HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 11j !�^ NO. 7. Says the Miller • "One day coming home a $' • I looked through the kitch- en window and saw our grocers wife baking bis- cults, Sure enough, there rc' we% a bags of * CREAM or THE WEST" flour, and he biscuits were lust Pip- ing hot -made my mouth water. " You bet I knew then how it was that grocer sold so mach °Cream of the West' Flour I e 1'nows how good it is by the tasty things his wife makes wi h it, and he feels sure in recommending it, ' If every grocer would try his goods before selling them it would be a good thing." Thi Campbell Milling Co„ Lirnitei Toronto oft) THE WINGtIAM TIME%, DECEMBER 16. 1309 ly \\ \ ! I� FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD; WINGHA,M, ..u.rAxr o. The things that come to three who One taste of defeat is enough to die___ UN 'wait are generally the things that no ()enrage some men all the rest of their COCC3UNTY COUNCIL. one else wants, lives, Some people who contract a c. are prone to say "it's not serio P, I'll let it wear off," That's an „unsafe attitude to take - GET SHILOH'S CURE IN TIME One of the children goes about coughing="Oh, Willie is pretty strong, I'll keep him home a day or so and the cough will go., Perhaps it will, Perhaps it won't - USE SHILOH,'S CURE NOW Yes -this asthma doesn't give me much rest and I've tried nearly everything,': Friend says: "My father cured me of asthma thirty years ago with Shiloh's Cure - START SHILOH'S CURE TODAY" Baby is croupy, whooping cough developing -"What can we get that we can rely on to cut that dangerous, choking phlegm?" THE FAMILY FRIEND TOIL "Don't ]tae the way son's cough is settling on his lung's. He says they're sore, feverish, weak - there's danger,': There is - THE REMIEDY-SHILOH'S CURE Wife says: " John, you really must stay home and doctor that cold - you can't keep up with it,': Valu- able time lost -situation imper- illed. Needlessly. For inone night- SIIILOH'S CURE CURES COUGHS "Bronchitis again -I get it every winter -do wish I could cure it. " You can, once for all, with Shiloh's Cure -it allays inflammation, builds up weakened lung tissues. SHILOH'S CURE IS GUARANTEED It banishes Asthma, makes strong the vocal chords and stimulates the whole breathing tract to health and strength. Just try 40 YEARS-sTM, OH•S CURE CHRISTMAS STAN' CAMPAIGN THE 1909 BATTLE AGAINST THE DREAD WHITE PLAGUE. Available Beds in the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives Increased Three -Fold as a Result of Last Year's Sale of Christmas Stamps. The Number Can Be Doubled This Year If Everyone Will Help. QTIMULATII;D by Tuberculosis that would bring hope the success of a and joy and gladness to thousands of yearagotheNational tomes and communities in all parts of Sanitarium Associa- tion have made large preparations for the sale of the Christmas Stamp of 1909-10, is- sued on behalf of the Muskoka Tree hos- pital for Consump- tives. Nearly $6,000.00 was netted from fast year's sale, making it possible for she trustees to increase the available ads foe needy patients from an aver- age of fifty-five a year ago to one hundred and forty, the accommodation to -day. The trustees are hopeful that they may bring the accommodation up to 300 beds as the outcome of this yeat•'s sale of this little one cent messenger of hope and Healing. The Christmas Stamp, as a means of fighting the dread white plague, had its origin in Denmark in 1904, the sale from which has financed a hospital for consumptives in that country. The idea was taken up by the Red Cross Society of;, the United States in 1007, and interest has grown each year, A year ago a Christmas stampof special design was put in circulation by the Muskoka free. Hospital for Consumptives with the success already indicated in this article. The price of the individual stamp is only one cont, but what wonderful things can he accomplished by to tiny an instrument. There is no reason why everyone who writes a letter, addresses a postcard, nlails a news- paper or parcel from this day- out should not use one of these stamps. The educational value of the stamp appearing on every piece of mail mat- ter would be enormous, One can hardly figure up the material results. It would mean a routing of the enemy • The stamp of 1900 le more beautif than that of a year ago. Th des' Salary Question Again up for Adjustment. (Goderioh Signal) The December session of the county council opened on Tuesday afternoon at the court house with all the members in attendance. The following oorres pondenoe es as referred to committees, and the council then adjourned until the following morning. Forty-seven residents of the village of Centralia petition the council to pass a by-iaw erecting the village into a police village. The secretary of the Good Roads Association Beeke the co-operation of the oonnoil of this oonnty by the ap- poictment of delegates to join with delegates from the other counties in the Province in waiting on the Legis- lature to petition for an increased grant for the improvement of roads assumed as oonnty roads. The present allowance from the Legislature is one- third of the cost of such