HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-09, Page 2° •"wfof• •nad• or,,e a, Th ErnPlre an T•h(' W 1'1..at'Lprg • 1,,CA,NACF,A - Lead '140ii5P4Persi: The. Pre4dent;Of ..the 'Firestone The , 411,4°.'14thher PPD*P4iir: '.4..1114Q4ce.4 the Ot•lazw, AO that his cenipany itiends to: ..ineteaea'ite:advertiping .epProtirlation- ...:44Thik•1953,_ partienlArly in the. do.41.Y.: . noW4papera.„ ,•rAfti-nyi*triltitg.:Oproptistratieus. have .be%offered et, the4actthat there ,are otliziyers in. the Ceantry If :,,thes0, With :"soinathing,• to„soll,•at :the. 0514.,Pilee and of 'tile..ilght wilt give tivE) pubile the,ir-ine,OSage.„in. th proper forzn, .• 1"t 'has 'also :been, demouStreteti that '.toiiir.o.f,tiablioitypaya, .4a.'great • , diyldend newapaper advertising, Certabz Seetio4, of.'the -/nay :annotinceMeatr •e gna;ny. tear an-":"aqie,rtialtg :program the atr, biit a nwp never' nfee%409. •''.0e4.,te all 'the 'people...---SorderCities Star." • :1 " '•• Slarri's Economy The more the Weatert Wcirla leares , abent, Siani. th o mere firmly it.is • per- suaded. thar the Siaztese are a re• '..inarkable People. Net long ,age they • changed: their; system of goVerament. Without :trialcitg••mtiCh of a, rims about it On that enlightened kingdom. aro, -volution takes 'place with the utineet Of restraint and arniability cli ell sides. Yet that that is not. the mest .wond,ertal ',thing' about Siam., It, bus learned. to out budget& and discharge tz,selese pub.: • licservants in a wary that zs astonish -1 , tug to western zninda, Fraderitton ' ' ' Danger:in' tarifina" Corners , It would ,naturally be, inzegin,edithet; etzeof the first tb.ingi everY'.inotOrist iearns is' how to turn,.corters correct-. ty;: that bit of driving to1mk'a1jtv " 70.1fro1y belongs:la-the ABC' S ef., the -Art ' .tot handling:An ,autoniobile. However; ragout' figures show; that • daring the 'Mat Six •)1).013.01'et 493.2 there •Chttnrie 123 accidents it Making :tight-. . 'hand .turns With • iwci pnrsons. killed. and :89 injured; while, in 'the sanze , , • . , Peried, 444eecidents, occUried in ne- .'.1cotiatillg lefthand tarna,',With •hie, kfll- d and '265 44j:fired.' --,-:•Peterborifugh —4477 • L.. • •The deptaiSed Canadian defier -la , , , • )1e-Saing.,-te ennada'S: Atlantic P0118; ;l railways which serve theft, And :the: .8hipPing,-.COMPtinies..#4a •41:it(*. .ivq,16..eqxwer.goods to and from them by; see:. ' Thanks to onr depressed 'dot, .••• 43:146*•cheaPer to ship wheat ,.oVars•ea'.by'vc‘ay oUalifax or pi:4,ebn• ;than , by way :Of the , United" giatea- '6ott,4 Of the:Atlantic coast.: Canadian freight' rates : 'Are 'Paid • in Cauadian • ''US,•raes•he'V'e" t� bo paid in • 'United., State&:"Money. 4: The ,12. --,:tar Per cent, 'exchange makes: the T.r.s:' rciateS teci,•,.coatly to . be . -competitive. SUCh-banailian••gtAlnas Is reoving • '`.eaStWard•:lia going %to:. the . Calladian , • Paper • ' ' , 1,000 Yeart:tdO ; ;A Chinese newapaPer,,b40'pubIish -c.Jetitituottsly. for 1,00- yeara;:,'Fficiei tLving t Sithscriher''Write.in !'