HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-09, Page 5ItunsiiAt ntintititty 9tk tits orng Lu o s , NT g : , 0, shitt.s.;',Dioveot.or Combinati re.br4aq. inte ear uit Be Sold seo....1Ni.r....park-ons.' • ...•:.c.1801'7.CQvNTs; When You Dea1M , SPRING'. SUIT' • :SAMPLES ARE HERE: SIMPLICI PATT R S - IN• S OCK .15e , -iiINLOUGH Mr . and Mra Jo8 Wall were Sun- day -yisiteisTst. Geo'. lialdenbys. Mrs 4:sts. HodgiriS,. end:. Erlina luiVe returned iome. after a ,short: Catfferinei, .114r,t1::P Lampliier ,of Luca n is visiting: her :Mother; Mrs::: ,Kreemer •. • 10 con• . :. , • .Miss ..Dcirothi Haldenbr 'Spent the 'Week -end :with Miss Evelyn McLean'. Mr.,arid Mrs., 'Chi Borthwick of • St:Catherinei, • were week." -end: ' • .Miss Isobel 'delWell is visitiig her ,siater. -Mrs, Meryirifltediey; -Kingarf. M. Denzil Stattr is spending : a few -days at his, home, 10th con.- • : Mrs. ,PearSOri of Millayton Was:: a week,end2yisitot with her. niece; 'pert McLean.' Culbert, ..Lorne .and Eva; • spent an evening last 'week, at Jno: ' 0.2 • Harold: .:Thompson .has • chased thegrocery business: :from: Mr*.SaM Haldenhy„ Kinloss., We *iSh 'Lim %every success.. •'.The . re -organization meeting of A. Was held on Tuesday evening, 40n., 31st.,After the 'regular, ;Opening,. exerciies, the:, • election. of. effieers was as follows—Patron; • V. Hall; President, Dorothy Heiden- .; by; Vice-president, Art Graham; • Sec.-Treas., Mai Boyle; 'Committee tolook after-a--phiy, Rev Hall- and Bert McLean. At the ,clese.., of •„the.•meetini a 'social hoUr and:lunch was, enjoyed. •. • .. _The Sr and J Tit. A., will Meet. et Alf. ageldenby's on' Thiirsday. •Fehruary'9th; VA. . . , CREWE Mr. and,„:Mrsi Wilfred Drennan and: family,. . Spent , Friday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Drennan:: Mrs: Raymund Finnigan and fani,;' ' ily spent a: few days last: week with her Inother Mri. Joe Chem.:mi. of Donnibrook. .” Mrs. Tait, ' who has , spent the past few week with her siSter, Mrs. , II: J. Blake, • has returned home. ' Miss Susie Kilpatrick 'spent _Tiles- : day with friends in Dungannon. • . - DOn't lorget.:the ocial in "Crewe :Chuich on Friday , evening, Tehrtitiry• ipth. program: will ; consist of readings,- solos, ,instrumentsls, ...con7- •.tests, 'etc. One of the main features of the evening Will be a debate. 'Ile= , solved.' that Pioneer Times were Bet= 46' °ler than Present Times in •Ontario.",, • • • The affirniative ill, lbe upheld • •by Olive • Kilpatridk Clifford Crozier and 'Mts. Sam SherwbUd; ' While ,Jacb • Curran; Eileen': Trelenven and Or.; • • ville Mifflin will Uphold the negative Mr and: Mrs., Jirn ' Sherwood • OM 'SPent Stittirdik evening 'with Mr. John Itilatrick. ural, dim! Reports • S. -5: No.‘3, Weit Wawancish , • • 'Pupils tested in Literature, Health, Spelhng, Writing, Mein: - Ory Work.: ' • • • , Jr.: IV—fle1e 75 °A': . --- Sr. III -Harold Elmer • Jr. III--Bebbie • Brigham 173: Les' Foran ' 46. II,MarY:Peren 81: Neiman Fotan . • . Pr.t--Daily'•rnarkS in Spelling, 54- tiiik "and', Arithmetic::. Total -31k Oene ;Smyth 222: Norine Mills 163: .Eileen 160: Gordon For- tin :129.:. To. on poll' 11: : Perfect attendance .for the month, LI; I. Hackett. IT: 9.5. -NU.'..4;':.Ashfield and Huron, Finlayson 86%':;. Fin- lay MacDonalds "67; Roy. MacKenzie• .$r, XV—*Kenneth Finlayson ;85: Denalda; MacKendrick :47; Donald' MacDonald 47; *Irene-14)as '44; Kath- leen MacKendriek '.44; *Andre* Bark*ell .44; :*,-Marion MacKenzie, 34 *Florence MacICentte - 37: . • MacDonald '6 , . 'Edna. Barkwell 52.• f MacLennan 52. , MacDozijild , 78; Peirl MiteKenzie 58; David lytaenonald 54. -MacKendrick.`. 