HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-23, Page 6•.
iss AnnAdam .,bakes lier famoua
• • ' ;7 •
with Magic
• •• "When .selecting ingtedienta
•teciOes,".saYs Miss Ann Adan.•
. ',cookery authority of the Canadian
Home Journal; "I consider', three '
. points — economy, ilealtb 'value,;
"Magic • Baking Powder meets
„,.•;,, 'Ahern all... I use and approve
because I know it ia pure; and free
from harmful- ingrecileas, and be
cause 'experience ha aught :me
that !: can cOnnt upon" successful
results with Magic every time."
• Magi& Baking •Powder is peed
- --ectaitsively by. the majority .of cook, .
ery experts, dietitians, and, house-
•iives throughout Canada. In fact,
• • Magic outsells all other baking
powders combined
•Baldiig r
ow -
ger has been belie-
' by theVomeServ,-
. Ice iitireauef Cana.:
Tomato. • ,
' ' " •
trasireseati • •
• .
Dithfa7VeleevrakitiVegld.c-"eirrIriraFee nee.
ilum or any heratitithigredtertt.''
htles.Ann Adam's Recipe far
% cup bras) , cup sugar
our % cup,
,14 teeePeon salt 1 egg
3 teaspoons Magic 1;4 cup Melted
Haldng Powder • „shortening '
. -Mix the bran with the 'lifted fine dry1n
gredienta Make a welt in the centre and
pour in the millc ond, well -beaten egg.
With the fewest possible number of
stroke,, blend these ingredients said stir
...• In the shortening. Half fill greased muf-
• n pima and bake in a hot oven, 400° F.,
15 to 20 minutes. ,A few chopped dates.
litbtly chided with some of the measured, ,
• flour. May be added. •°
FREE COOK 1309K—Whin.'yo,
bake arlionie the new Magic Cook
.Book will give you, dozensof recipes
for delicious baked foods Write to
Standard'Brandi Ltd:, Fraser Ave.
and LibertyiSt.,.Toronto, Ont..
• ,
, .
.1.1ere IS. the French wife of the wealthy 'Indian Prince Aga Khan
• , and new-born son as ,they appeared in the. Abierican hoapitaI at Paris
a short time age. A native of Chambery,•Franee,•°Atis. Aga. 'Khan. '•
•-° is the 'fernier Andree Carron. • - • .„
I. `.
. ..
. ' 4' ' •• . P4.."NOPSIS:, • , • . different man frorathe lounging', lack,
' . Mary:I: itaiimesS .iiiots, .to ensnare The itda13ieifl...!'inuerittirl' he had beer' in,li.
Fly.: whom she. belleven '"framed" .,
*at,,4e,.. g4,40 witfk -op morder o: "ow Per_sonating. for; days,
fa,. Jaideu . by .1EE9ivert.q.1.! .s,ta.r, Mar ad .ito -Mary . watched.' . When.be' Went,
Mrs.: JnOiter, and. later ted' ,h1111, . She .lie 1114n1Puleted. ::the locks *.eiwi.1•,Iy,
flance:T -Dirk.- 44. trier,. eves ' , ,:it.ite
a, upilrtuk.c, eas.iuilouit-t4e.inso.1011ecee'd. ;tit 33f,5,, ill . tClilliet.'"vsahr,4•i,;(tJ.;4101`1' uo:eks/eyy-'-ei'•Pli'4124tiiirit§: awn;
Iiittil", whq.notet3 marY at§ heir: Hrtiee
N.OWP, reveligef AtarY. -goes •to• Miaull on:
make certain, they locked .. Asgi: .nliat7
-the Jiipltr. ,Ya,e4l: hoid • The, FlY will tor of fad; in,puShing.them, ahent,she
Mr. 4oritter's onr Is- of the El e. A...POO as inimleckingAhe".i1P:or euitetheroughly:
