HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-19, Page 3Loya
�r Canada
ad Attacks o
.S#00 osit!on
s Wonderful Pick-
itnnual Statement jiows Total at' $765,51020 - Liquid
*gets• at4355 920,915 iuutEqual to 52 86 Pet Cent of
Total Liabilities to ,!tiv .Public—included rn. them Are
Cash Hoklings of $164 630 724 Equsl to Over 24" Pe*
Cent. of Public Liabilities — Savings ,Deposits Hold Up
in SabsfactorY Manner;
.Dr Pinic Pills
I have. had at,
tacks "of. the, 'flu!.
f regrieul I* Since
•Wcinderf 11010, ahd
••• . • . OY")..." 4. tr:".,
'YOtailty; tacks,, butai,WaYEA
• ' 'When, ;on the road
. recovery I take.
DrWIUIina Pink: PIPS and, 1 tInd
$harehOlder.s Of The Roy4t BAuk`uk" 400,142! flecNeeck thesino,liwr:wit;s1d;T:ruiji,13,1tvekail.rusPe's•ihtp',
Canada will have r eason to betrati, imPort arid ezport trade SecOunt• fel;
Sask.,Who - further I WOW
states !: "
Oc4 ftr.o,ng Statement that is. !the Jeductien in letters of Credit to
forY4Tflecl. fo#re 4s
' year to Novemher
In line With .tlie•.iepOrts issued bi
•,the larger:hanks Total -Assets, due to
• tlie Jess active 'buaineee 'conditions,
re u'eNro, moderately • from the pr,e-
. vious Year., On :the' Other hand there
as been a ,S0hstaritia1 increeee'in'the
• holdinge Of GdyernMent „and, 3114-0,-
ripal iaonds, Ytith, the reSuit• that
have increased to 52,86
per e'en't-OtiPUblic1/..abilitiee=
A..-11.arther feafure • of. the tiquld
if Cash which, ow aggregate' a'a.steadily to their Saviogs Non-interest,
dineh as $164,630,724, and are .e, deposits, which in 'the. main are the,
to over 24 Per,oent, working balances • 'of ;:business and
. ties. ..,• ' farmihgcustqii)ers, oreflect the Cal,
Profits for theyear, as vs
tailM'411t Of trade: activity and- lower
:' ' ha
:.e'ZP'eeted, ahow recessiOh. dile prices, being •,ci„own to $178,983,165
to: the: general trade conditions and
the tower iptereattates:that have Pre-' from S1'16,91003..
Sh.a.rehOlders Will o,e, Interested :in
. „ .
wailed m reserve centres, but: after 'seeing that the reduc.00a loan : • • • .
making'full allowance • for:Ali:L.0RA VIA ctn.-II:its has ,inOte than offset the re''
doubtful debts, and irmoviding'f9r cost duction in ',01-nine'rc1al deposits.At
semanagenaent, theY,were,a111P1r e.ut- 'the:Same tinie;,:the :strong liquid POsit„.,/
&Pent to .permit of the:„.payment Of'
' :dividends and 'the usta1 approPria-
.Alinle,' is.also 'to allow Of a. itIrttier
contkibution..-tO' Profit and: Loss 7- Ae-
, • count. •
, , -
recommend Dr. Williams. piok
$20',092,951 from :$28,966,5(. • °W till sufferers frOm thai,,rundown,
• DEPOSprS AT SLTISFACTOEN listieSs" feeling. • I haye, taken the
• riEVE,L. • Pills on ;rnahY .occasions. and they,
seem to tone
iPePdsits have beeil nt• ..3"" 1)1°°d wonder'
'ed.- Total dePosits at $619;094;143. a':unitilY, 'find'vv.I.eati!elivetthe.a.nneieni
.gieet."CiOurYo. deoftwog:
sh..4 a'reduction for the of leas'
after taking several boxes of- Dr.
