HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-02, Page 84 1OI4PS ER -END SAVIliGS 4F..5 :BARS FOR 10e.,"4"*." #0.01.r. AMMONIA, g BOXES .Lon la - SELOX.:g BOXES 1 PALMOLIVE SOAP0 BARB FOR*, , BOO OAKES', a, Iii3S"- ' •••=-45C • 13IQ 5 CLEANER 50 • CHOICE' QUALITY, 'PEAS TOMATOES, g SEEDLESS,: PUFF SEEDED AND .VA14; RAISINS 2: LBS ' • FANO,t RICE, 4 LBS ..2 ,MACC.A.k014I, 4 LOS, FOR ,, • "FANOY. WRITE. -BEANS; 14 /41.3.5; FOR „ ' 40: OK: ,IT'Alt MARMALAVE • 40 ',OZ.34R STR WBI.ABRY'' JAM 30 •••OZ: JAIT.f;PEANUT BUTTEw • ' 5.. Poua0 Blat16, Tea slip° Other Vlectiopi • . . ' ounty 'Council .','ReeYe 'David McDonald' S three-. _ ' _ ' ' Year terin ac Inembet of. the" County,. (C.014inu!'d• Page 1). -I- 1-TighwaYs CoMmittee bOVing' 'position ,00Mbine&-mitb that Q't "pired., this mouth, the ceerkeii,:i or 034.rt Stenograpber,' 85.• " Wednesday .' afternoon, Proceeded , to • • •• • vacancy .Between Reeves Indigent.' PeVente' ac".ts , Still• , .-111Crea8ing '",...„!• • .: Gregg, ‘11cDonal4..411.4d'R°I)t.Rae.'oi ••,,. The eeete,,a,sndigentcpetienta from I..nckuow• 'there was a lively contest, .." x 'az. e -Sibllets beintaken to makthe ', County in hospitalS' outside et -Ernie ceittinttee•" to incrense, Ac, selection... .The. first ballet; .:resuited, 'couits. passed' .•st this .sessioit, fOr Gregg 10; McDoialci, 10;• Rae 42; .• two reenths!' Care ' and. treatinent .of •641. • 1?4119t: Gr.cgg 3i. MCDOald.' 17, g7. patients: hi 12: hospitals, amounted. RI° ': • Mr $2;525-7.an.'t aMourit' : one,tlilrd• ' "'. . an e?c,Wlird- en,,,iiS• quaed,. to ' serve for,' an - ad; • . higher .than..Was -•diSbirsed • -14 this. :way n, January' 1932. • "":':. ' Oitionitl• three • Yenta,' With, 'the ) The, Tewpoip• „dith ception' 1410)0081d whO ' has ".•been; the. representative, of . 'three Members, „Of ,the •Inierits ;faili7; 41. :1171%104401a. • heeenTt;we 7tiri:eirPMPal;•LioillatanYg."'f,°a:1.•,r5eeco7rnd: Clerk . •F4grester",•"xemarked,. respect • the • fist of .••riturileitalitieS. Donald, ho has commenced,hiS el - From NOV. :1st, . to Dec: '3.1st,', 1932, eventh consecutive year"as ,ReeVe: of the account : forthem. amounted „to Culross, : is,. the •:senior, in: .point Of. • $274.50,- "''•• • ••• •• co•. 'nneus -Service,. '.of the. :Present,: The Citunty;••• collects, • frontlOcat •rsomiel. of ',• the' Conety. Council; • InuniciPOitie,s. :One halt' of such charg- Earlier . in:. :January,- following • • a' ' '• '; : seeond" 'nomination..., at Lion!s, Head,. ••1S,acondniY• Education ' Cestist•Mounting leeve Wm Gillies Was defeated in" ;The:Beeves are." .seized MIL.,09.000.-11'• •ivaii932he he ces,;.ity ,of co-operating in any.: Way' was electeete. the•Connty Possible:in endeavoring "to lower the, .7".:Oznutittee: .for : thee -year Jerm, Mounting cost s Of, secondary ' .efinca•-. According to to' ' an • amendinent :• to the 11011.'1'11a ClerkrePorted .having ErigliWays:Act, •a :couple of years agO. ''eeiired•• a telephone •MesSagefrom, the :Mel) 'other • :than members of • the' COtirity" Clerk ,:at ;Stratford,. request- County • Council May , bold '.that office,. ",--ing:the.Brate::Ceetity Ceaheir;tii.Send, -:.twe,thjp14 "Wf..ther. members 'of. Stratford on, :Feb; to ...doenas ..6.hffeOr raorOlefOvoileM91:t Ailit12 • delegates te. ..be. held in • County Council mos,,_and..".:•,ineena_.;•,,of.xedueirigp,z,the6e:es upotion was favored by 21, costs. The Wardee„:atiithe request 41 were-..atisAgd to have hum ointin': Councl,.appointed: as delegates Mess- te But as ithe :011°66•11'-;'diti not get- ,luppOrt;* *two4hirds.. Of the • 32 , en - Cameron i ts.'"' David • Carruthers, ,-.Munn' • and, of 'to. :vote,: kr. Giltiesf,catriei:On.: iiMeron ..'andi•Itittiaelf to attend: • : The CritottYConnell of Brrice : To :fill .0 Vacancy on the *Old ,Agie. • : '.:.