HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-02, Page 5,•••- ; • THUHODAIrr :FEBR,VAll't 44, .1933.: ,!,q11- :LAI li,NO*IiS EN T N t • 110 TIu Is The Season Whe3t The.'Thrift3r. 116'11Sewife.'Rep Her Peek Of ' DDING. • WE.ORTER UNLEittITEti C„HOICE RT: :IN ' A, SATEEN ; . , , . , 'CHINTZ FOR COMFORTERS., PLAIN SATEEN TO: MATCH FOR .1:11NDING. ' . . pure white .That. Opens 061 ll Sire For The' Quilt °r m- . • Fu . (otter Front 1 Lb:, 19 21/2' Lb. .Siies. „ QUILT'REMANTS, . For Fancy Pieced Quilts; Search Out Remnant"' 'CotIn'tei..... The Plea; You Need :Is: There; READS andiYA -T000do.oi. All Colors to qack. the Comforter Or Quilt the Quilt , „ . hem -Make : Them -:-:Buy Them Here And. Save ;Meney?.. 41 Hie*i:T.ii SERVICE or ?NE CANADIAN• MEDICAL., ASSOCIATION' AND •LIES . INSURANCE' COMPANIES IN CANADA', ",I'LL DIE ,FIRST" - "1 tnd to w!:;iic it 'pie.: was the rank - cuse.4given middlegaged man, ill in. ': bed, when 1tilit. by, his physiCian :.that. he '*as Lprieuntealu;' Ahatite between ',life endleatl,t, was the ,.price, this man paid for his neglect -of "I'll die, befpre. operated On". idateinent that'is not infre- quently ntade.: 11/1O •makes:. thestatement often?: gets ;114 wish Conditions .Which; requirei,aur-• gicaI-care; unlesa•,given such :care, 'neuallY grow worae,..itad,-..wiirae it ,roay be tpo, late. even .10 sav..e.,life, :Excluding accident, it is eases sueh yshese iti of enierg9cy operations, and the' number o• deatho after' .miteigencY, . - I 1 • pojr!. C144tte17: ELx7"""Ijr7.-.17. ri,F==1 (Qtaitinue4. f:Fom 'Page , was.giot otiffiqint. however,. ; when Osborne Sljirped.,.opq' inv.opening of the period• to. .have -Boiday :pet .0re-tying,- tAPY`.. in; the., dying Mtnutes. of ;the galneo • ,:Re :Rife Iiad,, hXB.liands trying: to ; conduct the ,game, as -did' the; -goal umpires as,disputed goal were , frequent during; the; "game; - The:, game "..ending • as • it did ; will Mean it lvill "onat, be ; Counted.- as tt: game; -and wil11iy to -be replayed , on iee. when, Weather per-. for the Ineala' will ;give tAcknow the'greep,.:A. 1-4s4.*ill-mean` a deadlock, votich will haire to he lirekeir. on neutral tee. ,; • . Teeswater•-•••Gal,- McBurney; De- fense, ",.1)nran-..---ind.-.j-.1•0ittle;--,-Centre ; Kunkel,, Wins, Bouay And ,Oti,herne` Alternates,: Ireland, McDonald and . • • "Thet decrease ,ln freight -4r ' loadings wtileli began in 19311.,kae. Continued alinest "unintetriuitedly. In 193f tip to the"inyi, of thelitst- iieek �t.Deeember, 558,359,1ess ?reight cars'had,heen loaded on aI[ " Catiadiae. 'tan ways than. for the Same, period ott1e preilens, Year. Durinj the,Aianye period 1Qfthls y00476'016:less bars' were loaded than in 193A.. The deolin,e ID.pas7, senger -business ,'!....'imai.Lbeen..,reld:- •the Suue Tlie.resu1taarafr7 • feetnision railway earalega has been. naturally cliSaTtrond.,.,Vorthe , first• "ten-tediths!„:45f4931.:Canadien,... Pacific gross .• revenue declined -22.1-per•is cpmpared : with that of meeths.:ed Dili year now closing there: 'was . :a • further declige of • 15,4 .per? tent.r.. „The' _tinues,..anct there eel:4141Y.- • ap- pears.to be no :neidenee'in sIgit :f that' for manfyears •7vie ihall see thein 'entirely ellininated'and our earnings hack *here they were, in 1928."