•"rhis is not plie position Yea asSiftneci: • 04. .1541.74 -:Ottawa Journal.' ,Adorrirnent'•, , , • 1.0.,,zeaaeilakeplLiat least thirty villages 'uny*treetr.airbnaergedl-•• • ' • TgoiOr cO4§t., at .P1-,Orivioll; 'whole. Medieval 'city hes disappeer.; ea; and yearly Elonleka, are still AolcT at ,t,14 edge in Ateinery u! tho 0'1013.04ta.,1 are now andbele* the Wave's,. Not faraway, At "pekefield, it is .posr. s[ble at low tiile to swim .e)'-er fitd touch streeta Of :rdiriedeaci,$.0111q.r4.9.0‘ honeee-&Londoii Daily Pictorial „ ••, o•-iftysical,CultOre made & Mistake'. liz 'anti -gating, .:PhYsiCal"eniturete peonle.ef'inferior education.,•"- They...ought lo he 'people: •cif :.,:high,edatatiOna theY . are" In. Sweden for example "". They ought to , tho.. human: bedy,.,,,is.,,not merely a •nmehine for :4ieisthig:1941" '..and Circulating Weed' 404.. developing : ••titiecle, but A inervelloaS .ereative in; strumant, , a thitigthat, httgara.'jter sicillfUl.• aetiiity in.. every terVe. and ubre of. it,so that eiren".ita phYaleal, health•is•not ettflinabie: until Yon: halre. ;satisfied its 'hanger..for skii1 by :meats oreupther.. Your.,dritl-sorgeant; , year Zutiaele•trainer,'Yetr professiOnal gyranast„ yonr,:feotball .coach may he goo- fellowS:,enengh., for their bust. ' bat, -es :eXPonenta of phYsicel • edues4icia, :may the I4ord .deliver us frozn. )101.,".stiahl4P4, 'Jacks:in '".- , , , .0 England on the.'Air Who,,ean t4e :things. -that Are England.?., :.T.he„.;M:onarehy,, ParliaMett; the Navy,,' the.:Derby; and :the Boat;•rica,-;.•1-tenley .Regatte•. the Trooping Near', PicadillY, .11ig Tien, the Londoirbusee, hutting, 'feet- •. ballthese are. the -.soft of.,•raw. ma- terial. of WhichoEngland's • isioent inict •-atteeileir' .14 the world aro coniposed. disinterestedness t.11 -a- reputatien for qualitylirinatufactu're ▪ ate'among the virtues' Of her character; let 'tho•ZinPire Broadcast-, ing, Station ' reflect these. eyents and gratitude' or all. members ' ;am these, 4uilittia, ;and it wilt the .farailY:" :IC will, render: else' •in oat - „standing s'erviee, to :the weri1,--4b.pe Argus. . • • - ▪ • Mociern.Pioteer.,ing ; • , •Oirniensi'.11'.ec"overirin. . , • • ...Through glom* that ,fiar! international,..11nance••and,'66. the .7i.atiOnS one :gleath. Of • /light.' has •Piereed thatile ;Calculated '1.it.e100titi#eni en t wherot Is;sorely eeded..;•GertiAnY 'et the, upgrade.! Definite ,:tordot, 'was ,gliren.'ibe• udgetery' CoMmittea Of. the •Iteicliatag •'.the Other day by by the, Perinair•Mitister • it. •EcOnettlea„ .Profeser, 1-Xermaiit . ;' • . • The: Miala ter. presented; three factors ••• • . • . r 1041 0.Itilig**' .1)4411 finProveinett int14*. . . . . •:'Irlaf,dendltiona and' iticifeaae in pulfile • i3Orrfttlenee;•'• It' the first piece, he told" 'the 'coMinittee,".that industrial" produc- tion.i.it'Uatifteny bati-irtsen to 6,5c!'tfili-', ',6,tsit:li*r•iP20.- level of proOactien,: as. a stilt et lok atar ailocifne :to:. ta thei.",4arae. lithe:the inereage teday.,is 6)1,e -third • of.*iitte,1t was year 'Igo. And lii the, third:place, stock and •: lend evera.ges; have advanced, respeCt. f6..6.1. and froit.:46 to Ho ragarde these as Ai'abeiirate and 4itrnitteant )n.qicatoi4 ot business ac irtY . Ciertitati. • ,rrofincl• for offeimsnr...