HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-19, Page 644,1
1101•Y Harkness Plots to oftteh The FLY,
'whom she. believes flramed, her brother.
Withtha murder of o1f4 Mrs. Ju-
- ,ster 9,nd later him to -keep. him
Iron; talking. She is aided by Bowen of
Tivs- Star. - ,•
Bruce Jupiter, absent ManY Years, re-'
turns frOm,Harope.with a, woman friend.
Hie father orders him, Out and makes
Mar:y Prace. swears to rout
Mary. Mary's fiance,,,Dirk litiyther,'fon.
aids her 'toontinue the: in,VeStigatiOn.
He , Mary tlIght. people, are repeating.
„:.Oruee'ir ebarges,,nnet' says that ,if .srie
:.,gpeet,' to, Miami Mk:the. Jupiter yacht "he
willalse,..bei%ve' the41- -•
: Mary goes .and Meets pe' Loma,
• pwner, or Vtie "Fly's borser.' She promides
; 'tlante•With Aim. ;at a hotel fet-3,,
.• • '..,• -
.,• .CHAPTER. (coRt'cl.)
"Well' our' tim4 may sh!?'4^.. WO
ind'horroW thitinkt.gaiiwra f Science
a pictare of the COUTI.5 if can., If
we Can get some dirt on, her Maybe
we can. scare her with it. How're. YQ Judging Distance, Of $tar.s-
lo 7-
ter g'et husY. ws.nt to,buzz-aro, urtd . ,
going- work''it to, get Tile •.'-lY' On •,,I'lleing D.
Ekctriciti .
... The New York -TimeS Pohii.Streala
board- he-Gyp•sy•-tenight?• Have you „
"N ne atMary Confessed. , week ea enthusiastic. endersertient by
• 'what vm. afraid ,of. is 'flit I Won't „PrefesPer •gark,W;-'ShaPleY of ilarv-
get:-a chance to talk to lk,fr:, Japiter ard College ObservatOry Of,the work
., first. „ off new for :the day and villieh ''Profeaser 4ctet., Stebbins has
';r need dqi i judging
the distances 1,f
Dirk even. 'PeaCe like' narcotic Bates with him. What if e n been ng ng
numbed all her senses tertarbrarily. extra -men? Bates wil1 be With me stars, , "Judging" is the 'only word
Someone stood,,in the doorway, look- but there 'Ought to be another secret that: can be used, Measurement by
g about She' looked up- and saw service,. man atthe affair, whom, De sArireyor's Methods is, out .of the Mle§-
'hint wr.veaway. the 'headwaiter and Lonna doesn't know; •I woader: . . ;"" tion When stars are §O' reanote•That
Come toward her.: Her faint annoy- I -tele:, the smile bellboy hovered -there,. ia" no apparent shift In their
ce ateentraace of another diner ,abOut again: "'Are ;you Miss Mary positiOna in, •the eourra of ..centarles
hate her enchanted solitude Changed Harkness1": • because of: their -staggering -cliStanceto .
plcaied siirkise When she saw it • Startled, Mary assented.' Nhere is nothing for it hut te 'judge
"Gentleman jar the lobby to see diatance by brightnese. In this, field
-,Stebbing-has made an international
reputation.for : himself.
• *her'the, intrinSic•lunrinCisities' cif
•.• y , . , '
nearby eters er :distance have
been deternained 'a -yardstick based 'on
is at the•disPesal, ofthe "Itatroa-
, ; Mary 'ghed.' "You ought to let me ine . • .
i'yas. George Bowen.' ..." •- • . .
. . • ..
Areta't.you telting a, rrsic an corning
heTer' 1.she'• asked. . It winad . not- he
Well is theywee seen. together," but
she Ati4., 'net, se. te Worry.,.. • ' . .