• . 'AS :i ••:• contributing. 'Practically $62;000 per . • • . Consmttee,' causedby the , , . !.,' annum the '-..fiye high .sehools. and. esxgnationof Warden Grant, in an ten continriatiOn schools .in 'fees. for .ilection between,' Reeve Rae . "and pupils attending, sameWhoreside leeve.:• Porterfield, :of ::ChesleV; , .; :: .'Mr entside. these .schoO1 .districts; Under 1-9e was elected; he gtting119 •votes• this .headiOg;:lthO foflowrng accounts 0 his opponent's 12 County Tratie • Were • Passed • fOr • :payment!' at •thia• f.'iret* Nelson .i$,•the'Worden'S' suceess- oossiom iwiothom „High..:school,• .tr, as .secretary Of the ,Comniittee; •". 28810; . 'clitrOrd• •;Continuation -Sehboi, ,IfeYe'•Ihr."'T.Oritkey: and Caretaker. • • -One. Man, Suggested.: EaiiiJiirary th-e-GVitrTilrtT., eys'job 'became 'vacant; M. , •Ier, who was Turnkey for .,nearly. nine 'iears,.. mini:being with the .staff of. the , 'Burtvash: He' has' a' teinperary.TsnecesSor %at ;$2 per day. • There has-been advanced, ..by cer- aib 'citizens of Walkerton..who wrote. he ' Provincial Secretary's' Depart, • *nent,. ,Sheriff • ::Rowland told 'Council, he stiggeStion that the AntieS'of the: •Turnkey ',and :.Caretaker • of :the .Coun- ty ',buildings .be,"'cOrisOliditted: juicier, :one' ,ma,0:::::Two • met. • for; these • times . When ..econonty. slibtild• 'be tractiSed; „ire" Mit -.necessary, ,they are:stated te. have informed the Departinetit.... • • Reeve Porterfild • "introduced,". •the .matter; and .on his suggestion the' Sheriff • gaYe explanation. " Haying been in Toronto;rdiscessing 'the, ,ettestion With. the OfficialS,, con- 'erited„. the:: Sheriff' , aiked•-•tO •, have ,ine• of :thein ,conie to Walkerton ,andi 2onfqr with. the .Colnity Council, 'but when the • Department declined., he was :requested ..to deal sith it. • Sheriff 'Rowland' does 'net think the proposal . is :feasible: Iii"frict.116. "ticallY threatened:Ad resign it,. this 1$ done. There is no scarcity L(.f,:fit,- 11ie.ations fec the-.TUinkey'S•. job, and , he Wotild not stand in the Waty. if. 'effecting' economy; Rowland •"-iaid "he 'cannot' See hoW the .eonbine,d duties' could be carried' out•at all sat- isfactorily` hy•:*. one man: ''A motion, that :Connell -Jake: no action' in this • 'atter uitiI the June session was Opposes "Modification of 14"; . .poundil• •faYered: reS"olo.tionjeferred to • i by..the: ty Council of Middlesex• opposing .any., Modification' of the' Liuer Con - :The :following •were • appointed- --High• School, Wtistees• for the .enstl...: fog term 'of" three. 'Years: *,Kineardine, Samuel McKenzie:, Port2VIgin, H. H. Stevens; Walkerton, L. G. ' Crozier; Wiarton; E.' M..- Good; ,Chesley„ 'Wm. Matheson. • • • , • Under the heading of education .there iS the !natter of the Cost :30 .children 'frani the: Children's Shelter attending the.' Walkerton; P41442'. :School - For these an account inTun- •ting'-to. $427,17„ Wad: teased:, at . this. .• , • The committee, in the •r after, resolution' forwarded by the:Toter- ' int Teachers' "Association.,: agreed • that• the secOnd 'year • of. Nerinal, training; should : he abolished:, • • 'Walkerton'n Reeve Is. New •Warden' • As their first 'Official , act pf •the yder, the, County,r *elected: as their 'Warden -the Reeve of :Walker- Camtbell •Grant„. Who is the . Youngest man to occupy, tha,t' benor-. 