---Mentre.al. :te•liy, Star.", ' 4 „tH•g•• gM•PltiE • • . tritish industries. 1933: • opeffS yitot,higlit of better Antes. provemeilt 'boa,: not •.yet :preceadea tar,' -` but: tha ten° ot business lir getieraVsis appreciably Mere cheerful than et the beginning of .1932, • At an rate, the attitude is now wideCPread 111,Eti- It 13. O 'use Waiting for thttga to' right stnselvas: The strettimiS eft orts. now is nn4o tp InCraa'fie 'the effieletcy stabilaitad° Ciduatrios „and to Set 111) 14,47t $?-11d.4440:1s0 Artatiatrlal •. ,, Lost ,StigTiAti flt-t)" (iti,tieltl-litli4v f''Bri7 tfi,in I•At"o disfippealed int o thesea.. It`ri; Dal,, "it 115ile v4,40,114 beqn taken rYil$41'; tik•,the Ittat e , • . 4 :',14;47te'',Pe.".*OCOgnized.'tifet-Auffier.- Present-day conditions lamPsettleinett cannet:naCeseatilY he Proineted: siuiply finding the land and then who are Prepared ,to,. try 'their. 'fortunes on It: It . is not "Muelt.P46.:cpAitineeffainplea :of pioneer •'whe,.. taking an. 'wait Uning,the;fature'aithiltile.elqUip; ,'Streng :arma and •beundlesif,potirage, end •oPtimiati. 'A* Way4aVentua,lly.-te,sacceSS: Ceti, Clitiota.'•.are • .difforeat••••now,:. fqxming. technique bee,'beon inuli 'elaborated, the: Oc,cutzationhas beet :diVided. WO, ,Speciali&ed, ',brandies; ”and CiVethead• .goseaaccu,Mulate '•far, ittoro.,.rapidly.•47 Atichiend. Weekly Ne-wa... •' • UNITED ..STATES. . .•".Mild'Cless War'' . . .. . ,.. , . The London bus stilie. is ,ov:O1-. It 4.iniPlY'' is not in the OritiSh" nature, to let ordinary ••Strikeepas,s• into, '"Crisis: :and geterel. ' Strikes „late revelatiot. The resent steppage, an outlaw move • in in case, .wa.4 i bronglit to. at, ',end .when.tear-Xero weather' descended up- on •England And the bead et ifie'origyt . ating cenAgatiy appealecj. to the strikers. • net to afibjeot the:Dahl:Id to:Setions:it- cenvetiote& , ..', : '-' • • .., 1•'. , ,, :: ',. 'whi4.t t"•as there th.e.1.6iiten..41. iliers• ' fl, :cciiild 02, After ell; ,tlia.i'are .1. f :the 'scone bleficleethe'Firates et.Pen Penance who, . who, *.,q 'all their tati.Itcf, IOVect "their, ' ,Ciatien..' 'If the; social reVoliitieneire ' , tle4 °Ogle; hi" BritailV it.' ,.W.111; be `aril,' • • .., . When its leaders bave S.461itii,ctieir t91-: ;.16Wera"..., hoar' to Overturn the existing. ,..a*..stetz, Withotit;ceasit g, to he: kc)Oti',ret- itiVya...iHNYC•yi.Y01:1E Trinef-3,, •, - •' • . :•;','... • . •'. s'Tribute to., qa,,n:40a • .. •".Canada leeks: back .UPOI1 19,32 With pride.. „rriiii.. tatiot .retained , world, . leadership', :In the ' f tobit.ef',.wheat„ :printing, ,PaPar, ,•aShestbs; . was second', •ln :geld', 'Platt/Mit, 'cobalt; :Was 'third: in: . Wheat: .: Roth': ',fourth:It an tomobiles,..: and -wood PhiP.;. fifth in rubber tire.V,;f" Canada "Winds up' the year witiv...a ' fat- 'brabla . trade balance' of $56009,009, . , .. „ . . •pentrasted•••;..-witIf.aa' Iinfaveralile hal- .4tirCe i et:.$.10,00,6,obp ,in' 194 . ' • Thera li eve been 'troubles,but they. are being „etirnaouttte,d,'..