HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-16, Page 1• i. •I. • m 42:00:1 -PER: YEAEaN' ADVANCE; f$2 50"OTHE&WISE DENTIST Treleaven,' Lucknow flours: "fa-412F.,A. M ' . 13075 P. Df PA`Q�E 53: X::4.4.1".! FOR SALE; -3, year=old ani re bred, ucham` buil' calves, browndail breed'. ngt: Apply to 'Wm Webster, R 2 Luc now .LOST -Gold ,wrist, watch, between. }--aink-anca--Silverwood'ey-ahopi Watch valued is keepsake.. Finder .leave at this office. Reward. ,LICENSED TEAMSTER` Open to do all kinds of teaming in tarter at the . Express office.. Peter' T. Carter, 2nd Con. (2=2—p•)a INMEMORIAM iny dear . husband, William .Sproul who Passed aaaray Feb. 1$th, 1924. Yon'. tendee smileaviur gentle "-voice Yeur heart, so kind and -true, I -miss you in such countlesa ways The trials Of lye but trifling seemed Where , you were nigh to cheer, The roses always hid the thores, When your helping hand Was near: Corning Events First Insertion, 50e. biammit Insertions. 2,5e. meet in the,„Orange Hall on Saturday February 18th,, at 2.30. Everyone attendalmpertant *untie to iseuss • The Paratnount 11; F, Club 11.2101/C * eoueerr 1.00 _dance Para- mount Hall, on Friday evening; Feb. 1.7th. laneli served. Admission 25e. Open to all., Everyone 'welcome. 'PRANGE SOCIAL ---There mill bp au Orange Social and . -Darice, held in Lucknovi- Orange Halt on Thuisday evoking; Febreary '23. McCartney's" orchestra: Ladies.; please bring lunch. Silver Collection.,Every- 'REBEKAH SOCIAL Jewel Rebekah Lodge Will hold a eocial evening in the I. O. 0.F. Hall' on• -•Tuesday evening,- February 21st, ' C,ards at 815 sharp, lunch and danc- ing. Ladies bring luncb. Rebelcalis and their husbands or friends, Odd- fellowil and their -wives are' cordially • Davison Elected 'President—Ernest' . Theo "Retiring:Menhirs Re-elected In 'spite ef e,ateenaelar Wintry Weath- er, a fair attendance was pretent at . .--the 55th annusti :Meeting Of tbe West "W.awanosh Mutual Fire In urano Co. held "in Diinginnon" on:Friday. The • financial Standing' of the Company ' apPeared in „our columns in an earl= • Bruce presided leer the meeting ,Silver Aknniversary Women's Institute "At Home" .Marke. ,Twenty=Fifth Much • Ilenevnient ••' Work. Done In, That Period. 'Attaining, their 20th: annivereaiYa 'after a quarter of ,a century of. work: of beneveleaCe-and-hicatimPrOvement- the: local ',branch of the Wrimen's the TOwn Hall on Faiday evening, at whieh meinliefa, .their families, and friends eatheredain large aunibees to much enjoy this social event. , - and Mrs. George., Greer' welcomed' the. allots. as thear arrived, and avlio'sPent" the. eerlier part of the evening , did program, ivaa presented With, Rev. I.: IL • Geoghegan- Acting aa "chaiiMan.. Paterson; Piano duet; Mis. Newton while ia charge of the policy -holders. 'Charles 'Hewitt, Tim Griffin and • Robert 'Davidsnon avere the three re, U,I*SDAY, FEBRUARY!1i6th lee nilleiag _Taken Prop!, P**d, , Varying Thfekness *kit 'n feoin the east side the Pend, where' vararing in thickneas from, 8 to 12 ice of good quality but some of the ice . hauled on Wednesday; although it appeared to be about 12 inches in depth, contained Censiderable shish their requirement...Of twenty-five tons' on Tgeeday and "-befeae the. end of the week -the other :Ica conhumers Will have' their suPplies stored away J. L: McMillan, wile comniefieed. cat, ting on the side of ,the pond, did, Ana is taking his 'requirements aff and Malice; Reading, Isobel giah; Abut fortanately were 'not hitched t, The Bioom Serenadea Mr. -W. . Mc7'. 'the -sleigh at the :time and ' after al -Oahe* being most noael, With •two the water., with bee eteing,a, hew' and , a ston :lied Eunice NeWion; Vocal, dint; Highland nag, Etta Bello end Helen then, eageged in with -1,fis.-.Newtan • Mrs.' R. HaThoinpsen gave a brief years 'ago by • Miss Roae: Meetings Were fora time held at the, home ef Mrs.' Thomas Reid, later. in the COun- ail Chamber and of' recent years „hi J.: G."' Arnifitiong Whi'llest::preaidefif held: offiee since then eie Mrs. W. E: Mrs. -E., MacKenzie, Mrsa Ja,AgneW„ Mre. iv:: G., Andrew, and llliaaaWill A brief .aearieir 'of the Maier, under- takings Would indicate„ the Institate's: mato "For Home 'and Country" :has beSa ',truly, lived up to by the lace], briech; Which raised the ann.