'able office. One of•.the leading' barr- isters of the County, .Warden Grant ' fifth. terni as. Reeve al whiehTbas, *not had its *" Reeve Sitting as 'head Of Bruce since:: • 1916; when. the late*: Magistrate A. " V. McNah • was Warden: Mr. :Grant -.not 'only is nopnla , is eininentiv!, •fitted to be • the ixtiethr Warden • Of • Bruce . County. • , Reeve -mean of. RiPieV, -the neue,W den had a strong and very Wort opnenent..In the absence • on business in Ottawa, of Touthaton. ten's Reeve.: Maier j. C.' Tolmie •:Votitur. reiultiktr.ir :deadlock -1646, • aril this Was :broken by Reeve Dan.; • •••• W. ...Gregg Of Brant,* the. representa-- , five . of the, munieinalitv, with tbe •.leigest •assesarnent. deciding tie • roetter 'when he :voted for Mr. :Grant. cleric David ,Forrester tire- . sided during the election. .• Vrardon •G•rsrit. after ecknoWledirine ,trol At whereby licenses 'would he Olen of the honer eonferred .ontyro granted to sell ,Wine and beer' in ho, end trivingn tribete. to, his rinfmng tels and restaurants • •• ' ' Mate., saidhe felt all, membersof the The •:',COunty of Dufferin's resolu- ton, .expreasing oppesitiott to the prOposattto, „abolish ' County Councils •Met . with , the eoncurrence Ott' the, Britee legialators,' • . • Reduction in the eest ,of, rural tel- ephone servic,e,' being •advotated hY the Coppty:'*Conficil of Weittwerth was agreed to by. Brime:Council. 'Realizing' that the " Provincial(' treasury' already i$ Overburdened and any further Obligations it , accepts •woWd have to be met bytbe public hi taXation, the truce Council •did • not conch). in 'a , resolution •Cotning ;from. the County of Hastings, "adyodatinr. the tilifising of. legislation !'ltiliereity the. Maintertance in hotty)itals of • . beard 'Would co-operate in legislating • • : in, thelest" intereOts of • the rate - "vers ,especially In' these • stressful ''be. 'result .of _the Wak;,. Otant-I-Afepts.. 'rer etir • of •'Port Eledh. Thos. Carruthers of ri • evten, 'Chisholm' of Brent, •,7"Ia1es ,Cr4nOcki ' Davis: .of "St;:":?Ed.ritundS,• orrint Of Walkerto:yi GrCe.0 -of r!"r•int,';' .1..ante of 'Carrick; "McCannel ,of. geen;., Porterfield, Of ChesleV, Ross'et Teswiter;": Schmidt of Mildro"IV. • . (lob of Tara., Tysonof' Wiarter, Westlake • Of Hepworth, • Woollnt • . For ..Mutiii...-Ard of AMribet of Arritri. David Carruthers„Ot :digent patients .iiir03 be •nlaceil'Ofi tile Kintogo,, Gedded of 'Tinton, 'Graliatn• .srn 1.)1Si ., ijf VOwli,."}rowe''Orri-riwar-•Airathera' ";AlloweJiees. relievirig Latilden ' F'4tn 4ofs'logie of,Pais_10;', 'the: tax".;Mayer. Of' 'till§ :btirden,"'• . , • David McDonald ' of Pot the, •rea.sOn: that 'Shedd ..the. Penald ' Of •LindiitY • Munn Of R ' ipTeV Ontario Government • eet,in.'ii0e0d- Pruder :of., Albemarlel :In e. of '1,11d., ',Ct'°° *10 of the t'ealtiVik'' ati010 of ('tpc:1 of Cm.totOro 'ClinntieS ' like Kincardine . Township, - 'White Of, .Bruce. winch' -hate :AMAIL.:debetiture .,pitnis flead, • 04,1110911, 1ndehtednesa-.4iftying, ,i1S they went, • • •°,`.,. , lly in s ' esteem u An otters an,hugh-i way construction --,would be. foreed, to help in Meeting. the • obligation of. . Colmtlea • heavily . indebted" "the.. Bruce County Council 'did pot concur in Carleton's resolution, : advocatie0 the passing -of legislation wherebY the -PrO,Vince .WooWnsaurne. the total4 epaf..,pf cepstrUctionand niainteoancd , of AingPs. Ilighwa"'••- • The gonnoil lent its. support to e resolution of tbe County of Middle-, sex 'advocating ,n reclUctiOn in the: Township levy • to School'. Sections from -$600 to ,$400. ,• • • , Owen, Sound's 'mayor -requested apt" •received the co-operation of Bruce's Council in an endeaver ,te have thket ' Provincial. Plowing Match' held•in. this' district "this year. _: Reeve' David Carruthers was 'Pointed. Council's delegate to • the an- nua1sonirpotio4 o tl* Ontario School Trustees'. Association