HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-09, Page 4• • , , ' •••, "-on .P01111 • 1 , • • 4 ' ", TITS 10-1/c/talitOW-Sitititittif.. , • • -•,. • THURSDAY', 0#011eAttY OA* 19$$ I e ' 4.4 " , be in igtfutureflUndied—s,of thousands - of depositors entrust their money to the • Bank to be kept in safety and to earn . • • , interest. The Bank lends these deposits, . . nader proPer banking safeguards,to facilitate sauffid,business. ' •,, Yein are cordially' „ invited to make use of ihe., Strength and manifold banking fie ties of this institution" TOTAL :ASSETS IN ..EXC.ESS 917.670 citio Oneo ' • ---Lucknow' Brinch C L ()PERU, Manager • IibUsbed..every 1.114nrede'Y li9rn1118 t. Lucknovir Ontario. ' 1),..''MjelreP00 , Ceti:10011 "1iompsen-:-Pub1iaher'.4:' ,THIL*00.4t PORU.ARY 90,1, 1933 THE CATTLE DEAL. The government's • refesal togive the Fe4nirea, tinential kuPPOt: iO- make the -preposed'Ituesiiiii.` 'Cattle trade, a -reality, Willno doubt leave a bad taste in the •Mouths cif.ManY farmers, ediek•'etere, anticipating. re-, lief for a •ghited" market 'with a.reJ „aultalft •..rise., in eattle-,.priceir,' ea' consequence'. Of. 'the- •trade with. the Soviet.' " '' • .However, • when: full infcirmation in this, regard. was 'laid before the House last Week," the Government'S Stand was,generally' apprOved, in nOt seriously • conaidering !the pro- , Posed which:in effect was to provide credit :facilities for a. ,syndicate of Vendors "and at the .• same tine guarantee. that • the ,Stiviet Govern- ment Would discharge ita °taiga- tiona to the ;vendors. ,4 According.. to . Hansard • . no 'com- munications of any !kind. have been receiyed •'fit* the Siriiiet Govern- ment in this.regaird, bid ...the pre- Pnsed deal itappears, has hein•con- ceived. by a syndicate i with. !Serken .• as the eniiasary ' who has. been in coniminiication -alith Mr; Weir; Minister_ of Agriculture., Mr. Seftonpointed out that in eider teraise the Price of c‘attle the100,- 000 head vionld have to be marketed 1933 WEATHER FORECASTS , • Basing his pred n n the cha acter of the Weather each day be- tween Christmas and Epiphany; Jan. 6th, Mr. FriniCisSL Marie has sub- --. ,• mitted the follpiiing monthly weath- •t•r forecast for the year 1933. •Mr. St. Marie_ realizes that an will treat his predictions as a joke. but he asks 'that mentos be taken of each • 'rnonth and compare them with the ' following. ' • , FEBRIJARY—Cold and clear. with little -snow; not enough for sleighing. South 'winds. MARCH--CT'ear • and'told for 'firs.t three weeks. then mild to foggy very little snow. South winds. • • . APRIL=Mild, with light , rains, - -Very-foggy:South -winds. MAY—Practically the same weath- er , as April. South and west Winds. JUNE—Wonderfully good growing weather? light. rains. South and West winds. - . JULY—Cool. -Probably light frosts with rain. North and 'West winds. AUGUST ---Warm and .dry. SEPTEMBE11,---Frequent showers _ of rain. - NOVEMBER' — Blistering; rains ending 'cold Vf ith now. - . DECEMBER -I -Cold, ending warm and sumrner-like.--Mildmayl:Gazette. Ripley and IMstriet , The, C. G1. 