improvements and the Association asks to have that amount increased to one-half. A letter from Col. Wi:son of the 83rd Regiment stated that the number of men and non-commissioned officers from this county attending the military camp this year was 192, and on that osis the amount of the grant made by the county to supplement the pay of the men is $576, Commitment papers of Robert Mo. Leod and three Jones children to the Children's Aid Society showed the oonnty ohargeable with $1.25 per week each for the maintainenoe of these children. Accounts from the Cheeley and Harris - ton high schools for the cost of oonnty of Huron pupils attending these institu- tions were received. A letter from the ,Deputy Miuister of Eduoation was with reference to changes made by the Public Schools Act or 1909 in the matter of the in- epeotion of publio schools. The Mini- ster intends to equalize as far as possible the amount of work to be done by eaoh inspector in the Province. The letter says the Department considers there are enough inspeotors in this oonnty, but, as the new Aot confers on county come cite the right to define the limits of the inspectorate of eaoh inspector, and as, der the same Aot, the Minister is flaked to determine the number, ngth and character of eaoh visit of speotian, the council is asked to fum- e statement showing in detail the hools with the number of teachers in oh, assigned to each inspector a000rd- to a schedule contained in the letter. other change made by the same Aot at after January 1st, 1910, the al- wance to inspectors for travelling ex, wee, printing, postage and stationery matter of arrangement between the sectors, and this is something the sent council will have to deal with. he County Law Association makes quest for more shelving in the iaw ary in the court house, n behalf of a number of German dents of the town and vicinity of derich, F. 0. Brandt makes applica- tor the nae of the court room for,, holding of fortnightly services in r native tongue, as they have no ommodation of their own. Mr. ndt asks what remuneration the noii would accept for caretaking, nn re le in ish so ea ing An is th to pe is a ins ul pre re is lib✓ 0 rest Ge tion the then 000 Bra con etc. The jailer reported seven prisoners in the county jail. ' sti, Councillor Shearer brought tip the matter of the maintenanoo of indigent insane patients in asylums. The Legislature pays to each municipality a portion of the tax on railways, but deducts es certain amount for the maintenance of insane indigents from the mnnioipalitiee. Such cases are committed to the asylums on to oer- tifloate of two dootore, but Oounoillor Soarer thought the net ye of the - munioipality should be consulted, in Order to prevent patients becoming a °barge on the munieipelity without the knowledge of the municipality, result. ing occasionally in a patient whose relative's conld pay for his maintainen°e being blessed at an indigent, Mr. Shearer moved, seconded by Mr. train». stook, that the council memorialize the Legislature through its representatives to amend the Aiylusnii Ant to the efieet is as shown in this article, but printed in red and green, and is of same size as the regular government postage stamp. This Christmas stamp will not carry any kind of snail, but any kind of snail will carry it ---and carry too the happy Season's Greetings from sender to re- ceiver. The stamps will be done up in envelopes of ten, twenty-five, fifty and one hundred for ordinary selling, and large users will be supplied in quan- tities. The price for ten or for one thousand is a cent each. The banks, departmental stores, drug stores, book and stationery stores and many other stores will sell them. Women's clubs, church organi- zations, bible classes and Sunday schools, public schools, and many other organizations and individuals will help this year as last year. There would seem to be no reason why everybody everywhere may not help in forming an army of willing workers to sell these stamps all over the Dominion. The Muskoka free Hospital for Consumptives is in the fullest sense a national institution caring for patients from every pro- vince in Canada. Tho first issue of the stamp for this year is one million, and these will be put into circulation immediately, but there can hardly he any reason why the issue should not be inereased many times over before Christmas. The direction of the sale of Christ- Inas Stamps is in the bands of Mr. J. S. Robertson, Seo, -Treasurer, National Sanitarium Association, 317 King Street, West, Toronto, who will give prompt reply to any enquiries regard- ing the stamp. that no indigept insane patiep witted without the head of the panty being oonbnited. In disoussing this matter Mr, expressed his dislike for the legislation. He could not eel) a notion between the railway t indigent patients, Re thougsane that the indigent inshoo oharlre on the I'r09i1300 as a rather than on the municipals which they °Pane. The salary question is one still giving the, council some t though it thought it bad setil matter last December by pas by-law to fix the salaries of all officials for a period of five yea the case of the °aunty