HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-09, Page 1*200 PER YE4
R IN Ap*Abtek; `. till =WISE
Dr K„L Treleaven, i.nanOw "
• IIPurs: A.4;130-5 P
PECkE7.43.' ' ,
HOUSE FOR 'SALE -Village reel-
• deuce. all, modern, iconvenienceri.:7-','
• 'Ainds' :to MeNah- Llano*.
FOR SALE --Two good • sewing
.machines --1„ White Drophead: ,and
1 Raymond IIrciphead, also .1- 'white
- :iron
.' Prepared to do all manner of
hoater1ng ' work, new or repairing.
:Pleased to furnish ak..estiniate.
HO.rry 'Gannet, 'Phono 135, Lueltnow.
HitYing purchased a new. truck we
are prepared .to do local and long
distance trucking. Rates; reasonable.
• Harvey Ackert, ' Relyrood,'
'Phone 24-4, -Ripley.
,,. NOTICE '
Notice. is hereby given for all
,• parties owning 'Ibts in South Kinloss
Cemetery without a 'marker on them,
to call i on Alex -Gollan„ Sec.-Treas.,
and have their names registered in
the Cemetery Book to avoid baying
them resold. By order,, Mex
In the Siirsiiikate 'Coliit` of, ,the
':.-Coanto, of .Bruce. in the matter of
• the ,Estate of jehe .:W.'":"MurraV
:deceased. Creditors or ethers haviee
any ;Claims 1' or dementia against the
Estate of the Said John W.;Murrev.'
• Lite of the Village of LucknOw. in
the --County, of Bruce.
: who died on or 'about the ninth der
of, September. A. D...1932. are herebe
lefititted-to' send
•iuch claim or demand: duly Verified
bYlfadavit. Postpaid to John' McRae.
- R. K. ,No. 3. ,Leicknoiv.. Ont... the.
Executor :Of the Estate' of the said
'deceased. or to his solicitor; ' on or
, before ,the 22nd 'dav of 'February;
A. D. 1933. 'after. ' which date the
'Exeeutor wili proceed' ,,to 'distribute.
the said, „Estate: „aniong.„, thaw', .duly -
entitled. thereto. ' 'having' regard only
•to chinas and: demands of , which• ;
notice has then been received.
- Dated this 23rd day of •Jannarv•
' A. D.. 1.933 •' • •
Ian Nettie,
ox. 386. ,. • Strathrok. Ont.
'Solicitor for the Executor.
DIED -At Roulston, __Sask., on
, January 31st, Miss Janet C McDon-
ald, formerly of St Helens.
ucknow W. L To
Celebrate Birthday
• Twenty -Fifth Anniversary Will Be
Marked On Friday' -
The . regular. Meeting of the. Luck -
now :.branth' of ,the Women -le Institute
was held at the hoing Of Mrs. J. W.
'4'oyfit;- with a'attendance. .' The
Pretidefit,• Mrs. W. J. Douglas, was
the chair: Arringezneriti• Were
completed for the "at, heine to be
• „held in the Town Hall.' on February
•710; to celebrate the 25th anniyerseri
of the :LUcknow W. L The directors,
Mrs. Aitchison,: 'Mret" Greer,' :Mrs,:
' dazed:se, Mrs. Campbell; ,Mrs. .gtqr,--
, art .and Mrs:, Cameron,' will have
charge:: of „. the • refreshments The
<: entertainmentand 'program Was left
.. •
. .
M the bands of a , committee
poscd of Mts. Joynt, Mrs. Andrew,
Connell, Mrs. 'Youn, Mrs. Pat.-
,tersen and Mrs. Jobston; decoration
, .
:Mrs. Geddea. and Mrs.
• "
,Meteed.• • ,
, '
The , topic, "Out! • Talents -What
. Shill We ' With 'Thein • , Wale
dealt With by Miss Mary' MeeLebd.,
A MUGU' el403.4d Mueieal .',UuMber'
was a -violin' solo by ?lira.' I. Camji-
accOmPanied by Mrs. • Freeman
at the piano. An amusing feature of
.the rnettink Was in auction sale of
•''articles donated by nienribers, With
• Mrs.' J. W. joYnt2as auctioneer; The
proceeds of this . were, added to the
• memorial fund. Five new trieMbers
.4,1iirete added to the toll. The "lied
zi.siae,,, Is leading in the attendance
• • contest. which is creating great In-
-* • seeitil hour was spent at ithe
.,eleig; of the ;rineetitiffe, when _tear was
served by the, directors, In Charge of
, ;Mts. gartiiint. and Mrs. LeaniPhell.
the ile*t• meeting, which will
.Grandmothers' Day, will :be held •,ot
•Stit OW; Of "*To.. A
, .