'T.. el ih4rov,,s, •Chtirch let at the home of Mrs. WM.' Moir with Etta ,Lane, president, in. charge.' The leader,. Mee Jane Mont- ' " talk on the Work of :the . W..31. S. A reading • "The House �f ',Many Lanni*" was givenA.Y.Kittli- erine Robertson. Jean, Yemen, 'and - favored • with a Piano - 4r1, • , •• i) „1," 1.1., • 1;" f , • duet. The scriptni'e lesson was read by Alice Robertson.The Members , of thia trOup "(leaded to go .011' a star- ' gazing hike., After the business pre-: grain, the girls did,sewing for a bale Lionel. Munn and Dori ld• Matheson;- piano aolo; "Margaret Chaplin,' After' the critic's report the meeting closed, with 'singing The '''N'ational Anthem: The „Junior; Farmers' and junior, Institute ,held• a social evening and, dance in ihe Township Hail with a good.attendance. • • The :•many friends in'T Ripley 'ailq vicinity of Mr: and Mrs. Robert 'Me- , Cormick; 'Lake Shore ,Road, synipat.• •thi* e With therri in, the loss of their only :cbild, Mary ,Catherine, at the age Of • eight Months. The funeral Friday last *0 largely attended with, a large huniber • present from this 41 :distriet.. . • A PARAMOUNT The aramputit Club had a: very successful -progressive, euchre' -party' and taffy -pull Monday, night in their' club. room. Ewart Webster won • in „ „ cards and everyene. reports ery enjoyable evening•. ' ,Mss MaryCocik, Wingliam,, spent 'nit -evening with her ments; Mr. and Mks•A Cook 'receently • TV1.53 Ethel Martin, visited, with friends in Stratford end attended the ."At Hoine" in the Normal school last - -;.-7,-'rL • Mess. Donald and Alex MaeLean visited at Wini MicGill's TueadaY eyening. • • •• Mrs. John jamiesen of Paramonnt, is Spending a fewday with Mrs. Campbell and Greta of Lueknow, Miss Margaret ,Mniiray entertained. •number of. her friend's on evening last. ;eek. , •• --:- D,. CUrruthers, visited, .'at Wm • • A numb yr from here attended the Orange Social at ',Zion, ;Friday eVen, ing,„ and report good time. ' to be sent.nort.h. Don't forget the dance in • Paia- -Mrs. David Campbell and - son Harold and Mr. Wesley McIntosh at the funeral , of 'their ; , Mrs. Wm. ,McKnight; at ,the' Nile, •., Rev.; C. N. MacKenzie and sister, Mrs.- Gordon of Winnipeg, haVe.•te- . turned from iiaiting friends at, Owen .. The Literary Society of the Ripley , . . 'Continuation Selool held their month- .. , AY meeting in one of the "schoolrooine ' ' e opening nuniber Was "The Little _Brown Church in the Vale' .by all. . .• , „.4",:•„Tlin.Mitintes O Tf, the ..pretioue,,,ineotin ''''''' ' ""*''''''"' ' ' Were,'react'nfid,sidepted,,ttieu,,..,AJUFfris:. ' ',.. 4•kf'' '. . WillcifiSen,' 7,'‘,if,1.8 ll?P°I•nt'Pa • •.,;-1;'''''•S'e..,. ,'"•".i.:,..i1.41..., • a•''... -‘' . '', ''''-,-; the Program. • There Were, 0 n ' , lectient "by !Murray MeDentild; Hart-. . leY McTavish' arid Clifford "WY,Ids. • Eolo; Irene ifebortrild. TIie "R. C, kevieW",', read bY Marion Bell, donry- 'munity Singing, triMithergini: Seleca ' 'tion 14 Hirt, ,141P0A?.# vocal' duet by .t mount this Friday night, Everybody Pvele6t4e: Al 6 ,AS4IFIELD, NOTES , Mrs. Less, Ritchie and Alvin' is at present' Visiting her sister, --Mrs. •Barbolir • Of ,Giz?dprich. !, ",• , JOhn Cooke; acCompanied-bY hs aunt, ', Mrs.. Topp', !cif ''"Toronto' Motored ' front that city, eri• 'Sattirdny evening 'to the bonny Mr.!*.C.E.. MeDonagh, returning, aoffi Sunda§. 114 ii'1.6the. intends . leaving for N.,Virinipeg .1111 '0610.We-ere! glad -te- knoW 4bat,-.1.trs.-• Cooke iS irn:nroVing ,in Wing ham . Hospital. .• „.••, • • Mrke 'Hunter reaides , with.' , * ilier son ''Ittice;., ia:4t, '.preient tinder' eiret • , . • 1 idr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie_ of Zion. • - Mr.' Roden Ritchie of Walkerville spent the week -end with his brother James, who at present is 'not enjoy- ing the best, of 'health, but we hope to hear of some imprevment shortly •Mr.