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THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1934,
TITONE '53 'x -RAT
FOTINB—On. gravel, road , between
Coat. 'Apply at:,`,. Sentinel: Ofliee. a •
We are' prepared tra'.guiri,„ Sawa;
AUCTION SALE—(of Simko int,
plements and valuable farm proper-
ty it.the farm of Kenneth Bell, Lot
12, 'Con'. 8, Huron- Township on Fri -
o'clock. "Well. Henderson,' Auc.
*Open, to do all kinds of teaming in
.the village. Leave order's "viith Henry
Carter at the Express , office.
Peter T. Carter,' 214 Con.
AUCTION SALE—Clearing out
sale,of . stock, on Thursday, March
-mile west of Belfast See bills f3r.
particulars. '
Harry Hackett
Well,' Henderson;'
Tenders'''"trill' be •received by 'the
..underaigned for Village work, namely.
12 'deleelc noon en TaeadaY;„ 7th. , of
Pleads GUilty
To ,Bobbery,Charge
EIT.0y.:Mnat.lkenlaujled Sentence
-1,WitIValished Threat.
'Prey. Hunk. age4 26,
is lii`tiple4 entered a plea of guilty
JamiarY 30t11,, when
he, appeared' before Magistrate •Wil-
ThiOngh. his Anstin Ross,
Hunt elected to he tried without' de,
lay_bY the Magiatrate' and after read-.
ing the contents 'of a signed confea-
•Cnitody; „ta appear , for sentence on
Frank est, comtnitted for
Ja alleged " .,aVe been an 'accomplice
in the ° hold -U 'When. the pair eicaPecl
with' $2,788, of 'which Hunt receited-
brather,. Errol, Ageci_35, of
tal there in serions • condition 'With
a deep, razor wound in his throat, it
that 'Errol °had been:. drinking and
worrying over 'the Arrest , his bro-
, Miss Marie Hunt,. a sister, le a
The lowest pr. any tender; not nee-
essirily accepted.„
Clerk of the of Luelcnow.
Keel) in 'mind the Orange. SoCial
and Dance in the Orange Hall; Luek-
now, On Thursday night next, *Arch'
oth. McCartnees orchestra. Ladies
to bring lunch., Sliver collection and
• everybody welcome.' A 'good time as-;
asocial evening in the I.O.O.F. Hall
on Friday , evening, March 10th.
Cards at 8.15 sharp, lunch and danc-
ing. Ladies bring lunch. Itebekahs
and their husbands , or friends:. Odd -
fellows and' their wives are cordiallY
Patient in 'Victoria Hospital, London
suffering from ,blood poisoning.
The Week -end, C:N. excnraion to
LucknOW is••e,Oneerned.r:heen. the' most
popular' yet ,'Of ;any suCh , rate,
the opPertiinity of spending the week-,
end , witb friends in Toronto, retorn,
- Among those leaving 'Luckhow
were;". "Mrs;.. .L.. Treleaven, *Mks:
.121!,ick Webster,. Miss' tionaldabouglari;
and her; Mother, Nis. Dunlop, ,Mrst
and :Mary Watson and Allan Bargees
•KenzierMrp. T.,J.'Salkeld,• Miss Eva
Greer, Misi::Lorna campbell;',. Mrs.
R. H.: Thompson; :Mra. Carneren-Mc-
Donald, Mrs: A.• Finney, Mrs.. Jew-
itt, ,Art McCartneY; WM. 'Henderson,
Aitchison" arid ,Evan . '
The February meeting. of the Lit=
held on Thursday, with -the vice-pres-
ident, Norval Richards in the chaip
Following -the-singing, of ,„"OLCanada"
the Minutes of the last meeting; were
read and adopted, , and the' financial
re13°11 was given by tle. treasurer.
Horticultural Society for the election
'Pi vfficers Ind c,ommittees will be
'held in 'the COuncil Chamber, Luck -
tight o'clock. All Paid.' mendiers will
have the' right to 'vote. All intereated,
hi horticultural ;work tare urged to•
vocal . duet ,by Ennke Newton ,and
Florence Hodgins.i. and. an _instrumen-
tal , by. Frank kaciCeriiie. A special
f‘eatu63.°f •049ram 'was ,a debate
-Resohted that Canada 'Offers Greater
Opportunitiei their ;, the United
States." The judges, Sadie "McCharles
Cameron'. Finlayson , and , Mise , Alton
reached A" decision in :liver -Of, the'
negative 'side was upheld by Finlay,
MacDonald 'and: 'Cecil • Armstrong.
