HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-02-02, Page 2..•
resnts trofl..1111e
anada has maintained her credit unimpaired
up. Herbert liult deals vigorously with liailway and 'other
tional projems •Emphasizes need for q9vgtAmpt, Ecofl.
only imperial Conference — Canadian :fla§iitess 'Condi.'
International Outlook.: • ,
M W' reports on satisfactory year's operations-
-Central -Elail4 • discussed Measures needed. for ,business
teCoi'ity.; '
The Sixty•fourtli Anneel: Meeting In conellullng, Sir p.erbert !tali
of the Royal Pank„of. Canada 'marked that ..-Canisda was fell -y. eapithle
:the elthie ofe VerY,.successfUl Year,. meeting Any , further tests whichz
Th Statement isuhiniti-ed showed, the 'Might be IMPS:40e 44 tog. th4
Bank to be in.. it..'very strOncdicjuid,
:Cam of 4tirec'Qveiy in, 1033 if
sonehle „degree pf international com-
mon- Bee ,ad.ca-cPeration could be,
tioxi,r. Of the .* Total Assets of
• $7..6§,512,920 the ,. -AsSets
'amounted' tp•as much sitel$355,9,29,95,
*ed.. were ecesal.--te .52-440cle:- Of all Lies
,hilitien to .the Fubhe An outstand-
ing' feature of the Liquid', Asiets,
wu. the large 'holding of cash assets,
wifich .eached ee total of On Hume.,
:nil and Sixty -Four Millions.' ' 4 - •
The Annual Meeting brought to-
gether a largenumbe.r of pharelielde
ers, ,and was Marked by itteresting
and instructive addieesee : by ,
'Herbert 1.1olt, the Preesident. and. Mor-
ris °W Wilson -Vice-Presidene and
:.3etieral *Manager. '
comment Orid -suggestions
as, regards several of. the4outstanding
dinriestic.•probleile • of Canada,. • and
an able summery. of. 'the •world 06.-
110Mic".SItua,t0n. and the prospects
Shett4:' ilstrong Plea. for the =alga, -
'matfett Of the, two Canadian
Mr. Ill, .W. - Wilson, yice-Presiderit
'anu General -Manager, in referring to.
the position of the bank, said that. an
.ontstanding feature•nt the ,Statement
was' that cash arid cash balances to-
tailed $164630,000, Pr over ,24% '4
pubile liabilities, ,liquid :assets
-being ,eoual to oyer 52,86% of public
liabilities. Re inentioned the notable
iniprovement in. the =rice- for got-
ersiment. bonds Which took plaCe ,dur-
g the year, and-'said::'"Canada
again 'proved its, capacity to provide
the funds 'required by;:,our . Public bode
lee During the year the average
yield on Dominion Government. long-
term .bends, deelined from- 5200/0 ,
about 418% Thilerepresents'
roads, - the only- manner which, linct. at* ,:very- satisfactory improve,.
,the grave Canadian railway situa-
tion -can' be, solved;. intereentiOn
' the...provincial.geverrinients to eon-.
serVe Canadia3 natural refiou*es,, and
...to Prevent the collapse Of, the vitally.
iiapOrtaiit newsprint -indultry,', if: the.
'preient, steong efforts being made to
secure CoeopeeMion are net success,
. governieentar expenditure, featared
• • the address of. the .president." . •
Sir: Herbert said in Part:
• "The power of the'resistance which
thin uountri has .shoWiel: Miring the
thinV7ear"...of-the-depresaion its -cause-
: for. congratulation. With no 'financial
countries other
was --arranged• 'on. a: strictly
, • .
business .basis, 'With'enrreney depra
czation in terms of gold Ilinited to a'
'very moderate percentege,' And With
, .
' node of :the restrictions on. :.foreign
,exchange .., Or 'international trade
:which have been found 'inetitable"..M
49- ?may cases', "Canada hie lived np
toNthe vletter 'of her cont'act' and
steinteined her credit unimpaired. In
dohig, ',s6 she' has followed the, trad17.
Von Of the British•Ernpire at... a whale.