inToronto, 'text April. • •:•••• * Joining the Associatfon of,TVIanag-• ers of" Homs: for the Aged end •ruin, the County will be :repregented •9t; their convention in Stratford next ,Turte by -Mr, R. L Keeper of thes;Housenf-Refitgeho; this year, is field of ' the association. •- In 'Toronto 'in February' Mr *al- er .Chisholm; Repay Reeve of, Brant., Chairman Of the County Agriculturzil Comintttee, will be- Bruce'sdelegate. to the. convention of the Ontario Ag- ricultural Council. They will consider fronting certain recommendations of • the Legislature with a vieyi to as- sisting farmers. ' •• '' • FOrsyth,;.. Agricultural'Rep- resentative, was attendance while Council was in session and on FridaY Morning he addressed 'the' Reeves. Or matters touching the interests of rural inhabitants. At this time , he especially asks:for their co-operation in, • circulating infritmation with 'limed demands by tbe British market ' TuvitspAlte p 466$• ' 1n repare TUE NEW PRINTS AND DAINTY t?..,:4,ppvi.i41.11!cOilitertggisiNITET.41, NEW FLORAL F:L°!41; :475D 'I'EAF'‘. 36" Wde, Fast CoIor,, 364' Wide 'Fiat: Colors . Special,'• Per Yd.„'"'.:.'..,15e tkitzt :41e1itY he : New • SPring. 'Designs In Table , -'94 Cloth?, '45",ntid 54° Iv!de• 367 lilew Broad4otk. • .kleinert, ,Setrn.oni GARTERS ' Pe' • • • • • • • • •••• • • , • • • • • • e,,tliatch 'Oulit Bat ' DAT, _riti,.0y,:;:A14Ei ,F)R, FROM SPOTS, 72 99 •-•'• • f •••• • • • • • •49 IBEX PALETTE 13,LAhlKVTS,,: 1214, iiifST.'iriu'AMTir,: PER.:'PAIR .1189 44 14OTE4 • PER )PKG:.' ••KLEENEX; PER PKG lSc• . , IIOYS' sWocti. WaoFito.ig ;REDUCED • ' • • . • , , Mens & Boys' Winter derWeaf'Givatly Reduced PriCeS •••;* •aClutkei, .hager •OUR MO'ITO:LiMALLER PROFlii, QUICK TURNOVER. t.4 RHONE 75,, .• . , . . in,, prospect, , regarding i . mprovement, : . 'Rumors,: Report g. in .quality : ,of hog. ': ' " , .. .. . . , , . :It was revealed that several( of. the.• - - ' - Grants- ."Passed .• • '•''• ., Reeves ' had"eOniteeted with "inmers". ...• The., followingi grants;.; were.. passed';. :or : reports.. to the effect that, some ;Canadian Nationat,:institute for' the • of the 'Men who drove „" trucks -•1..: •'. Blintl,"$50; : Hospital for :$tck .ChivrIn year ,,.for J..14,.. - Thackaher.iy ' - and. giVelr,/, iggal. ,Te11.4' ••• :, .. ''••:‘ ' `.•••••• '•.•' , • • Toronto, ' $50;. :Salvation ,' Army; ' :t5,0;' ..Robt, .Sin.imie, to whom the •IfighWaYa . Beeve Atc(rinnet'''414.:•tkiti.:.;in. in,. ;''.3.liiidrari'.„S.: Aid.. 'SoCiety;; .$2,0002 .Rey„, 'CO . rnittee 'OWarded ' thd• 'Contract ,,te,:,trOducingthis.':nuttter for discussion. R,•'retdue,',, the. IUSPector,.vaddressed l'ia1ul'. gravel'. were • ,odissatisfied, '• it. they had no intention of • AnkgeOttOI: Council in relation to , the work , of being • suggested' ' that only thoSe.'pur-': that .: preference, be "'given 'Ideal men !:.146:;'SbeietY.,:.:, .,.. .. • . .... : : • chasing , rucks ,:through. , Mr. Simmie if workcould not be, carried out ad- .,,• werepermitted to ,haul gravel under tantageonalV ind...rOadOlablyLtTaisVepiTiaenting-With-Woodthiscontractme 'ot:Wonld net :bind • the „..tommiti, ReeVe:71'aaterfield, ' Chairman ' of the -.f Members ' 'of tfie.' Iligli.Way4,..ent,•••" tee that way," he ,.remniked, :when Property, .conniiittee; Asked"Ter. in OE-. .'n4ttee,•,:stated. they . were "-Unaware of, atatin :" that m the.. Metter • had been Aression of ,opinion from the, meTis. anYthing Of:. this,: kind;,". and :' ftees,4, brought' pp' for discusSiOn.":to Set, at :.Sers..01 :Ceuneil'as.to the adVisabilit,Y • ' Rae. of .LucknOwe..reitiinded: the elder , rest roniOra' of • dissatisfaction. • which )f .burning • Wood* instead .0fcoal m„. ,themhera:rtnd .toldthe new ..Reeitin thigt had, reached '.hillar *Oct. other, member .he Central heating ..,.' plant. :at [...AI* ' ar4: 'a' Jenie,"..runiors..mean-ilttle• or ifotii. Of :•'. Connell:. ' .