"Tiirning The Trick" a 3 -act corn-
edYi.will :be Staged by Ripley talent
the 'town Hall, Lucknow. on
Thursday, March 9th, tinder ausPices
`of the Lucknow Junior :Farmers And
Junior Institute. Admission ---Adults
25c; Children 15e. The 'east includes
"11 'Characters and has hien -presented
in Ripley on „two occasions. . Dance
•. after—aents '25c. Ladies Free.
13th Power 13111
ReVeals Credit
Local, Hydro Commission Gets Credit
`.,'„„Of $667A8. Being Difference Be-
, liveen' Actual Cost Of Power •And
•••• The Estiinated fest.
. The annual musical festival. under,
the: auspices of the junior Farmers'
Institute .And
tute, be held' this year in Paisley
on :May 25th and ''26th. 'The 1932
festiVal, It 'will . be, recalled, Was. held
in Licknow,.. when local entranth
won' sufficient individual; eventa to
as the rural •ehdreh Choir .shield% Ai
intentions of ' the. local clubi aa, °S-
ceived by the.' local Hydro-Eleetric
Yeni•s, of their. Married -life • ;have •beer,
SPent• the:Viltage. where 'for many.
obal enerall
a -Sunday visitor here.
this win, ter, ' hnt.' As , able to be. ahout a 'severe attack:. o' f "the 'flu `''• '''• '
town again. Mr. Mullin has been ae,-.: ..• , • „ . ., „ Final FiitUre In Laical, kink. ''': • '
tive in municipal life end since '1.9.2r , '..IYli,ss J. ally '1)/ifnin,:11.: N. ef "Toronto:
has served as a '-ineinber ' of the vil4 is a viSthir ..i,'11;11. her Uncle., Mr; AOht,' , ' Coming,to life in the ,seend'neri44-
Mrs. Mullin'fi • Many' friends in e*.-, .. ..... !. 1-.• ' ! ' earlY ,th'ree goal lei,'M hY.,tbe , locals;
tending cankratnintinns • .9n this, „QC- Neiv TIouse",:: Pordli and, Kitehen who .11°cl t° extend. O'enis,IYP's tcv.Iie
:casion' arid best .v.ajoboo• for continued ',DRESSES 59c; 69C, :79c, 98e. :THE t4e s?ore. in the dying Minntes Of Alm"
health. .
Ise Of Semi -Finals
Results In Draw
'reesWater and Luclaiow Battle 1.0
,,I7,-- v.,isiter;'-*11..i.c.;.',,lignif..eif. tier' ion,.Reli„ ,,uledio.Fre. display,:;, of hockey., With. the: .
.,i:11::::::...(3,3,q,..i,e.,‘e9;11.1gla.lhec..,,,gaTafti.c.n..i.lo. :if1:1" i...Liii.r.,s,t.,,,ii.sWoe,n1,'..t.:4:,..a:.:2,•t,.hit.c., •:::.c.,0°ant-s .:,:.:7;:n1:4:th17.:irs,,,,.1eesOtYtiY.iii:,;,•tt.• 'IT.Y:i.,n,fir.••;sat '-''•:
:„ 'Archie •Maepainald:Ofiened• the aeon....
held en" Thnisdiii;,:.FjaPinbrtnsa. eip•nr.s;:':.r9r,''.:f.'''.7.O.n.„,,s•I',f• 'a.' a..h• :''.11;11..:`:1"1,-•:'i:,\',7..\:.',:ii:i'4:1.,.t..'1..:Illi.1.•:'.,):.:,:'i..Isi;':.'n.:e;i:...1.•:\tin„:;.ci'll)!C:.;:::ilt.inn.:4,11nir..,,:lotc.s"§vel,',1..77;7.'°Iitee'..,,,c4)!1:9:11nlie'etenk"tf7:2;a",,e.ee.:i).:',';'6':frOt,l'4-n!,:'et71'i7n1.HgP.t"tlisi-.:f1:4-tit ::'" '
.. ge ,, .1 negs;,:lVit..;•;CtteesliW.:btri, ' , , ,,axs , at 1..is. 1.,snie,,it,., toUple ..Of _Minutes" 'old when Huston '
tOWn.shin,.when," . years., of age;,..where ; ...31).......f`a.k I.' . • ' ' hhe•;:nal.i...oeatizi:tat,a;:htritt'f•Me.,:tuditietiy..,,..h.T:rt,es.woit4,:,..
