HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-12-09, Page 9THE WINCiHAM TIMES. VOLT •XXXVIIT,—'NO. 1975. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Christmas Gifts WE HAVE MANY USEFUL GIFTS Suitable for young or old Suitable for „ladies or gentlemen Come in and have a look around our store before purchasing. ', HEADQUARTERS FOR 4 Pyrographic Supplies. We wish you all A Very Happy Christmas l Walton McKibboo THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Blook, Wingham X962 THOROUGHNESS THE CORNER STONE One year ago, Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of $002 per year. Six months' training at our Business College made the dif- ference. Was it a good invest- ment? He thinks so, His address is New Osgoode, Sask, Four Courses : PREPARATORY 0OMMEROJAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. Only One Week More Next Week will see you, I, we and everybody else in the Christmas scramble. Remember it isn't the QUANTITY you get in the scramble but the QUALITY. Our Christmas stock this year of Fruits, Oranges, Nuts, Candies, etc., has been selected from the best. Oranges We oan confidently say that no finer quality has been placed on the market. The color will catch the dye --the flavor the pallet—and the price the pocket. Mostly Navels. From per dozen 20o to 60o. Have You Bought Your Cur- rants and Raisins Yet? Candies. Just see our stook of popular candies. If yon buy here once, you'll come book again. THERE'S BIG VARIETY. Dark and Light Mixed 10o or alb, 250 Popular 12c per Ib. Creams Humbugs Maple Buttons Cocoanut Caramels Orange Quarts:1J Cocoanut Maple Reece Maple Gum Conversation Mints, etc. Water ace end Honey Boy Biases, per lb • 15o .EVER VO 'Mt FRONT Floral Gifts for Christmas Choice Aznlias, Arauoarias, Ferns, etc Leave ne your Cut Flower order at once. HQLLY AND MISTLETOE T. C. GRAHAM & SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Liberals, ttentionl eting of the East i11 be held in the Bele this (Thursday) annual meeting of Liberal Association e Town Hall, Wing - afternoon, December to be elected for the all Liberals are re - hese meetings. The anneal m Huron Liberals Town Hall at Br afternopn, and t the North Hum will be held in t ham, on Tuesda 21st. Officers ar ensuing year an quested to attend Headquarters for toys at KNox'S. New Recto Word was reoeiv day that Bishop W Rev. E. H. Croly, Ont., to be rentor o Wingham, to take E. Jenkins, who accept aprofessors London. Rev Mr. of the Diooesan Montreal, and Dom ing very high orede up the work here after New Year's. Appointed. d in town on Mon - hams had appointed A„ of Lyndhurst, St. Paul's Ohnrob, he plane of Rev. 0. moistly resigned to ip in Huron College, 0Z/rely is a graduate heologioal College, to Wingham bear- tials. He will take e soon as possible Two Houses ,,,to eat. RI ono & CosENs. A Good eeting. The first of a ser es of meetings for men was held in the Y. M. 0. A. rooms on Sunday afternoo last. There was a representative andi:nee present and Rev. Dr. Rutledge, astor of the Metho- dist Church, gave a ' ery interesting and instructive address, taking for his sub- ject, "If I could 1 ve my life over." The next meeting • ill be held on the second Sunday in January, and it is hoped that an inore • sing interest will be manifested, as ever effort will be put forth to make these e eetings attractive and helpful. Home made bread—Try it. FRANK R. HOWSON. Fine line of new and up-to-date jewelry, at KNox's. Annual Sco fish Concert. Friday evening,J nnary 7th,is the date of the annual Scott sh concert to be held in the Wingham peri house. Jessie Alexander, in dra atio and humorous recitals; P. Redfer Hollinshead, tenor; Harry Bennett, sl ging comedian and character imperso tor; Mime McDon- ald, in highland da oing and Piper Mc- Donald, with Mise Estelle Griffin, as pianist. The nen 1 prices — General admission 250, ; Re rved seats, 35o. and and 500, Plan of all will open at Mo- Kibbon's drug stor at 2 o'clock on Mon- day afternoon, Ja nary 3rd. PATTERSON'S jewellery etore is the place for Christmas gifts this year. KANT KRACK.