HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-23, Page 7.4.
. . pets and Profit
.ry Lone Scot s101•f.titPlI.Otb•anAle
kind. of •pre'rni. during the year 1933 to
get Star,ted in. ir Progt:dtp, of pete. aud:
; eretitta• • • ";..
lre Are Veering 0310,4141Y • froill
Scouts who are staYting. in, the Peti147...
• ,l'iusiiieSS.,Withta setting et egganfider:
. heti,lfaiching otit;baby gliteksAii.
to start in the' "poultry• gain;
• •••babY snick's- .and .;fralso
aoree,Inly a Tenet. o'hleka:
. 5. to. 13 qh,en:d• and a rooster;•,;
• • f• SOfllQ. iI.OUts ares4arting thetbstaine'sd
.of raising ()units, turkeys, gepee;prge.
outs. Or rabbits. •. •' • .*.
,s Ane„thing aboht be)* .eagaKin
'•• In tbis kind of oogrum..Is (unit 11,t4,
• 0101: genie. pf4Sceutiegiii an :admirable
..way.".lrit'St.Of;41i, it gi'Ke,SiiltQfOpt And
S'etlyity. and. at •••. the sa.nie t.inie'• trains
In ',the Menagenient (.1 peta. %It ..alif.o.
• develops a sPlepdid, liohby or • a pox.
Scout, •whether he liVes On a .fernr, in
)R country ',village. or ina large CRY,.
• kind Is the acttial.possibility:'et para.,
lag money Or making: ,rm#1 profits; from
the business and througli It 'a .chenee"
'eqw.ess a Reotit'S 'part In the Thrift
•putt;of .the,Seout ,Program. •••:
r" '11 you .want.to,•get all of ;the uP4O1,
date'infOrMation about these subjects,
•we would au -gloat that .:you.,Write,. to
' •the'pe,partment etAgriCulture,..at.the,
•' :1"arliatrient` Buildings, •Toronto„ Out.,
••..and„State that' you.area 'Lae' Scent,.
'and niention...tke-partionler Pet Yon' elte'
. _
.I4Qnis in Saelletcheiyafl. have, been Pr-
geidded, intetIrge.Pe, eneh as lye, baVe,
in ,Onterfe.:" There' are at :"Preeeut.,12d,
registered Lone 'Scoute in that 'Y're-
.Y!,4Ce.‘,4±41. the 'Ist! Begins, Rover Crew
have taken- on the •task ot direeting.
the activities of the:1;611e Scouts for a
•Perieds:flt.„toror liv,eyears, A 'Scout-
snastei-: has been enecif,Pted„..,.fbCeach
pf the tam'. LenC,TroOps, and p.esietaat
Scoutmaster s[ assigned, .to suPervise
the-ietivities iii,.ea,"cli‘ISOne. Petrel. We
'..sviah. them every 'eticeess,
Boy ScoMt8 in Nei.* Radio Feitnre
• heW,:".and PoiMiAt' ..tvitice-WeeklY
adio breadcast from. plcckW,' 'froreate;,.
featutes, the, hil4ngsadyenture# ,of to
.-Bey:."•scants, Sonny . and: '41,, ;
are real •Seents. 'members Of the '.30til,
; Toreate(St.COIUU1bialInited,Cherch)
Group. and .were selected by eompeti4
• thin Or' the roles. ,Their 'fen"
has .made At new repaid, for jayedlie
o‘togramines 'from i CKGW., Haye you
'heard.thele?".• • ' Another ScqutY.P."
' • " •'
intereeted , •
It yon aalt; the Department Will send,
yea:bulletins; cii•ctilars•- and instrua•
...,ticineen pet and '.poultry projects, etn.,
which You. will "tind most interesting.
Bonne of .these pamphlets aro the finest
, 'ever, prodUced, having been.. written'
.'„,by on)Ort..in the.‘,7a'riou's'sublects. •
,We know -et -quite •"-it;n:noib ite-
pcb!,a§,in:this ProVince Wherhave•-•dette.
