HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-26, Page 1•
,TrekeYen, Luc
A. M!, 1.306
, A Aunt a Moller. APP1
kt 1.10iite‘ Sentinel Office. " ,
• .FOR SALE -Village residence on
' Havelock Stop, centrally !nested:
handy to church: school and business
isection..--Amily to " - •
• Jack Leith.' Lucicnow.
HOUSEFOR: SALE -Village reei-
dence: all made= iconveniencea.-
' ' A.ptily ;to. tr. P. .McNah. 'Lucknow,
LOST -In ': Lucknow, '„Ift$ week,- a
- safety, dePelit box key Finder kindly
leave at Sentinel 'Office; „
• .
FOR SALE -Two spring •colts. and
set heavy breeching harness. Apply
at Eedy's Bakery, Dungannon!. •
- FOR,•,SAI,E-Secondhand cornet,
„trojnbene and guitar, also riding
saddle (astride). -Apply to • '
D. C., McMorraii.
Lucknow U. F. 0. Annual Meeting
will beheld in the, Orange Hall on
Saturday. January 28th, at 2" o'clock:
Please attend. , John JainiesOn„ See.
Prepared' to doall kincle of Grain
Rolling. Chopping and Cutting Wood
• at 80c an, hour. Annly to ' Howard
Robbisonk. , :liolyrood.'" R. R. 3,,,.or
Phone 27-r-16 Ripley, • •
Tenders, for caretaking of Lacknoar
. •
.ceived un to•-•••:Januarit 31. 1933. In-,
formation -,as to duties " can be bat
from Secretary. Lowest tender, no
necessarily accented.,
Tenders wili be received by the
Undersigned up ' till February' Ist.
1933, for 10 Cords of 18 -inch 'both'
wuod. .Maple and Beech, . to be
• . livered it U. S. S. • No. • 4, -Ashfield
not lated than '''March 15th," 1933:
,Duncan :• A. Finlayson, See.-Treas.
Lucknow R. R. 4.
• I •
, In the Surrogate Court of ,thi
, County of Bruce. n the -Metter ` Of
' the Estate of. John W. Murriv
deceased. Creditors or others havint
ativ claims or demands against thc
Eitate of the said John W. MurraY
late of the Village of Lucknow, it
the 'County of Bruce. gentleman
died on or about the ninth din
it September. A. D.. 1932. are."hereb
reamed to
such claim or demand. duty venfie,
'b'allidgivit. postpaid to John McRae
R: R. No. 3. Llucknow. Ont.:. the
Executor of the Estateof the sai.
decesied.. ex to his solicitor. on .
before the 22nd day of February
A. D. 1933. (after" which - date th(
Executor will 'proceed to distribute
the said Estate among those dui -
•entitled thereto, haying regard ont.
to claims " ,and demands of whicl
notice has then "nen received. ,
, Dated thii 23rd daY of Jannanc
A.:I) 1933.
ran McRae.
Bo's. 386. Strathroy. Ont
,Solicitor for the Executor
Coming Events
, ,
First lasertlea, 501.
Stileuxiient 'Insertions, 25c.
Therewill be'e, danceheld in thc ;
Orange Hall on Thursday. : Feb:, 2nti
McCartney's • Orchestra. .Everybod.',
° Welcome. Silver •collection. Ladies
•Please bring lunch. -Social Cam.
' Como ' and enjoy a 'good' eursper.
,The *Omen's Guild, St. Peter's
• Church; serve a Supper . in the
Council chanlhar.,. Tuesday, January
31st, from. 5.30 to
New Materials and , Batting
Comforters and Quilts. New LoW
Invest In Sotnethin
Learn to Play a Musical
Teather Of
V1014N, ,RANJO,
•SOnte" ItistiuMerits on Hand,
. 1 •
' ',Others ,Preciired.