•„''' :,'•'.. :* ; :. ,.::'' :"•,.."- Z.::: I , .' '-',otiiitY. ,buildings, • - as .. recommended ing., ' Farther. When -menthers • Of " the •,•...Mi. McDonald, who, the day,• Pre," •4sr . 0 • coOiril, of 1-111.$0.1.6 •Catint.Y.•• •Countir. Council hear complaints their ,vlous, •Waa,' reeelegted:. for Ida. "sixth ',softie : discussionthe ' Warden, ..heA-.., h:_terntJen.:thtiL-HighWaya-•-:COMniittee„ :.&-Maertanil...--ift'f...t:9i-l'ilolml7et-tie°nt'e%:(i°1•ttelFictili''' :stated that -On. committee: had.:;.'."110: -:.;licillain efd ,..".ivfa ,'e-!spresC..inEl.:*csosp.,-UnoT3iitotoener7.. G.c°47.*. :hisenperience.:and that Of others they preferenee. - regarding" who they *.en.,:: .ham andRae, to '.act ''.'‘Fith the,',Prer' always,• Will. , find ..the ,OffieiOis• ready aged to de the ,•trucking, .1and last •pertY•.CMOMittee". (Reeves PiadarPeld to oblige. In 'his -Sil*IPnce 'iti Inal4112,1 year ;it :theii.•"'had:•ivished to eNtake. 'llow0 and '•Tindale,) in looking into • ieipai life;', he •has : foon4. the Average, itei :ind, ,.trocim...: from .youtside , the .)ho' imatter. They ..retorted . that .,• they . equipment but :there ,Will', he an ex7.•.• :in the judgement Of 'etit, Highways:, • is: net . feaSible to burn ,`m'xru,.mia":13..7r "report" to ;be..!grcnthalo f4I4- it fair not to haye. Confiddnek In Lthia...,.e,onneetiolh :Ie.,: stated,... that 'believe it '.'' 'COniitY,:,thei.eouki: have 'done so at a 'Wood eitclusiyely, With, - the present :.. added:: ": , , : •••• ' : , .. ..... 'SligittlY .better 'priCe. than, was paid Periment :with part . wood and part cefinnittee7 !,.asked. :LuCino:tee,..Tteeve the. Government ',''diatrict, , engineer ceaL . ' •'' ••• • • ' . • •• •'' '.... 7..ti - t 4 4`rif•utir:-.-Vngineer,. who is * very ' :et', had etroioglY,,advieed.'"theM to &Ward. . • ''. ••••': ' : ,seientiOna,• says he cannot. handle .i . .. :•Retuge,"FarM• Prodoce, • : •, , the contract to ratepayers , of Binge.- .. , ,The.'.report of the keeper , of. the. as this Motion WoUld..,.ha*e iiiin dii• it,': i. done " •'', .'"It leeks ' rie if, the. committee has Hotz5e of, itetpg• ei'i:e*e.O., that oukialk,. shojildn't. we .be satisfied ' ,with ..is . .ino4i''';3e';',11t1.,:,njoob;i4Tkiiatock, iiiiiibiel.'filyi ',,..,tigyel. laSt, year. the products of . the tab*, ,• mcrittain,,,Giant:. :,,,ithe.,:.,ieiyieri2,*10: %Oita ..giVen'. iiitiettiegonend thatis -Vere-Vainedr,at,,..a-CoeseriratiYe.*estior.i.....-- "1 -- not •the•HigirtvayS:.Cenititittee' With "i'thili:.:r•atsll'•,'eonleit' ti--.. 7gr!!.. • ' the • "eoittraetorsi 7iiiiiiic. we .were., after; .1rthis,• motion. ate;. at $1,201 'itis, follows: 700 hoeh-• •coneerned. 3.f. oats,. $140; • 250 . bnahels. inixed , ,..,.:, carries . the la:ngineer wilt do his beat. grain' $62.50; 200 bags ; tOttitoes; . , -Ont 'there will be niera,COMPliiinti, in marigtilds,7 $‘5(.1;, 520 husheln turnips . 41,; • half dere •todder •cprni• $10; ,66 tthh::..411:6tetilillIga,d . i''.7.e'cl Its ...PuTP°14-7'1. ' .,toti443t' 6.1,r‘laaallri-emnarned.'.'.th.:aiD-14,YliaPtiOnfieedli.jettaledill. :hicleene,- $28:; 15„. loads straw,: '$15 3 hokg, §lioiejierd,....$58;, garden net have • it ::WithdraWn?",...'”'-..''' ' *...•• •Reeve"Atd. Of .Aniaoef.. who ••ionat,.. ntatkedthat. as the',, introdUctiOn ' Om Reeve of:. ' iptorniatinoWnY '4I 4AiSf3i '' truck • drivera. '::.We will ., get lufi3 .thai.v. eve-fliefore.• '..You, 'efizet . , . . , . „ . . ;$10or 8.