-,E, W. ' Beatty, .K.C4 ' man .ited: President, Canadian pit; .eitip TiailWay, in '4hia„. revjew Goetz,', LUcknewL-Goal, Finlayson; De- fense, 'Agnew and Oherle•;, Centre-, McDonal4 Wings, Huston, and Clark Alternate's A -Thompson B Hen-, dereon,..K: GaMeron and .C. Thoirip- son. 'BOOLAY. AND DORAN' • MAY lieesiatet Trying:To -Sign Up. Litek' ; :now And Winghani Players."' • ZION epidemic is stin' prevalent in this; locality, It is lc( •kie:hoped that Ole irecent change in climatic een-, jitions„ may : Prove seornewhat; of a eck to its activities. 'ThASe 4tpRod . _ the „ Y. P. S. .eoncert ,and piny • At •3Itilies Friday:evening, repert •tplendid• eVening' "eaterfAinment• , r Rey. and' .Mrs. panlObn rravenen :).nterti,Iined the .14mers of ,Ashfield Cirduit. .Official Board and theirl' wives,' on, VednesdaY evening, wrii . . . verY; enjoyable ,"so,e141'•,tune" as spent, ` : • • - e_ • NEWS AND INFORMATION (Furniiihed by the Ontalio *Rep rtts7e-h,t oe4flekultilre) 4..............—.:........---i.....r. natural resources .ofythe Province in ue;:iaertebinotn17;00en:Iptte4sro,io,_Plo..,4ug• ., )1_7 e.n'a ,4:\sT b,tah:2, 4;epPai:toldaruofecdi.iipe:x.1.16ifbi,t,f.a00e" v1;02:We `syyt,i-1. lanhde,..: , Peb., 2-',.94fa49,.;•'. f_Wd '. Crop auX1 inilie. .-TPIqlst POsibilitiqsP 00, sviA.:- " --..\ 3ned,.. OroiveKF... TA,..,; 'atioe, Toronto. „ Ireh.,..27ar47, ,. ,,iiina ediatio,n if Fairs' and g?ch,ihitions..- n Feb,' 7 -Ontario; Vegetable grows !is, Toronto.'" "• , . Mr. and Mrs. ',lee Preettian; Mr. :inFeqbAn9n-iiTI;?.'1•Tstgeriorli7iror!7":--.1-." , , .. - .- '3C43: Oef 'MPS 'Aildee'llYeAilan of ... Feb," '9,49:7-Ontaria. norticdlt,i1r41 i'";eebil* '•visited. Will. GaIdne'r's. '', on AssOciatioe,,s •Tnront!); ' ' ' • ' ' • sapcik+ .."4"enday, evening, I." FO116Wing • the,Y P S. meting young pn °rilndia. einYbenerinarg` tthheepeople ' 1led l' ,'-eloy"e,d a „slfate on the Pond rT: degree 'meeting • on. TueSdaY evening 'et the 'exemPlitaction •Af°-the• Royal rch :Purple- Degree: Miss, Jessie, ' Andrew. is viSiting Jefelting ffiends -this week. •„ Remember. the ' Cominunity 8ocia1 wening in the Hall on Friday eye. • FOUND! ' On -Gravel Road on, Sat:- -irday 'last, a horse Oanket. Apply to' .W. r. Gardtter.- '• , St. Valentine Day Dance' ` Orange Elan, Tuesday 'evening, •Pebruary. 14, :Lunch.' Seivid,:. ',Gents 25e, .Ladies free: Come and bring your valentine According to The Teeswater News hiSt. Week, one ;we'ulcl that •Boalay and 'Derails, the: North 'BAY baseball 'imP,Orti; *ere leaving.Tees- 'water;: due • to. Aniricial The two, mentioned.' are ...stilt • in the Quires& village' and' in spite, Of their recent arr,valthere, are Play." ing ornzed hfigkeY ',with. the' Telif-1 gra. . • . • , . 'appearsthat. TeeeWit.ter'! they.; will remain, sUffielent -;'entaide. ma- terial in .this locality can be Alined' bp,'-to7;boUlster-: -the: Teeiiwater • Sufficiently,. ' to alm theim a terionr threat litthe 4Bruce League ' WatertOSign ',pp, GOrdel:Qrwini Star • And Thompon, fleet -foot ptitfielder... ,Stunthers and ..Lediet. of winghate, 'are: nISO:...clesited" players on the: Ties.; water Jine-up, we are infothied,:. railure by TeesWater to add, ,these playets.. totheir.: ro. Mein. that, they to :Muster atifildent „talent: :locally ,ta..:Toafitt a -tear • :ihat ':.;waal•O be contender liOnerw. IO -"event, In,' the • an eard Orth.ei. :Winter vaeatiOn • traffic to. the Senitai ' ; Seas' and • the • Orient ,'1' tlie Can -1' i,..•nperittions' is much. higher than , in ,arditiary.''