, rgAie . as, ,a :•charch;""' 1'W:returned;
"I 'Met' YO,Ur RatIlg'.st:hilil?k...cYPt for
Stake you " sheinsisted "it's My War .nlot,en,ess of stars of the same- rumie-
yOu.1',"-. • ' ••• •
; ga----you stay 'here," 1, May
avhiePered to BoWen- ;
wOrrY aho9t
me.; I'll go take a look Afthe kitchen
if 'i Can't det .an' other.r.WaYa''. .
Mary ' folleWedi'• the bellboy( t .her
limbs (malting, treacherously._ .
The mitstretched-legs-,-, "ger'oed in
White Peen; were -uncomirinnicative.
As ,she caMe,.face ..to face , Witn the
man in the chair; VitlCi rose, aVviftly to,
meet her, her relief was almost
to her puzzlement., •• •
He 'was not, as she had feared, De
Lima, but ar.,7..stralfger'. Try as She
, Would, from a, quick Of stho
"g•:.cid-lileking, sunburned face,, „she
could not recall -ever itaving seen the
man before: '
. (To be continued..)..•
o r Thereby he can gauge the re-
someWhere in a bLorimer ear." •
you're fightmv. Mr. s, too. Lone ylpe. Thus, 64-gtiir of a 'given
114- c1.„Ausiat on -paying your expenses, color and brightness- is known to be
drhelmeW." • ' ' ' faf.tY light-yeara away, it follewt,that
Mary, almost, drepped 'her fork.
"Loriiner!" • • "
i'Bowen. eyed her in surprise, "Sure!
I3ig Loriinor Whyr you
don't think—"
"Nothing:" Mary answeted. • "It's
probably a Private taxi, and I don't
sVP0-6441,1a'J,,notiped what make, of
car 'it -WAS. It lest reaninde?. me' of
scenething Dirk told pre—"
•She repeated to hini whet had seem.-
. „
Ed, so Mispicieus to Dirk—that the,
inannfaiturer of •• Jupiter :motor cars
shoigd•bay a -Lorinior per and keeP it
in.• •.hicling. At least, not even• the
members, of, his household knew 1 that
. . a star of • the. scene calor' but or; only
. . ,
'... "Forget' .R, j'.1owen Ordered CurtlY, half the brightness -Must he four times
"We'll, get the pietUre. I'll 'wait an as fa.;' away, ,since the brightaess'af
. eut. ;Yon:tip me off to which elle is : distancea i1i gl$.t f By
ly1 nt noffefau 1 ithe3, mneclalutnOgf,tthhee,,
,*the street ,till.you aild the others- Corne
her; and bine. We'll snap. Her High- brightness of ,stars with '-the photo,
electrie -cell' Profeisar Stehhias :haS
new' pictare that way:. And well do
They 'left 'it at t,hat. Mary felt she, laid '0O,Fli the Probable distances of
many stare with whAt. is regarded as
it tomorrow .$ , '
• ...., ..
, raust get haat. before her 'absence vras
&Mad come to the partY. . His Pres- 'EFFECT OF DIJS.11,IN
r ,
40,0•••11W:•*•••••••••,,k •;•••4,1••••••••••••••••••••rar,*rnwoo. •
tery, the acid Juice ef" the fruit
the•seitition "Or electrolyte It needed
a very Sensrtive meter to register. the
feeble electriCal eareents. thus gener-
ated:. Fertunately Hitchcock had been
working On ,meter ,to ,melasere". the
• rylinute currents that flow' ' in the
photoelectric ceps Used in sound ino2
tio-ii Picture , projectors and' ie,televk
-With" an intrument that could
•record one ..millienth"Of an aanterei
about one-tenth the wing-powEr of, an
Ordinary hoase fly, -it hecame posSible,
to test'IrditS:'':.'' ;
Testing In this case pioreAccur-•
ate than tasting., ' There'.is
relation betweera acidity. and •flavor.:
•WithAecurate charts of ;the .Current
• generethd by the most luscionS„fruita
and by the best 'foods with acid
centent;.possihly the whole, systerir. of
testing anSimpling 'will be revert-
tionized. A.:fruit. with a sour, taste
;has a high" electrical reading, While a
sweet' fruit will register 'fzie micro -
Peres. • •
It is eeeri poSeible that, .with fur-
ther developinent, Patients will no,
'longer exhibit their' tongues to the
doctor. The Prangs of the eleCtrical
instrinnent willbe placed in the mouth
And the- acid content othe 'tselive, Of
• the tongue Will be recorded :tan a
1110011 •
discovered. , She was resolved Bowen "a• high 'degree of accuracy. •.
