HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-19, Page 5, -THE 0 • or lets il‘an 5 cents an issue Let it be your weekly ,letter to away from ("tie ave. • )y renewin . . . . MOW CULROSS CORNERSI - miss. Ilannah- toss , has• returned honteafter spending a* montir.; with Mrs EafleHndgina. „Mits, Verna. Wall has gone to 4Riti•-‘ ley fOr a: few Weeks.. Misses VernaHand Cora Wall visit,' • ed.' Mita Elsie ;Pinnell receiii1V: , Weatelad..t� renett that :Mr, :and Mrs. Edgar. and familk and M. aad. Mrs.„ Wraith are able. to be' !around again after :ari.'attael:of the MIPP • Gertrude Rest ha: gene . 10.• :* E. IlitIclenby, owiug to the. ik1ups...0,f- Ra1denby. and Dorothy. ._,T7',W;eatford school been. owing to.. the- ilinesa' of their teacher Miss. Dorothy ..Haldenbv. • • • "3flas Verine Hawksbaw. • has timed home ,frorn Brussels •after; , s en ing a few •montha, with ber sister .Mts.- C. - „qtybbett,i • ' 440EfitING .4( , . HOLY ROOD • an].. Mrs, ,Pluis, cohgtain and Bai'oidda.Y".7.`with-triendsa at- • . . • d Kr.- and MrP.- nOWard narris and Mr, Earl' flarri1filleat:' .}.1qsday. ay- eahi,g at. Mr. I-Itiiner Mr, OW M1s4i. 'Ealtert MacDonald ..*sPelit":SatUrdaY with :the latter's-, Pare,Tits,Mr. ,and Kra.. J. E.,' 'ruin- , 41r, Ar.chie `Jobastoa of. • Lanes, Visited „Cur ri4 '•Ftiday•;.:: ., Mr, abd • 'Mrs:: liarvey ,,Wpbb of .•lick:ins' spent SandaY afterneon ball .'.1Jitd‘rwOod. ''.;‘` • • Rev,: S, 'T• Tucker, .1l!frs.* :TuCker ra, John Button were ,yisitora •Paturclai tji and MrS., That, :Robla.• ;Mrs; •Jawitt'' tend, , ,W, `Robb "ere. the, gnIsta ef On* • • M. .34%)..i9S Parks' and 'Mr..?,,Ainbtose have:�turn1 ,to .Mr' st Ackert:Pa, .tftele confined theite, hentea 'far Yvvnele. • •• • • toTget„the Iriterary ,,at Frid4y, evening o,this week. 4' debate ,Will be held, Resolved -that •Indi,yiduaiism. is Moe : Beneficial '..to ai President (61itintie4 from Oge • ; POtara' ruikaty _ NEWS AND INFOIIMATIO.141;e' F E B A .1 aY0 Th:e iniaciPal cif Debtors' Equit'Y -(Faiatished by the' OnItarIO Department of Agrialltli,* A's on'tpiv0 by Mr.: Scott, Ip‘,..pilaPIY thieIamottgager pah ,partiOn : Accoraing; tNtO: cable frOM •Landnn, much 9f . the: aPpearanee f., f . ya' • , United Pt thePUrchaPe Tnic Kingdona apple " marketa tically the same yalne, 441 barnyard '4...jiroperty . •'51e' h an iht,ereet ,111 the Pr°Prt'Y' a're." ahciellitg Polaewb4 better' ma'Ti4Ter;.. the :tame,' as the .InortgagPe, ,t i• f ji the usual .bolidaY eg Q ()WM . - the Development of than, Tht' negative: Will. be taken by Mr. James 1VIontgomery (Captain) and Mr.: Wra: MacKay, , affirmative; Mr, Donald Smith, (captain and Mr. Jelin ' Shields. • EVerYliedy ,welconte, thee hope of, tire* .parentif, 'Kr'. d 'Mr t h a s derani&---"t---, • ,Mrs..'S:4: Ti.eleaVen of ,11\iiies-41r. •and S. -Cecil • Trel.eaVen •ad ' daitghters WiIina aid *. 1 ,eiS EedY, , , .. • o siS of Mi Subday.