- and Mrs. N. S. Devenny of The Pas; Mair., have been visitors in Ashfielc1,- with the latter's„mother Mrs. P. sliegan. • • ST...HELENS:: Mr. CallumCameron of Detroit _aeconipanied by_lieniether,.;Igre, W. Cameron, and sister, Mrs,'" „Douglas With her children' et Mitchell,. were recent visitors with Mr. and. Mre. John Cameron. "-.•' . •r • • Miss Beatrice McQuillin and Mrs. Wallace Miller,' attended the,....Tiventy- fifth,,,k Anniverlary and the At Mime at the ,StratfOrd NnUnial on FridaY. Mr.e'lMiller spent the -meek -end With friends -in and:around "'Stratford. ••-• F'cormer Resident Die • ••, • within a period of twelve • months; and failure to dispose Of the enor- mous 'tonnage of petroleum reeeived, in exChlinge in that period, therefore made it $4;909,000 credit' guarantee by, the Canadian. Government, essen- tial, and protection against breach of contract on the „part of the Rus- sian 'Government. • The' syndicates conurtission on the transactionwas. to beone cent -a pound .on the cattle. 'Accompanying • the communication to Mr. 'Weir, :a meenerandum.J.9f suggested Conditions Of trade trans- actions between •,the two • Countries. These suggestions, were merely notes made by Mr. •SerIcan;he admitted, and there was no evidence that the Soiriet governinent had „agreed. to 'them'asj Set forth.- • • Repeated -enquiries the On - position failed 'to . elicit a •satisfac-, tory reply, .regarding.'permission of entry of these RussianAomrnodities if the deal !could he financed without Geyernmerit guarantees. . -Mr. Serr kan's announcement,: following the Heuse debate, states, that inclusion. °fa nuMber Of 'inen,;.who will add! financial .staMine to the syndicate may 'permit the,. carrying- out of .the preject. :one. modified scale. If the syndicate can float the deal, .the Goveinnient's decision regarding the Soviet commodities of exchange will be-,,Matehed with -interest. . , Word was. received ',here' of ...the death', at 'ROsetown; Sask., of . Miss' Janet C. •,McDonald, -on January 31eit. SiSS •MeDmield was a fernier, highly esteeined.resident_of_St.A1elens.:With her sister, MrS. ,Todd,she moved :to Wingliam abOnt twenty . years ago. Around' '-ten years ago 'they ....m67,ed West to ResetoWii;"'Wherethey :have. since been living with Mrs': Todd's . • daughter, Mrs, /R. A,: Miller, The nsympathy of W niany Old.yirie ds ill , 0 . ge-to Mrs. Todd and. Mrs. Miller,.'aind ether friends- in ,' their ..bereavement. "*1 !-Meeting '',,,'"--44.4 ' '''• •!. • : - . -'.; Theornenia Iii;titn:te hieti at Mrs. R. Le, Hier's,' with ' an .. 'attendance of 31.';' e presiclent,, Mrs: John. Mil- ler; occupied the chair, The,. roll 'Call waS articles made from' fleet ouoko:, A tellection of a'counterpane; pillow . slips, litiffet . set and, searf,.. shewn. by Mie's Margaret Miller,. wee .muchacii• inired:• Letters of antirecietion , of the .Chrlitnies greetin.ga were,,read. from Mrs. Jas-'1..tivis of Englandand Mre.'.Wehlys 'of,MallerYtOwn, i Mrs.. Anderson epOke'regarding 'inipinVe- • , ment sto. be "niaile!, at . the eemeterY„ It Was decided tohave an ' At Honi0 on March 3rd. , The. subject Wes "Wo- nien's Part ' in, Canada'e Progress", MissMary' Marrays. read- a Paper, on 'FiOneer ,Lite".4.• Mrs.. W; I,' Miller • . , - , . ' eh- "Fanious-PiOneere.! ,-Iiint.:Mrs.