§ tti.os. ho; $252; 630 bushels , Reeve ' Perterfieldp- of' .ChealeY , :fe;.: nrodnee $75;.".sinall" fruits, .., $25;, ' 693 ' Itilaiiii iit',Itipleki...:.`.`t '„4i,lie., 'thatti.: 'wele0M00 thin 'discussion., t',n, los.: eggs, '.$104;.., 1120 • ibs:.-• butter, found the officiaitf",always: .glad,'• to ,..f, a ,eoniplaitt• lie: !hid:received from 224.; 22. ducks,. $1650: . , :,1. ...." give; inforMation;"' and .1, am sure OW -4 niari-,efigaged 10t Y•Ott '''bY these 224; .• ere: •Who',. have ‘,..SoUght,..inforniationsi •zentrartere.. W60,-; the, .: new iito . (when ..hir.,-; Ard' was told of !tile was reported to • The,' ntiniber' ,:of .-huuntes-c in. the • .11.onse of Reinke, is ..49,-.-86'. Males arid Will concur:" •:- i: • :.•...... ' : ..:. •;--, . • iikVii Said thatt....up.',te•a Month 18 "females.. ' •: '.. • ,,,..,'. , . - ElderslieW.' Reeve, 'Robert : Sloan, : 'The, H*otise :cif • Refuge •Corolatitee, chairman :.pfi. HighWaye.:, natter) , .he 'bed-. not. , received any iii• its report, ,..:* -which '..WaS adopted, : . "When You hear rinner.S 'touching the ' .noney for his services. bieembeia„ 91., aid:: "We find that . about' itva Acres leirt,eir:icht)af1;;;,°?1,.rY:o‘ii7i1:Yiillitfitersi6'":,uwg.i.itle:'alyti.:: ;.;1.1•Oi'ii1;higth...Ona.:YtshiSC:::tillinindilteengireueird'i,'Stteh., ' .,.f land' at'...the front of the terra Inti. :. for an orchard; mid, we itiVbstigate,;.'Whera. iieCeSatsr3r, and. ens.013".Said he would not release the Wen prePated rectify .anything.'that Shotild , be. te,e:' i5.000 bond fiitniehed:'bli';e0etractoris recOrinend the purcba$P .Of- eidtable gecv,„ , -..,, ' ,,••• ,,,.:.•,•:, ,. ,,, ....,ill,.: he, received. it.. paper, :bearing -the' :trilit trees anl. plants • for: the 'Sallmove.s;„. ..it:',. iFid;iti"xa:.sr's, (ehtniti . the tie*,':1„teev,e.:ii. ...iigni4ttutiy,,, of ' 0.-Terir :man *Waked' k , The COMMitte;JOspeeted. • the. ination);'",.."(tertmndii61;;OSI".:WtteS't°orpi..h.griiiifil.. that :the contractors .',.httd: , paid *.hifli: lad. found conditions • very. satisfae= nettling gravel 'het year, •.certiOing tOrk...: : ' ' I .- •' . '', --..,..: •. ' .' ••,;"' " • !' ' :: .• Ont it .diScUssien. and in. that we have, ,What. is ..hia :dile; .„ :' '''.'•• :.., '''• , '' '"•:. .:':•• The Standings.Cemzeitteee'' .., ' : :Cheeeeded.. .:1 . don't .• think7,that. the.: . Tara's 'Reeve, Me'Tindalet.I'atil . Wednesday •'. niorningthd „Striking. 'etnnt'Oicte;• Which '••,1 . einnPoeat, y of 'not. •criticizing • the general'. work -ef. Committee, • Composed . 'of 'Messrs- able...Me, Tif shouldPe .dictated t :'. o„., • the 'Highways :Conimittie„, but . why Igunri; ThoS.,. Carruthers,, Dales, Day.„... ,::,,-., :: ,c ommitt.emoon„Ei 90ii4., no, .,::: .,:,. ',not give'. the people Seine snecille- in- ...:s,•,Gceig,,:rorteifield.;'.Rae, ..ItoSS:, and. :,- : tormatien regarding. :highways .' :mat.; Tindale recommended oo; :.Vhert...''• County : •Coinicil " reantned, ters?" 'Mentioning • the rates of '.**. Ritiee....gentity. douticil-fOr •:1933 i as )1 . the ..: Standing" C.oniiiitihtteeePsetOsf41:it-bre. :m,17:4•1014Piensge:, .,1t.t41....1:,..146'0.0acien1061.1t1=irsPehimidiait itea Paid; Mr. McDonald give this to - Council, :and ,Y,Mr. 'Tin, fellows, :and ' the :report.: was .ridotted.;. inetion was T:read, and. "Reeire., David dale said that it is juat,,Ahe :obit .- Of hil7'igih'eoeintr':-L-;,DaiNlviePt$i*.e:hTa-in''.,a.'R1%.,'ATI-.'• tlie:it 'sfol°anOtiwiaGeuriith.l]tl"vbeii'a,nkitiltleati: flurikee?:Ititalt'aOhntoluYida•11014)0,14414:41.'.411filldd...-dihqt: 111C•DOn.alit.of;,,CUlroseasked,it he and,'" information:. sOMe et :the ratepayers sop; ":, • : :....•,. ' , '••:': •• ' •:•, :: ..liey withdrew for 4, conference With. tributed. - ' ''', ''',...'