.. ;
e orts indicate,
SuCeessful Year
Liteltne4: United 'Cinirelt' HoldYin,
Meeting, With.: 'Optentietie
Tone Frevailhng-Banquet Preeed-'
"Busifleas.. Meeting ,
: • ,
The congregational • Meeting of the
United' Church was held on Wednes-
day _Iast,
with the pastor, Rev.
7:11:eiser presiding. A:banquet preced-
ed the business Meeting and up-
wards to two hundred Members of
the Congregation took their places at
the tablet; to enjoy '. this feature ' of
the ineeting, -Musical . numbers. in -
Chided an 'instrumental, by. Blanche
McDougall and a .solo ,' by. , Florence:
Hodgins. ; ' ' '
Reports were heard from each de,
partment::'ef • the church .revealing
that financial support had been well
Maintained and in nearly every ease
there was ri" favorable., cash balance;
The: M. 'lintyM. revert was '-given:
by Mr. W. G. Andrew and the Trea-
surer's, report by Mr.,. Rae,
dicated that the 'General • fund had
been well supported throughput the
year,, with a., favorable cash balance
of upwards ; to $200. The W. M. S.
contributions while not quite up to
farmer. 'Years ' showed' a, total of
between '$509.99 and. $600:00 sub-
scribed to this fund. .
The „Meeting .thiOnglieut , had an
oPteiniatic -tone, and r. although. the
past year was one of financial stress
and :strain . there' Was Still :cause for
much thankfulness, was the general
BUT wiring COMES
The "Herald , of Spring" --4 :robin,
Was heard and, seen last ThUrsday. by
Mr. .Collyer, • and although ;no. one
has reported sighting the bear, in
this r:leettlityrete • expect, :416 -doldit,-. be
elm ambling '-ibeut„ hunting in . vain.
'Tor his .Shadow. According to: tradi-
tion, failure,. of 'Mr. Bruin to See his
shadow, ';Weeld mean we .'wenldn't be
A ',decided drop.. in. the •tenriperature,
with. snow, 'since Thursday, •however,
has probably sent,. therobin winging
south .and the beer shuffling back to
his hollow tree:, •
With a . continuance of . the cold
snap, the ice harvest should soon be.
in. full swing. The srei'm .which fell,.
though •plentiful, has been -quite light
and has preyed' no hindrance to the
cars,- uritij Tuesday, when a blizzard,
raged which.' has made motoring' ex-
tremely • difficult.. '• •(.
Now Serving ...Term In erten-
' Alleged To Have Given !False
, Clark Stanley alleged to have.
given 'false evidence at his previbuS
,trial on January 13th„ now laces a
Perjury chlirge preferred . by the
Cronin., The date' Of trial has not
been •fixed.
, Stanley is now serving, e term in
Goderkh jail on a L. C. A. offence,
arising from.,,,,the inquest into. the
death of James Taman Of myth,
which was. Alleged to have been
cauied by consuming •poison, liquor.
At the trial,. 'Stanley swore he 'did
not know the three Crown witnesses,
that he was not -acquainted , With
them and that they had not been° at
his,. place ,for three, menthe 'prior to
the hearing. They testified they
'purchased liquor from accused.. The
crown charges that Stanley gave
false evidence, knowingly ,to mislead
the court.
nouNri orpK.,TO.
_.'„ KEEP' Tllp_itigAcK
On furnishing' it bond' of $500.00
as ;,11. guarantee to his 'keeping, :the
peace for a'peried of 'One year, the
assault charge against Wm. MePher.:
8,63,icOpeeTlrion' 10,,. Kinloss Township'
was Jaid, •,••'„ '• •
Littl� evidence was taken, When
the; licensed' encl.:hie wife • arid•famiiy
appeared before •Magistrate?.Wallir
in :Walkerton on Monday aftetipon.
In a lecture of some length by the
Magistrate; ' he _reeorainendecl-1,,,-thet.
domestic troubles be brought to an
end, And recOnelliation take piece.
• . .