. • i
• •
ny Muarical Inittruntintil
Repflired Reasonable
lectea rresident
Agricniture ,890 eti Has Eavorable
• 0010,B.hia Sliglttly Increibied
Over Pir.01110PS • Year;
.anho 1 ine.etinit of *,the.,' LOW -
'1°w • 0.1tRatI:•".SaciOY';',IYaS ''hOd
on Fridik,,han..Officell#,Nliere elected
and the financial report received.
The Society carries Over •ii !alterable
ash balance of $547.0'7," MA increase
of oie,r, $20; on the previous "'year's
4844%75 WaS offered in • Prisaa at
the exhibition, and ,the :amount, Of
$130.70 was awarded. by 'judges in
oodsr.and cash. The catih. payments
amounts - to $67q:74. These' figures
the. COMPletness . the en-
. ,
cies at, the show.
The officers, directors and asso-
ciate-director4 'reinain 'Unchanged,
WatsonMr.. Peter ;being elected. pres-
ident- to :serve a second. year, ' Hen-
Jrary. president, Jellies Lyons; 1st
Vice, Jacob Hunter; '..2nd 'Vice, • 'John
icQuiHin; Sec'y.-Treas., Joseph .Ag-
,riew: Wililam Murdie and 7.William
Porteous were appointed auditors.
The , directors are: B.
• 7
.$C1C44 Carruthers; .
Iohn Farrish,''.-Geerge Hunter;
.vanosh-F. G. Todd, • George 'Keng
ledy; ,HurOntSinert. Robertson; R.
•-• '
• • .
Snukes - are in evidcnce at- Lochalsh
'4nd reports of robins . being about
indicate that our „springlike
Neather. may. be 'pernisinent. Amid
:ntermittent • -,..showers of ram on
Sunday, this district experienced a
Jrief. electrical storm and just. what
this may 'presage brings forth v. -
.ous opinions. However, following
&rnday' -Monde*
brought forth *nether mild' day, withk
warm sunshine which seems to be
g.enerallythe most desirable element
-4xcept, in instances, when ' sufficient
now for sleighing is: „desirable. •• to
teaming. Was
and affords.
• .
'sinners an opportunity to do some
1 the 'fall Work which *et Weather
• ..
irevented at .that time..
New Work Clothing. Sox and Mitts
or _Mee and boys.- New,Irow •priee.•
• •
• , . •
• .Iteeve ,Canipbell Grant of Walker-
ton is to be Bruce" County's Warden
1933., winning .the . contest by a
4ingle vote •over Reeve Duncan Mann
of •Ripley. on Tuesday evening at the
Joening sesaion...,X., County Council.
opening, ession of County „Council.
The vote; was e tie the deciding bal.
lot being cast in favor' of, Mr. Grant.
Thiti honor comes to Reeve Grant
after 'five years ,of service.' He con-
tested this office in 1931 and 'lost oiit
"ly a single vote. Reeve Munn, has
ield Office in -Riley since 1926 when
t was incorporated as at"villagA.;
Reeve 'Rae of the village and Reeve'
D. Carruthers of Kinloss are .tittend-
lig • the Preeent' session of .'"County
Council. '
The •-death Thomas Turn --
bull. in, her 82nd Year. sister of Mr.
Temple Clarke; Of this, village, oc-
curred at her `home in 'Grand Bend,
on Thursday last. The funeral' •ser-
vice wee" held. on Saturday with in-
terment in Grind Itend ceineterY.
Mrs. Turnbull was born in York.
shire. England. and -• Came to thie
coantni with her 'parents When
Years 'Of.t, age. Her husband prede-
ceased her 4' Yeare no and she is
survived lbw one daughter and three
sons. as well as two brcithers. Temple
of Lacknow, and Oliver: of Godericl;
erg one . Sister,. Mrs.: Jamieson of
The village was aroused ithOlitten
o'clotk. •Wednesday haorning by ,t e
first' 'siren, dile to a chimney fire ; at
he 'Itobie of ,";Mrtt,,,-Anglis: IVICKinn.O.A.
