HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-19, Page 4. . '
011$4tR.O:K. TIT.1k6W, 1. N14* •
• • •
6 • ' 't10.
..'14;1• 4141,;4Y. 41416.107tei 1,0f19I
.10*Veaterin Kean, Tileare-',
137 ScareSC9Ilag 'M*4.:0';0#s
af: TO
„ ttling :through 60 nn011tes
!lockey, in TeasWater
Frit‘tAyening; LucknOw edged out
t.1.) '3 Yie,tery Over the TeeSers, in
tAs alwerOat 'gime, of tbe NrAhern
•League acbtedule., in this group.
Favored with a kaga ,f54e,t of ice
r Mid Mrs IT' A Oameron
Ralph and jean Visited. :recently With
avvenoah friends •
Nr*. an Mrs Bek Mills: and Nor-
ine, a1s6 Mr-.Yrank ROhertOUn. Spent,
Sunday with, 'Mi. and Mrs Spence
Mrs. .Andreiv Gaunt of West 'War.
Wanoslic Mr., and ¥. James Sher-
wood :and ShirleY'.c.4'.crelve, Visited
at Mr. San) SherwOod'S ;oil, Sunday.
We are very sorry :to report the
, . , ,
Serious. illness of • Mrs.- James Cobb,.
th� Millie was lsimPdAT thraughout With ,He 'son, 1/-4.- 41131:-00.0t of..,WinniPPg
os first, two periods restlit.arrived"honie, ,Sutiday.'..y
wide',00en which iteo'both .gac.kett's. Y P...
.104-0.1e3 ' hu:sY, 'T.A01910.42,- had, the "liesi- The ...tegult.i?" meetrng o Packatt'S
Of , the Play in: the ''first. period, and 'Y';, P. S. was held. in the chdrch,'..on
, bombarded, ,Mellniney in tie • , Tees- Thursday'evening,- with the president?
, water nets ,Whit by stellar: Work al- Was-. Maiiie ,Ilackett in be: chair,
' lower::but two ;gfiela Teesirater The §eriptiire, lessen, Matt 19, 13.3.7,
netted INO goale this period asoand was fread',„by WM.,: Waring. Mrs..
Potched the )firgit counter: Clark :Fin-. Tavel:Mr. then: lead ni prayer.. „ The'
litysOn; • bid . net- .guardian for Luck.; topic was: then taken by Mrs ; Albert:
new, eettled deurn,iifter the first' two Alton „ goy., 14vone1: officiated fOr",
:Counters were scored agains.4 hire and the, election of 'officers,,Which resulted-
was ahneet invincible the, remainder as .follows: .",President, ' Mss • , .
Of the gameHaekett; treasurer, ...Wm.. ;Waring;
. •
,Bufilay, the .'.North' „Bey import; secretary, Jean: `Cameron, , „Orgaeist„
:opened the scoring 'in the 1st period Violet Twamlejr, 1St .. Vice, Wilfred
.with Osborne, . adding the, - second Haekett; 2nd Vice, -Ralph Cameron;,,
tally . unisaisted. Agile* AO Huston 3rd Vice, :Gordon,: Jolinaton;: 4th Vice
to MacDonald with ,he latter.' bulg- George Alton A hymn was . then
mg the twine behind:. McBurney Was sung and the Meeting closed With the
LIM.4/107R',s. 1st ,goal - League benediction. -.
Cameron . added, another before the
period ',,ended, when, he worked rn on
the net and flipped i ,past McBurney
on *art solo ; effort
, scoredtimed, in the
peCtind7litsuiza. and •alithird 'goal to
his 'credit was. disallowed bi'Lecer-
idge. p. Thompson watt credited- with.
. an assist on Huston'e,first goal. His
seem* counter "camewhenhe carried
ast Master'4,
eisa e To Ditri
!woo DISfriet L Q L AsaelliblY
Hears Messaie From Ray. E. 0.
Gallagher Past- District Master.
lilesara; Thoai jr,„ auct.itedily: Inglis
left 'fait for ..:Windsor, "Where
they exPeet to be away ,for 4. few
Mr Tilden :s141: Mr., Will ,Garton of
Leamington , brOught. truck lead
, .:$74.xling lt:ielaoasible. teiitteedtlia'
annual. Kinlesa, - District :14. '"().. ..T.