• exceptionally •,well in ;this way., and
• v./he ,threugh, their own lodal societies;
• iave earned awards. and have beeu.
• ableto eiliibit,,their pets at tne C. N.
k,iscIfibitien*dthezRoyttEWn ter -Fair;
BY.' Miusnal coincidence fqliowing
:this, third, award Within -a yeeks.
the fourth award to a Canadian Scent
. ,
-of the 'rare Cornwell Badge the "V.C.!'
.of Spouting, was made. to Scout l'alyd-
dieter.' Meekeniie,,, got .Victoria,
•The:inedat was given for:eceptionAl,
".ebeery; fortitude : during'. ,sOrne. twelirc
years of :suffering
" paralysis when '7 years of ake.t. In. spite,
of a useless,' paining erro, ScOUt Mac-
kenzie Progressed, :steadily Iii Scout -
lug; and 011 t00011.41g 18 years assisted
'in, tin:ming a- CO peek or Scoet.Trocip,
_Whenevet. :his., physical,. condition per;
Scout lighers.For. Ontario .Parllament
••, at TOrente; and, bave been given free
• trips to this citY, for! that .PurPase•
,yei:y •gerious ,gOnsideration, sand new
Is theliMe: to. 4tY,.Planti,and get start-,
• ed for the cehileg Seasen. Every Leta
Scout shonld hese activitk.such as
alact, a useful' and often, proiltahle.
Sailkatchewan Lone Scouti:.
Wre ate glad te note that OUrbrother
this; Which 1i not Pnly A! hobby but
Boy Scents will once .again 7act as
ushers at the,05Pening „Of the Ontario
Afghanistan, Now Has Boy Scout's:
! With the:latest addition,'Afghanis-
tan,. thereare new niiietY-four different
'Countries and.parts of the•British Em-
pire in the Boy Scouts League et
e0' May , 0
In HollyWood theatres -all seats are ; Wired for;',Sennd ad the ,
pdrtly deaf are preyided, withear,pieces and Plug-in.:Cord. •
„, ,, ,.., ,,, . , . .. .1-
lieni* ,vien. lbs.,p'•=43i., LiePr, 0 praistyy,, , .,
Adresq All Letters to Farm Editor, 731. Aclelairie ' •
,.. •
, est, Toronto: All Answers Will Appear in. this
,Olinnri.If 'Personal' Reply, is Desired, Enclose
•Stainped-uAd•Address6d Envelope.'
, •
• ;
The Use o Fegkilizertl unieitlllzed 8880 IhS In 4931„ with- .
• (Part 2) ; •
, Cnn fertilizers injure the seil.?
2. Can 1 lOse pr gain money by being
fertiliabrd under PreSent. conditions?
• 1, Can .fertilizerciajere the soil?
,,on conCeiVe Of certain itijutiee
Attending, the ..n.iisuse ;offertilizer on
,the soil. „.
First,, As we have. already •said, fer-
tilizere.are'earriers of „'soluble,"plant
‘foixl.':•TheY. do net supply any large
•aMoulit oforganic o49.40r -Or bleht.