It is. no exaggeraticei to say that .the
stability' and. soundness of the En-
Minking institutions have playe
meht. 'Which 'in. due course ',shouldbe
carried' farther as additiOnal.capital
seekninveefMent - gi1t-edged03017'7
• •• ,
'Wes :.
• .
1 I
Pointing' out. that' the h4)"..limg sys-,
teat': a Canada adeetiately serves the
needs of '.the couiflty bo so4d: that`•.a,
Central Bank could perform few ser-
viceriicit-available-under 'the -Present
sistein;, and . evoeld not in any ;sense mended repeatedly, , -grasping , her
dO. :Stink with th‘:. necsity of. ' •
,quiringadequate secant • for !`But it is pot what y'think! the
ineieeOminedation,•nbr Perna banks - woman Proteated. "It woo.'..given, to
to :undertake lengsterm, transections to holc S security for
instesifif,z7Ofteltert4,a-na±",a0Mleen-fOr- iteld6-"t-en Af."
:reproductive' purpopes. alecognigieggive 'the-bracelett°. „:_•
that the question of central', banking The qtgt tel.s stataineirt, .ceieed•Jri
is not one to I be disp4sett„of.,:e.i.U*.ititl'. -the. infuriated lover was Mot Oininolle
'Rye' he Said; ``,I',SIgitlIct, hope ;that if than. ejage:. however. "
Parliament is, called' .11110.11" tO. ..sdeal • "You To
with the metfer„..the, Cipeernment will ..eievine"7. .
44tkt ‘71*-•414-*-4-•••+44•14-,447.44S*04.4""
, • ,
•Enicsif:Thks .
1-1.AZE:,14 4(1,$$, 444.4gx.-:
'• ' ' 4 ' ' '
, . • •
• Mary harkness .plots. AO ensnare
,Fly; whom- she bellevia 'ffframet10
•brother,.,Cddle. with the: MUrtler
Mrs. Jupiter, and later ran. Eddie down,
and killed, him.. She is aided. tiY:136Weri,.
OpOrter. of The §tar. ,
'-hrui!e Jupiter; long absent;, raturni
from Europe with a woman friend, the
Countess Louise.,, Dirk hui,therc MaTY:'s
fiancee: forbids h r•to, seelloWen• Or ,cort,
-tinue the- investigation,. 7 he soya' if, she,
goes to, lialarotnrr the Jnpiter• ya,
cht he
Witt ttellevaBruOdAupiter:p charges, 'that
,she is ,a . gob:I...digger, lylarY, gees * e.
: Can Se,'.', Th:e ''FlY.:: Is ''reteing, :, his, .•h,orsti,•64.,,
Hialeah.. 1/48.rr"--la 4titronucen „to .r.taol
De 'Loma, Who l's listed ,as. the Owner- a
Nile Fly's horse : .grie• sees p0 Lomieseid
Countess Louise -in secret, conv fin4s".10A,
Stie also learns' that Mr. •,,litpi e . nas ta
car Of:the same. make whIch-lcil e .'i
Mr., Jupiter ,cicplain,a the car was hought
-for -:eicrterlineritat titirpoofes in r hittr,Tihtta.l7v,
rieSs 46.6 car' manufacturer.
. ,
. . 2 e4ee..-****-e-e-iet4
stillBut„ysiofhu0111101d;;;et di )1)01 • A.Yit:uv leltwiceillWel tp, 43”, 7,117. e. '11,4 ' 1
e Idea dear Loulae, I dp not."
t t -
- t‘1.4anise, quite lost
-Ler he d, and do, volley of gattr
Freneb at her .pretwhile „lover, who
•set'calinly sucking at 'etre.; of hi$
1eme7n soda. until "her .outbOrst Wasover,:
' .:15 et WO' ' leS't to'rease-e tO.' he' , eraitY:
:the C,otintelS:a-bandeneed her tire& as
'aiiddenlyt'.as• she ,-began, . it andsank
jete her Their, trembling . end ieettj,41.
' "Well, then,I 'Will' telt yOh," She,
suid "I '. Promised to say -nothing to
..., , „ ,.