be at Hialeah to sOe ti,ls,.h se, .ril n.. • '8Ito .. , . .-
eet,,To Fly, (oias ,to4n D.' Lritrio.). DRCaMP c o. n.fuSed. e4treellY.su,ece,edeti
'that 4sed by.`..th. rnur(lerer.. E, die s T.Q. -•
."1.1":' f $15 000 is kiund. In a paeket'bf the • ,MarST.J did' no raaliPe this .for ,.Sonie:
cac. ' Bowen .0yerhears ,Bruce .anC1:..,itts. ri
time; hoWever,. Sliiacl'batheil;•.4611,0
lady. friend, tile :Qcnintess i..loutse,„ guar-
,relitigileenuse. she- canoet,..extilaio w4ore her•ifeile.,:en•d lietheilt,"end- lied' :IL•let:
she ,got; a diamond hracPlet. '1,014ise. says. .,Trig..gle,i-ihte.. the Paris .ort,is,, \own a
,tt,, to...marrp:' Jiruce inaketj lle.r glYe"tho .., , ,
(a711.(1. at the dixit.'•:. ' Slip. did not
-.°814ts..tiFYlieetttretiro.:-.il‘11412:.'t.12twel1Fsear4.i'7.;!.r.F"ig:71!7..! aariPawar', .: ,Tlie 1610: turrie4:.:11*IY.'....:•.:
-As. the: .dOorknob turned, • .Mary
•• v • •
watched :in fascinated terror: . She
.7 -
• ' • , ' -••. •• ' , •• •Piek'ed• up the:first heaVy' object her
••XfjcVf.; - , , „ ,
Mary's frightened heart thudded in'1.,:4nd• . 44' nehtc17-'--e- eil7ier jewel. box •
het- ears till she eesli10ligardlY :Week- tx.m.a, her :dresser—and waited, ,ret,idy,
The. operator's bac *ree,•tOwartl• her.'. to,- hpi.j. it • if, the :intruder were: De
hut Mary say that. h4 w4s rowiT:an4; - • . ; . : ‘: ..• -, " : ' ;
husky and Might be useful in•A 'scrap' -:—:-The doot-lopehedand.the.-COUntee%
..—'911417etaftle,Y011-*rAneIM--i174-1"0,C.e4.: slipped -in; looking backward ,into the-
j..14s,"Oht._tii,ini.10,1,',:ii:oli,eostasoitt;otieutlittiltY.:::44,1,76$ , .. «oh r lvhini ..cried
.angtils,,, , ,,x,..ou
. . • . , , ,,. ..- .. • . ..
.. n1 did st4rtle.yo-.)," :00.?*zn".4: went:frightened Me:hali to tleatir!" .: : •
on "I'm '4Vni `'•441'il""; Won't ' YO1 10 'lie '.- The ., OcOiteee.` signaled for ...silence.:
make' amends 1 'Have '•some ' tett-. ea ,,L4. refeh4,,telti,quwkr, .01e ,,,v,hisiler_.
the:),•6i)t an perhaps -ye Can pteetiee• , ed, dartinganxious glances into the
a .bit,• -,..for, tonight, ,h
. ..•—. ball... ,,Brueele-in7the. bath"J.
• She.."saidt'"Oh; :thealh ,Y•041. '4'..'";* 2 f:4HaVe 'what? • • Oh,:" you //malt,' the:
haven't time :Time to dtees'fot din-. .braCeletr' marYeehed., "Oh, :tily dear,'
ner,---J Just. ran deivh. to.,-te get*My .1. put At: ii the safe"
• • • . • . . , , . • r . • • ..
11601.•!''',': . ., . ' . ,, .. ff , ' ': .' 7 The , cOinites ?....head.....jerhtd'.. about;
InstatitlY she •wAs edriY': fcir• t......4t• -her Shucked „exeS.'-f1.0.erteiton 'Mary
fib,:. for S4 was surW:4'0 Oe tonia•ilad suspiciously-,.; • : ••••':•• ::. ..:::, ` : ...:
,seen her laqthe safe.end.Wi*.POitectly ' , 'You 'don't think ,i'd lolpio, jt‘isi14:
aware -.What her: erraud,had ;been.. In4 abot,"40:,,you.?"J•Mary,langlied,.Mildly.;
7atinctiVelj .she ' clutched the. -111.01460' ;:defenSike. "In' a hoter*roornr •. .• . .