( of $1600, to .bring -out andaeducete .ari Armenian 'boy; donated to the War :Merneriel Hospital at ;Londena gave. tion: They were opposed hy Dan McKay; Itipleya Frank Johnaton, Aififield, and John . A. Johnston rea ,,spectively. The three elected were • Dan .McKay, Tim Griffin' and &llama -Davidson. ' -• conclusion resulted in Robert 71avid- .Ackert as viceapresulent. 'The o he ,Inetahersa ofath& directorate include: ",-WP.* Read, William. MeQuillin, '. :lean and Doti Marah G.,C. Treleaven, secietarY and, Theis medicel doctor to ,! Tobernaory and their 'outstanding achievement, , the erection of the Cenotaph in the vil- lage, and -the placing of the Honor Roll In the Town Hall.' Centred la the hall on a, table dee- ',rated With hearts ' an4 was 'the birthday. eake, with its twena ty-Ave candles; Which ',were lit by ,Freeman and Mrs. Clerke:. The cislce was tut by :atria, 'J. S: ;MacKen- zie,- -Joining hands; .Auld Lang Syne and, delicions ,:lrtnch *as served. T.,. Tucker, was galled upOn propose the Toast io the Iastitute., Thie was replied to by Miss Beth Mra: 'Andrew preposed the Toaat teathe Guests, with Mr. „W. L. MeKenzieresponding. Reeve' Rae pre - pined the Toast „to , the:Kiegaandthe National; Arithem was sung. Dancing vies theioncluding feature of ina en= In failing ; health for the paat Month; death renioved en Monday, Lean. WO the sore, of the: late ;Mr.: massed conaidereble , wealth.: „Ta _fueeral service 'wes held Wechiesday' ,in: South Kinloss :Church, eMaducted Rev: J.: 11,. Burgess. Ceirmittal was in Kinloss cemetery. eeased her, byothet, last April. .. ISAAC MORRISON The :deathlof Isaac Merrisata aged' 75 years; a foymer aeaident of, the village; acterred at . his home in Kinloss Township oh Thursday last: its coMplications; although Mr. s Mor - tune ago. Aa iesideet of LacknoW, he was he disposed of aad farmed near Bel - ,grave for a; nuniber of years, re- tutning to Kinloss some,'four !years ago' te occupy the. faem of :the „late_ was held it South Kinlosi Presby- teian Church an Saturday, cenducted Besidea his :;beieaved widow' there survives one sera Lance at home, and . feer daeglitersa June at home, Who whe resides ' at the 2nd Concession and a daughter in Loodnon and one in,' Staatiord. §ubseribers will Please refer to, the label onatheir-1 paper and .,check the date., Cerreations were made •ua tea Tebreary 4th 'and those paying up until that date should. 'see that eeee of at ,errer, netify us at once as it is easier' to trace the error now yon Were paid ,uatil . the 'end • of that month and haae till. the end of Feb-. arceat label 'reads, "Feb: ,38" 4 , yea are sid-tiirthe:iiad'Or-Vehrinurriaiina have till the end of March., to take adVantage- &f 'the aprompt. paid-in-advaate offer of $1,50. ' 4,4 • 'Nely' finely of. Bait'; Learnerd Bakery Trade HereaaWas' , ,Reapeeted" Citizen 9i Killarney Far' Over quarter Ceritary: (The Killarney Gaidea 1 - an. Tuesday. afternoon in . krskirie aesieence in' Killarney of .'oaer .4uarter :eta' century had eadeargai almself to many,' and earned the' re- ;peet' of everyone:. Mr: alideletons deatla, oectireed in the „Winnipeg Gen - 'Hospital, •,late: Saturday" 'after-, eeela, February .4th., His liat Was brief and his . death ;eanie•-ah are had beenizi Poor health for same time, but aa- he Wei regularly,' in at-. ,to the ,char,acter, of the departed. The .a,f -.which society- hea-arasaaalaleed member, atteridedIrt at 'body -arid tended the aervice as an.;entitya'tae to. the doors, and "a large • nuMber. failed Ito gainaadmitidece; pealed ES fiftiethn:biathilia."Bo'rn in Tjueknow,',Ont..;, Of geottiai Parentage at his trade as. a.' baker,. aftetwards estahlishing :own business Which , mane Yeara: Ile teak ,an, actiVe part ie all riblic.:,affaiii, end, was first ,in the :betterment ef conditions . , the ill afford to .lose..: on the town Council, and was a, mita- ber'of that- liody st the 'time of:: his" lecith., was else,: arominent in Board :,of Trade actiejtiehi.s: former-. charter Member of,the ,Gelf• Calla: arid (Centinned on Page 4)::: J,. SINCL;E. -COPIES. .5 CH -NTS; i DAVID SPROUL • In failing health for .over a 1'year Of ./Oungannon, ia , the' passing on 79th aear.' "The ',funeral aeaariee' Was .Mr: •SPriiiil was the" eldee son ,of the late Ma. and aire. Andrew Spaoul of Dungannon, his yainiger brother Mr: 'Matthew 'Sproul, of Lacklicav ‘' is Deceased' fey 'Many yearh folhawed the trede :Plasteree, mid paper Order. of :Forreateaa, he Wah for a Kasen .s end in ,Juile of 103.0,s the elderly' aouple .celebratect.'"taeir golden. wedding' anniversary. - a, survive; six' daughters, Miss Raffle Gederich and _Miss Clara SPreel, Stratford, es well as one ,son Harold in; -.Sa*katchewen, 'Wade another aon, Wateer„ died' in, the ;ally, ill. the: hoibe of . ghter Ethel, Mahe 'MeMerehy inakea hcime town' with' her- brother Hugh and bee &int,. but for. a thae has has auffered Man tha;•. 