'ar•Yette. Bat since 3791.ar.ei,f14..11,41.pigi•
I bx.eek;tliatepisamese • ;.Y„flien't,,we get.
s • , • - -
'back to the hotel I show her to you."
wh:45:Tliseheerb-Terivg:ik,:iolien.,'Ine'ne;? tic--_' the one
t is! ' ,
'All right, who *is. it?" "he snaps
What bed happened; at Hillitieeinn•
as Bowen.told it,. was thief After Wait-
ing. in vain. or to telePheee.
he ;had hired car and driven out the
Dfxie Highilay to he to see for'
himlfwhat had happened to her,
found the place etripty.exSerit• for, the
proprietor, and went inside the frame
shack to telephone theeAnibaiSeador.
'arid Mk if she --Was there. ' , •
•'While standing at ,the wall; tele-
phone. he, heard a psiety, arrive' -and
• seat themselveS at a Porch table.; They
were. ;quiet ,eriliugh at first ordering
soft drink's over which . the woman
'Coeted With intereat, preiently their
7icerrose excited1y.:1, • '
The Argument seemed, to: be over
diamond hiacelet which-, fell 'mit :of
the; *ore n's. handbag when she- topk
out Powder and lipetick tcerefresh hee
jadedaccording to. the
Mari at the counter, who enjOyed 'a
full vie* of •the•frdean." • •
"Who, gave it to, Yon? , Who ,gAve
t. You?"""• -the woiffinoinirsanliffi
Pe4. • : ! ••
'".Well,. there.. -elf `r. 'Milt...tell- you—
Miss But Plea, Stet
let heekrie* Jesay thia ' ;.
- -.Bruce ditested., .thie "'a • nierneet,
"'Whitt ,*rofild7101731:)igrknei.i; be do-
ing with a; biaceletaike: that? That'
Werth -$5,O00 if it's woitha cent:I.:And
•.*hYs should she borrow' money froin
'you whenshe could PeWa `it?... Arid Why
shotild she, need:.'rnotiey anyWayr ' '
The Countess shrugged.....?4.11ew do'"
ifileee Where she..., gets. the.-biseereel
Perlieni sorrie,,-inaii 'gives 'it-. tic,
.11 . •perhsfipe your f„ather?" ' •
• 213riice.• :Snapped; ;' "You're, erazy!",..
-Bet' his laugh.did not carYeonvtction.
"She does not Wish to pawn .it 'hes
_ . . .
cause 'Of' the sentinierit.".' the
.Conntets.eontinned. • • .:
.:"She'd ,paWn before., 'Sherd"' :.yoy
have it," he decided, "She hates you;
.,.knoW, *ease sh..,ethinksjiin go;:
big marry. , Ike .teal4ed h,16.
' error , ;bringing ..,113.-,t,ile,',5objeCt • of
marriage.• •
•' 'And . , the Ooonteti griirred..;
• "We'll :net talk. abPut that": •Bilice
,weren't feeling, Atetr•
-The' CoaOteSs aVetted.'",:her .t.,:elit.oe.
Oee. §lie"wal4ecl eheats the teem rest'
leisly;• stopping to ,,shake "en: 'empty
packet' of cigatets. ' ShetOse...ed it away
4•74ii;iil.t.e. 'iOst'0-4'' 10:ii;r:e','''S-.:14a.rY7'n'r4-
!d.:•''°There's no' one about." •'' ,
'PerhaPs;1...buise. stirprised herself
as weft,' is yarY;2but She eame-,,wrap-
Ping her, robe:more segerely abOut her.
Perhaps her tiff with,lruce had made
her .welepree ,female conan,oni for • a
change.' . ,, . ' , •, . .
e "Tea?" she . exelaimed . scoiefully:.
-"In this sveatlietl. Horrilsle idee I" '...
••"Iced ;tea.', ,The, American :ver..Si• e4.„1.
it'l really very.good. :Try it."; •
• With, a>,proriopnced. sneer, •on her
lips, lionise stretched out a white bare
arm...and aecf:ptd ti..., 'glass gingerly:
•Midway c',.f. the Sat *round' fprearrii
nestled's. bealtifiir .diainona bracelet.
4. "Oh,' *het a diyi'n braeoetr ,r,tay.
• exclaimed. -°Hive I 'seen, it 'beiere.?"