The reel wactaicotto the scene, but
it , was ' not necessary to lay a line
of hese. as the fire had burnti.itielt h
Out: *et cloths ware.reqUired,' -W,•-•'.
eyete•te 'extinguish the fire' 'which
'•' rtif In the lathing sbeu't. ile, pipe
Iola. '•
r V ' ./...i....4 ...'...,....1..i4;
Th tine limit, for payment of,
expired eutracriptions, at a saving
of 50c apprOaChes**.Chl subecriPtiol:is
that fell' due at the first of, the year
one, month was allowed during which
Canadian -renewals:, would be re-
ceived at $1.50 tend American re-
newals*.at $2.00. 'This offer holds
good 'nntil, , the 31.st Of Jannary,
Don't fail .to 'take advantage .of this•
offes•-.the time is 'short. •
estward Bound'
Hugh Menullan
Sends Greetings
Conizeunities ;Inierest, Decides' Rev.
Hugh_ McMillan To Write Series
Of Lettere ,"Rack
• , ,
• •
Vancouver E. C., Jan. 12th, :1933
The Lucknow 'Sentinel. .
Dear Editor;
° few visiti to :Lucknow and vic-
inity j after. several Yeara sPer4 in the,
Orient„broiight one in teach with a
surprisingly • ,large 'number of people
who, asked interesting questions
abobt.""people enci Places in -Other
lands. Many also requested letters.'
from the far East. Se genuine seem'
ed their..interest that I• resolved to
write .„ to as many, as possible "about
these •things : in ,which their' , chief'
worlir;toPie, t,pie-toic of folks
in other lands and "sepia cistoms in
these Okanging. times in every Conn -
try,' Such an intereist.wes so unusual
-nothing.. less-• ,than..a. ;:fiense.of duty
started • n:le at this first Jotter:
It is •addreseed to ou for a .Purg,
•poSe-' i'..werndir :if '•you : Would consider
what may be contained herein as of
sufficient'general interest to be giyen
a, place in Your coin/11mi. If it Meets
With -,t-he approval of Sentinel read-
ers it might be e. Means whereby. a
s�ries of OCcesiOntil iettereTbn" things'
Oriental Would , result. . Though writg
tene for the Lucknow community . in
general,. friends, Will recognize • that
they are not. nntliought of, in fact
they will appreciate ' the saving of the.
time and postage 'Money of ape' free
Bruce, and the letter. pone the less.
This isbeing writtenonthe train
between .Edinoliton and NancouVer.
It is three o!clOck, the.afternoen
4 .,
We have just been, admiring "Mount
Fitz William. 1°.oiri the many pointa,
of -:.vantage. Which railway 'engineers'
must have ' had in mind When 'sur•
veying..this. road; :It is a' greatl._Can-,
adian sight.. at any. season. But to.
'day 'the:sun' and snow have co -opera=
ted: .to set it forth on sneCial. disirlay
A little lOrreabin by ...the read
We Ci!OOe' as an ideal home' :frorn
which Canadian artists could 'esijOY
and, interpret this natural. beauty.
, But ilia Rocky 'Mountains are not
the , only ' beautiful, Part: Of Canada.
Never have 1 realized the, Part, ocr*.
Cupied by :the sky in every Prairie
scene. It must :infect prairie People
in giving themtheir broad . outlook
On World ,Affaiiis; their forward • and
balanced approach to soiia1 recon-
struction „and their practical Sense
that f religion: is 'a spirit :Permeating
every 'Any life: :In no one- did I find
this attitude better ,exemplified than
in an old Bruce boy, Dr.' John, Valens ,
With whom We Spent two interesting
days in ,Saskatoon: Dr. Valens is a
Much joved-,.-.tamily.., physician. and
SUrgedri of that city Where, he has
tiyed, for • twenty-seven . years. His
questions. about Bruce T.' County con-
ditions•• revealed- a• keen: interest • in
the, 'old. conuntinity.' His concern
*about depopulation and:. the Passing
of old ,ltinsilies• and ,well-kePt_hoine-
steada in this to psis
,surely, shared •,h , is recalling
y-417 societY
of the manes of -Mani leaders ' in
comminutylife, eround°, Lucknow
quarter of a" Century age: and, their
activity in Social'. uplift: Jiyici, politica!
education made, one Wonder..whether
13ruce will continue to Make as "s'reht,
ContribittiOn.:loCallY and to Canada
in the future as in, the Past. Along
Many ' lines; :the thinking of this
thenght raot.'AVA“,„;* the prairies.