• Joint Oitineron,; a• pape ,, bre,,'!gt'ao'ne , ,, . jolinston,",iltineiLy0 .served'. by.!:tlia h t sses—Uta. Jiiii..Dix)thin and Mit'. -cv-:•-r., Miller; • - ''-..' • ' . , , . . .' ••;Mrs. John Miller:is' a, Visitor with her danghter, Viii. John iiinailis at Dereheater. We dongratulate..Mr, and . , , , Mrs parks on the attiviil lit ,a,little dituoto on Ionuatx toth • , . Presbyteries W. M. $.' . • , Misi • He. bintrair prided it: We. FebrintrY meeting, and took 'the de- , . , vetienal'•'reiteroblea_aaaiatCci by Wigs D.. Henderson. The',Hible'*iak was 7 taken by Mre. Chesnut and the. topic. from ""The Seven Sea*" the new etudY 7ook, Was given by, -Mrs. H. Aitchiaon. A olo was aung by:Mian Myra' MitcDona14.4! Readings were giyen Patergon and Mrs. Elmer johniitoic" The,;.; meeting.: was 'closed With. •TiinlitiFlieli-,,Reneclie00114 United Chur,h,41% • a. . The ,iegniiir, meeting of the Y. P. S. on Monday evening was.,incharge of the Devotional Corn.'..After the opezi-,' ing ,hymn, theLercts 1,5'!"•,•re7 Peated: in iinisOn.,"The minutes of the, laayineeting were read . -end adapted.' • Items, a *Mess were ,then discues-• ed...'„Beatrice Cluthert !gave •Very,.„ suitable 'reading.: 'York interesting andlgstruetive were the .Bible :char- acter sketches given by term), Camp- bell, Isobel' Miller, Bob„,Thompson; Mrs. ,Struthers and Mrs. JoYnt Th Scripture! lesson. was read by George Yoynt..."Why..•the, Church?” Was ,.the topic Se ably taken bY,GOrdon ,John- sion. We Were 'led to' tee. that the Church, ; even 'although It;his Met With criticisnis and ;persecution l� 'still the Church .triunsplifint, After, the !closing hYmii,••• each-did,lis part' in solving intereliting. cross -word . , . ...Nextkoridity; evening' the ' yeung people Intend '• -to-, bave 'a •-...slcatirig narty..tn , celebrate 'St.: Valentine* birtitclair••=.'-Sec'y: ,... ' . • ''' , . • ,, , .v.i0;irin:.blisition• Band„ . . . •..The ' regular Meeting of . the .Vic- teria; IttieSion, Band was held last Monday: The meeting' 'opened. by singing, •,after - Which:- the Lord's' pfaYer ',was: rePeated. .The ' Scripture, was reed liY.'' Mee', MacMahon, The Minutes Were then Teed and adopted and the. roll tailed.. An • instrumental duet was giyen. by.: Helen •and.• 'Her - •ion' MacDonald., Readinga•were given WY *Noe. ,Jewitt,,Evelyn „Taillii• and Muriel •Patterion..'-: The . bane: then: divided .for -Study,' the teadiers being Winifred. JOhnston;'and• Mrs. Huston. The Meetingwas clOsed, by prayer by Mrs. Huston. ..'ir-' •.• . ,''..:: .'• :, , ! • - - -•,--...r:..i.,i-', - : ,, . • • , Preshiteriart,'”Gnild '• • • ' ''''-' . ' • •The " regular Meeting : • ofthe ,'• Guild Was held laiit Monday eyeriing.. The Scripture _lessen was 'reed byMias. Catherine • ,McDonald,. after 'which the ..Lord's Prayer waa 'repeated ..in unison.' Reedirigi were given by Mrs. Aylnier , Johnston ' and Mian Sadie McOharles.•..The topic, 'prepared- by Mrs. Burgess, was , given': by Mies Ti'obel ,Donglas.-, The,:.musical ' ninn- bin Were; a vielin, selection by Mr;• Art 'McCartney,:\ '. accomPanled ' by Denaldn Dougliziyiical duet by Mr; and Mrs. 'Horace Aitehisim-Ind *se- lection by the 'orchestra • ' -In' the connt-,of ,sides the Maple Leafs Were ahead. , • e' meeting ,cloisect With, prayer 'by Rev.'" Colqhhotin.' * . . .” tANGSIDE,- -- -The Lingside .club held their !lir tertairiMent on Friday evening, when the West side put on the program. • they ••gave a 3 -art -play 'Which was exceptionally well given 'considering the only had,jwo weeks to get it prepared to give.