• At'the same metrienCthiirthe Wpids
came Oont• her • lis, the .realization
carne to' her',that she had seed:A' •he-
Ifpreon. the arm of -Mrs. Jeriiterl Of
coarse,. that- was . what baPperted. -: • The
•Fly, unable to dispeae of..the,locit be:
cause . Of:the :trepiescloese ,publieitY.
given the case, tegether with a 'minute
•diecriptiee of .theiewels', was reduced
to the expedient ef-• borielveing -on' it
.froni his, ertewhile bye:: He must„ have
le..e.ri hard •Presleld for . money, And
Piebald" rieited :lettieg it but "of hie
possession only 'on ilrat-herdrheaded •
business worean's :insistence. s :
But ehance•hed. foiled' thOr 'inen
tion -of ,seciecY. Or!bad the Cour, iS
let the beautiftil bauhle'''bO seen -de;
liberatelY?' Bruce's :affections needed
!the teielit :' ' . • ..' ' °:' '
The:, Couritese 'stoed ,Withetit •.reply:-.
illg.' She had:no idee. 'hOw. 'De j..:6fna:
had come .by . the - bracelet i' and the
.tboughttliat Mary might he speaking
seriously disquieted her. . This -was
• only ' fOr a .rhoment. • ." .. ' •• ' . -
: . "rio you like' ;it? she said 'negli-
gently. "It was a present from 'xiTY.-:
-': ii6m, ' tidy .foriieii, hueband," •
Mary :felt a Choking' 'sense. btexcite-
'She. mut -get that bracelet!. It
would be ode:inning evid.,ence againt
,. • 0 "
TheAs FI! S_ re0 il * , o 0 .' iii.rning •tit.. ir,Oet t'.h.f.
her finers, there came sa:".lbild rap .4t
the deo.. •:.Botii, Wereee. jRitiped,.
' - (T'c";"g'ela'.fir7T.7'r"'
before a dozen, times: I -eves . some-
, thing to 'my. father'i; Wishes. • And bee
its,• I've told. you, for ..nie to do
that .WoOld'Oirrigily mean that lie Would
cut•irie oft Without a Pe,rol,Y.Life' i•ri
• Paris garret holds rio charms 'for me;
and as for you, .dear he
threw back bis head laughed heise
terously: • '
tee Make: alwaye the •ele:.
cuse;" Louise rePtied coldly'. "PO.41
first hate:the.•project „eifamined; "eyees..enctriey?" the Cinintesi torte
aughlY by a body of e-ISPert•So 'ed with ,spirit and 'Perhaps- Wi jus -
in t ieveral•froin.older co..eitries .obo. for Bruce' l •allowance was .'far
1.14-ve-hi,utexPerience in the Practical: from princelY these days. .. 0When do
working of a.oentral bank. r cons,
fels.to' a reluctance ,th tinker 'With pur
financial ' Machinery'. • in. is,. like
this.".; ; • "
"On previous•ocasiong. We • heye
eteesied the importance,1 reatorin
theeeverld PriCe....strlietu r . to "aPintbxl-,,
kev2Seileveleeeel4 airke
lest .yeer .1that such. ietion Was: es.fen.'
tial if .the 'present denati6n. is to be
liquidated en':„ orderly; • reenter'',
pointing out :that sieflition had :heed'
I ever: se your money'?
the money. l, ,Won on the ,horserace.
And !Paned it to. stornan-euit' a
Man., , yew are mad if you say T ---LA
"YouLgaveit• to De Loma," prime
repeated calmly '' • „ •
Was- .Womaii,
• 'Defen8 Of•M0Onteolib,•
-the; poets :touion't et.y-
TIlatliIrsore .rinnol,Lea 'against:the elt.y
To Me "S. hill IS, preed emit titre:Oil:: 4
Anil. would, noIlow, any,
-Nyhet reisen
„ • teileb? • .
What leawii,coulg,tbeysiklst preac",
...About Amountain
• Or weigit eft doWti -•-•
, .
' • 'years'? .. • • • .
A meiiittais.holile.her. proud heed • '
To clear, Or darkly loweritig sky; --
And' even ;:wben, sterile' epOn.