Ore:: They. do". cauge, an 'increased
• ..•'01-0.-•-•-•-In-
•-`14;•-• and otherwlie' fib Tint ,etealiat-Pralit-filiraTie-this7regard•but
, • , :• • f plant roots .e1,*
• • ••
• • '. that he will give 'him, mastery' over 'Where cultivated Crops are 'grown-tre,
them-cThrough all of •life's trouble, quently, this is not Onebesa...1;
•ewsrh„ death'hri4rk0d
is:11:id.: .ftii practice:tiara:lets rotate their. crops
so as to tutu Ander greennittunres and
ing And to conquer. thatjfaith • • " •
lived__and, died' ;,•, "o.pires-: in addition apply strawy man-
us with a sireiliti assUrarics's He ts are to keep up the fertillty of t1P0 090,
still 'the Master .of .Iife's stn -:ns. YV:P•en 't8v.uitklitabl'aesf,es.T;tpilriazebr.:as!". apI411,4IL -
ice !soils' are
•• 5: 1-20. —•marl narIallgteriellY imnreved. yielding ca -
- • • . . •
..„ Lari,ding tear * cenieteri, Jesus and pacityiend physical cenditien, •
his little company!Were challenged by The bepartirientz.,,:ef •;. Chemistry,
madman.' It, was what.; we 'today. thrOugh its tlemotistration eiperithenta•
call a case:of delusioned .insanity... The •stufsfts• out .• throughout the • province
during "thel:Pa,st four Yera's: had hadby thousands of devils. This terrifyin , an
cre4.tnr.;,,.,wo,. the, abnetsrnat _strength _oppertuility to study the offet• fOr-
Of:, his hipd,, rushed • daWri;•naked ,and
'this. :point " which
-Asccr:oain-mreinotta, ttin.flgr.e. to the
nirAf ra
op'e4k§,ln,ne uncertain terms. • 10...1 -
,delusien, the•Maater, with his 'power- • luatraterhere-are •a•faiv,ipietatiPsts.:._
lilt personal rnagnetiSai ..unt".ertook• to •w. G. N.0.'--1•71911b*ed.,Pbiat'Pbe
elitehim. CradtiAlly the clamor barky. Ns/it,: hi'vc• had in: three .conaecu-
and. COntnSion; the .poor, *retell tire years 'an. increase 4;4,15 ;bushels
to. the ,a.are and a:..splendid. catch Of
clover .1 figare one ton more to the
-dere et', hay 'than:, Whereno:lertilizer,
Was: sewn. The clever takes •Ileeper,
root and Make a 'Much 11.dayiel;r: Stand?...
idets",oi alfA14'fet-
,falfa (161): ibdiook.fo i‘uo ,to 1.)e. about
double the enantitY of groWth. at this
.thile the l rest • of A•he"
' ,":
• 'N.V..: C.- B., •-r• "Regarding.% ,the crops
February 26. 26. Lesson IX—Jesus Shows
• Hia Power-rMark 36 to ".6•: 1•11,
. ,
' 18-20. Golden Text --,For know
whom have' belleved;. and am
persuaded that he Is. able • to 'keel)
that whicht have committed unto
, "him against ,that day. -2 Timothy
1. stAsTiatigOIAP4'S •Sioni,l,s,'Mail'.t '4:
We ai•,e aisveyst glad to enrol new
meinliets," to the Ontario, Lone• Scouts,
18 (ineliiiiv.el'and to belong men, ;',`Let us cross, t� the other side. •
_ .
to• the World -Wide Brotherhood of TO go ashore where they would bring
abOut:them the crowds, clamoring for
exorcisms, and healings.-.'"Even as he
was," without a moments delay. they
started off.: With the inconSitlerate,
rude curiosity which makes the"mod,
ern multitude push itself into the 'pri-
vate. hours " -.at its heroes •(Lindbergh,
for eiainple)4 the people scrambled
into the little skiffs on the .beeeh And
made', afterhim, vs. 30, 46: '
In a moment the weary Master Was
asteep.6- Suddenly a terrific ,I•storin
arose. Many travelers have described
the-sUddennese with Which, on . the
Lake of Galilee, A violent squall will
'sometimes Utah the waters into fury
and as:,SudtlenlY subside:. SIii`the:mim-
erons ravines :running IMO the uppet
partltha lake ,the winds front the
mountains are caught °and compressed.
They . rush with 'tremendous. 'force
through' these narrow epaCes,' then;
atiddenly•sreleased, they. Whip' the pia -
cid Waters o,f 'the *lake into a raging
The Master, .ftwakened by the
alarined' Arid, sennewhat irritateddis-
ciples; turned 'Upon them in astonish-
ment, "Why are you afraid like this?