..ratirgiol-ea'aea. • The Pacific ;liner . "'Empress of • cleared thO Narrows at neglected .: appendix ' and hernia- _are ' 4vaaPnanccl! :typical 'extintplea. • ' .tlimight::. it Was - 'Oely a' ;sera • -1,14:•PY .Paia:edi,etis..: • • ' that" exelainis ..the. • distracted 'Mother iiliititietcir...attendirig.. her . •', al.n of 465.,56o.opo.lfat.debt.Inatal child:who .is reeitiCallY „M.:With : diP- , -meat. reinindik old-timeris 'Of :the ...; :;.theria.• And YeL' Dine and time again, . ' • 'War days. when .$96,000,060.in gold'Y •.1tts shiplied byCatiadian recipe. '. •• Expte,sii from: &Ile .to England, . ViaCanada,a04 'earriedacroSe., • the,Doitiinion special Can-,. Paelfie ,tralia', . . flew right -Qt -way. The -train trav-... lighte :and 'wee:pre- . teeted. by. scores Of arinet'gnitrdsi, • "Dark did. Uncertain- listbe.011t. • lank:maY ailkitt7to Ob4 Server think: that lit ;this.; . , !field the yearhas net 'Sheen: Without ;:iniportant: develOpMents . leading towards, ' trade iitabifiza- ' itiOn, and: 'eneourageinent."E. Chairman and Prest- - dent,. Canadian' :Pacifie , ,teyieW of 1031... • ' She: had 'read in the newspaPer.S: nau been to1•1,-.by doctor, Or had. Warn- . ed .at the 'Health ;Centre how •this tragic disease :could be prevented bY„ ' the simple , , injeetion of texeid. ,Thoniande of :eases of diPtheria ec?i -eue. annually in all cofintties;',:sonie : Mere; Berne less, depending upon the niimber Of ,ehildren who . have heea protected "against 7diptheria by nt • munizatiori. .LaSt., year, ' six hundred •k"and -thirty-five' deaths • °centred:: •• in °Canada ,. from diptheria, The -vast • Majority of these.. lives could have : been saved, had dilitheria antitoxin :7-beenz-giVen-' :seen enough. Two vveap- ens "Whieli are availablei'''ditlar, pre- , Vention and, 'another.' for treatment, • were not put 10 Use: • • Three; types, of individuals. found ' every community . have been brief,. IY ,deseribed...In 'addition to them if, •• the unskilled iierfion" takes .upon hiniself • the ..role of Medical "-adviser. People.,of this type belong .t0 a group happily ,becoming :fewer, who net only. de not thenaselVes'••"of the benefits of :medical 'aeimie,e,,,hut.• who exereise, all in their pOWer .to keep .these benefit: item others.Countless wou1d he. saved' .yearly, and . Minh ,. Buffering and poverty , would , be -wielded if ,-advantage were taker of .reedietil" resources whidi• _are :now,' !available. l'heSe resources should • he .'inied everybody ‘ children especial e n at protection,. from diaease whiehis theirs by right: . Questions _ concerning. Health, ad- • dressed to. the .Canadian Medical As- • sedation, 184 College Street, TOT•, • onto,' will be ,aiiiiiVered 'personally bY, letter. " • Charm is like, ignorance. The more perfect it is, the `less you realize it peOcriew.--ioul-livzschnm.‘ Tdon4ineitital*:.Works Ake largiet" 'and ' masts e,Omnieta • stack „irt, ihe. Most .beinstifal designs t� Choose front.: ..111kItilLE, SIVEDISH NO'tANAD/AN'VRANITES• ..".-", W E Mske 'Speeialty ef •Fdinille'lannementit and invite Year' Iiteketlita. • , lisfietip1iiinii '141.0110... Cotentin OS Mite. -4-.• th It ., is .ruMored.:. that Doran ad sealay will 'pul 'up stakes nd move on. to another -„Brtiee tein," ,not.' 80 far distant from 'Tees,: water. . • ; • ' At any I•ate,." "pinYers, are ak...Presenk.o valuable asset 'Tens,.. water' , team.. " • ShOuld be . made; Teesivater • Might then centent-' themselves! :t0 Like- . side, ",:I...eagne balk, ,which proved so popular .:last year; And. :Which "."