54; ' -Rodney . MacLennan., 39, ., 'MacDonald . Gwen- dolyn Robb ..64; , Catherine' MacLen-. flan:: absent) •• MiteKeprick' 70;., 'Chris- tine MacLennan 63;, :IsabelMacDon- ald. 63; GordOn Ross 40.'• triarked.-*" -were -absent for one or Mote eXaminatiOnt:. 'No. on roll 26 Ave:‘ nit.. 20:47: 'MacDon . ald.. 47cKNpw..81.4. blotto:mental. Works . • Luelmow, Out., ••`• Has -the largest and nidef ComPlate the most beautiful designs - SWEDI$11 AND, 'CANADIAN GRANITES W.E maim a . Specialty of. . nuMniiiiMbraud inyito , „:*our'Inspectiou, - • Tnserlptlon NiatlyireiefflnY Prouiptly • htfore 01 or yotir Ord*. , 4, 'Filit.5ftell "frii0 . trm %glum AFEKING , Miss Elain Mid :Wilfred Pentland. visited at the home of ,Mr. S.•13. Kil- patrick,' Sunday. . • • • • The Y. I': S. will hold .6 Valentine 80611 on Friday, 'evening,' Feb. 17th, Blake not A good •program is 'being arranged. " I • The Y. P. S. have withdrawn their regular meeting, this ,Friday 'evenipg to permit • those•: -who:', wish-to-ettaiid•.• Crewe concert. ' • • , •"- Misses Margaret Finlay and,Olive Kilpatrick, -lifchat-d- Kilpatticicand Cecil Johnston attended ; the: Silver anniversary; - and At Home • at Strat-' ford Normal; Friday .afternoon and evening - • .. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey...Webb—were Sidny-gtstS'0Mr. and. Mrsi, Thos. Anderson. • • • 2. `• My. Ge�dfrey hall is 'Under the doctor's„ date at: present. We hope he s°°,ri ree.Oiier 14,4 usual health. . Mr: John Cook who has not had good health this winter.. is feeling sarnewhat •better, at present. •• rely Blundeflb who, bas worked with Mt.. Will :Irvin alinost :tour -loon; bAi.enkaged 46- Work.- for -M. Will drans.ton at' COM A 'Itrii#!'`Wa"-`, w!itieiiii this •year, conintending ,Feb: 1st:,•We shall ,missPercy very"much, because • ,,cheerful V0114:1)1'0 - tier With „Which he; tiiolt part in. all the .adtivities of the Church, •Bundtty Behool,nd 'Young; „People's 'Society We ;wish , hirn •,sticcesS , whereVer lie mar.go?, •'', .0,r atter (0entintied, from' Page 1..) • .Huston:one:-'e-scoring in, the. firSt period. When -he ::e.itdeel the corn- er. the net 4? -1d: flipped the 0.1j3c He repeated ''on: ' sornewhatimiIar ,player before the Period "ended., Wes and , Doug Clarke „ ceinbined With the latter: scoring.' rind •••Agnew picked ;the . net .ivith a' dean •shot,: Of' pass from ,Bll HeildersOn to, end, the period With a :fent goal lead' While belding Teeswater Scoreless.' • looked as If Teeswater were Out to cut down the lead when°Boulay scored..a minute after ',the •opening; of 'th 2nd period tiPelcPPW canic right, beck ‘Irowever, and -Agnew and - Wes getting:. the cOunter-on a perfect: .Pass froni..-Howar& Cameron broke° it the ecOring; when a long Shot, from • centre- dribledifinto-, the net'thrii. McBurney'S feet. 'Clarke' added , Luck-. now's 'seyently 'goal; when he picked' up a .stray shot.., The third.-piried saw the *locals ran up the, total o en: goals'. Andy Thompson netted. the,' ,first goal in this period. Ken , Cameron feiloWed by bitting, in a,' peck : in a seranible and Huston picked, Up the ;disc on a forward...vise ' by MkcD�nald and bulged the: twine. with, bat' a- 4,eyv secoiula Of the game!7remaining.. • poulay ,on a .. :smart .• ,Solo effort. scored TepsWater'S, 2nd -tally: in this" period, and Qshorne inade the total. three when, be batted in the disc. on a •pass :from .behind .t.lie_tet' by Bou, Teeswater.'-Goal .,McBurneY; De- fense'. Derail' rind Little• Forwards'• BonleYi P. MaCEepald and Osborne Alternates, •.Ireland, " SLMacDonald and-Goeti, .. • • • •, - Lucknow—Goal, Finlayson, De fentie, Agnew and. Cameron; • Centre McDonald; Wings,c1-luston 'and Clarke, 'Alternates,: A: .ThertipSon; l3:. Bender,' son,; C. Thompson riniVM. Henderson . • Referee -7 -Rife..