, •
• .•
• ...lence.„.weuld steady her. He.proinisecl•• ^ RecentAtudies by Professer Steb-
to telephone her .. --next day and hear• b- iae have "celVinees:1 him that, there
what final a.rrangements had been is ' an absorbing • medium, . probably
. • •
_ made • for The •Fly's „„receptior - on_ • dust, in space "Jast as:the. setting
. board the Gypsy—if he mild be lured un appears red .because the atnorint
he had,' it"; ,
. Bowen frowaed over that for a. few
.minutes. : ,
"l3y. George " 'exc)aimed "I
never-airould have thonglit 'of that!,
Maybe 'the Old boy's slyer- 'than. we
He shoek • his head,
;carding suspieien., "No, :I • dori't
. "Neither do T,7,-4a,r,31- agreed, re-'
dieeed te dutlie some one hack her
corifidenee: in. -Jupiter. •••• • :,, ;
' "Reept .fn, mind,thOugh,"' toren
adviied; as irne.;v,'ho ;believed in- their-.
wiliness arridefficiency. what'S-
-• tlib*healtfor today?". • •
"Jtrist" waiting for toniglatt
Miry' "said' shivering; "I''•inuat 'find
Mit what 'kind of tostuines 'win- be de.
rigeur .14 the and find...nrs'eat
f• lrozine Woe her PeOefut:inthrinde_, as
last „night'a,fre0..:"Wprry recarred.lto
'Mind: • She tolCBoweir of De
T..einia; and ti CeinteSS 'Louise in
and,. animated conVersatiOn.
the lobb,y,' 'whep.:the latter •WaS •SuP"...
pa:tea ae A.:severe
hoadache. " • •
• :4You don't •salPpoSlieli,.noitts this'
skitalled pleasure trip is tegiily.., a 'hunt
.for The Fly? .Tou.tion'tlippeSe she!s'
'told him?"' • `". • ;tn. "
• Dinnertime In JaNia •
. Margaret , Hone -Way, :•.writiag
Overseas Magazin,e of Javanese food?
- Jay a.•: I had the •• higgetat", Meal I
Aoard, . • of air we. look throUgh pear the hori-
ever enjoyed: Seated' at Adarge table
20 'baa Javanese Waitets: silently
'down annS,-carrying anoelder ,high
,groaning..dislies' of feed.. ' As a 101.1a=
dation,. 1 ' take my there: di' the 'atm.
away; ,.witli, their backs t,oivard her
, t ' fetaCr, 'Stet)3ing. Because of this dUst
• • .
the. Countess and De Loma pat close or gas in 'space, he reaches the'con-
, together on a-traulberry yelVet l•ounge 'CluSion that the distances at SOine 'Oil-
- . _ -
Back' in the Ambassador lobby she "par 3S , -gregter- than the --ereciunt
tiriied aside, for a, minute at the through which we :look :When sun is
fie*. of a familiar voice ha;:ia, her lift .neiir the Central tine .ef the.
magazine stand Suddenly the imoeth Overhead„ sci',1a the stara grid 4histere
her head 'with a Start. Not ten feet Nay' apPeari'reddened," explains Pre-'
tam Of portion .0f Java
. .„ • .
