HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 1•
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Dr R L Treleaven, Lucknbi,;,
Hour's 9-12, A.. M. 1.30--'5. P. M."
PH(Y7 V .53 ,±-RAY
AUCTION SALE-rlof 'stock, int-.
\meats and valuable farm 'properr,
ok..t.,,..the farm ,of Kenneth Bell; Lot,
/r,Con 8,•Uaron "Towaship,on
March 10 doniniencing at one
o'clock, .Well. Henderson; Auc.
AUCTION SALE — Clearing: out
Sale of 'stock, on, Thuredalq March
• 16th, on Concession 10, 'Ashfield,
mild west of fielfast. See,' bills fc.:r:
• particulars.
, .
Harry Hackett ..•¥ ell. 1lendernon,
'Proprietor.. . 'Auctioneer'.
We have a good grade of .mixed
wood now ready, for sale: 16" , and
..1.2'% We will ')iave a good, stock on
hand ,throughout the year. Special
prices tc those..whe will ,call. for
their wood.
The LucknoW Table Co., Limited.
l'Irst Insertion,: 50c.
Subsequent Insertions,, 25e, ,
The LueknalIVII3,-F. G. Club will hold
•.a regular meeting in the Grange,
Hall, .LuCknow, .on •Saturday. March
nth at 2o'clock. The Club' will hold
—their "annual Wirier iilli'-)daoh—,-240i.:7
`1Turning ,The•-"Trick'yti-8fitercoWit-
edy, will ,bEl,'.,•.'stiged. 'by Ripley talent
in the Town Hall, Lucknow,, on
• Thursday, Match 9th, under auspices
rof .the Ltielinow Junior Farmers- and
Junior Institute. Admission—Adults
25c; 'Children 15c. The cast includes
11 characters and has been presented
in RipleY On two occasions Dance•
, • , •
:after—Gents 25e, Ladies Piee.
Former Langside Resident Replaces
Swalwell—Geta 'Office By,
• Mr. Gordon Scott was elected by
• acclamation, at a nomination Meet-
•. ing in. Ripley last week, to, fill the
•'vacancy on the council board', caused
by the resignation of Mr. Robert
4 n
Swalwell. Those nominated for the
• office were, W. J. Lane, Mhos. Mason
• Gorge. McLean, W. A. Mair, G .11.
Ruttle and Gordon Scott, the latter
• being induced to qualify when it was
iiiinai•ent_thatidifficulty might be ex-
• perieneed in having any ' of ; those
nominated, assume the, resPonsiblit\y
• of the office. .• , ,
Gordon• ' is a 'son, of Mr. and. Mrs.
• W. J. Scott of Langside, and has
• conducted a blacksmith business for
a number.; of years in Ripley, vvhere
he has evinced much interest in. the
'welfare of that village...
, Rev,y-ansl Mrs. C. •,11: MacDonald
attended the funeral of the ,fOrmer'a
,cousin, John McDonald; which Was
•: held from:the home - of his brother in
Culross Township on Saturday • to
TeesWater, Cemetery. r
Mr. MacDonald,; who for a nuM-
ber of , years )conducted the',"Corner
Grocery" in Teeswater, died sudden-
ly at his home in the Weat, on Wed-
, nesday last. The remains wete
brought to the hOrrie Of his brother,,
Mr: Dave McDonald, reeve of Culross
township on Friday,Twith the funeral
being :held the day following. Andy,
Little and S. MacDonald tWo Mem-
bers of the Teeswater hockey team
•aienephews a the...deceased.
. The service Chitreb:
on Sunday evening willAe in charge
.ofr the. Triple, V Class_ of., Wirigham.
This_ ',class is composed , Of syorng
nen who ill condneti, the, Service as
'well as proyidalt choir to lead in the
Singing and render . Specialrniiic
embers.Ot4i,e clata; bedidd th'f,e
taking part
, n all nuhierbig abettt,
Pxpect0(1. to attend.