—The best Snag -Proof Robber made. Buy them at W. J. GREER'S. Death of rs. Pearen. Charlotte Bong Harry I. Pearen, away at the ham Bengongh, in Bel last, aged 60 yea been in poor hea She spent her earl after her marriage years in Wingha farm near Londes berry, She was a esteem by a large had for years be Methodist Chum band,. one daught will have the By munity in their a took plaoe on Brandon cemeter gh, wife of Mr. f Turnberry, passed of her sister, Mise rave, ou Thursday • Mrs. Pearen' had h for some weeks. life in Belgrave and lived for a number of later moving to a ro and then to Turn - woman held in high oirole of friends and n a member of the Her bereaved hue. ✓ and other relatives pathy of the Dom- liotion. The funeral onday afternoon to Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8. Cane to Wa The December s oonnoil of Huro morning, with ono man to be honore esteemed warden, An addresss, expr o1 his fellow m was read to him vented with a ebony Dane. den Lamont. stone of the oounty concluded Friday er presentation, the this time being the Mr. Peter Lamont sing the appreciation here of the oonnoil, d he was then pro. andsome gold -headed New Christmas goods arriving at KNox's CHRISTMAS SLIPPERSI—Well, just come to see our display—that's all we ask 1 W. 3. GREER. Splendid En. ertainment. The third of a ser by the Westminst drew's Church w house last Wednes was a fair attendan as the high.olass The attraction was and Bell Ringers, tions rendered w Messrs. Wells, Hol only heavy weight so in musical abili ings of Mies M heartily appreoia oompaniments o were one of the entertainment. daily es of concerts given ✓ Guild of St, An - held in the opera ay evening. There e, but not as large rogramme merited, be Apollo Qnintette d the mueloal selea- o of a high order. es and Smith are not in avoirdnpois,butal- . The solos and read- garet Puckett were. d, and the piano so - Mrs. Alta R. Wells trong features of the $500.00 worth of swell out glass to choose from at PATTERSON'S jewellery store. Curling Club At a meeting Chamber last Frid ham Curling Clnb this season. Offio follows:—Hon. P grove; Hon. Vic Walker; Presiden Vice President, 1 Treas., B. (Mohr mittee, the officer L. W. Hanson Committee, V. Coohrane. Anot held in the Mune evening of this are requested to b be important bulli ber be at the o'clock sharp. Re• Organized. ld in the Council evening, the Wing- as reorganized for rs were elected as sident, A. H. Mug - President, C. M. , V. R. VanNorman; L. Dinsley; Seoy.- ne; Executive Com - and A. M Crawford, d D Davies; Rink VanNorman and B. er meeting will be 1 Chamber on Friday eek and all members present, There will teas so let every mem- unoil ()hamper at 8 and assist 1n 1 perienoe and sa Box A, TIMES dffioe. 1 dy to keep books !fir store; state ex - expected. Apply to Public Sotto! Board. The Public Soi Tuesday evening, ing, and Trustees IBard and Pringle oipal's report for N attendance of 143 b 309; average, 271 salaries of the teaoi well as the folio+ authorized:—J. A wool, $234 84; J. secretary, and po Stewart & Oo., Young, balance $117.55; Geo. Mae 3. B. Ferguson. $30.00. 3. B. F resignation as tr Board accepted w port of Inspector R ing the work of tht pressing aatiefa Stalker addressed 1 some changes in ti which it would be the interests of bol pupils, after whin of Board met on hairman Ross pre - Griffin, Manners, present. The prin. vember showed an ye, 166 girls: total Payment of the era and officers, as ing accounts, was McLean, coal and '. Groves, salary as tage, $41.75; 3. G. supplies, $1.35; A. �n heating system, n, supplies, $10.00; salary as treasurer, rgnson tendered his enter, which the th regret. The re - bb was read, show - school to be pro - Principal e Board in regard to classes Of his room dvisable to make in the school and the the Board adjourned. MUNICI 'AL MATTERS. Municipal, on Monday, from next M mending to the Burman ham it look Councillor Holmes for sent bead Gregory, to retire. it looks lik Irwin. For the present election, wit Oonnotllor V stand, inte likely be a n field. For persons men J A. Mor Nomination ing. Good various post best intere should give the proper affairs. WOULDN'T MOTHER ENJOY a pair Of our comfortable Felt Home Slippers? Remember her at Christmas time! W. J. GREER, Successful Gr duating Exercises. We wish to con : ratulate the Hospital and graduating urses, Misses Fowler and Baer, on the access of the graduat- ing exercises, wh oh took place in the town hall on T ursday evening last. Although the n • ht was stormy and disagreeable, a 1 rge audience turned out and a please, t evening was spent. The chair was cc. • pied by Mr. Richard Clegg, President • 1 the Hospital Board. The graduating n ries, nurses in train- ing and the Supe ntendent, Miss Welsh, all in hospital u iform, together with the members of t e Hospital Board, and those taking