:niiiiitt 'herTitin7niete:441$.•,•:: .:Iten,' 4.." ;The Countess eleaed 'the doors , The:
less'intereated,,and'astnte:ParsOn than, blazing iyek.. had .narroWed-,.. $lowly,
Inlire, aFnlyd 'bewq41, di;tani.Vptle ey-Ii•ul!f114:mit'tghes-at'.: ._:: ,ji:;114.6s:,i:i..._:1,41"iflii!iii..!.114'41714.1f7th*ea•:-rgflitli..7,..1,..
the; bag valuables .. `Mint i.':•46,1ized •. lie4eventaut. trick:,me,:eh?. 1knew you weitd.
,, • r
ed her . into , the, give away gestures she 'try that. ' Wellif . you • IVill:. return..that
;braCelet 'to...me -nay/ Or -I v;111.serateh
• Your ekes Mitt . - " . ' • : - ,
.....___... . • - . - • - . • .
'gas* Otholior'.-' ,,Viot-, are you, atig...,
:..geSting? .''" Of -course...you Will ...lis•Ve'
..yonr4ratereii;'t.Ii4neinitig.ILI,',1-„*.: • ,
"Topight!" ' .1' . „ '. .: • .,:'
• ' Mary shook li‘',,,f' head .11,11eXibly.,,.'
The .FrenchWeinan 'breathed heavily
fOr,•a mtmite.: Then sloWlY.;,:he. reigic
ed. :A Mocking: smile curved -the:cor,
•ly.. He. lifted his:. hat co, am.. :girl a:nc!. ',.lis:e.nlirtsaert'i.9ttfi.pitil:::si:11714:9:11:1; • '''.' :: .'•':',..''...-‘,.:•'.
- ::,••Mary turned :inclifferehtly ' to• the
'inirror,:touthed herhair:.idlY.:with:.hei.
, 7• !!Qh,„;.nno?"' ..,he...,yolleti' the Con-
stePpek on theear again, ,,, : .': . t44a flash, ;a hand sahot,
.• "TOnight;".. he ..Said .galiantlY, : end: :Out and snitched the chamois bag 1.:Y
ing on the ilteaaer,;: The intfudek.
4.1.1!i'Obil,ie,7(•,, Iva riads. :tehtitt0.i;6
t, --"si)...#11.t!t11,.0d9:",..r. ' ,linekeifiWaY ,SWiftly. to the door with
it, ::lailkiiing:''' triumphantly .' , ...1ViarY.-
..,:itA.,,t.'i7.41.;:ti.e'3.il*IY4,..,?s shtean;sorria:::.tir, one6i.' vraioZ, •;threw : herself 0:4t; her ...,hUt•• the other
4 40itioily vvaitioa for. a ,47.(ii11,0 WoMen; held her .6if,2riPPing .OP:eri the
• ' "Oh,", ' Mary 'cried.' :'"Oht:She'• ntheertiii)ePtius"el 4'tlis:irsibfat•glit'a:
elevator :, , : .,., ., . . , , ... .. , talonfastenerfitintoSte
.elasped the 'detective about' the neck-
and kissed him: Whern!.. 'Ho* did
you happen i to: be ;there:77'4ot] '.saVed
' •
. . •
' • ,(4." . 'v.'