rooster siihnierged ,..sea of curry
Sluice: Now. a 'taste Of :the vegetable
as. the-teyEit
Mary walked Swiftly to the eleva: 0,111elt supposed they--were-.•4-A.Vriglit
only ana ,as Ia. uu
, tcr, and breathed, a sigh 'of dpep ,relief
• • , ang to he 1VIilky Way, .where ere
When theePerator closed the doer. and
Menri,";',Said :the:bearer- et the heart,of
deeenat palei';', fearing I. May., over•
look that detiacy Their•liver,
eed „Meat;
egg-, to crown • the7ferinridable. rale-
BeWare,',.at,thertnnii. nevi'
ef. ,pOitaded° `tot
chattier; ind:...highlylteveredciiiCh0;.
grated... coconut,
;Sande' " ;And, still ceine' With,
additiona:te,...the !emit; 'Whieh
'etkpiette,..'deinands: to be. plated.,,i'cin
one's small plate Rumor hat. it that
the r"Ohilleee, dn4esheggs.:,/ta.ve '1:teett
20•...yeaili.,;.but. 'their pre*
ent„, piquant: fieeor .soek -oiercoMes
any • qrieStion., of..•thejraieitStilifed
searlet..pepPers,'•Salted' 'monkey; Mita
., the
is, inslglit of,
"seteir'" ande; 'Wedge Of epoling,
'Nivea .-tin'y The gem has
enough?' asks an attentiVeretaiter.", „
ae.`glotiular Cluaters, are
- •
fes,et.e; (eleetro..:1; alpha "era-.
ti;•lcaarid•eveakay's still, r „discio4:04„.
4 According to this• 'Ow
v:ers,e....1-,as., not " been
constant,rate. • in„:".faet,7"it,is
•inVolaine. some .:a.,ChsappOsilion
ht n
POssible,to at,,e,ou'rf,t,,for
*p.i.der 'than the eilia;•10:4 at•Q, •Oonsai.
NS:Times.- • '
- •
are fewer Stars and Whbrelve cap see.
• better out iti the ,open, the Obserption
started the car upward. , ,.
v_TAIrae-a-sarnmediately:sholveas-....sorra7 of light is not. early -''So' Marked : 'so'
.. . , .
though.: Why hadn't she •Coneealed 'that throledigtancei.needlittorrecte.
heraelf and t:ried to' catch at least a 'ed.*. Only 10 per cent. , .•• • •••
word - of :what. was passinebetiveen, ....Dr. :$hapkey.'14; a • speeial;St . an, the
those two' Lt might be of tremendent Size Of the:universe.' Ile basdevoted, years ,to.A study, of, thezeihject.-And
teas guessed, '• or if Brame had broken has laid out program? of 'research
Importance' to. her planet:. If the Coun-
ia, promise and told her tira:" Purpose for Harvard which can be carried out
• Of ;pile' trip, might she net',-- pass the only in many ,years nor In In his eyes
,infOrmation 'on to: . ,
the results alulthe technique el"Pro-
', Well; it was on the Ian of the getls: feSsor Sikbbing are Of the higheet
Whatever was happening down there portance in carryieg. out the'Harvard
Piegrain• ' "
worrid ha...te•to 'happen.
'When Mary awoke next morning' , •
the- hot Florida sun was streaming. • While he was • sitting at luneheon
, ,
in her 'window and the telephone at _in the Westinghouse Laboratory in
, •
her elbow was ringing madly. It, waa,- tast,Pittsburgh, Pa., it flashed' ea R.
BeWen'ti..ukt4ly :placid ta•ow. took
on some real:- Corrargatiens.• He was
obviously more worried than he 'would
•• It Was at the' 1931 'meetirig .of 'the
British Association •for the 'Advance -
Ment "of.: $eier.ce a • b. e.