for" iii. 4' ia •• ' ".• '''ti'' " ' ' . ''',... ' ,.'.):".,. ,4"...c.:14iii:‘.1., .;.).°•,..0.1.•'lit.i'S. b'e'el.t: 'co.'n• fine. '„d''. ' .t.O.I'ler Meboriald.ci•am**1., 'tile, latter ..ienre-
''110:,.,1•1' .fbr: fi)o.•,past, :sig. Weeks„"ShoWs ling!, the, defense, 'dye*. Finlayadn out.
''";j.'°i"1. 4:::.--sear.taa ':t.6w1111'19, 'ilwaY's 'f clic,. ,,,i.ii i,...,i,ii,',.i-;.,i....o.i... i,sagret., -. • - .61..,_ a ',neat*" plaY.. r...,,. •:.-... •••••,' • .: .',....''', :.,,' • ::,.... '.:
of the .toWnshiP:". coinicW He ,leaveS1 tr.
:11(11.ev..0., CaT11-.;',.L7e..r. S. of' Miins.:7n. ;-,...A. Ita.„; ' ,t1.:,i. "hs(:,',1:1::1"11:11' ci:.106•:,,"::11•;:"Ailierchatit. ••••• ' "
..i. , of scoring. .on face:offs . near the. pet, .. ••
fo,Te4._airix;,,,:0,cf,7770i.t.t,.....-. hopripo:,..e.:.,:•,10,,d:,:tc,Ree...-:-:78..p97:6".ier;:.:1;:f.:1:::9:70:',.,,,Ii.,.,1(;i,.::::::.3!'tl.et-4-,t,ti:11:':to7-viTille'. .---.'-a".g.91t'l-Pit'le.weltdeer. .. ciii 7f't1°.tii:iliillittc:6gbi-tj:L:1::::t:llitihs:hTtletitS-ei,iereas.'il.4.,bg6e.4til'a:t-..i114:11,-Pe'....-: '..._'.
In.Vgp:: f ollo wink •,;',Of •;.-, local . fans •:A „Ideal: iiiiit -ion•ix/Te4,.'v.ilten...speetritors, • '
bearers .. were i - ' C;.- a.: Apoo'hp;6,.. p. .., Dave, .1 Orpc,. whe.for:' soine.. months • breaking•AOSe in& it.:.•siias kerne ' me -,:a5'._:,.:,
'iteitabr,i,iS.T. ka: WittS011:;.24:1:Tiilie,1"ear;.• 111.1s ,i)M."'',,still'ering from (..in . illness,
plus interest accriied in the fibcal
. ninnicinalities "W"On.:' C3eae;or:dbeeestirde9i,:',71c:;wn as. ,Millie,71.1he • • .
WATSON—In loving memory; of
who 'passed away.' on
February.. 24th, 1924. '
Peicefuily Sleeping, • resting • at last:.
The werld's weary trouble and .trials
are petit,
Ill silence she suffered, in patience
Tilt', God called ber home to suffer
no more.
_ever remembeked b Rep, Ada and
last Yar. .no tioubt, will .Pur the.th
ing the. year ,and:the ainount paid :as
erence• May represent either•tedeAel
er ,Credit, and locally' is " •sUbstan-
exehange, charges :of the: Pait Year!.
been IdiScifased . but!
Serve ftind Of •.the local commission
en, to renewed effprts gain seek.
Since' the ,aboye WAS • itten,' :ante
assist ,.thein in, inalcing• ,preparatiOns
Ripler,,`,604 ainouriee the engage -
thane qf their areeend'yohngest-daugh
ter, Miry Albert Trafford,
Second youngest Son of: Mr. and Mrs.