Porrner Reeve
Huron Twp Passes
Mt; James Brown, Prominent Farmer
Of Amberley District, •.Passes
• -., Away .At 'Advanced Age,
.Ailing for aMla0 Ulnae"; old rage ',took
its toll on Sunday In.„the paSsiag' of
James Brown in his 86th Year, and
who for more than half a .ceritury
had been„a reSident the lint -I -led,.
tate vielnity of Ambeiley. Born in
the Township . of -,Clark near Port
Hope, the deceased carne to Amber -
ley and.„ commenced farining, some
sixty' years:ago., At •,Lurgan be •WAS:
later married to ..Margaret',.. Rae,
daughter' of the late, John Rae.- and;
Mary Taylor; Mrs. 'Brown predeceas-
ed. her huSband, twenty-six Years ago,
Of a stilling eharaeter; Mr. Brown
was intiCh respected, • throughout
Huron Township; which ,rnunicinality
he served, for several.. Years as coun-
cillor and later as reeve.; Faithful to
ledge and church, he Was 'affiliated'
With Amberley being made.
an honorary meniber-twa;'years ago,
and , Was, a member of Lurgan
, . ,
glican Quire
, The. :furter 1 nsheld.on ',Tuesday
frorn, the lip e. ofhis son. Albert, cm
the .bounday west , 'of •'.„Amberley,7
'where' he had "niade his limn& for the,
past":few;:' years, Services. Were can-,
, • .
asited by ;Rev.,
Nicholson • 9f :Pine- River.',,,United
Church,in 'charge' of Amberley 'L. O.,
L.'. No: 1328. jnterment was in, Rin-.'
cardine cemeterY..._ • -
, ,Werp:' essrs.
Scott; ,- Hugh- Afenderson4.Rob-e-rt".:Ged:
des,• and..''Walter 'Brown; 0, : • ."
, .
,,-..Two,'sons: and 4Wo -xilau ghtera:
vive father,xAlbert and 'Williant'
Mrs. Wm. :11/fehtfud1en 'Mrs. :Alfred
Ennerton,' all Of. Huron Township.'
' •
John McDougall EarlContraeor
• Aad ProsPector-in Klondike Re-
gion' Pasaes.
. • ,
A , press, despatch from Quesnei,
B. C, briefly :records ;the passing of
John McDougall, brother, of Mr., Rod
'MCDougalli. of concession 4, ,ItinloSsi
'John Mcflougall, 78, with built
the, first•highWay between New Wel:t-.
Minister . ,and Vancouyer, and who'.
claimedto have been the discoverer
of .the...l<lendike,, is dead hereL
.Frospector, Contractor -ind Miner
n British Columbia for more • than.,
years,.he' is, survived by a brotho:r,
Pod IgeDougalt ; of LucknoW, .Ont:„..
While' at Juneau' Alaska'. in the
:nineties, Mr. McDougall located On a
nnp the famous :`,`,1Vfloose Pasture;"-
hicr late becon* tie centre of the
Klondike; .using his lc.noWledge,of ,the
comparative .,positiorist:--of important,
finds in . the 'Cariboo' and. Atlin. as rt.
basis for his .deduction"
,Town .Dumping 1(tround, .
Is Being Sought
Suitable .PlaCeA For Dtiinping ,:,Of
Gnrhage-. And Refuge IS A Necessity
' A2.•matterwhich' may appear trivial
but is •far Irani it; is the ",seCuring
of a proper town dumping ground,,
Dr: 'Connell; local' M...,0;•H. informed
the Council. an Tuesday night, ,
The, duns Ping: -et "gdrhake iti",411.0
river; which is 'a ;CuStbinarY-I)ractice
with soya ts both uncleanand
legal,- while. garbage hearts ,are breed-
placei-"f Qr. flies. infantile . diarr-
hea among babies -is 8 direct' result
of -coritagiOn
Village 'garbage . collector ,ivas
'recoininended. The kCouncil did not
think ..that", at the, present time one'
should be hired hy the town and paid
out at the generat,..tak rate, an1 it
was ',suggested' that.. probably' suffi-
cient residents. Cotild be inte'reted in
such .a service,,, With each pnying' a
nominal ,fee; to iiake. it • profitable
for, , seine- teaMster to attend to', garz,
bage reinoval., • • '
eaMitillof RebertgOli.: ''"' AVM' has
been 'considering h Suit;itbla duMn-
ing ground mind in tie._
Sot'th-otist outs.ki.#g og..