•her race . '
lifts.tp h,eaven treiting :faCe
MOuntaftla have 10.rnettl: tiTelnitieno •
• of time, • 1 •"••
• . •
The Wied0f&Of4'Sfl.euce, antl falt1,1. .•'••
. ,„. •
4nd„.eirec and ,al•Way'S 'hear
. •
As lict Mine eyes' ante
no 4ongerbelievelliii..:te papa, not
ati Ogre such you:naiat
sWeet enfant, that papa of yours!. He
is,not bad like yonSayi° . 7
Calt-hizri father and, Lee' What
a.,e-Weetinfint he is Let the Wedding
bellS, ever Se little and rad
7-AitirY...icatherine 1.ewton', in “RipPle.
"proneLalte,Champlain "
Rocking noses foie Officers,
washingtow,-.-oldeer,s '"of the .arin:
• air eorPs in t,he futUre have t,
ride to, theft ,p1steei in .metee.fehieles ,
imiropriation.' for ,97 • tiding _horsel,
new 'used, 'va,14ous
exercise, and. pleaiure, pave been en. •
frOni;.the army ,
of 'this good. record. -"If w,e,:marry first and,
referring to the report, of' .the
• ROY•el ,CoinnaisSion on •Transporta-
tion; Herbert :eXpreised the,opin7 carried:toextremes.' And that • ariti-,.
lon :that co-operation betw' Pee Ptle Cw° deflation :nieaanres Ysloite. re -
railroad •systems tc'uiredTinfortanately, price Sletell':".
'eConeities.• Will'. not. Pre diatc fe,ontinuo to .fll until the end
enough td:,put_dOWit in ayadequate Joneand...010,•
degree thtanimal at-tIMetitneiran-ii-nce,:been.'cAUCellett.
The decline for the year,as iedicated
b7 -the Vnited States Bureau...of La-
bor bide* Will ;lie; , apparently, Omit
.,1 Per cent„ which compares ,with.•13
.per „cent: in 1931,.. and- 17 • per n;t: in
1930. The' best that can,. be said is
that :the rate of...felt:Was • appreeiply
less' -thae:•in; Previolie Year6. • '.
"The vitaln'ebessity' fdr; inereasilis
-prices isnow .commonly , recognised,
but .,the difficulty, of counte'rieg: des
'flation increeles:•"as dier,eselop,
centiiiees. must. hone that, the.
iortheorning ' World' EconorrilO•'
.ference point .' the .vier 'to .con-
strtdave•.action:in tI3is respect,• :• ' •
'There is httle indlination to 1n4
ge in prophecy as to the ftiture
'As Sir Herbert ;statede, there'l are in-.
•clina-tiOne.' Of' a' graduel increase . in'
Siab, throUghopt the.. world.
iePartidularly•tree ib Eutf:pe, Where.
Conditions were. 'anythirig.:but favort:
abeftyearago. intlieUnited *States,
Bot5en, who .had iroVii:Posiessed him -
Self o,f 'a. knOthole'view 'Pf.the..PfroCeed-
ings„ wa,s: con-3-inced by the unyielding.
hardneSs of •Bruce .1;ripiter's;expreSsion
thgt.'w*toidnt'haci *paned. ap a, new
feirP61-1ouglit:to the youneinant-t
and „one:. which , migltprovefruitfuL
.The COuriteSsi obtibils-IY• fie Meted".
resortedto teas,.
Peeet$: 0, -Pd sobs .,There 14,:er Wails Of
"You are a, beast.1 Y�u lo t oVe
. .
• eminent railWays„ :arid expteseed •the
conviction that the solution lay in
• , ..
• complete • aroalgametron... felt
. fears: of a •inencipolY tWefe groundless
,:•sind that under .priber safeguards
.„..iniification.• would result :in a ceesr-
linated • transportation., system ede-
..euate•te the,needelpf the country and
at-a rlhimurd '
• .
..°Fbr many :3•ears,.' Governmental
„;.,.e*Peaditufe-has,'Ijeail.on7aft excee4Ve
Seale, .• 'ExtraVegeeee has charaethr-
ized th.. budgets of filiional:;‘•pro4n,
•inuniCinal "goverturients.