Have. You no faith yet?", (Moffatt.)
IMMediately, the storm upoi the sea
and iii their owe hearts was
, Verse 39 With its "'Silencer Be muz-
zled!" expresses 'the current belfef
that stories "were the -work of will
s :Jests uses the Sallie Word' in
driviiig nut the demon in Chap. 1;" 25.
We. Ivrw today that atmospheric
changes are due to certain laws'and
'eonditicns of NatUrewhich can . be
traced. . Nevertheless We have
'reason .for believingthatabove these
laws Which we have discovered there.
nuTy, weli '.he other laws operating in
• *ay, yet beyond OUP understanding.
The Christiantoday,. however. Testa
his faith) not on on the Confidence that
God will remove all dangers. .phYsical.
NTRobUCTION ---We haveneticed
. . • • •.•., . .
. • . ,
out further fertilizer, the ..,;artg4a •
plot yielded ,13,330...lbA. And the
ti1ied 11,00) ibs. in 1912, stllIwith
out ;4itlier. fertitiSers the li•lok"Which
...receiVed„ 1.930„, yielded 'it,-
. •
,600, lbs. ,and the,.;011ecit 9;120.-. Ty -0
• shows A .hangoVer: effect for at.,
three Yeare•,; "
2. 'Cnn 1rose or gain inn,eiry. by using
fertilizers :under present "Conditions?, •-",:
• the •Merhedt cert1in4,areps
for mny years liave giV41i reasonable;
prenten the farm. such ai w4sciatt 10‘,,
at aiscouragingly low prices,J! tho eik•
:tire • eclat ilf
Alie,:fertilizer • is?, to' be
, charged to the wheat 'crag ,at present •
"prices" there'll netmucb Argtimehts,MI- •
favoar: of .doing rauCh for the wheat
crop;, On the,: other hand there are
•Certain. crop.,: thatitil1 show °A. nice
Profit On investment, For : io4tAode.;
.top -dressing. • alfalfa shay with a high •
phosphate, high potash fertilizer, at
inveatritet4,Of $7,43 ,et prieeS for fer-
tilizer ,qnoted on the:, Open,: 'market :„
.1932." This application made 'a gihl.'"
Of from 200 to zpot) '11)i,.:‘0.outed
galfa per acre. Surely, thie gain wad
made at."3: profitable wice.,, 00014111
:in.,.tiese..ef_ the fact that :the results, ot
the application :Cat be Seen 'aetivoi7
ably In in neit"y.ears cronf" if not
%third yeaes. a •'1' •- Again,• . . •
.. in the :1932 denianstrafiei
tests carried bire: �n - pqtatoes wMcb,
totalled 176 half acre blocks, *tercel. '
we tested six.ilifferent anaiyses•ot fer • •
,tilizer in 1933, ,ehargiegynp the ter
ti(lige'r:0:403r.g.e5'.at C,iirrelit Priceoi
find t that .the,'. fertilizer applicationl '
f thelarid9iinitabsdt
rksraleengo. Teinthe
g,.4.3st-Was.restored to reCson 'and emethesS.
iywe a
.,.., -'• The vivid aCeount of the. challenging
.7,41(11s:en, ets hi.i, n . h1r4iSte,g -began
ne '.,0* thilder6enwt :1,..alt: ir;,demons. t.iit:M i psi', ";a0iP pi :i,ai`f9s1;. -.- and obuarrFt,ihne-.