•,; .'• ' ' ' ' '' ' 'f . ..., .. . • . ' ' EduCation and ., Printing:7-TO •sr • , he , •,Gounty, Engineer. 1 l.. . . . ,, ..,. ,., , , . , , . .Re ' Landon. . of ''Ea6teer:i.*'.teTeinie;'Caritthers;ThGeddes,•142. ,Returnng, Mr. Sloan, said that °elluiutheresaid been'*4tLOgie, Landen7 Westlake. while Mr.,Stolensocis anything 0titciftha.a,ietioraith"tr. ... ' Equalization -and SalariesHMe$81t,, :bpt a shirker, the Connell, if it 'ap,, Sionie, placing . trucht;''''althOillih,la artntiters,°*:11:; Cameron,'" Dales, Me., :proved of •'thi:41ribei 'it:tva.O.-ilduitel#1.:o!t,:27 realised•that",it ift,'"inipeistribletfi 'Suit, .40fiel, : .Seinnidt,...,'Stirling," ;Weed, ...-. to. the Engineer's 'D3.tiorntel d8,s;'" DGattlidd°, 'Bi'llure re! ' '..1.4..i'l elfin ' 11*.•1!.''' .. •••-4i'. ‘.tThhee:ts tie is elle trnhirOtillvaeide... • AgriCaltinal ,z.....111eSsiff,. '.•. Chisholm to be arilcing agoed' gal, in„siddsitioni ' all iith4nh:aittisPoe3Itareit.• tiniated:l..he It ' told ' theiie .inen (the Engineer Stephenson, following in. truek, drhrerao H., ' ' , . . ' , • • ' • , . 1,egialativeMecsts. 'Rae, , Burgess of . of Yoir'gentlemeit appear to have in, cOotractori) that if •.. they could ae. VfcDonald, :Dan, Sloan, White. • 'If' :' .m. ifintd/t.y.vh_etutid, .and Went on to 'star,: teltione.. tehVy.I'l.:Mihtfet . not 44.01ste'' Inert. and trucks in , good condi Property:Messrs. Porterfield , eWc.-„, ,th while last year's contract° .sl were responsible ' •Ifit the, ,..thiekers,' ,olus , to e • • Of ;Bang Messrs. RosS, they • ',' emplOyed • being' • coliered . by :.stirlinz., 'ElEid' .the .'wutden.•,, '.; ,i ' . liability insurance: •and, .in casd,.. Of,. '. ,Wardens--:Messts;', Del'es.:Catperon,‘ 7i'ecident; • Protection by • the. *OA,. ...AI- tiCrilinlidi.en;s ' §ioltr:4.1iletif,;;,:-..1.o....'"q tY., ;if 4,,•engs!.e'ec direct its titickerk , -;tnen'a Compensation Board,lh :e COun- rs ettuthera, Ai•y...: ', . , ,.. • • ,1/4.., in all p obabtlity would MVO' to., pro., LIGHT .01VEN. ON, GRAVEL. Vida these ', coverages for. SOMe., . ' . ". • . TRUCKING. mAtr. E• '.p. .•'.Continuink, he stated.that, if the ' g. motiOn, ,Spentiored. by 'Reeve tOrninitteo, were, :fOreed• ..:tia,. ,ettgage •coonoi of' .saogeen, and ,Reeve ,s•17ert,....: .,vitiedienkisti:eb:IO.ontintglitnvfnaeini, 'otillisvin jobs of Midt- of Mildmay, 'coccifStint that,e,T, Iddition•'..to' his Other. &Ale -8,, the *Oki' it la.' eettaiti":that not •alifttYtt e46,kink of. itticks• tO ,haul:.grgel: .1;. :40UltrtheY .136 able: to do Se to ;,ft&': oleded • in tin hands ...et. the unt,Y1) :Vantage ' and interruptions of work, Ongineet,'With,pfeferenee being %wen Which TheY. ,endetiVor to ,guard, troek oWner$ In.; localities , 11 W, 1 k LI f, ',ai whati 1S t. i7,,i • Wo :Ili I b 6i i 1 p , thevittil trposition result. ..olif Then, 'win* is 'beino 2 Abbe. anebeectet : byttiineet ' s1 ii ' g„I'lliongli he off eiclAtt'' AY the operations. „ '• Mr. Sloan sumniarized the Matter. and when . he • concluded,' 'Warden Grant vointed out that, the. motion read ,that only ".Preferendre"' shell bo hringifig.Oa refitabla diseila • , members'''of the Connty Coundif-lashi,-k•farrbrice, owners 'Of tricks in the . f -11 rriday merniriz,:l prior to their , ad. leighborhoed ofwork in prOgress ionrnment until next 'Tune. ,tfused to necent it? .Purthcre. there . (t° 1(41°g- *if° etintemPist* it yea withdrawn, tk, '7110- '1$,1 the angle, he added of the County int divorce); "Reroe_mbe,11.doireyou int.rodueed by Reeve: Rae ,o. eine'. able, to get eutial results -ifor 2 took your husband for -better or; for -1:21"ielccow_ and Yfunn,, ,recniesting money un tn:truekere not by,. *erse PP • - • notintY 'highways Committee to .tok, mg In the vicunty. of. ,the work, bu „ Young' wife' "13tit didn't take' In being. passed, late theniselves to ,• thOocations *. he said, he had cautioned theizi again- st withholding %trucking from a man with a 4erviceible unlem. be replaced- it„.; ", •''iWithout. Mare ,''crOtoideriition., I de not t,vish, to express: an °Odom regarding „the ,better ." adopt this' year.. but I ,think it .