than '7%, frorn $6,64/795,1171..6. :Savings lianas' Pink- the; coier ,cbines
depOsits. macie• -4 „very. :gratifying back, to my cheeks and I' have won
:...noWifig . and at ' $468,39 .15 aredert-1 't lit
duvvn less than.' $8,000,000. In view,pf ' ,Dr.• s'" Pink. PillsrPhuild
large Government J.,,,mis, fieaied health ''hy. creating newd,blood and in
creasing the red 'bleed" cells .WhiPhe re -
during the year, the, total 'would indi- store the wasted :tissues ; and yevital,
cate tendency athoug, depoeitcrs to ize the exhausted system., They ' re
keep ampie 'cash balances and to add move. the cause of roodolm ...or ilerv.
ohs conditi0116.. •Try them. At your,
•druggist's: 50c a package. •-
• " ' • ' • : • .
•• The.. , statehlent- :iYhteh .appeared
• ••••!•fe-dept:7.-.1.0stio•.shovirs--.TIOCal-
iisets o 765712,92Q Of this'
• unapt, liquikasSets: afinnint,, to" the'
-.11arge' Sum .41f 8255;929,P1.5,:. equal LIO
i$2.,860/0of all liabilities:to the. publie.•
, CaSh holdings, iiggregeting $164,6$0,-.
, 724 and rforining on -Of the striking
"..'• • features of the report, represe.ht-piTer
• 2.4%, of 'llahilities, to the publiea. '
paiiit..eeehritieST:are:41Ki-4044, coin -
the pared •with-$85";47t',QSS-tat-the7'.end''eg,:,
PreVithis Year,. and Canadian
Muntqipil•tneutities and Aritiik,' for-
. and, iolonipl.,•publid securities
various loan7-ace-Ointe-tefleCt•
.eaireni:,buairiess' 'cOnditifaiiSand are
down substantially from the, previous
year Commercial Italia...new 'Stand
' • at 060;504206r against 141:9;345•443,;:,'
while call loana-in.',Canada..have.'heeh.
• kethiced,1042,8„951;2:63. :trey -a' $39,1:3t,,
268"Jank`Call loans elsewhere, to 40.6;-
tion: means that -Net as soon ee'trade
recoireiC the bank is in a poSitloti to
take of,.-tl.e increased. require:
ments.,.Og its' custoinera.. "
:E0,7011gS heye: lield*UP. well, aspe-
CiallY ieVieW £f the lesSened, business
and he,.,or• intereet rates
reier-Ve-: centres; Profits'1 for ,_the
yeaX"''*ete:::.$4,8Q1g4•9'; :compared.with
$5,448,327. • TheY. „f diVi-•
densi,*,equiFetrientS of $2,851,00; con
tributionto ."Offieefrs' '`,Peni;ON
:$000,600 .appiOriation:: for bank
premises, 200,0Q0, :and „rest..., Va, Pr.
:anannilic,:r of • yeeis. ithe hank:
has ani unusually • large am
nt.HOrtnit1Wfded profits' Phzt-yeai
the ,directori-have,,enthorizeka,,,,,tretis-,:,
far $3;009;999 of his amount to
investment depreetatton•reserve..This
will be egariea as a conservative
strengthening as i 'dads'. the
tent and 1eaVingA1,166,964. tW.,;he car-
ried: forward t� 'creditof- Pro
Loss Acount,The•nnilual general ineethu, of the
sh,ateholdereovill be held ati•.:the Itead
.6.tOe :et th'e...;1.3ani.,111- Montreal, en
Thuraday,' jaiiticuy. 12.... •
Settleinent, Nor.
.T,ItorOnte.,4The inest.perinanenc:and
.•conitruetive;re1ef•Werk. .. now being
carried on In Canada is the.-•banhte,
the land nie'rement.. northern
,. in the, 'Opinion 'Of .1.1* ttri':: • A.
Gorden,; POMininn' Id ister"of -114ines,
'Minister Of MineS°
'ThO value..et the ;beektathe,land
jalOYdAteet. In the deyelepinent lit Nor;
thern2:Ontarie • cannot•:,he '.•estiMated,",
�rding to Hon Mr Finlaysoll
01.14.,1.4ere.4:.'bi„:.' an enthoritat'tie.