'fie 'hnd ear trouble whieh developed late niasteid; In; a Weakened ,condition, Miss. Me:. aperatioa arid- little belie is' being held • W/N.. SILVER • TofhellBearitt :spECIALs FOR SATURDAY 121.0LI.SMANS' QUALITY BA KEAY Phone 36 • TIMES . EACH WEEK . Local iadio fans, ° are. nO doubt awdre 'that Cameron Geddes !..son., Of 'doing ,heard. each. week ever Taranto hours -and days.' CaMeron ean be iindays over CECA" are. 9,4, On.. Saturday, Q.d. the program of The- Balladeeasr aaer dVilb and CKOK from' '8.45 'to "Thanki" -gar bringing a- Caineferi ought •.to, see the .lettera he's getting Bruce COunty Old Boyg,Have Happy Time At Reunion 'retraded in retrospeet all their- comhigsaaad ,g9ings, and 'doings Of 'past, aeaahadowra the ;dear eact Bee Line, and 'on 'through pld •KincArOine nOW, where ,,they, :Met their sweet- hearts, apd PnisleY .and Walkerton, Mete, ;:at their .26tliaannual reanion Oi'llner !held Tuesday -earning in the Garry' hotel,: 'Winnipeg. a a :10tewOrthy -.among- the, g4ering• _Maas... John 'Colwell, widoW of. the first p;;•esident 'of the .asSoCiatiari, who had meeting. 'Was held' in' :her .home . at Which Decisively-. Defeated . onto" Granitea In Otitaaio and silver tankard. in Teaonto last dne to the faCt that Mr. T. S. Reid, former, Manager of the Luekncf* Branch' af the ...Bank of rink, iith -Which Mr. Reid riyayed;', ,defeated tbe Toronto; Granites in the' finals; by a' seere ef .17 to. 5, while Harvie's :rink -was defenting. the J. ,Brandon ,quartette by la giving the Ofillhinh :21 total Majority of 14. -points.' This: iS the', third thno BOTINa 'iv1t4e, and y.. rie‘iton,i tiatightet, *- Vice2president .R:, MeDeaald, ...in im • at' the.. head "table . Were. Rey. , are:, 'coal Mrs. Dawien:.,and, Mrs., T.I't ors of ".••gteetines were read intlieliaarld that Greetings FrOm_China Dr:. Helen/I.:Co* Mitchell Writes From China To Lucknow Friends. The. following letter received re- ,teratly -by Mrs.-. 1VIccallurn from Dr, ity„ who needless to say are interest-, bareeard °F1 lir gi etii:Cfht Eth.11; 7'e! 711i:1' afir".;id' C; h'inF" - Once again we Wish Yon •the corn- . chat this .letter will *each you, within , a reasOnable length: 9f time:, We Will' 4, aed will hope that many bleasinas livilla.eome'aaltbal'athi„Il_e_w_,_ yin:, iii'_ called to 'their :memory anany of the aaaliood and' girlhood' seenes This 'modeari ego, Pilkey t Ian the spirit' ea here alai. co...elicit*, 10,11 „Olat n'itii.k0.'the lives ba the' calla aaamta Settlers, " (Contiaileil'On Page 4)' nCheiat 'ninth daY than yon will 'heve :in Canadia and Weahave thea 0110 ChristMaiT-loa'.. Prosperous. New think My aoets are growirig deepa '" helidear: at the seaside, It2hifas„ been r. , like -.the wied: Are 'have :mihsed the., tario trees dieplaya bet ave have lovelaachrysabtheinunas now, arid our, ea.' the. aallway hospital :es the 'guest inspected- the opeiating roent then were sereed tea :anclatakes. The garileb was prettY hat the hospital tidy and 'the Atmosphere': cheerful.: thaotigh.2,Althoegha the. hoSpitat :is ,sdxiopi)c0:oste:.iciteOrabtireeati:re4itill.w:ht.1 Tident eapes gad railway 'employees, work, ThPir equinpeient is -eery-simples -ant acienee and ,net superstition haa into' aonteca With :the'. Work 9g ,the, things }kayo -read. It: certainlyaWas simple traming: The first pert of her aries retataing froth, furlough, :We have anew two doctors—Dr. Ileeds ish for the women's'. tve are lookiug ,Which has been..eloSed for.many years,' One nof the, Oldest Chinese Pastors • iiihnerita oae -.heba 'Many -atria,' eyes, ": alionia which .is very atifeetiona.,Many Of the babies. are :punar ard si:e1t1y;• and it ,is not,,Anerely due t6 poirerty