Mr- 'Harold T.40O4340Oi. 8011,
Mr„ nd Mrs. Fred Thompson, cOn-
cession_ 10, Kinloss, recently iit.urchis.
ed• the •Silver Lake. Store at .Kinhibs
Village and.7toOk•niier the huslnee's(Ain
Wednesday: last. This. store Was ',for-
Merly operated by Mr. Herb ,Cert4*,.,
and more recently. by Mr. Sane Haid-
.enby, •_from whoinT'it, was; purchased
by Harold,..ivliose- friends' 'Will wiih
him sUeeese: 'in his new venture., L'7
Win fGroup By
Locale Administer 10 To 3 .tefeat
To. Teesees, To Win N. 11. L. Group
-Belated Game Due TO Road C011‘...
ditien 'Ends Up After „Midnight. ,
Failing..leat week. to bteak •the tie
thst .existed at full time, Teeserater
returned to theyillage..en__Thesday
night -to replay: the fixture. and re-
ceive a. 10 to 3 "drubbing by,. the local
'squad. j..This victory wins for Luck -
now the honors, of .the Jewel 14; H. L.
two -team 'greuP.- •1;
,' In view of road 'Cdriditione:,as the
result of a severe blizzied, rTees-
water -made a late star. ior-Lucichew-
,and encountering 'some' motor trouble
as well,' two 'cars did net arrive till
after ten • o'clock. ',The • 'majority of
'fans, Who -did
to witness the. Trey;Which was
brought to an.. end ,:at 12.30, ;
:On a keen -sheet of ,:ice the locals
Were able • to, Open, up at. top',' speed
and ...Played 'a • smart'. PaSaing:
`Which carried them in be 'tbP.bf.the
Teeswater goaiie time and • again.
Some of; the -.:edenters:-.•-.were Of ' •an'
easy Varietybut for the ,Meaf: part'
Lucknoe.r. ;players :bbefed- in • and Mc-
Burney , hadn't.' a ',chance.. to, save: .
Ninus the services dt:Oberle leen!,
defense Mae,. • Keri. Cameron and
Morgan Henderson, teamed: Pp - with
HeWard, Agnew; and shared the dutigs
. .
on, the back ' line. •The forwards .back
checked :herd all night: Contriryto
Iie game the week previous,-Tpeaday
night's fixture was. partichlariy, clean
yeille.neither4.teeMArawieg te„,,Peealtz
.Wl-!ustnn again•proved the
Marksman of the night and picked
off 'fear ''cOUnters '• from the right
Cameron --• and • Doug; ::clarke
each'i•. netted' a "pair • oftallieS,., with,
Agnew• on(''
each:, ••• •. ,
• •' •(Continued on Page' $
Illness Fatal
To Kinloss Y�uth
Elvin .McQuillin Suecumbs. In .Goder-
itiOthr Of
Murdered :Toronto ConStahl4 '
• Bereavement ',Once again,Visik-the
lioine7'ef Mr:and Mrs,:
tiiiillin,"*hen'.on Friday' lait; their
youngest ' Son, .Elyin•.;•in his :23i4 , year
passed awes; ,. in ' Goderich Hospital.
Seized :With an attack of•
tis ten days .prior, to 'his death,'.Eivin
Was . rushed to Oodetich; but e",.,rup-
tured appendix , heforg reaching the
hospital and the-epnaPlicatiens' 'which
feI1O-wedi caused his condition to be
critical, and resulted in his untimely
Constable Rey '.1VIcQuiilin • of
the • TOronto.••.,Pelice' Force; , who was
shot and ,killed by John Bogkenshiro
in .1)eCember;1930, was a• brother. •
Elvin Was horn. in West tV.aereneSh
Township and received his `education
at St.: Helens :•school. ..GrOwing to
yohrig manhood . he ',..waSr. 'posseSse.d
With 'a desire: to, see the world and
hietraiels ,have taken bith on More
than... one . occasion • to Weitern Can-
ada. Working his way On a freighters
he .has been fid Australia and the Old
Land., rEeteraing : 'from Kirkland
Lake last year,' he: has .. since theri
hon At his home on the 41h eonces-
Mon.. • , • • ,
The funeral serViee,: whieh *cis
lergelY" attended, was held " at the
home Of his_.'perents„ cotfe:pssion.,.4„
Riraps§, aha was in charge ',,of
Rev: .I. 11. GeOgliegan; • with inter-
ment in ,Greepliill'''CeMetery.;.•,
Resides his tereiveir pareriti.: there
Sarvives,', twe brothers; . Herb, ..:sof
11:;i3cknow .and ; riio-Cof Xinlosa aa'd:
t*O 'sisters, .;Mrs. Wrn. Oriffit ocf
Xinhis,S, ',end Myrtle at;lionte.",
The pnllbearera were six ,eetkinS
of thai.-Obeettaacts: Fred._ ird
, ,
933 -
Receives Agency
Supervisor . Appointment
Steele C. MacKenzie, Reieives hn-
. • •
portant ''.Appointment • With
• on, ,Life -Co. ,
"tt • ;,
La.st ,keeles • 'iseqe•of Saturday!