-ir fondlki:4. termed., b'y many outside the. ,groun, ' ak.!: the ,,""Outlaw League!' Geotge:,Dtilmage Of the . Owen ',Seu•m' Sitif-TrinOs" beweVer; can't see whetc., there's: any in winning the . - „, , .ehampionship , of. this league. Honor :Inet:, thereWas 'Plenty. of interest when: 800 .fonS. gathered. to see Kin- cardine ...and. ••LuckneW, both •teams being coinprised entirely of home brew:. players, '.battle it out , in ' the ,final game "et playpff series; when Kincardine, cdped the silverWarc, by winning a, closely contested game PARA1KOUNT Mr:, and Mrs. John Jamieson vrsit-• A „Oast ;Tuesday: with ^Mr. • Ewart lamiesen at Courip.,Corners. , Miss ,Olive. ':Thompson, Purple :trove, • spent last week ...with. her ..itster;' Mrs. 'Wm-."Stalley , • . • , .Qiiite a number attended -the -dance -EucknoW": eir Barn's- Night. , Mrs. McAuley.* ,Ripley spent lasj X.ednesdaye'evening.,at her home he ,Mrs.:' Arthur , Cook. and Cameron, i,2nisditeedonagt, ioiidaytalbsetr,t.,iiceBoic.rk: •(I t ere was goo . a en ance a lie U.P.W.O.;. Oein! 2" in.' the.' .Per,a- , 'iiOunt" The. •uckst. ticket_ tit the, Sutterfly Quilt 7.4i7:dravin .--Mr7Eobby-.Maintosh, • , Harvey- Webster being the lucky Man. ' . , -There be a dance in the Para- ount Hall on Friday tirening,' Feb: '.0th. Bopth.., deed Music, :?'Admissitinj 'Sc. 4;:adies; Free. . n " 1.10g. Qual4Y Inittnven •flog grading statistics ' ehow, an 7 increae nf 41;759 select bacon hogs' As produced in.: Canada in the year .. nineteen thirty-threa,'Hogs' are mark- eted throughont•ie.DdminiOn shntied considerable improvement” •. over , Any.. preVious:-..year." Not dnlY`• was. there ••• Valuable glow* ,• .• • a7..1 inerease in the number of 'Select; Ontario • fruits and vegetable bacon lioks; produced, but there; was ; valuable advertising, the•'in,additioa an increase ,in bacon hogs :Wait of Charles E Broughton 'ot "4nd a lower percentage ot butchers :he Plepartinent; as n:_xesult "_94„.the _The. batcher_igxf,acie,. As graded show - Ontario Gray/era' Markets Connell nstalling • a• booth .at the Canadian ..oruit _and Vegetable Jobbers' ..2ntion, held sin .the Royal York •Hotel Teropto, January • 4,-5 mid 6. Tbe Markets Council disPlaY. Served , tn; give grokers".:. and jobberP,"Ifrein'' all parts .of ••the 'Dominion, a ;splendid idea of "ihe prOduCts Ontari9 is ap,- able 'of_, pro, &icing. `•". ' ' "Thrtitigh, intelligent' educatfon eCtinotnte a44. soci4 fetility. of war eventually be tecogir Is Die viliW 'NcirMan • . • 'Angell, 'British ecationtist and dis,. peller„ of, wats'ill WOOS."'He saIted recently' 'hi', Canadian, Pacific liner. ' • .4"Monttose"..after a lectute . Milted:States: ' • ':• Of the...4,1046,412.-poinidelpf. H.Lned,:':"Pinestliple„ Consumed in . Can-, Aftel), .1. and :itletete, •• bet '10, '1912,411 but',168,583,:.lbe,'• • eatine tram Ceutitriee- Within the EMPlie,''nearlY half, the, tOtitt.,:be-,' • lag•Vitita '146 'Straits -Settleinents: ' Illiterfiey in Canada IS near ;the ! vanishing point. .Aectirdin,g,..to the , • lasceenSus in 1931, 02.34 per eeni. • Of the population of 'Canada. Over. five' years of age Coilld:either reed • or wtfte.-±Biedeitta entailed!, hi • Canadian schools in1931 nuiriber-z -ed '2,542;747.