••danada, ,is a bege•touti. try, • wlth ,„ . , , , , ,. -. CidP' • about 10 000 000 point- ' ' lation4btit. the, Canadians are an ox-• CeedinglY hardy' .hamittl, ',....,•L ,CliiilAtlan A .',Sroierre igenitor,, .. . • . tric how n En mice Nal Birminkharit Circle Erects and Equips Building to Dern tra,W P6ssibilitie6';cif Electricity " .The completion of the * National i.i.c,1•91tenie for ci,i,tiOtittlig eIecic- ty Eliglarld and ,the reduction of, fharOs for'current, will resiat in creased demand, and ",a desire fo greater Itnowledge, and U.oft4r, consid erable diseoising, . the. Birminghan Circle' of the .A8seeiatien-decicied-the ,Sunlight and the Sea The I porf'' ance of ,%To4dt of t, ,g,le,'Wordnj wen. Not the ,04 tun - costitutes abb t 80 per bent. et tht )r.c. breathe Is (tent,. nitfe.gell that 14 "axed." leellY!cernblueil' . r fprni. 4 Conipentut . high can he used by 1,44.4,,3 and animal •eue4: . t 3.‘1.W.r•Q arc' bacteria th&-sol! that - a have the: Preliertf, thqtlt)-(Ine" n nitrogen, For the Moat 'Part they clua.. trivet, :the reeta o what lognmInolis": or pod -bearing plants:, as the: beaus and 'vetches, s' The;se back teria convert ,the nitrogen .ef the. 411,' "-;:"Ve-.41•r!4ritePte;, ; Does a sitnilar process. go •on in. ttiil _ in science, Apple itteresting': etliert, 'netts 'tliat litcoliflucted to answer th.• -question: Hotrjeu to breed, gtrifylull s ,bacteria. in sea water, ,nudererfaczel g- 'favorable conclitloris.':anly"to find that they died. , 'Ms -does not precluda'tho PessibilitY Qf .thore. being. • such bao • 'It:Oeolirrla:1•IDO: must . • , • tflC the titte* was 'opportune 'to% make effert •tle,shew yesidenta • and ex-m.111cl • t3ititingham what 1,1,4 possible and likely to OA' in on -th clomestie ,side. • To this 'end, if ,-nra, • Efe,Cif:W,d to Of 'land and t� "0„r;ect • thereon " modern elec trically equipped reMOncei, and to ex 'such, time as itereat. Ara no long shown. 4"t'4?)(l 'e:Y•;:'Ii-e";1.>:1'e '1;1; in' in or. near"431ir'cilrillficrt6e phial:1641r :!3'eafina fOrtablo, and fitted with cerivenfenee caIciated to refine° labor and cost -to a reasonable A IOST DUSTLESS.,'„,. There are no tePlaces ,to, cleat,, no •a, ,,Ea . : Another aquetieTarizza .:is „to the fore in I•tollyWOcail,, This.. time . It's ..puster Crabbei,"OlyzapIC ` Adotis, 'Who 'plaYS plaij,eSite, this •lioii ' in "a new jungle picture: .. ' • Men Dyeing air. To LookYoung Thus Secure Jobs Accordtrig . . to ;Specialist Who Predicts, Method: • . ,Torente---Men are havingtheir hair ciyed,' More men 'in Chicago have had •tiLii- hair dyed• -•'in -the- lest-iaar than during :theprevious decade • 'gala anienal•fteir.4. s,peeialisLoLChi- ago, teld a grenp Of hairdessers at the.,:Tote-nte •Ladies' kiairdreaserS! As-, Sceiation,coziVention lieza. , "It's the Clepress'ion,"?exPlained :Mr.' Rbltde. find jobs. are sea:flee or :6he, man with' grayingha. So they, 'come to Us te.be.'made young.' in the old dayipinCOnithi wealcl pass, withoU't ,a• 'Man. earning , New :ste..dye eight er tan a 'Week. ' • ' ; • . , , PAW that." isn't '.4,11,1, saidtife day Is copying shen we :"447771•44:ter,•'have to, dye heir •We'ic dye. hair With a hjp- drmi syringe