• ,-.- • • _ '
• - -Acids- Zest to the
*Frish (rani the gaiden*I,
• '• The .ear
moVed .to: !pave the 'car, •,
In pressing his, invitation;•De Loma
• He was facing her,hia hit in his
handa. ; AS'Af.pst:aWare that he cuts
blocking ,her way; he murtniired, "Oh
pardon 'mer.. and backed eff the enr,
Mary 'steplied. off, after him It•Was•
the only thing thing she :could do, althoUgh
k•-•!nlited W#4 1101113r, even ifs she
that she Was •abOut t� beleft
Mini with (the • initn,:there -in the
' De Loma changed his Plans ebtuPt•-•
" • 3.JA
Plows of 'Biblical Times
Still Used in °India
• In recent Years Gandhi hafs attracted
a•gyeat "deal of attention to India But
, • ,
it must be -reinembered:that the edu
• cated Oasses form a .very
tion of the whole , population of ;358,-
jt". is, ..'estimated ;that .ehadt
-,,th.reolottrthe number
eople arekdependeni On':agrichititiat
ar pastoral puru1ts The primitive
• ettaraCter O..thoat yf the agricultural
paragraph :from. reportron industrial
machinery.. ',in •Iiritiab. made by.
•Ifr.t.T. 'r-oung, CaUadlanTra1i Com.
ussioner at Calcutta
_Other •§orta -Ma-.
• ihinery-AltribsiVeveryWhere..ene•ga.
IhroUghont the agricultural 1184.ieta of
2-,india,' the;:prirnitie wooden ploy
:pritnitive.;iooderi as.
'ke of exeii. is .atill•to :heseen
.1Ypc ofplow 4ighly Sultahle. to,
' • filiff*4te, the Indian: toil•,-Purtheitiore„
ean, he: 'Marin-far:nit4d
Sir IOW c55t 4 b1J flPin
.minii,..that there, i perhaps bitatevi,
• , litieheIS• 'Pt grain:qr.:rice between tire
•• .tierage. 'pensant .and..atarsie
•• on, the cost of 'agrieUltUral
JO him aniatter Of vary seri-
• 3Ottit- nioment. • Cheap light
:able of being draw,n))y..colerf,.n.i horses
,•ire riot tied, ore, the type reqUired,:
• Ourrowa' are, very seldena, .th
, ., • • .
three: or four Inches -deep,;.and yere
of whichare puny and:pi-
aepninnisbed,,'f9rcp4 to ui1 anything
turning deeper furrows ,; it.''Would be
beyond' 'their' -:strofigui.-H-t.'t#,olii61 Maii
and Empire: ' ° •• `•
`Ife,S •Yontli' as 1,
ever Met." • ' : • • "
''Itoiri;tbat?' •
Le says be is sure he can' make'.
ifefen haPpy it She willMarry him
AsIf _a-11 ma4 eptjlif be, sure of
••Trialsing anY w,onian.:baPPY," "
"Just waiting .for-eleVator, hei•
.lieVe it :oilnotBat,es;.replied,. .4`33tit
'why—what's,' he fellowing 'you'for?' '
Mary told him.. she thad been to -the
13,1#00-,torx-e-t4e-Weklice.' , , •
Bates oked graVe. : "You'd better
Stick' pretty doleto home 'hase,"' he
warned,. ; know yeti:Were get-'
ting that ,oUt ;Yet! Pingettirig • th e boys:.
Organized riOW;•, *afi-jtlat",goirigptit to
the yacht tO,see :Hendrielte .stOP,
Ped, and theWea•.hiS .11p thonghtfully.'
• "Bat got that her I'd betv4. to me, please.
StiCk'arbund." -• .
"I'M Sorry!" Vary ,apOlogized., "hue • :••Cth•Pit!ss•
SAnii..1 :had sonie.Other things to lock
• s4fe • 1154t;jyi; • back out. of' Teach.' Het eyes!: ;!•vere.