part n the program, 0000 - pied seats on t • : platform. Rev. Mr. Steeves opened he proceedings with Damage by unawa y . Horseprayer. Addres::a were given by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, 1 r. Redmond and Dr. A horse owned y a Mr. Casemere Kennedy'. The musical part of the Wide things lively n Josephine street program was • rniehed by Mies E. last Saturday aftern on. The horse was Estelle Griffin, Masters Claude and hitched to' a cutter nd took fright at Clayton Maxwe 1 and Mrs. Steeves. eonlething north of he post -office and The diplomas :re presented by the a lively rate, ran- President, Mr. 0 gg. and the medals by 1k in front of the Dr, J. E. Tam , n. Dr. Kennedy, in Here Mr, Robert giving, the Vlore • oe Nightingale Pledge Oar .Tameatown, wast to the plass, i • ctdentally referred to ift of thecutterand the foot -that d ring the last hospital distance in this dan- year 132 patient had been admitted to i1 the horse wall stop- tI a Wingham General Hospital for In was not aerionely treatment and t at dosing that time 87 Mined overcoat Was operatioha-37 •• ejor and 60 minor --- the nutter wee badly had been pert + need without a single who saw the aooident death. This . certainly a record of e how Mr. Hamilton which any. ht;.3 =til or any community Injury. Mr. Jahn having a bospl 1 might feel proud, We r ishestothe newrad- h extend our hea w town, who was ontog mayth t s and ho that they meet with rrowly escaped injnrq. nae hone y every 8000008. ominations will be held eoember 27th—one week nday—and the pot is com- arm up in Wingham and ing townships, In Wing- like a contest between Spotton and ex -Mayor he. Mayor's ohair, the pre. L the. Executive, Mayor /tying definitely decided For the Reeveship an acclamation for Reeve ouncillors it is likely that embers will stand for re - the possible exooption of nNorman, who, we under - ds retiring, There will mber of new men in the Commissioners the only ioned thus far are Messrs. n and Geo. McKenzie ay will start the ball roll - men are needed for the ions and men who have the s of the town at heart fraction of their time to anagement of the town's came down street a ning on the sidew, Macdonald block. Hamilton from n caught by the sh� was carried some gerous position nn ped. Ur. Hamilt' injured, but his fr almost ruined, en damaged. Parti say they do not is escaped serione Leathern, of thi sidewalk, also n� Wingha •• ratepayers should give the by.Iaws s rions consideration. The town need: both pure water and sewers and the r • tepavera have the matter in their hand Last fall's outbreak of fever cost "Ingham more than the dost of makin . the extensions to the water- works sys em will be. We believe that the water 'orks of the town, with pure water, ca be made to be more than Belt sustai ing the same as our electric light sys em. Electors, consider the best inter eta of the town and vote to keep Wio. ham in the front as the pro- gressive t wn of this section of Ontario. Is Mor is we hear that Reeve Taylor and ex•C unoillor C. G. Campbell will have a o,nteat for the Ree.7eship, and if this b the case there may be a°oon- test for t = Council. In Eas Wawanosh we understand that Ree : Parks is resigning and Coun- cillor Gil aspic is mentioned as a can- didate fo the position. Mr. Samuel Burchill ill be a candidate for the Council a • d ho would make a good man for the po: tion, In Tur•berry we have heard that Counoillo Kelly may be a candidate for the Reev ship and that Mr. T. K Powell wi11•be i • .the, •field for the position and that Ree ' e Moffatt will again be a can- didtite, The a Nominat different ve given is the general rumor. n &vy may put: matters in a fight. MAYORALTY CANDIDATE. To the Electors of Winghara:-- Mr. Gregory having deoide o retire as Mayor at the end of the rm, and no other member of t e sent Council is desirous of obtainin e position, I have decided to offer myself as • a candidate for Mayor for the year 1910. Faithfully yours, GEO, SPOTTON. See KNox'S new Christmas goods before purchasing elsewhere: '.1'o RENT OR SEtt.,'with or wlthOat en acre and thtee.gaartere of landY4e LEauIN(SI LEGGINtisl 1 The right two•gtorey brick House, eight rooms, kind 1Or Men and Boys, only $1,25 per pure bard and *oft Water. Apply 10 Pair. Big Value. See them W. J. Giro, MoEENZIL True B. e Officers. At the regular No. 19, of the lea tion, held in the evening last, the elected for the Mrs, W. 3. Hai Beckwith; se Plenty; treasur ohaplain, Mrs. Louie