,The Beardauthbri zed a .etninnittee
to work, in ,eonjunction 'With:the M. 0,,
to ' take • irnmcdiate, Steps in lo
eating. an adequate ditinping•.kgietind;
'suitable ni-ritngenneats Can; • be
Made for ptirehattat sant ,
• -The Male Of Mr: and. Mrs-- Mt4liain
,Stiark, Kincardine,- ,was the scene
of a ,quiet • but pretty wedding on
Wednesday, MarehAth, at 14.30
when "their . elder daughter, May
Gladys', became the bride of Clarence
C. Murdie; Listowel, youngest sow of.
Mr.,eand Mrs. Win. Miiidie; of Luck..,„,
now. Rev. W. B. Craw,,, B.
officiated. The bride, who entered the
drawing room , on the 'arm-, of.,' her
father, to the strains Of Lohengrin's
bridal chorus, ;played by Miss Isabel
Cuyler, wts loVely in .a gown ,of
white bridal: satin, 'made on long
princess, lines; her, veil was caught
softly. about her :head, with orange
blossoms aiid she carried whiteroses
and lilies of the valley. Her only at-
tendant, Miss Mary Anderson, was
charming in _beige' net over crepe,
With sash, hat and shoes of pale
green. She carried Johanna Hill roses
AleX, Murdie of - Toronto' was - best
map.' .
.' After the ceremony, • a dainty
hincheon ivaa sertec1,-f011oiving which
the happy couple left :by motor on
a honeymoon to Toronto, the. bride
travelling - in a smart ;eliSenible of
grey, with matching accessories and
silver 'fox , scarf, ,•: ; '
:1Mr.'- and' Mrs. ,1VIurdie., will reside
ii istowel.,.,
gives Kinloss
Narrowly Escape
Death, In West
Snow -Covered Exhaast, Pipe Of Gen:.
erating 1'Iant, Filis Home With
• Funies.4Parents, Pink Children;
• And flired Man- Overcome.. ,
Wordhag' been received from the
. _
west of a'near fatality', Involving Mr.
and :Mrs. J1:21:1'. A. 'MacKenzie, both , of
whom were horn in Kinloss Township'
McKennie.is the eon of jOha T.
MacKentie, formerly of the, 2nCrOn-
Cessien .while -Mrs. :MieKenzie isthe
Yonngest daughter Of.; Nymy.-...13oyle,
-yliose early home. was on the 'l'Oth
con cess'ion, 'The:, young conple Were
niarried in the West and reside near
MoOp Jaw. The incident was reported
as follows: I
,`"I'Wo nen, one
woman and four
Small children,residing on a ,farrn
near Pasqua. came near to losing
their .11VeS' froni..carbon Monoxide gag'
poiSeniag; on 'Saturday • night.The
aAion: Of one of the 'Men in summon-
ing neighbors- and a doeter, was re-
sponsibk. for the ,saving of the other
six livo. All Seven. were Unconscious
.When aid arrived.
• Tho alinost fatal accident 'occurred
at:the farm hothe of D: A.:MacKenzie
early Saturday,'evening, Medical aid
Miss Mina Graham
In Bus Crash
Bruises And, Shack's'Only 111
Effects Suffered By Miss 'Graham
In Bus: Crash In ,NeW.-.Jetsey,'•In
, Which Several' Were Badly Hurt,
Friends., of Miss Mina Graham will,
be pleased to share in the news:. re-
ceived here ..by: her brothei.' and Sister
Miss Christie and Mr. Pan Graham,
;that she escaped- with but iniMir in -
'juries in a bus accident, which oc-
inirredwhile she', wasi returning: to
her.; home town •• of Chillicothe, Ohio,
following ...a_Jmainess trip. to ''New
"railThe -following article records'.
the 'mishap:. - •
- "The many friends of Miss. Mina ,
Graham of .South Paint street .were,
relieved to learn, this 'Morning, • that
she had 'returned home safely after
her harrowing experience of being in
abus accident, in which she narrow-
ly serious injury, but in
whieh others ware badly hurt.
:MissGrahamt who '1Was- one of te
passengers on a New, York to Wash-
ington 'bus; was •suddenly awakened at
5:05 st.m Thursday, '13-y-ttlfe-swerving
of the ear, and the screams of in-,
hired passengers. An excited 'male
passenger sitting hapk:of her, jumped
over her, striking her head and.dhoulr:
der, and knocking her to the ;fiaor:
The biises ustained nts-thir-trine,".
with the Lihooy were her only injuries.