Georges Lernaitre .p‘romillgated pee,:
theeryjo. aecirjant for'. the ; beginning:
of this, ex/*Ading
,are'• OPerme'si, in the MAWS Of
plysicists...0 The '.theory . was' brie -11f
, •
,presented' in ,-this :department .soon.
after ,It• waaminOurized.,e 'Apparently
it did net make nearly the inepression
thatits-•-•ingerinitr...meriteke-. SO' the
Abbe. has
Ainerican Universities. Uri:Mitre ,E.c7.
cents the -exPeraling: univ.,ersefas an
.ge.verYthat the outermost r.ehuhreare
with. the eXplaive Speed
6.'12;006 Miles: a aecond, This eXpaii-.
.41mi:began not leas :thaii,1,400'or more
7thai: 2,000 MillicaiS'Of :ago: It ts
certain, .however, „ that. ;the 'Airs are
older.. . Here we have a die-
CrePaney that relativists and and physi-
tirtve..been trying to'recoricile,
'.,1e.Abbe Asks te•••Magirai the Uni-
Verae, beginning in . extraordinary
a tom. •• It had Mere, weight than any
otar; More, fier61y °radio-
'actliTe than. :"Tie Wholeuni-
.Nerse. would be:produced , the 'dig-
integratien pririreVal
saysthe Abbe A world fu.-. of radia -
lien" transforms' itself 'into 'matter,
'which it:does•by condensing info stars
, The original atomic ital.' Sew. at,.
'atmesithere. After that its
More rays wero
•ir.triSetied:. ;We seettiiii the coSinic
rays that .Ptizle. phy.sieilts..these that
eszaped,' in: the; first, place., The Abbe
bids u,alse' look lot othet. ;produ.its
of.. priinevat disintegration) as.
• • -.) nearly 10 o'clock .- . , ," — ,..., ' . ' „' , , : C.:, 'Hitcheciek that an ;ordinary ,apple
' LoniSe's. half-seoldifig tones reireiber, is acid and :that the 'acid' Mud have
. . r II' r • .
"Aren't you 'you ever'. conning down?'•'
,z atedin,the telephone. "We go to ride abraet;electrical.respense•Out.;,af Sheer
' along , the Jungle Trail and up, the curiesity ' he, 'inserted 'tine' •two, disenn,
, ,
'Coast ler inneh. ' Hiirry!" flat 'pint Of a very senaltiVerecordiag
, . „ . .
"Don't wait for Me" Mary told ,hei, Meter,. into an apple 44 got, the 'Shock
. ,1- ' ,'-this tie" , '. of MY life when the me* .began to
coolly`shan't go
She 'Could not eonntiand'.: -', Yet she
iaieve• qtaite....Well that "so' far 'Bruce
She did. net. know What "to,:§0,Y..11i-L1 4141•11ighing results"
' ,, ', , , •
:va register,"herge'y wndh.ea.'s;ilieyres'o'n !2.$,:it, ihil...i,ithltheedi.asate7re's
; ..Plrysieiati-Vatill';ef , emirse• realize
ether was net prepared for refusal. •Condueted the 'eaine eXperinfbiit'on,an
:"Oh, but—" . QUite. •eyideritlY;" the' , . . ,
bad - managed to ,.th*art% the , ei.,p, ,i,hat:Hitaiedek had extended. thei dis,
every effort to be 'an. , 2, • : . 'hich.' Volta .made 136 yea
--------------------------- ave naied B f ' ago and. which :ended; in the invention
Of, the, 'battery.. - the fvire: dissimilar
BA ick .waY;A;s:
bay'''. le :said,, and' got lap- '-Presently
he returned " with "the, ,• ormatien,
Apr. -sat down De t�k
him n hand,,,for a inoment,'and hoo.k
hint is a, 'Cat shakes a rat..... '
• "You don't suppose, that She,eat
.Bruce'e Ilia' given the sticoV:aW•ay,?.": he
. , , , ,
'ri.earied. Woman or not,,I'll.poke her
'the': nose,. if she has! SWear
will' I've followed that bird this -far,:
hilt this IS no reand-.the-Wo4CI: cruise."