Night o carried '•• the portralt;',7tand • ari-
nouneed. the recent ;appointment, as
-,.ency• Supervisor of •the •Dorninion.
re' Assurance COMPanYi ef :Steele
. MacKenzie, C. elder sop Pf'
fr.:and Mrs. , R. V. aVlacKetizie of
iovvn.: • Further the- •' annotinc.enient.
:->ays, "Mr. MacKenzie, who has had
numb'er of years of snecessfill field
experience, . is at Present' introducing
a..new training course to the Corn-,
pany's _field organiSation!!,
After, graduating from the local
• schpo1C1/4Steele tookout his Ist .at,
Winghein; attended' Stratford ;,NorMal
school, :and taught " school' for nine
Years. in Kitchener. Over four years
ago heturnedto the Insurance busi-
ness, becoming associated with the
Sun 'Life co., .and' suecessfiilly wrote
his Life Underwriters' exainieatiOns..
- Last June: ,he accepted'''. a .position
with: tbe, Dominion 1:Life • Assurance
Coinpany and following his recent
anpPlptment. as Agency ...uperVisor
of that Coriipany,..footi, a course in
..Chicago ;.and wrote the International
.insurance ihrenn: examinations. „
Mr. tind Mrs. MacKenzic and
three daughters 'are, located at Wat-
erloo, there being the head• office of
the Company With whom Mr. ;:MC -
Kenzie. is -"associated. ' •
. .
Persiatent Enquiries As To 'Wether
Government Perinit Barter Fin-
unced By Syndicate 'Brings Eva-
sive Replies. ,
in the liouSe of Commons
Friday, Hon. ,Tames Malcolm, :forin-
,er Minister of Trade and. Continerce,
Voiced- his approval' of:. the- Govern-
„merit's...action-4n refusing-40-4plede4
c4pad,p.'"i credit' behind the .,R.tiSsian
baiter deal. '
• Both progressives. and Aberals,
1416 -4t first doubted the Wisdom 'of.
the :••Governinent's mov:e, .seemed sat-.
iSfied in, this regard .uPon.-„the an-.
nouneemeot ,of ga
r.. ,. co:Im. Persis-
'tent enquirieS7Vy=the. OPPOSition •-aS:
the: •GoVerrinterit!s-: attitude, , concern,
trade with the 'Soviet, could 'sndli
lie 'financed by a' 'syndieate, brought
forth 'evasive replies in. spite of the
picas of Right .11en: MacKenzie King
and., Hon: 'Mr. 'Maltrilni for a specific
answer to this 'reasonable dein and
Mrs."-Itiabel ,May,': Daeghter of • Mr.
.Toe Wilder!, Former imeknew
And Stage Driver,. 'Succumbs yoi-
Aovyting-0Peration. '
. • .
Mrs. Mabel :May .of London,
rIy *Abel .Wilson, passed away in.
St. Joseph's Hospital, • London, on
Saturday evening, following a
ious • operation,' Which She underwent
a week 'previous.
; Mrs: May and particularly her
father,' Mr. lee 'Wilson,. will be Well'
remembered, here'. by Many friend§
he :having for •.,sciine Iiinef a nuinber
of years ago, driven the bus in thi,
village, as 1,Well• -as the •stage coach
to Gederich. , •
• 'Mrs. May, 40 years of age; 'was-
h6rte on toncesSion .7, *est Wewen-
:esti- and- folloiing the departure of
the fanillY,.,from: here; resided. thlr••:1
4:eep 'ars in Detroit and for: the
past' twenty ',years *has 'been a resi-
dent of London,. Where her. husband
is proPrietor. of Hicko0,' drove bafrY,.
•',The.-.Juneral was 1100.. on 'I'iteiday,
from ''her, lierne •• of Whiirficlifee Road
with services conducted by
MacKay • of New St.' JAMes ' Presb-,
terieri 'Church. ,,Ipterinene was ir'
gon"$k P160a,TAT:Cetnete6.: • ,
Her sad. ahd. • unexpected rnfssia
'!Oitvea' taLp.1.2.4rn, her IniShand and
Margaret, as *Well' as a :Sister,,-MrS
Lionel Allen of Buffalo, her
father,. in, ;Delia,, CQ10;.