Meeting., Rev, .g.•.o., Gallagher.. • of
Owen Spud conveyed 40.. greet.*4•
to - the :: Asson:q)ly, an4, the tolloWihO.
message- .to the Brothers. - through
the - present District., , ,MastO4', ISaae.:
pinnell '.of.. Kinlqugh; '''''?' " .
'"To. begie -With' Brethren 1, - am
InclOsing a letter ft:iitn.:14: Wor. Bre:
1.4, .. IL ' ,,Sanders., ' addressed - to, : all
Diatriet • Masters, 'the• -letter- enclosing
an ''editorial- from the Toronto' -Tele,-
am. comes' from the.; office of. the
, Grand, Master... -It Ia. the. Wish of the
Grand . Master ., that'- these' tw.O edi,
toriala ,of.....Dec. .9th . and' Dee.. 12th.
1939. •be read to ilie. Brethren. "aii
•:;erribled.. 0. that F.PitY: add ia that
I trust:' that,: the- I:)1S.trict-,,, will , do. as
' renueated ' ,and- . :Pass a - 'resolution,
'Debiting' out, that public ' utility. -taxes
oreverlY. belong. to ;the 'nubile: school
Ind • that the demang. on the ,.partof;
the Roman ,Cathelles*: .for , further
concsiOn ' be denied:: 'YOr; resola•-
tion,s should -',have:' three „ conies. One
.fOf', Premier., Henry:. :One .' for .your
own'members and one- for the: local
paper.. The ,„.ene +great.. event . of the
nest • year ; wee . the ': Imperial Con-
ference...at'. Ottawa.' From the stand
' Peint. of ' the faritier.,:* it... was looked
forward, tO. in, heves titat'.th.roligh the.
Conference ,. they - might .:': secure -- a •
inarket and Mice fer:.his produce. Up:
to- date.. our :great hone k in . this'. re-:
Specti• have not borne' fruit.--r-May We
Ilene ,...•tliat ..oni geveriiinent.. senSing
the'r.tieed of .our Oreclucers.. will Mit,
forth every •effert :to giVe a. 'fline.tical
'result,- to the conference which ..dras
looked • forward tO... with , such -_.great
eXneetatiens.1 ,,..: . - .,,, : .. •. - .... ,....
..,.. What :has happened , is that.: the.
:farmer, is..-not.:',onlY ,worbieg witNynt.
but ' he. :,ia .paVing for . the'.'ilriiii:-
lege :, of Werleing.:. We., nitiat:, change
.the ' whole MaChinery..,of- farm rir-,,ce:
:marketing., :with, a ,-, vie*: tO•., securing
for theariner ' a ', fair, ',shake-. off the
. ii.rice„ ultimately:.' Paid' yfor ,.,prodeite...
-h-Y-.. the ,-cOn.sutner. ..There la' no hone
lif7rOST.,tiretri-ii --7ostiWritYlirtlii--hitiea
until .tite-•.grievencea • -of the: : fernier,
and ":set ',right.: This is a . Matter , ,ef
brOtherhoOd ,and .it ,'Nkronlii. , be; ',well:
worth the Lodge's . ',While* .corialder
'these'. itiattere'• and each address for
2;heri).selkesLandLtot± theiz-hrettren.,,,:,..
'. RY:'the'..end of June:, .4932-I.:tad
-.made. a visit . to :each -' lodge:In: the
diStriet ' I :made reference ' in -. : each
lase .to,theiwork of "the .Grand ;Lodge:
last 'March,:. Perhaps •,.I. , may,,, -remind
.Yeu ,-..' again. '..,•of .r. 'the .,..'-'great.:- 'con -
'Cession.. . there '',' secured, : 'in' ' ,-the.
reduction ,.ofthe:annual:, tag payable.
to the ' Grand Ledge of 'British' Arrk::.