He .W,rithect•sileritlY :ter a rain*. "
• "No; ,,.• Ill" tell' you what ' js,"..he
Said ',presently'. •••41-1e. had. .to I:get iinit
. '
and rie's.; down to .litar!',:fast. thin clime:
SaiY This of Ficrse-s,,,
•Etcross the ages tbey Carrie itinaia•
"is' • ' dering -"' .
On hofs, tnrses 11:111
eyeeare wjae, vital tvoill
• ,deringr ,
•'TheV whimiy tlown the wind' ipii"
Vibrant ,.With all the bugleS Of OW
t wars:: ' • ,
• Their nostrils .MO1 the suet'
'Of grasses 'in ;deep, fields lit by .:Pala'
. -
flung' in 'a wide an'd Silent' firma,
A Methsr's LoVe .
•Youth .taiies; love -droops',' ihe..leavee
, • uf,friendship fall; ,
A • *other's ,secret Wipe ontliVes thein
• • all.... ' -.--Holmes;:
, • •
'There .is•yalways 'aolne levity, even
in • excellent, mindS; • theY wIngs;
ie.:rise; 'and also - to,..straY.=--.Tatibert;
Mary heard a low.veiced, eolloqny. anyWAY..This free fleplaatise pins were,ainrialy,•the poles:9f a ?bat.
Theai Birice, SPoket.eoaxingly:,..`Stirely
you're, not going to ipend .' this , ger-
. geous day in bed, Come along!' Dacl,'S,
:anxionS'te ,get...stiitted,!" •
•"Nclt..I,"Mary.'"rejeiried unflustered.
"I have an,apPointilient. With the hair-
dresser. ,jrist stay!liere. and loaf!'
It • 'vVes pleASant te• go :,do*.n. ,te•
brealcfa.st alone...,;Tli-Vdiiiing..thri was
• cool and . clark',and tbleiSedly.; enipty.
'Early' bathers had breakfastedand
gone. 'And it ikas.teo early' for: „theri I , slippose •rily date for to,.
•- . • . ,
Probably . just • saying goodbye—talk..'
ing:arater. old tiineS•" A bat •• ;yen.
. , , _
• say, he and the • Ceentels". Were' , pretty,
thick:" one upoii a .tirriet".. r he added,
,•,.;";; • .'• '•
• ,
-"There's 'sorriething: between them,"
bee* her 'lover :at. seine 'trine' or Other.:
Yes, it 'Might • have . been'th atonly
that", the 'tried to: believe „fierSelf....
...4Ptfatentry'.'"slie;•*-asoiil ta.
bones rn, the hot1:
• Seething jest to be a,lane'
net. to be ,surrounded 'by peoPle. cane,
,thed;',.or feared,": or detpised,, -jest
pitied.' Delightful to r.elax, not. te have
'to. keep alp the complex .ga„me of preF
tense% thae.she had had' to 'play pleen-
ing, and, Waking for t.so 'many. tensei
triihappsr' daysof late. ' For the ,titne
reed of the' S'etre.fo
,p,c.k. at c:.1c.e, • c
waskti mattpV •
%IA.% oeed
,i,e;;01 niora‘rIT
zit tit
nightis cancelled :,. was hard'
to: say whether..diSaPpointment, •re-
lief fwe,S her; princiPat ration t� this
thought, :,"B4- li'e.' said it So firauly.