• Visiting the irriiverotj'ei of Mani-
toba, .SiiiieritA9W,,n'; and 'Alberti;
gave. orie n geed-, ApPartnnitY•to••thear.
what Western youth, .,are attiring.. An.
eathnsiiiitic Student andienee.tlisten-
v (COntintted.n4 Page
AY JANUARY .26th 195
resbyterian Church
bondades ,Year.
.141)0.4 Inaic4i(i, P.K,OR
. ,
..gress In Spite of Decieaseil 'Oitrings
Sickness prevented' the Pastor.
;Mas,Donild. from ,bein,
,nreant.at the Annual; Congregatiomq
meeting of LUeltiaOW PreitYte64;:.
hurch;,: held on '.thursclay last 'fan&
talthengh sickness ' and rinfavorala
roAd.cenditiona. Preyeateti':.the. usua
attendance.. the ineetine, .wifs
thirsiestic one. , with the '-•various
oeltia indicating marked' activity ane
oragresi, during ,the year.'
"'fatal givings were 'somewhat lOvve.
.,than . the: previous .Y64. but
onsidered and the tree-
suker Was able IP 'report ,a sna11 ere-,
dit"balande.' -wit4which to aonimen.'
thenew year;
: Mr. R. , as "Chairma.
addreseed. the, meeting and,the-Ses-
siOri revert Was read by Nr. J. W.
Henderson end thefiliariCial--teiairt,
uv Mr. L. A. Finney.,." - .•
Seventeen .neW inenibers were r&
ceived." daring the year., With sixteen
bersons."being removed` by ,death; Six
children were haptised.:
At .e.: meeting . of the organizing
committee of :the .Horticultural So-
ciety, held ;,.TueiclaY night, the
-following "Were,-;•-selected',4o'4,canYass%
the,' village- On a Membership', drive
„Meant. S.,C. Rathwell; R*;
Robert 'Fisher' A W. 'Ilainikon,
G. III; Smith, ' Philip . Stewart), 'Dr.:
• , •
Johnston, Reit:,"-TGeOgla-egan-r.7and:".MIK-
Murdie • Mrs. WM. ''McKenzie, Misst
McCluskey „ and ',Nisi C. Graham* • •
: 'Pr TOWn has been divided into
tehtions and an active canvass', Will be
*de ',during the. next Week.' This is
.tec'essary as the :names of meMbera
Mint be,. sent to the Department , at
Toronto and and • permission aectiied' • "‘rti;
organize. As ErC. feier Are now geld
out andother general stock of the
better. des's, goods are not expected
to • :cover the requirements. an. :early
tart is therefore essential..;
A ' Premium of- 2 rose hushes :Will
Prinheishii) whieh
costa $1.00: • Once the Society, is
-onized , it Will :undertake. to beautify
With the co -operations .of others cnn-
.ernpd, puhlic.' and :church ; -property
.Trk''' the: Village. . •' • t,
Mr, R. V. Mckenzie. engineer at
Table Pactory 'suffered a frae-
=tured .toe while on duty .on *Monda,'
when ,a• hettYV stick of cordwood feb',
his foot. The •t•iniury' will. lay hjii
LID for Several days, • ••
• " '
. .
The one -hundred and seventy-ton/4h
Robert -Burn's' .anniversary was cele7
:rated in Lucknow as usual -by, the
Fire :Company 'staging their- lannual
13uriVs Ball.. which was largefir
at -
ended. Main roads 'were, ideal • for
Motoring. attractecirdancers
ter. long distances around. The advent
-••,f -this annual .event. until the last
:wo years:. was almost- without fail
acebmvanied his One of the most se-
riZzards Of :the, year. •
The, '.4anuary:'meeting of the „Lit-
erary' SedietY' of the L. C. S. WaS held
in Form 111 on Thdraday 'AfteronOn..