'confitry-. there. is
• general: d,einarid that'
.:,ineed. andevery effort inatie';f,o,ltht
• in the heavy ;burden linposed Anon
heavy, taxation. .. •
.4There ig..a nOteWegtly .
tiOn:,of"."Govertiment in .Paiii,da. Which
leatIA'ttO:Ottes§iye• cost of adminis4tra-
,;..tion. :We Antist' • seriously
7.1ii1iettier'AbiST,Oolintry drn afford to
avnine Provincial"
••••,."GoVernmerits, 'together With ;.-the Fed.‘,
' erol GOYetnrnertt,.' each with .an
.tOrate orgeniiation.' The WholeAionri-
, latiOn. cif Great- Britain' Is goVerned
• .by -a single ..Parliaesent wlileh, finds
time to legislatO 1t only:for, all in -
Unita .iiietterS„ but .alSO. 'for • thoae
whiat'6orieern the Exiintre.tit a whole.
-:IletieWteg the IrriPerial' dorffetetice
at Ottawa :Sir. 'Herbert Said that. the
misteeifil eehieveinerite litteined: Nv,ere
a !trietelph for,: Mr e Be-nnett and
Gorveriinient, ."
ite• financial 'ciesis is epparehtle. over.,
.ands,retiirn Of.'igit.eater.;_dennilence
evidence. • Many ef • bitSi.•
b'oth.,abroad and. in, 'Canada', but real
. ,
progress 'teward: recoVery ha.s 'been
Inadinid the proSpect'Of itirtherlit-
,pre'vemerit In the • cOrriiiig year is
niticli :flier • 1,leyef-el than aa yeat
"T have. 'full tertildettee in the.,ohar-
notes of..orir...peoPle, end of_our
tiltroliciiiitrWitliiiinirniiing' the,
ieepoiletiee„ 6f • the 'probleins that.
intist, be dealt *ithi i.look,Lto the fu-
tei.re, With inereaaing
. •
Ansa etizing. Oysters .."`
TheperOpesed adreirtistratipni
aneethetic toeietesrs; "befere �perLiit
timini, is not for .the purpoee et ..eiiere
3ngtstdrpainMnewspaper hit-
riiatista itte Eventliii,.)iut for ?staking
itein easier Open," saya T.114
ltionhild6,:'rifas0 •
•"The strength•And requiiea,fot
,,isaixid :a 'ttleit6iiis
."'EXperiinenters of the iAretiu of
Pilheriee iiave foundit liPseible to
ateathotize. . oyster/ 'Witholit'aribse-
(pient'fitapitige ib it as Sin tystet, et to
its flavor on, eit,ingi. So that its shell
kate 'tvideopo, inatting:rainay.ai
'1,%riestliesia;in thiS ea:54;4s i,.1(.114d
40,44:184i *MA; if desiredt oot,
lOod' d ttelcas,dtric, ,tortiiict
oic,hietIO •adRat Only,'
Io'*ation dcl niiAarrn abildkea
ov*t:Art, die:b./94 of 004ity.'ina1tel
tern Iseep lietteri,”
yOn, my clear Louise.
Janet Gaypoil
When' it in doile---:•" ',feriae ,Pelifistech2flants.to.t*sir Mi4Watet
. -Varx supligge ton.
ingCal1frn1i at an- altitude 2 of
you itWat "1.Her , tee.4
.che.riged ..a..,:sbriefiairsvife sereein:', 41'1)14 drr..fr91'9.'t4e rolland
: ' 6ar-4:1.3"5175.n°!P"-c4
It .1'ewl's1;c'i
Wet----ireits. a, t no now
rn 4
' that, clideyou, '1 ,tell: you ;this, now, -.4
:Rived him More 'then ,ever 1 have loved•,YOu!' At lelisti,he is.s,•rnary of
•'oand IS'Inore ',Om:it:you ore,
MonAlear:Trace' lup4eri. the., artist!"
• "nrusting .the brae*eief -de.fiiintl On
;her white. arin the theroughlyleated•
,yeiing.wornan floimeed Off in:high. 4f.t4„,.
gen After ''o thteryal '0;eife,
soundedfromthero&l the lei. eh:tickle
and Year of . the ••"•reirititer't-t, '. engine
starting up and • the 'dirn'-inishinkv:sound
ofit passage into; theediltancet :
• 'Priteecontineed': ernoke.iii silence.