Oka. The lodges. .of Kinlese, district
will:be:greatly -helped :'by - the: sinall
amount : :wliicli ' they ''. nevi '''Aiiiist.
nay' the :.Grand'''Ledge.. , ' '.. : ' . •
.., TIn Ireland' INir ,sure..-- we are ., all
glad itonOte: that ,a,,defiinte . indve-
tient , is on, foot- .te :reatore the iiiiity
.of that Mueh. tern - country. It ..will
-beA. -geed, thing,:if the; ,People -there
,will iinite1ong':enotigh ' to, ekrtel" the
Coreign ;ruler, and ',look after ' -their
-.,ountr.Y.,... themselves. , :: Thia':. Will. ,. also
.--itropetlien,' the - Eninire...". • --- - : ' : ', -
'••:.0.n the 'ether, , tend we regret to
ead.1.9f, a ;s: strong • partv: in .. Shetland
kitting ' forward ..le •,,:iilin '' to.,,,‘, bring
.ibetit .. Hemp:, Rule for,..Seetland.' The
lefty la" einite 'unlikelithet , Shetland
4ill go Off. 'by:herself .tind disinenther
;the ,ljnited,,, Kingdom. ' Yet-. -the ..„YerY
lo.dt, that the 'Matter • is -heing..,,;die,
cixased . • se , ninch ' rerninda : us''that
ri.cesare always ik work tobreak
Jip- the .'pritisli".,EM ire and- -.: So.' We
;- l• ' '
!iayei to he: watching...all:the -tinie:,:-- ''
•The, -IinverialConfer,enee. 'brought
'much diScuaaed question -. 'of • ' a
,Cibadian :ling: to the . fore again.
'Canada.. Was . the only -COT -ail/ ' there
Witheut a flag , to -. Mark, her -as dia,
linctive, I. am one of these 'who:. have
ilWays' been/in favor • cif. a . Canadian.
lac?. always •�f - -course :: with the
-Unia.n: Jack , tiredoininate . in .:it: ''' If.
have a.'distinetiVe Miflag,,on , the • Sea
,why , t.. on ' .. the ined. :,
tigea.:•Will ,eneetirage „ the!matter.
Wd- .Canadian .netple tt
-hive .., rofound
:iffection°:for Mir -Mother, cOnlitry, and
a. deep •nride. in. •the--',,rapire.- .Cana.•
tans who . were born* in 7GfeAt.:Bri4
tain; and those wboSe, -Parente' were,
herii there.' Still look ',totbrit great
nititherOf ,civilization for inaniretion
They areas. level: AO --,' Canada.- as,
.+-nen can ',he,,.".They sr e a ,,free.'. i,ieople..
They ':enioy, the Wide ' liberties .-which
are , theirs . as part' of Abell: 'irineri..
lane • .Of , the ,entire: :tienulation :,:, Of
'-.1ie ',British Empire. .•: . - : '
Now I 'bromiSed this inessagt and
Must. net let It be Mere -than'e'raea=
Ma.y.f • „extend' 'in, :heartiest good
-Wishes-1AO;;V.or,..13rO,.-Piiine1li.,41%/1„ aster
Of the , distriet,-,and- ',Ie. the ...Officers'
and: 'brethren: ,assembled. I,,can .think
of veil there. 'at: your ' ni 6 e On 0', ''*Iiich
I was privileged to :attend' oil,'. folly
oeCaaiona: At, my first:It:meting. :Bro.
.Wm,.. .Httlderthy'",..,PreSitiect: This -.. --';11.•
-.ands hinf in thO. chair at the cbuety
meeting. The best Of amid' .felloW,
shi n .. was en i eyed , With MI, the 'Odieers,
and"13"rethren. and„I treat that YOU'
Will :all . be greatly', blessed: .and pros -
,et, iii„yotit • worlt:,' ' , ," - ';'. -' .
,-,' • 1
have hot 'Veen 'Ctilite eis' busi in
the' Wer.ic of, the :association. tete', 'Of
eourae I ani ' much busier now , With:
My' Own' work: bid .1 'haveaddressed
two meeting. of L. O.L.. 824 and L. O.
:L.. 204,4, .-recentlt ,lend.....,htiVe..... envie:Y.0_
Meeting. the beYa.: .I have . not 1-4.,-
defieite obligations ..xet., There' are
three '.,:liitrges ,..in : the city' ..and: 'I ' don't
-know which to ' iOin, 1: liFas,. glad to
See' brother,. John Millet... at :7:0-iven.'
u,H, On, AtiAgust...12th' la at...,11.e; mid. I,.
luit7t.,.#11taltv,,i,--pleesaiitali:Oilt.g.,,':.0•:....:. „ii::-,•."....-
7:the •;:puek 'in-.-elose-aed-lbeated-Alie7net-. .eim,*.•,,o,.,,tie...,„ceininiiniti.,:andspniit_tlie.
with7ii-iiiier71-hrit:7 Thlic iiiii` Tellaiiied- -Week--endf in the Village.'