he "there!' . 1/he'd'• •
rivers arld• clitrib•MOuntaina, and that
sort of thiag, you. know" , • , • • ,
"Probably just his line,: u'ienet,',1O.,
'.1reth# shoWs.,11 p. ' The-necklyee' is bf's
beit. bet-'.hoW. -Anyhow.; yo.01J1etter:
be there -Avi,th bel.Won; in 'ease be clees-
'.iireinuated liiMselt :into.' -
,the,,CetiVereation • at this point, wit
:a:111414page from the receil Clerk, "
•"The eletle .sayS ,tell you he:..‘tas
initakeal about he Matter
sd alSont . he r t6.1,a
rnari..did • cheek- but of Fatler ''C bet
laerbe oi;•ei MI'd paid hisbill
•tOok anothet, .1t2s,Ne. 802
'if you Want to re•aeli, hilt; s'ir• Thank
' When the boy :had depurted,''..en:-•
lightertmott ',teat:ed. On the •-faees•
..those.WhOrn lie had Alit left • " •
• "Look a 'like • the; .girl frierid Staked •
Bowen liaised; . .94W') why
'World he de" that,? • lieMaiSt 'haVe,
been." her /)ig. %a:Atm:it at 'Seine, :tile
Or,Itither. Or Maybe had to itty,
"thinfL,4V.V,.0 diOnit tO'• WOrrarribtatat
it,.:;;;w"eql. 'know all abut ft.it' ore ef.
,Ife•togikg:i elOvet '0q1Shett.'1;itelti
Os. Rininer. New Pieta Father
In' seine' things.;• PiaveNatant is'.40-sloiV'a4: 0,1, .0 he:4' '• Bedell:4? !two ...
• :
faeldtie'runiter beanie A trona lether and'alid he Spread' the AeWe
; pout?' lie did noG , A. niontli .after the event 'De ..potied' "With Mfg,
:. : • ._ ' ..,,
. • :. • . .., .... . : ... , -
XUPpll, tOd the..youngster., .
And in their. heart's they ". kce9
dreams _
Their patient, ploalaling.f0.;:oweat
springSybefore.. the 'En,
. , • .
sine's birth "
• nylon. .1 - ,,•
Across. the s ft. iieW gay
• •, ttliem go • ,
Driven by 'wheel" 'arta' ear ,and dy,'
•oame.,.." • ,
Say this;:of.hors'es; engines .lecale'.he,
'And : proud 1.3 Carts, and- heels be
, fore • the Wine: •
'lib' heritage of lanCient Arab ti'a1n
Blazes within pylinders cold spark;
• ..-Ant-engine-labereray.itlii,Aedllen_Are ,
Hoarding, no 'di:ear:tie.; of 'acres Yaiweel,.-.'
..,'Ioye:•fut": Man ,has eVer„, surgeo.'
, . :..thrOugh, wire!
Along .the farthest sloPeSJ•hear. th•C
• • rumble* •. • ' •• •
, . .
'Of these' last; hoefS--tomerreei. theY ,
• he 'still;• , •
Then:shall . the strength. Of. countles.
horses crumble '
The..etaneheet Neatir -and-level th
, ,highest
Aad Man Whearradeingehineelte gals'
-• Shall lo'so himself .before their:rue'," ' •
-less power. • ••••
, • • ., •.;
• . • , .• , „.. . .
• •The Ns,
tion:. • ',: '
'Sake; allit,yeir.sfeilew- 'Itk..z
vice end.., tiny. two ' Of;trQuaeTh
.svith Year rieVe: sarit?":"
good idea, but when tbegan'to,'think,
.it'ever realized "that ',:twejiatirti • a.,
'keep, .‘" lege
. •
' is: 'never;a geod':thirig•At •
less he.' is good, who has • it. • •
.4nY' little scathess iii the throat grows rapidly .worse if,
neglected Crush some tablets of Aspirin in some water?
and gargle at once: This gives you instant reef, and,.
redtices daager froin infection. Cine good gdrgle.and
'can feel safe If All.sorenepromp
'ss is not gone ' tl, repe
y t
There's usually a cold with, the sere throat, so take two
' tableteto throw off your cold,headache, stiffeess or other ,
,eald symptoms. Aspirinrelidyes neuralgia, neuritis, t '
• ijse t freely. it does not hurt the hee.rt.
• .;