• ' 4.! ROBERT' J: 'THOMPSON Who .Reeeiced Broken Nose In Practise " Game.,With'.O,-SD.;Tean On Saturday. • Through thecourtesy : of the editor of "The Canadian"' tlie, _official rirgin ,„ of the Ontario School. for Deaf at Mrs. Elliott and: soli • T31,11, spent Saturday with- the :fot meek. datighter Mrs, Almer.vAckert. ° , Mr, and Mts. John,' PeteThOugli, Ilerle-and'.4ac.k--viej'e;the-gue4t§.:,:. 11r.- Wm, Eadie"s,-, Wednesday, Miss Kathleen ' EdeensWiller Asiting Miss, Kathleen MabKen-zie At. LangSicle at pie§pt• • " ; "Mrs.. Rachel 'Culbert, Eva and Lorne spent,'• Wednesday' evening, :at Mr. John.'" . , Mr. D. Statters of Oen Sound visiting with his brother.. on the loth den; , • " ' • ' • • Mrs. • Abner Ackert 4 entertaine'd Set ,SundaY. School ass on 'Thursday _venlng: ' The, regular', 'Monthly !fleeting o 1,be II. W.I. was held at ,the, home of Ars., krnest Ackert; ' on February. 2: lihe 'program Consisted' of a paper ,n "Punctuality" ht Mrs. Wm. Eadi( •eading. by Leona White, • splp by Ackert,' piano Solo by; Jack 1ckert, and a demonstration -on at- . Ificiat flowers by Mts. Howard Hai' -is: At the close of the nieetin<, • lunch, was served by the hostess and committee •in charge. Don't • forget • the Club Literary this Friday night•MiSS Blanche Ham- ilton and Mr: Frank Thompson are • preparingNthe program. t. • • Alth, CON., KINLOSS The mmunity was •deeply sur, ptised an shocked •at the •ddatli df: ElvinT IVICQuillin on Friday: in. ,the Goderichl-laspital, at, the: early age -if ',twenty-two, death, folloWitig, 'an •iperation. 'for appendicitis. He spent. he early part. of his life in Wawan- DA and Ludknow, later' showing a liking for travel, in the b: dourse of which his visited. the Old: Country; th�n tiiziiffgtoKirk1ahd 'Lake. • Elvin Came to the,fourth last surn- Iter; where his parents' had taken..a farm, -some months.. , 'before., While 'there he 'mademany friends; due to his bright 'aria :kindly': diSpOSition. • The 'funeral 'service, Was, held . Monday: 'afternoon,,' at , 'the home, Of 'his Parenta, Mr. and Mrs: IR. And was greatly attended by neightiora arid -friends:. 'the : service vas conducted Rev.' Geoghegan, and fhe yeniains Were - interred, in Cemetery. Belleville, we are able ' to, 'reproduce this picture of Bob, which was ac- qoinpanicd -the, following write •apn the seh.001 paper. •' "W.are Proud, to say thatone of the p onr school; in the per- son oflItoliert ,...L.ThoMpSon, .has., beet fortiritate. eriough--tp, ...secure. regu- lar :positiOn.i.dii, the. Belleville 0.11.A: hockey team ',for; thiS7season. "Bob" N.v,4 bin -iv in Trieknow; and; earne to this at theage Of seven years. Since '..that Ainie' he has • Made steady ptogreas, his 4choOl work and ha S 'taken an eative interest in sport. He, is istni; nriletcen years df' age and. is 'in,' hislasecond year of 'high sehooywork. lielearned te Skate And play' liockey entirely at the c.p.D. as all his winters have been, .'Speri%,here. ,Last „Winter . played for the 0, in, the Inter- scholastic.,.:League and Ki -Y. leagt4, and has plenty 'of :sneed .as ShoWn by. the feet that be has won' On two SeentiVe .Pceasiens, tile tPublidseriooi cup at,tjo IciWanis 'Tee Karnival and Was,- Seem:id in, „the Dining 'the; keepS'Arb'Y playing. baseball and' tennis inAis' • He- is survivedby hi S parents; to' brothers, Dick at home and 'Herb' of LticknOW; and '.tyve sisters; Myrtle, At littine. and Mts. W, Griffin Of the 2nd ?:oa.'k.lirOther Roy, predeceased him '‘74..tb years', ego. e• "The, pallbearet-S• were Six, in num.