60 ' A ,few selected' men, then heapbpesgaat!si 'swine all express the views of the time
to speak imparables.' Now he
to be alWaYs seeking Oppertunitsies- for "IrfIe'rrrai.i,1* ,,0113!:n '3''''ssession: 93bt'f"
Ilh-1;.iveircat:r;titie7alltrie ri(111-Onhie5:-"dTishelli:emirisnitubietr .1‘'r--1.:?•ar;sh'444.f.r:771thher‘:d-r,°-iisut-it.nuds.:jdyeliouFt1-liset•—sillisnill'eC.i:(1'stgs.;niebSal-tYe.:
freed from,the distraeting pressure ef
„____,........,,,._... , . . .., . ., . s: , , ., • tend to. restore a moreliteral belief in
Po, Pula.!PLY„. •, ' :' .. • , '7 ; evil' spirita. ',.. "' If ' behird allea
• "
I., st.s,s'imiNk LIFE'S. 1,'O. R1WS, Mark 4: SOW , And geodnss " there is • a Glopd-
...... 35_41,; • ,fr • - t '. . . •
... Spirit, w,hY not behind all 'unreason
OW-C..6f 7these—, e oitS7i;a seenrer-pess-anitioadness_aneied APirit? We May.
•, day's teaching at rxe.,_t 1=16.1114a .- • ',than•the ancients!
vaby Came after a
,the lakeside. 'Worrt Out with the C071,•
.d.:24., v,0,e11,1t0..?tnet167. ill' t; :a.wiried .utthatir...thseo
••-:tlritred:spirituaLstrainALsitid, te_ his
• ' iloing-vve ,elreat-ed-aut ef-..th it -el:::
• prigs., It ls, possibi that
inued horrible crying, f • the
r.•'frightened the - pi f into a
r the ,niati 'himself maY,shaVe
:Scanting, 'Whynot And out:What' it is
. • •
all About?' It Will .enly cost. you a 3c
stamp te,And•Out. You write to the.
Boy Scents _ssociati0I3, Lono.Scout
Dent:, :330 Street; Toronto •2,•par-
ticulars wlli be gladly Sent to syon,r-
.1"Lene ' • • •
utiic.s: Are
. .
ItiOtrated Dreoernql..ing !Lessoy, „
'ntshed iT ith Ei••crlj P,ittern,;: • •
7 7 •'7,,
•With• !IA.; Yard ::39•=inelt. • 'cOntrasting,
mriqi .2% yards ::3kineli
• ,.
your. trarneand adidreat
• . • , ,•
ly; nurnber • and 'Sire ":ef.',Such
lint,teinA.aa.yOu• want,: Ericleso 15c in
Stanips 'oct Coin, (Cein:preferted;..wraP
it carefully for • for: each 'titirtiber,,•and
addtesi..yOur order to Wilson Pattern,
Service, 'M".West• Adelaide otorite;
New Building Scheme
,•13.LuituChed, in
special loadoitable.
to the New York Tinsea.Saya:'' ;
"Btiildhig..seeieties itt Great '
tain, !'cor.teepOndi.'.•to 'bad*
and . loan :assoCiatiOns in-,,,Iverth
Anieriea; with theblessing2 or the
Jlritish GOVerniiient, ..alinoliaee...a
plan by hy• *Keil it is inited not,WY
", deterioration In prepertY•but
to bnng nnmediate enspioynielit.
tUany!, idle, Workers,. , .• : . • •
"`Therti,,,,,are.; ;360 sucli iMeleties
thisitighOnt•-the ilnite Kingdom, ' a:u4
they itava..accttinttlate a 'large eapi
tal on, Which • there.b3 been • ,a
creaing, dernand . the .,deptea-
sein..for advan(es.to finance bii1dlng
onerationa.;.: •',!1 ,
is hOW.:prOposed„te, inake inans
to botli a-1604)500 .and:,,non,•trikftliere
on exceptionally easy "ternii..to••.facil-
itate rePalia, ,,alterations 'end
PteVements in libuse prOtiertiee.• This
1. regarded as the first Step. teward,
thefteSuniption•Of building new houses.