• The next entertainL mentwill be Feli". 17, when the East aide: will putonth0. program. f,h;. ,*m. '-MacKenzie of - Lucknoin mOILd.a__Y-1_1107:11iAgLAla4". the • fortune to have his car start -sliding with the result that it ended up ' in the ditch, requiring the services of Mr. •JOhn Richardson and. his ‘, team to free the vehicle. Fortunately noth- ing was brokenn about the ear. Dur- ing the Mi_ki spell last week, heavy truckingwas done on theroad, mak- ing 'deep 'ruts. The fresh • 'snow has covered, the-,inte:with -the/estilt that, the 'driver of a car maybe, crossing them, when he is unaware of the facta • The! Whitechurch In- stitute are Olding an entertainnient the Instithte ' on February program will, be-' given consisting of 4 debate "Resolved that Poverty,'rather than Riehei, ,•tends to, Develope Adenirable Qualitiesof Character." The 4adieS are, requested to, all bring- 'hoses for a box social. These boxes will- all be disposed., of ter' the fixed suet' of '10c Dancing will 'follow the dispoaal of the h'ne'!.. . • Mr. and Mrs. George Scott „were in Wingham on Saturday] attending the funeral ot 'the late Russet TerVktt., Mi Tho Cook haa completed U 0:We cireulat 'wood: Miss Grace Richnrdsen couple of, ay Jas. Wilaoti ,of Whitehureh. • Questione ' of dressed .to the Canadian' Medical As,. d " laid- week With . Mrs. yeeual Theatre WINIIIAM FliiIrs.; Friday, Saturday February 9-1 0- 1 WILIJAH HAINES MADGE EVANS CONRAD NAGEL " "Fast Life" • ' A!iin , PITTS ;ANp, TODD COMEDY • .- "LET'S DO „ • And; . FOX NEWS • ' —NEXT WEEK— , "Behind the Mask •„,,, • „ • •JACK Htii4T South', Kinleee W. ' The •February.meeting waii held in the.,•sehoolroein of .the .durch, with!" the pre:S.146ft; . -Pr-OP7' ing,' After ..devOtionalexerchies; seine. unfinished 'lnisiness,' Theneer''.Study Book for the 'next teio::Yeara entitled' ."T/ie Seven Seaa .of••Service!' and a•hymn bear- ing -the Mame, title Was sting by Mrs. Otirgeee and Mira.' S. Maclieot) After,the-Icerto-the-Study7Beek•--.wite! 'explainect, a, paper by „Misa•Mary, .Was 'read: The Scripture 'study:Was :ably' condueted'by:,Miss D. MacLeod, and the 8th, Chan. Of • Ito-. mins, was chosen. 'for. next: day,: The ,siriging a'. hymn: and prayer. closed 'the Meeting, . ' •• , . • - ' "11.,Walter .104.11111' Ritchie Of .Witikeivilleiipent Sunday with, Mr. Jae. • E. Ritchie, •,. who for the past 'month. heti been, Confined .te his!. remit; And Who ii. not:regaining his former 'strength, as hie friends :4 tills!! •Oardner, -iip'ent few •days, recentlY 'With her shifter,' Mrs: . . , • Joe ‘: • . - • Mi'. 'Cook; !of. Winnipeg ;:and Mrs. F. G-4: Topp, TorcintO,. celled „On' , friends'. Saturday evening 'after • visiting •,'Oke termer's Mother;;Mrs.. M. Hospital., ,We„.itie &need te.report softie prOvernairt.' In her r.-, Tuesday, Yehruiry ;14th. Ltinth ..aerVed47.7`Gent,S....g5.c.:1•Litdiek,-, • ., Otie •it Ode between : Old days and' •the, • O'er Sent.' 'Lent. the hattie akets , , , . 'HEALTH SEPVICE.'0,F . THE CA,NAOIAN MElliCAL ASSOCIATION ANS' LIFE • INSURANCE COMPANIES, IN dANAOA • ' THE' HUMAN 'MACHINE. ' The motor, 'car goes, but '• *hat makes it •go ? The ansiVer• is not as ,, „.