If 'I.Ouise'S ,,taiint: had j.erred hire;;;lie
did nof ah•owl,:j.;t.•••,,B6*•en • Slipped out
n;back- door to hi septyn...car;:: ".
')Ieiten had a- rialop.:..this' .wtalla be
an "cfeellent:iiine to secure anepsh6t
of ''the' lady.-o'hile her 1.caialier Was:
:far .'aw,ayi.end' niOod, for.. srOtIoli;.'
;rig cameras or 'teporterS'. nOse'g„
away hem', Me;
--Bowen ,coneluded •laellYe'; se
"Put,,P1:11 44Yirti hr'jt
garne.:. • Borrowed a, grancX ojit'
lianginglaround. tlie_f fent dOr.
OT:the•Ambaisador,!•. Listen: chase:her
'ihinie. Tice . ete*.ithingt...
a• huneh can .dig..,•PP, •
'seine ' the boys
.poliad Morgue 'geta gdodlook h
.ttrOWt Prornise ,at)srt.hi•ng.,."
said. ' can `tri; but 'that's all."'
Mary reiilaeed the receiVar e
hook thoughtfully; • • After ,e Inerr;olit,
,=11O• took it fieWn an and asked t'ef6'
clerkif the Counthss had come in yet,
'Told that she had, she asked „fr 'room
• :Service .and , oreked • 'earid w ie hes.' anti
• ised drinks Sett to het •O •,,Wri'robin..,•Th
ehe 4*i), ffit and t)3- On
the ether *oinah'S doe."-'
"Who itN 'came in nuitil
after e moreent s pause. • . -- •
4"' MerY aidg'farti'Yyt tP5'163?:
.,Steften th blOW. Leeile Meet have
"110,1r tell you! Two ehaperral 'plants round .grov:
le in trduble.• s 110t ng at once foot of leeferes-of the "plant!
' daynOrs ho)Iday,
hoi..13tit he: eerefelOaiiet,
eweoft t�p •
.Thie'actien: .Wes" taken oter
Gen..11:. 'D. F.Ouloin admitted to' the.
'conirriiifee Oftldere n,,Oult •
.get their exerCise, tnOre effectively' ln
riding; gyinnaaiath..hersee than the livt
'tylse.cif ,Soutstociteir arerrials.-
1repOeid in. Austria •
':- One( bicycle tax
of 279. cents year as a last resourcee
beenidopted in a ifOrtion. of flits •Ait'S:.
, , ,
vrian. province.
•' .• . LrrTLE tHlNGS' .
- ,
. 'It, •,,thelittle tlshlh
'rdaiternieee .rii is • 101 (3'..
little 'fb:00.r, • Men:* :Inq
women Pl.; 'Guest,
„ , .
eles' -•
131\S s k; '
.xtiskto 000,100 _
VI° ‘•i'less..-,
• nil eve/
e•toc.3. . 50
•.•••° '
-,•••-•••-•,-•••----•-•••••=7-••••- •••• •
;Ifift1),,leAtitte, '
. ..!.yrtat ue. yOU, T 'tiot,r
as jerked:600n.: Trielk.binitesS" 2eyet
..bers the traces receet tears
-.0"Vve. gent fey' Seine' lea• -•1: thretght
iou'd.liketenite-I didn'i 1-616w Yeti •
, ' •
..ny_ntl4f..n:en.ess in the ii0,00 svtpdJy e 0i:se
gOUle tql4ets of' 4s.pi4,in .".it.;nielv.,ti,teri
lerud .gargie at (la(e 'tktis Wiet
noes fitiog,er, ...opp.AO •)i0.etY You
. dor 7,1401 pflit;
' ,1,41,1..,
Liitiktit,A*.1.0 $497tbr
.eyopto,,••• 4.4040 .if)Le1;.i' pk.6.til fA,;4;
I Yoe, 'it.t,tely.';'it 4,40 'AO.
141*.ASIc 410-014.. kolf,