• calclating.- • •• •
I thought , he was
aro it • . . "'Where is MY. braCelet?" • ,
right," Bates...intittel;ed hack. 44; tola.You' in the 8'31 Mary
11:iritr Were
righL, Re's 'on the proivi,” •
"Oh, Maybe itqust'happened---L" ." the, other Walked' Past :her
' • ' :•• • • to'theareaSer jerked'. open its draiy,
tnt, siSter! ; Believe ,riie When • . "r• - • ' •
1.,..was„••• hit ..prithahis • knoiarg. as „ erS, §earched.1-Pas.0.1y."aireAg'.the cow;
about ,Yeur affairS. as "yen' do, right ,entsi. alai:rimed 'them ,Ihnt.::Ballted, she
flow. .• ,„ • \.• , ,„. let 'the
• • reluctantly, throti, het Pagers O.:the:
. Bates . continued .' 'bviA.13.7.,
glass aressei-top: • • ,,.. '
Pilau picked them tip•;,,Yliptiedtherit
gently, into their. case again, Rung -lily'
the green ...eyeswatched thou- diattp;
'Pear: Mary' .to,sse'd: the bag •into..0
drawer. .„ raiged insolent eyes' tO
ti • Otlier's enviptis4iicei ' •
• "What Would I want wi'th, your
b•imeeletyi ;she 'Etalted witheringly.
• The' clontess • straighteried. `4To-
1noiroW, • "ttut; no
laterl". • .''• •
. • -
' •Sudilenly Mary drew :the. surprised'
-• .•
1.19Ufgrq,litkk into' 'the rOoni, and closed.
the door, • "Would'yotts like to
own those -rillkiepl” the aaked in it.
tense qifdrtbe•, •
The other merely stared.Shewa
toeSurprised to answer.
•; "I'll give °thorn, to 'you—the day- You
sail fcit Prange and promise never to
see :Bruce. Jupiter agaiii."
The ,Countess :eyes :widened.
that s what.'yoih.want? • Well; .voti,
,,won't -get
' 'Mary said •"I dori't.„4,Vant,
vine§ you of wilt tol woret..•
I want, Is to 'save his father's heart
4:rem:breaking. And. ,a1—''ye
She lifted: her;, clenched, and';frorn
the bag and held it behind her while
with the other she niade,;in.,:aWkward
',Search 'of the: bag's. emptiness for the
bracelet Panting with illiappoint
,ment,'she threw Mary off, with a lunge
of her :elbow. and ; brought' her right
hand :out to inspect the jeWels:: she
'clutched: At sight of them her rbt4
Oen. •, • • • •
"Oh, oh—h�W. . she,
breathed; raPturimali. , "So: that le
What they are like—the !Jupiter •rtil:
Idea! And they ere yourac-,-",,LT.neon-.
Mary nodded, • "They :are mine."
She held ont her, bend: "Give then
ng an '' •A•
d Vales • .,LAP1-pu'tY,ou in your ;r901U--ep
0 11(11.
in h th boys •
detective entered her roorri first
• T.,ondon, ,England and Wales in and looked t about. He raised the win•
1932 bal4 the ' eFA lth ate,,-th dow; lay' nerogs its sill:on hi htick•
their history: for some minutes and studied the, sur
TerAafive Plate the rate rounding windeWsl.: 'There was a fire.
at,,, 15,8 pei LO0 o Population; or 1.0 escape which -.'xig-:zaggeil *downward
per ,1,600, brow 192 ;IP .and some" instance away—from whieh it
t.5 befOv, 1`..)31. , :Would he posSible for a imn to y.'ng
to the nall •decorative iron balcony
tvhidli enclosed th:e tper - half of tier
Wndwio. •
, • .
1:10 *.cortorelicat tabli
fiAN.A.(V.t STAIACII cot ytto.
• .. •BateS head 4 •
yon're safe enough
• trim that, .direction," he said, and in-,
Spec teil the bthreen, Whi ad no
ther" der, "o*, lock yoUr door
When I: go out YOU Bee,or har
anYthing that /fightens. you I;hl be
right lathe pext rorn.• Pound on the
teltiPlnel!! ioMary Stftgesi.,
"And have yoUt threat tut
,yOU're' trying to, get the Operatoil.r
you Ito*Alok this
•--,11.e.yo;•-tht the necklace. was lame
; diat,ely: in his keeping, Bates; WA4,
Bor0d2By- Ex -Premiers 'Talk, '
, •
„s: • .; Chtfie'Of,,4a1„res. TAW., • .,
'Preinler • Edoue
Ilerriot's ',chauffeur dos not pot mieiature. and 'hi! •
be ,
ing'derriocratle and, 1.1',11(f troeis..