„ . - .
. . , , .
shortly by another goal when Euston , Miss • Helen McIntosh and 'slater,
scored' main on a pass, Out from be- Mrs: , 'Albert ' keQuillin went, '1 to
hind the net by: 'C. Thompson Tees' :London on Tuesday of . this -week to
water ifdisputed this- goaks.andLock.,
•ieridge , 'disallowed .s. it::: , Teeiwater
_14131PrO Ylara',,..CitiselY '' checked during '
this, Period and every threat to score
was turned, Aside: by....Firtlayson. ,
, '.1„,tiebnOW :,. resorted . to di'ferisive
hockey the, 3rd period and it.was not
Until the dyingMiniites Of: the .game
that ,Teeswiifer regiatered..tbeitthird
gOal.' Throiiiig. 'per MOon,the.: at
' tack 'they:. :then fought:- desperately
but to.ne'avail to; tie the count. .
. Only :four , penalties, were handed
Out; the -local squad getting but. one
. . ..
Of them.
. . ..
-, the line 'Wit .
....rE WASRR.L4Oat:' McOucY;
•IDe.fe se; DOran,Kinikle';' Alternates;,
:Veit ,,_ Little;14, W., Osborne; :Centre
Houle ';;..'It'..,W:, B. .McDonald Altei-
n4es,, -:-.--litieDeriald, -Ireland:.
. .
• LUCK OW......--Goal,,,Finlaysoit; 'De;
fense, ,-;.Agne*-:, ttedo chesile; ,., R. W..
Huston; ;centre., A.' ,Scponald;. L. 'W,
C.-ThoMpann;''./ilternatea,:i II. I•Iender-.
son, K. CaMeron,' A:. Thompson, M..
. ..
, Referee -41f. LOCIceiidge.'. '
Sport Chat er
Teeswater „trotted out a forMidable
"aggregation on Friday night, and
,a team that's likely to break up a.
game at any Minute. The local gang
will have to beon their 'toes to .win
, the return; .game bere.*
,Scoring honors.' went to Wes, Hus-
ton. He always was a goal-gotter. In
Teeswater.. he tallied twice and
- third ' counter was 'disallowed.
* •
Howard AgneW-Avas"--much elated
` f b
with the act t at e went' the entire
game wtithout a; penalty e. -Penalties
were few' and far between. Ken
Cameron, served one :for the locals,
while. Hinday and B. MacDonald did
• ,
.time for- Teeswater.
Doran, a hefty chap:. mi ::the Tees
water 'defence made :good 'use of his
• ,body 'sane:had a strongtearinnate in
Kunkel, ;Agnew' and Oberie worked
well on the4.,LticittiOW pack and
--;.Y.Viera., relieved at ti,nies by :MOrgan
- * -
Archie MacDonald is. it hard work=
hiseeentre Man on the' first line, with
Ilustoe 'adding the scoring penCli and
.-fh'erklaff -efreetiVelY1 ,
Audy Thompson inelude,d the liueky
and fast abating secOnd.' line, *7
:aafl.", Mier: George Fisher and
their,:friende„•Of Lobp, visited_ on .S.Un;
day With hie-, 'father? Mr. .:
Mr.. and --.111r8.:, Harry Tichborne of
,Gederich svisited on .Sunday With, -her
parents, here:
Preaentetien to. :Miss,: Pollock
Last Friday, .evening the:hoir of
the,,PreabYterlart": cln,tre.k. Went- to the
manse ' after .cheir'..practiee and: Pre-
;s5ented. Miss ,Dorothy Pollock with a
V 1 .;..
nice tra e ling bag. ,. Jag,. Laid -
lay ,read..the'iddress and .Sri
Sented, the, gift. ,s 'Dorothy -thanked
thein in;a, ,few•-fitting,,WOrdel. She left
on,. Monday Where' .she
entered as, e ..nurse-m.traming. , We
crisk; her- every' .suceess:„.lrT
TeCsWater. is slated to play the re-
turn!, ganie: on: January:. 3'lst, How-
ever the: trend of events Would Make
it advisable to play' this .game • in
the -near future. is :soon as ,weathe
Ripley Was scheduled to :,ineet
new on Tuesday in ,,Brtice,
League... fixture, but at: ;,ineeting,, on.