Mrs. H. G. of • .town, nn-
irititnetd, friend of Mre;-1May, atid
Who 'spends' the sumnier tnotlia nt
\the May' 't cottage itt Ripe*va-Sli .13oafy
.receiving word of tW,,dooihwvittfte
ed the bereaved InnillY on adijday.
h0-' 13re44 ! -,.
of --Health :- - TheBread
. of 40altiv:,
OUR motro lg. 41.IALITY. 4.N.R: 1!.,E1q1pri. '
gPibIAL$'• F04 'gAitl.T4P4YCREAM PUFFS, .'
•. " _
• 'gill:TARES,' MINCE,
I21:DELICi011s. TRY A LOAF.:',. •
•• e • .•••
BA Kit.y
Council Rednees
Clerk's Salary
Re -Appointment SubjectTi-..1,01%
Redii'ctioir.LSab4iiSioh tot ' yot
List. To.
• ,
Little business of iniportance 'oth-
er • ii•• routine business : and general
dise;",sion croSSed the board • at the
'regular meeting of the Village Cann-
ed on Tuesday eVdping,,•:with;e4'llioin-
1;ers .present.'... •
• '
' •••The salaries of the village clerk
an&tretisuiteri Mr. J. E. Agnew„ Were
subject .to • a :'•general 7diiction.; of., 0
.per 'cent.. Bert Ward weslre,appOiht-
vif.,,t-o-i-do*:the. Villagb
remaining-) unchanged at $12.0 Per,
• , The B.y-Lawr. ininosing, a five -dol-
lar °fee : on teamsters doing Work in
the village, other than. those paying
business: tax, ' was read,'a .::second
and third:. time, and ' finallY: 'passed.
.Miss , Florence MeQuilliri! and • Bill
MacKenzie Suffers Similar ; • Injuries
T:S.01,1' Of, gr.,. and '
as a result _rd.:, "peculiar mishap;
which Occurred', on the.L. •Milr pond.
While , Playing; hockey, on Friday aft,. •
terpoon on the mill• pond, Bill skated
onto a hole :sufficiently large • to et- •
low one leg to drop into it and in
'So :doing fractured the ankle Of the
other' foot..,„The injury caused iiiin '
brnYd' :11 A h;..t• X7'rads;the si Oil Ige
day revealed the .extent , of the frac-
ture. •
. to school on Friday
morning,: Florence ,McQuillizi,
ter Of Mr:, and Mrs. John McQuiilin
ilippill7;n:'•,the::'ice and suffered a
milior ;fracture of the ankle, which
Infiactinz of this, By -Lew willsub hoWeveri--WillLpreyent---ber-atteeding'-- -••••--
jedt the party to a $1.0 penalty. School for.:, a ,couple of weeks. :The
Couneillor• Robertson ,Was appont- injUry Wei' attended to at the hoine
ed• to .ket ni touch ,:twith the M. II. O. of her uncle, Mr. R. R. MeQuillin,
regarding spring garbage collection:' where • she !beards, 'and•• -on Saturday .
A . connnunication, from His Honor, Florence was 'taken to her home in•
Judge Owens, pointed out that the West WaWanosli. '
Northern Polling of the
Voters' List. exceeded •the',p0-:napie
oan;j: ay
iinst:ih pot More than 3p0
ted thattlt
.: . he .0ler,,
revise the list to make three polling
•• The, folloWing accounts were passed
Accounti-•;•:' .
LOC:know. Sentinel Printing $30.50'
1\ lubicipal • World, supplies, $1.0.82;
P. .Maleehn, grading, ,$2.25;',Mtn:-
Mar -
die, drawing reel: .$290; Win Marche,
, .
acc., .:$11.44; ,Bert, Ward, Salary, 12.50
;Tose'rpyi• Agnew, : 'etc, 835:60; Rae
Porteous, .ace.,"$1.93; Charlie Chip
2, Meals, 6pc; 'Charles.. Lee, 88 "meals
at :30-e• and „32, beds' at 40c, 439.20;
J. Agnew, . Reg. B., "1%1., :p: $0.50; R.
-r; Thompson,. relief ace., .$3.39.; D.
Milne;`• work on Streets, $8.4•5..'
Hydro . Accounts
Dec.' Power Bill, .$1032,39; United
Typewriter rd.aetesr,
820.79 -Benson -Wilcox bulbs $1.0•23..