-•• .14600" iiiii\olttie,'„yotti',•;ordit.'' , I It, *, 'Aonfti, ,,!0pnEe 154' W10./16111. • boil,' as • totonn0,.74 . . • „ . MAFEK1H 7:111,14-1ff 0::§§ti07: ,NITOr\k,"7:* isiting relatives here 'this. week: Mr.' and .'.:1Vfra. Peter .1.asenby Ond aniily Of Lotidon • Were week end• '-nests of Mr. arid Mrs., Isaac 'Cian-- :sten.? • ' • Mil Richard' JOnsten attended "3ouniSr Connell Goderich Jest ,week, Miss Sarah • Malleligh of Liiehaow. 13lalre :Alton Of Belfast sPenL last , week .; at the. and Richard Johnston:: .‘ • Tinto To :Purchase Seed • ' "The :•quAlity of tite • 193.3notato crop'!„, of , the Up-' extent, on "will 'Se' da.•P planted "'GrioWers , who have not Selected. seed for ,planting next spring, shOu19,2 -net tole .any time doing.:se•,:asthie supply may',:be _limited by that ini "At- preSent, the supply of Irisi ,CObblers. , There is consid- erable gnaetity •eat: Rural New Yatiri er's (Pooley') -variety, It 'Should bc ; 061:certified'. pneley cion", beini 'ed "the", refining, influence of baeen ; .breeding•,..in",a Jarge',. percentage,', of bogs. The average: weiglAt all hogs. wie4r7t'tig!".9tIciiel7PitrtIViYo; OfPg.17yeP:r11." • centa.ge ;ot'lights. 'Was reduced .frent, 0.42,, per eent :to 5:.3-4 per .cent: The 'percentage:: -of ,,heavies and: "extra •. heavies" Was Only .3.49 shoWing, that tarmers • ,are ; Marketing •-tie great inajarity; 61r/their:hogs, Within the 'de- . sired weights. • . ; . Club ..Work Effective: - Five:,points. which receive. special .. attention in connection with •.Soys'.•'. and Girls! Swine, Club. work in the carrying out of .,which the ,federal - and provincial Ueliartinents of Ag.: riculture co-operate, . are detailed as follows:- • • - legation and distributlent• •tO..club.'nieinberS' of young pigs of • goed.....bacan;•.type and, breeding,. 04 • tnarketed for table stP9k-7" :2 The giving of practical instruc- . For out. • 1.;01".• throiigh 'lectures at cltib• Meet'ngs ' tion.. to ,meinber. the. .honaes',. r°wers' ;••• 2 The P.1".*e,f11'' 74;`Ontario!exPort-t6 . Great -Brititair. ‘- 7,.0-ifed•T'TI:* 7-7 ettr: , • .; or of stone fruit such as pears and mimeographed informtiOfl regard - plums, tl breeding, feeding, manage- • "• 'swine.; • • 'AngurS Well' for •• the'. futUre•0-••••;--- • Fi it Branch Plus year, for the ,terSt.; tin*, 113. ars, ..'‘of 7pears and ..plunis: were eltpartetrit:British ports' ,wtit611,.. represents' ;very; ,considerable *access, for: ; oiq the' whole„, were • satis- factory; except. 'in the : ate of some of the .later Peer .shipnients.'t ' ''Eodgetts.' said •that. -.plaits • -Are now being laid for prganization..wOrk, arnong..growers, also*:to: arrange for • , .• • 7nlitte:,8riirtr.:1-110ffej, ecretary proOsor . .during the. coining, sea.., increasihg the move-:::o0f:,tPhr:1(1,"0:11101111,4a:iili4;43YI:j11.1g4C-1. that 2,50 [regulated' •; co-operative experinients Greatest gi_cPorf.:•Inerease .involving ••the i: distribution of -1,000 • , Shown In entarie Tobacto,!. , . , ' • * • . I . .seds,Were :.c0Orlileted. thrit pereentl out ,,contEi.tio. in-i.aznd the •••"'ACcording tii/4,,tfictal figures,. age of ,good :':reaults, receilied -N,Vaa""• Port :alarketings; of Ontario .tebaCC6i the iiigheat.,in-the history Of the As - last year showed , the:..ireatest.,;•••:in," .'"The crease :PtoPaintion of the beat seed of • • In 1931 the :.'eXperts.",Were''approXi.,; ,in.ost:"Anitable fUrideineri. niatolY; '4;8.0000 ,total .