Thursday last it was decided that
the; Itednyin would not play organiz
tioekei. this t season.
That ,ibeans Lucknow' swill have a
bye in this Bruce group s and ,Will
;meet' the winnera of the next group,
when : the ; Play-offs •-tonimence:' • .
Unofficiai reports have it that
Wi iighent„; :although . grouped with
LuCknoW and ,TeesWater in the
INk-rthern. Leigue will. not 'play
'this - league:. " Lack of funds, • • with
several playereLnotl.4esiring to play
in this group s: reported es', the rea-'.
Son. 4.'11, 0 11. A. 'bye is ivhat,-13-Ting-
haul , deSireS We" ere :informed::
That ,,leaVes .only Teeswater and
LuCknoW to fight „ out for 1st
place -the. group. A victory' for
the .1ohala: When TeesWater plays
here' will do the' trick and\ then Luck.
nOW . would meet the Winners,t of the
next, Northern' 'group.
, It, ,dooka ; Luelchow, niay
soxii`e*, hockey yet if Weather' permits,
although At: will 'Mit b, the, usual
rivals from`' Wingliatn,
but .teanis of unknown ability from
If Fielayson: continues to keen
'etn Out ilia way, he did: Pilday,,
, be' Will well ,1111 'What. Was eirpeeted!
io be weitii ,spet tho town,
' Mild 'weather interrtiPted
.the „sport and exhibition genie :in
Kincardine On Monday With 'Leclinow
providing *tlie,''oppoSition had to' be
.nost`poned, rith Celder 'Weather the
middle :.ef the' week, , this game was
Vedneadiq night '
PtAbliBiled !v.erAT'
at ,Lnclinow, Ontap,O, ,
Mrs, MacKenzie Proprietor
JANUARY 19th,' 1933
United Church Y. P., S.
With the Citizendhip Com. in
Charge of the prograna„ the Young
People's Society -met" at the alaituai
hour on, Monday evening., After the
singing of the opening hymd.„ Mr.
MacKenzie led in prayer. The
Scripture lesson was "creed ,by Mary
Stnithers. The .ininutes of: the last
Ingeting' were read and: adtinted.
After the -,roll tall and business,
Eunice' NeWtozi played a piano -solo.
and Gorden Johnston and Bill Lock
hartcornet,, duet; Which were Very
emelt enieved. The tonic. "Should
the Nations of, Europe continue ,to
pay War Debts'?" Was ably' taken' by
Rev, S-. T. Tucker. A. reading. by
Dorothy:Berry Was followed l;iay .the
closing :hymn; after which all Awned
in..a period of reereation4The Nation-
al,. Anthem.'brought a very profitable
evening tO a, Close.
11/,1r.' Herb, Taylor' left on Monday
for.„the _.(2....A..,.Q,,...Que)Phi.",,Ir,To he
will take ,a two-weeks:,course in
Produetion and Marketing. Mr. lay -
o wihl this course as. first, prize' in
*the, Junior Fariner'a alb; Dun'gannen.
or Keeping.' Farm, Accsounta.,.'-:-.Con-'
Mrs. Alex Woods is a -visitor, with
MO. R. 3.1 Weorls., '
The annual moOtinir of thePubjic will be held on IVIonday even-
• ,
mg, January 234 A full„attenclance
requested; • •
• '
, The Yotlng ,Feojilels Meei
.tng. ,on
•Sdnday 'eveainiWas.' held With a
good7attendance. ,The acriptur,e, lessee
Was read. by Mr: led. RiC,e. The
sUbject,"HaVe Ordinary Citizens Any
ReapOnSibnity,, fOl*: Ijnamplarn*?"
Was taken by Mr."Stanley Tedd, Who.
also led An interesting
Mrs. "Anderson. is a xisitor.
with Mr, ' andMrs. Torrance ,,A.fider
ion, Termite.