••. eoininitte'e;. the Movement is 'being cxtr..,.
in,a:•.rnest .therough. fashion
Pittalle..'eneenntereein::,PrOikuni at
:..22.terapta„gre jehg avoided by. careful'
, upper and
)0:!n4r.ely helts.,......The".firins are 'ciao-
./ fot ilOir fertility.. ititl,:hios!,.are
• . .
-a 6,;i'vitiOtativtliAatorg. At 11.,Tniqr.ot;..po:1.440, 'i/gkelil
, •, ..• „.
at tat , Pies, up. 4.-,,i0aa.i.,=flgattOtY,;,r•,T.Atnit!Fitttiti4O:tif,;,iiiiiiiiit.
' Wen a. toy,,emPty, ,it of its: grain In leaa than a• iribint07. Thal*, to'.
iiiih„alloWst' a freight 'car bpitig'unleaded.;bY 'One:of!, these :Miehiii4di
tbo. iiiiionOng record -ot „one. ot tbeee, inachineS is." three, 411 tp
' InAnutta.,
Owl Laffs
tRoss,pw RD euzza
2Z,.j23, 24
29 ,1.30
38 •
42 -
• 57. e
52 ,
61/ I
.fas,ten. . •
9 -Proverb'. ,
A Toot ;12;ctaiitectien.ief facts
gere'S.to. the. Man w4o plans: ilaiegs7-, 13t
Builds..thingeiaes, :things:
Pret,PS•. n9t. O,t Whnders• clf, old..
Nor goats over aneeStral geld,.
But: takes -off .hie. coat and takes hold
, _
Arid, does things! •
.NO" Matter how 001011%1y a map:is
injured, on the, Way. to the hospital, he.
has thesatisfaction of kneWing
soon Wilrbegetting along. aril. well as
eau; be expected,•I
• Nis4.6!"., suppose, that r''01,14' h014'i4
tO,Wkr, ,those where eVerypne
goes: 'down' to;xneet top tra1n2.°_,
vIJage Wag_! What train,?".
• ...Cynical Cynthia, thin -14 it's•foo. •bad
:they're' Married.. , That'S.. salient •.the
bnly. One.: they eer put • th&r e'rms
arOunkeaelr'ether,--. '
• • ,
,BaIancin9thBudget' e
. . '
Teacher-7"We borrowed. our .12ara...."
erais -fro*: 'the ' Arabs; .` our .calendar'
'frOni;the'',Rbinans, ithti. our ::,..hatilting
Iram4h-e!-Itatiailsi -Ganra.40.4a4Y1ak,•=-
Of Other: exeMplee P'.:•:' • '• • ' •
lawn•inower)frem the,
$naltlisnur . PhOniagreph.:,offera.,'..' the
Browns; and e• -pair ,of:.StOPe frLe.M.:Misa:
• '
near ,railwaYs, Churchaiiind ,schoolai
'Where a fain Is more, 'then, three
miles grOni a school; norresimndenee
courses are supplied' 'the., children.
Lecturer (Who' has spoken ; for two
'not .;.keo ..yoh. Much
.longer.: 1 laiii,'efraiki have •spoken at
rather greatlengthn.:' There Is no clack
Intl* robin, and '1 *Pet:apologize for
obi htt.v4i,g, Vv.atch:With•Me?'"A•itoica: .