`0 Canada" followed by the reading.
and:, 'adoption Of the minutes :of • last
• • Saa
meeting,. pnring the . business period
t was decided, after,' nouph ,diScrissicin
that. the . system of 'receiving the
field .daY''niedah willremain the saine'
During l the, rograni. which follow-,
ed, instrumentals ;were rendered., by
Jessie -1Videlteiiiie and ';'Rertforil
trander; readings' by .Jean MacMillan
and i$Obei Douglas; and a violin solo
by Bob. MacKenzie.,
,The.meeting waS closed :by. singing
the National', Anthein...,..,'
, ' t •
cents a pound
The Bread Tirefid:'
. of Health 0 1 of Health
• CREAM PUFFS, "',63$.0ktE*,*cAigEp..,'. DATE:
"7.."'SQUARES,?:miScg •6
, , • ,
. „
hone 36 Lucknow
.coo.o.un.itys.04040By Youth's..Death
Will Carnochan Passs Away In, His,
22nd , Year -Attended, High Schoel
-7-Here-Was ,Member ,Of Band,
gloom was Cast over the Com-
* . . •
miniity When 't it was •learned • of., the
death of Will .Carnochan,whieh oc,
cUrred in Loriclori;: on•ThtirsdaY .after
an, illtieas of three, weeks: .In his
tweirtY;:second year, he was the '• only
son of ,Mr.' and Mrs. Saila CartioChan
Kinloss his -Mother,' prior
to "her Marriage being Elizabeth Me -
Nay. , •
'Although hot enjoying the usual
good Ihealth of • youth
Was quite sudden, when. he ,sniTered
a ,serious nervous disorder, three
.weeks Ago, with hia...,cleath''reaulting,
frojn% :_p_pennio„nia; whieh jater (level.;
was horn:in Tnekeismith, Huron
Q'ounty, on • August 22nd, 11911, and.
eatue With his parents To .,cOncestion:
4, •-Kinloss Township, 'When,. eight
years of , age. ilis early 'education
he ,received, at -the Grey di School'
tine, passed through ,the first and.
:Second. forma. of, Alia. Continuation
, , ,
Sphool here.
r.." Ile' was always a quiet , and
. • .
assuMing chap, : lover,„.,0,... Music,
and. 'much interested in his lunne and
farm work.. A- Member of the- Luelc•=,'
hOW•Ri-esbyterian Church;: he • Was
-also ,..actiVely'a a'atit iffte,'"d witifthe
Young,People'S Society of .his
liund church at .South •Kinloss. ' For
four years Will has been .a fuithfui
clarinet.playei in the Lucknow
The funeral :was held, on Saturday
from.: the: parents' residence . On the
2r14, ePtlq0sio,11.K.
geas, conducting, services .at the home
and graveside,' assisted: by Rev. John'
Button. •
As, a tribute,..of•.resPeet the Solemn,
prOcesaiOn was headed for the .1aPt
quarter 'of. a :Mile , hy. the Lucknow
Citizen's Band;" to Kinloss Cemetery
where. groirpeii,-,triound, 'the grave ap-
propriate': selections were ',played.°
•SurViiYing' sorieWting
pairentd'.:and, one sister), Bessie, to
-the „sympathy 'of the Conn-nun-
it'y i ektended, •
The „pallbearers., Were six chums;
Gbid'on' and 'Leonard McInnis, Robert
•Il'arkireaa; George. Middleton, DOnalCr.
"McIver-'„and•--.1.:loyd• 'McDougall:
Friends from a distance at tending.
the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs:. rlehp
McKay and 'Chester, Mrs.
Joseph "Smith` and. ,Sari, John lTaii.in
Elack and Broadlo,o •.
all' •
of •
:Seaterth arid Rev. and Mrs.