• • Calse d ';'th e-, mita •deWit '. With thent iateiy zafte....New: :Year's y, ; and- • should:. be • a• feW, years7hefore epidemic of Measles:. shcjiild .4fkact thi part Of the tawnship•na , old and young : who :had not .prevxouIy had thein and who were exposed to them .were -Vieth:its :this time. • The' P. S., of Blake Church have. trait ked:16.i.Ta ' nerreertt.6.1tebeltflif ',On Friday evening, an. 27th A' p1a3...``,TWO• of ti•„..EiriciP,P:' failof fun, wilibe given by some.' of the Vital yonng faik and an hours varied inPtruinentala •,/corit.iitiutect, big talent, :.abeilid Make anattractiVe. eqettainirient C9me,;:and.; enjoy it aaaa]..4 re,,cive -)Cia.tion. 9f the -,•sam"; lull 'land ,PriieeP. ihav.P dtiTqnith4Paed‘ Keep, Mangers Clean • • zrvested stab1erealized,ecH9:is plet example .$C4Me,::a*nhdai bf:xr. ,411.111.4ivtaerd7iestiles.4.. Pcf.;ihas'rcfniele- fila'watiPeeileticoonw-snitti4.tehenot :da9hig,neersw:4:4 • • Wh go Cha'seF li•ialCS' a $5;(1,60' ,PaYnie4t'.911 there n e 'Iouitg.htthee-a4long way asoen•ot.taroatTe78Cl ';anitaillno '*‘ av4fti,le0,040;:‘,479.9130e::414-14w•h411,cierdqacirruif:rse:1 , improved ;demandand: Ontario and the drinking „supply - f'sale, Pella' for that PriPe. :la' Place, Of 3P1),3e1:' (:)-v'ln'K"It little 'beit4r °111-* .fet;w):.-clin0I411'.:1ty'Aerasill17,-avPe;071,14'ePh".wr.-ter:Virh' as ' • .he oaaloa mar e • • :the. mortgagee -getting.,,a11,..,..the tlebto.i7,. ' ,, ., .,'r : ....- they should , or•-.1eiVe a Certain trail'aactIen; , . - • ',. " : . ••••- .a. I t/cF:s` '. less . iiii'F',„ P' , • ...--,2 ' be laid'to :the 'deer of poor aariltatiaa: ..: A recOinition, of thie.' equity 4:iiild ?-,'.1-'il"." 4:.,.'tf.h''''''Itt's,:t114.611'(;'1:;'i:atfiel!!..'el6119,.- TA na7ign7 : c ttihoe: trouble may would:, receive V500. ph , - • permit a Mortgagnr '0' reeeive.'''s• Orne -al.a..aa ....agg*P: $aale 'egFa. • ; a. a' • gpaiaa,..?0,14.. pa,c,aabh,..,..,talqw that., • 1.?aalc!„.Teclit' it„.:Wat..Pointed. •It'avohld --lirr......a.'. $11it.P:Pf.• ''t1:). ' b•e'st 4.•ks • -1- ii,t-' a: .*at,aP.:t° 19.anininnoney -Ori farM..t-41l'a .e, 'gi.. Cleallih,'g l'w'arl' i '. greatlY tlie•ca,Pa 11,a0 , .hecnine. ,,.,fealed:.'with,•, ! itin`ennt "a. ateal, inthe bottera, th, equity:v.:91dd; .and 4 et ' '1.4eSts Clean: 'Eggs. • aortgages,, Mr. Scett ,adatitted; :edageti• tile nests are•-,eleanedaitt; chaff lad' ;PP:oiled ahd, When:, . 'left OVen 'a day. the water', it • , added, Yon, dan't. get 'money oxi ch...secUrity peat.except through the Agrieulttiral.'•Deirelopaient., Board.. , • *: The great danger 'for. debtor arni- er 'Bea, ahead,' .when • With • 'the' rise: :ot•.fatin'piices, ,which inust talte. ilancl.; :Values will rneease ,The*hose who findthemselves rhia:L able. to Meet •haektaites :and interest -within. a ,stitirt tibia. will be at. the. •mere4y' of heacrappleua ,MOttgagees. The debtors' equity wauld.„;.reMoVe, that precarious position in which debtor faririers inay And. theMselVes. ,Tnflation and•E`itchatige, ,Inflation,Mr: ••Stott: "poipted out was. not that violent.: inftlatiatien such -•Gerniany ',experienced .