John' Rintoul is home ft ern
Toronto recuperating after. an: oper-
ation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Donald,MCDOeeld. had the
'misfortune' to- have a I fall fen"- a.
chair. upon which she was standing
resulting' in three brelten.ribs: •
KO.da Annual Meeting .
,:.Lhe annual. ni ting Of the Pelted
Church:Was held on Tuesday evening
with ti" v,erst:ogoed attezi.danie. Rev:.
r. C. Wilkinson .:OcetiPied'the chair
and 'encouraging reports from the
various tirganizettens were read. The
treasurer s report Shc"Fad,"a siOstali••
tial balance ;on..„hand, The fetirieg
nuinegers,,, Messrs., ilogh: Rutherford,
John 'killer,' Will Webster and Wel.
lace. Miller; Were re,electedi'alie ;the
following :ether I sselhcersi...Superinten.
sistant, Mrs.: Ins: Ramage; -SeeretarY
.Treasiiier, C.. :RtitherfOid-
Mattis:Mirk: ASsociati_o_n, Rey. Wil-
kinson; Mrs:.!:Gordon :RedMiss M. Cr
, .
.Auditors, :.Itleasts; Wilson
Woods..and Stanlei-4-Tridd.1:;•,2e-At. the
'.conclusion. of the
boor-, was •",enjoyed;: when lunch was
serVed the ladies. .
Restoratjoxs Pand Campaign -, Of
:.Church Of , Englaid,:-Has Objective
Presbyterian Guit '
, The YoungP ople's Girild was
held on, Monday evening: The- Vice -
President occdnied the, chair and 'the
Lookont Committee had ' charge, of
the Program. Agter the opening
min the Scripture, reading was tak-
by Peggy MacDonald and
Drayer was given 'by -Frank Mac,,
'Kenzie., Piano solos were given'by
'Rexford Ostrander. Grahain SherrilT
ind Jeasie MacKenzie. The tonic for
, evening was on.,..,Stearardship
liVided in biro narts. the' 'first riart
ken:by. Stella , Steward ‘ :and the
wond by , Douglas MacDonald:- A
iinno duet Was then given bv Marion
1.nd 'Helen r MacDonald. In the count.
4 the Sides. the "Tirigs , Of Oak',
were. aimed. The --ineeting,„closed.bv
repeating , the benediction.
,The Meeting next Monday , evening
;charge: of_the_Musie.,_Gerii;,
United 'Church W.M. S.
The. ;Lueknow United IChureh.W.-
S.. held ,,its :first Meeting'', of the
irear.••• Wednesday. ,.,Jan. . T,he.
• iresident. Mrs,' McCalluin: Dresided.
4-116----Is9riiitittecreaditie:=Wieatik en -A-Og
yiiss L. . 1VIeLean, and • Mrs: Tucker
ed jn' prayer: ' Mrs H • Treleaven
rendered -a 'Pleasing ::solo "liccompan,
,:ed byMrs. Newton. T,lie; Devotione•L
number,ak tof oya,DIVeltxsa.
on the tonic.' giving' a -good: eitt-
'line of the early historvin W,estere
'Canada. Which stressed the groWth
f; religion: and 'agriculture in 'the
West in he last decade. Meetim,:
,elosed. .with nnVer._Sec#y.
St.:Peter'S A. 3n .P. A. .
On 'Monday evening the •:•Veung
Pperde Met at the home cifiiie Misses
Cooke. A ,liVinn..,and prayer :Opened
he meeting: and during the buginesa
irWas decided to' hold- an attendance-
..ontest. rthe sides being called • the
Bide and the Whites. Miss Kathaleen
Aortis read a- 'paper, on :Dr. •Grenfell..
,vhicli was; :Yerii intereaing
Maude:, Cook 'sang O. '8044%." A PaParl
';'$.tas;• then., read. by Miss 1 Dorothy
Cooke and the closing 'typal;
„ .
, . . • . , . •
sil Sesiii. fon your • kindneaS.,and, sun.'
Dort. and 'tensidetatien during', nii7
neriod in tlie also for the
goott fellowship we ,ertieVed„ itist as
brothera -together and 'looking' for-
ward to. 'tneeting von all 'at somo'
future date when' 1, will be ' YerY
tO, come to von. '
'Sincerel' and frernsl
yatisi• yours,
The :Whitechurch •Women's Insti-
tute 'sheld , their January_ meeting ,
'Jay .fternoori in' the tall; with •the
,resident, Mrs. L: Grain in the ebair
fhe!roll tall' was ,tiiePreventioh::in
the Heine., was ,decided-to•li,o(d a
Scotch,tencertrand' dance on January
276. 'Letters of thanke, for fruit and
liewers: were received from Miss W.