= het; and were: all cousins.' of •the de ceased. ° We wish them every success and, hope that Bob will prove himself an asset to :them." Since copying the above' article, we -have been forwarded • by m -r• Seorge •:F. Stewart, editer • of "The Canadian" a cliPping "from the , 9 • , . . 'Ontario -Intelligence'as follows:. ' It , is with °. regret' we learned a the injury received by Bob Thomp- son of the 0.S.D. It "See,m'S 139.b was nractieing with the 'O. p. D. inter-_ ;pholastic team on Saturday night hOine ,town. Last :Season'1e. payed third hatIe, - has: a."'linowledge • of Pitching 'rind" sWitigs a1at. 0.II,A.,'' on, which rob is A regular, on the, 'defence'', , is •of no.,:inetill Calibre "MAY' go, a and had his' nose broken. The injury - will be felt to a considerable, degree' by. the Belleville juniors . as Bob Was iust starting to dick With the ,boys. One of. the :first ,t� regret the 'idetri was "Mase"' Rigby,who.. per:, haPS, felt, the loss. I-Jf Bob more than anYk:plitYee on the club Rigby' and thomPsOn seemed to team- together like a; pair of long lost brothers , as Bob alWAys ..slipPed the Odd .-"Elaiice fewards the, :big , blonde", When. in doubt. Bigby, „On the other band, '.1n6t1 •-ei13.0Y,-. playing,./alongside, of, J'hompeon,and, Worked to a niucli befter advantage, when.: he was- on the-iee.It- is regretable; --that --ThOmp :be l'OSt to the Cirhs.-ip their remaining group games. According to 1211, Chant, ;who • attended him, thoirip6on will .net be available for. dutY for at least, two weeks. In the imeantime Rigby,Hogan and Greer will have , to`o.carr: -the rear „ .7uard duties for the Cubs. " gidg geHooL.Isi,t'm DECISIVELY , DEFEATS,' RIPLEY N IN,FORMATIO FOR TI12BUSY FARMER . (Furnished by the Ontario 1)epartriferit el. Agriculture), , • " For 9fitarle- CvlerY . ,geg, Jn Western ProyiiriceS ' Shipments. of Qntarie celery to. Western Canada,,, are- atriving' at (heir' destination in first class con- dition and, bedause of •the .particiz. high quality of , this, product,, it Is hen* well receiVed. This was re- eled in ,; telegrain :front : B".. ci.rners'et' ehairman, ,rof the Ontario ,Marketjng. :Beard,wire has, been ;ln • Western :Canada:. Put :Flesh 'On 'Market ,Cattle ,With. the plentiful supply.: Jeed, lie 'cattle going .on: the inaiket this, ' \inter should be well -fleshed: Well- . . finiShed young cattle .:cchnmanda premium on 'both the home and -ex- port. .markets.. The, . Paor. quality, 'miler:fleshed, animals liaye° a, depreS- ''iing effeet en the market. Steers .or heifers showing breeding and ',type mak'' gooduse of :the home-grown :feed.. Time alone will , tell what tile .profitWill be on the liiindredS of cattle, -‘going. into. the. feed, -lots this fall. But,: it is 'reasonable, to expect that : it will be the .deep; ' mellow= fleshed- bullocks ' that Coirmiand the . , , fop prices when :they:go bp the :inarR=., et. Inferior feed • or 'a skimpy • ration dOes not Make-......morifcet. toppers of Tile 1ea-1 1igi&tool boekey. team Met the:HipleV boys on their okn, ice, ./11.ondaY ,niglit .and defeated them to 'the, ttine ;of .7. te:1.' $cbriildlienots Went, to Deng. Clarke. and JadIc • Wliti-each. netted tWO counters:, .Whik; "Aleit ',11"Itickerizie; 'Edng 1taCtroria14 „and, Bit 'SeWitt;'!rietOurited' for the • terrin.