You,: nils
tort"' •
,Mother--;""ron were:very naughty to
• ,
•dieobey Me, and 1.• have iiinished. you
to Impress- it on ,your ' -Son-7-
"Mtinirnie; arentt you :mistaken. In re
gard to the position of my Mind?"
imatwatimassisommusiossessassommasivemiseniev. •
55 T.56
44 -Trunk '
• 45,-A.bOye , -.,, 'sp,P,O4POuch 7. '
'47-7To appoint, 2,23.1-7.L.ISnfinelts. ,„• '
49 -Refrain
67 -Kanner -7• ".-, . -
53 -Strong:, "
' 58:=Attends: . •`:. '-•
14• -•=Girl's name :. • i 60 -Part of "to , be" '297 -Chewing plant
15 -Sentence cOnetrue-L,--61.-pavOitte : . ‘. 30--.7,To WorshiP :
' tion ,, 7-7 , ,62-Lifonetered, wirtiiikt 32-Heotle• • '
17 -,To , spread. out „ a Animal's, foo
19 --Goddess of discord "t '367
'. .'41ather
, 35=:--1,:foria. , '
21-4-1,reneh article Vertical '
. , , •.' 39-L,Muileal mite
25 -Father :,. e: 177 , „ • • 40Seettish for
22 -Some' • 41-'7River: In. Italy :. .JOhn
22, --To climb -Holds
27:7-American iiiand' 3 -Aide .. 4i -To -Solicit
3 -'Warm •° 46L --.Shoe .'
32 -Lessened .i-=7.__Ariti.elk-
eefs' ,ernidoluntli,i2g - '. 48-40 ponder
34 -Lath cenjunction EMn4971 T,Op
35 -Because • ,', .-, ' ., 7 -Fish ! ';50L.L•To'hasten
36-7Vase. 97; To fall •, . , 51-7-Rema1nder
37--7'-PrepoSitidn : 9 -An :East Atdian-tira, t2 -=Title -. • '::
3-8-70 decide- , heitekrtert5
e.e . -., ,. L., . ,, 5,:=40,iP;717g
41-,'1'hrough 10,a
47 --Slender ' ' 1$,.2.Manner 56 -Moisture
cix ,
43 -Asiatic , .
1.6.'--•Nninber o ,697egative
Here aresome inevieis•
.ination 4)apteTe 01,•sabool children: .
inan *Ito :marries
bigotry. .•, '
• -.In 'Christianity a' Man:MAY hive:Only.
one Wife., that is called.mottOtonY.•
A:Spinster...is a bachelet'a wite.
A. skeleton hi n man -vidtb:',his inaide
odt,.and outside off.
Mrs.. :GabbH4So your -biteband
ject,a;:to cats
*TS; Stabh7---"Yes, indeed. gel !Jaya
• that •;.,•,I,eed'al!,,he-, cats '
: Wee' t you Stay' and :bare -
tea?" . •
• ,
..1! • -5- Ir.
c 0 'It' E , VRSBD
-' CIUsifie, Adiett
OfriaER TO •EVitif 1;144T
oniri wiaattoi prein:f;•ewv. anatthe, tertde, .Aitni4);1!ilit,ii,i,ietn.4:0;i4yri,c1,J911214:,,aull:;.
tittaY.11.• Catiaga '
O p.
• v
,T A:*
• N E W E' .S E it.
3:? E T E •.•
better 'fried; .hut if You 11,he .,patient a
little length., .1'11 see ,what bolting .does
it.'' ' ' , •
• The fellow :,whO. starts „out like a
house .afire ueuellt-ends up .a ,smould=
ering, .No., battle ever lookas
hopeless as from .' the rear.. , Things
, don't seenv.,htilf` as exPensive' When
you can charke them V• The ability to
sate, 'Makes. the, 'difference .between
PoveitY , and wealth, Adversit3r: made
our ancestors great, ilrut.the-greatnesa
deirelOped In .process ef licking: it:
•Time they :be; the "great '.healer';". but
It's„_certaiiily. • no great 'shakes as a
beauty specialist. in' Chelsea. . Soon there Wei to lawx
ef hly •the ,-,Rossetti invited
peop to meet at; and heaped pv-ors
on it until- it kick4,e,,everything- to
es, when he reltietantly,hrid.:tO get
rid of: it; ;
"ytipt:;m:. ethi.DOSd:f7T.Of'h,lectUlles
t'ly'a• ion .are
hopeleSsikent o date,"•eaidthybutL
ful agrieulturel. college . graduate to,
the Olkfarraer:.:: "Why I'd
04,, Yiciit,vgOt ten-pothids,, c4. apples
fr'om that tree
• • . , • •
"Sd' Would i,"•. repli d the 'farmer.