tramtechnical diffiouity arises out o feat that, though all are agreed the intention of the council la °ember was to make his salary a by-law still octets under wh draws $150 extra owing to having required in 1892 to furnish $15,000Inmanseonrity and to assume thehInmana large sinking fund. Tbs nom which had the swatter in hand la °ember got a Hetet of the salaries paid to the official» and Dr. Holme put. down as $1.350, whereas the a of straight salary he received was with $150 under the by-law of 1892 overcome the difficulty Mr. L moved, seconded by Mr. Govan that this by-law be repealed and the treasurer's seourity be reduoe $50,000. Mr. Leckie said he w favor of the treasurer's reeeivi larger salary than he would be ge if this $150 were out off, but h not think it right for the intentio the committee and the council t aubverted on a teohnioality, Tu Knox of the jail claimed that he entitled to allowances for fnel, and water in addition to bis solar $600, as he had been paid $70 for t before. The explanation was that council's intention was to cut out perquisites and give him a etre salary, giving him an increase of over the amount that was formerly him. A question raised by Reeve Stu Goderioh township, was with refere to the`Holmesville bridge. In rebu ing, the oonnoil bad reduced the len of the bridge by fifty feet, making co approach that much longer. The n formerly assumed the upkeep of feet of approach and Mr. Sturdy as whether it was the intention of council to keep the whole 150 feet of approach in repair or only 100 fe This was referred to the road and bri committee. Wednesday afternoon F. Metcalf, Blyth, and County Clerk Lane ma a report to the oonnoil on the conn of Huron fruit exhibit at the reoe Provincial fair at Toronto. Mr. M calf expressed his disappointment the small number of exhibits that we made this year by this ()aunty. There were only 103 entries, about one-fourth as many as he thought there should have been, and, though the quality of the fruit shown was good, he said he had seen better exhibits at many of the fall fairs throughout the conuty. Be had done all in his power to interest the farmers in the Provincial fair, but they were too busy to take time to pre- pare exhibits, He was honestly at a lose to know whether to recommend the ooanail to continue its grant for prizes. Mr. Lane corroborated what Mr, Metcalf had said and added that unless the oonn0i] was prepared to squander say $500 in making a fancy exhibit, such as the county of Norfolk made. its exhibit muss look mean. He thought the encouragement of such exhibits would only lead to a rivalry among counties to see which could squander the largest sum in a fancy exhibit, tbead- Leckie present ny con, ax and ht t"oe, Id be a whole ty from that le rouble, ed the sing a Ognnty re. In rer a f the that et De - $1,400, ioh he been extra ng of mittee et De. then e was mount $1,200 To eokie look, that d to as in ng a tting e did n et o be rnkey was light y of hese the the ight $30 paid rdy, nae ild- gth the my 100 ked the the et. dge of de ty nt et- at re His Appetite Disappeared. Hero is a story told by a drummer about a drummer and a pretty waitress. Here is what happened, according to report: The dapper little travelling man glanced at the menu and then look- ed up at the pretty waitress. "Nice day, little one," he began. "Yes, it is," she answered, "and so was yesterday, and eay name is Ella, and I know I am a little peach, and have pretty bine eyes, and I've been here quite a while and like the plan, and I don't think I'm too nice a girl to be working in a hotel; if 1 did I'd quit my job; and my wages are satisfactory; and I don't know if there is a show or dance in town to -night, and if there is I shall not go with you, and I'm from the country, and I'm a respect- able girl, and my brother is cook in this hotel, and he weighs 200 pounds, an$ last week he wiped up this dining•room Boor with a fresh $50 -a -month travelling man who tried to make a date with me. Neve, what'll you have?"" The dapper little travelling man said he was not very hungry, and It ons of coffee and Some cakes would do. Mir wa x- - , A - epoow CURES CATARRH,. ASTHMA, ron4104 Croup, Coughs and Colds, at snooty back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON McKII3I3ON. 1N TUNE. (Isaiah xxvi., 341 Is HCentre why guides tt a sublime of time And And thosholds who lithe fe frlom Him derive In all torr varied longings strive To be in tune with God. To Him Creation's powers conform; He rules the sunshine and the storm, diamond ad theThe The essence of the h ghestoblss Ia earth or heaven is always this: To be iu tune with God. Tjp to the Ascend the wordsheightmiroled of those fight,. •i Shielded and armed and shod; In gloomy vale and sun scorched PIain Hie servants seek through ease and pain T. be in tune with God. Ria masse 10 to sorrow's frown Like daycrownwhich .nomas those beights to , Where pines and odors nod; Discordant notes shall And their place, And all Rio own shall see His face, And be in tune with God. Amid the tumult and the din Those who are called the prize to win Must toil and climb and plod; They do not heed the tempter's snares, Because the happiness 1s theirs To be in tune with God, That harmony removes all dread, And gives them strength to bravely tread The path the. heroes trod; Unmoved are they by flood or fire While granted ie their one desire- To be in tune with God, Granthurat, Ont., 1909,~T Watson. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. dent tlt too a bill° a tate or the systembsuch as Dizziness,at in inIIthe'S Drowsiness, .tc. While their afterot remarkable mimosa has been shown in curing neat/ache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are venting thisannoyln compiaint.whileg theyalso correct all disordcre of the stomach, atimu-atethe liver and regulate the bowels. Even if theyonly cured Ache they would bo almost priceless to those e -ho suffer from their goodistressingndoes otend here,nnd Mose who once try them will find tl.cse little pills valu- able In so many ways thi.t they v ill not be wil. ling to do without them. Deaner all sick head !o the bane of so many /Ives that hero is where we make our great boast. carpels carat while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very email and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaser,ll who nee thorn. MT= 1I DICI$E 00a UAW VatZ, •ani til alai Da lffialltitic6, Poor Father. Children, hush! for father's resting; he is sitting, tired and sore, with hie feet upon the table, and his bat upon the floor. He is wearied and exhausted by the tabors of the day; he has talked about the tariff since the dawn was cold and grey; he has Iost eight games of checkers, for his look to -day was mean, and that Iuok was still against him when he booked the slot machine; so his nerves are under tension, and his brow is dark with pare, and the burdens laid upon him seem too great for him to bear. Stop the the clock, for it annoys him; throttle that canary bird; take the baby to the cellar, where its howling won't be heard ;you must speak in whis- pers, children, for your father's tired and sore, anti he seems to think the ceiling is some kind of cuspidor. Oh, he's broken down and beaten by the long and busy day; he's been sitting in the feed store on a bale of prairie hay, telling how the hungry grafters have the country by the throat, how the tariff on dried apples robe the poor man of his coat, how thio nasty Polar rumpus might be settled once for all -and his feet are cu the table, and his back's against the wall; tet him find his home a quiet and a heart -consoling nest, for the father's worn and weary, and his spirit longs for rest. -Walt Mason. His Friend Said "If If 'it hey Don't Relp or Care V'ou I Will Stand 'Mao Pries." ++4++++++++ Mr, .L B, )tusk, Liver Orangeville, slut., CoCuremplaintd. ±♦ troubled with l)ys- writes: "1 had Leen �+ ♦ pepsic and Liver Complaint and tried many different re- medies but obtained little or no benefit. A friend advised me to give your Laxa-Liver Pills a trial, but I told him I had tried so many "cure ells" that 1 was tired raying out money for things giving me no benefit. Hs said, 'If they don't help, or cure you, 1 will stand the price.' So seeing his faith in the Pills, I bought two vials, and I n as not deceived, for they were the best T ever used. They gave relief which has had a more lasting effect than any rnedicino 1 have ever used, and the beauty about then is, they are small and easy to take. I believe there to be the best medicine for Liver Trouble there is to bo found." Price 23 cents a vial et 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or will be sent direct by mail on receipt of price. Ont. x`heT. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, TEA, FLAVOR Tea Acquires a flavor under the peculiar climate of Ceylon thatcannot be acquired anywhere else on earth. The delicate fragrance and delightful aroma of 11 will please LAD you. Buy a package today from your grocer. You'll like,. it! IMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlkeNA•NeeinAA IV eveNMAMIA/ "Am oNeteeseirovvolpielot I COAL, COAL COAL.I We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no domestic Qoal, and Wood of all kin* aiwal. Also the best grades ye o i hand kthtog' Cramer and tall s We ntock ervy o! LUMBER SHINGLES LATH a (Dressed or Undressed) ' 1 or 1 E 1 Residence Phone No. 55. Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price pais, icor all lauds of Logs. %Li A- eLean z Mee, No, 64. Mill, No. 44 WVVeVvuvwvwwvwVVvwvb"v wVVVVVVYVVVVVVuvVVwvvVVY �•+�IISb�aa�fi����i0s16•�6At!!'t*� g O•IfatY�tD•Q4��IM010ot/QIDQY[YiiOial� • oLua • a a • i • a • • • - a iThe TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates • for any of the following publications : BINix • 0 ae RATES! 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We nlub with all the leading newspapers and ratenzines, g When premiums are given with any et above papers, subscribers will • secure snoh premiums when ordering through no, tame as ordta t: g dirt et from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to snbeetibere, and are STRIC1TL']' HASH IN ADVANCE. Sand xemittanees by pgstttl'late, post office or express money order, addressing vi TIMES OFFICE, WIIGII'AM, ONTARIO.