With loans on easy.' •terms :
i•lala an .a &Orland'," for
• :F.laweta• •
as.; lite • •glidee on, ws hilak 3O•ata
:•flaWetak' • •:' , '
I6rhich••Onee, 04.40 ana frag-
on our We*,et -still the kln,diY • •, •
coutifehsatithours -
' •
'%VeaVO Us tresii.
„pected 1
the col
, dashed • in among them, • These sug-
gested e planationa Of the pigs!. be-
havior' s remOre fl herthony, with
the sitnati han"the infererse Of the
bystanders. which Makes-'otir .Lord de,
liberatelY: plan for •the destruCtion, ar
. ,
another's property,. • . • •
,• The inspiring picture of disord-
ered perstinality •flOW restored to san-
ity, usefulneas,I and his fellew-men is
'Soon marred When the news spread
• , •
that he had been healed;.the.people of
the neighborhood hurried ir to see, for.
theinSelveS. Sure eneugli„:. there 'was
,the Man. (v.. 15)., but 'what alient the
swine? What .ctired, theyfor peratths
WhemperSon's'interfered With ,pigs and
Profits? This,Restorer of men's minds
.ancl.bodies had better leave:The Mas-
ter has long since become- painfully
reqn,etts. .wheri
•brotherhood and business conflict.
The healedman,' naturally enough;
wanted to go- with ,liis benefactor.
"No.,".said , Jesus. "GO Ito ie to your
Own, people.,,. Witness for me there."
Some ; 'day, fperheps, , the , 'disciples
would return ',preaching -Ow new -king,••
dons One man at least would be ready
to receive them. Anether bit of bine-
ly sowing' ,dotie;, the unrested Master
made 'hiS• Way back to his boat:
rangein cost from 21.'e per bushe1.ts-
131/2a per bushel.. The fertiiizenWhieks: ;
.gavo the great* • gain. ,.. throughaut,
tfrecost he 'charged to -the, gain.
.:.-Sin.,,tureiPS3 on the thirteen'different
Yarm tests totalling 54' plots niaintain•
"ecil in, 1.932, ',Au Average, gale.. of in..:
,bualrels'"was.realizedat a cost whiek
last :Year, I, Might "saY.'•:•that ebargd .up "te.this garif;.represinted-s
where the libeepliate and potash . was • eetit per Inishel .Of threlo' four and .0
-appliedft.the-stand----ies'inuclirteavier",--41,!--,e0•;••.. • '
, .
Valuing the prop .Out the whole field of
11acres at ten, I Would rate the ' crops
"on:thadifierent• plotit, 1,3 ,to- 14,"
•A. E. P.:,"Ite:Hferiiiised:piets"iit last
year .1 Might •saY thatthey, areareecled
to red clever..,. There is a -Marked dif-
ference where fertilizer'Wai
. . . • „ . .
not so thick and not SQ tend;
. a growib."
•.,Mrs. G. S.H1As- to :the eroris •grown
on the:fertilise& plots; we hare barley
•grawini therethis year enti"thete 15
quite Ea 'difference Where the'fertillier
was annlied. A-Veraging the general.
'tan at .1:0,-1, wouid place thls at 12 'to
i. The clover is very rrateli.better.".
Where actual ineasurements• were
takenoftesidual or haegover. effects,
,Inpne case, Mr, E,.T.;of.Yorli Connty,
Where 0-12-15 'was applied3Caigaira,
'the, fettiliied Plot .111 ion,
. •.,1k. •tnnic dr.t,sa;:, With Mueli yontliful
altarni.-,. . . ,
i:•It'a as interesting ;in the back as
ks in/the'lrout. And laren't the Siebyb4are
ling the way:they puff` o9t, ;from
'tihc arnineItal- J " , ,s. ' .._ . .