• • simple as it might appear to Most of us have experienced the fail- ' ure ot the motor's engine to run smoothly; and, on such occasions, , •.' we have ' realired .little we know ; about what makes the engine go, or . • ,,.. what ..cituSeit-,it to inisbelutier • „. The human body works like in en- gine. Itle ever; Much more diffi-, • . cuft to find out What Makes it go; • • , or why it gets out of orderWe can.' not take the 'parts out and examine - them, nor can we, atop the human. „ ,machine andstartit up again. It is remarkable. h ow' well and ' hoW efficiently e bed y - machine does its work, how capa • is of quickly m eting'sudden ext de ands, and ow, effectively; the '• ' vari s or of the body are, de- signed. to do the particular work' which ey are called. upon t� Pet: . ,4 4-. , . The blood' carries to every, One of, the .millions.. Of Cella which mike tip the tissues and organs. In the normal body, there is never' a • „ lack of 'oxygen, because a9, large, re- • Serve' ainilible, This is true : in • slate of the fact that.when the body' . ,• is ,hard at. Weik; -the' need for oxy- gen fa. greatly, iiicreaied, The demand' • • is Met by an. increase, in the rate of. breathing .and in the amount' .Of',: blood flowing through the, lungs'. In this •way, the additional "amciunt . 'oxygen' required is' Picked, uri. by theY - bloed.trom theair the lungs '• - The -red blood -cells' are the ,actual '•• - carriers of .the oxygen: When, the. .1 demand for oxygen Is low, portion of the red cells is Withdrawn 6oirif 7 ,;•.: the circulation, and ;these are kept- , in' the, spleen ready to ,come '!Otit, at ' a moment's •notice, s to meet any der: ' Mend that ariset for ,plore'.oxygen: ' , ". Blood is sent where it is needed. , The ' heart b c easing the rate. • • ; of Its beats, increases the „rapidity „.t. ,•,,, of flow Of the blood Blood "vessels ' • • dilate When the need' forblood• creases in the muscles or in the. or- , gains supplied by the blood ,"; • The dilation of the, blood Vessels di-. verbs the bloodtothe parte' where,. '7,-71 it is nee9.0d. After 'a meal, an in- • - • creased' anOply Of blood is given to . the digestive syStem through the lation ',Of the abdominal 'blood yea- eels, and at .auCh timea,we hecenieL, • . drowsy because,' a a r ef sen r • es • additional ' blood' to the inal region,. the hlood, supply to...the.' • brain , ' . The blood carries' hot Only oxYgen. • but 'food; .and, in addition, the pow., erfid Substances Secreted. by certain organs 'Which have niuch-to do .in.,; - regulating' the growth and :function- lng of the Whole "body.' • ; , „ • It Man is to keep his body 'Work- 4 Ing smeothly, he must do his. part.' ' - Reasonable attention given' !! to 'tlie humen./nachine /awarded, by.the intreahed -happiness that!,: -cornea with a healthy bodY. Abuse lead to the ' • misery:,reaulting .from ' the !trotibles •• ' ' which' comes' from A opoorly-werking „ machine.'• , Mr."' and iirs. 3. .4, Ti n Whitecluireir are spending ''it (few . d with Mt.. and Mr*. ‚Georg h • i th-•• bieu 0 , tn°6'elawtiii61";b018A4ntiCw°011reedga.'PSeirreseoilfalTlybrir'°bny- • .:. , -, . • A Tit / concerning Health, acl- . • were strapped' to the chariot %vireo Jr1 ,• 40001. 0 now' t Oda a oys , . • 1 4,4 • , .. LA: , i01; ••„ • 4.0.001;04•40illir • , . • . .0 I • .04 • • • . .4 .. V ' . • , • • • • . , 4 , ... , . •, • , . . \ 4".• • 4.,... • '... , ' 0.••-,. a LA`, . . .. . . . ,,..',.„‘L'',,4)..T1..'4 '.. ' ..', .. r :.i..,',.....' -.. ',' e , '' ' .-."- 44 44 . '1' . 44 .4. , ,