"It's a pear.,tree.".i. '
Writer, Says: that. Ifers are rare-
, • , ,
ly, Raved by seettpry.i13tit how those
Ifers cai inOv'e the'scenery •
Some „girls; WOuldn't 'Mind haiing
iieddttig fing .on.. their: Iinger: .It'..s, the
thought.' or •he,:iing' , man on theii
bands •.• • -
ci......,(1,:.tqui:oexithenh,etitt,=,..4,,:ivi'wit,l;i:y,:ecaai:ni' :gen?
portant thing we have' no* that , We,
diedit'e due' the •man AU° .111ScoVe'r,.,
ed that ..tike prily person who makes a
atieceis rutinint:other people': dbwa in
the elevator by; 'and we can guaraii=
tee that ,be'runs. More peonj'e,lip than,
amons eople
OA G.01
*PwLitAl sTreliRe ye°
and be Q1)60 -if -a& "I -Oct
and $1.00 •prepaid. • tiallaghe Rernediefl,
Veterporpugh, Ont,
from Jan. 3rd., Shasi,. Lidstness S'eti.00ls
Tomato., • 'Secretarial, ,Accour.tin.•;
Stenpgraphlo J.;oar§ea,. Persc.rial At-.
• tentinti, Assistance ti •f-41.11)16;n1(!nt
grom Special Offle`e,i,rae,ive
Catalague "tree. Address. W,,
lJek.t. A , ' •
- :On ,the night. of Tune. 2.5 '1906 Al, -
hert '•Payigen ,Torhune7Lthen , a re" t'
• er on the Old "New Y„,.orl-.1,V.orld,
fernoos for his clog',,..itorie.$--w4,
31,1,e openinT: of "Mainze4e,
CI:0triP4g,ne'," A :nev,;,' innsical cOnn..i•l:y • .
at':Madison Square Roof'...0arden,
N,ew, York. It; was:, his 'good.:inelc2,
newspaper ' *an ) t.° ,bei.Aitifng
most next to $tanfoid White i c.
was shot, by 1-lei•rY- •,'
"Inlene spe‘ond'i'''..eaye Frederick, L.
Collxns' -(in" .f'Olp.inorone Sihneis'"- 7.49
-StArI"of case,)',.ne:.realized ,. •
what 'had bepPeried• and he Wes oraC-'
tieall the only witness: to :the •who-,
affair. • ' .•
"The: 'eucli$nee.' we's
Terlinne raced Out" looked' foi a "if;.(...-
phene,. couldn't, find,,drie. on. the roof •-
garden, :n60; and 'ribaSed.
•.stairs• to the • floer.„,belOw' where
ordinary darice..*as,in sway. There'.;
was; ..o.rie telephone across ••tropr;• •
It caught hiye.arid. he rushed over
to it,•.kit.king• dancers :right .'„er,d 1eft.•
feet, ;114;d: bu
like .4' ,cpach'edreain▪ 1 a tackle,' :
"The of•i;eou,.e.*as Occupiee.
Terlinne stood • for 'one seeoml
ear he has been utab1e to fo1et
,eie." Stop .yent• kidding, Wee
• ‘."Teri.rine.,,..pushed, P.
se, jper man Th e:
":antirderi.-:tinstairs' ail, IL,.
. Barrie ha's divulgekthe.
secret that.during hia,;actoeldays
,Puinfries,jgeotianik riting
'Nis first ,rioveri-,.., „.. , - •
• a very,eynical work," • he
says,. entitled:, 'A 'Nature' -L•-=
.e.he was net really:that kind .k,long
,thing77100;860'wOr1s. !ati,,yet r ao
areg 1 gan% -Upon •the manuscript and,
you will ;lie .relieyed::to :hear; ,gent.ly
tore 'itup;.just in ease it •should fail
into the 7,70g hands". you know"
Whata pitY 1 • . '
Apropos 'Violet knit's recent , book,
llossettir-Ellen :Terry.
tells an :arnriting story in her: auto,
biography "Ellen Terry's Metheits."!