in the client's arrit.7f : A,• shin specialist in 'Chicago had "stutiblocV fajzet. a Scree, Mr:: :Rohde Said, deireleproent; of,- Which is being watched with great :interest ..lpy Chi- cago ;hairdi.esSede,,' A • g.wbeleis, sufre,r7•,, ingffrom a .skin diseae,thad gone to 114speeialist p5r., treat/nett , 'Injec- • ;aorta 01.a 'fluid in the patient's arm Mit' been acCompanied by the blonde hair. of 'the' patient tarnir.g a .rich .an urn huo. • . "Wen the -ihjections .weit 'stepped , the rizen'S'• hair 'again flirted . pale bionde," Mr Itehde 'We. believe, is the :bcginnhtg of A.; new; theOry:df. hairdyeing, and :hair speF. ' eitiliataare-niw working On It may be, ,continaed Mi. tehde; thaf'eVeri, food may be found to haVe effect 'upon the Coley of • •• • ' ., • .,England Canaries were. being tain42,0da'''tki-,• turn their, .feathers • orange, xod, blue; and' lairs.nder,COlors The 'principle offered a great. held -for' research in in hair 'dyeing, • ' ": • , ' •Shituf',:Manuscripti :.1NTeivv. Archibaid...liender- ;Atd ictione . . - , . ..6110.0P1,.013, :,or letters. ,Maniinaript-S .44,4aolie...,.•„frezgAthe..*Ungent,PAk•gr Oaorge..„Sertaird• Shaw' liyojuOtt.:a total. of '$7;881.at 4 recent.anetioitr-sala here; item, Was .$2;400,%, for "a•".5i.:ptige--letter. the. Iristi playwr glita own .prim., 01,ife;c:4;stiit41 a1rb,airf;" this letter:.vyi;itten .sed iii• 1305, is yirtuallY..4a..eutobing- raphy and fcirma the basis oU Hendari., soriN baCik about'Shaw's lifo'anq '§inee,t0en'the Nertli a, : ' • ‘• • - • Caroihia MathelnatiCS • professor •'..haa published seven volumes on the subject: •12,5004erd-:-..-1ettef, ,ii-ed;Shew•;14..das. to 'write; starteitet. 306 and 'Antoci. rapidly to . • , her Oen; • t slight noels'. of the bidclera". heads i znounted quickly to .2100. 'bury once. during the two hoUra. 'et .thesale.,Weettre',nioneteetnie Ity.' :of the'biddjug. for '.4134*:'.s; wit. cit 'laughter; .• That Was: when the auctioneer Was- heard. Lo icitene.'"datui tether:II Shaw :and. :hia tedious doing And. •Saiitiga,". and, a. few 'non..professietala in -44e _elicit - ate& failed to realize' 'gaoling trete one,.pi'suaves.0,.irnIetters.. ;OtiliPt itenia....in the ..colleetion,.Whieh totalled . atiriee and was des- c'i-lbed by1„the...Athorleacr-Sit.ASSoCit- tien Audersou, Galleries, Where.••tbe, ani0Wa.•:Cbtnitinted,:ati the laigeat.ili .hraUght•'froni „three: dellat'e. to 404.i.: the..S'ectind highest, pride; Ashes' to reMove, attl: cptisegnently the heti* Is eta:lost .dustleas;: All roczna . . fire antoinaticallY maintained at the 4:rrect2 temperatnre, .restilting" in the :proiralen'ee , . 0 :,..ebeot.fol,... *4'41 tbrougb04. •, HOt wai,er is. araitable ..(1,10.11"y•p-lae.iiiidi:•hi:ig4111,:::::::•t, nie 7c4p,,t11.3.1 a t:,s,Itsorike-•., cornyligheih'' and ihaint4inecv automat- icaliy," without 11,1m$ or ,attention, .6'iTdebre':"Pniralnetren7t,riiiiietiecil4e.nsi....;;:to -a. ball •Wi.th'•a barrel', va Pit' 'Ceiling, in: Aieb',.,eletr.i,tobt410.7 ,heatihg is, in • . • . . . s e , ‘ On .the loft is the lounge, With leggiafaeing..the!garden ,While -0-ri.the,right. are: tge:. dinini .rijeni,' kit-, :clien, : SerVory; 'cloakroliin 'rink; So ,on;': The Iienting.