Herb. Trefferd; Of Darliani, *Ontario,
. .Marriage to take plate ePrlsr in
Ey-, -difference .betWeen the aetna/
Miring the fiScal 'year ending Cacteber
31St, 1932, and: the- amonnts. receiveo
And Fiiced 'Charges
Operating Maintenance and
AdministratiVe expenses ,...;....$4636,57
Interest. ineltiding, exchange, ..433Q:74
Obsolescence, & contingencies • '291.76:
Cosi in eirecess :Of revenue.
PoWer sold to protate
companies 104:31
render:ed. •• 112425.26
Possible goners 277: Pass 220.
Treletien • 316; 'Keith
Norah Jewitt 236; Margaret Niclol-
268:, Fern, Twaniley":262; Mary. Sal -
Button, 250; „ArthOr 21'7; Reid
111cKlin 236; :Carolyn Allin 23,3; Fran:.
ion 209; Fred,Webster ,136*;:. Donald.
MacKenzie 135; BettY,Tayler 44*.
Sr. "II-4.1'OSElible 2.20i Honors- .246;
..,•Hpro—Rill&Treleaven 2.40;'
Russell Whithy; 237; liekti-Orr, 214;
Below Pass:—Kathleen Gibson. 166;
Catharine Jo:hnston 164; Sim Chin,
162; Kline ,Lee 147; Ross Paterson
146; Jaineit• Menefee 138; ..MaijOrie
SolomOn 89; Eileen Geoghegan, 81M
Warren Wylds O. '
Those marked .4! haVe missed ,,,e)t.a
intiinatiOnS* II. 0, sherritt.
:was held frem South Kiiiloss 'church
On! Friday • afternoon, With ,cservices
condUcted by Rev. J. Rtirgesi... In-
terment •Was in South Kinloss Conte- •
Kincardine arinotinceitilaie:,..Week' the ';Stear., .apparently been.
vieus to his: death; when.' sutf6rnia",
passing ;at: the home'. of ' and Mrs.:
-.As •a_youth Mr. Belandlived mi
'second ,coneession-Of being"(
a son ".4 gietnier and ltaic Boland,
The greater part :of 'life' he has
Mary Gladys te Clarence .C. Murdie
The 'Marriage. Will „take :-place .at thr,.
WaYs 'tea' d Vidth=,:dOit", , • ' ' ' 'of. hi's life. Mr.. Bolatid :Wei' iiiriiii.i...
Vetch ,,6-13iithway...0. Scienee : tied,: :. • .', 1 • '.':':..•' '..:''''''''''.!' .
'Mt4aiirte6ilifr 1.1H:7,-Pli.iiii,,tthh:wi'lin'YY::1'06tf '''1.1.1?dt0411;';'"t'I'°''I'l" *'61ilirti'etik‘i:41;11'S'a'''.:65:Pvell.iille'fleb.e111' '6If:(i''1:11.feo.f..r111-171 .'11,.,i'll.:..1„.,:,...::.:..i;jr,::42,;.\:i,:itto.1..,.1,!,s'il.h.grie'e.iitf4'.°..oPni!e'64nth''''.117,60,f,. rW'Notneet'in.:4. elluleiV"...:1108'irlSti,-ii•(•1.:lliig.°•.t'Ailki;tlirt '
hut his ,renUtutiqn . iS, et/the niereY• erns ' 1Victenriell, Kenneth Meltenfio.,,,r"•.•:::;:i1:4)...' l'•"0-1;;tuary' 2,0tli; ,td,' Mr, ritid iier ''Will'• be' edininiatered.. at; Htiekett"S.,',
inenta before order was. restored
tlit• won7 "the defenSe; which he 'carried. in Close
)k111' do-61op.'thiS 'month. • No Overtime waS Played as this is
.the genie of "the Bruee, League..., .
water. Onf:Friday night', and
a battle to' deciSion; The Winners
the :Bruce' :League' championship: •
nFt P.;• I 13Heaflitsiekc•
req., 6r•ridolce, arid sp ed
i.&• ram) Of, the'. Cahn. after 'the fenSe,, Agnew • and (Aerie; • Centre,
!sit; 11(..01 .;:p• witli the' trarisieritsthe Alternates; .11.,-Ilenderson,
• The Citizens" Pend is spending
og, 'requested for