• tat Ato-,succeSafel . agricOtuit0,",,. . . Squirrell declared "No livestock OY 'irkets-,: iMproVernent program. „vim readt.'iiiiiMite: Success Unless' we not only ',maintain-. but :continue, to ut- prove..the. yield per acre and ie quality Of °aro-ps, we grew.41-1.,p,*•',"."it...,., tlarconit; .',Professer .""Elieiritatry“,. 0: briefly' „Otitlitied:.;serne.". perimentall • • .Which has' 'over .; the , UK:Tanks, 'Yeart):"dUring-,which nearly thetisand ,.fariners have operated and:. demonstration tests hAve beert,, conducted . on nearly 4,000 blocks of land. ;Prof.,.:W.... deal$ in. detail , with the results „ 'Of experimental' "Osts. with ',1:0 leading dOPa.:Orie ofthe ehi,d tablished;'wita :that phosphate, high,. potash fertilizers have.4 glyen. -btit resillta on. alfalfa' on both light Martin •the Pepartment,:, being !ea-nd.'... heavy .4itoils..;,With .petatirs,..the, , aboUt• preSpeeti'.--,far: the: nVetage'..iiidtease 'fon "*. '.:The Canadian' , • . „ bill for the year was atirieSt , ;thilllen dollars, . • ,britigbig total contribution to ' .Catiadalrlaie celleetions ;Since in,: • . Cpr,p0rdileil.to tibent $110,006.000." . BeititY):, „Chairman aid •Pfeeldent. Cafitidian Pacific' Bailway, In -his toile* :of 1032; ' r .fatind •this king ‘'hiontie littliAti the. back ofmv Itnousinrtes hair is blac1" . . . bittanttdur-,,,,'.4111 kive :art et, sir," • ' • kiss--"EgalatiatiOtt ''What I ,Warit ah.. lattadaetion. • . . • YN TUT! • 'Daine Ruiner brings , to the :ears of J.- W. •AfcLeod, Kincardine, Re- , • • view-Reperter ',spOrt.:' Scribe, ',Whispers Of an: incident :oeeritok ,!rk ilia; Tees- WaterLucknoW gain e. i4Tiy, in the: month,: but whit ,a• jumble the facts have , ,heceMe; McI.edd 'reproduces it the Story reds ' ',`1•:IOWartt Agnew Wag, deing. vahant (.100,rk the ..1.,pcknow'ilekenSe when the, .Sepojts ; Opened: . their . *N. L` series with ' Tegswate. Coining iloWe,' the ice Agnew bumped late. EatilaY, North Bay1Wirler.. irri per teil .-TeeS, .wtheterTte'gmisheroi.:.*13"iittillitY'!7"ftliede.4iiilstieAl:tig1;: new inthe face. 'So' 1-fpward drefiped bus stkk,•iiitBoUlay threw ,.hts SticL cross ;the lee 'and deelared :for the hene4t of all Within, hearing' ;what's the Use!, • "I'ni: not going ,to play against ,these .darneir ,fitithers.."" • .1114,• the .statement.. .Cretiited, -z.te ItoWlitd; was 'reMark • after ',ha :had- 'ef-iii-s-''s*10.1riaid mtinner.• I3ottlaY Was Playing on the ,forwaill line and in ulbe up with Agnew in the the:.•gtiele. 'abro§.'s• Agneveil tnek,How being , 4 "playful" theod, -Dirtied' the ealutatiOn Ma; §64 Lor 'tlizi.'.ptivil.0§6:'a',10.d Ods'-WiOti4W• attrilMted: to • 4 The arrangeinent and conduetOf 'jndging,:.and other forms.,bt denion- straitens. Tlie,..decuring of .g6,6d. bacon type boars for club diStrieta. , • , px0eriMetitill Work ? At the :recent -54th atinnal, nieetiO of . the Ontario;.Agrieultural 'and, .Ex 'periri.entga.' at the A: C. , . . , SUCcessful .Geneert The coicert :In 'Blake,. 