Farrier" and,. from the :7Children's
Shelter,- ;Walkerton,. , for; Christmas
gifts sent:: Community Singing "The
Mocking ,Bird" ;Was:. enjoyed by all.
Mrs. V._ 'Emerson read: some poeins
of the late :Mina :Moore-Jainiesons.
Mts., Harold SPeAng and Miss 'Grace
Richardson sang, Selos,:. and Mrs p,
Beecroft gave . the - topic "To' Use
Good Table Manners -,,at hexae and, in
Publie(1. Places ' gra: A. MeQuillin
also' gave a topie. "Living a Life
Worth-While."1‘he Meeting Was, dos,
ell' by singing he National Anthem,
The ,'LangaideClub are holding
their,ientetainment this Friday ev-
ening ''When the test -tide ,put
on the program.
,,Mrst,,•atrut‘: Mrs.. Less. 'and
Alma, "spent ',SunilttY, at the home Of,
her parents, Mr and Mrs:'Shertreod.
Mrs'A.,':gitehte, is at Present; Visit -
big her . on Gord�ii."
" We are ,sorry AO repert'ili4 MreTsCo.
, , _
ek,d; "'„Whe-2-''',htta-teetv--seriettal
ilj far the past :week, isishoWirig very
little Mina 'Of ;imPrOVeinent.
Mrs. s1...CoOlte. 'has been
isS' Enimi IVICDentigh:an Mr.
Oep,r, Topp: f Lthidoll',...,.ap'ent,..,,tday'
JnO, -• Flerning ofTeedWater,
liaarettirned toPis hone after seend.
Ink the past Week; 'with E.
, .
Continnanee of ' AngliCaa
acry work in the, six dioCeses ,by the
accleidasticat proVinee of
Land. • ieoriardized', Of
eviacopal :endowments. and ',other
funds. is aaniecl.' for the -twit three
gears 1 :through Abe.- generesity of
agents of the. Missionary -Society of
the ,Church Of' England in landa
(ineluding ' the, Woman's Auxiliary)
And the; liberal contributions of .bish,
'and! cleigv 'throughout the Do-
minion.: ,
Within few i• :vveelis. after the
establishment .of the 'Enisconal and
Clerical Special', Maintenance Prin-d
to provide the interest -on the lost
emlovvinents, the.,01nint.of approxi-
mately' $90.000. efitimated :tit' he nee'.
3ssary to :carry on the work- for the
next ',three years. has-been. Ulnlosi:
In themeantimethe Anneal` of the'
.Restoratiorr. Fund Committee for the
replacement in, fall of :the endOw-
aieritS.::totallinZ'ainn0 $760.000. by ,the
laity of, the -church, Will be .rnade in
• 'The,dioceses- of" `Tupert's 'Land,
MooSoriee, Keewatin, Athabasca,.
'Mac,Kerizie RiYer azid.Tdkon benett
through the, Eniseopal.-and Clerical
Snecial Maintenenee '.Fund.
Menta ofl the ,111: c.: iire eon-
trihuting;.seven per, cent Of their
salaries te ,the -hind while; the con-
tributions 'Of the ;bishopa and :Clerk,/
are Voluntary::
pcoNp coistEssios.
• Griffin end Jennie viitea
at Will. Griffin's recently. ..
. , .
0;1106. „614. W. Wedonodes1s‚ dMasyp
eDilettu:ogn8a, :11 da,:acd.t
at jos. ' Irwin's. ' ' •
Mr. ChesterYfcN,,of Seaifortli,
'is: visiting at Sam: Carnochiin's,:
.'Mrs. :John B Ross' SPent ThiursdaY
with Miss ma, marebiaaa..
mkaa' Edith: end' Bert Stanley. and
Bair. of &easels: spent', tbe week,
end at Clarence Irwin's. _ ,
:Mr. Hairy, Jewitt spent an 'even;
ROd .