•:after the , , . . . wr but ,better defined, ..tts' re-lation ePaUgh.'earreaeY:tOMPite:‘ :.•;". The ',Sneaker- qh.O.tedt.:-.**Ahatitilh!t favorable potion to day, atitribut as one of the three mebats by • Which' the treasurer of tliaLeottiftrY#bitaincesaaLlargeazati1't iiiiialifjlinTitudge.thxs Y.O.y, dollars and .ceptt. ,he pointed; eifeot exchange...Ilea �n:'the' 7:anal:Ilan, Cattle:. day : .As an hef'pliiiit‘d out tow, a • ;Canadian .;bast • sellibg.„ England for • .1.01..; brings -1$48..$6 awhith,. in • 'Canadian..., ftiiido. anionats..`te A14§6,04g, funds nets th larnteria:nf, that:. cairn,: '$.01„.0,0 Atgeritina". • '..- ' IhfIatioi lie ".adde,d. Canadiaa • " abroad • but, Weald. 'put :thea-danatilail •dollat•on a par..,with • .pritith,.cut.ehey. „arid.. the, 'Canadian • would ...$48.66. for hia.,cattle-beast..inStea4 of,,$37.10. ....,:Valets,,,,the,;:fittiver'neta,•',,regarding • this exchane'queStion:::.Othet coun tries • are going te, • Captotethe • v.erld: InflatiMi;,, ,Cohtrell'ed and ttarted •soon „eitough.-;:is anparetitl•Y• iftnite,•:, Safe," ','he 'added:Y.:and:, ...Canada having . praCtically.*teaChed; the lutut , • ... • . of , her • borrowing, faces. either bank- •Tantey. Otf 'inflatien,.., and.. the quicker . the latter it4e• . • the'.:oiiee:;diejine. the ith4peSis • af •tha, fitaks,'*-wohld have, been to iactelise .' :credit and ',,CurrencY ".:174P • ,,.• ttated. ' •lie:added '•,that • •had tire atOWer to increase credit and by- so doing :raised .prices en,ticing,,people...into„.debt „and in 1G30 they :Called ',in,' the' .rininey"niaking. iffithlt.' tiff, pay these 'debts • -• • „ r. , , Ile -explained it thus With • $10,.: eirchlitting;.„-hieving the:geed:a; Of...the ,c9tifitty,,:repreaented."•;by„,"10 ,• each ;afinle .Wat Int -teeth*, e., loan to .$20. the ,..anniels. Werth :$.240q, :in: oe, leant, 1e- creaed the money,in irc11ation 'i . .hgairist PratticallY, the Saine, amount • ei';getid:teatilting:' in a ,.dtOp. thes"Naltie.:.of .fted the purchasing power f the individual a': • , ,.•• Money' , twe, tiensC.It "iveajth atid a 'medihrii, Of, .eXchtinge and • tetondly. is "a ...:Measure, et' 'yetue;...bleaaating: gold:,.! arid .idebta.". Rank' do tocinCy ':hilt•c•redit :and'. his .cerielading. *rentark was "COltfidetice eVidebenS . . iof , - ore. •nOW:r.able'..t.tr-:return Sen1, '',Adnassion 25e and ,10c.- • • • , • f resi,de4t -Potnts, ,10iiy; But Says Adjusifilent fori• Complete . :, .. • . , HE. after...War.,: period of ad.4.. " justment -throagli which this t'catintry ,la• going is atill.. short. pf . • tompletion,",...saYs:,.g:..*: Beatty, K.C.,, in. hs annual .revie.vf "but I. • ,.!WOuld: add' the noSitiye aasertien , that, , indianny ;At •the 'past,: year., May .bavbeen*,and...tia. lacking. In: re -assuring 'factors as: the. inar;e:',„ • .. diate Iuthre. rasa apnear;" 1§a2 .h as . . :seen • defin4 . 