Flenty; field. The me bale of clothi Orphanage at P eating of Fern Lodge, al True Blue Assooia- range hall on Friday ollowing officers were netting term: -W.M., s; D. M., Mrs. M. R. etary, Miss Lizzie , Miss Louie Flenty ; . Rush; D. of 0 . Miss ler, Mrs, Jas, Netter - ere have contributed a to the True Blue °ton, Farm for gale or r , with or without implements; reasonable terms, Apply to Jos. PuGH, John St., Wingham.. Present d with Pipe. A pleasant fee • re of the meeting of the oounty conn, 1 of Huron, which was in session last w +ek, took place, when Reeve Leckie, o Brussels, was present- ed with a hands. •. e pipe and smoking stand by bis f: low oonnoillors. Mr. Leckie is a vs •eran member of the county council .1 Huron, having first become a memb r in 1882. For twenty years he was out • f it, but like the oat, came baok, as h: smilingly remarked in his reply to the presentation. The ad- dress was sign.d by the warden, Mr. Peter Lamont, and the presentation was made by• • uncillor Watson. WE ARE READY or a • mmenee busi- ness in Christmas f. • ear. Come, see our display. W. J. GREER,. Photo by Allan of Stratford Photo by Rev. J. C. Cook of Belgrave EDWARDS' BRIDGE, EAST WAWANOSH. WE herewith present our readers with a couple of views of th9 "Edwards', Bridge" erected during the past summer by the Oounoil of East Wa- wanosh, at lot 37, con. 6 7. It is of a style new to the northern part of the oounty, being of cement concrete, reinforced throughout with steel I beams, rods, and expanded floor metal. The bridge consists of one olear span of 30 feet, and a roadway 10 feet clear in width, supported on abutments with a 5 ft. base and 5 battresses all strongly reinforoed with half-inch steel rods, firmly attached at spaces of 15 incites apart. The superttruoture has a pleasing appearance, the guard walls being neatly pannelled. This style of bridge is muoh stronger than the old style of steel or iron bridges and is some cheaper. The parrying capacity of the bridge is 20 tons on 2 axles for a live load. The oontraotors were Vint & Love, who tendered for complete work, filling and grading approaches and metalling roadway for $095, but as the foundations for the west abutment had to go lower than the plans called for and it was deemed wise to extend the wings on the north side; extras amount- ing to $43 were inourred. W. Watson of Belgrave was a very efficient in- speotor of the construction. Councillor Soott prepared the specifications and plans, the drawing being executed by Fred Scandrett. As there are a large number of bridges in Last Wawanosh under 40 feet, future Oonnoils in build- ing permanent structures are likely to follow the example set by the Council of 1909. HIGH SC1i100L NOTES. By H, ' . Reporter. It is with extre e regret we learn of the departure of our much beloved principal, Mr. J. ' . Taylor. Mr. Taylor has been with us for three and one- half years, and do ing that time he has made Wingham H gh School one of the, best schools in th Province. We are very so ry to lose ,. r. Taylor, bat con- gratulate him, a • d wish him every success in the fat . re. Death of rs. Cloakey. Another of the pioneer residents of Morris township seed away on Sun.. day last, in the p son of Mary Eliza- beth Mellen, wife t Mr, James Oloakey. The deceased lad was in her 67th year and had been in p or health for some time, She had been a resident of Morrie for upwar s of forty years and had a large oirole of friends. She was for many years a ember of the Pres- byterian Church, Beetdos her husband, she is survived by five children, viz:— John, of Wingha ; Solomon and Mary J., at home; Mrs. ardy, Dungannon; and Mrs. ()Grant, Ca low, who will have the sympathy of th commtieity. The fonerel took place Tneadey afternoon to Blyth cemetery Mrs, Cloakey wee an ennt to Mr. Ja a Cloakey gad Disrs: Jail G. Stewaitt of this town. Several member our school during we are please,. to likely we will hav rink. The Board health of the sotto certainly a very he of the Board visited he past week, and aro that it is very au . net look skating out forthe rs, and skating is 'thy exercise. The members of orm II are writing a very pathetic lette to Santa Clans, that he may visit Mr. " orkman, and inter- cede on their beha before Mr. Work- man marks their a ithmetio papers. An excellent pr gram is being pre- pared for Friday 1 eoember the seven- teenth. Several High 5 'hoof students attended the oyster snppe at Blnevale on Tues- day, December he fourteenth. They