•.systeni in. the, .„lounge, '":liefitlhn::i.04..:.:--r.0-o-e-:.,..,:iiii,d;ft.1:,,gt7o.:0-06-Yet.:17.7.:.- the ':cejlink :by zneans-of , the Puttee This i a fine, , flexible niateria4 ma!rili..,.6.r,..:..: 11.7,1ar: to h.eavywalipeper, 1 irhith. i& applied' to, the (ceiling! in a t4hnet,Iftzstililib'etinetn"P',163rtilidtehre..tlireirnMejoilt:e1;7:: et*ti.e.lr Of . l'ailfrant,"*ttithtik ' f ren1:. ex- tended airia'at7bitrs':O'15nfl:yt.h..4e1)''gtill'ini44b.to'vte*et' 4.PeodtS.::. :*urzuth; -.. In.'tlieSe roetna:it„N arran* ' .edoie • Maintain 'the tempeillthre any. : ' where: betWeen '50 and :65, dekiee:.4.:.cle- cording to:411st setting or the thering; .S.taotii, ..c.v.p he: gArlite itii;(iicitt:i tif; ee.s..,,,zorj.ge:d. %not ; iroile ti.it'-,:::,.0.,nd spacz,fez.iso,lancling. 'In, tliesS: .baitirootn, bok twin; l'hieif rotiM, la..fa-• bedrooms, :pi it :,the.liitthen," the hollt;* heaters.' fitted, *ith.:tlirrnostatic Ceti. inglisi,":eiNcteil:"hy tretliS .of., tubular. -feifftS before any:, continsion Can , be. drawn.- • Tbote.is hridnahtnAly.- something it ; 4FL.i'w4fOr,Nyhidb,..cloos,change nitrogbi •in •th6fprin „of ammonia inte.,,nitrate; • 'awl :this :.soinetbing;,:ifoetris sto.,.be os..• :PeciallireetIV•e'Wheir It ii-radiatec.E.,„. by .nitra,violet' light -.'either 'in the. sus.. 'Or' inercurY arc. .Even when. these; ‘o -thYS- 'Oynthetic Saa'"weitirthat is distillet' Water In ..iybich therIght salts. bet/ . to the . •• • 'TiVe•intlq„,iti•hiCh:itsed.;.t..904y, • Pertant, part. in...the .practice cine, may ,i)e..;r4tnred• to...Aar:Ai:640U cal' honor" :it the' dicveiy nt tiVo ShineSe and au Amaileat I( F. A. -1.;:.-Xlmif .and .1•1`, Jensen; fulfills, thg', n, • 4. PrOMIS .t4 it holds out. Tito kjetit'. :tiata itt qi.l.esfroj,1 havetOund that wart'...• different, ipleles.' of feeds , 4eCief ES. the: :hiirrechie •-rartial; ••••7. • ":' • ' r • , , . . • ,. takes ,brincirecis:•'"Of s• uprarenal. :glands' • Of...cattle .."to.'Previtia: etieUgh':,' dPirineffifrine for human bings1w'w aeefl it \o have, ,thereferei.a,'.vialee• Of:Ttqe&farnii •sup"Plkliag warts tO.'Phar: pros- pect Is alL,the, niore cortain When.."It .is considered that the:Iiine7Selentista,-".;•' haVa found 'bona. gtantts'oreAue0 •• chOlusterot :anct..eliosterOl. WhiCh.'nre , potent' 'euras of :tieketir. bectuSe titel A04.....ta :this s. • grAi".:Otihiliatfins-which'ere .toUnd ia• toad ;venom and which.-have.'ait eft eci on the heart similar to that cif digi tails4d the koncanicI case for tead,,is complete. • • •'• , • Another Ftedleactive•gferpe'nt? •' ' the-antionincement',IS made by Pro feasor G..`voii Hel:eay 'of the UniverSitY. " • another Upheaval, ' • •• • , After y -,was. isc,everec • there was a feVerIalr hunt., • for: me' • mentithat. send eoirsly. • ' All the, 'heavy .e emen yond No. 82 (lead) :Pretred Abbe radier,, . active. :,piiersiapon it :Was:, oop 4144. .1;re:inactive:. .When it•Was.:disirevere that 'Petasaitini;.Which la. •ge, 19,th (No. 37) are sitiglitly-' radiOactiVe"-::=-• ..i.act "that it:Slit,i,ota. • alpha At 'IS .finatable•..'it 'fol; 1eas that'itaiability.fs'net eenfinati to t‘b.6 'hea:ok• elemon'tcli--,surh fia az-1614n • Bananas rov. $each •.