0.tid. conatiO4-e , . • :progress towardtaiinprov.enient• ... . We Bekaa every . side- the, effeca. `alf• .taig• firiavii-out: world trade ldepresalon„ 'a .prOceta, of snot-•. • omic l,&41htion• --,..gtitiding sloWlY; for*a,rd :and. leavtng "behind it h. Wilie, of .Inintan, iinhanniriett .tiiid • Oen ritlivin 'diteatiens •'Whefe'it, . seemed least 'likely. to, b.e :nets:dile. , ••Haiing no clear yitiont of 4 detia- ' • . Ito 'end IP one' ttoublet, we ;are 'tenanted to despair •or,..4to, look. for , •''.r.erOtedies •• to those . who , preach " 'short 'Mita .to .:Oemittinic. , sOchrity: that are as liosood'ong as .surely• disestroui as "were the. eitttava-:„ .2' gant and wastetulatethohs of. cona , ducting hat -1911i', ,cornerati: and; indieldual-bnainest Which.brotight. , *Shea nreeent condition, and; we ' ..• are „likely ,t6. overlook tyld.eficea „of .progress ;Which 'justify the be- ' lief that this. transitionary period, .., is ..taking ita ,well „Ordered • vv -ay : towards. better' times.". • ' . , ,:: . ,:: -MA- year age I Saggesited thatthe moyeurnt to*arda .06ohoinic• read.," ;•laitnient .Would .go ...thither; , bikm even into, 'nubile, and iovorri,:. • meate.1":histitntions:; 1 'phi .:cohL .viAced that failuro. to bOldly•Meet satiSfactctrily• deal, .With this inatter • may eatilY,thean,'fiatienal hiliolVeney 'and, will certaialy .rea ' tard any pesaible return., to a rea,,s . tonably full..Measure. a , Pi -Over-.. ...Ky.: .1kfotliiiiit'that,:the trOublea 'of •,:fthe, Oast year .haVe,hroUght into -,--.-nnaltearetogiiitiOn AS so Mitstand-".. •Mg , as is' the. need .fOr. &triaging . ' I Iniblie expe(nditure and ',.ed•••ordin-: Sling and, ':rd-torganizitg ' nubile • .aetivitieit'eti that they may be i)laced upon a basis; such as this • country of 'ten'inillion: people can . Welt . affoid: a CtitfrageoUP' .e.40Te• • his ..actoni,plithed•-• 'real, Progress alchietbls "line but Mucb,. reinalns. to pe .4Ono ,pefdie'.' oar 'Oatielhal• .affnire.,are, oo of. sonnot, eConbinie • ,basid.• Th 'nation's annual inter-; 1 . est" bill fit, nisitinti.ng' steadily and • has done 6 *for ananY ',yetra,„ a ' 'fitatentent:that IS equally . trite of . . Doininitin, prOvinetal and tatitilei-• , ..lial affairs. It. la the cOrtiOrato tifida IndivititiatAittlitYbratVliebas: . • to DO, these a'nd -since the Cana-,_ diati, Paelfic Ritilw:aY 1;ays'YearlY the, •eMintit'a • largest tax • bill I *' May bo allowed to Iasr partleiiiat atteM .upoll . point Width, I ' people of, Cattada would.be to .aneept, rather than, -iipow • the:. stern •fiecessities.:oT .the •Nor was it.. their: aanartnt. that. coadia tions ilIat had. brought, abott.the • Obineaft le • aced :fat effeetive site(' • for: .a.:sithati9nr. that tlarenteuedi. 'national, • baidtriipte,y,.. w Oa) d Conte -Ystill ore aggi at; 'at e. •as ,basiness effetbig for the railroads' Continifed th!.1i.6v.di'astio and in•ta precedented ...That; •"1.3.