;hi ,ca,il: be• inade'eet ta;.0bit'e-hair
40C11, 1 jetpoy,•critiklY CregO,Silit
erinklY,:erepe satin (Using the Iiiith
',. urfr.ceS), .,,' y ....,. . ; .4 '
The original 111 ,briiiVii criniccy trep6
• I.0 Wats' iist.4 , fo.114, the tuliler. elif,it;
v4r1t4t;141414,.,its#4,•.1431c thi "livitd•
' • 061 reltkVit"S ',-,:vilite.' :14 60: ' ? Ili
WO/ft is exceedingly • lovely' • Against
46 gray.• • . * • • ',.•' '
. ' 'Styk• .No,, 38i) is designed for eit.es
'14/ 140 :160.20 Years, 36; 'gfi Iii.4:40...,
inches blief• ,
01-th:1t' vo'iril i,614 1114 ., yo.ttlii '39-Int:it
," •
Aiftl tont as in 'rtiie 'paths of :Peat,u
*e stay," • • ..• , •
SucceSsi.yre beudictionii 911311 be ottOsl
• -4, *iltdt'i;
• ,bitt bttii4004 are you ib't" •
, ••
•"141kdieS garnionii orerinoving
ter•eirr '
, -Friendship, •
,He who wiSingS,:hlic!•iriend
...Wrongs 'himself more and Sier. :bears
• • -nhout - • • . •• •
A silent Court Of lustieeln hia•breait.;
• '!" . • :-..2.-TennySOn.
Write ,Seenariet.;
but now they're •used .to 'write 'reports
,for •steeltheldei!s',meetings —dd1e
Liquid iticset
. ' •
g1,4011.1t '*4tii,t•,.110';vp1:44(•
• NItitzrfrt.:1,4 ,Maos,•;,:4.1"6U,•!tdigit••••tide4iiittid stormy ViSiStite•i•
siW cut over t•
'Arlon tio .41At " 4 "
• Like prodtable„,figures •carfbe7egoted
feasr.aangeis;•.ensi'lage corn; sugarhects
.an dettain Other:en:ins. ,
In regard to the" grain . Crops; Oiil. •
must lictire in•Inind that the ':fertlizei.' •
not only itiereeSes 'yield.' but goes ,s
long way toWard':"a good i catch • NI.
clper or alfalfe,'WhiChis usuallyseeds s.
ed With grain in the Ontario:jai:M.17e,
,•• • •
set:Pula Qofntfileerilll°i'ztrParl°811:111:4allttailppPllclieldi'Gtil "
pastures. In 'teet 'periled:on In I
goOd-dairying centre. Or the •Iast • two
Years; the . average carrYing,'Septikitl:
for the unfertilised.area of ieight •tictea.,,
was 325 pasture days. Ou the; sains
land when fertilized at e cost of $tAr
6:4 acre. the carrying was '
pasttire days foe foni•••
yielded 18,..08041bs; green weight, the actes.1
Gt. Britaii thiports" foodt o the 'valee•
of 'more than :X400,000,000 every -year.
• Heel -prints are, taken at all babies
'bern.:ie. the .haitilttils in Many Ameri-
can cities to' eVeld the '• visite . of MIS:
takes in ideatity. •
, A now "Water-sPort's•beillig," tilayed ifl
California is 'draughts, • The, mitetie
hoardis,anchored,..and_ the
Silver is now socflteap that it is now
being used for •making pots and ether
•parts of the 'apparatus ' emplay.ed , in
making' cetain foods' and 'drinks;77'.- :
• 'Bkitain'S oldest free .41111re*, bulith
ing.1 is,..,norpingshain congregational. • • .
:•,Chnrch, near Proine, which. was built 1,t,cia" :':stoir.stop
360 years • ago' and still as a thatehed A
Qouqoatede'ameras which take
600; in 450 cases the prisoners ,vviire .
violent, • and. 150 l'ef: them carried fir* • ", •
arms. The The :strength ' Of the ViYingi, ',..
• Sijnad 'is:less' 1:bart.',o,r,ty. , ..