„ •
Mrs. jaires Nichol, 35 vears of, age
forriiesly Eliiaheth Anderson, .nassed
away in Morris TOwnship on 'Tues-
day last. The funeral Was held from
the residence of, her; niece, Mrs. J;
H. McNeil:, On Friday afterno,en with
;.nternient in Greenhill -Cemetery*
where her husband is buried:
'` The late Mr. Nichol. it will be re -
Membered' by older residents. was
_many years age,' erpnloyed by the
local Table Coninativ as. - teamster.
Atter . leaving Lucknow. Mrs,. Nichol
went to Toronto, where she resided
. for a number of Years.,. with: he,
adoirted son. Mr. Wm. . Littletan°
,The latter Years of her lite she had'
snent. ' Moriis
Akita, , I
our yes
and Our Service
Lucknow .
Can remember ihen only „elderly.
persons wore glasses. ' The ehir
rens' eyes were net considered
tall, How -different •teday,, NOW it ,‘ei •
is known that errors ' of ViSion (' -
affect all ages. That many .Were
berms with them, . and that. they ,
.should be corrected: as early as
poSsible. The facts '• about YO:Cri,g
eyes are here• . • •
• •
Continued next week
pital on Januarylith; to George 7alitt
Dia Johnston of. St.' Mary's, ft° ifen.4
Lohert Irvin Johnston.-:.•
. '
George whose home 'was:'atItipleY
. " _
will be remembered here as • having
been .engaged by Mr:: Clarence,..Mur-
die for a time, in the. groceiy:buSi-
'RECEIVES. k'flitii%
' Mrs Jas Cook who was remitted
to -Wingham. Hospital last'Wednes,
day, suffering ••from. pleurisy and its
. ,
complications, ..was still seriously 111
first of this week. Her son', John;
Who IS \ home from Winnipeg, left •
for Montreal on a business trip, but
intends returning hereAe latter part
of he week.1
Mr. Hugh Angus; at one • time
employed At the local' C. N. R.
pot,, and •for the past few : rininths, at -
Listowel, has been , transferred;.0.
d delW
there pon:ie,. UNTO weeks ago.
• '
1 ,
. . .
Dr., ,r, Johnston Gives _Interesting Lec-
time-Hervey Treleaven Elaited
. •
• Thursday evening, the Win* Men's .
'Class, of the United Church held a
get-together, at which • tiventyr-sik.
'members • were :.present to enjoy ° a
profitable- and , entertaining . evening. .
,The meeting opened with'a Sing-
Sr:nig; followed ", by repeating the
Lord's %prayer in unison. Mr Haryey,
_Treleaven- ontlined..i.--the'-cdtigrsel'•-•- of
. --
study . in use atL•present and invited
all those '.present to attend the', Sun-,
day afternoon ,Class meetings., A•brass'
quartette • by •..Harold ' Treleaven, Jahn
Hayworth. ,Gordon. tTo nston ,and Will
fLecio,,hrt and 'a• • baritone \ solo; . by
John 11.:tvworth were mince.l num.
hers.. Mrs. Newton presided at the
Rev. T. nicker gave A", very
TtinielY. address 'dealing with 'present •
eeenomic problems. This WAS 'later
If Mrs.- J. -Wilson.' Lucknow. wili
ehii,ht the stere. we WiI1 be 'glad to
hand her a prize. Mrs. 'Wilson is one
of the "lucky one this nionth in a'
drawing • contest • conclut` • for;
advertising burboaCs
• •'
THE ,ivrAlticur ;$Toitt
followed by a lecture On the Mind
by Dr,,JOhnston, teacher. of the class..
This subject pirixedv2intensely; inter.g,
esting to the group.. A lunch Prepared.'" ••••
and; served by 'Several' ladies, was
uch enjoyed.
president' and Ale): 'Andrew re-olee-
ted sec'Y.-trei Ttickee.eXpress-
ed hisr rciation of the work being *
done by ,,the clas&, and thanked the
ladies.for thelr ,ei§tanee: God S'eAte I
The king , and , Auld tang :SYne-
briglit the, meeting' to a cleat•