„ 'what has• .happeaed.; *The decrease, . • ,very trineh further. indeed :than,• has...yet b,ebia-,considef..edby numlerof • our peOple. WOO, it., •. .014Y ,;f4.1r, state, have • not xln,d! even a :fair; oPportunitY ingatifeintelyea. Uppif.the.situattea; toryeart,:iWeilhay,e,:been, tawardt. large whileint :the same,. time petitive•:,,traOspertatiOn• 'agenetes,•:. :rat ays, highways canals : :have bethhuilt:,up, and maintained . knit of publio.fundS.:Keentag . factS'),u,iiieW: and :•havitig-in.,nattid. • the::prObable 7C0-urSe *of eopnoraid..., „events, :over' the illext. few, :yea.rs„.: the. OrgeacY, the.; hked, for.,•fun. ameatal change ' mit .railway„. Polity-,:sho.tild, be dearly 'apparent.,' I think. that in thewider field. of world ••e torioni i W,e.haNe witheas,-• ed hopprtan't • ,developments Ing owaratradetab:i1iZdti0fld:' -.Minot:Ira:gement.; . The,. Aniproy,e • . Meats. aitnation.....with•rega.rd.. to 'international war .debts and the: hope 'contained in • ;the cOrtfing • World Trade •TradeConference dander4: •tainly be regarded on the brighter•: ' • aide of •the ledger, while:the , first , results lin,perial: Trade : :,.Cohfereace at :OttaWa the -Way: Of, improve'd ' intra-Rmplre trade,, • Provide '..lionest-*sreuiicl 19r.qulet 'Coagratulationi, ; • • • '• ,Varit 7stiii. aa.,gteat .optirots. as ever on . -the: Subject'. of Can- ada's --ultimate -fatal*. arThe: ,inhe 1',001; sanhdtiesS ,of, 'put 'Country • treugthena me in this'. opinion:. t not.think that. our business i"ecovery with 'a ritah; ; site°, the teinittation to forget the , cconailbeleastina we .liaVe learned; ;would .to strOxig.'; For one• . :tlittig„ I do tot hesitate to say tliat;:• • avithin7,. three yeah; 'found, ., -tairselvea. again in Stith a.. Petted • ' •economic •:itifititiali.t, at We, Beatty: , ,• „ . • , .Chairmait and President • • Canadian: Patific'Ity. . , • In freiwiit , ear r• loadinga,, Witieh . . begin: ••• .19.30 , has fC011011110., alniott iiniiiterruptealy,_ 193v ut,tothe eta”: of thc-iri,:gt. Weal, of Deceinber, .558,359 :freight; . , • cars had. beep, 19.aded on : _ nod_ period of tie previona,.);;.0r,.' Difr;!:.: had •nottlion,deflaitely, settled the 4 Mai:, the*. sting latetiod ...this ,yet way,' ' problem on Sotind."...and, .376016 .ear a were „leaded th(141 •pornitieeitt cconotilip Rhea ',WO • 31 irbo (106410in ‘vph,1(1,4gth be swept Off, our feet fu, ur.pateAt2fit.u4X,4t, 'the Preeettrtittiet-'` 'The ,tail*far • vdttaitoit',. iotalte Ade* da, tanada'a tobst •,tiVe • donteatlO PrOhiebl, J, Yaa'r.: • 'ate wo hOped that itd- eai•ly• stItz„ tion. Nyas for'eshadow'Cd: by 'The hIttiOtritoent • of 'a -tott1ieteatjt1.-,' • 4thial tootObe Into eit'tygOEt and lattlelcitiot aid to ',,uteseut an • effldaelotts nolttti�t1 Ve, aid bet, theli..'foresea that •the Pke.P•00'd sOlutiOa • *Mild bo-, based • hPati *bit thouglit tIie .„, by tlic flood 'of. compotition.