*Mild b'e well to iliiiiinate. this dilute.' As has been noi3Oted eta. there 'are. different angles to the matter. For instanee, If we set .st prite fairly high.' there TAO. fiirlitiriti for the. YrOrk, and it the price is loiy.,thitre is likely • to be a scarcity •of, trueko fit a "tbi-lo when they . are ;needed Most. anY•.;,citse:fl. will , be *aided by,, the judgement' of the, comMittee, ;as •4111111 .in all Mat# ter. ' • • into theit setiou8 considerittior, .vho would. he ,PrePared to .accOMMoi: for good, 4id • • 4. ELEN ' , kis.. A. "Andertiok. and son "Tom of:Mateking were "viriitoriz.*ith Mr. , , . and 'Mrs. HarVey. Webb :One day last., week:. , , Mr. Ben Taylor 'of 'Blyth. has ,been Yhtiting .old ' frieede at the . guest of 1118 brother.: Mr.. Mrs , Elliott' 'Miller, Mr and 'Mrs: , Wallace Miller;Mr :• nud.: Mr. W.1. Miller 'attended the *funeral • of ,the late. Mies Annie 11; Wallttee • at Port:.Eigio on •Siteda,y. 3t* *47' laCe ;Will be • remembered as a 11.67. qeot Visitor ' with ber,':Sistek, the •late Mr!, , , The, Young People'a. Society ,met. on, , Sunday evetiiiii.•'..With. an• attendanee • Of 40,- the banquetwhich is tobe.. • held :When the atendsspee 'reaches 40. for two nights, is still in the future. Mies Dorothy Miller; read' the ' tun Jeason, tWieubjeit. On "Al Great ..Mdsician •and His Msic (Hay- den), was ably taken by htr.Wilsop Woods , • •Wzn.' 'WoOds is Ott keening as„ welt* many ,friends would wish. 7lieesrs.: J.1,D, • AinIerion,':•-:.McKenzies Webb, ,Stuartand Stuart, W. I., .Milier, John'Swan, El Hott, :and Chester. !railer unit ,Coral McDonald,.• were at :,Diingannan „tak- ing part" n Cheeher. ToUrnaziefit ozi. Monday n1gbt Although they were nettlie Champions, .they report' , . „ , a ,very-,. enjoyable 'evening. • '• RIPLEY, AND DIstRier erammomom List week we reported a. Collision ' the Ripley rod, between ;' Mr. Lowry and Anibriase Gamble This . should have read, • Funston in- stead of Mr. Gamble'. A dance was held_ in the.,,ToWnship • Hall on Friday evening, • hider ['the'. Auspices „of , the Riney :srens company • „101iisic was auppliectbY the McKenzie, • Orchestra, and a few. Crowd -was in attendance. 'Mrs Duncan.' Mui and Mrs Wm , gob], visited ; triendi •in Kincardine this' Week. . 'RURAL, SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No: 11 Huron • •V Maar-Allan MacCharles" 67*; Laura -Hamilton 45.-, .• • Sr. IV—Raymond Harniltoa 91*;, • Gordon' McGuire , 59; Donalda, Mac - Charles '17; Marion " 'Hamilton 47; Jessie, MacCharles -84; Ddrothy „ Guire 45, Sr. 111—Mao Barley/ell 52. • 4r. 'Ill—SandyAfacCharles Charlie -Itoulston 6,8;, Gordon 'Brooks 664' Mary McGuire 63; Jack ,Roulaton , 52*; Eileen "Griffin 44*; ' Gordon Ir - Sr. ,I—Ariold, McGuire 98"; E. elYri Irivin 83; Frank Barlivvell 62; , Rae Coolce 22**: Mary. Cooke 18**; • *Asterick denotes absence for_ex, '.• No. on roll 21-.- Ave. Mt. 17.5. •• 'Minaret E. 'Campbell. • , , there! ',Were. 'many Children. Little 'Willie, aix was taken' In one niornine t� *ee hia f iniritiened to ,be illt.,Wlltie Was (inlet, almost reverent, in, the' ';rothn• er.id l/.11011 It *sit: ihne• /or ,lift,,o.„-go he. asked' i1N pivent:' '4 bin good; ain't 1,0p?",2-tes' the man *ids; med. "Then kin' We the) bikb??", •1:*•