Wingbarn Utilities COminission,' ac.
$21.00;. meter slips, $1:37;
J. R. Agile*, Express, post, 'etc., 1.44:-
T. E., Agndw, Salary $65,00. ,
".ntOwtft's BARGAINS
Cut ,-prices' 'in flowers this .week.
Primula, Hyacinths, 'Cinnerias; C
Daffodils, • etc. Must make
teeth "for spring 'pletiting..Ceme .and
tre.t .first Choice. ' • .• . •
:16YNT's NKt;.iaNssi
Laird loyat Of Has,' Sue,
•••Carcer .A4 - A, : §tarlent
At .The Age Of
Laird • JOYnt of, Ilensall, „nephew 'of-
1.1Tr. and ,Mrs: . John : jeynt of , the
c'illage,,• as .'announced by the Council
df jhc Institute of Chartered ••Ae--
cpuntents-•of Ontario, has recently,'
,SucceSSfulty' passed his final exam -
nation and already, secured : a
position his clidsen PrdfeSSion With
Old.' Toronto'.fiimof Welsh, •Campbell•
;i",nd f4-00eaa. .
tord Jeynt is the Son ,of Mrs.
and the late, George
'Toyft'- and is thought t� be oi • aof;
iv6r.sity; Graducting from
age of 15,, he „took__ it
five.!•year })6fibt, •datiar§ei, ieeeiving., his
t.'At lit the ,itg:;41, of, twerIty, During •
• the.••.6-pPortiinity7
••0(•:t4130iTg ,ii,•-Sellolatsliiti,frotn, the, •U'ii7
'I‘erAleY, of: , 'Chicago, valhed At:"
but did het • a eeept this, 1118
sould 111t0101.0. With his studies,
as it: 'cluiridril ••iiCeinintent •
cfficum tg.ttvicK0
Service on Sunday,'r Febraary 12th,
Makes; '11 A. M.; Hackette,'A
General ,Board meeting ,on Wednes-
day, February 15th. at 2 P. M.
• •
New Flannel` Blankets and Com-
forters.1 Materials for Comforters and
Quilts. New Batting, Etc. :
Death Follows
Mr Malcolm:- McMillan For Twelve
years A Village Resident, _Passed '-
Away Sunday.; .
:In ' failing health fer•'0.1:peried .'',Of
,sdine three. years and particularly
since suffering'''. a stroke over a year
and a half ago, :Mr. Malcolm , Mc-
Millen; in his 56th year,passed away :
at his boine in the village on Sunday'
artial ' recovery • for •a•-• time after
•suffering the stroke, permitted :mr, .
,memilion to goaboutthe house with
the., usd• of crutches but since .Christ-
mas the ailinencloirced biiii,‘ to his
teem,' where a gradual' ...Weekehirig
.resulted in his death.
For the ' peat twelve, years ' the'06:7
eeased has - been e village resident',
leading,n quiet , and assuming' ,.life,
.rnaking his home with his sister, Mrs:
Stothera. Born on the i'.0th concession..
'of'.Aslifield; the son, of JVIalcolni .iisd
Katherine McMillan he spent, . his
entire life on the farm near Hackett's(
Cluir6.h; until retiring to the village....
The fune.ral was held, from ;his late'
residence . on Tuesday, the . ,service.
-being conducted by Re4,C. :II. Mac-
Donald', , assisted by 'Rot. S. T., Tuck-,
, . .
er, , the latter : having charge of the •
ionimittal service ' at Kinloss •Ceine-
, .„ ‘. •
etery. ' : t., •
::Mr, 1VicMillan7.Was not mareied and:
of . a_ family of six, ,tWo sisters ;stir- .
vive, Mrs. Stothers and Mrs. Henry
Mullin both Of the ,village, as well AS ;
tWO 'nephews and it rieice, Steware,*.
peen ahd.-,Restella Mullin.
ThtlpaIl.h.e.et.t0i. were Messrs. --3°-‘
ilbekett, ',Iblin• CairiPbel4:. Joe ,IrtViii,
Joe ''Mallough, Will Fisher and keit
mocfr)iorniki. ' , • , .. .. .
t •
, ... .
.ReIotives atten.dink, the funeral in-'
eluded, Mr. and Mrs. p. B. Stothers"
Arthur; Mr. and Mts. "•j.., 0.''Stothers,,
:fvendort, Mrs. , Steven Stothers and
son,' \Vill 1 of Dungannon aid,. Mrs,
Henry RortOn_ Of A.alifield. '