It involves pante Gabretite::ssettif and
is,'devotion 340574.
,(Wite Of Wilixam Morris), aia.EngliSh
beauty • with- tbe-, spiritual, .ethereal:
look 'whielijhe 'Pre-Raphaelites loved.'
When anyone as the object Of. Rd!,
settre devotion, Ellen-, Tali'. :••says;
theie. Was ' no eitravagant• length ,o
Well he would' riot go. in •dertionstrat-
Ang it:, He bought a White hull hee.ause
it had "eye like -Janie; lgoiiist". and.
teth,eted di on the lawn, of his honSe
She Feels- Like '48
•••:-.Schee, and. pains are net in,evittable
in, old age.f,, Whenthey do, donae; there
is alWaya: a. 'cense for ,them -a' cause
that. can • be ''oVerCOMI.. ; Here' • ia '.• a
. . •
Nyman .of 8--7' •
the •last. Ave Years. have..takeli,
Krne'eben- Salts- '-and I 'tell, You truth -
['could not:,.livd'..'Witaient 'them:
1„aix 78 .3*,1!X• act'', I' '10.7..e. not a paiti:
In .thy body tinci:f,geet as young as i
djd at:,4 1 1ve the credit to :Krus-•
Shen.•Salte.. bed:eye ,
age.•'.';'.(1C1ra..).„'.0..14.:. •
.: /Most , 10.16...frefore.
tiaPir time 1:tadtiuser •theytnegleCt One
vJta iiencl,'Of • health. •-:=the 'heed tor
intern:0,i cleanliness,. etit'..tta14,... they
start • the • healthy' '•Iitiiiiehen.
Then ,... Proh a bl y ter the tline,
the1r,•11es„ theY stert;getting.ridleverY
da- 01 all .WeSte ,tifattei^ frotil.,*0 sys
teii- And elnioSt.Ainiriediately they
feol-eii.efgeM hpxiiferd;,:
they've got .that; ,"Hruschen
7 Mr,0.1.1theatelalt:-..r..€10..,y...
.nol,v,' 'dear?”, ., ,' ::. .. : .. .,t, ,. •:' ;•••, •
:. Mrs,.' Newlywed -",I'm 'sorry I'm • So:,
hang,: george' dear:: bat. it 'looked hone,
leas grilled); and it deesn't loOk.niudb:
"I find BABY'S•OWN
cellent for fevered, restless' childi•en
when:gutting teeth, 1).5 they. eke, the
gunis arid enable, the bables,.to
writes Md. ,S. C. t
' Prots, fretftil, diStreSsed'Ilttle folio ire
Ade happy and .eoinfortable by lbw
:reedy°, action, of BAIIIt'a*OWN'
ETS; Give 'i,otir .60t1 these
eit, 'acceptable Arid absolutely,SATE
6 Tabletfor. the: tellet,o ,
C',' COnstiPition • or dig
h 5
„ •.
"Iniliese Our 'Winter Da
, , .
, •
In theSe.our winter days
Death'S:iron tongue is..glib • ,
Numbing With fear all Ash •urkon
A Iler*,bearted g101je'
.,An age OnCe green, , hurled,
Ntlinheied the 'houre
iplood..rect aerOSEi the ii`nOW our, sun
Sitil tra11 his. 'ttitit ;teatroat.
sprints' thr,oUgh 'pith's Iron guard I.