'E,rida3y ‘vening.' Was a splendid success. Chose who • contributed to the'pro-. -.?,-raM Were gr.. D. X. • MclVlorran'" .of 'f.tteknear. instraMentat -Wiser; „Clare Helen ,AndersOn., Of. Dunganni3navid. Will • gartiner2of- Readings; . Miss: Margaret Pent :land, ,Dtingannon,, :!Tahn-' Il/en'nry. f , Crewe and ...4ohn: of Soles; Olen, solo, Bert Whyard, Of, ,Dun., • instrtiinental , ,rauSic arid .rluete by. slgeaars., 1-larry lietton and Ernest' Blake 'and, ,Nisi;;Ipati .Ander-, Son' and 'Richard 'ICileatrick. The 'play "Twa.Of a Kind,"". preAppt'eci I by. Misses. Pliye Anderson, Shack letonS• a*L. Margaret Finlay. and .Cecil jahaston To 4 Anderson, Was iuSt 'full. of: laughs,',7: :We are . 'very - grateful :to, the neiglibering . friends who contributed so freely : Of ."‘• • • • • 'xce1lent talents. • • . • SHOVEL HAND WANTED • , • , , • ' • ' • •to vipt....piebably1)e :welt, •. , . inex- cess of 10;060,000' ofinda. Prices; to the English,. buyers have ; been ,l'ahoUt• the same for hetli years, but returns - . • . . to the Producers:- • thoW,'" '77decrease, • , •, largely on count of he. fitIC4101, exchange . • The Eiitish Mai'ket,...due",•te the extension at, the British Empire.. preshoing an- leience or aten year period, vs r1•11,.'ae,;14srng tendency to absoib ;.. larger quantitiep o canAsiiiptiobacotf..', • • • •a; • •.. sad looking -specimen of the gen- is' "hobo" Applied at,:a house for a handout.; Tbe;door wag.: epened .bY the open. of, the house, iiim§elt who !hap,: peoed be':Siiperhitendent of',a, largo factory:! Eeing Short' Ot.- help' 4 the onient, he said. , to the' tramp, 'Are you too for a job? ' , . :WVithat-kind job aSked 'the Weary 'Willie. -4 "Can you • do anything •With a shaVell". " , •' , ".,Sore,'; the miswer, "f CAA #1i1 hin1:011 • • - World's Grain • Show At Regina , Forecast As Cpmplete Success '"Indications point' very definitely to. the fact that the Werldls - Grain Show ancl,'• Conference itt- Regina July 24, te August 8, will 13e an standing suCceSs," said .Arthur H: UttiU , the 'past lour years has been. 51..3 'jndcr :the. cliairnienshin" •nt.. the ",uan.. Ilropiit, L. Kennedy," Mr,' Ilitnytin; 'ea/Ahmed, "Tie , Critario' ,WOrld'i Grain' Show .COrniniitee'n.hal , its ;plans well in hand, and is, con-,. fiApat', •that, th'e• .1)todaets f Ontari nat.be Surpassed by these ether' '!• isaii 'llealay for his netiena: nig abit'pOuty at' this Bou1ny PaiAted 't(IfOOtiiik I •Sii:Ck inno AinCer-, tnint.iitentier' atid s1cntinr froni the ice is 'Said to have4 been o'Verteard which has been , ushels per • acre. In 1932 a: 4440 rtilizer, at a cost of $7.82 an are, . gaVe an increase of 57.8 bushels. The ' iiext highest' laerease was made with • an 0-12-10:'s: fertilizer, • 'Gains with. pirnips' were made et Cost, front 3 to 41A cents' per bushel, Interest -•1 Ing data '•was' also g• iVen Iconeeining ".0ntatiOAS planning to clitPlay the niatigela, Corn an 'other Crops.' • , . • TWO men • Were disentaing'.the ed"ti- cation of their cluldretk , ".'What'S 'your, boy a:mill-71-o" be widen he ii11i6he5P.Z. his edildationt" asked one, 'An octogenarian; I -think." 'vVitA.: • , the Ten13/...,• • IT41)y-qtlere's five ;dollars.11an't, yi on•think•141eserVe a littleapPlAuse • "..y :toot Mule eat anything7 farinci:" tee." LOng; f: Perai other*cinine "They., talk nhOnt• °goats eatyn tin cans ,and titins like that 'but goata • ,; ain't kot* no *appetite's at all compar.,' ekt,„10.,,a..,311101" lie: said. ton's tofu. '14ertiir't:dt, for g•fil*'„ to yot; syithoii. being, .1„1 .asizt(13.4 • ; ' nip:ming . :in electriC" i„n net wit6_,..1,43.048.6.? why, darling, stall, andate a foot of . betore- . , , I. think to cldt'yO an' ncore":', she"vv, ,as electrocute, 7 • e 41 • •