Colo' lifiridneas;...abent which "yeri
;little, i knovy-ii, is heredi:fa17 and .at
.fects t' oys. ,te 4„,; greater7 ,degree thalS, :.,.,.
girls..', : ., t'the Setae time; people. Whoa '
a,recol r blind are generally above the .
ayerage inintelligenCe; , ;* •,." ,.' ' .
.,.Aeton once iqvciliv'it as the latindre.
oi'.1.4ond n because of the nulnlier ot,'
!latiadrie ;it contained; 0,,,ig* develop-
ing iu in ' ny ..9ther..direetions.'' 'In Pre,,..:. .
/War, 'cley .7there "Were 00 latindrieS; ,• ',i, ,..
no.W.Ilierla are only 13—but there aro
';',76 factta..4:bgaied , in....Othe'r'. Ind*.
tries, •;„ "re ging .f•fiini' . 'the making 0
moter .ettri; to toffee arid lead '.iiildiera3::
. • • . • . • • .
'Fr h
roof IMO11 ison t
arteonver.--2Captehil, Sanida.,. „
ing platUres of; wotk,era are being tried •Sen, fltltih filer. nlaY be asked :by
otit in fiehle '011e:ft-go tifficei:' 'the)" 07•4F"' 'leading Vtlncouver. aViatiOn,
DOSS'at once any•slaskilesi •On, the .part 6..tt•ern, IA; a\ west -oast non-stop fllght '
of the staif.inhe' rd:d tte-d W- • ith .°;Wat;tie8Cand : etriliA%1SY11176Jorillitra,o14,t.liTit.
Alrmen and iaa Tot ilas. can
Without oygen „he is4_1141st tiVier
• Machines whieh, issue "seasOrt ticket* ., ,•ara" reported, .eonshr
ire !being installed .6e.' London's ming a trensatlinitiC nIglit to Nei
.::dgo,.o.ettiirrtitgoiro,60.;:ilitl,tiat;;.'..ti,,,S:et..r:.i.tic'litititt',10,0:1:81.:•04.t.10;,td:caliTlotiie,1:ibtrit.r:,:':•hele:t:a.,:ldnisltltueoetr„0:.. York 'anyt d wal1,tlAS urged3 thare to, .tfr, .
etTit ehvi thabgb n'obeesart• ,linoudthg 4:. leisurely iltglit...W0a Irlt1
therWare-now 515,000 :finger-pririts-,,rra'7
corded, in 'ilia first year of' the tyi,
teina 194, there Were 1732; .
•Aretie. 614)10,01On, is not a i?rotital).1
. detect.' Even tbe inat•taniptis lettdais
,.ot• esp.eaitictiS `S.0i4614, Average More,
than n few tteuseta a. itar'i4 inoorna
.atter 'their oxpenses.are;Met,• . • •-•••
'61 Olt 1.7`,389 Civil;,Servatits
in BrI-
ti ,abrkb.iiInkits., :238,925
4.14 9.464 iv9iii.ow. • Theie
'dittos. tilaii',Itielude 151,194,eXfServlea
47i636'coittsittoa.ti ili116140;
Merabeith;ot th. trittsh
who tit. Pertilsteratly abiatit Irene ths
diAate TowGrftt the-
otdat ef th. $ileaket, The.iat tltad•
thia .,1140061).ed**.aa'in026f
• Atresti made by"th*,.:Ofyitig• ',Squad
...SOolland Yaril la4'Year nitrifitafia
StO11. , • : •••• ,, . •,Ii. • , " •
' ^' '• * ' . d reds : , • . • 1 , .. ,
Zeil.t; , till§ troubled old , world .4ee4i
Is less of nitilihling,over creeds, • :
,psw es ,,,rotiiti 4.61 better deedie
.. • -s-W, D. ISeeb '
aoolc—'"rito, tea `is
trueitti," ' •
ed terie *64, k:ttle ,