report a very pie sant evening. Mise Margaret MoLean has been out of school for a f:w days. We hope she will soon return. The members of Form III wish to thank their trie • do in Form I for the pretty little mo • e, whioh they so kind- ly loaned them . Tuesday. Next time we make carbon monoxide we'll visit their mouse-yar a. It is with • ooh surprise that We notice Mise Kat Young amongst us. The severe inj ries she endured while her friends adm metered "The Bumps" would have sen another heroine to the hospital. into ew Premises. This week •+ r. Jos. E. Match has moved hie bar - ering business to his new h toneblock, shop in the opposite the Queen's hotel and Mr, J. W. Orr has alto moved • • B box ball alley to the north half of , e *ante More. Donations Thankfully Received. Mies J. E. "high, Superintendent of the Hospital, ishes to thank the mer- chants and o . ere who have 80 kindly forwarded d nations to the Hospital. These aro a aye greatly appreotated, but the mora especially at present, at the hospital a taxed to Re utmost dap. softy. Por • e last two weeks, > etw ene patter: I an • nmines, thee ar bo o0nstantl7 f p in 20 to 25 tueeeta$. CHURC NOTES. Communion ser St. Andrew's 0 morning. Prepar held on Friday aft In honor of the Knox Presbyterian au illustrated hist tion, from its for present time, has officers of the straggles of the obtain some place tion of the first lo meat of Mr. Alexa minister, all these in the history. families of Brace its pages from st not only for Pres residents or forme of the country interest. ice will be held in arch next Sunday ory service will be rnoon. tieth anniversary of Church, at Tiverton, ry of the congrega- ation in 1559 to the een prepared by the church. The early sottish pioneers to of worship, the ereo- edifice, the appoint - der MacKay as first hinge are referred to he names of the old 'ownehip run through t to fintsh. Indeed, yterians, but for all residents of this part e history is full of HoolEY SHO . s — In Ladies' and Me styles at love free. 's, Boys', all the best es. Skates put on W. J. GREER. PRESBYTERY n F NIAITLAND. The Presbytery f Maitland met at Walton on Thnred. v, 2nd Deo., and in- ducted Rev. R. A. Lundy into the pas- toral charge of Dns 'a Church. Walton has ma a good progress dur- ing the past few •ars. Four years ago it was on the a•-mented list. 11 now pays its pastor a salary of $900, though there are only ab • tit 70 families. Molesworth c Rev, T. A. Boll ing a "•iary of holidays. The ly commended increasing the ate only 75 famil gregation has called A, of Napier, offer - $000 and two weeks' ngregation were high - y the Presbytery for lacy by $100. There ee in the congregation. Bervie, north Kinloss and Riverdale were nutted as .ne charge, offering a salary of $1,000. Rev. Mr. Brea er'e pastorate et Her - vie ceases at the d of this year end he will henceforth minister to Knox Church, Ripley, One. John Hannon o Hamilton committed enieide by oattin hie throat, $ndge Cannon' report on the civic tri• vestigetion at ontreel finds n goad deal of oorruptiamong eldorroori airel oiciale. CLOTHES THAT FIT you well, look well .and wear well, are the best in the end. They cost no more than the other kind, if you go to the right place for them. We have a fine stock of Suitings in Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in the latest styles and use the best trimmings. The Cold Weather is near, and an OVERCOAT is a necessity. Come in and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers and Friezes. Yon will look dressy in one of our make, Excellent Values may be had from us in Fur Caps, Fur Collars and Neck Scarfs. The prices are an attraction. The Balance of our Men's Furnishings must ;o—Bats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, etc. ROBTII MAXK`ELL A deputation a ernment to establ ization for Wom ed the Ontario Gov- sh ovsh a Bureau of Colon- s, The Viotoria minion Conser Colombia oann Bride to lead th oloniat warns the Do- atives that British. t spare Premier Mo - Charles Farr s stead by waitin gina land office until Saturday cured* a 54,600 home - on the steps of the Re - from Thursday night orning. Our Christmas - Hoar Display Is a regular beauty show! There are, by far, ,too many styles to attemnptWa description. We certain- ly wouldn't knowwhere to commence or where to stop. We've Slippers for Everybody, from Grandpa to Baby. Slippers for every pur- pose. i 0e,uptoS1.00or$1m2.30 li Cosee aur Sllppe lr! Show ! J. W w