-;=0.oal„ " 'Clark VinlaYsOn.;. fieteriSe;:. Harold ':(.4rear and' Maciteritief bef. .Alternittes Pin1y"MaCHOneld Mid' sent, 1St lineLLI)o6F.' Clarke, .teonard Meepouald ,and • Stewart 'Clititeran; Ind 'line,. "Ijoug. Maetioi)ald, 1101. even the typ .: cattle. ' glean, andrSterilize All „Dairy, ". . The keeping ofmilk 'de' fiends- directly upon the number of Bacteria present-' and :OAS in . turp depends' upon the thoroughness "3Vith which dairy 'utensils have cleaned and of4live „steenli-or- scalding With -boiling water is Always . effectiYeproviding it is available sin siifficierit volinriei but •as a •-eael;1 rnle, the' qUantitV ,aYailable on, the average feria:is' inadequate for eff- eetive ,resalts. It is for this .reason thi4ilie.•,uSe.• of. "chlorine in suitable form it .'redomm'epded'..bY'bacterio- logical experts.', it .'acts rapidly in Cold tter, and is cheaper 'and -Mere con, ,venient than the heat :treatriOnt • kenertilly recommended. When pro- abroad: while 50,0.00 more will be :perly employed chlorine: sterilization gies excellent results 'andthe-pra-ez ticei, already general aniong Other food -"plants • is Spreading to the dairy. farins. plies to s :lightly. "item NOrth :''Aziaerifca-with •bettriregulated distribution. tIt i the opinion of the trade that:, good quality ° red dessert apples,- sach „as: Baldwins, 'will, contin- uo to demand at values rang- ing freni 24 to 25 *Rings a barrel ., for No, 1.:.'grade in sound, :hard con- , dition: The 'Domestic' grade :should . renge";•troin 443 to 24' 'Shillings, ac - Cording itfo, amount' of color and • attractiveness 'of fruit. Russets; are., meeting ,a good 'demand .and Ben Davis will, be wanted' as red ..dPPles • becomemere Scarce. ' 'The ..abeve prides; Mr.., Fultoreinaiks, are given' day'asa.giuide, a nobedy can telt. exactly. what, the •supplies', will be between now and March; and supplies' greatly, influence values., Ontario shippers ,are 'advised to, keep their. apples naofing. regularly, each week to the markets best suited.for the: varieties . and sizes; aVailable in order to realize the best average., Layers. Need. A Real Home • there are many 'factors ,tluit enter intO the management of the Pouitty flock:: there is nothing; that " Will 'have 'a greater ,influence-* poultry , raiser's success or, failure: than the way in which ,. he houses his ' flock."' Birds - good:: breeding, no , mattet••110'w well fedi Will. not ,rettirn . Maximum'. piOfits unless' •well housed. The honse • is the hen's home and to be :comfortable., and give good , production, the louse should have proper Ventilation; it • shopld,. have proper •location, plentyof light, be "di•Y and have floor space • , Ontario 'Apple Exports ' ShoW 'AppreCiable Gain "o: of tlie%right 'spots' in onr agricultural: situation; .is in • increas, ing' yellune, of 'tipple eicpdtts!! stated. ' ilodgetts,' Secretary,. Ontario' Fruit. Growers! Association.' "TO date, : approximately • •i00,000 ; barrels of 'Ontario apples have gone. Te'1thousand lots, Of 'Seeds' were ,sent :to approximately .3:0,600 farm - is of .Ontario last year by'the:Eic-• Perimerital,I.Thion. Some of the, best strains of leading .varjeties have ,,been distributed through this ,agen4., to the» gain of the farmers "." Centritioteto: Grading •. ' 'Established At Toronto, "In an effort to; Offer the, Censurn- er. ,fiirther• , satisfaction," said. J'. T. •passin,', `the Central ;Ontario. Potato. GroWets' Association has es: tablished a central grading,- station An Torofito. • • • ' "."GroWgra are. now . shipping po- tatoes: to this station; .where ;their prodnet will „he graded and bagged the 'entire operation being,' effected by -the 'meat .Meodern, thacignrY., ° "in my estitraation,q commented Mr; Cgssin, .,!thr§wilr .prove to be the,...inoit, :practical step, in •assUring the conSumer Of. top quality And uniformity of 'Pack." ' •. British Meat ImportationS • I " Big ,.iteni; In Fdreign , Trade . J. A. carroll,, Director, Markets Branch, State.s» that the . importof ,.deat 'into' the United ',Kingdom from the Unite'd States, •Argentina and Denmark in , particular, is a very' considerable itenion British :foreign Ile further--sthted that reports, ip- dii the one-third of the world's. ,sheep, forty per, cent 'of Its cattle, ,but ne more • than feu Jim.' Cent of its, ' " • • . shipped in tRe next few weeks. Five -thousand :barrels have been sold for February delivery" alone. , "Total export shipments last year .