•and oonipitivaextravagancea• • tit iiik' apiilfes equal fetes. ' to all ,..fornia -6f business. • , Ref ,rring a year age it:), the itoyal.Cammisaion on ; ; • tiri;cd that .the 'people Of Canada , should' nieet ite., sUggested„ t lobs* for 'our: Problem 'With .earn- ' eat conSid oration. 6f their 13COla- ,oini -values unbiased by pOlitical 017:•:^prottificeiVed ,projtidices. has Veen. „tehttiyou.st tbe same. ;The, reaultant. effect open.' railWay •carnings his 'beca ,n,a1 d laatt.r.oits,; 'For the fi thertths, ;of.: 19,g,,,Putiu (Thin , :Pad , •grosa rev:cline dedlitical •eent: .as nOmparea With.. . ' firSt ten months' of this Year' nOW ,there,vii4 4.fdrilier ,d•deliito Of .15,4 per , „TIM decline, i s ad. I11CI .; l'Ill'a`•Nr a :16' .1;0 ill gathering time :wham': dirt , • filthy., It is reasonable . that ear' ; noticed and a' Ittle clean- straw: is will : 'fit drink 'freely of this 'water: • 'added °nee twice 'each 'Week. IThis a. good early. 'Mei:Ting :job hefOre. :the hent start using 'the rieetsaIt.you have . no •,,ttraw, ,atack,".'keep,a, bale. of- straW ,laying" house. eo' that measnre ,of .the lopse • straw.'„ean, b,e Worked, lus .and added by „handfuls:tit. any • nests' Where. the : boards are Ceninig. bare..ot 'the. ,stra* is soiled elle° .ip far a:natty yeti,. ;The .auest ion„ is • aqw„, More -than. , 'OP I1tt(t of Argent public dls- • 1 t r TbatiF, and • COittinite:no.'fOr* any tOontlia.k caaaot satisr• • ;flintily1Y, be „dealt With . a -.war .t .;:117.6ilie conutty frOni'dieaSter h , 1111108S it be ' eb.ittiticred, ..peorioni atitatien.aad' settled • • Truth th• at tranapertatiOnt,agencieo , are Ito. differeht* fr,om Othef.' :foriii Of • hid° a Irbil,: iiittitittlibt••111 that ilicY.,•blust. be., both alloWed• ' ,ho a • iotin fred'' :to' liny their way '&11y ..atteMpted..-sOlatiOn, .•• cliff iciAty alto, bieffec+, • th0.„.*(litescaiSahle ol(l.fgaiielt 6f the. fieeltle Of *C'Allada apply ' thiS•/. teat ;le' Whatever •',1•61.1nth10 • bettlnplent • the. • OrObipi.1 coloc totot.d., ma where ' tbeY 9 28, . 4j j)o true (bat (ho ya, e f,fee etoilot'nies. 01 ,C,41,1V0 •Ilitri fit!, tpo iroiiia 01 to ver,, experiiii :0' P,.11mnkq;-. '.h. 1;110wilig, • tit. . • • 1)p.M., • 6-fra,11114.i.trlItti-,:tft- ificreastili•firoSs c1fl 1O' litit it is 'toy •dooplY' ' I conV10,1oil,„ 01111 - .the .to.n bt•tl'ittOfill ",.s*'6,11 0. 'whop e 'tt; if their, att. „ y lo,:ve, ,t0 , • .1 Crate -Feeding Fatindia :P9sition, follow„,th::ptatie; .findthat: etate- feeding.'opstheir:'•patiltrY,:: if4yg thenl big diidends 'lhere are -.:several reasons' 'get'this. ,:lt":..,:produeet.l• the milkafed • grades; Which bring ..:thc. highest priceS;. the . leading' Wheleitle mercharitstaare—newtabuying,..