HoNv.ever, Miss Gralunri Was. sPared'
injury through her kindness in not
insisting upon her claim, to ,the front
seat -i-? Which'she---had4reSeried'-irr!.ad--
vatice, and Which two gIr1s occupied;
if the timeet the collision. Both girls
were7aeriOusly--elit and otherwise - in.
lured in the head -op crash.-
Miss Grahain, returneA7V-in7tlie:'
' 0: R. re, the 'transportation liar-
ing been furnished:by the bus tom -
'any, which also looked after' other
details of her _enforced stay in Tren-
t*, N. , near which • the accident
eecurred.?. • -
• ,"
Messrs. •Terin':- Henry ,and . Mel:
Ilackett, candidates for membership
in LucknOW Lodge No 1:12,•1.0.0,V„
received the third and :,final degree
in Monday night, the ;work being
exemplified by 'a degree team .from
Wingham ledge. The Previous .Friday
,the:' work ;of -the '1st degree was :Tint
on by Kincardine 'lodge 'Members,
followed by the second degree; With
the local, degree team .officiating.: Re-
freslunerits were served at the cow:-
Iuszon Of the work on both eyenings..
Some twenty members • who were
;resent grOin wir;ihaii.4.cair.!e Over by
'rushed from Moose JAW was respOnus
sible'..,for' the:. recovery . of the , seven . .
perSon`a", and on Menday• merning,. an Horticultural Society.
after:their :experience. , ' • OrganilatiOn, Meeting
It is.hetieved that 'the carbon MOn= ' '
- ,
were feeling little or no ill effects
oxide gaa ,,originatecl from it 'small
generatingplantin the basement ofMembership -Reaches- 80 With An
. ,
the house. The exhaust pipe,. leading '.Increase Likely—Price Lists Are
outside thehouse, had become coveted AVaitable. '
in a snowdrift on the -previous day,
but 'Mr. MacKenzie bad 'not 'consider- Meeting , in the Council chamber
ed that would affect the escape on Friday ,nightfor the .purpose. of
of the gas. ' organizatien, the follOwing slate 0
`When' the funies first took effect. Horticultural Society offices Was
Mr:. and Mrs., MacKenzie and" their elecfedk•_
four children—Jean, Mary, "Junior" H.indriiry President; John joint:
and.'the.-babY,eral„ti,LWere. 'in , the President;' S.' C. Ratliwellid Vi.
'houde,,•Tbe hired.man, Joe Duxbury
was out Milking. When returned..
he found the six in ;a: \senii,conscions
CoriditiOn„ ,and, dying, ..ort‘: the floor of
the house:: He teleplithied,,,neighbors
iminediately;.... and. seVeial';`fainilies.,
catne at•,once,'When they arrived,
hinetteniles were unccinsoiatid; ,and
GuxburY had collapsed ' Dr.
,T, Bloeinor Wad.: sufnineried,"",frOm
Mbege,, Jaw, :and -efforts to revive t 6
victinia Were Made .by the 'neigh ova
nrior to. his arrival,' Were feeling
'mph :better, When: Medical':attentien
Itad,.". been , them.
• Upon ,extiMining the. baskiiient Of
the }tense,' the, .doctor deteoted., r
strong smell of carbon gas, Mut as It
was,,a ealm night; be was of the ()n-
it -lion that the :gtia had ' seeped back
'hito 'llaseinenf,andqhen. through
the i'(8.t of the house, due the fact
that the•,end ekliatiat.pipe had
been filiged With
,,Boy1e;: father Mts.
MackenZie,•.leayea for his lietne in
Meese 071,
are6 ..rii,onthe visit -With his broth,.
&ifo ,rifes4ra.,..LeVI And; Wes, ,BOY10 •5•of
.• • •:•.,•—•••••••
• The Bread
of Hea1h
()Up:, Nom? 9TJALrfie: ANO aOvicia
cag.i,twITOFS, spisT4, . COFFEE tAilipes DATE
- -
;41sip. ppfAcIousi TRY ALOAF,..;
Council -Presses
For.. Water Arrears
. • •
Free Trees ' Sought For CaledOnian
• , •
Park=Transieitt Relief Dor Feb-
ruar. Coier ,$50.00.