„ thro411 this Assoelation, approxi- mated 125,000 barrels. This • year's 'business 'will; shew' an increase of - some 25,000 berrejs, which, is Most.. encouraging, in view df general market conditions!' : Weekly Crop Report -s• 'Haldinuind , County 'was the' scene of a sale Of purebred: Dual Pnriose, Shdrthdrit 'cattle recently at 'which . the top Price Of, $127.50 Was 'paid. for .bulls i and $135.00 for ••cows, • with the average prrce .rfor; the ,sale run- ning around- ,$80,09 for all 'cattle of all age. This was ,considered fnest satisfactory by all concerned. 'The -sale was very well attended and: bid - dingo Was 'remarkably brisk; it, . all • thirieS. Roth • Haiciirnand and Kent counties report • that :plowing, v. was general° in January,, many farmers' • taking' advantage; cif . the tiler to caech.:up on this work which , was delayed °Wing to'' the. dry -wee- , ther last .,fall. The Wheat. '.crep_has". suffered in Simiel districts...Owing to unusaelAeather • conditions. On ,the heavy ,lands some heaving has taken,' place and the :crop' somewhat dis7, • colored. NeN,v ',Seedings :.of clover have -- Also, suffered. ; Lincoln ;county reports,' . 'that eggs are. being produtedin inueh larger quantities now that spring is apProriching:, • are incubating° eggs by. thethousandg';'' and in a few caseS 'the first Of chiekShave been • .sold. There • are - Mete eiriiitieS- now -for,: productive • -- breeds, thinely Inirebred, rgistered. ' stock.. PoWn. in Peterborough', Colin., ty,' the attendance of farmer§ when the swine r train »visited tkat cointy recently ''showed:•that there is still ' Rritisir'.Apple,Market' considerable', intereat in hog ta:srng' The current newsletter froni: An- despite low liriceS. Eastern" Ontario drew ',Fulton, • overseas fruit rePre7 has lacked snow'''. and -intieh' heaving sentative, States that the Outlook ap-., Of trieid-owa' is 'reported 'end dainake..- pears m6re proniising 'for a steadier .for hay crop next sunimeris feared.' , aPple,' market ,in, ;the 'United King- Wood, an, important ' eash crop, has sdoni,' as, the indications are for sup- been trucked and drawn in wagpris. • :*BEJEAST fe‘lr yra'6AYIS?el'aVStih'ivt''eoefk withtrat fth°rc( 'spent a brother,." •Pilliert Vint: it,' Mr., and Mrs. Rey. ,Alten sPerit al :MSS' Lena lelrett sOhttl Week encl -Stratfer4 and': attended, , the, AnniVeriary, and At Horne: of the- '�rmalSehoel,„ , ' Ss': Mary:,Philtps who is :InStreet, .in sewing at a Slitirt 'CoirrSe Ambotley, '°80611t. the Week -end -With on, The sliop .had been in the Jones' family "for generations, so that iv for a notice, ifUnder New Management' appeared in the Wind,OW; the, villag- ers awaited curiously the coming of ' the new Proprietor. As days 'Went by and Jones';was' spli behind the counter, arid the no-. tice° Was still nrominently displayed, . One of the bolder spirits naked- hint when the new people were ceming, "Whit new 'people ?"- repliexl Mr. Jones, '0 Y' ' • ' "ou've got 'Under New. Manager t' the ' cl' -qh, DiiIn't you kiidw 'got long Way owards e chanionshIp, • ttowitt 0114 Jack su:r4 ber Votgnmairivi &' , t ,