We are glad ...to iee Mr, Calvin
Trwin" able to return Ie.* schOol after
Betty. agar !meet Wednesday even.
Ing at,, Tom Henry's. '
IteAniill*::WitettT.'.41ofelnilel°1Ws: in' -.the Second
MA'S, Jim
MaeDenald, Mi. and Mrs..' Will
Hunter; fr. and , , MM.:Fred Price.
and -.babe of Goderieb,-Mr. mid Mrs,
Keineteri. end, Mrs: Jamea,',Weh.
Stet(' Were reCOtit "thitori At: Thos,, • ,
Hem' °I1
Lyceuni Theatre
Thuf.74.; Friday, Satuiday
,January .194041
Janet Gaynor
e.Fiest Year',
• $
-Charming .
Comedy RoMance
ta -kiEAL,71.1 SERVICt 9P `-•
,AssochsTiok At/o LIFE
Nature, is wonderful,: Instincts :ere.,
strong forces progressed
because he has used .Me ',power. :OS
tea -seeing- to - learn the secrete .Of •
nature,. and jo guide , the expr,ession.,
'of'', his . instincts .,into ; WaYa that are
acceptable to our present .civilization
ewe 4444 i444•• 06..•
that when;A: woman .wasgoing. to .
have .a baby, . nature, - throtigh,-. the
all the information required : '` With
regard :te.,,the proper care Of .herself:
and her,., baby. ' TodaY,z Moat' PeoPIO
realize that this. is :net so; ,n'everthe . I
less; . coiriparatively, :few • mothers
secure the. -a vice they nee , early ,An
pregnancy. .The, result' is that indeh,
ilineas and: :sditering ' °deur, .which•
could be. Prevented.:.,,, s s.
:.Tbe. vast 'majority, :of babies.: are,:
born in a perfectly'.norind and safe
,Manner. :The '...COMPeratiVely few ab
nOrmid .cases can' usually benade
safefor 'the mother and the :.babY.;.
proper siiperyision • is: . :maintained,
during 'pregnancy and, adequate, tare;
'secured' at confinement • "'
,Supervision ; begin ": very
early in pregnancy If . there be anj
abnormal '.condpon ,,present; it w!;. •
be . revealed by the.. exaniination. made. •
•An'd whatever -treatment • is required
. be given .,proMptly, .
The Illnesses .which -develop, dnr.'
• ..
ing pregnancY,,usually
come ofl gra-
dually The '. earliest signs Or symp-
terns of these undesirable.. conditions, ,
are 'detected early, if the woman is ,
:Antler 'regular supervision
, . . • .6 .
detection of 'these • conditions ,
.nean tlie aaving of the '
' 'or the , prevention :of years of:
..:.. ,:,
. . .
v sin and suffering. .
,Pregnaney balaneed., diet
is Important,. both. for . the ,. Mother
nd fel; thebaby chrer-iodoigioco-
should :be avoided.. Milk, green. 'veg-
etables and fruits shonid he" 'regu-,
fatly . used as 'these sProvide.. ,the
:ninerali and vitainina ..WhiCh• are
(inired• in greeter sbundanee a thia'.
time. ' The 'teeth and . the bons of
fir, their 1 proper forniation: "
fit•ty ,in• Pregnancy;- ,the -expectant
Metter, Should' ,have her .. teeth.
aniinedand :treated.. Sound . teeth.' and
A clean , inOuth contribute, to good
digestion Which is a matter: ,ef 'great
iniPortance.' -An infeeted iliouth 18•
menace • to the mother ' •:
The belief that !babies'', are.' Marked, •-
as a result If of some "disagreeable
lirenrrenee is net founded On feet, .
£he'egneetint• motber:' should follow
the :fidviee ofr her .dOctor and ignore.
the advice • of relittlyea and
who May, Mean Well but viltp,are '
tininIortned.,•,W'Orriea shouidbe ,
.diattosetiwith the doter,.who
will ,di.gp61: her -fears"' and aiPttetlet!:' •
•'eonies •;.'With :the inee-
lege that God '4 net. Yet', discouraged •,
"-OtiestiOnS,' ceticetplhe
dref-iiied'- to, .the 6tiriadiari Medical A.
ociation,1 '184 ciAi6ge Street,' 'Tor-.
onte,Will be anawera potisofitiiiy by