• Relief Enlis • passed at the regular
meeting ....of the- ,:village- coancil-,;-en
PueSday evening' at whih•'.aIl
crs Were ;present, .ainounted all
to some $75, -.Of %this athburit approx.
pnately '$20 was, spent on local re-
lief,.:ConsiStiagOl.grocerieb, "'bread
and meat, 'which included :putchiSes
made ,as 'far ba-cli-W7Decernber With
Lhe bulk;OT the 'items being Feb
however. 'Transient re-
lief in'.I'obi'nar:y amounted to .$56-.98"
irichiding413:05,__Meals,__.44_1-leets... :and
uriderwear to the extent' of $7.88. The
•viflagcpayqnii-third 'of the tran.7
'ilea 'relief, total: ' •,,
tended-, the , meetiag and enquired if
the Roard if they ,would .consider
paying a". portion of certain funeral
expenses' to the sum -of $50. Council
. .
took : the ,view ,that with 'rural mini'.
'Ciiialities escaping the : burden Of
transientrelief;,,Kinlgas 'should 'under
the circumstances of. ,:this case, as-
sifUl'e full responsibility of • burial
Water-.4isers • in 'arrears are being
. .
notified, through 'the press that.,,duch
arrears nnist , be Paid by April 1st,
or the', Service Will be cut off. :Ar-
rears 'in, all anieniit' to some $50,90.
: 'Tenders; for village Work are, being
1.4,1d over till a ;later date. r.
;The:•Clerfc• was advised 4O-- Write
the ,Forestry - ,DepartMent :requesting
free,•tree&,fer .4vinidbreale mirposeg in
the Caledonian Park. About one ,hun-'
. • •
died trees, .7111. berequired of the
Scotch .pine variety. te, be planted on
both sided and on'`the,:brOw.•.of , the
hill in the 'park.
I3oard.discussed the '•posaibil-
itY. Of tnkiag Steps .Which might .1.Clid
-17-6 any manufaCturingtcoiv:,'
cern s to .the village, and activity may
be e:kpe„-Cted• in this' regard.
The' matter of a • hydro rebate in
Lite form of a credit'to 'heal :users,
-on s o..te. '
credits: is to be taken' pn with the
ILE. P. C:, yeqnesfing that they Safie7
An ha'litation in the Village and
ns a resillt .of the 13th Power
e.ornmiliiity,•., Pressing for better •rural
'01001(111.e set ice Was ,tecommended.
tb•0 : "Board, and discussed, in
The folid*Wing accounta were 'passed
1:Otago Accts..'
:AteT(enzie; relief aCc.,
Pres., G.' H. Smith; 2nd Vice -Pres., •• relief a09.,, $3:75.*WmMrs .
relief ace ., $4.13; W. W. Hill
tVin; Mnrdte; See'Y.-Treas;;
w. rtainnton; posicy ' og Directors, Poc.-
.$1.62; J. Biitten; 'relief
One year, R. Fisher, Miss McCluskey Ecolgvareb:II2n18,iyps-i7,an0;8..; relief
Mrs. Solomon, Dr.' Johnston, R, Bee 10 t,
Bear.:',1" Of Directors TANY'ear.S; '11-"i‘'C':.0°-(111(,/p..5;t'i?"1.2,:9
1-(.5:lt4.relief 4.b°$d2.6.s5$1.;F.
Wm. MaeXeriie, 'Mrs: Dr.`,Treletiven,
' . .