„"..patiltty.. .tial :betiveenc: eachgrade, the, :;pienifuun' asSated.;" for; birds ihih grade "milkfd" makes poultry: intended' for :e:atirkttposes. should be prOperlY,,, finishaa. before being . has poidtry, inatket•:•'Wohld::: de. to remembe: that it Is the;:last pound whieli, brings the finish and,. increases the V hie,' Of the bird by '59 in 75. eental • — ; • , • • . • 0 •• 4hYWhere ..ftorn A quarter of inch. of hard: aCcurnuitted filth can sometimes be• scraped: out of. •the., inahaget.. It hat a stenth which makes. the ',animal quit.. eating long before , •o, it has had enough.; Drinking hoWis apd ,marigeri should be „ken.t, clean, if the Cattle are to flouritili. , , „ , .Ratley, ,niotttera 'Experimental :work carried-nut...tit the Central 'Experimental Farm, Ot- ShowS that barley. can:* used most :effectiVely ; smothering inuatiid., bas •beea. Iontid barley rate' Of 3, bushels': per nete it most effee,. tiVe.fOr this ptirpose:Incidetnally, it nrOducea higher yield. Of grain: per • flere. „ • Dairy ,,Probleina." Stewart!S Disease 'of Cern authoritiet are". boiiTii,e-, , concerned *about •:••tewart's diaeaae; so far,, is most seriou,s, . Southern St.btstheI1141i; 4 1•14,4•• PeOtFateds. 1104ii OntAriO., Damage' isninilion ,! dOilara'"-annualli has •-'been t.eported freio • Obio.„ Last season. the: disease,.:fitade :appearance in; ..Nor.- •,ted,k,',Elsaexland Kent eounties....§Wecoui and the nit, earlsa.plarited V•ix•.' ‘eties: seem ite•.the ,most • Susceptible. , , • • ` .• • , , of derofiraliaed:tettitits. the •dairy hUsiness; air, Director of the Daity, Branch, - 'lea not :7 More ...COWS., but I better eoWs through • ihifiroved ; fer6dIng cowsIntim economical • production By thiS mean.' that,:in MaTIY.7„:easeia;-•,1!haii..e found dairYnien feeding % telt •ehava where five animal's :t. • :Should • .he .anfAcient to 1 produce the, same amount Of ; milk; providing, of ' cohrte, that these.; five, eows have ,•, beentenerly bred; and are ,•' fed nnitt approved ..Way• -'"Losses due' to poor .breeding and improper ., feedirig; • , m addition • t Pareleas..haibiling of hiilk and cterthi. , • • • • Once establithed foral • • , • • , keLisc ,in the. soil, ,denetid.• Mg ...an. weather .cOnditiOnt•• Win.. tert, favour the- diseoeA held may be ; attacked any time between.::germiliatioriand asseling andfa badly ." pipit „ • .. . ttiriis yelloWitia.beeoines.„..stanted and .either there P are .no. eOba .o.r 'thesere 'thriVelled. :The ;Whole,' *ficid hat''.. the. ,appearance being bit ..by.: the frost ` • oi,:a '6Vere...••draught- and it Often • ootifuted4,' With. these :weather tonclitions., ,„: , • ' and **EV . onamento::::. Nvorks., Lucknew,' Jfas,.the •lotgest ,otid cothplett , g :Otadinc ,and hot tbe . . „a, 4Stoek: In the,. bloat hetititiftil: ilesigna, `;•`.. . •-• Et,‘," aTeediag.ana " "Illt,',111t 1ite,' ,0$744, 0- „ Pigs ',Need' Fibre' :Winter, fed :market, pigs • and breed- ing „stock relish -a little 'Ahrens, :Mat, ter to ,:thew;, and: the need 5tifnothUg have astuined staggening • . proportions . During the year. 19a2 inore than 20,000,000 peuads, of sec- ond grade, ..creamery butter was.: dace(' ,•in - Ontario. The difference in: returns vbetween first and second- rgnade. cream 'is „approximately three cents' Per pound 'butterfat, hence direct. losS from this sonice; alone was -• about, $600,600: i'Another; kiss dile' to the sable; • aa. .causes, continued mr. Dar , • "was sustained in °the, cheese business •laat.