much,' as...Possible . by • automobile pfol. •
a habit of eating bn: route .with
chauttettt..'.,But title Oded 'on'
cent triP from• Geneva, 'to -Paris when
Mll�. Helene- Vadareseo, .the: ••
la0• poet, was • a .guest u4nO"494, •• •
The: ex. -Frei -die? Warned his dist:lug • • °:
.iiiShed• gnest..tliet„ nis-hauffeiir ate,
at the sae table with,. , This ,
did• net* init,tel-, 'he' poet
• :eaSsed' • during, litncheen 'te .suer an, • , •
extent' that' at. dinner time tha..eitatte' , •• ,
feur asked‘this4eMployer If. hemight • );;i2;
• eatli
' Wit:•.tlre. Servants. • " • ".•
, 0.60ai ab
feur told, the° .states.nali., 411 ••
• 7 •
- •
e •
Skiirts:, Win:, in ::VVOin. en's
Wear •War
• :
. . . .
. .
ha.ve.:Won in" the ;"tattle
the • Shorts " in the Women'•s-wear •wai.
!fare at the Souse tit. Canberra, •41.
ca.plEi1 • of: Aiistralia., The..dontreiSkey:
whieh has raged :since.......the„,..apPeer-.:
ance mrs,.mr. .0a:rnett, wife of the: • "
asitistant . the repreeentatiye', ln.,, •
istralia •of ' the; keYetilAnelll;' •
9nd'qd,. The as ,; •
Airfl,;- Garnett' :asking her-, not •
pear' in shotta.again. tt
has Written Will'nOt;. and ;the: ;
'golf War. 'Is -over. • . • •
Tor a Japanese
The,'Unit , tates ••••`,
, • S.J; jrctilp.g ,y, o y Fell,•
belle pf 'the 'hall :and
' •
group at • a recent •066iety. 'party
at Palm Beach. .
trust herielf. to sPeak. She alannned
out !•of the. reoir Mary, Sat' clowil,•
spent, and weak, Mid laid, her' head
on her arms folded upon the dressing.;
' • . • •
Resolutely she • stood, up and began:
to fasten the Jupiter necklace about
her -throat.. 'Th 'rubies should have
the, -Stage': tonfghL-mitc-• If T,h,
Ply Werelureil to his ruin ,it would be
they, not who • did it, • '
..She lifted:them, eradfed in her hand,
and kissed 'them fiercely.: It was 'like,
a dediOation.:.;
• • • (To he centinued:)
from n • . • , • •
"1.11ithe world:: never .gets .back
I •
to•:: the 'Insanity it was 'experiencing
UP „1.929."--Theedore Dreiser,: , • : •
• "Tie • 'world- suffers -a 'greet :deal
today ' :from' •peciple;.Whe are r-.
• • •
• • •• •
'.'State..smen. talk abont destiny 'Only
when they. have rnade• tuistake.q:.:-. I
bent o ;‘itts ; .•
• .
,..... .
., .•
game-men:and-women -fiht;icolds al! winter-leng, Others.-
enjoy the protOti6ti Aspirn, .4 tnhlet in .timeoind
the firt syniptonas of a told get no fUrther: If a Cold has
eaught'yeti unaWareikeep•on With Aspirin until the cold
I▪ S gond. Aspirin Can't harm you. It apes not depres the
heart. If your throat is Sor; diSiOlVe seVral tablets ii
water and gargle. You will •get instant relief. TliceS
:danger in a cold that hangs on or days. TO sitr.nthing
of the pain and discomfort • Aspirin might 'haizp' spard:
yonl All -druggists; with' Proven directions ,f� colda,
headaches, neuralgia, neUitis, rhelituati$10
• •
• , • tAN AP di; t
ifBruce marrios. ttl" •
• 1SSUE Nq.- 7— 33•• This tinie the Cotiaiess entild 11 ••,
, . .
,• "
• •
4, •
, , •
4'" •N .
4 4
••.• e .
, •