Itfra-.----Tikeker, Ranee Alte-heson, Pgrading$1.50;Atte & Por-
9tewartt Auditors, R HThomson,
Rev. Geoghegan; Town Beautification
Com.; R. :Rae, Mrs. Wm, MacKenzid,,
G. H. Smith; W. B.' Anderson,' Mrs'.'
Wm. McLeod, Mrs,' A. D. gorcebiio;
.00* Com,' Mrs. D. Huston;
Miss 'D. Henderson, G. H.. Smith, Dr:
Johnstone, ,Mts. Dr; . Treleaven' P,
The meniberaIiip n�w stands at SO
and if. still *growing.• .•
The. 1!reaident spoke for a.- few
minutes ' aftef-,the chitinizatiOn');..oi•ik
was completed oii t1.1
e nand nd th(,
work Of_e` society in LiicktiOW 'and in
Whieli." a11 citfzene- are asked' to' he-
conie interested. ;The pricet list ,tor the
year ,was amp, handed out to ,tlibse
Present and disetistie4 Which conclud-
ed the work of the evening. Members
May sedure" price .lista from any inern-4'
ber of the &I vassing `e;ontnittee,
David Aitchison Died In Toronto",
Week r--4 His ðer: Tara
Davie -Aitchison, aged ,84, died in
Toronto on Tuesday last, at. the home
f his son, the
eT° pasfuneralburialinim7C:Vhedseivi the
eni.tery. His
second break in. the fariiily .„
three months, his brother George T. '
Aitchison, - having :passed • away • in '
Lucknaw December.•
The was born neat Rice,
Lige 'and,.the,:greater 'part of his
3;ife. died ,'a nuinber,', of Years': age as
well as his only. daughter. Four, sopa
survive. :Mr. ,Aitchison • was one of a •
family of eight • boys ' and • two girls,
Thomas Peterof;r1Oiloccilibni7dwg' Woodbridgeand of
Ranegi.ci.7:1E -
A.,4iuggy and. car figuied,in a•minor
Sunday' morning crash in which tot- '
.tunately no one • was; injured, , with
damage %to the buggyconaisting of
two broken wheeli. The accident oe-,
eurred neat the farm of John .Scott
on. the boundary east. Mrs. G.' H.,
Smith Was driving toward Wingliam
and, was passing -through anew. tuts •,
where the snow had been 'dug out
when the toad was opened.- Meeting"
the buggy. before ;this hizardmis
point' was 'past, ;in an attempt to : turn..
out the, rear fender of the ear side-
swiPed the, vehicle..:, The occupants, ,
Mrs .S. M°.7.ison and, her son, ' were •
thrown out, hut not? injured. Consicl;
erable damage to the, buggy re-
sulted: •
All. accounts owing to the Lucknow
Waterwork's System in arrears •
be paid before ,April 1st, next, other-
wise the service will be discontinued.
FIRE DESTROYS' SMALL BARNA small frame 'barn on the pro-
perty of Mr. Alex ' Mkeod, just
south of South Kinloss Presbyterian ,
church, .,was destroyed by fire on
Monday afternoon. While ,burning
`orchard grass on the • premises
around.. the house and barn; the
flames reached `soine pea straw with-
in the, barn, through a creek in the
boards and rapidly consumed the
building: The, only contents ,of Value
was a; anaall amount of hay. Mr. Mc -
Kettle estimates „the, loss • at, $100
which is covered by insurance.
,S.')401STE'" ORPERS'
• Mr. •}L J. Linoo, kcal pOstniet,
ter reeeived "instruetions this week
froni the Post ,Offiee Departinent to
refuse to accept. United, States money
$j 0;. 'J Agnevi, salary. orders. '; , •
.7)0; .14 A:gum post' and stainpa:,he •Leeal hanka Are "aceepting :United
.:.Bonct . preiniunt!
:t1.01'; ,r)ilve Milne, 'snow ploughing
Rcn:f. Sal.;
Itydre Acels, .'
rii Te]'phone nec $1;00;.,13'en§on
li•ot,". • $031.)d; j. Agnew, ...§alaryi'. And:
HaVena;', sal: and
' , rtoun
yan se ..We. Ard*Wiable to giye efAcient'
service 'in town delivery we have.
a'rranged, with the General Deliverit
'tWo deliveries' clailY And orders
tc101htined, the, Mill before 10 A.M.:
and 4 \11.44 given Proinpt attention` each day.,
, •
States cdrrendy at par but, checks
issued' On U. S. banks are. not 'cash -
able. •". •
This condition is the result of the
'PCltioil Sunday,issued by d y President,
ing his inauguration to ''the ; presiden-
tial offiee; wliereby all banking trans-
actions were suspended With the an-
th:h,tioulgiect,,I,3bian. kat_.itiitalh:tnmt.i
rough -t,
Friday of 'week; A financial
collapse, threatened by deposit with-
drawals made ;this Step imperative.:
Congress convenes to -day .and,
Roosevelt plans i' to perfect a pro,- •
grain of legislative action to meet
. be extancie41'.
the situation; which if it be
enacted by Friday ag he oh.
4: 1