiaisrstuii7e;
Doileitto nroi.
P.:,o; :753
Phone 74