• •Az09,-- • •• " Winelifelsea,•ngland; aWOlse,recent- . Y to find..the.foreshore for a distance 'Of.'fiVe to six Miles strewn With thou- sands of green.bananas;.all fOrn!froit the ••••.,large'l centre '-atet-ii•'"and. lying ing:.fileng the fjetteJt06 , , I*11.-)1110.' , .h.;ark•• There: were no:signs 'Of wood- work etatei.• "It was s6on after (laybreak," said ('110 of t.he.residetjts of the town,:1'that We noticed'the • banatiae•'.4ri.4i;bn .theforeshore. Sornc' „ of the. intiabittOita .teek.-.44q„.ntities :home; ktit. the 'inajOic ity were left on , the Shore . untouched: haVe been.. Pik deck cargo of a:vessel. washed board difring a severe. gale."' • OUR WILL . • We.' help •' otirs,eives, ''awe'.4e1P, i• Ady , F' ' fi*niried' by 'terliti Oe'cte‘i Ilertiti----P:etablishnion E. of •naiv price ihore' it ..(ieritany ,has rocetit,, ,y, beet, forbiddenbY geVernment de, • • droa; Thi extend :f.he deereeisfilt- "ea 'in *rob', 1332, which ,forbade the openlifg.. of ona-price ;Stores it eitina • ()glean. than ,1.6e;Oo,. inhabitants; ;••• ,:*ok'fittrpona the.inoVo is''pre, h Peried.,ot Ocatzdailfr.:Strearl, tsoM Petition With lar nier6antlie orgati • zatiods eqb)Iptied to tinderSell theft, ;The •-•decreft preiVenta the opeting.,:o! rterr„WoO1vorth',111f6-fitid-tetf:eettt ,et,oreas6„ for, *bloh ':-Orp,part\tidOP;,, 'iectily ifad bcot orfafka. • OtheliovW POkland. -Oregon with t' harw ro' atreetirltardty Seem/ • the place' tor' thi). abeiie wiireh :prifitate friore''ef Elyot ow'ott•.er, the entarprialng '•:preptjecet,. ;belte04 in los trade, • 'it is ' sitteea feet 14Ido, 52 feet 1,0ng' 4445 feetf_WAIL: ,MlOtteY 111ente undenbt4444. Wntatt be: P1ea8ed with th ts ...erebt! •04 , and rdiutn; "•••• • •• •,.. :Sainaritin is iVJitU 18' knew -ft ;:riti*, earth. Next to it ,in •the table; 'OcCupYirig .the, sixty-first 'place, : is "il; the' rare earths are, ,rare bbaue tIheyhtve boin. 'shooting, "(Albite pattiAlcia-; ,und,• Oats: reittittu; :tlionsoives'to something It nay Maybe , . • - that w shafl: he V e to reel Ve...",aiti'CW:'•• :ilia( Was ,Ciirrent: at the •Crifenieeot: tlie the e1emen5 ure ..radloactj'e rhd ihot -Lilo, aye ;the: end oft:Rinds':ot activity that began, 'OrTlatt .age when, eXplodit tlitSe Ueanintai "t,Y.nreconu ni that- thek. .."are neW,Waidenfar -.Ttlemlf(mt • ittTb* NY 7 ,Tinies.: - • , pasf OpPctili‘.0.41-hks • ..Thore: Lis %much dem' apt nt.---rno-', rather,arasted—thithitig' and: :worry. • Ing ,41)04 tbt bonorthnitib, 'that haviY .beeit miseod,' dreatnp have never shown any itcheakin tOttle true;„ .a0hetrias which lieve•frV tied out; . A .'nitteh bettor Vien Is to' • e*ayt-ohoorfnily' at tho vjeb.li otbi• it well, ty to 'pat heat( •• and etflu1•iasthl 1nt It,to do It itt an ,.0.110)0.k cheerful' side, to find Ott the vorninea whleb I1e ladden:ltv Jeesit tliitigs 11,' ' Wo. *Ill (nay leek, ,for' t. • likO the think. ise hast to tn. do, We mai 404 that' We have licon led into tle,ins the thing Welike'best Of 8,,X•• -•41:4,A • - ra NA a :41