Mot, niu11tt bftde3 abaft throat;
LOT* tbat4as stie40,0, 'tot ' oltiaet,
Thrblt ' the nightniafe•'
‘A-40iide ot ,ttt6
td6I91t; .itt' The, Spettator,
-tlealiei of it and wisdom 'freM
lectureby John .:Gelswerthr
,.Great Novelists See;ri-iii‘`.Profilei
'The 'Clarissa
Ilarlowe' to tlyeSes;', has ,alloWekl,
a-, good .:'deni, 'ol Self-indulgence:,
.often.goeS .to
`AA-tie:tole; Franeers'.'whip 'the
most effective ever „wielded.," His vie ;
tithe • still-rdo .notkniiw- they aidrieitd
and , cat : bith'
. ,
' • • ' "
Still 'fieShing: • ,
"Th p birdnledernity has lied: 'a good'
rnn •abut •the. tarrnyard:':. .G.ixen; the,
war, It waSin,..inevkable:geese Arid
"am I Wrong in; feelLog„that the gout*,
• • • ,
these daysour per senal i . 'a at,
by glen &S.,If We la a•co„
to nithh jititrii we Itt,e_:"artis•ts.;
tee: xieh .nrotalist,t-Or •
verse." -H • ' ••••" ; •• "'
were . Pickens,: . Coi TOrgerneff„
Toistcy,. Mau pa sSent . and ' ate) o
' - •
John.: Drinli:Wateee
o1i1.r1t,4-. 'fain& rdk--pritirient st4es-1
'men , who lespo'ilell the :Cense, the,
A/Oilcan. coleitista. at ,the time a the
Wei Of ItatienendoiiCe,--ria aii huarsing
'story told shout' terd NOrth, BritiSh:
Pyinie' Minister -itia Fox's., ••
foe. , icipaitibce; asking NOrth
.6ii that" extientely Npnri;hn
*le rioaved.:,,tlie reply: ,'•
• 44Y :vdfe,
ant to get: My papr righ away .1.
`',"Th thrlyslamhied.'the door inTel -
linnets: face andwent ton tal)cing.
newspaper: • man 'Nerd wht.. wants ,o,.
get ,in, but 1 won't let: him Nothing's.
going ;,te., spapis my talking • to my T,
"Nothifig4...perhapS;,but• Tat hune;
.`fTerinne pushed ''the ' door. open, •
Chuelted Te,ssitt'.i boyfriend: nnd
cn.lie(l' the , He begau• to tell
the.story 'to the- re*• rite Intirrwhen.'1,e
noticed the he: pushed butrif tries. ,
heath coming at blrn.*itli,a 'He
was a small mai and it, was' a 'ein..11.1
knife Terhune, as a• 'hunter, and
used to :iiig men and big' nives He, • ,
kept trying to push the fe'low aw r.
hi1e dictating At this.stage,:, .he
ihallied that ,' he Mans with the .knife•'. •
as not attacking ,him, bi.. trying to
ent„ the ;telephone •-• But !peril :Ina •
k4t.. hire away and •fihiClied.' the •stery. •
Next,Week.hp got a ten-dealar: bonus
not a' ten-dollaivr,raise?'•
. • . •••
.."Aninlp:IS .clp not lyiew what it Is to
be suPerstitions)"rdeclareS s'. Clergy-.
man. ''But we have, Yet to-.7hea,r orth.
, mouse that -will pass 'a white eat on
the: stairs on 'a:Friday. •
- LeSsons-
•:4ent your Choicetii •
write...foe details(' without,. •ohirga.,.
.104i, •inentioniiix7your.., fdlrarit
'Royce a co, .mi'teti..
• ',.a7.,Y.0,1410.*:.ST:, •
4th a desperate ;feint' hip interroLThb
A110 '14glit'o:'' •
".T11itti e" colitin,ted Noith;
'diallithtelei' • A91d Tie 'silk to be
TOO of, tlt•:5 Ukl*st liob le in: toritiori,"
1[1 AND
nice Lydia,:tw;Pitiktitthi?'s
• Veg:etable Cothpound•
It steadies,th,einervas,and-Ilelpgi.
to It,
*et” .upti Vett will eat bet#.
,sgskt, ttettiethtiee:Aligt: 98 but of :1
.100 .trereett 'saY,
Let It 1i�1 ii t4a:, or,tall•••!
.ktitorp,a, as You &trete