-- year: .SOrno 34,006 cheese.; produced' in this, Protince,. were seCand , ,At 'a. lost • of one 'dollar' 'Oh each cheese, this „Ordelnis total ' Of $34,006.: • • " "In general,: Ontario are- .showing • :decidedde, create . each yea*'t:--Duritig .,1p34 we produced ,ebeese, 'grater -• 4i,o4,,'° and • „Of o . :distinctly highet quality. than ever' before.- ;••Notwith-, standing- this ',fact, the. ,returns ;to ,daityineii, were. 4ue 'toTcl'epres$efl` ietter is a'vailable. how- '-.4"tlia.sonethipg better. such' a.q 'se&.`,Inci Cut. clover or, alfalfa and, other .tkel-cuted. grass or cereal • nreps---,thittbaye -been4.'eut., green.: 'rile.: feeding ef. a :feW.,mdngels from -day day; ' Ictio,,vn,, his very clesitable:ieffects.,,The iniportant :thing la to tee 'tli4C' allpigs except: tlie Ve'ry yOung : get sable form' of 'vege. table bittter, regularly. The., results obtained • 'fteni, this practice , amply: reaay the cost inVolved in the small 'quantity, ot fibrous feeds :Used. - Why' Ruin, Stra,W Staelcs?' , When , with the ..use. of suitable Chemicals:they 'can bp 'converted into itiaraire:" the question ."Why butii etcys.?".' is .reallY pertmeilt §truw is 'worth .sonletliing thtn' 7^, pricOs,. • 1 " . certain' ,seetiOns-:1, Of the coantry....ar.e. making.,..greater -that otberaTit'indicated, by the'.faet ; .that. the total 'Percentage, et cheese . produced 'under first grade, inone,.' . district of Ontario was eight tinieS greater than the ,percerttage produced. ' in another . distriet:Of the 'ProVincea , Putting -It' another ,way,z one trlet - 261 cheese 'were under first • • , • • grade. ,:Itt another distriet of,,equal sie; ` over .• 2,000 Vtre belts* • #rst krade.", eonslusion; Mr.. tii#, said: • th'e deli-yin:fa would stop %the lealca in his :bushiest -over *Melt he, has ' entire centre], the returns to dairy farmers ;,.othia Province- ,iwould be 'Very ntudh greater than at the tire; g 414ti QfAviNiAbiArtAI •tnoke t'sgoecialty of ,Poioili,„nioniliiidntg and ' our Inapectleit.• Itiatirintleita 'Neatly; • • . ;tletf,•Ili. before 'tilitettig 'your. et.detr; flosia.104 Ores.: • rt. Phone 111,41101:?: (thr,tylgo, ti dary lierda in 'C of 160 .-.1j"lit1g ath1"6T9.1"11 8 from in nialtY'eases, to profit at all; • " :abate ',and .100 lbat: of ' lithe fa, eacb bitsis„.0 , • • -tea . of ttraw', nd thi. tloottghly 4 - sieet6r TIWC;r ��f distinet fertilizer, Value. F1'01"0,...oonn t6- take the medititie „he bresa three tostit months are "required for cnih6d 'after eyery._ Meal. "%ire and I 'C,v111." Eat•tebb d. o orPallie ellanaa 13e6e'ine bnlv. tell me 'where I tan get 111,041,t0 WO' befOre t140 Iued1c.41o!,t), 141°Iile etive tulth.therestiltant' Stilktilnee hat -01a6411111 \l„ ' ' ' , .;°1